16 understanding horse behavior

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BEHAVIOR your guide to horse health care and


Equine behavior has always fascinated humans, and never more so than now. We are intrigued by the way horses behave with each other, whether in the wild, in domestic pastures, or even alone in a stall. Do horses think? How intelligent are they? How do they communicate? Do horses like us? Sue McDonnell, PhD, a leading equine behaviorist, answers

U n d e r s ta n d i n g horse horse behavior behavior





these questions and many others in her fascinating new

Pennsylvania researcher discusses normal horse behavior as well as common behavior problems and how to deal with them. She also presents the latest information on such


work, Understanding Horse Behavior. The University of

baffling behaviors as cribbing, stall walking, and self-mutilation. McDonnell has spent nearly two decades studying horses all over the world. In addition, she established a semi-wild herd of ponies at New Bolton Center to allow for year-round

y o u r health The Blood-Horse, Inc. www.thehorse.com www. bloodhorse.com 800 • 582 • 5604

g u i d e

care a n d

t o


m a n a g e m e n t

By Sue McDonnell, PhD

Foreword by Dickson Varner, DVM

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