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2019 Alaska Native Corporations Directory

2019 Alaska Native Corporations Directory
Welcome to the 2019 Alaska Native Corporations Directory. This year we sent surveys to both the regional and village corporations in order to provide an even more comprehensive listing of Alaska’s native organizations. We appreciate all of the time and effort put into gathering and reporting this data to us, and we look forward to this list becoming even more robust in years to come. For more directory content and information, please visit akbizmag.com/lists/.
Afognak Native Corporation
Afognak Native Corporation, Alutiiq, and their subsidiaries provide an exceptional track record of services in the government and commercial sectors worldwide, including: leasing; construction; timber; engineering; security; logistics,
operations, and maintenance; oilfield; and youth services. Top Executive: Greg Hambright, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 4,546/151 Acreage: 248,000 Number of Shareholders: 1,185 Subsidiaries: Shields Point, Alutiiq Advanced Security Solutions, Alutiiq Construction Services, Alutiiq Education & Training, Alutiiq Essential Services
Alutiiq General Contractors, Alutiiq International Solutions, Alutiiq Professional Services, Alutiiq Security & Technology, Alutiiq Commercial Enterprises, Alutiiq 3SG, Alutiiq Technical Services, Alutiiq Pacific, Alutiiq Diversified Services, Alutiiq Management Services, Alutiiq Manufacturing Contractors, Alutiiq-Mele, Alutiiq Professional Training, Alutiiq Global Solutions, Afognak Near Island, Afognak Arctic Development, Afognak C Street,
Marka Bay, Alutiiq Business Services, Alutiiq Logistics & Maintenance Services, Alutiiq Solutions, Alcyon, Inc., Alutiiq Information Management, Alutiiq Career Ventures, Afognak Leasing, McCallie Associates, Inc., Oxbow Data Management Systems, Alutiiq Leasing Company, Alutiiq Employee Leasing, Alutiiq Professional Consulting, Alutiiq, Red Peak Technical Services 300 Alimaq Dr. Kodiak, AK 99615 907-486-6014 afognak.com alutiiq.com
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc.
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc. (AKI) is an Alaska Native Village Corporation specializing in commercial real estate, private equity, government products and services, tourism, and lands management. Top Executive: Michael Bradshaw, President/CEO
Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 11/3 Acreage: 77,000 Number of Shareholders: 278 1400 W. Benson Blvd. #425, Anchorage, AK 99503 907-258-0604 aki-kodiak.com info@aki-kodiak.com linkedin.com/company/akhiok-kaguyak-inc
Ahtna, Inc.
Ahtna’s principle activities include construction, engineering, environmental, facilities management, surveying, security, military training, janitorial, healthcare and medical records management, government contracting, land management and resource development, and oil and gas pipeline services. Top Executive: Michelle Anderson, President Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 1,101/292 Acreage: 1.5 million Number of Shareholders: 2,065 Subsidiaries: Ahtna Development Corp., Ahtna Facility Services, Inc., Ahtna Support & Training Services, Ahtna Government Services Corp., Ahtna Construction & Primary Products Company, Ahtna Design Build, Inc., Ahtna Professional Services, Inc., Ahtna Environmental, Inc., Ahtna Technologies, Inc., AKHI, Ahtna Global, Ahtna Logistics, Tolsona Oil & Gas Exploration, Ahtna Engineering Services, AAA Valley Gravel, Ahtna Netiye’, Ahtna Infrastructure & Technologies, Ahtna Integrated Services, Ahtna Marine & Construction Company, Ahtna Solution PO Box 649, Glennallen, AK 99588 907-822-3476 ahtna-inc.com news@ahtna.net facebook.com/Ahtna.Inc

Federal contracting; O&M; instrumentation for oil and gas industry; mechanical contracting; radiological laboratory analysis, field testing, land remediation; commercial and residential real estate; fuel sales and storage; oil well testing services; information technology; and construction services. Top Executive: Thomas Mack, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 902/115 Subsurface/Surface Acreage: 1.577 million /77,000 Number of Shareholders: 3,911 Subsidiaries: Aleut Enterprises, Aleut Management Services, Aleut Real Estate, Alaska Instrument, C&H Testing, Patrick Mechanical, ARS International 4000 Old Seward Hwy., Ste 300 Anchorage, AK 99503 907-561-4300 aleutcorp.com info@aleutcorp.com
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
In 2018, ASRC subsidiaries acquired four new companies: F.D. Thomas, Inc.; Brad Cole Construction; Mavo Systems; and Hudspeth & Associates, Inc. Since the start of 2019, ASRC subsidiaries acquired National Environmental Group; Niles Construction Services; and K2 Industrial Services. Top Executive: Rex A. Rock Sr., President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 15,000/3,400 Acreage: ~5 million Number of Shareholders: 12,900 Subsidiaries: ASRC Construction Holding Company, Petro Star, Eskimos, Inc., Tundra
Tours, Inc., Alaska Growth Capital BIDCO, Little Red Services, Inc., ASRC Industrial Services, ASRC Energy Services, Petro Star Inc., ASRC Federal Holding Company, PO Box 129, Barrow, AK 99723 907-852-8633 asrc.com ASRCExternalAffairs@asrc.com linkedin.com/company/ arcticsloperegionalcorporation
Bering Straits Native Corporation
BSNC wholly owns 25 subsidiary companies that provide services to both commercial and government clients in the following primary lines of business: professional services, base operations and logistics support services, hardware retail and wholesale distribution, construction. Top Executive: Gail R. Schubert, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 1,560/413 Acreage: 2.1 million Number of Shareholders: 8,000 Subsidiaries: Inuit Services Inc.,Bering Straits Aerospace Services, Bering Straits Logistics Services, Bering Straits Information Technology, Bering Straits Technical Services, Eagle Eye Electric, Ayak, Global Support Services, Global Management Services, Iyabak Construction, Global Asset Technologies, Global Precision Systems, Bering Straits Development Co., Global Technical Services, Alaska Industrial Hardware, Inc., Paragon Professional Services, Arcticom, Alaska Gold Company, Aurora Inn & Suites, Stampede Ventures, Inc., Bering Global Solutions, Bering Straits Global Innovations, Bering Straits Professional Services, Sound Quarry, Inc. 3301 C St., Suite 400, Anchorage, AK 99503 907-563-378 beringstraits.com info@beringstraits.com facebook.com/GoBSNC
Bethel Native Corporation generates income and cash flow through four primary sources: contracting revenues earned by active business operating companies managed through its wholly owned subsidiaries; income from investments; rental income; and appreciation from investment properties. Top Executive: Anastasia Hoffman, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 120/50 Number of Shareholders: 2,000 Subsidiaries: Bethel Native Corporation, Bethel Services, Inc., Bethel Federal Services, Bethel Environmental Solutions, Bethel Contracting, Bethel Builders, Bethel Engineering and Consulting PO Box 719, Bethel, AK 99559 907-543-2124 bethelservices.com krose@bncak.com
Brevig Mission Native Corporation
Buy and sell groceries, house hold supplies, cleaning supplies, insect repellants, kitchen aids, dinnerware, toys. Top Executive: Sara Seetot, President Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 12/12 Acreage: - Number of Shareholders: 263 PO Box 85024, Brevig Mission, AK 99785 907-642-4091
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Industrial services, construction, government services, tourism, and natural resources. Top Executive: Jason Metrokin, President/CEO


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Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 4,020/1,590 Acreage: 3,128,084.59 Number of Shareholders: 10,480 Subsidiaries: Bristol Bay Industrial, Kakivik Asset Management, CCI Industrial Services, Peak Oilfield Service Company, Alaska Directional Drilling, PetroCard, Bristol Alliance Fuels, Government Services Group, Bristol Industries, CCI Alliance, SES Group, Bristol Bay Shared Services, Bristol Adventures, Katmai Air, Katmailand, Bristol Bay Mission Lodge 111 W. 16th Ave., Suite 400, Anchorage, AK 99501 907-278-3602 bbnc.net info@bbnc.net facebook.com/BristolBayNativeCorporation linkedin.com/company/bristol-bay-nativecorporation

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Cape Fox Corporation
Cape Fox’s portfolio includes commercial businesses specializing in Alaska lodging, restaurants and tourism, and Federal government contracting businesses with capabilities in professional staffing, systems engineering, medical services, IT, communications, acquisition, HR, and construction. Top Executive: Chris Luchtefeld, CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 820/201 Acreage: 23,000 Number of Shareholders: 356 Subsidiaries: Cape Fox Shared Services, Cape Fox Federal Integrators, Cape Fox Facilities Services, Saxman One, Eagle Health, Concentric Methods, NAVAR, Cape Fox Lodge, Ketchikan Title Agency, Cape Fox Tours, Cape Fox Professional Services, Dockside Galley, Sweet Mermaids 3000 C St., Suite 301, Anchorage, AK 99503 907-277-5706 capefoxcorp.com info@capefoxcorp.com facebook.com/Cape-Fox-Corporation linkedin.com/company/cape-foxcorporation
Government services include military, intelligence, and operations support; security; environmental; healthcare; facilities; and professional services. Commercial services include communications contracting, home healthcare services, technology contracting, and food service industry. Top Executive: Charles W. Totemoff, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 5,704/284 Acreage: 38,895 Number of Shareholders: 203 3000 C St., Suite 301, Anchorage, AK 99503 907-277-5706 chenega.com info@chenega.com
Choggiung, Limited
Commercial real estate and hospitality; government and commercial services; construction, professional services, information technology, mechanical maintenance and repair. Top Executive: Cameron Poindexter, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 329/109 Acreage: ~382,000 Number of Shareholders: 2,280 Subsidiaries: Choggiung Investment Company, Bristol Inn, Bayside Diner, Inland Empire Fire Protection, Umyuaq Technology, Intelligent Technology, Bristol Alliance of Companies PO Box 330, Dillingham, AK 99576 907-842-5218 choggiung.com
Chugach Alaska Corporation
to its shareholders through a portfolio of operating businesses, investments, and land and resource development projects. Top Executive: Gabriel Kompkoff, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 5,700/1,000 Acreage: ~1 million acres: 378,000 acres of full fee estate, 550,000 acres of subsurface Number of Shareholders: 2,758 Subsidiaries: Rex Electric & Technologies, Heide & Cook, All American Oilfield, Chugach Alaska Services, Chugach Tuullek, Chugach Professional Oilfield Services, Chugach Commercial Holdings, Chugach Government Solutions, Chugach Investment Holdings, Chugach Government Services, Wolf Creek Federal Services, Chugach Management Services, Chugach Consolidated Solutions, Chugach Industries, Chugach World Services, Chugach Information Technology, Defense Base Services, Chugach Federal Solutions, Chugach Education Services, Chugach Technical Solutions, Chugach Training & Educational Solutions, Chugach Systems Integration 3800 Centerpoint Dr., Suite 1200, Anchorage, AK 99503 907-563-8866 chugach.com communications@chugach.com facebook.com/chugachalaskacorporation linkedin.com/company/chugach

Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
Government services, real estate, energy and infrastructure, natural resources, private equities and investment securities, and oilfield services. Top Executive: Sophie Minich, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 80/80 Surface/Subsurface Acreage: 650,000/ 1.3 million Number of Shareholders: 8,965 Subsidiaries: CIRI Land Development Co., North Wind Group, Fire Island Wind, Cruz
Energy Services, Cruz Marine PO Box 93330, Anchorage, AK 99509 907-274-8638 CIRI.com info@CIRI.com facebook.com/CIRInews
Doyon, Limited
Doyon Drilling, Doyon Tourism, Doyon/ARAMARK JV, Doyon
Government Group, Arctic Information Technology, Inc., designDATA, Doyon Associated, Doyon Anvil, Doyon Utilities, Doyon Remote Facilities & Services, Northern Laundry, Doyon Facilities. Top Executive: Aaron Schutt, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 866/589 Acreage: 11,561,967.37 Number of Shareholders: 20,124 Subsidiaries: Doyon Oil Field Services, Inc., Doyon Government Contracting, Inc.,
Doyon Natural Resources Development Corporation, Northern Laundry Services, Doyon Tourism, Northstar Manager, MidAlaska Pipeline Suite 300, Fairbanks, AK 99701-294 888-478-4755 doyon.com communications@doyon.com facebook.com/doyonlimited twitter.com/doyonlimited linkedin.com/company/68337
Kijik Corporation

NCSA Corporation for the Village of Nondalton. Top Executive: Ventura Samaniego, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 2/2 Number of Shareholders: 500 Subsidiaries: Kijik Aviation Services, Kijik Technical Services, Qizhjeh Heritage Institute, International Data Systems, RISE Communications 801 B St., Ste 401-B, Anchorage, AK 99507 907-561-4487 KijikCorp.com April@kijikcorp.com
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Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corp.
Facility management, retail sales, construction, base operations, remediation work, and joint ventures. Top Executive: Thomas Kennedy, CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 120/35 Acreage: 1 Number of Shareholders: 2,100 Subsidiaries: KIC Construction, KIC Facilities Management, KIC Development, KIC Logistics, Alaska Universal Services, Midnight Sun Global Services, Midnight Sun Technologies, JLL-Midnight Sun IFMS 1225 E. International Airport Rd., Ste 110 Anchorage, AK 99518 907-277-7884 kikiktagruk.com
King Cove Corporation Top Executive: Della Trumble, CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 20/14 Acreage: 109,0000 Number of Shareholders: 440 Subsidiaries: King Cove Holdings, Delta Point, Last Hook Off Bar, Fox Island Fuel, Fleets Inn Motel, Heart Lake Apartments PO Box 38, King Cove, AK 99612 907-497-2312 kingcovecorp.com kccadmin@arctic.net
Levelock Natives Limited Top Executive: Alexander Tallekpalek, President Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 3/3 Acreage: 108,528 Number of Shareholders: 228 PO Box 109, Levelock, AK 99625 907-287-304
NANA and our family of companies are leaders in mining and resource development, engineering and construction, food and facilities management, camp services, security, logistics, and federal contracting services. Top Executive: Wayne Westlake, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 13,147/4,148 Acreage: 2.28 million

Koniag’s business sectors include: information technology services, government contracting services, energy and water, tourism, natural resource development, and real estate. Top Executive: Ron Unger, CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 1,110/87 Acreage: ~145,000 Number of Shareholders: 4,128 Subsidiaries: Digitized Schematic Solutions, Frontier Systems Integrator, Koniag Services, Inc., Professional Computing Resources, Inc., XMCO, Inc., Dowland-Bach Corporation, Koniag Information Security Services, Granite Cove Quarry, Koniag Technology Solutions, Inc., Nunat Holdings, Near Island Building, Karluk Wilderness Adventures dba Kodiak Brown Bear Center and dba Karluk River Cabins, PacArctic, Open Systems Technology, Arlluk Technology Solutions, Eagle Harbor Solutions, Kadiak, Tuknik Government Services, Glacier Services, Inc., Koniag Government Services, Koniag Management Solutions, Koniag Commercial Holdings 194 Alimaq Dr., Kodiak, AK 99615 907-486-2530 koniag.com facebook.com/KoniagInc
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Number of Shareholders: 14,500 Subsidiaries: NANA Development Corporation PO Box 49, Kotzebue, AK 99752 907-442-3301 nana.com news@nana.com facebook.com/nanaregionalcorporation twitter.com/NANACorporation linkedin.com/company/2853774
Paug-Vik Incorporated, Limited
Land resources, property management and development. Top Executive: Bill Hill, President Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 8/7 Acreage: 130,000 Number of Shareholders: 662 Subsidiaries: Paug-Vik Development Corporation PO Box 61, Naknek, AK 99633 907-246-4277
Shaan Seet operates a hotel and residential lots; we sell rock; offer storage for boats, trucks, connex containers, etc. Top Executive: Edward Douville, President/GM Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 9/9 Acreage: - Number of Shareholders: 586 PO Box 690, Craig, AK 99921 907-826-3251 shaanseet.com contact@shaanseet.com
Sitnasuak Native Corporation
Sitnasuak has four subsidiaries in diverse business activities. Products and services include tactical apparel for military
and public safety service men and women, cybersecurity IT, fuel distribution, retail store sales, title and escrow services, and property rentals and development. Top Executive: Roberta “Bobbi” Quintavell, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 1,500/101 Acreage: 242,544.09 Number of Shareholders: 2,900 Subsidiaries: SNC Technical Services, Fidelity Title Agency Alaska, GBS, Nanuaq, Nanuaq Development, Sitnasuak Properities, Aurora Industries, API, SNC Manufacturing, Bonanza Fuel, Mat-Su Title Agency, Sitnasuak Financial Services, Mat-Su Title, Mocean Holding Company, Bonanza Fuel PO Box 905, Nome, AK 99762 907-387-1200 snc.org communications@snc.org facebook.com/Sitnasuak twitter.com/SitnasuakNC linkedin.com/company/sitnasuak-nativecorporation

6,000 Square Feet of Oce, Garage and Warehouse Space 1st oor has 1,000 Sq Ft of open cubicle oces, reception area, utility room, communication room and restroom.
2nd oor has another 1,000 Sq Ft of oce space, private oces and a conference room.
Garage bay is 5,000 Sq Ft and includes an oce, three large garage doors, one smaller garage door and ve man-doors.
Stand-by generator, video surveillance and security.
Tyonek WorldWide Services, a subsidiary of Tyonek Services Group and Tyonek Native Corporation, was awarded a $2.4 billion contract to provide logistics support and services to the US Army. Top Executive: Leo Barlow, CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 1,150/32 Acreage: 201,341.48 Number of Shareholders: 940 Subsidiaries: Tyonek Services Group, Inc., Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc., Tyonek Construction Group, Inc. 1689 C St., Suite 219, Anchorage, AK 99501 907-272-0707 tyonek.com sdeemer@tyonek.com facebook.com/tyoneknativecorporation linkedin.com/company/tyonek-native-corp
Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC) is one of Alaska’s largest companies and is headquartered in Utqiaġvik—the northernmost point in America. As an Alaska Native Corporation, UIC provides social and economic resources to more than 2,900 Iñupiat shareholders and their descendants. Top Executive: Delbert Rexford, President/CEO Worldwide/Alaska Employees: 3,134/376 Acreage: 212,000 Number of Shareholders: 2,806 Subsidiaries: UIC Construction, Rockford Corporation, UIC Sanatu, UIC Construction ASRC Eskimo’s, Umiaq Design, Kautaq Construction Services, UIC Oil & Gas Support, Umiaq Environmental, Bowhead Transport Company, Qayaq Marine Transportation, UIC Science, UIC Municipal

Services, UIC Real Estate, UIC Business Enterprises PO Box 890, Utqiaġvik, AK 99723 907-852-4460 uicalaska.com uic.corporatemarketing@uicalaska.com

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