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Business Events

SEPTEMBER 23-25 NW AAAE Annual Conference Westmark Fairbanks: The Northwest Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives annual conference includes a tour of the Fairbanks International Airport, networking luncheon, and educational sessions. nwaaae.site-ym.com/page/ NWAAAEannual

SEPTEMBER 23-27 Alaska Fire Conference Ketchikan: The conference includes training, workshops, lectures, and a firefighter competition. alaskafireconference.com

SEPTEMBER 23-27 IAWP 2019 Conference Dena’ina Center, Anchorage: The theme for the 2019 conference of the International Association of Women Police is “Mentoring the Next Generation.” iawp2019.womenpoliceofalaska.org

SEPTEMBER 25-27 NASW AK Biennial Conference Centennial Hall, Juneau: The National Association of Social Workers Alaska Chapter’s biennial conference’s 2019 theme is “Nurtured Hearts Nurture Hearts,” and keynote speakers are Jes Baker, Dr. Alexis Shotwell, and Marjorie Kunaq Tahbone. naswak.org/nasw-ak-conference

SEPTEMBER 25-28 Museums Alaska Annual Conference Best Western Kodiak Inn and Convention Center: This year’s conference theme is “Critical Conversations: Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion,” as

“the museum field is currently engaging in critical conversations regarding how our institutions can evolve to become more equitable, inclusive, diverse, and accessible.” ahsmaconference.org

SEPTEMBER 26-28 ASA Fall Conference Fairbanks: The Alaska Council of School Administrators’ unifying purpose is to support educational leaders through professional forums, provide a voice that champions possibilities for all students, and purposeful advocacy for public education. alaskaacsa.org

SEPTEMBER 27 Alaska Business Top 49ers Luncheon Anchorage Marriott Downtown: Come honor the top forty-nine Alaska companies ranked by revenue at our annual luncheon. 907-276-4373 | akbizmag.com

SEPTEMBER 30–OCTOBER 4 AAHPA Annual Conference Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall, Juneau: This is the annual conference of the Alaska Association of Harbormasters & Port Administrators. alaskaharbors.org


OCTOBER 7-10 ATIA Annual Convention & Trade Show Centennial Hall, Juneau: The Alaska Travel Industry Association is the leading nonprofit trade organization for the state’s tourism industry. The theme for this year’s conference is “Legend of Alaska.” alaskatia.org

Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage: The All Alaska Pediatric Partnership supports and links healthcare services between government, healthcare entities, social services, and payers for children and families. a2p2.org

OCTOBER 17-19 AFN Fairbanks: The Alaska Federation of Natives Convention is the largest representative annual gathering in the United States of any Native peoples. Delegates are elected on a population formula of one representative per twenty-five Native residents in the area, and delegate participation rates at the annual convention typically exceed 95 percent. nativefederation.org

OCTOBER 17-20 All-Alaska Medical Conference The Lakefront Anchorage: A continuing medical education conference organized by the Alaska Academy of Physicians Assistants, providing up to twenty-five CMEs. akapa.org

OCTOBER 28-30 Alaska Chamber Fall Forum Hotel Alyeska, Girdwood: Open to the public, the Alaska Chamber’s Annual Conference is the state’s premier business conference. The conference draws 200 to 225 attendees and features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions on issues of statewide concern to Alaska business. alaskachamber.com

OCTOBER 25-27 Alaska Cross Content Conference Anchorage: The mission of the Alaska State Literacy Association is to empower educators, inspire

students, and encourage leaders with the resources they need to make literacy accessible for all. akliteracy.org

OCTOBER 26-28 Alaska Principals Conference Sheraton Anchorage: Keynote presenters at this year’s conference are Tom Murray and Lissa Pijanowski. alaskaacsa.org/information/ calendar-of-events

OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 3 Sitka WhaleFest Sitka: Presented by the Sitka Sound Science Center, WhaleFest is a science festival that celebrates marine life. The core of the festival is a unique science symposium blending local knowledge and scientific inquiry concerning the rich marine environment of our northern oceans. sitkawhalefest.org


NOVEMBER 1-3 AASG Fall Conference Palmer High School: The purpose of the Alaska Association of Student Government is to provide leadership training, communication, and a student voice of issues at the local, state, and national levels. aasg.org

NOVEMBER 3-9 Alaska Miners Association Conference Dena’ina Center, Anchorage: The fall convention includes technical sessions, short courses, a trade show, and networking opportunities. alaskaminers.org

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