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ProgrammaticCommunity Display

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Glacier’s community media brands serve over 4.8 million readers in 60 communities across Western Canada. Using this reach, you can tell your story through rich media and custom ads units.

Geofencing is the fourth tactic of programmatic. It delivers offline-toonline metrics.

You are directly “pinning” areas you wish to target potential customers and reporting back on the number of people who walked into your place of business - we call this “Geo-lift”.


News readers are captive audiences. Make sure you are reaching these individuals with your ad messages.

Connect with Ryan Wallace to start running your Community Display Ads on the Alaska Highway News site and across the Glacier Media Community News Network.

P: 250-785-5631

E: rwallace@ahnfsj.ca

Climate change is happening. Last year, McKibben reports, climate-spawned disasters cost the world $313 billion.

“We live in a world where reason – including economic reason – dictates we move as fast as possible toward clean energy. But inertia and vested interest provide friction that slows that transition.”

What more is needed? “… a combination of fear, hope, moral indignation, and human solidarity that provides, or doesn’t, the political will to break this logjam.”

Don Pettit lives and writes in Dawson Creek.

Letter to the editor...

Can a man really love a woman if he uses violence to pound his loved one into submission? I believe real men do not hit the one they promised to love and cherish at the altar. Jesus Christ treated women with compassion and love. He forgave and healed women. Jesus even felt their pain and cried with them. John 11:35, the shortest verse in scripture, says “He wept.”

Men are full of excuses: I was drunk, I was high on drugs. Listen to Shakespeare, “Oh that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains.” Here are some of the things the Lord hates: hands that shed innocent blood, feet that are quick to rush into evil (Proverb 6:16-19); disrespect and hitting women will hinder your prayers, don’t bother asking God for anything if you continue this violence on your partner (1 Peter 3:7).

Jesus, when he was suffering on the cross, rather than thinking of revenge, was thinking of his mother. He asked his disciple to look after his mother (John 19:26-27).

This violence against women must stop. When a man is without God there is no limit to his depravity or to the depths to which he will sink. The sixth commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” How many women die every year at the hands of their so-called love ones?

To all the women who are out there who are living this nightmare of an existence, may God in His mercy lead us through these tough times, but above all may He lead us to Himself.

John Greyeyes Fort St. John

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