2 minute read
Winter cleaning and looking forward to winter festival
By Ruby McBeth
We have begun our spring cleaning early at our house. Lorne has now gotten rid of six bags of paper. These came from files that were out of date. For example, we discontinued our travel insurance in 2019 but he still had a full folder of papers going back many years. Out they go.
I am starting in on our basement. There are many books that I do not look at, so I will go through them and see if I can rehome them. By the way, Northern Vision Care takes old frames for glasses and sends them off to third world countries. I took some in recently.
I know many of us look forward to the ice sculptures in Centennial Park each year and hope that the weather co-operates. Again this year they will be a major part of the Winter Fest, which runs from Friday the 17th to
Family Day Monday, the 20th, mostly in Centennial Park. Opening ceremonies are on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The single block carving competition starts on Friday at 4. This year the city has added a “Strongest Family in the North: Tug of War.” Sign up at the Pomeroy Sports
Centre. There are many more events planned so keep your eyes and ears open.
People who need to travel for medical tests may be able to get government help with the expenses. The Travel As- sistance Program (TAP BC) was created for this purpose. You need to apply before you travel and you need a doctor’s referral, so I assume you would ask your doctor or nurse practitioner about TAP if you need the help. People not qualifying could check into Hope Air at 877-346-4673. Cecil Lake residents can also ask for help through the Cecil Lake Emergency Fund.

The people of China have made some amazing light shows to celebrate their Spring Festival. The holographic light shows fascinated me, but the other light shows are also worth checking out. Google “holographic light show” or “light up the night” and browse through their creative work.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Ruby McBeth lives and writes in Fort St. John
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