NEWS h A5 FIRE EVACUATIONS Hudson’s wildfireBattleshipevacuatedHopeastheMtnragesFREE CLASSIFIEDS! 15 Words or Less *Some restrictions apply. Contact Lynn @ 250-785-5631 or

They started in a tiny little pot at the grocery store, two banana seedlings about the size of a 12-inch ruler. Now they’re a pair of trees standing nine feet tall and pushing the ceiling of Yukon and Beth Soles’ greenhouse in Fort Nelson.

to join an independent, full service, IIROC rm. We need

• A friendly, positive, and professional attitude.
With a heaping of manure this spring and a good daily soaking during the hot days of summer, the plants bore their first crop of fruit last week, a rack of bananas falling to the“Iground.didn’t even look up how to grow bananas before I bought it. I went and bought it and brought it home, then started looking at what I had gotten myself into,” says Soles, who has run Fine Country Farms with his wife Beth since 2016, where they grow hothouse and market veggies and herbs to sell at the local market.
• Formidable communication skills.
tate whether such a concept will come to fruition.“You can grow basically anything in a greenhouse as long as you look after it and control growing factors like the heat, the humidity, the soil,” he says, and also the energy source.

For fellow green thumbs growing food in their summer garden or greenhouse, or even inside the house, Soles encourages them not to give up if they have an experiment they want to try. “If you try something and it doesn’t work, it’s not because of who you are, you just need to try again,” he says.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 |VOL. 78 NO. 37 ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS $1.50 INCL. GST The only newspaper in the world that gives a tinker’s dam about the North Peace. Est. 1944 SUPPLIED PHOTOS

Matt Preprost
With geothermal power plans being developed in the Northern Rockies, could a full-scale banana plantation one day be growing in a greenhouse in Fort Nelson? In a way, Soles says he never needed to prove the idea was possible for a northern community—it’s been proven many times in similar places. The economics will dic-

• Bullet-proof ethics.
“I’m hoping they will put out a blossom here before winter.”
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It was Aug. 3 last summer when he finally took them out their 30-gallon pots, already five to six feet high by that point, and planted them in the ground in his greenhouse.
to help establish and maintain

HoursMon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 8am - Noon 9224 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC (250) 785-0463 After Hours - Leave Message QUALITY PARTS, EXPERT SERVICE! When You Are Out in the Field, Time IS Money. Presents the People’s Choice Awards Who will be Voted Favourite Person, Place or Business? Fill out the form in this week’s edition and drop it off at our office, or online at Fort St. John, BC PEOPLE’S 2022 9916-98th St., Fort St. John • Phone: 250-785-5631 Cast Your Vote Now! Flyers This Week: Homesteader Health, Dulux, Staples, Shoppers Drug Mart, Maritime Travel, Safeway, Walmart, The Brick, Home Hardware

Yukon and Beth Soles with the first harvest from their banana plants in Fort Nelson.
And answers to more of their curiosities about the plants are still to come, like when the next generation of fruit will bloom and how long the plants will live.

“That’s been my whole experience with the market garden and gardening in general. There are still things that I’m trying.”

“I have no doubt it will taste like a banana, whether it will be a sweeter banana or a blander banana, I have no idea,” Soles says. “I have some Filipino friends who have been helping me a little bit, they grew up with bananas in the Philippines. But the growing conditions are totally different that, even still for them, they don’t know what to expect either because it’s just not the same climate.”
All in the span of a year and a half after they purchased the tropical plants from the local Save-On Foods. “Walking around stores, you see these things every now and then. When the opportunity knocks, you take it,” says Yukon. “I had the space and I was looking for something new to try, not really knowing what to do with it.”
Going bananas in Fort Nelson
Experience de opportunity people long-term, applicants will have:
The bananas are still green and haven’t ripened just yet for them to take a taste.

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“You know,” he adds, “it’s funny that there’s so much amazement over the banana, but I have been trying to grow a good onion for years and I haven’t been able to. Finally, this year we have some decent onion.“That’s not amazing to anybody else, but that was a lot of work for me, failing year after year. It’s just because I couldn’t let it go. I couldn’t give up.”
The first six months of the plants were fascinating for Soles to watch, replanting them pot by pot and seeing them grow two to three inches per day, one leaf after another sprouting from the stems.
His greenhouses and farm buildings use an outdoor wood-heated boiler, and he’s been starting to grow ginger too. “That’s been really nice for us, to have a local spice, not just a vegetable but something that really adds flavour to food,” he says. Of buying the banana seedlings, Soles says it was worth it just to see the amazement on people’s“That’sfaces.been the exciting thing over the last year, when I show visitors the plants. They walk through the door and their face lights up with amazement,” he says. “It’s been a pleasure for me.”
nitely an asset, but more important is that you are a good t with our Thisteam.isa unique

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-Baptiste Marcere -Bill Snow (I)
The Hudson’s Hope’s mayoral challenge will be between Dave Heiberg and Reg Knox, while in Fort Nelson, it’s Gary Foster and Rob Fraser. In Tumbler Ridge, three names will make up the mayor’s ballot: Rick Consalvi, Darryl Krakowka and Don
Mayor: -Steven Haab -Lilia -Shannon-StevenHansenLabossiereStange
-Michael Fitzgerald -Jordan Kealy -Jeff Kitt Area C: -Suzanne Haab -Brad Sperling (I)
Dinosaur Museum Grant in Aid Global Geopark Grant in Aid
Alaska Highway News wishes all the candidates good luck!
Mayor: -Dave Heiberg (I) -Reg Knox Councillor: -Debbie Beattie -Lynn -Tashana-Travous-Robin-Valerie-Conrad-Kelly-Joseph-Tina-Nicole-JamesBlytheCrydermanGillissJeffreyKingMiller(I)NortheastPaice(I)StuberQuibell(I)Winnicky
Councillor: -Trevor Bolin (I) -Amy Cox -Lyle -GordGoldieKlassen (I) -Jim Lequiere (I) -Sarah MacDougall -Gary -Tony-Byron-MorganPataraRobinsonStewart(I)Zabinsky(I)
Zone 1:
• Regional Connectivity
September 9 proved to be decision day for quite a few municipal and school board candidates running in the Oct. 15 general election, some waiting until the final hours before formally filing.
Steven Haab and Steven Labossiere were the two last names added to the ballot in Fort St. John and both will vie for the role of mayor. They’ll be joined by Lilia Hansen and Shannon Stange as mayoral candidates.Dawson Creek voters will have two names to choose from when they select a mayor, Darcy Dober or Shaely Wilbur.Both Taylor and Chetwynd residents will also have two choices - in Taylor between Brent Taillefer and Peggy Alexander and in Chetwynd where Allen Courtoreille faces Michael Warrington
McPherson. A list with four names for mayor was on its election page: Edmond Boyer, Lorraine Michetti, Bill Plowright, and Danielle Veach.
• Sports and Cultural Events Grant in Aid
In collaboration with the City of Fort St John and the District of Taylor, the PRRD has issued a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) in order to identify lands that could be acquired as a site for a potential future recreation facility. This step has come after the Committee completed extensive community engagement throughout the North Peace region earlier this year. Sites will be considered within the City of Fort St. John, District of Taylor and Area B and C in the PRRD, and evaluated by the Committee and the Regional Board. The submission deadline for proposals is September 22, 2022.
Last year, One Island Lake became the first nationally recognized FireSmart neighborhood in the Peace region. On August 27 of this year, the community once again gathered for a work-bee BBQ to maintain its status as a FireSmart community. The event saw cabin owners reducing their wildfire risk by removing forest fuels and turning them into firewood and wood chips for gardens.
-Ida Campbell (I) Zone 5:
-Raena -ThomasTownsendWhitton
Steering Committee looking to identify sites for the new North Peace Leisure Facility
For more information about these assent voting opportunities, residents are encouraged to visit Electors can access a tax calculator on the web page to receive an estimate of individual tax cost, which is based on assessed property value.
September 20, 2022 @ 6pm North Peace Fringe Area OCP, Pomeroy Sports Centre
Upcoming Events
-Madeleine Lehmann (I) Zone 2):
Large slate of candidates for October municipal elections

-Desirae Graziano -Betty Ponto (I) -Michelle Turnbull (I)
September 22, 2022 @ 2pm All interested proponents can apply at opportunities/
One Island Lake champions the FireSmart principles
The FireSmart team was also out and about at the North Peace Fall Fair on August 21st and the Tomslake Fire Department open house on August 28.

The PRRD FireSmart team is excited for more FireSmart neighborhoods to be recognized this year and have plans for cleanup days in Kiskatinaw and Prespatou later this month.
September 21, 2022 @ 6pm Rose Prairie Rd. Zoning Amendment, Pomeroy Sports Centre
PRRD Public Hearings
-David Scott-Moncrieff (I) Zone 3: -Nicole Gilliss (I) Zone 4:
Join the Discussion Engage in the active consultations happening in the Peace River Regional District.
Assent voting opportunities that, if approved, could impact your taxes
Peace River Regional District Official Page Issue 9 | September 2022

Eligible electors throughout the Peace region have the opportunity to vote on five new proposed service bylaws in October alongside the Local Government Election. If approved, the following services will impact your tax bill no matter where you live in the region, even within municipal boundaries:
Additionally, voters in Electoral Area B will have the opportunity to vote on the adoption of a service bylaw for a Fort St. John Public Library Financial Contribution. Only voters in Electoral Area B will be eligible to vote on this proposed service as only Area B will be impacted should the bylaw be adopted.
Submission deadline: Request for Expressions of Interest, North Peace Leisure Facility
Next BoardPRRDeetings: September 8, 2022 10:00am | Facebook Live, Dawson Creek October 13, 2022 10:00am | Facebook Live, Dawson Creek To view board and committee meeting dates and agendas, visit:
A full list of the candidates in the North Peace region follows. (I) indicates the candidate is an incumbent, but only if they are currently holding the position they’re seeking re-election for. Any candidate wishing to withdraw from next month’s election has until 4 p.m. Sept. 16 to have their name removed from the ballot.
Dave Lueneberg
-Peggy Alexander -Brent Taillefer Councillor: -Gord -MurrayDaviesGiesbrecht
Helen Gilbert (I)
a thousand words how much more satisfying in living color!” the News
Where: 1st Floor Meeting
Queen Elizabeth during her visit to Fort St. John May 8, 1971.
PomeroyRoom Sports 9324Centre96 St. Fort St. John For Information:More Contact: 250-784-3200ServicesDevelopment
“TeacherScout.— Do you protest?” he asked of another in the crowd. Turning to a bemedalled Legionnaire, he said, “How many of you are there — how many turn out on a Saturday“Younight?”don’t know? Best to count them all and divide by two!”Also gathered for the welcoming were the community bands and choir, the Cubs and Scouts, the Friendship Society, and the Brownies and Guides.
Written comments or concerns accepted until 4:00 pm September 21, 2022. Documents may be viewed Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm at 1981 Alaska Avenue Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8

“Regrets,reported.ofcourse, that Princess Anne was missing. She wanted to come—but doctor’s orders. Here’s the Queen in a soft navy belted coat with white trim and jewelled earrings and lapel-pin sparkling... not from the dime store but the real dazzling thing.”
Both made the trip to Fort St. John in 1971 as part of a tour celebrating British Columbia’s centenary anniversary of joining“It’sConfederation.certainlya time in history, an end of an era,” said Fort St. John historian Larry Evans onEvansThursday.was just three years old when Elizabeth was crowned in 1953. He’s earned three Queen’s jubilee medals since, his first as part of a 50th golden anniversary that coincided with his retirement as the city’s fire chief in 2003. He received a diamond jubilee medal for her 60th anniversary in 2012, and a platinum jubilee medal for her 70th in August.
The Royal couple were welcomed by an official reception party including then Mayor Peter Frankiw and Mrs Frankiw, MP Bob Borrie and Mrs Borrie, MLA Ed Smith and Mrs Smith, Mayor Glen Kyllo and Mrs Kyllo of Taylor, Mayor Rod Richmond and Mrs Richmond of Hudson’s Hope, local Chamber president Tony Brummet and Mrs Brummet, and Mr and MrsAfterCrandall.signing a guest book, the couple stopped several times to talk with Royal Canadian Legion veterans, including Victoria Cross holder Alec Brereton, who had made a special trip north from his home in the Lower Mainland to be present for the occasion.
To rezone a ±4.12 ha portion of the subject property from A-2 (Large Agricultural Holdings) to R-3 (Residential 3 Zone) to facilitate a 3 lot subdivision.

“She’s the only queen I ever knew,” said Evans. “When we sang God Save The Queen in school, there was always a picture of her and Prince Philip in theAlaskaclassroom.”Highway News carried a front page report and photo spread of the Royal visit in 1971, reporting the Queen and Prince arrived at the airport as scheduled, 1:40 p.m., to an estimated crowd of 4,000— despite what the local weatherman said was the “most horrible weather possible” for their“Butvisit.where is her crown?” asked one little voice that could be heard from the crowd, Elizabeth and Philip “wreathed in smiles” as they stepped off the plane.“To the vast crowd on the tarmac, if a picture is worth
This public hearing has been delegated to the Director of Electoral Area C.
View applications at:
“Bringing Home tHe news since 1944”
Zoning Amendment Bylaw NO. 2491, 2022
Lot 6 Section
For the best in LocaL news, sports and Features
The royal visit was brief, extended only by a few minutes as refuelling of their aircraft wasn’t completed on time. The pipe band played the Queen and the Prince back onto the plane, and the crowd stayed to wave them off as they returned to the “Theskies.ones she spoke to were fairly bubbling with pride and happiness,” Boulter wrote of the Queen, adding she “needed no protection whatsoever.”
“She was as safe in Fort St. John as if she were at home in her sitting room,” he wrote.
The Peace River Regional District is hosting a to the proposed Zoning Amendment.

Matt Preprost
When Queen Elizabeth II visited Fort St. John in May 1971, the only thing that could have been more co-operative for the occasion was the weather.

Elizabeth “had a word with 30 or more of the spectators, among whom the children were far from being overlooked,” the News“Lightheartedreported. small talk— but from a Queen—to be remembered and passed along for many years to come.”
Notice of Public Hearing
24 Township 84 Range 19 west of the 6th Meridian Peace River District Plan 9578, Except: Part lying west of Plan 18582; Part on Plan 18582 and Part on Plan BCP21017
‘But where is her crown?’: e day the Queen came to town
Address: Rose Prairie Rd, North of Fort St John, PID: 012-906-450
“Cold up here, isn’t it? Aren’t you cold?” the Prince asked of a little Cub
FILE NO. 22-003 ZN
Thousands had turned out to greet Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip upon their arrival at the Fort St. John airport.
“The thing that strikes me about Her Majesty’s visit is the attitude of the crowd. Patient, interested, and resigned to the cold wind on the exposed airport ramp,” wrote Alaska Highway News columnist Leith Boulter.“Justa big family outing with a minimum of formality, yet with all proper respect to the visitors.”Elizabeth died Thursday at age 96, Buckingham Palace said Thursday, the longest-reigning monarch in British history with 70 years on the throne. Her passing follows Philip’s death last year at age 99.
When: September 21, 2022 6:00 PM
But it was a chilly day of just 7 degrees on May 8, with “gale force” winds gusting to 64 kilometres per hour, discomforting those who stood on the tarmac for an hour, many dressed in double winter gear, awaiting the royal landing.
Fort St. John Area
“No problem with litter on the ramp, no vandalism, just the usual disappointment that all of us could not be in the front row.”
Toll Free: 1-800-670-7773
Philip, the News reported, was quick with his quips while speaking to the crowds.

You could see the improvements, especially during the races,” said Elks head coach Richard“There’sStickel.been some big improvements from most of our kids, so we’re very happy and it’s nice to have skaters come in from other communitiesSometoo.” of the his skaters, Stickel said, are off to a meet in Calgary Sept. 23. “It’s going to be a big year
It might have only been August, but speed skating returned to the Pomeroy Sport Centre for a week-long training camp and time trial event.

Celebrated during Small Business Week, the ceremony on Oct. 18 will recognize businesses for the achievements in the non-profit, Indigenous, industrial, retail, and restaurant

Stickel is hoping to have between 50 and 60 skaters from his club ready to go.
This 4-H year has been filled with excitement! Achievement Days we’re so much fun! In our club, almost every member of the green valley 4-H club has had a market steer project. The members would like to thank our buyers for purchasing and supporting us and our animals that we have worked hard to prepare. Without their support we would not have the opportunities weAdo.huge thank you to: Shane Marshall, Wiebe Enterprise, Tracker Contracting, Dan’s Rentals, Omega Electric and Controls, Nemesis Oilfield Services, Double Odd Ventures, Caps Transport and Murray GM.
Business excellence nominations opened

To learn more about diabetes, volunteer, advocate or donate, please contact : Northern Region (250) advocateboyanne.young@diabetes.ca561-9284ordonate,pleasecontact:NorthernRegion(250)
Green Valley Club concluded their summer with selling 50/50 tickets at the Dawson Creek Rodeo. We appreciate the Dawson Creek Exhibition Association for providing us with the opportunity to participate in this fundraiser. We are back to school and are looking forward to a new 4-H year. 250.785.2116 | 9511 - 85th Ave, Fort St. John
It was the first chance for coaches with the Fort St. John Elks speed skating team to see just what progress their athletes made in the short off-season.Theclub held a region-wide long track summer camp at the Pomeroy Sport Centre oval Aug. 29 to Sept. 2.

Dave Lueneberg
Elks back on the ice for new season
The Fort St. John Chamber of Commerce has put out a call for nominations for this year’s Business Excellence Awards.
sectors. The awards will also recognize deserving young entrepreneurs and women of distinction in their respective fields. Other events are planned including a breakfast on Oct. 17, workshop sessions, and a tradeshow at the Pomeroy“TheHotel.week is geared to help businesses promote, network, and pickup key ideas and strategies to help sustain and grow their businesses!” Fort St. John Chamber CEO Cheryl Montgomery said in a release. Grab nomination forms from the Chamber website, or drop by MNP, which is sponsoring the awards.
“We had a really good week.
for us with the Canada Winter Games early next year. So, there’s trials here in December. The kids will be vying for spots so it’s a big competition. Kind of nerve-racking for them, but kind of fun.”
Green Valley 4-H Report


The club is also hosting a short-track meet at the end of October below the oval track in the hockey rinks.

“Fort St. John has been absolutely spectacular from what I’ve been experienced and seen in looking after people from Hudson’s Hope.”
If voting as a Non-resident Property Elector, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Election O cer well in advance of voting day to ensure that you have all the required information prior to attending the voting place.
The proposed maximum amount that may be requisitioned in any one year for the service, is the greater of $200,000 or an amount equal to the amount that could be raised by a property value tax of $0.0125/$1,000 when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. Based on current assessment values, the estimated residential tax rate in the rst year is $.0072 per $1000 of assessed value of improvements (buildings). Land will not be taxed for this proposed service.
A view of the Battleship Mountain wildfire on Saturday, Sept. 10. (BC Wildfire Service)

authorize provision
MAIL BALLOT VOTING Mail ballot voting is available to ALL eligible voters. Anyone quali ed to vote as either a resident, or as a non-resident property elector, may choose to vote by mail.
Non resident voters are subject to the requirement to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation, and in addition, must provide proof that they are entitled to vote in relation to a property (ie: proof of ownership). If there is more than one registered owner of your property, written consent from the majority of the other owners will be required to authorize you to cast the one vote allowed for the property.
order as of Monday morning. There were 310 receiving ESS and accommodations in Fort St. John, according to EMBC.
returned here) Fort St. John Seniors Hall Chetwynd District O ce #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC
ADVANCED VOTING Wednesday October 5,2022 from 8 am to 8 pm
ADDITIONAL (local Tomslake, BC 13514 Highway 52N, Arras, BC 8025 265 Road, Progress, BC 6494 Lakeshore Drive, Moberly, BC
of Tumbler Ridge, the next largest in size, has charred over 6300 hectares.
The above is a synopsis of proposed Bylaw No. 2473, 2022, and is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at, or at the following location during regular business hours: River Regional District ces 1981 Alaska Creek, BC. 9505 – 100th Street, Fort St. John,
• By mail delivered to Box 810 Dawson Creek V1G 4H8 up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE is given to ALL electors within the Peace River Regional District, both rural and municipal residents, that Assent Voting (referendum) will be held Saturday, October 15, 2022 on the following question: you in favour of Peace River Regional District adopting Sport Cultural Events Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2473, 2022 for the of creating region wide that will of local governments non-pro t entities international level competitions or festivals that are by relevant governing oversight body, held within the boundaries of the Peace River Regional District, at a maximum annual tax requisition limit that is the greater of $200,000 OR $0.0125 per $1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements, and assessed on improvements only, imposed in the entire Peace River Regional District, including all member municipalities and electoral areas?
OvintivLocationEvents (Mail ballots may be

WHO MAY VOTE Electors may vote only once for each service. If you qualify to vote as both a resident and non-resident, you will vote as a resident. If you qualify to vote as a non resident, and own multiple properties, you may vote only once, regardless of the number of properties you own.
• In person, during regular o ce hours daily, at 1981 Alaska Avenue up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022•
Forplace.further information on the bylaws or the assent voting process, please call: Tyra Henderson, Chief Election Ofcer or Tab Young, Deputy Chief Election O cer 1-800-670-7773)(250-784-3200tab.young@prrd.bc.caor
“They’ve been watching this thing move around in various ways under various circumstances for some time. The last little bit, because of the dry circumstances and the wind directions, that southwest wind not being favourable at all, the fire’s been growing,” Heiberg said Sunday.“They were very busy around supper time and into the evening last night getting that message out to folks so that they could get ready to get out of there,” he added of the evacuation orders.
Avenue, Dawson
The Battleship Mountain wildfire near Hudson’s Hope grew grown to 28,000 hectares over the weekend, with more aggressive fire behaviour is expected over the coming days.Hudson’s Hope and sur rounding rural areas were ordered to evacuated late Saturday night due to the rapid spread of the fire, which moved up to an extraordinary 10 kilometres in some ares earlier that day.
grants to
In an update Sunday, the City of Fort St. John said enough hotel rooms had been secured for evacuees.
Hudson’s Hope Mayor Dave Heiberg told Alaska Highway News the fire was watched “very closely” throughout the day Saturday before the evacuation was ordered.
to host national or
Battleship fire grows to 28,000ha, forcing Hudson’s Hope evacuation
BC Wildfire Service says ignition operations on Sun day were successful, allowing crews to better reinforce con tainment lines and “gain a defensive advantage by re moving fuel between control lines and free burning edge of theSixtywildfire.”firefighters are work ing the fire during the day along with 64 structure pro tection personnel, accord ing to the wildfire service. Another 21 firefighters and six structure protection per sonnel are working night operations.According to Emergency Management B.C., there were 1,032 people impacted by the
There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors will take place at the time of voting. Please plan to show respect for other voters and elections o cials through observation of physical distancing; and if you feel unwell, you may request curbside voting upon arrival at the voting place.
Resident elector: you may vote if you are: • eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day, • a Canadian citizen, • a resident of BC for at least six (6) months immediately before voting day, • a resident of the Peace River Regional District, either in a municipality or in an electoral area, and • not disquali ed by law from voting.
• are eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day, • are a Canadian citizen, • have lived in BC for at least six (6) months before voting day, • are the registered owner of real property in the Peace River Regional District that is within the service area boundary (the entire PRRD, including municipalities) for at least thirty (30) days before voting day, and • are not disquali ed by law from voting.
Requesting a Mail Ballot Package
Non-resident property elector
Additionally, the bylaw is available during regular business hours at the municipal o ces of each member municipality of the PRRD, whose electors are also eligible to vote on this question; Dawson Creek City Hall, Fort St. John City Hall, Tumbler Ridge Town Hall, District of Taylor, District of Hudson’s Hope, Village of Pouce Coupe and District of Chetwynd, and will be posted on voting days at all voting
You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the eligibility requirements noted below, as either a resident or non-resident elector, and you will need to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation (at least one with a signature). Picture identi cation is not necessary. The identi cation must prove both residency and identity.
time) at: Hudson’sLocation Hope Community Hall Tumbler Ridge Town Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall 10310AddressKyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 305 Iles Way, Tumbler Ridge, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am to 8pm (local time) at: OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here) Chetwynd District O ce Tumbler Ridge Community Centre Hudson’s Hope Community Hall Fort St. John Seniors Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC 340 Front Street, Tumbler Ridge, BC 10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC ADDITIONAL GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 12 noon to 8pm Location Area B Prespatou Elementary/Secondary School Buick Creek Community Hall Cecil Lake Recreation Commission/Hall Wonowon Elementary School Montney Community Hall Rose Prairie Community Curling Centre Clearview Arena Area C Charlie Lake Community Hall Area D Tate Creek Community Centre Doe River Community Hall Kelly Lake Community Centre Cutbank Hall Area E McLeod Elementary School/Hall Moberly Community Hall 22113AddressTriad Road, Prespatou, BC 15288 Rodeo Road, Buick, BC 4864 Cecil Lake Road, Cecil Lake, BC 19211 Petrocan Subdivision, Wonowon, BC 12401 256 Rd, Montney, BC 7077 260 Rd, Rose Prairie, BC 13772 223 Rd, Goodlow, BC 12717 Charlie Lake Hall Road, Charlie Lake, BC 15439 Frontage Road, Tomslake BC 3816 Rolla Road, Doe River, BC 107 Kelly Lake Road,
The establishment of this service does not include the authority to borrow funds for the provision of the service.
As of Monday press time, there were 34 actively burning wildfires in the Prince George Fire Centre, the largest being the Battleship Mountain blaze – the Bearhole Lake fire east
If you own property in the Peace River Regional District and live somewhere else in B.C., you are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
Mail ballot request application forms are available at the Peace River Regional District o ces at 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, and 9505-100th Street, Fort St. John, and online at or can be requested by phoning the o ces at 250-784-3200 or 250-785-8084 or by emailing the Election O cers identi ed at the end of this notice.
“Sport and Cultural Events Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2473, 2022”. If adopted, this bylaw would provide authority for the provision of grants to support the holding of national and international level sporting and cultural events in the region, which attract international attention to the region, provide entertainment options for local residents, and attract visitors to the area
Wednesday October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8am to 8pm (local time) at:
The wildfire advanced up to 10 kilometres in some areas under sustained 30-kilometre winds and low relative hu midity, wildfire officials said.
a new
To nd out more about how to vote by mail, please call the o ce at 250-784-3200 or view the webpage at
Dave Lueneberg
Tax Rate
Note: The property tax limit of $0.0125 per $1,000 is an average of rates of all classes on land and improvements to determine the maximum amount that may be raised in any one year based on that year’s net taxable assessment. The estimated residential tax rate for the rst year is $.0072 per $1000. The tax rate is applicable to improvements only.
Completed mail ballot request application forms may be dropped o or mailed to the Chief Election O cer at the o ce of the Peace River Regional District, Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8, during regular o ce hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until Friday, October 14, 2022. Applications may also be submitted via fax to 250-784-3201 or email to To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election O cer by the close of voting on Saturday, October 15, 2022. It is responsibility of the voter to ensure their mail ballot is received by the deadline. A mail ballot package may be returned by any of the following methods:
ADVANCE VOTING: (All quali ed electors may vote at an advance voting opportunity.)
Service Area The Sport and Cultural Events Grant in Aid Service Area boundary is the entire Peace River Regional District, including municipalities, as shown on the attached map.

A third large fire in a remote area northwest of Hudson’s Hope, near Folded Hill Creek, grew to just over 1600 hec tares by the end of the week end, but was not considered a wildfire of Province-wide,note. the number of fires burning was 191, but unlike years past, a large ma jority of them were lightningcaused. Of the almost 1500 recorded so far in B.C. this year, 1110 were linked to the weather.
• In person, at the Polling Station at #1, 300 Highway 2, Ovintiv Events Centre (aka Encana Events Centre) on October 5, 12, and 15th between 8am and 8pm.
The establishment of this service does not include the authority to borrow funds for the provision of the service.
Election O cer
Matt Preprost
• By mail delivered to Box 810 Dawson Creek V1G 4H8 up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
If voting as a Non-resident Property Elector, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Election O cer well in advance of voting day to ensure that you have all the required information prior to attending the voting place.
synopsis of proposed Bylaw No. 2477, 2022, and is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at, or at the following location during regular business hours: Peace River Regional District o ces 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC. 9505 – 100th Street, Fort St. John, BC
Service Area
Additionally, of
If you own property in the Peace River Regional District and live somewhere else in B.C., you are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you: • are eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day, • are a Canadian citizen, • have lived in BC for at least six (6) months before voting day, • are the registered owner of real property in the Peace River Regional District that is within the service area boundary (the entire PRRD, including municipalities) for at least thirty (30) days before voting day, and • are not disquali ed by law from voting.
the bylaw is available during regular business hours at the municipal o ces of each member municipality of the PRRD, whose electors are also eligible to vote on this question; Dawson Creek City Hall, Fort St. John City Hall, Tumbler Ridge Town Hall, District of Taylor, District
Resident elector: you may vote if you are: • eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day, • a Canadian citizen, • a resident of BC for at least six (6) months immediately before voting day, • a resident of the Peace River Regional District, either in a municipality or in an electoral area, and • not disquali ed by law from voting.
Requesting a Mail Ballot Package
Note: The property tax limit of $0.0125 per $1,000 is an average of rates of all classes on land and improvements to determine the maximum amount that may be raised in any one year based on that year’s net taxable assessment. The estimated residential tax rate for the rst year is $.0072 per $1000. The tax rate is applicable to improvements only.
The Global Geopark Grant in Aid Service Area boundary is the entire Peace River Regional District, including municipalities, as shown on the attached map
Non resident voters are subject to the requirement to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation, and in addition, must provide proof that they are entitled to vote in relation to a property (ie: proof of ownership). If there is more than one registered owner of your property, written consent from the majority of the other owners will be required to authorize you to cast the one vote allowed for the property.
Mail ballot voting is available to ALL eligible voters. Anyone quali ed to vote as either a resident, or as a non-resident property elector, may choose to vote by mail.
• In person, at the Polling Station at #1, 300 Highway 2, Ovintiv Events Centre (aka Encana Events Centre) on October 5, 12, and 15th between 8am and 8pm. To nd out more about how to vote by mail, please call the o ce at 250-784-3200 or view the webpage at
There is no need to pre-register to as the registration of all electors will take place at the time of voting. Please plan to show respect other voters and elections o cials through observation of physical distancing; and if you feel unwell, you may request curbside voting upon arrival at the voting place.
The museum says three “dis tinct” track types were found within a lease area of the Quin tette Mine: large three-toed bird tracks, larger four-toed dinosaur tracks thought to have been made by ovirapto saurs, and pterosaur tracks.
Mail ballot request application forms are available at the Peace River Regional District o ces at 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, and 9505-100th Street, Fort St. John, and online at or can be requested by phoning the o ces at 250-784-3200 or 250-785-8084 or by emailing the Election O cers identi ed at the end of this notice.
The proposed maximum amount that may be requisitioned in any one year for the service, is the greater of $200,000 or an amount equal to the amount that could be raised by a property value tax of $0.0125/$1,000 when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. Based on current assessment values, the estimated residential tax rate in the rst year is $.0072 per $1000 of assessed value of improvements (buildings). Land will not be taxed for this proposed service.
Flying pterosaur tracks the first to be identified in B.C., museum says of developing, improving, operating and maintaining a Global Geopark in the region, at a maximum annual tax requisition limit that is the greater of $200,000 OR $0.0125 per $1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements, and assessed on improvements only, imposed in the entire Peace River Regional District, including all member municipalities and electoral areas?
Tax Rate
This dreamlike painting by art ist Jan Vriesen imagines what the environment was like in the Tumbler Ridge area of North east B.C. some 112 million years ago.

You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the eligibility requirements noted below, as either a resident or non-resident elector, and you will need to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation (at least one with a signature). Picture identi cation is not necessary. The identi cation must prove both residency and identity.
The three-toed bird tracks, the museum said, are “the lar gest from the Mesozoic Era (the ‘Age of Dinosaurs’) in North America, and among the lar gest in the world from this time period.”“Atthe time the tracks were made, the area was likely at the margin of an open lake basin or a floodplain pond.
12717 Charlie Lake Hall Road, Charlie Lake, BC 15439 Frontage Road, Tomslake BC 3816 Rolla Road, Doe River, BC 107 Kelly Lake Road, Tomslake, BC 13514 Highway 52N, Arras, BC 265 Road, Progress, BC 6494 Lakeshore Drive, Moberly, BC
“Traces made by freshwater mussels were also present on the surface, suggesting that the birds, oviraptosaurs and ptero saurs might have been interest ed in a meal of molluscs.
Hudson’s Hope, Village of Pouce Coupe and District of Chetwynd, and will be posted on voting days at all voting
• In person, during regular o ce hours daily, at 1981 Alaska Avenue up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022•
“The pterosaur tracks are arguably the first to be identi

Above, artist Jan Vriesen’s painting of the Tumbler Ridge environment 112 million years ago. At top right, a photo of one of the pterosaur tracks discovered in 2014.
ADVANCE VOTING: 260 Rd, Rose Prairie, BC 13772 223 Rd, Goodlow, BC
The findings were recently published in the scientific jour nal Cretaceous Research, and shared by the Tumbler Ridge Museum last week.
“Global Geopark Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2477, 2022”. If adopted, this bylaw would establish a service function that would allow the Regional Board to provide grants toward the operational and capital improvement costs of developing, improving, operating and maintaining the Tumbler Ridge UNESCO Global Geopark.

It was the ‘Age of Dino saurs’ and the steep slopes in the valley of Ninesting Creek, a tributary of Wolverine River southwest of the community, were likely at the edge of an open lake basin or floodplain pond.Researchers say they’ve finally identified a set of “un usual” fossilized trackways dis covered there in 2014, believed to be among the largest and oldest of their kind in Canada and North America.
Non-resident property elector
PUBLIC NOTICE is given to ALL electors within the Peace River Regional District, both rural and municipal residents, that Assent Voting (referendum) will be held Saturday, October 15, 2022 on the following question: Are you in favour of the Peace River Regional District adopting Global Geopark Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2477, 2022 for the purpose of creating a new region wide service that will authorize provision of grants to fund the costs
Completed mail ballot request application forms may be dropped o or mailed to the Chief Election O cer at the o ce of the Peace River Regional District, Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8, during regular o ce hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until Friday, October 14, 2022. Applications may also be submitted via fax to 250-784-3201 or email to, To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election O cer by the close of voting on Saturday, October 15, 2022. It is responsibility of the voter to ensure their mail ballot is received by the deadline. A mail ballot package may be returned by any of the following methods:
fied in BC, although such tracks have been found in Alberta, Al aska, and the western USA,” the museum said in a news release. “They appear to be the oldest thus far identified in Canada.”
operator Teck Resources “was extremely helpful in supporting the research and enabling site access,” the museum said.
(All quali ed electors may vote at an advance voting opportunity.) Wednesday October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8am to 8pm (local time) at: OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here) Fort St. John Seniors Hall Chetwynd District O ce #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC ADDITIONAL ADVANCED VOTING Wednesday October 5,2022 from 8 am to 8 pm (local time) at: Hudson’sLocation Hope Community Hall Tumbler Ridge Town Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall 10310AddressKyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 305 Iles Way, Tumbler Ridge, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am to 8pm (local time) at: OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here) Chetwynd District O ce Tumbler Ridge Community Centre Hudson’s Hope Community Hall Fort St. John Seniors Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC 340 Front Street, Tumbler Ridge, BC 10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC ADDITIONAL GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 12 noon to 8pm Location Area B Prespatou Elementary/Secondary School Buick Creek Community Hall Cecil Lake Recreation Commission/Hall Wonowon Elementary School Montney Community Hall Rose Prairie Community Curling Centre Clearview Arena Area C Charlie Lake Community Hall Area D Tate Creek Community Centre Doe River Community Hall Kelly Lake Community Centre Cutbank Hall Area E McLeod Elementary School/Hall Moberly Community Hall 22113AddressTriad Road, Prespatou, BC 15288 Rodeo Road, Buick, BC 4864 Cecil Lake Road, Cecil Lake, BC 19211 Petrocan Subdivision, Wonowon, BC 12401 256 Rd, Montney, BC 7077
Forplace.further information on the bylaws or please call: Tyra Henderson, Chief Election Ofcer or Tab Deputy Chief 1-800-670-7773)(250-784-3200tab.young@prrd.bc.caor

Electors may vote only once for each service. If you qualify to vote as both a resident and non-resident, you will vote as a resident. If you qualify to vote as a non resident, and own multiple properties, you may vote only once, regardless of the number of properties you own.
The above is a
“At the time the area would have been located close to the Arctic Circle, with long periods of winter Twentydarkness.”tracksin all were identified in six different track ways at the site, of which mine
“The discovery confirms the importance of northeast ern BC as an area rich in fossil tracksites.”Professor Emeritus and geologist Martin Lockley of the University of Colorado was lead author of the article. He was supported by Charles Helm, Andrew Lawfield, and Kevin Sharman of the Tumbler says the 2014 trackway discovery is among more than 70 vertebrate track sites identified in the Tum bler Ridge UNESCO Global Geopark.Morethan 400 million years of Northeast B.C. history is housed and displayed at the museum, and the Geopark is also home to 75-million-yearold tyrannosaurid trackway.
the assent voting process,
Clearview Arena 13772 223 Rd, Goodlow, BC
“I have had a number of people ask me, are you stopping your role as pastor to enter into politics? I remind them, that for over 30 years, I’ve been a businessman and a minister and I don’t see any difference between thoseThetwo.”head of Release Ministries, Stange does have a fair bit of experience in the federal political landscape.
Hudson’s Hope Community Hall10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC Taylor Community Hall 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC
If you own property in the Peace River Regional District and live somewhere else in B.C., you are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
• In person, at the Ovintiv Events Centre Polling Station at #1, 300 Highway 2, on October 5, 12, and 15th, between 8am and 8pm. To find out more about how to vote by mail, please call the office at 250-784-3200 or view the webpage at ADVance Voting: (All qualified electors may vote at an advance voting opportunity) Wednesday October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8am to 8pm (local time) at:
• a resident of BC for at least six (6) months immediately before voting day,
Requesting a Mail Ballot Package
aDDitional aDVanceD Voting Wednesday October 5, 2022 from 8 am to 8 pm (local time) at:
Fort St. John Seniors Hall Address #1, 300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC
Non-resident property elector
The above is a synopsis of proposed Bylaw No. 2484, 2022, and is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at, on Voting Day at the voting places, or at the Peace River Regional District offices (1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC and 9505 – 100th Street, Fort St. John, BC) during regular business hours.
Ovintiv Events Centre
• In person, during regular office hours daily, at 1981 Alaska Avenue up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
“I’m a person who does many things at the same time and over the years I’ve felt a call to serve people,” heAadmits.pastor and business consultant, Stange has put his name forward to run for the position of mayor in next month’s municipal election.
Hudson’s Hope Community Hall10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC
“As a businessman in Vancouver, I was involved heavily in politics and helped in a number of political campaigns.”Inrunning for office, he believes it comes down to one very important personal question – “Are you here to serve people or are you here to serve yourself?”“So,atthe core of who I am, I’m a man who believes that serving people is the highest calling in life,” said Stange, who has roots in the com-
all classes on land and improvements to determine the
$.011 per
Shannon Stange believes his calling in life is to serve people.
munity, returning on a regular basis to take care of his father.
“Then came this new realization that maybe there was a new way I could serve the City of Fort St. John by providing the leadership it needs going“Aforward.”lotofpeople want to divide this community. I’m looking for a way to unite it. We have a great community here and we need to get it to where we’re walking down the same road together. To build a community that isn’t just built on the past of what we’ve experienced but on the future that’s“Whatcoming.”dowe as a community want to look like? Those are questions we need to Stangeask.”isone of four candidates on the ballot for mayor. He’s joined by Lilia Hansen, Steven Haab, and takes place Oct. 5 and 12; general voting day is Oct. 15.
Ovintiv Events Centre #1, 300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC
Prespatou Elementary/Secondary School22113 Triad Road, Prespatou, BC
“Not only were we chosen as the location for this land acquisition, but we were also consulted throughout the entire process. This purchase will quite literally make a world of difference for our families.”
Note: The property tax limit of $0.0281 per $1,000 is an of of maximum amount that be in one year based on that year’s net taxable assessment. estimated residential first is $1000. tax rate is applicable to
“We are so happy for MNBC to put this kind of investment in our small community,” said Valerie Paice, President of the River of the Peace Métis
Electors may vote only once for each service. If you qualify to vote as both a resident and non-resident, you will vote as a resident. If you qualify to vote as a non resident, and own multiple properties, you may vote only once, regardless of the number of properties you own.
Society, in a statement.
General Voting: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am to 8pm (local time) at:
If voting as a Non-resident Property Elector, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Election Officer well in advance of voting day to ensure that you have all the required information prior to attending the voting place.
You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the eligibility requirements noted below, as either a resident or non-resident elector, and you will need to produce two (2) pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
Resident elector: you may vote if you are:
There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors will take place at the time of voting. Please plan to show respect for other voters and elections officials through observation of physical distancing; and if you feel unwell, you may request curbside voting upon arrival at the voting place.
Buick Creek Community Hall 15288 Rodeo Road, Buick, BC
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer by the close of voting on Saturday, October 15, 2022. It is responsibility of the voter to ensure their mail ballot is received by the deadline. A mail ballot package may be returned by any of the following methods:
• a Canadian citizen,
For further information on the bylaws or the assent voting process, please call: Tyra Henderson, Chief Election Officer or (250-784-3200 or 1-800-670-7773)
Métis acquire land for housing
PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT Notice Of Assent Voting Fort St. John Public Library Financial Contribution PUBLIC NOTICE is given to ALL electors within Electoral Area B, that Assent Voting (referendum) will be held Saturday, October 15, 2022 on the following question: Are you in favour of the Peace River Regional District adopting Electoral Area B Fort St. John Public Library Financial Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2484, 2022 for the purpose of creating a new service function in Electoral Area B, that will authorize provision of an annual financial contribution to the Fort St. John Public Library to fund the costs of operating the library, at a maximum annual tax requisition limit that is the greater of $100,000, or $0.0281 per $1,000 on the net taxable value of land and improvements, and assessed on improvements only, in Electoral Area B?
The purchase of the four lots totalled $100,000, part of an “ambitious goal of creating Métis housing across the province,” according to MNBC. Funding for the purchase is being provided under the Canada-Métis Nation Housing Sub-Accord.
Voting Dates anD locations
“I started to realize, you know what, this is my kind of community. I started to get a sense that maybe this was the time to move back, and not for reasons for entering into politics. At the heart of that, the sense I was supposed to come back to serve the people of Fort St. John somehow. So, the only way I could conclude that was I was supposed to start up a church.”
Cecil Lake Recreation Commission/Hall4864 Cecil Lake Road, Cecil Lake, BC
• eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day,
Service Area - The Service Area boundary for Electoral Area B Fort St. John Public Library Financial Contribution Service is all of Electoral Area B.
• are the registered owner of real property in the Peace River Regional District that is within the service area boundary (the entire PRRD, including municipalities) for at least thirty (30) days before voting day, and
Charlie Lake Community Hall 12717 Charlie Lake Hall Road, Charlie Lake, BC
• not disqualified by law from voting.
tax rate for the
• By mail delivered to Box 810 Dawson Creek V1G 4H8 up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
• are eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day,
• are a Canadian citizen,
Location Address
Pastor and business consultant Shannon Stange is vying for the role of mayor in next month’s municipal election in Fort. St. John.

Mail ballot request application forms are available at the Peace River Regional District offices at 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, and 9505-100th Street, Fort St. John, and online at or can be requested by phoning the offices at 250-784-3200 or 250-785-8084 or by emailing the Election Officers identified at the end of this notice. Completed mail ballot request application forms may be dropped off or mailed to the Chief Election Officer at the office of the Peace River Regional District, Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8, during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until Friday, October 14, 2022. Applications may also be submitted via fax to 250-784-3201 or email to
Rose Prairie Community Curling Centre 7077 260 Rd, Rose Prairie, BC

Wonowon Elementary School 19211 Petrocan Subdivision, Wonowon, BC
In a news release on last Wednesday, the MNBC says it will be working with River of the Peace Métis Society to determine local needs, and begin consultations with the District of Hudson’s Hope.
M Mail ballot voting is available to ALL eligible voters. Anyone qualified to vote as either a resident, or as a non-resident property elector, may choose to vote by mail.
He’s done that on a small scale.
• have lived in BC for at least six (6) months before voting day,
Dave Lueneberg
• a resident of the Peace River Regional District, and
Non resident voters are subject to the requirement to produce two (2) pieces of identification, and in addition, must provide proof that they are entitled to vote in relation to a property (ie: proof of ownership). If there is more than one registered owner of your property, written consent from the majority of the other owners will be required to authorize you to cast the one vote allowed for the property.
“Electoral Area B Fort St. John Public Library Financial Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2484, 2022”. If adopted, this bylaw would provide authority for the provision of financial contributions to not for profit organizations or local governments that are developing, improving, and operating the Fort St. John Public Library in the Peace River Regional District. The establishment of this service does not include the authority to borrow funds for the provision of the service.
Tax Rate - The proposed maximum amount that may be requisitioned in any one year for the service, is the greater of $100,000 or an amount equal to the amount that could be raised by a property value tax of $0.0281 per $1,000 when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. Based on current assessment values, the estimated residential tax rate in the first year is $.011 per $1000 of assessed value of improvements (buildings). Land will not be taxed for this proposed service.
Fort St. John Seniors Hall 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC Taylor Community Hall 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC
Métis Nation British Columbia says its has purchased four lots in Hudson’s Hope for future housing and community space development.
ADDitional General Voting Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 12 noon to 8pm (local time) at:
Montney Community Hall 12401 256 Rd, Montney, BC
ail Ballot Voting
improvements only.
Shannon Stange adds name to Fort St. John mayor’s race
• are not disqualified by law from voting.
“I have been in a financial leadership role for almost 30 years and I I feel my experience will be a benefit for the people of Taylor,” she adds.

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her nomination papers
SUBMITTED PHOTO Alexander filed Thursday for the position of mayor.
Peggy Alexander makes it a mayor’s race in Taylor
Longtime Taylor resident and co-business owner Peggy
“I’ve been considering it for a couple of years. The political interest in my latter years has definitely increased,” smiling as she says that.

“I know we’ve invested in the new subdivision (Jarvis Crescent) and I’d like to see it filled,” said the North Peace Secondary and Northern Lights College business grad when asked if there’s one thing she’s focused on.
By filing her papers Thursday, Alexander has now created a two-person race for mayor, although it’s entirely possible more names could still be added before today’s 4 p.m. deadline forOutgoingnominations.councillor Brent Taillefer is the other name on the current ballot.

Last Thursday, the 20-year resident and co-business owner of Big League Utilities took the idea of running for office one step further, filing her nomination papers for mayor.

The potential closing of the community’s medical clinic is also something she knows the new council will need to Whileaddress.notopposed to the idea of a regional pool, Alexander likes the fact Taylor has its own facility for part of the“Anyyear.type of community recreation amenity will draw families and for all the obvious reasons.”
Alexander had a long history in finance before her and husband, Blain, went into business for themselves.
A mother of four and grandmother

Dave Lueneberg
Known as an avid golfer and curler, Alexander calls herself communityminded, another trait she feels she can bring to the role.

to six, she admits she’s excited about putting her name forward, but nervous “all at the same time.”

It’s something Taylor’s Peggy Alexander has thought about for quite awhile.
While it’s her first time, Alexander does have a bloodline in municipal politics, one that many may not know about.Ifyou look closely at her nomination papers, you’ll see the signature of her uncle George – former Taylor councillor George Barber.

“I’m at the point in my life, my career, I just feel opportunity has knocked. My motive is to really bring a new perspective to the table.”
ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWSA8 | 2022 ELECTIONS | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Drop off or mail your FREE birth announcement to : The Alaska Highway News, 9916-98 St • Fort St. John • V1J 3T8 or email: CELEBRATEBIRTHBABIES Ph: 250.261.7563 www.fsjhospitalfoundation.caemail: BABY BOUQUET WALL KARTERWALTERSRAE Parents: Jordan Walters & Toni Archambault Weight: 5 lbs 13 oz Length: 19 inches Time: 08:15 am Date: August 23, 2022 Fort St. John, BC It’s a Girl! ELLIE BRYNN Parents: Luke & Becky Middleton Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz Length: 55 cm Time: 01:59 pm Date: July 8, 2022 Fort St. John, BC It’s a Girl! CARRIGANKINGSTONJAMESWILLIAM Parents: Jobina Chambers & Jeremy Carrigan Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz Length: 51 cm Time: 10:19 pm Date: August 22, 2022 Fort St. John, BC It’s a Boy!

• By mail delivered to Box 810 Dawson Creek V1G 4H8 up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
Chetwynd District O ce Tumbler Ridge Community Centre
Cecil Lake Recreation Commission/Hall
Paddington’s final comment: “Thank you, your majesty, for everything” says it all. We are indeed thankful for all that she was and did.
Doe River Community Hall Kelly Lake Community Centre Cutbank Hall
River Regional District, Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8, during regular o ce hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until Friday, October 14, 2022. Applications may also be submitted via fax to 250-784-3201 or email to
Fort St. John Seniors Hall Chetwynd District O ce
Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall
ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | OP-ED | A9 Published every Thursday at 9916 - 98th Street, Fort St. John, B.C. V1J 3T8 250-785-5631 ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS LETTERS Write to us by snail mail, or email your le ers to Le ers must be accompanied by your full name and a phone number, for verification. Please limit your le ers to 300 words. We reserve the right to edit le ers for length, taste, accuracy, and libel. Protest the policy, not the person. Opinions expressed in le ers to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of Alaska Highway News.
By Ruby McBeth
#1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC
Electors vote as a non resident, and own multiple properties, you may vote only once, regardless of the number of properties you own.
• eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day,
This week’s term is Windows logo key. This is a key at the bottom of the keyboard that has a picture of a four paned window. When you type this key, you see get the start menu. This came to my attention when we got a new computer and a new keyboard. Sometimes change forces me to learn.
Montney Community Hall
Second class mail registration No. 0167
Service Area
ADDITIONAL GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 12 noon to 8pm
Interested contributing?in
You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the eligibility requirements noted below, as either a resident or non-resident elector, and you will need to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation (at least one with a signature). Picture identi cation is not necessary. The identi cation must prove both residency and identity.
GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am to 8pm (local time) at:
Judy Kucharuk, Ruby McBeth, Brad Brain, Bronwyn Moser, Larry Evans, Evan Saugstad, Charo Cullen,J.E.Nichols,KenRoutledge,Fajemisin,Morrisson,DonKalpanaLloret,Loganathan,Peit,JoleenDonaldRobinBoon,MerlinJohnGrady,Stanway,A.M.ValerieLucas
Manager We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada

Note: The property tax limit of $0.0234 per $1,000 is an average of rates of all classes on land and improvements to determine the maximum amount that may be raised in any one year based on that year’s net taxable assessment. The estimated residential tax rate for the rst year is $.0136 per $1000. The tax rate is applicable to improvements only.
10310AddressKyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 305 Iles Way, Tumbler Ridge, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC
12717 Charlie Lake Hall Road, Charlie Lake, BC 15439 Frontage Road, Tomslake BC 3816 Rolla Road, Doe River, BC 107 Kelly Lake Road, Tomslake, BC 13514 Highway 52N, Arras, BC 8025 265 Road, Progress, BC 6494 Lakeshore Drive, Moberly, BC
may vote only once for each service. If you qualify to vote as both a resident and non-resident, you will vote as a resident. If you qualify to
• a Canadian citizen,
Tax Rate The proposed maximum amount that may be requisitioned in any one year for the service, is the greater of $375,000 or an amount equal to the amount that could be raised by a property value tax of $0.0234 per $1,000 when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. Based on current assessment values, the estimated residential tax rate in the rst year is $.0136 per $1000 of assessed value of improvements (buildings). Land will not be taxed for this proposed service.
The above is a synopsis of proposed Bylaw No. 2487, 2022, and is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at, or at the following location during regular business hours: Peace River Regional District o ces 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC. 9505 – 100th Street, Fort St. John, BC
Additionally, the bylaw is available during regular business hours at the municipal o ces of each member municipality of the PRRD, whose electors are also eligible to vote on this question; Dawson Creek City Hall, Fort St. John City Hall, Tumbler Ridge Town Hall, District of Taylor, District of Hudson’s Hope, Village of Pouce Coupe and District of Chetwynd, and will be posted on voting days at all voting
Send an email to Managing Editor Ma Preprost toeditor@ahnfsj.caatgetinvolved!
Bruce Christensen, the president of the North Peace Fall Fair, has called a meeting for Thursday, Sept. 22 to get organized for next year. You are invited to come to the Fair Grounds at 5:30 pm. Following a tour of the grounds there will be a potluck at 6 followed by the meeting.
• a resident of the Peace River Regional District, either in a municipality or in an electoral area, and • not disquali ed by law from voting.
Tyra Henderson, Chief Election Ofcer or Tab Young, Deputy Chief Election O cer 1-800-670-7773)(250-784-3200tab.young@prrd.bc.caor
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election O cer by the close of voting on Saturday, October 15, 2022. It is responsibility of the voter to ensure their mail ballot is received by the deadline. A mail ballot package may be returned by any of the following methods:
Area C Charlie Lake Community Hall
OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here)
Completed mail ballot request application forms may be dropped o or mailed to the Chief Election O cer at the o ce of the Peace
• In person, at the Polling Station at #1, 300 Highway 2, Ovintiv Events Centre (aka Encana Events Centre) on October 5, 12, and 15th between 8am and 8pm.
Ruby McBeth lives and writes in Fort St. John. - for everything’ and electoral areas?
COPYRIGHT & LEGAL NOTICE not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit or call 1-844-877-1163 for more information. Ryan
Ma Preprost Managing Editor Tom Summer News Reporter

Hudson’s Hope Community Hall
Mail ballot voting is available to ALL eligible voters. Anyone quali ed to vote as either a resident, or as a non-resident property elector, may choose to vote by mail.
ADVANCE VOTING: (All quali ed electors may vote at an advance voting opportunity.)
Dave Lueneberg Sports Reporter
• a resident of BC for at least six (6) months immediately before voting day,
Non-resident property elector
• In person, during regular o ce hours daily, at 1981 Alaska Avenue up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022•
Area D Tate Creek Community Centre
ELECTOR REGISTRATION There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors will take place at the time of voting. Please plan to show respect for other voters and elections o cials through observation of physical distancing; and if you feel unwell, you may request curbside voting upon arrival at the voting place.
OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here)
Buick Creek Community Hall
Area E McLeod Elementary School/Hall Moberly Community Hall
If you own property in the Peace River Regional District and live somewhere else in B.C., you are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
If voting as a Non-resident Property Elector, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Election O cer well in advance of voting day to ensure that you have all the required information prior to attending the voting place.
Prince Rupert and from Prince George to Valemont. The buses from Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson are suspended because of the damage to the Sikanni Chief bridge. The bus stop in Fort St. John is across the street from the back of the Cultur al Center and the bus time is 8 a.m. Tickets are bought on line or when boarding. Drivers do not handle cash only debit and credit cards. It costs $50 to go to Prince George from Fort St. John. For more information phone 1-844-564-7494 or google BC Bus North.
Forplace.further information on the bylaws or the assent voting process, please call:
Wednesday October 5,2022 from 8 am to 8 pm (local time) at:
Lynn Novack Circulation through the Local Initiative.
Some of you will have seen the video of Queen Elizabeth having tea with Paddington Bear.
Alaska Highway News retains sole copyright of advertising, news stories, and photography produced by staff. Copyright of le ers and other materials submi ed to the Editor and accepted for publication remain with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic, or other forms. Reproduction is prohibited without wri en consent of the publisher. Alaska Highway News is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about our content, please let us know first. If you are
There is a new fleet of buses in our area called BC Bus North. The buses are the size of the Greyhound buses but only carry pas sengers not extra freight. BC Bus North has a regu lar schedule from Prince George to Fort St. John on Mondays and Tuesdays and return trips on Thurs day and Friday. Buses also go from Prince George to
Mail ballot request application forms are available at the Peace River Regional District o ces at 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, and 9505-100th Street, Fort St. John, and online at or can be requested by phoning the o ces at 250-784-3200 or 250-785-8084 or by emailing the Election O cers identi ed at the end of this notice.
Hudson’sLocation Hope Community Hall
Resident elector: you may vote if you are:

• are eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day,
Wednesday October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8am to 8pm (local time) at:
• are a Canadian citizen,
‘Thank you, Your Majesty
“Regional Connectivity Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2487, 2022”. If adopted, this bylaw would establish a service function for the Regional Board to receive grants and requisition funds to be used to provide grants to internet service providers and enter into agreements with internet service providers for the installation and operation of broadband infrastructure in under and unserved Thecommunities.establishment of this service does not include the authority to borrow funds for the provision of the service.
Location Area B Prespatou Elementary/Secondary School
Fort St. John Seniors Hall
The Regional Connectivity Service Area boundary is the entire Peace River Regional District, including municipalities, as shown on the attached map.

Requesting a Mail Ballot Package
To nd out more about how to vote by mail, please call the o ce at 250-784-3200 or view the webpage at
• are the registered owner of real property in the Peace River Regional District that is within the service area boundary (the entire PRRD, including municipalities) for at least thirty (30) days before voting day, and • are not disquali ed by law from voting.

I got quite familiar with that video when three members of the Rotary Pipe Band acted it out for the talent show at the Piping Hot Summer Drum mer in July. I thought it was brilliant of the Queen to have such a fun item to contrib ute to her Jubilee festivities.
SENIORS HALL PUBLIC NOTICE is given to ALL electors within the Peace River Regional District, both rural and municipal residents, that Assent Voting (referendum) will be held Saturday, October 15, 2022 on the following question: Are you in favour of the Peace River Regional District adopting Regional Connectivity Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2487, 2022, for the purpose of creating a new region wide service that will authorize the Peace River Regional District to enter into partnering agreements with internet or cellular service providers to apply for grant funding from other levels of government or grant programs, or to allow the PRRD to provide capital grants to internet providers for broadband infrastructure projects, at a maximum annual tax requisition limit that is the greater of $375,000, or $0.0234 per $1,000 on the net taxable value of land and improvements, and assessed on improvements only, imposed in the entire Regional District, including all member municipalities
William Julian Regional Manager Wallace Sales Manager

#1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC 340 Front Street, Tumbler Ridge, BC 10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC
Wonowon Elementary School
Rose Prairie Community Curling Centre Clearview Arena
Road, Prespatou, BC 15288 Rodeo Road, Buick, BC 4864 Cecil Lake Road, Cecil Lake, BC 19211 Petrocan Subdivision, Wonowon, BC 12401 256 Rd, Montney, BC 7077 260 Rd, Rose Prairie, BC 13772 223 Rd, Goodlow, BC
Non resident voters are subject to the requirement to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation, and in addition, must provide proof that they are entitled to vote in relation to a property (ie: proof of ownership). If there is more than one registered owner of your property, written consent from the majority of the other owners will be required to authorize you to cast the one vote allowed for the property.
• have lived in BC for at least six (6) months before voting day,
For all of you cross country skiers out there: the Day Lodge grand opening is scheduled for Sept. 24 at 2 pm.
Tumbler Ridge Town Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall
“Grief is the price we pay for love.” - Queen Elizabeth II
ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWSA10 | PUZZLES | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 TODAYS PUZZLE PREVIOUS PUZZLES ANSWERS HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is out lined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the num bers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box 1.ACROSSAerosol spray 5. Tricky 8. Marble slice 12. At a standstill 13. Stick for 14.billiardsWear down 15. Sports group 16. Exit’s opposite 18. Packing down 20. VIII 21. Eden dweller 22.”’srelativeHurriedLitter’slittlestTitleFolder“You____Grass-coveredMovedslowlyHeroicpoemRightfulShavingneed 41. Got slimmer 45. Oversight 47. Dam 48. Clamors 49. In fashion 50. Unzip 51. Brink 52. Tissue layer 53. 2.catcher1.DOWNDisarrayCatcher’sWhat’sthe big 3.____?Close with force 4. Violent storm 5. View 6. 22.19.17.produce11. 23. Half of a bikini 24. “____ Day Will”Sniffling’sWetdirtSwisspeakHigh-wirePhysician,LiberationKnights’titlesMugSheriff’shelpersFine 39. Went by 40.carriageInagroup of 41. Hammer or 42.chiselReady to be 43.picked____ out (barely makes) 44. 46.roomsComfortableLittledevil TODAY’S PUZZLE PUZZLESPREVIOUS ANSWERS FULLCLOTHINGCLASSROOMCENTEREDCARRYCANVASBALANCEBACKPACK SIZEDSHOULDERSSCHOOLPROPERLYLOCKERLOADHEAVYGRAVITY WHEELSWEIGHTVACATIONTRIPTABLETSUPPLIES K YMCSPOT PLEASE NOTE: Colour lasers do not accurately represent the colours in the finished product.This proof is strictly for layout purposes only. CREATION DATE: 07/19/22 MODIFICATION DATE July 21, 2022 11:31 AM OUTPUT DATE: 07/26/22 APPROVALS ACD/CD:ArtSeniorCopywriter:Accounts:Producer:Copywriter:Director:PLEASEDOUBLECHECK FOR ACCURACY. Software: InDesign Version: CS6 #400 – 1085 Homer Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 1J4 p: 604 647 2727 f: 604 647 6299 DOCKET # : 11179675 CLIENT: McD DESCRIPTION: Print Ad FILE NAME: 111179675_McD_Aug_McCrispy Ad_9.84x3.indd TRIM: 9.84" x 3" BLEED: 0" IMAGE RES: 300 dpi NOTES: Prod Mgr.: VB Acct Exec : -Art Director: -Copywriter: -Assoc. Creative Dir.: -Creative Dir: -Operator: CF 1PROOF # At participating McDonald’s restaurants in Canada. Product availability varies by restaurant. ©2022 McDonald’s Classic Classic McCrispy TM McCrispy Bacon Deluxe Bacon Deluxe

Non resident voters are subject to the requirement to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation, and in addition, must provide proof that they are entitled to vote in relation to a property (ie: proof of ownership). If there is more than one registered owner of your property, written consent from the majority of the other owners will be required to authorize you to cast the one vote allowed for the property.
The establishment of this service does not include the authority to borrow funds for the provision of the service.
There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors will take place at the time of voting. Please plan to show respect for other voters and elections o cials through observation of physical distancing; and if you feel unwell, you may request curbside voting upon arrival at the voting place.

The proposed maximum amount that may be requisitioned in any one year for the service, is the greater of $200,000 or an amount equal to the amount that could be raised by a property value tax of $0.0125/$1,000 when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. Based on current assessment values, the estimated residential tax rate in the rst year is $.0072 per $1000 of assessed value of improvements (buildings). Land will not be taxed for this proposed service.
Resident elector: you may vote if you are: • eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day, • a Canadian citizen, • a resident of BC for at least six (6) months immediately before voting day, • a resident of the Peace River Regional District, either in a municipality or in an electoral area, and • not disquali ed by law from voting.
Completed mail ballot request application forms may be dropped o or mailed to the Chief Election O cer at the o ce of the Peace River Regional District, Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8, during regular o ce hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily until Friday, October 14, 2022. Applications may also be submitted via fax to 250-784-3201 or email to
The above is a synopsis of proposed Bylaw No. 2476, 2022, and is not intended to be, and is not to be understood as an interpretation of the bylaw. The full bylaw may be inspected online at, or at the following location during regular business hours:
OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here) Fort St. John Seniors Hall Chetwynd District O ce #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC ADDITIONAL ADVANCED VOTING Wednesday October 5,2022 from 8 am to 8 pm (local time) at: Hudson’sLocation Hope Community Hall Tumbler Ridge Town Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall 10310AddressKyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 305 Iles Way, Tumbler Ridge, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am to 8pm (local time) at: OvintivLocationEvents Centre (Mail ballots may be returned here) Chetwynd District O ce Tumbler Ridge Community Centre Hudson’s Hope Community Hall Fort St. John Seniors Hall Pouce Coupe Community Centre Taylor Community Hall #1,Address300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek, BC 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC 340 Front Street, Tumbler Ridge, BC 10310 Kyllo Street, Hudson’s Hope, BC 10908 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC 5010 – 52 Ave, Pouce Coupe, BC 9896 Cherry Avenue, Taylor, BC ADDITIONAL GENERAL VOTING: Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 12 noon to 8pm Location Area B Prespatou Elementary/Secondary School Buick Creek Community Hall Cecil Lake Recreation Commission/Hall Wonowon Elementary School Montney Community Hall Rose Prairie Community Curling Centre Clearview Arena Area C Charlie Lake Community Hall Area D Tate Creek Community Centre Doe River Community Hall Kelly Lake Community Centre Cutbank Hall Area E McLeod Elementary School/Hall Moberly Community Hall 22113AddressTriad Road, Prespatou, BC 15288 Rodeo Road, Buick, BC 4864 Cecil Lake Road, Cecil Lake, BC 19211 Petrocan Subdivision, Wonowon, BC 12401 256 Rd, Montney, BC 7077 260 Rd, Rose Prairie, BC 13772 223 Rd, Goodlow, BC 12717 Charlie Lake Hall Road, Charlie Lake, BC 15439 Frontage Road, Tomslake BC 3816 Rolla Road, Doe River, BC 107 Kelly Lake Road, Tomslake, BC 13514 Highway 52N, Arras, BC 8025 265 Road, Progress, BC 6494 Lakeshore Drive, Moberly,
The Dinosaur Museum Grant in Aid Service Area boundary is the entire Peace River Regional District, including municipalities, as shown on the attached map.

8am to 8pm
Tax Rate

PUBLIC NOTICE is given to ALL electors within the Peace River Regional District, both rural and municipal residents, that Assent Voting (referendum) will be held Saturday, October 15, 2022 on the following question:
• In person, during regular o ce hours daily, at 1981 Alaska Avenue up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022•
information on the bylaws or the assent voting process, please call: Tyra Henderson, Chief Election Ofcer or Tab Young, Deputy Chief Election O cer 1-800-670-7773)(250-784-3200tab.young@prrd.bc.caor
• In person, at the Polling Station at #1, 300 Highway 2, Ovintiv Events Centre (aka Encana Events Centre) on October 5, 12, and 15th between 8am and 8pm. To nd out more about how to vote by mail, please call the o ce at 250-784-3200 or view the webpage at from (local at: BC
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election O cer by the close of voting on Saturday, October 15, 2022. It is responsibility of the voter to ensure their mail ballot is received by the deadline. A mail ballot package may be returned by any of the following methods:
1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC. 9505 – 100th Street, Fort St. John, BC Additionally, the bylaw is available during regular business hours at the municipal o ces of each member municipality of the PRRD, whose electors are also eligible to vote on this question; Dawson Creek City Hall, Fort St. John City Hall, Tumbler Ridge Town Hall, District of Taylor, District of Hudson’s Hope, Village of Pouce Coupe and District of Chetwynd, and will be posted on voting days at all voting
Non-resident property elector
“Dinosaur Museum Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2476, 2022”. If adopted, this bylaw will establish a new service across the entire Peace River Regional District, (PRRD) which will permit the PRRD to requisition funding through taxation to fund the service. The funds will be used to provide grants in aid to not for pro t societies developing and operating a dinosaur museum in the region.
Are you in favour of the Peace River Regional District adopting Dinosaur Museum Grant in Aid Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2476, 2022 for the purpose of creating a new region wide service that will authorize provision of grants to fund the costs of operating and development of a Dinosaur Museum in the region, at a maximum annual tax requisition limit that is the greater of $200,000 or $0.0125/$1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements, and assessed on improvements only, imposed in the entire Peace River Regional District, including all member municipalities and electoral areas?
If you own property in the Peace River Regional District and live somewhere else in B.C., you are eligible to vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
Requesting a Mail Ballot Package
MAIL BALLOT VOTING Mail ballot voting is available to ALL eligible voters. Anyone quali ed to vote as either a resident, or as a non-resident property elector, may choose to vote by mail.
Note: The property tax limit of $0.0125 per $1,000 is an average of rates of all classes on land and improvement to determine the maximum amount that may be raised in any one year based on that year’s net taxable assessment. The estimated residential tax rate for the rst year is $.0072 per $1000. The tax rate is applicable to improvements only.
• By mail delivered to Box 810 Dawson Creek V1G 4H8 up to 4:30 pm on October 14, 2022
Service Area
• are a Canadian citizen, • have lived in BC for at least six (6) months before voting day, • are the registered owner of real property in the Peace River Regional District that is within the service area boundary (the entire PRRD, including municipalities) for at least thirty (30) days before voting day, and • are not disquali ed by law from voting.
Mail ballot request application forms are available at the Peace River Regional District o ces at 1981 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, and 9505-100th Street, Fort St. John, and online at or can be requested by phoning the o ces at 250-784-3200 or 250-785-8084 or by emailing the Election O cers identi ed at the end of this notice.
Peace River Regional District o ces
• are eighteen (18) years of age or older on voting day,
If voting as a Non-resident Property Elector, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Election O cer well in advance of voting day to ensure that you have all the required information prior to attending the voting place.
VOTING DATES AND LOCATIONS ADVANCE VOTING: (All quali ed electors may vote at an advance voting opportunity.) Wednesday October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022,
You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the eligibility requirements noted below, as either a resident or non-resident elector, and you will need to produce two (2) pieces of identi cation (at least one with a signature). Picture identi cation is not necessary. The identi cation must prove both residency and identity.
Electors may vote only once for each service. If you qualify to vote as both a resident and non-resident, you will vote as a resident. If you qualify to vote as a non resident, and own multiple properties, you may vote only once, regardless of the number of properties you own.
ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWSA12 | PEOPLE’S CHOICE | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Deadline for Entries: October 7, 2022, 5pm PHONEADDRESS:NAME:# You Could Win One of 3 Prizes!Fabulousdonated by BEST IN AREA CommunityChurch Event FundraisingPreschoolSchool Event Service BusinessClubinFort St. John Business in Taylor Business in Hudson’s Hope Youth Fitness/Sports Program BEST BUSINESS Appliance Store Appliance Service & Repair ATV’S / Motor Cycles / MovingMotelMen’sMedicalMeatMassageLocksmithLingerieLawLawnLandscapingLandJewelleryITInsuranceHuntingHotHomeHeavyHealthHardwareGolfGlassGiftGasFurnitureFloristFlooringFitnessFinancialFinancialFarmEyeEquipmentDrivingDepartmentDentalDaycareConvenienceConstructionComputersCleaningChildren’sCellCarNewCarCarpetCannabisBestBestBeautyAutoAutoAutomotiveAutoSnowmobilesBodyShopDetailingRepairShopPartsStoreSalonBottledWaterBuildingSuppliesStoreCleanerRentalCarTruckDealershipWashPhoneDealerWearServiceCompany______________________________StoreClinicStoreSchoolRentalGlassesEquipmentDealerInstitutionAdvisorClubStoreStationShopDealershipProShopStoreFoodStoreTruckDealershipEntertainmentRetailerTubDealer/CampingAgencyServiceSurveying&GardenProductsFirmStore/MassageTherapyClinicWear/HotelCompany Muffler Shop NurseryNotary / Greenhouse Office YogaWomen’sWorkVetUsedTravelTransmissionTireTattoo/BodyTanningStorageSupermarketBreadBiscuitsSupermarketSportingSpaShoeRoofingRealRadioProducePlumbingPharmacyPetroleumPaintOptometristOilfieldOilfieldSuppliesCompanyServiceSuppliesCardlock/DrugStoreShopStationEstateCompanyStoreGoodsStore/RollsDeliFacilitySalonPiercingStoreRepairShopAgencyCarDealershipClinicWearWearStudio BEST PEOPLE CustomerCoachClubCivicCityChiropractorCashierCarCarpenterBusBartenderBarberBankAccountantTellerDriverSalesmanCounselorLeaderPresident/TeamService Clerk LocalHomeHairdresserFireEstheticiansElectricianDoctorDentalDentistHygienistFighterCaregiverNewspaper Columnist Local Radio Personality OfficeNurse Staff Paper AdministrativeRealRCMPPrincipalPoliticianPhotographerPharmacistPetPersonalCarrierTrainerGroomerOfficerEstateAgentAssistant Receptionist Salesperson / Retail Teacher Elementary Teacher Jr. High Teacher Sr. High Travel ServerVolunteerAgent BEST FOODS/BEVERAGES WineVegetarianTacosSushiSteakServiceSeafoodSandwichesSaladsRestaurantKid’sPubPizzaPatioLunchIceHotHappyHamburger’sFrenchFastEthnicDinnerDoughnutsDessertsColdestCoffeeChineseChickenCaesarBrunchBreakfastAppetizers/CocktailsWingsFoodBeerinTownRestaurantFoodFriesHourDogsCream/YogurtMenuSelection BEST PLACE FOR CleanestBargains ShoppingWorkingRecyclingOilGolfingCustomerStoreServiceChange BEST ATHLETE FemaleMale BEST IN THE ARTS Actor / Actress MusicianMarket/FestivalLocalDanceArtsArtistGroupCompanyBand $250$250INGIFTCERTIFICATESGIFTCERTIFICATE donated by 9324 Alaska Rd N, Fort St John (250) 262-4151 9716 Old Fort Rd, Fort St John (250) 787-1142 $150GIFTCERTIFICATE donated by 9920 97 Ave, Fort St John (250) 785-1455 PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2022 VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE! *Minimum of 50% of the categories must be filled to be valid. Use the official form only! DON'T FORGET TO ATTACH YOUR LIST OF NOMINEES! BALLOT BOX LOCATION - The Alaska Highway News 9916-98 St., Fort St. John, BC Winner will be required to have photo taken when receiving the prize to be used in marketing and promotional materials. Select Your Favorites in this year's People’sAwardsChoice

the minds of many Canadians too.

Iam writing this week’s column from the airport lounge, on my way home from Sydney, Australia, where I had the privilege to deliver a couple of presentations at a global conference for financial advisors.Atthis conference I spoke to an international audience of 5000 financial professionals. My presentation was translated into Cantonese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, andSoIndonesian.whywould they bring someone from Northern British Columbia all the way to Australia, to share ideas with a whole bunch of people from a whole bunch of different backgrounds?Partofthereason is that in my financial planning practice we are doing some cool, creative things. But that’s not the main reason.
There is a spectrum of reasons why people will have unasked money questions. Maybe they are embarrassed. Maybe they are worried that it might make them appear stupid. Maybe they think the question is an imposition.
People just want to know that they are going to be okay. They want to live with dignity. They want to give their kids a better life. Money helps make these things happen.

And then, right on cue, I get a phone call from home that illustrates my point.

me to my message. If you have questions about your accounts, then ask.

When it comes to money, people from all over have similar goals, and similar fears. When I was down under, the number one trending money topic was inflation. And I can assure you that inflation is also on

The problem is, the statement she gets in the mail is just dreadful. Its full of jargon and acronyms and buzzwords. It is written by people
The thing is, she has guaranteed income for life, regardless of market conditions and regardless of longevity. Simply put, if she follows the plan, she cannot outlive her money. Far from being problematic, the investment that she owns was built for volatile markets like these.
The biggest reason why my expertise is transferable to a global audience is that people really are not that different, no matter where they are from. Sure, in Canada we have RRSPs, and in the US they have 401(k)s, and all the other jurisdictions have their own planning tools but, at the end of the day, people have a lot of things in common when it comes to money.
BRAD BRAIN Smart Money: Universal truths about money It’s called HIT TO PASS for a reason. It was action.fortheSpeedwayatroomstandingonlytheTayloroverweekendliveracing DAVE PHOTOLUENEBERG TO250•785•5631PLACEYOURAD DIRECTORY BUSINESS COUNTRY PEACE AHN DENTAL SERVICES 2.737”x4.28” CASH FOR GOLD & SILVER! Paying Full Price for 999 Silver. Also Buying Coin Collections, Old Paper Money & Jewelry. Todd 250.864.3521 BUY/SELL/TRADE METALMETALROOFINGSIDINGAURORA STEEL &TRIM Delivery to site available with 3-4 day turn around. * 40 year warranty Rollformed to Custom Lengths Manufacturer Direct AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL Need an installer? Contact us to get in touch with local installers/builders RESIDENTIAL ROOFING/SIDING 1-250-794-2041 LEN’S TREE SERVICE LTD Residential & Commercial Tree Removal • Dangerous Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Tree, Bush Pruning • Fully Insured (5 million Liability) • Free Estimates • Prompt Service Experience ARBORISTS Not sure why BUSINESS IS SLOW? is not just a saying in business. CALL 250-785-5631 TO GET STARTED TODAY! 4 ISSUES $175 ADVERTISING John Herron of Bowes & Herron Ltd presented Fort St John & District Palliative Care Treasure Joanne Young with a donation cheque donating funds to our Hospital Bed Loan Program and Training Volunteers this upcoming year 2022-2023. Thank you, John, Bowes & Herron Ltd! We appreciate you thinking of us again this year. Thank You!

But I also know that people have the same money concerns because, as I looked over the audience during my presentations, I could see advisors from China and India and the Philippines, all nodding in agreement.Sowhyam I telling you all this?

Well, one of the main topics of my presentations was the client experience. I was trying to illustrate to the advisor community that we can get so focused on the work that we do that we don’t look at things from the client’s perspective.

Brad Brain, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, TEP is a Certified Financial Planner in Fort St John, BC. This material is prepared for general circulation and may not reflect your individual financial circumstances. Brad can be reached at


My client had concerns, so she called me. But not everyone does.

But I am here to tell you that it is not just you that has questions. This situation is not even just in Canada. People from all over the world are dealing with the same things. Jargon. Buzzwords. Confusing statements. Processes that don’t work as well as the industry thinks they do. It’s an unfortunate universal truth about money.Andif you don’t speak up, your advisor may not know there is an issue. So, if you have a question about your account, just ask. Money is hard enough already. We don’t need to complicate the situation further by letting questions go unanswered.
One of my own clients received her investment statement and had some concerns, so she called and I am glad she did. The statement gave her the impression that her investments were suffering, and that perception is not unexpected. 2022 has been a volatile year.


who are trying to be very precise and complete in describing her account. But all this detail does not make her statement more clear, it makes it more

CASH PAID! 250-864-3521
•not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
Wanted to
There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this election will take place at the time of voting. In order to register at the time of voting, you will be required complete the application form available at the voting place and to make a declaration that you meet the requirements to be registered as set out
• If more than one individual is registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the individual owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
b) an Identification Card such as i. a photo BC services card; ii. a non-photo BC services card; c)an Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by ICBC d) a BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard; e) a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8, (now “Monthly Form EA181); f) a Social Insurance Number card; g) a Citizenship Card; h) a real property tax notice; i)a credit card or debit card; or j) a utility bill, (such as electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable services).
The above listed identification documents MUST be accepted by election officials. An election official may also accept other forms of documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official (e.g., a valid, current passport).
Sadly Missed - Your Children JoAnn, Stewart, Ross, Anita, Wade and families
TAKE YOUR CONFIDENCE & communication a level. Get the career and family life of your dreams! Jon a Toastmasters International group near you. For SaleMiSc 1983 Slumber Queen camper for longbox truck. $500 250-793-0134OBO. In MeMorIaM Wanted to Buy GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM 3521.+++collections,MintRoyalaccumulations,coinpurchasing+++bulkpre-1968gets,jewelry,&purchasingBUYERSallgoldsilverbullion,coins,nug-dust,scrap,coins,silver,sterlingNumismatistentirecollections&Canadiancoins,worldold$$$.250-864-
• be a resident of the District of Taylor on the day of registration (at time of voting); and


Misc EquipMEntFarM
•be 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October15, 2022];
Harvesting Supervisor ForesterII

In Loving
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
purchasing all gold, silver & platinum coins, bars, ingots, rounds, wafers, jewelry, watches, nuggets, gold dust, 999+ bullion, maple leafs, monster boxes, bulk silver, dental gold, scrap gold silver, collectors coins, all sterling silver, tea sets, silverware sets, spoons, pre-1968 silver coins, Royal Canadian Mint coins, all coin collections, bank bags of coins, coin sets, old money, all world gold & silver coins, complete collections & estates.

•be a Canadian citizen;
To register as a non-resident property elector you must:
ONE VOTING will be HELD between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., October 5, 2022 at the Taylor Community Hall Located at 9896 Cherry Avenue West
/ NomiNatioNs SAY NO to FAKE NEWS! 63% of Canadians can’t tell the di erence between real and fake news. Support reliable LOCAL journalism. Join the list 14X64 Mobile Home to be moved, 12X16 addition, good condition, $20,000, near Hythe, Sale780-518-2816AB$10,000o every home in stock. Pine Ridge HighwayHomes.ModularAlaskaMile49 1/2 Fort St 250-262-2847John modular.comsalesfsj@pineridge-email: Houses For rent 1 Bedroom suite furnished, utilities inSatellitecluded free. Suitable for one. Private entrance & driveway. $700 & $300 Damage deposit. Pouce Coupe. 250-786-0409 ServiceS for Hire GET RESULTS! Post a classi ed in 92 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach almost 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking BuildingS / granarieS INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and Boats FOR SALE: SANJUAN 21 SAILBOAT, breglass, sails, motor, trailer 250-843-7115 1997, 22.5ft River Glass boat, 350Chev, 3-stage Hamilton pump, lots extras, good shape 250-2611943 ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWSA14 | CLASSIFIEDS | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS OppCareerOrtunities GET RESULTS! Reach almost 2 million people in 92 papers for only $395/week for a 25-word text ad, or $995/week for a formatted display ad Book by province or whole country and save over!advertise1-866-669-9222 Announcements Obituaries Email with any inquiries or to submit an obituary. Obituaries Honour and share the memory of a loved one with a touching tribute. All obituaries booked with us run in the print edition, digital edition, on our website and are shared on Facebook Livestock New Deals and Cool Stuff Every Week Did someone say Free? Classi ed Ads 15 Words or Less FREE! *Some restrictions apply. Contact Lynn @ 250-785-5631 or classi | Televisions | Computers | Gadgets | Tools | Cars | Homes | Motorcycles | RVs & ATVs | Furniture | Announcements | Antiques | Collectibles | Appliances | Garage Sales | & So Much More X THIS IS WHERE YOUR AD SHOULD BE X THIS IS WHERE YOUR AD SHOULD BE Alaska Highway NEWS (250) 785-5631 OFFISHINGFORLOCALNEWS?GETTHEBIGCATCHTHEDAY! Alaska Highway NEWS (250) 785-5631 CLASSIFIEDSWORK!CALLTOPLACEYOURAD...
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
Phone: (250) 789-3392

I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake with which I will never part. God has you in His keeping. I have you in my heart.
Resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
•be 18 years of age or older on general voting day [October 15, 2022];

a) a Driver’s Licence;
You must produce at least two (2) documents that provide evidence of your identity and place of residence, at least one (1) of which must contain your signature. The following classes of documents will be accepted:
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
LPBuildingSolu− tionsseeksanen− ergetic,innovative harvestingsuper− visorforitsDaw− sonCreeklocation. Visitourcareers pagetolearnmore aboutthisjoband allouropenposi− tionsatLPDawson Creek.

• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
Farm sitter


•be a registered owner of real property in the District of Taylor for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION MATTERS, please contact Lisa Ford, Chief Election Officer at:
•be a Canadian citizen;
In addition, for non-resident property electors:
• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.
To register as a resident elector you must:
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
ROCKY,JourneymanEquipmentmentHIRING:EQUIPMENTMOUNTAINisNOWAGEquip-Techs,HeavyTechs-&Ap-PartsViewOpen&Apply:andBonusOfeGeneralAnnouncementsmployment CAREGIVER REQUIRED Fort St John, BC. PT/FT available.positionIdeally the applicant would be a certi ed Care Aid, however those with caregiver or nursing experience will be considered. Send inquiries and resumes to Calvin or Kim pmhhs@hotmail.comat
Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners.
FOR SALE: 2 of old Hurst 50 head stock waterers 400 watt heater ph 250-843FOR7115SALE: old BEV 3 Gallagher electric fencer 110 volt ph Berkshire250-843-7115Cross Weiner piglets. Ready to go mid-September Asking $130/each. Call for more info. 250789-3778 Dogs 6 Border-Collie RedBlue Healer Cross with black-lab very cute & friendly. Asking $300. 250-789-3778
AveImprovementLot 9, Block 2, Plan 727762,943.45
AveImprovementLot 15, Block 1, Plan 84449,869.13
002654.000 8123-95 AveImprovementLot 7, Block 13, Plan 85206,193.67 002664.000 8120-94 AveImprovementLot 17, Block 13, Plan 85208,696.30 002845.000 10304-94 AveImprovementLot 6, Block 2, Plan 855123,503.49
000018.064 9007-115 St Vacant Lot 55, Plan EPP56554 17,782.88
AveImprovementLot 19, Plan
009671.012 8308-82 St Vacant Lot 12, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16 009671.013 8304-82 St Vacant Lot 13, Plan EPP50221 2,775.21 009671.014 8224-82 St Vacant Lot 14, Plan EPP50221 3,016.11 009671.015 8303-82 St Vacant Lot 15, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.016 8307-82 St Vacant Lot 16, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.017 8311-82 St Vacant Lot 17, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.018 8315-82 St Vacant Lot 18, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.019 8319-82 St Vacant Lot 19, Plan EPP50221
002246.000 9508-111

000310.000 9635-100
2,716.21 009671.020 8323-82 St Vacant Lot 20, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.021 8403-82 St Vacant Lot 21, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.022 8407-82 St Vacant Lot 22, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.023 8411-82 St Vacant Lot 23, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.024 8415-82 St Vacant Lot 24, Plan EPP50221 3,236.17 009671.025 8423-82 St Vacant Lot 25, Plan EPP50221 3,002.91
003331.000 8715-91
Roll # AddressCivic Vacant Improvementor DescriptionLegal UpsetPrice
AveImprovementLot 29, Block 6, Plan 819614,837.66
009671.026 82 St / 85 Ave Vacant Lot 26, Plan EPP50221 2,826.84
Roll # AddressCivic Vacant Improvementor DescriptionLegal UpsetPrice
009671.028 8424-81A St Vacant Lot 28, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24
009671.030 8416-81A St Vacant Lot 30, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24
009671.031 8412-81A St Vacant Lot 31, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.032 8408-81A St Vacant Lot 32, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24
009671.033 8404-81A St Vacant Lot 33, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.034 8324-81A St Vacant Lot 34, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.035 8320-81A St Vacant Lot 35, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.036 8316-81A St Vacant Lot 36, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.037 8312-81A St Vacant Lot 37, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.038 8308-81A St Vacant Lot 38, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.039 8304-81A St Vacant Lot 39, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.044 8203-81A St Vacant Lot 44, Plan EPP50221 2,719.26 009671.048 8303-81A St Vacant Lot 48, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.051 8315-81A St Vacant Lot 51, Plan EPP50221 2,756.67 009671.052 8319-81A St Vacant Lot 52, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24 009671.059 8423-81A St Vacant Lot 59, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.060 8427-81A St Vacant Lot 60, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.061 8428-81 St Vacant Lot 61, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.062 8424-81 St Vacant Lot 62, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.064 8416-81 St Vacant Lot 64, Plan EPP50221 2,717.18 009671.065 8412-81 St Vacant Lot 65, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.066 8408-81 St Vacant Lot 66, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.067 8404-81 St Vacant Lot 67, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.068 8324-81 St Vacant Lot 68, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.069 8320-81 St Vacant Lot 69, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.090 8427-81 St Vacant Lot 90, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.091 8428-79A St Vacant Lot 91, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20 009671.092 8424-79A St Vacant Lot 92, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.093 8420-79A St Vacant Lot 93, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.094 8416-79A St Vacant Lot 94, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.095 8412-79A St Vacant Lot 95, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.096 8408-79A St Vacant Lot 96, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.097 8404-79A St Vacant Lot 97, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.098 8324-79A St Vacant Lot 98, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.099 8320-79A St Vacant Lot 99, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.100 8316-79A St Vacant Lot 100, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.101 8312-79A St Vacant Lot 101, Plan EPP50221 2,716.21 009671.114 8111-79A St Vacant Lot 114, Plan EPP50221 2,713.13 009671.115 8115-79A St Vacant Lot 115, Plan EPP50221 2,713.13 009671.132 8419-79A St Vacant Lot 132, Plan EPP50221 2,713.13 009671.133 8423-79A St Vacant Lot 133, Plan EPP50221 2,713.13 009680.266 11715-102A St Vacant Lot 64, Plan EPP34476 3,239.00 009680.281 10224-117 AveImprovementLot 69, Plan EPP34476 15,795.87 009680.284 10220-117 AveImprovementLot 70, Plan EPP34476 14,925.55 009810.410 9508-93 AveImprovement Lot A, Plan 41348 109,483.35 009810.897 10904-102 Ave #108 Improvement Lot SL48, Plan EPS3060 8,323.84 009810.918 11008-102 Ave, #118 Improvement Lot SL18, Plan EPS2484 7,995.45 009811.240 10307-112 St, #203ImprovementLot SL47, Plan EPS3264 8,082.35 009811.241 10307-112 St, #202ImprovementLot SL48, Plan EPS3264 7,517.61 009811.270 10307-112 St, #503ImprovementLot SL77, Plan EPS3264 8,379.97 009863.572 11203-114 Ave Vacant Lot 29, Plan EPP46435 3,358.24 009866.019 8623-115 BCP18236
009671.029 8420-81A St Vacant Lot 29, Plan EPP50221 2,716.24
001783.000 9604-96
000015.158 8320-85
002308.000 9303-111
002112.000 8108-98
002422.000 10315-105
009671.008 8324-82 St Vacant Lot 8, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16
AveImprovementLot 1, Block 4, Plan 7665 7,302.64
AveImprovementLot 6, Block 2, Plan 8193 7,311.49
009671.009 8320-82 St Vacant Lot 9, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16 009671.010 8316-82 St Vacant Lot 10, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16 009671.011 8312-82 St Vacant Lot 11, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16
AveImprovementLot 24, Blk 6, Plan 8780 7,535.80 004381.000 8008-90 St Vacant Lot 20, Blk 7, Plan 9925 3,661.25 004475.110 8404-88 StImprovementLot SL1, Plan EPS2307 9,852.93 004647.000 9219-106 AveImprovementLot 12, Block 2, Plan 1023418,264.76 005033.000 9219-78A StImprovementLot 23, Blk 2, Plan 12116 4,815.21 005253.000 9016-76 StImprovementLot 3, Blk 12, Plan 12116 1,905.45 005887.000 9103-106 AveImprovement Lot 8, Plan 14224 6,068.11 006116.000 10612-105 AveImprovementLot 3, Block 2, Plan 170258,966.24 006699.000 11220-102 StImprovement Lot 2, Plan 23092 5,634.75 006741.000 9404-106 AveImprovement Lot 1, Plan 23151 11,679.16 006929.000 10316-112 AveImprovement Lot 16, Plan 23438 8,331.51 007070.000 11420-92 StImprovement Lot 2, Plan 23789 10,540.80 007304.000 9107-98A AveImprovement Lot 73, Plan 24032 9,742.17 007531.000 9015-115 AveImprovementLot 16, Block 2, Plan 241218,527.78 007994.000 10411-90 StImprovement Lot 182, Plan 24586 14,807.58 008873.000 8416-90 AveImprovement Lot 15, Plan 26160 12,145.24 009317.145 10612-113 AveImprovement Lot 30, Plan 27139 12,758.02 009330.034 10904-108 AveImprovementLot 23, Plan EPP11021 15,114.85 009330.355 10519-110 St Vacant Lot 134, Plan EPP42642 3,932.64 009671.002 8424-82 St Vacant Lot 2, Plan EPP50221 2,963.14 009671.003 8420-82 St Vacant Lot 3, Plan EPP50221 2,794.46 009671.004 8416-82 St Vacant Lot 4, Plan EPP50221 2,722.13 009671.005 8412-82 St Vacant Lot 5, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16 009671.006 8408-82 St Vacant Lot 6, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16 009671.007 8404-82 St Vacant Lot 7, Plan EPP50221 2,719.16
AveImprovement Lot PCLA, Plan 2566 10,926.62
001542.000 10128-95
Pursuant to Section 645 of the Local Government Act, the City of Fort St. John will conduct a Tax Sale to recover outstanding taxes. The sale will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 10631-100 Street, Fort St. John, BC at 10:00 AM, Monday, September 26, 2022. All the properties listed below will be sold by public auction for a minimum of the upset price, unless guaranteed payment by cash, interac, money order, certified cheque is received by 4:30PM Friday, September 23, 2022, for the delinquent portion of taxes plus interest.

Pursuant to Section 403(1) of the Local Government Act, the City of Fort St. John will conduct a Tax Sale to recover outstanding taxes. The sale will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 10631-100 Street, Fort St. John, BC at 10:00 AM, Monday, September 26, 2022. All the properties listed below will be sold by public auction for a minimum of the upset price, unless guaranteed payment by cash, interac, money order, certified cheque is received by 4:30PM Friday, September 23, 2022, for the delinquent portion of taxes plus interest. NOTICE OF ANNUAL TAX SALE
000015.186 8304-85 Ave Vacant Lot A, Plan EPP4482 3,231.61

AveImprovementLot 14, Block 3, Plan 81966,972.62
009671.027 8428-81A St Vacant Lot 27, Plan EPP50221 2,722.20
16,241.85 Note: Payments received after September 7th, 2022, are not reflected in this listing. The successful bidder on each property must pay in cash, interac, money order, certified cheque the required balance by 3:00 PM of the same day. Failure to pay the balance will result in the property being offered for sale again at 10:00 AM on the following day. For more information contact the Finance Department at: FYI: This list is updated regularly on the City of Fort St John’s facebook page. Vacant: lot only Improvement: lot including a structure or building Vacant: lot only Improvement: lot including a structure or building SCAN THESE QR CODES TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS ONLINE! DAILY HEADLINES STRAIGHT TO YOUR EMAIL, PLUS A SATURDAY NEWSLETTER WITH FORT ST. JOHN NEWS YOU WON’T READ ANYWHERE ELSE!
Ave Vacant Lot 55, Plan BCP29086 2,683.23

“The next ten years will be about improving impact, building community, and in creasingMason-Bennettresilience.”joined the organization in 2018, oversee ing a transition from its focus on recycling and solid waste reduction and education with

“Karen has had a profound impact on NEAT during her time here,” said Russ Beer ling, chair of NEAT’s board of directors. “We are sad to see her go and wish her all the best in her new toforreallynextwhatamMealsdeparture.thewillMason-Bennettendeavours.”saysshecontinuesupportingorganizationafterher“I’llprobablybedeliveringonWheels,”shesaid.“IlookingforwardtoseeingNEATwilldooverthefewyears,we’veworkedhardtosetourselvesupsuccessandnowit’stimereaptheharvest.”
the Peace River Regional Dis trict, to a broader focus on food security, horticulture, and nature programming in theToday,community.the organization says its team has expanded from three to seven manage ment staff, and more than 25 programming staff under Mason-Bennett’s leadership.

The executive director of the Northern Environment al Action Team in Fort St. John is stepping down after four years in the role. Karen Mason-Bennett will step down at the end of September for a new job at the college, it was announced last week.


Off to a neat new adventure
Matt Preprost
fl How do you learn as a family? Tell us: #FamilyLiteracyDay Find more ways to learn at play as a family at Imagine your family is anywhere in the world! Pick a spot on the map and learn about that country together online. FREE $25 Gift Certi cate for the Great Northern Casino Lounge Beverage Coupon for the Great Northern Casino $10 Gaming Voucher for the Great Northern Casino Late Check Out at 2:00 pm Hot FibreBreakfastOpticHigh Speed Internet Standard King Suite or Double Queen Suite $199 + taxes 1-888-875-4667 Call to Book Your Package Today Visit for more details Subject to availability. Cannot be combined with any other o er. Valid only at the Grande Prairie location. Centrally located in Grande Prairie Notice of Public Hearing North Peace Fringe Area Official Community Plan When: Sept 20, 2022 | 6:00pm Where: Pomeroy Sport Centre 1st Floor Meeting Room 9324 96 Street Fort St John, B.C For More Information: Contact: 250-784-3200ServicesDevelopment Toll Free: 1-800-670-7773 Email: View applications www.prrd.bc.caat: North Peace Fringe Area The Peace River Regional District is hosting a public hearing to discuss the new proposed North Peace Fringe Area Official Community Plan. The draft and the map of the proposed North Peace Fringe Area Official Community Plan can be viewed online @ the Have Your Say webpage. Residents are invited to attend a public hearing in which the draft will be discussed. Main OCP Protectionthemes:of rural lifestyle for current and future planning.Fringelongmanagement,onCollaborationresidents.growthrangeandArea • Protection purposes.foragriculturaloflandagricultural • Writtendevelopment.andmanagementresourceSustainablecommunitycommentsorconcerns are accepted until 4:00 pm Sept 20, 2022. Documents may be viewed Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm at 1981 Alaska Avenue Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 4H8 AND on the PRRD Have your SayThiswebpage.publichearing has been delegated to the Director of Electoral Area C.
“It has been an absolute pleasure working for NEAT. This organization has my heart in so many ways, but it is time for new energy at the leadership table to finish carrying out our goals and objectives,” Mason-Bennett said in a statement.
CHANGE IN CHARLIE LAKE FIRE GUARD — There’s a new deputy fire chief in Charlie Lake. Jess Horsfield takes over the duties from outgoing deputy Ron Schildroth, the Peace River Regional District announced on Wednesday. “Jess brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and education in both fire services and emergency service,” the regional district said in a post to social media. “The PRRD would like to thank the outgoing Deputy, Ron Schildroth, for his four years of diligent service to the residents of the Peace region and for his tremendously positive impact on the organization.”