January 2016 - SWGA Praise

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2 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com

Sorry, No Guarantees in Parenting Thinking that anything a parent can say, do, or offer to their children as they grow up will guarantee a smooth and trouble-free adolescence is just plain wrong. I’ve learned that there are no such guarantees in parenting. Stuff happens in the teen years that is out of a parent’s control, even if you do everything right. Raising one “angelic” teenager can lead one to think you have found the right formula, right up until you see your next child go down a completely different path. Welcome to the real world — a world where God gives each child a free will. One parent wrote me saying, “We’ve done everything right. We took our son to church, raised him in a Christian home, sent him to a great Christian school, home-schooled for a few years, have taken him on mission trips and poured our life into him. What has gone wrong? How can he reject all that we’ve taught, and all that we’ve been striving for?” These parents raised their teen in the church and taught him good and strong values. Then one day he decided that those things no longer worked for him, so he started “trying on” other values – values of his peer group. He was not interested in how his behavior made his parents feel. He was “in control.” He acted as he chose to act. Every trick in their parenting

bag failed. Their arsenal was empty. Did they do everything right? Possibly. Pain and stress comes when a child has chosen poorly and is clearly heading down the wrong path in life. This is not just when their choices are selfdestructive — drugs,

for even though God is perfect He still had a couple of rebellious kids. So, it’s not always about the parents, and it’s not always about how a teen is raised. It’s all about your child and his God-given gift of individuality and free will, which will be fully

alcohol, sexual promiscuity, etc. — but also when they abandon their faith or decide after years of hard work, that college no longer matters. When your teen is struggling to discover his or her identity in a quest to become independent, it can be an extremely frustrating and painful process for all involved. But it helps us better understand how God must feel when He see His children fail. No parent is perfect, nor is perfection the answer,

exercised during adolescence. I’m sure you laid a firm foundation for your teen. You did a great job! You did such a great job that your teen feels capable of creating his own immature views. It may not seem like it now, but that is a very good thing. It’s how a teen matures into a well-grounded adult, who contributes positively to this world. It’s how they stretch their wings and prepare to fly. Sometimes these “first flights” are hard for

parents to experience, especially when they typically involve several failed attempts. The important thing is to be there when your wounded teen wobbles back to the nest; to offer encouragement for a stronger and more skilled flight the next time around. Being a parent of a teenager can be hard work. There is emotional pain and even feelings of betrayal when your child gets off track in the adolescent years. But I know this — it makes us parents spend a lot more time on our knees! Therefore, the process is worthwhile. For in our journey, no matter how bumpy the turbulence, we may learn what God is trying to teach us as well. My recommendation for most Christian homes is to loosen your grip, and let go of the rope, just a little. Allow your teen some healthy freedoms, and open the doors of your heart and mind to trusting God a little more, and a self-made, isolated existence a little less. It is tough to trust God this way, and even tougher to watch your teen navigate the rough waters of today’s evils. But by the grace of God and the wisdom of parents willing to take their parenting to a level that is more effective – it can be done.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mark Gregston is an author, speaker, radio host, and the founder and director of Heartlight, a residential counseling center for struggling teens located in Longview, Texas. He has been married to his wife, Jan, for 40 years, has two kids, and 4 grandkids. He lives in Longview, Texas with the Heartlight staff, 60 high school kids, 25 horses, his dog, Stitch, 2 llamas, and a prized donkey named Toy. His past involvement as a youth pastor, Young Life area director, and living with over 2,700 teens, has prepared Mark to share his insights and wisdom about parenting pre-teens and adolescents. You can find out more about Heartlight at www.HeartlightMinistri es.org. You can also call Heartlight directly at (903) 668-2173. For more information and helpful resources for moms and dads, check out our Parenting Today’s Teens website at www.ParentingTodays Teens.org. It’s filled with ideas and tools to help you become a more effective parent. Here you will also find a station near you where you can listen to the Parenting Today’s Teens radio broadcast, or download the podcast of the most recent programs.

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4 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com


I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 Nothing in our Christian life is as important or compares to the value of learning God's Word and then incorporating His precepts into our lives. Thus, memorizing a passage of Scripture is an essential way not only to know His Word, but to know and grow in our Lord and Savior. Yet, many Christians have neglected, even negated this discipline, including me on occasions. We desire the quick way; give me the easiest shortest plan to be a Christian. I am only interested in what is convenient, easy and hassle free. We want something to do that takes little to no work and then we may decide to do it, if we feel like it. Yet, memorizing the Scriptures takes our time, effort, and work; thus, we usually just will not do it. But, consider this: does not God, who saved us and provides for us deserve our best? Doesn't He deserve our best attention and mindset, things we give to others that are so much less important and even fleeing? It is my endeavor here to help persuade you of the importance and veracity of memorizing Scripture, and some tips I have learned over the years to help you do it. Why We Tend Not to Memorize Scripture I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me. Psalm 119:8 We can come up with all kinds of reasons why we should not or need not memorize Scripture. Perhaps, you are saying or thinking, "I can't because I have a bad

memory," or "I just do not have time;" "I have tried this before and I could not do it," or "why should I?", or "I am not a pastor or in leadership." Someone told me once, "I do not need to because Jesus told me I do not have to." I can tell you that I do have a bad memory, and I certainly do not have the time while I pastor, travel, run an international ministry, and then there is my precious new baby. And, I can also certainty tell you that Jesus would never, ever tell you something that contradicts His Word. We are called by God Himself, even commanded to learn, know, ponder on, and memorize Scripture (Josh 1:8; Psalm 1; 15; Is. 8:12; 1 Peter 3: 13-22; 4:12)! Yet, we tend to not do what He has called-even commanded us to do! We are struggle with this working out of our salvation as described in Philippians 2. We need to work on what hinders us from Christ. I am naturally a lazy person and I would much rather read a "readers digest" version of something-to just get the crux of the matter and move on to something more fun, or just sit and do nothing but watch a movie or read a magazine. Yet, God has called me to pastor and research, which takes much more effort, time, and work than I naturally desire to do. Thus, I have had to learn to discipline myself, practice it, and learn to stick with it, even when I would rather be doing something less intensive or more fun. Because I want to grow in Christ and share with others what I am learning, I have had to learn it first. And, that is what a pastor should be doing, even when we would rather play golf or go fishing (which we can do too,

just not all of the time). I had to learn the importance of my call and respond to Christ with my best efforts, my obedience out of love and gratitude so I could be my best and follow His lead. The effort to memorize Scripture is something all Christians should be doing. It takes time and hard work, but we are to do this with our best efforts and our obedience out of love and gratitude for Who He is and what He has done for us. But, this is not to be a labor of pain or a work of strife that we dread; rather, it is a wondrous and glorious journey because we are getting to know Him more deeply! The memorization of Scripture is not something that engrosses us; it is not something that we do all of the time, or even a majority of our devotional life. Our study, devotional reading, and prayer should take the "lions share" of our efforts, but memorizing must have its place and be a part of our Christian life and walk. It can also be adventurous and fun!

Why We are Called to Memorize Scripture Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Psalm 119:34 God calls us to have His Words and promises written in our hearts! The way to spiritual maturity and the glory of our reward is not in finding shortcuts, but exercising temperance and commitment through learning, experience, and overcoming adversities. It is a long and difficult process (Acts 14:22; Rom. 2:7). The question is, How can you make memorizing Scripture a reality in your life? See what God Himself has to say; read any or all of these passages below, and in prayer, go over them and match them to these bullet points and ask Him how you are doing with this. By the way, here is the first set of Bible memorization verses for you to practice from:

Deut. 6:4-9; 11:18-21; Josh 1:8; Psalm 37:31; 63: 1-8; 119: 9-11, 72; 105, Prov. 6:20-22; Matt. 4:1-11; John 4:24; 15:7; 17:17; Acts 18:28; 20:32; Rom 12:1-2; Phil. 3:10; 4:6-7; Eph. 4:14; 5:17; Col. 3:16; 1 Thess. 2:13; 5:11; 2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16; Heb. 4:12; James 1:21-25; 1 Pet. 2:2; 3:15 The primary reason we memorize Scripture is because we are called and commanded to learn God's Word so we can learn more about Him, what He has done, and what we can do to lead a great Christian life. We are called to meditate on His Word. Have you responded to this call? · Knowing God's Word helps us be better at studying the Bible. · Knowing God's Word helps fabricate and shape our spiritual growth. · Knowing God's Word helps us experience and worship God. · Knowing God's Word helps See MEMORIZE, page 7

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Continued from page 4

(FREE) us know and respond to His precepts and call. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps us realize that God's Word transforms our minds to think in His ways and live our life better in Him. ¡ Knowing God's Word makes it easier for the Holy Spirit to more powerfully guide us! ¡ Knowing God's Word stimulates our intimacy and prayer life with Him. ¡ Knowing God's Word gives us useful, effective, and effectual knowledge of the Bible. ¡ Knowing God's Word gives us practical wisdom, guidance, and knowledge for life! ¡ Knowing God's Word helps God use us more and more powerfully. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps us in the sharing of our faith. ¡ Knowing God's Word gives us success in dealing with sin and temptations. ¡ Knowing God's Word gives us confidence in witnessing. ¡ Knowing God's Word equips us to be able to help guide others. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps encourage the spiritual growth in others lives. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps us to overcome life's problems and obstacles. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps us be content and at peace. ¡ Knowing God's Word helps us to discern false teachings. Have you responded to His call? The Basic Plan How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. Psalm 119:9 The "nitty-gritty" for ease in





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Let The Righteous Say It Shall Be Well With Me In 2016 By Tesse Williams Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

memorizing is to simply select a short passage-a verse or two. Pray, read it, and then read the chapter in an easy-tounderstand translation to see it in context. Then re-read your passage at least ten times in the translation you are using, such as the KJV, NASB, NKJV, RSV, NIV or the ESV. Then, write it out on a small card and re-read it at least ten times. Put it away for a few hours or a day, then pick up the card and reread it aloud several times. You should have it memorized after a week! It does take a little effort, but it is not as hard as most people think. There is no reason to dread or stress in order to know God's Word. The simple basic plan: 1. Select a short passage to memorize. 2. Pray over it. 3. Read it. 4, Read the chapter to know its context. 5. Re-read the passage at least ten times. 6. Write it out on a small card. 7. Go over your card at least ten times, reading it out loud. 8. Put it away and in a few hours or a day, pick up the card

and re-read it several times. In a few days, you should have it memorized! The Big Tip Now, to make it even easier and more fun, do the above and also use a recording device such as a tape recorder, MP3 recorder, or a smart parrot. This is what I do because I have a terrible memory and learning disabilities I have had to overcome. So, for me, this was the worst of the worst of my stress and dread, but I learned to do it and have fun doing it. By the way, this is a phenomenal memorizing method for any literature, notes, text, readings, etc. Read it, record it, and then play it back anywhere you are-while driving, at the mall, or wherever. You can do this with your notes, study material, information you have to memorize, even terms and words for science, a foreign language, or math formulas. I have found this one of the best ways to study, and it works! The key to memorization is this: STUDY! REVIEW! and PERSEVERE! Repetition is the best way to engrave the verses into your mind.

Daily the Lord loads us with benefits, Morning by morning new mercies we see, The Lord surrounds the righteous with favor as a shield, Let the righteous say it shall be well with me. No matter the challenges that the righteous person may face, Let the righteous say, I will stand firm, For God gives grace to help in time of need, Let the righteous person declare like the Psalmist, The Lord is my strength and my salvation, My rock, my fortress, my hiding place, my safe refuge, Let the righteous continually say it shall be well with me. Trials may come, Seasons of testing too, Let the righteous believe and confess, I know my God will make a way for me to come through, For He is the God who will be with His people, Through floods and fires, Let the righteous person declare, The fires will not burn me, The floods waters will not overwhelm me, Let the righteous continually say it shall be well with me. Let us walk in obedience so it will continually be well with us, Because Jesus has said, it is also written, I will never leave you nor forsake you, The God of Jacob is our help, He has blessed and He blesses, He provides, He supplies, He helps, He upholds, He keeps, He strengthens, He forgives, He makes a way in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert, He opens the windows of heavens, He commands the blessing upon us.

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Fitness and fellowship combine for better health COURTESY OF METRO CONNECTION


(MS) -- As a minister in East Harlem, Joan Williams-Jarrell is always looking for new ways to bring people together. She also wanted to be more physically active but had a hard time getting to the gym. So when she found a program that brings church members together to walk for fitness, it was a match made in heaven. Through the New York City Department of Health's "Walkers for Wellness" program, Joan and a group of congregants meet three times a week. They walk and talk along a 1.5-mile route through Harlem or Central Park. "It allows us to have fellowship and be physically active at the same time," said Joan. She and her congregants also learn how to eat better through the program. Cooking demonstrations, for example, have taught them how to use herbs for flavor instead of salt. They also have learned to control portion sizes and avoid sugary drinks. Joan's group is among the more than 12,000 people in 119 faith organizations that have taken part in "Walkers for Wellness." The program is just one of several aimed at making healthy living easier across the country and is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). See FITNESS, page 13

8 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com

ALBANY First Bethesda Baptist Church 7108 Newton Rd (229) 435-2921 New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church 209 N. Monroe Street (229) 888-4777 Greater Grace Church of God in Christ 205 S Westover Blvd (229) 439-7047 St. Teresa’s Catholic Church 421 Edgewood Lane www.stteresaschurch.org (229) 439-2302 St. Paul Episcopal Church 212 N Jefferson St (229) 436-0196 www.stpaulsalbany.org

Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church 1010 Old Pretoria Road (229) 439-0334 www.secondmtzion.com First Free Will Baptist Church 420 Westover Blvd (229) 436-4021 www.ffwbcalbany.org

Leesburg 135 Main St (229) 759-6576 firstbaptistleesburg.org Leesburg United Methodist Church 117 Starksville Ave N (229) 759-2096 umcleesburg.com

Shiloh Baptist Church 325 Whitney Ave (229) 435-8413

Greenbriar Church 1344 US 19 (229) 446-4642 greenbriarchurch.net

Calvary Baptist Church 1211 13th Ave calvarybaptistchurchofalban yga.org

Leesburg Church of Christ 106 Callaway St (229) 759-2030 leesburgchurchofchrist.org

New Life of Albany 1200 Cordele Rd newlifeofalbany.com

Philema Road Baptist Church 114 Stocks Dairy Rd (229) 435-3135

Lee First Baptist Church -

New Hope Baptist Church 1209 Graves Springs Rd

(229) 439-9997 newhopebaptist.net Greater United Pleasant Green 1512 Philema Rd S (229) 438-8062 Albany Community SDA Church 381 Fussell Rd (229) 436-3631 Friendship Baptist Church 564A Highway 195N Desoto, GA 229-874-6610 AMERICUS Life Point Church 384 GA HWY 30 W Central Baptist Church 190 Upper River Rd (229) 924-4092 cbcamericus.org

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Cornerstone Church 245 Southland Rd (229) 924-7409 Restoration Church of Americus 1213 Douglas Cir (229) 931-6244 restorationchurchamericus.c om First United Methodist Church 200 S Lee St (229) 924-3169 fumcamericus.com First Presbyterian Church 125 S Jackson St (229) 924-2162 americuspresbyterian.org St. Mary’s Catholic Church 332 S Lee St (229) 924-3495 First Baptist Church Americus 221 South Lee St (229) 924-9035 www.fbcamericus.org Faith Baptist Church 947 Felder st (229) 924-5890 Union Tabernacle Baptist Church 900 Adderton St (229) 924-0421 Americus Pentecostal Church 820 Magnolia St (229) 928-3178

TIFTON Northside Baptist Church 4605 Murray Ave (229) 382-6855 nbctifton.org St Anne’s Episcopal Church 2411 Central Ave (229) 382-7505 stannestifton.com Our Divine Saviour Catholic 1205 Love Ave (229) 382-4600 odsparish.org Journey Church 304 20th St W (229) 238-3749 New River Church 17 Old Brookfield Rd (229) 386-2693 newriverbaptist.org Carpenter Road Church of God 40 Carpenter Rd N (229) 382-4880 crdcog.com First Presbyterian Church 217 Park Ave N (229) 382-6730 firstpresbyteriantifton.com Beulah Hill Baptist Church 321 Tifton-Eldorado Rd (229) 472-1505 New Life Presbyterian Church

3500 Fulwood Rd (229) 382-7238 newlifetifton.org

Calvary Baptist Church 830 26th Ave SE (229) 985-3237 www.calvarybcmoultrie.com



First Baptist Church 400 S Main St (229) 985-2103 firstmoultrie.org

CrossPointe Church 110 Northside Dr (229) 242-7702 crosspointechurch.cc

Heritage Church 844 GA 33 (229) 891-3421 heritagelife.org

Southland Church 2206 E Hill Ave (229) 245-8188 southlandchurch.net

Trinity Church 201 12th Ave SE (229) 985-3660 trinityofmoultrie.org

New Covenant Church 3531 Bemiss Rd (229) 247-7777 nccvaldosta.org

Lifespring Community Church 2010 GA 133 (229) 985-2233 lifespringcc.net

Christ Episcopal Church 1521 N Patterson St (229) 242-5115 christchurchvaldosta.org

Lakeside Assembly of God 146 Washington St (229) 985-5424 lakesideassembly.org Friendship Alliance Church 835 26th Ave (229) 985-4908 friendshipalliancemoultrie.com

Moultrie First Church or Nazarene 410 12th Ave SE (229) 873-6265 www.moultriefirst.org

Perimeter Road Baptist Church 4091 Inner Perimeter Rd (229) 333-0746 perimeterroad.com Morningside Baptist Church 2604 Bemiss Rd (229) 242-1426 morningside.ws Azalea City Church of God 247 St. Augustine Rd (229) 244-1855 myazaleacity.com

10 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com

Unresponsiveness Can Destroy Relationships – Part I I am sure you have heard, and perhaps even lived by, this common expression: “Everything does not require a response.” Here is another one you may have adopted, “Everything does not require an immediate response.” While these may sound good and even give you more time, what is truly being lost by living this way? Let’s explore the answer to this question. Experience affords the knowledge that nonresponsiveness and unresponsiveness wastes a lot of time and energy. You see, unresponsiveness and nonresponsiveness requires that someone follow up to ensure effective follow through on action-oriented processes. Additionally, these two time wasters rob leaders of a lot negative energy, which is spent on speculation, worry, negativity, and circular questioning. Furthermore, unresponsiveness and nonresponsiveness are rude and unloving behaviors. Ultimately, these two character faux pas can serve as divisive and manipulative tools that ignore people and fail to promote harmony, unity, and open communication in relationships. It is common knowledge that good relationships are crucial in ministry and in business. Unresponsiveness and nonresponsiveness do not foster good relationships as all good relationships require effective communication. Frankly beloved, it is cowardly to simply not speak up about what you are feeling, thinking, and/or doing. For example, suppose you receive a letter, phone call, or email that you are unable to immediately respond to for whatever reason. If you are going to pray about it, reply. Your initial response does not have to be detailed. You can simply say, “Let me pray about it.” Now, this is not to be used as an excuse to purposely avoid or

delay taking action. This is only to be used as an actionoriented deferred response until clarity is gained via prayer. If you are at a loss for words, say that. Here is how: “What you have asked or shared has left me speechless. Let me ponder these things in my heart and get back to you.” Again, I say do not use this as a mere stalling tactic, especially if you do not have the intention of pondering anything at all! If you need additional information to respond, ask for it. Here’s how: “I need a little more information in order to make a sure decision, please send me ________________ (fill in the blank with what you need to make an informed and godly decision). If you need to say no concerning the request and are reluctant to do so, say it anyway. To do so gracefully, say this: “I appreciate you in my life, ministry, or business, and I am honored that you are considering me for ____________________ (fill in the blank with the specifics). At this time, I am unable to help, support, work on this project, or be a part of ______________________ (fill in the blank appropriately). “Apostle Karen, God told me not to respond.” Great; say that. Here is how: “I am unable to speak about this now.” Even Apostle Paul stated there were things he was not permitted to speak on, but he still let us know that God would not allow him to speak about them (2 Corinthians 12:4). The same held true for Apostle John (refer to the book of Revelation). Beloved, the bottom line is, respond in some manner. You can borrow a page from my book. When something requires further thought, prayer, or reflection, within a day or two, I will reply like this: “I am in receipt of your call, email, or letter, and I will reply in greater detail soon.” It takes all of a minute or two to

respond in this manner. It’s simple! This response considers the other individual and respects the time they took to contact you by letting them know their efforts to reach you were effective. This is especially important when communicating electronically. If you factor in the failure of syncing electronic devices, POP3 mail server failures and hiccups, and rerouting information to spam and junk mail folders, it is highly likely that an electronic communiqué will not reach every person it is sent to reach. When you value ministry, personal, and business relationships, you will go the extra mile to keep communication lines open versus closed. Relating to people authentically is difficult in and of itself; why add the additional pressures of nonresponsive behavior? For those that habitually and carelessly fail to respond to others, I pray that when you really need a response from someone that the individual is a bigger person than you and responds appropriately. While everything does not require a response, I am a firm believer that every person God created does. I firmly believe this because I am committed to 100% genuineness and clarity in my relationships. I prefer to not tolerate ambiguity, speculation, fuzziness, confusion, darkness, chaos, and game playing about what remains unspoken or unaddressed. Now, if you do not desire any type of relationship with a specific individual, then unresponsiveness is a sure way to ensure a relationship is not developed or maintained. Let us be careful that we are not taking the common expressions highlighted at the beginning of this article and generically applying them to everyone that comes our way. These are not statements that

can be frivolously and unwisely applied to everything across the board. Also, please know this article is not addressing resisting the devil’s operation and movement through people and causing him to flee. That is another article for another time. Surely, we need to heed the admonition in that passage of scripture (James 4:6-7). This article is about unresponsiveness to Godfearing, believing, and fully submitted children of the Most High GOD. Now, that is not okay, and it is not cool with ABBA, Father. Let us pray. Father, with all the things that come our way as leaders, help us to discern how non-responsiveness impacts relationships. Also, help us to discern the people that warrant a response as well as the things that You, Yourself, are demanding that we respond to. Deliver us from fear of man, rejection, and fleshy and worldly ways of interacting. Help us to keep Your greatest commandment found in Matthew 22:37-39 ever before us in our interactions with Your creation. Thank You for uncovering our rudeness, divisiveness, and disrespect to others when we fail to respond in a timely and appropriate manner. Where the courage is needed to say no, grant it and impart it deep within us. Make us loving peacemakers versus divisive manipulators in our ministries, business, and personal relationships. Thank You for the powerful reminder that my love needs to be strong enough to say the tough things to the people in my sphere of influence. Thank You for reminding me that love considers others and even puts others before itself. It is not inconsiderate, and this is something that I need seared onto my conscience. Make me an accurate reflection of Your love; it is through Yeshua’s name we pray. Amen.

Karen M. Pina is the founder of Gifts Ordained by Direction. Her exclusive approach for leaders develops the character necessary to rise to greatness in business and ministry. She has written three books and created over 100 ministry, business, and personal development resources that quench leaders’ thirst and hunger for spiritual meat and marketplace wisdom. Karen has been a guest on several television and radio programs that challenged leaders to move to the next level of significance in every area of their lives. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and a Master’s of Education (M.Ed). in Higher Education Leadership and Administration. Karen will defend and obtain and a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Ph.D.) in 2016. Her education and gift of wisdom has served her well as she has coached, consulted, and trained doctors, directors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, IT professionals, bishops, apostles, executives, coaches, prophets, teachers, pastors, and a vast array of leaders to greatness. To learn more about the books, resources, and Karen go to www.godscoach.com

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If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. -1 John 1:7

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Upcoming Events

First Saturday of Each Month 8:00 am - 10:00 am Dougherty Prayer Vigil 222 Pine Ave, Albany Contact Rance Pettibone, Sr.: rancepettibone@hotmail.com (229) 881-4828 2016 Run for the Son 5k January 16 First Baptist Church of Putney 1125 Antioch Road, Albany, GA All proceeds for this event will be used to support the First Baptist Church of Putney traveling “Mission Team” in their efforts to spread the Gospel and render aid to those in need wherever they may be. The team has traveled to Oklahoma, West Virginia, North Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Haiti, and Mississippi. These efforts have all been made possible by those like yourself who love Jesus

and long to see His work fulfilled. Event details and schedule Race day registration and packet pickup will begin at 8:00 a.m. 1 mile walk begins at 9:00 a.m., free Tot Trot for ages 7 and under begins at 9:30 a.m. and the 5k beginning at 10:00 a.m. This is a timed event on a certified course. T-shirts are guaranteed to all runners and walkers preregistered by 12/31/2015. After that date, T-shirts will be on a first come, first served basis. Awards will be given to the top male and female finisher in 5 year age groups beginning at 10 and under through 80 and over. Also to the Overall Male and Female. Run for Hope 5k Hosted by Albany Area Primary Health Care Saturday, February 13, 2016 Riverfront Park 112 North Front Street, Albany JOIN US IN THE FIGHT! Run or walk a timed 5K race benefitting the HIV/AIDS early Intervention services of Albany Area Primary Health Care, Inc. Since its inception in 1990, Rural Model Clinic has grown

into one of the nation’s vital resources for treatment of HIV/AIDS. All proceeds will support HIV/AIDS research, ongoing community outreach and education and direct medical services at Albany Area Primary Health Care’s Rural Model Clinics. This community gathering will serve as a vehicle to not only educate the community but to honor those affected by the condition while serving as a viable tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Event details and schedule

Worship That Works Thursday, Jan 28 & 29, 2016 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 1971 College AVE Atlanta, GA 30317 Worship That Works (WTW) is a training program compiled by M.U.S.I.C. and Herman Little III that exists to equip, and empower worship leaders, musicians and worshippers alike in developing a clear understanding of worship that produces "results."

EVENT SCHEDULE 8:15 AM Registration Begins 9:00 AM Rally @ Welcome Center 9:15 AM Opening Ceremony & Activities Begin 10:00 AM Walk Steps Off 10:20 AM Timed Run Begins 11:15 AM Post Run/Walk Celebration


Late Night at FBC Tuesdays at 8 PM College Bible Study - Free Food! FBC Family Life Center First Baptist Tifton 4th St & Central Ave www.fbctifton.org Contact Bill Hughes bhughes@fbctifton.org

Kenneth N Nance Agent 110 Cor Cordele dele Road Suite 5 Albany, Albany y, GA 31705-2478 Bus 229-485-1385 Cell 404-477-7233 7233 Kent@kentnanceismyagent.com www.kentnanceismyagent.com www.kentnanceismyagent.com The greatest compliment you can give me is a referral. 299133-1

Please submit your upcoming events to Jennifer King, jennifer.king@albanyherald.com

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A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com 13


Continued from page 7

New York City also has worked to make the 800,000 meals served daily in its public schools more nutritious. In addition, the city has launched a salt-awareness campaign educating consumers to compare labels and buy foods with less sodium. The effort has increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables in 46 grocery stores located in places where healthy foods were once scarce. "Physical activity and eating well are essential to health. But in many communities, that can be a challenge," said Leonard Jack, Jr., PhD, MSc, director of CDC's Division of Community Health. "Programs like 'Walkers for Wellness' bring communities together to overcome hurdles and make healthier living easier for all Americans." For Joan, the "Walkers for Wellness" program has made a big difference in her health and well-being and that of her congregation. She has lost 15 pounds, her high blood pressure is not as high, and her doctor may even take her off blood pressure medication. The best results are that, "I feel better, sleep better, and have more energy," said Joan. To learn more about ways to get involved in making healthy living easier in your community, visit www.MakingHealthEasier.org.

14 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com

10 Reasons to Forgive Forgiveness pays rich dividends indeed; it is a blessing to all who embrace it. It is our friend because God has made it. This article briefly looks at 10 benefits forgiveness offers. Forgiveness, as difficult as it is, is laced with many benefits. The benefits of forgiveness permeate many areas of our lives. How do you forgive someone who has hurt you so much? One way of being able to do so is to look at the benefits of forgiveness. Here are 10 reasons to forgive. Forgive because God said to forgive. The authority of God's desire overrides your desire/will not to forgive (Mark 11:25). 1. Forgive because you want your sins forgiven. As believers, unless you forgive, God will not forgive your own sins (Matthew 6:15). 2. Forgive to be emotionally free. When you forgive, you feel free from the hurt the offense created. The secret: Disconnection. Once you release the offense the hurt leaves with it. 3. Forgive to be released from suffocating anger. An alternative to the release of anger through destructing actions is forgiveness. Forgiveness gives a relief to anger. Once you forgive, the anger too leaves (Ecclesiastes 7:9). 4. Forgiveness removes feelings of retaliation.

The natural tendency of unforgiveness is "to get back at" and punish the offender. In forgiving the urge to get back at your offender is gone and you find yourself being at peace. No wonder Jesus said to pray for our enemies. In praying and forgiving them, the need for retaliation drops. Forgiveness, therefore, rids you of this ungodly tendency (Romans 12:20). 5. In forgiving you are leaving the judgment in God's hands. When you forgive, God will take it from there with the offense and the offender (Romans 12:19). This in a sense is giving the right of way for God o fight for you. 6. Forgiveness is showing mercy to the offender like your heavenly Father. To forgive is to behave like the merciful God (Luke 6:36). Without compassion, there can be no forgiveness. You may ask the Lord to infuse you with His mercy. 7. When you forgive, you are showing the world who your role model is - Jesus Christ who forgave His offenders on the cross (Luke 23:24). Your forgiveness may give hope to someone that their sins too could be forgiven if they see a demonstration of your forgiveness to others. It could also encourage others to forgive their offenders. After hearing my story of how I forgave the young man who killed my husband and three children while driving intoxicated, many people have decided to forgive their own offenders.

Dr. Tai Ikomi is an author of over 30 books and a conference speaker. She conducts seminars on the Names of God and forgiveness. She is the author of the bestselling book, His Beauty For My Ashes, an account of God’s grace in her life when she lost her husband and three children to a drunk driver. She is founder of Forgiveness Discipleship. 8. Medical science says that unforgiveness could lead to physical setbacks due to jagged emotions. Forgiveness is good for your health. Forgiveness will stop the release of harmful toxins in your body when you are under stress of unforgiveness ((Proverbs 17:22). 9. Unforgiveness of past offenses and offenders affects your present social interactions. Lack of forgiveness makes you look negative and unfriendly (1 Samuel 22:19). 10. Forgiveness promotes unity in the church. Unforgiveness will create an atmosphere where gossips, innuendos, anger and bitterness would flourish (Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13). Forgiveness creates an atmosphere of love, unity and spiritual growth in the church of God. We can all be part of it.

Wanda Heath Office Manager 110 Cordele Road Suite 5 Albany, GA 31705-2478 Bus 229-485-1385 wanda@kentnanceismyagent.com

Kent N Nance, Agent The greatest compliment you can give me is a referral.

“Serving with professional ethics and excellence for more than 40 years.”


Dr. Tai Ikomi tai.ikomi@yahoo.com www.privatetimewithGod.com

About the Author


A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com 15

Welcome the New Year in Faith and Gratitude By Deborah Redding

Mark Rabe Pastor Trinity Lutheran Church 1508 Whispering Pines Rd, Albany (229) 436-5272 Where were you born and raised? I was born in Portland Oregon and was raised in the Beaverton area, which is a suburb of Portland, Oregon. I attended elementary, junior high, and high school in Beaverton. Later I attended community college in the area and graduated from Concordia University in Portland Oregon. It was when I attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri that we moved from the Portland area. Tell us about your family. My wife Stefanie and I have been married 24 years. We have four children: Noah, Gabriella, Julianna, and Matthias. We have lived in California, Kenya, Leesburg Georgia and now are moving to Ethiopia to serve as missionaries with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod where I will serve as a professor at the Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Stefanie has homeschooled the children since Noah was in kindergarten and will continue to homeschool them when we move to Ethiopia. The children have loved being a part of the Albany/Leesburg homeschool community where they were involved in Classical Conversations and Southwest Georgia Homeschool Association (SWGHA) which provide classes and activities in the homeschool groups. How long have you been a pastor? I have been a pastor for fourteen

years. My first call was in Oroville, California. In addition, I have served in Kenya, Africa as a teacher of pastors and evangelists, and a chaplain at Ringa Girls’ High School. Serving at Trinity Lutheran Church in Albany, Georgia brought us to the Albany area. January 16th we leave for Africa again to serve in Ethiopia. What is the most challenging aspect of your position? The most challenging aspect of my position will be living in and adjusting to a different culture and learning the Amharic language. What is the most gratifying aspect? The most gratifying aspect of serving as a missionary is equipping pastors for the ministry and sharing the Good News of life and salvation in Jesus Christ. Do you have any advice for someone who feels called to the ministry? Find ways to serve in your local congregation, be deliberate about praying for discernment, and be in God’s Word daily. Leave us with a meaningful message or scripture: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

It's the beginning of the year and as usual there’s always a lot of talk about New Year's resolutions and goal setting; whether it’s losing weight, quitting smoking or even advancing in our careers. We spend a lot of time figuring out what’s important to us. Welcoming the New Year in faith and gratitude will set the stage to receive all the things you plan to achieve. You are apart of this New Year, you have an amazing opportunity to live a well lived and fulfilling life far beyond anything that you can imagine. Make this the best year of your life. Don’t get so caught up in the goal setting and achievement stage that you overlook how much you have actually accomplished already. Think about all the things you’ve worked and prayed for just a year ago. Look at how far you’ve come! You have so much to celebrate and give praise for. My hope is that you will enter this New Year with great expectation. Walking in faith and gratitude will make room for an overflow of blessings to enter your life. Be flexible when it comes to setting your goals so that you don’t restrict the energy and momentum that you really need in order to continue to push for results. Be open to alternative paths and conscious of all the options that life has for you. Your life has already shown you the amazing work that you can do. Have faith in knowing that you are going to move when the wind pushes you to move. Just as surely as the seasons change, as the snow comes then begins to melt into light ice and then into water, you too will undergo a transformation. Have faith that you are being guided exactly where you need to be. Be aware of just how truly blessed you already are. Spring forward in gratitude to attract all the abundance that awaits you. You may think you have so far to go until you look back and realize just how far you’ve come. The journey is long, it’s winding, it’s tumultuous it isn’t without roadblocks and detours, but, my oh my, how far you’ve come my friend and I can’t wait to see just how far you go. For more daily inspiration you can follow me on Instagram at JourneyofaSoul and visit my blog at www.journeyofasoul.wordpress.com.

16 A (SCNI) SOUTHERN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PRODUCT • SWGA PRAISE • January 2016 • www.albanyherald.com

“Abusive Boyfriend Syndrome” a Growing Trend In June 2015, America grieved when a two year old unidentified little girl’s body washed up on the shores of Boston in a trash bag. The country became incensed when we learned in September that the little girl, then identified as Bella Bond, was allegedly punched to death by her mother’s heroin addicted boyfriend because he believed she was possessed by demons. Bella’s own mother helped him dispose of the body. Then life happened, the news cycle began focusing on the presidential election, and we all forgot about baby Bella. We also forgot about Monte Jones, Jayden Clay, Addisyn Sanders, Ciara Campbell, Noah Nolan, Bentley Reeves and the countless other Georgia children killed at the hands of their mother’s boyfriends in 2015. In January 2016, the state of Georgia will launch a safe-sleeping campaign in hopes of preventing child deaths due to SIDS and asphyxiation. The ABC’s of safe sleeping (Alone, on the Back and in the Crib) will no doubt save lives by getting parents and caregivers to think about how they allow infants to sleep. However, we also need a campaign, a movement, and/or a state-wide crusade to warn mothers about the dangers of leaving their children in the care of boyfriends. By no means am I saying that all boyfriends are bad and dangerous. What I am pleading for is that parents think more carefully about who they

choose to care for their children. Many of the mothers in the Georgia cases were at work, while their often unemployed boyfriends remained in their homes. Your relationship with a man does not mean he is able to deal with the developmentally appropriate behaviors of your child. In one case, a child was beaten to death during potty training. In another case, the child cried “too much,” and the boyfriend just could not take it anymore and he snapped. Those brief moments cost the lives of children and forever changed the narrative of their families. While the overwhelming number of child maltreatment deaths are at the hands of biological parents, especially mothers, this growing trend, being called “the abusive boyfriend syndrome,” cannot be ignored. In spite of the lack of data at the federal level, several studies have concluded that this is an actual trend. A 2005 study entitled, “Child Deaths Resulting From Inflicted Injuries: Household Risk Factors and Perpetrator Characteristics,” (Pediatrics. 2005 Nov; 116(5): e687–e693. ), found that children living in households with unrelated adults were 50 times more likely to die from inflicted injuries than

Source: http://imagesbug.com/the-biggest-myth-about-child-abuse/

children living with two biological parents. In this study, most of the perpetrators were male. As a community, we need to reach out to young single mothers. Many of them do not live near family members and they do not have meaningful connections to caring adults. We were never meant to parent alone, and it not only makes these families fragile, it

also may rapidly increase the level of trust that single mothers have in their boyfriends when it comes to caring for their children. Highly stressed mothers and boyfriends who are not yet bonded to children are a dangerous combination. Let’s save our children by caring for and creating positive and safe support systems for single mothers.

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