March 2016 - SWGA Praise

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Picking Up The Broken Pieces of Shattered Trust Trust is a valuable and fragile commodity. In the economy of family relationships, trust is both given and received as parents and teens gingerly pass it back and forth. When these trust transactions are handled properly, relationships grow and thrive. But Mom and Dad—don’t hold on to that commodity too tightly, because your teenage son or daughter will break it. It’s really not a question of “if,” it’s a question of “when.” At some point, you’ll place your trust in the hands of your teenage child, and they’ll drop it and shatter it into pieces. I’m not just being dramatic here. After four decades of working with, talking and listening to teens and their parents, I know from experience that kids will make mistakes. Disappoint you. Maybe even break your heart. And this is regardless of temperament, personality, or even consequences. But if you’re prepared for having your trust broken, you’ll be miles of ahead of the parents who are still sitting there open-mouthed and shocked. So how do you prepare and deal with the disappointment coming your way? Keep the Relationship Here are the usual responses I hear from parents when their teen

blows it— I can’t believe you didn’t know better! I thought we had a good relationship! I don’t know if I can ever trust you again!

How could you do such a thing? You know better! I don’t know why you would disrespect me in this way. These types of phrases express your emotions in the moment, but can be misinterpreted by your teen. When a child breaks your trust, don’t let the mistake interfere with your relationship. When you tell your son, “I thought we were close,” what he hears is, “Our relationship is ruined.” In your daughter’s mind, saying “I’m so disappointed with you right now,” is interpreted to mean, “I

can’t love you.” Of course, as adults, we realize that teens may read something into our words that we didn’t put there. But perception is nine-tenths of reality. And caught in the moment when his mistakes are being

unearthed, a teen may hear your words of anger and hurt as an indicator that he’s lost some of your love and compassion. Always move towards your children, even when they have betrayed your trust. Explain clearly that there is nothing they could do to make you love them more, and nothing they could do to make you love them less. Don’t let their mistake impact the connection between you and your son or daughter. The best way to avoid this is to tell them openly—“I’m upset right now, but I want you

to know, I love you. And nothing you can do will ever change that!” Acknowledge the Pain Just because you move toward your child when they break your trust, doesn’t mean you have to hide the pain. I get hurt by kids all the time. I’ve been lied too, stolen from, sworn at and used. I may put on a strong demeanor, but inside I’m crushed. There is no way to dull the pain when your teenager breaks your heart. So be disappointed. Be upset. Be angry, even. But talk to someone about what you’re experiencing. You can’t bottle up those emotions, and your child may not be able to handle hearing how they’ve injured you. Grab a spouse, a friend, a pastor or a counselor, and let them know, “what my child did really hurt me!” Get it out in the open and let those wounds heal in the clean air of a safe relationship. If you let your feelings fester inside you, the pain will build and you’ll slowly start resenting your teen for the mistakes they’ve made. Acknowledge the hurt and the frustration and deal with it, and you’ll have the emotional energy to return to your teen with love and grace. See TRUST, page 15

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mark Gregston is an author, speaker, radio host, and the founder and director of Heartlight, a residential counseling center for struggling teens located in Longview, Texas. He has been married to his wife, Jan, for 40 years, has two kids, and 4 grandkids. He lives in Longview, Texas with the Heartlight staff, 60 high school kids, 25 horses, his dog, Stitch, 2 llamas, and a prized donkey named Toy. His past involvement as a youth pastor, Young Life area director, and living with over 2,700 teens, has prepared Mark to share his insights and wisdom about parenting pre-teens and adolescents. You can find out more about Heartlight at www.HeartlightMinistri You can also call Heartlight directly at (903) 668-2173. For more information and helpful resources for moms and dads, check out our Parenting Today’s Teens website at www.ParentingTodays It’s filled with ideas and tools to help you become a more effective parent. Here you will also find a station near you where you can listen to the Parenting Today’s Teens radio broadcast, or download the podcast of the most recent programs.





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Albany GA

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Impressions from God's Word 68 "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God." Romans 1:1 Key verses: Acts 19-28; Galatians 2:16 Key personalities: The Apostles, mainly Paul Timeline: The Church is established and grows by the Power of the Holy Spirit and the multiplying networks, 35-60 A.D. The Epistle of Galatians. 49 AD. While in prison, Paul writes a mini precursor to Romans about essential doctrine. In a very blunt and brief letter to the churches in Galatia and lays out the theme of Christianity, our justification comes only by faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, not by any entitlement or merit or works from our part. By grace, we have liberation, freedom from the bonds of sin and as a result an ability to love and serve and produce from our faith. Paul defends the Gospel and counters the false teaching that we can earn our salvation or deserve it, and writes against legalism, that we must adhere to the Law of Moses cannot exist in the grace Christ gives. Paul closes the last 2 chapters with practical Christianity and what it means to be fruitful for our faith and Church. Paul, a man once called Saul, who hated the Christians because he felt they were a cult and subverted to The One True God. He used his passion for correct teaching and reverence to God to persecute and kill Christians until he encounters Christ who changes Saul's name and his destiny. In the Power of Christ, Paul realized Christ is God and fulfills the law and

prophets. Paul makes the most dramatic conversion and goes from persecutor to Apostle, evangelist extraordinaire. Paul authors thirteen Books of the New Testament and lives for Christ like no one has ever could. Paul was not one of the

Paul was chosen by God to deliver very important messages to those of the faith. Here is one very important message: Continue to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, so God continues to pour out His grace so we can

“Paul is very passionate and persuasive and gives encouragement in the perseverance of the faith and spiritual growth.” original twelve Apostles; his apostleship was unique. Apostle means one who is sent with authority; Paul was sent by the Holy Spirit and commissioned by Christ Himself. There are NO apostles today in the biblical sense. If someone says he or she is one, they are either deluded or extremely prideful (Acts 1:21-26; Rom. 1:1-7; 1 Cor. 9:1; 15:8-9; 2 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4)! With all Paul's accomplishments and positions, he calls himself a "bondservant" to Christ. A bondservant was the lowest form of a slave in Greek times and completely at the master's disposal. Bondservants were expendable; they rowed boats of war with whips at their backs. This gives us a picture of his total surrender and complete devotion. Paul is a disciple of the Lord with a will that has been sacrificed to God's Will and is totally at the disposal of our Lord! Paul considered his slavery his freedom (Rom. 9:3; Gal. 1:15; 2:20)! Key Happening: Paul a "bondservant," to Christ.

have peace in abundance. The key to the Christian life is to always give thanks to Christ, and to have gratitude for who He is and what He has done for you. Our trust in Christ should show up as gratitude and in a life lived out well. We can easily do this when we see what lies ahead for us in Heaven. What we have and what we will have are astonishing, our joy now as well as our hope to come in eternity (Col. 1:1-8). • Paul was a missionary to the Gentiles. He was a prayer warrior and servant for the Lord. He was passionate and concerned for others. His realization of what Christ did for him drove him to the ends of the world in Christ's service. • Paul's thrust and motivation was not just his passion and character, but his realization of the debt he owed Christ and his response of overwhelming gratitude. This should be a fundamental force for us in our relationship to Christ. If we focus only upon ourselves, we will fail badly. We must be like Paul and willfully keep Christ as our head, for He already is (Acts

9:1; Rom. 1:1; 11:13-14; Eph. 3:1-8; Philp. 3:4-14; Col. 4:18). • Our causes are rooted in our motivations which are rooted in our ideas and expectations. Our sense of obligation will certainly affect all that we do, too; we have to make sure it is rooted in God and not elsewhere! Paul's prayerfulness is an expression of his devotion and zeal (1 Cor. 6:19-20; Eph. 1:15; Phil. 1:69). Are you totally submitted to God's ways? Do you feel indebted, or do you feel owed? Being "poured out" is to take the focus off yourself and place it on others, as Christ did for us. Paul spent his life to express it! Why? What matters most to God is not our ideas of God or a mere belief that He exists. Our belief is the basis for our conviction. Our conviction becomes trust. Our trust becomes faith. Our faith in Him leads to our obedience for which we are rewarded. • In all of Paul's writing, the core is this: Jesus takes our sins, bears them, and covers them from God's wrath by His work on the cross! We are justified and saved by Him and Him alone; no work on our part contributes to it. Jesus Christ alone--in, with, and through His Body and Blood, His death and resurrection--gives us our salvation. We only respond out of our gratitude; from that, we can do good (Lev. 17:11; Job 15:14-16; Psalm 5:4-6; Isa. 53:4-12; 64:6; Jer. 44:4; Hab. 1:13; Matt. 27:37; Luke 22:37; John 2:2; 4:10; Rom.10: 2-3; Gal. 3:13; 4:4; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14-22; 2:14; Heb. 2:17; 9:11-15, 28; Rev. 1:5). • The Good News of the Gospel must make an impact

on us so we can make a response. It changes lives--a transformation from the inside out, because of His Truth. And, this message of the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ continues to go out to the entire world! The message is hastened when we love God and His people and desire the lost to be reached as we obey His commands and call. We can have assurance that God is kind to us and will continue to be so and use us when we are kind to others, too. You can also be Christ's faithful servant and help further the Kingdom and glorify Christ! Indeed, you are called to be so! Because His great love is in you, His wonders can be displayed through your life. For these are the calls He has given! We

Richard Joseph Krejcir is the Founder and Director of Into Thy Word Ministries, a missions and discipling ministry. He is the author of several books including Into Thy Word, A Field Guide to Healthy Relationships and NetWork. He is also a pastor, teacher, and speaker. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California (M.Div.) and holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Practical Theology from London (Ph.D). He has garnered over 20 years of pastoral ministry experience, mostly in youth ministry, including serving as a Church Growth Consultant.

See STUDY, page 5



Continued from page 4 are not alone in this; we have His Holy Spirit to enable and empower us! • Thanksgiving of faith and who Christ is and what He has done (I Cor. 11:4; Phil. 1:3; Col. 1:3; I Thess. 1:2; II Thess. 1:3; II Tim. 3:1; Philemon 4). In view of the fact that we are free from Sin, what are we going to do about it? How is it going to affect our lives and develop our purpose? The Books Paul authors by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit are called the Pauline Epistles. There are the 13 Epistles (letters) written by the Paul that are included in the "canon" of Scripture: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Some scholars add Hebrews, which may have been written by Paul or he had a direct influence on it. • They are masterpieces of the essential doctrines the Christian faith and tell of the deity and humanity of Christ, Who God is and how we come to Him. Paul, by the power of the Holy Ghost, tells how we are to live the Christian life. He expounds (not changes) the teachings of Jesus to make them practical. Paul tells of our relationship to God and our salvation, redemption, sanctification, justification, and reconciliation. He gives us a glimpse of how and why God saves us not by works or efforts by us; rather, we are saved by His Love for us in that He offers us election, predestination, foreknowledge, and the Judgment of Christ. Paul also gives us a 'how to' to

pastor, lead, and manage Christ's Church. • Paul is very passionate and persuasive and gives encouragement in the perseverance of the faith and spiritual growth. He exhorts his readers--yes, us--not to pursue false teaching, mysticisms, traditions, or occultism. No additions to the faith are needed, warranted, or right. He uses complete and brilliant logic to make his case. • As Paul lived a life of always being thankful to and for others, he suffered greatly by the hands of others. The Greek culture, like our's, was a very 'me first' centered, selfish, never-giving- a-thought-forothers society. Sound familiar? Not much has changed with the depravity of human behavior! Paul lived as an example of faith. He saw the best in others, even when it

went against his culture, and his experiences. He kept his eye on the prize that was Christ the LORD! The question for us is this: Are we, as Christians, focused on Christ and what He did for us? If yes, are we showing that thankfulness back to Him and to those around us? Or are we self-focused, only caring about ourselves and giving God a passing thought on Sunday mornings? This focus will create our determination and purpose for our lives! Our focus will be on one of two things--God's perfection or our sinful nature. Which is our focus determines the bent of our lives. • We as Christians must live by faith as this is the smart thing to do (1 Cor. 1:22-30)! As Paul taught, faith is based on knowledge given by God. Faith is not just simple trust; faith is not blind trust either,

because we know the One who is leading! Our faith is based on historical evidence, logical reasoning, and valid testimonies. Our faith is based on the Holy Word of God in which there is no error. Faith is still trusting what is not seen and believing our God (Rom. 1:16-32; 5:1-11; 10:14-17; Gal. 3:1-4; Eph. 2:8-9; James 2:1426)! God imputes His righteousness unto us by what Christ has done by declaring us righteous (Rom. 3:21-26; 5:10-19; 10:3). This declaration means we, as the elect, are free from our debt of sin, but we as debtors are to be witnesses to the lost! • Paul was totally surrendered to the Lordship of Christ! He always has in his mindset that he personally encountered Jesus and knew Him. The Christ is our living Hope that will never fade away! This gives us the confidence and conviction that our loving and living God keeps His promises and secures us in Him. It is the assurance and the fact that God has redeemed us, will bless us, and will care for us. This also means that death will not triumph over those in Christ (1 Cor. 15:54-57; 1 Peter 1:13, 21; 3:15). The ultimate battle in life is not with armies and/or lawyers; it is not politics or our exertions. Rather, it is with our will--what we want versus what God has and desires for us. Paul's life and missions is not just about enduring suffering; it is about following God's will regardless of suffering, grief, or any other kind of life strain. This means we surrender our will to His Will. This means we are focused upon building our lives on God's precepts, not ours. The only way to be real, authentic followers of our Lord Jesus Christ is to deny what we want and pursue what He wants. This means that

knowing who we are and how we are, both to God and also to others around us, is essential. We must never be the stumbling stone, trying to meddle with God's plans for ourselves or others. We must conduct ourselves with utmost integrity; be that person of faith who points to His example. Jesus does not force us to submit and surrender; He models it for us to follow (Psalm 15; John 3:29-30; Gal. 5:24). Key Takeaway: Paul realized the Truth and reality of the Gospel. Even though he was a highly educated and influential leader as a Pharisee and with a high position politically as a Roman citizen, he knew he was lost. He knew he did not deserve God's grace. We are never to take His grace for granted. We are not to see it as cheap, but realize its cost to our Lord, its power and impact upon our lives so we have a response that is real and valid to what Christ has done for us! Do you hear the call of God? Has the reality of Christ impacted you? If so, how have you responded? Have you responded with passion and conviction? Do you proclaim His name with impact and clarity no mater what you do or where you are at? The Call to the Church? We must do as Paul, with a foremost call and passion to preach the gospel. Be thankful. Be encouraged by each other's faith, practicing prayer and using our gifts. Remember our Guilt (sinful nature), and our Grace (salvation, what Christ did), and Gratitude (service, how we are then to live)! As Leaders, we need to have a response that we are encouragers and equippers of and for one another (Rom. 15:1; 25-27)!



“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40


While all the virtues have their role to play in a well-ordered life, some are more central than others. Aristotle thought that justice was the central virtue, at least in part because we are social animals and the virtue of justice concerned the reciprocity between members of society. Justice requires that we give to each other their fair share and not demand more for ourselves than is due us. But courage is also central to the moral life, because it requires courage to say and do the right thing, especially when doing the right thing may entail something fearful or dangerous. Courage is more than just doing one's duty in times of war or standing up to bullies. It is doing the right thing no matter what the circumstances. Temperance or self-control is another primary virtue, because without it we may be moved to act solely for pleasure, and not out of a concern to do what is right. A person who cannot control himself, whether in connection with anger, fear, or pleasure, is bound to be set adrift by his or her passions and by the fleeting emotions of the moment. While all of these virtues are praised throughout the Bible and are probably universal, there can be little doubt that Judeo-Christian morality puts love at the center. If we could just love each other everything else in the moral realm should fall into place.

Wanda Heath Office Manager 110 Cordele Road Suite 5 Albany, GA 31705-2478 Bus 229-485-1385

Kent N Nance, Agent The greatest compliment you can give me is a referral.



PROGRAM PURPOSE The Just, Love, Cooper, Coleman (JLCC) mentoring program is a program that mentors young men in Albany & Southwest Georgia. We relentlessly help young men embrace every aspect of Manhood. Our program begins every fiscal year with many new goals and aspirations and we involve each member and each parent in every material aspect of our goals. The JLCC mentoring program has numerous character building initiatives like fundraising, charity, tutorial programs, retreats, and community volunteer work to name a few that each member is required to perform. Each member is also mandated to exhibit leadership qualities that include respect, unselfishness, and teamwork. Parental involvement is mandatory and it assists the program in its efforts such as college tours, tutorial programs, attending athletic events, and purchasing school supplies to name a few. The Eta Omicron chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated is a 501(c)3 (non Profit) organization. All of the funds from fundraisers and Business Sponsorships will be used on the young men that are a part of the program. ADMISSION & JOINING PROCESS During the months of August thru December yearly potential program members and parents are allowed to participate in the activities the JLCC mentoring program undertakes. During this time frame both the parents and their son(s) can determine whether or not the JLCC mentoring program is a good fit for them. During the month of December of each year those who have been participating with the program and are still interested become full members of the program. As of the following January our program starts the new fiscal year and each new member and their parents are required to participate, fundraise, and be an integral part of every aspect of the program. Interested parents and potential members are welcomed to contact the committee chairperson using the contact information below. Sincerely, Ricky D. Jackson, Committee Chairperson (229) 436-3084 – Office (229) 296-8433 - Cell – Email RICKYDJACKSONINSURANCEAGENCYLLC


ALBANY First Bethesda Baptist Church 7108 Newton Rd (229) 435-2921 New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church 209 N. Monroe Street (229) 888-4777 Greater Grace Church of God in Christ 205 S Westover Blvd (229) 439-7047 St. Teresa’s Catholic Church 421 Edgewood Lane (229) 439-2302 St. Paul Episcopal Church 212 N Jefferson St (229) 436-0196

Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church 1010 Old Pretoria Road (229) 439-0334 First Free Will Baptist Church 420 Westover Blvd (229) 436-4021

Leesburg 135 Main St (229) 759-6576 Leesburg United Methodist Church 117 Starksville Ave N (229) 759-2096

Shiloh Baptist Church 325 Whitney Ave (229) 435-8413

Greenbriar Church 1344 US 19 (229) 446-4642

Calvary Baptist Church 1211 13th Ave calvarybaptistchurchofalban

Leesburg Church of Christ 106 Callaway St (229) 759-2030

New Life of Albany 1200 Cordele Rd

Philema Road Baptist Church 114 Stocks Dairy Rd (229) 435-3135

Lee First Baptist Church -

New Hope Baptist Church 1209 Graves Springs Rd

(229) 439-9997 Greater United Pleasant Green 1512 Philema Rd S (229) 438-8062 Albany Community SDA Church 381 Fussell Rd (229) 436-3631 Friendship Baptist Church 564A Highway 195N Desoto, GA 229-874-6610 AMERICUS Life Point Church 384 GA HWY 30 W Central Baptist Church 190 Upper River Rd (229) 924-4092


Cornerstone Church 245 Southland Rd (229) 924-7409 Restoration Church of Americus 1213 Douglas Cir (229) 931-6244 restorationchurchamericus.c om First United Methodist Church 200 S Lee St (229) 924-3169 First Presbyterian Church 125 S Jackson St (229) 924-2162 St. Mary’s Catholic Church 332 S Lee St (229) 924-3495 First Baptist Church Americus 221 South Lee St (229) 924-9035 Faith Baptist Church 947 Felder st (229) 924-5890 Union Tabernacle Baptist Church 900 Adderton St (229) 924-0421 Americus Pentecostal Church 820 Magnolia St (229) 928-3178

TIFTON Northside Baptist Church 4605 Murray Ave (229) 382-6855 St Anne’s Episcopal Church 2411 Central Ave (229) 382-7505 Our Divine Saviour Catholic 1205 Love Ave (229) 382-4600 Journey Church 304 20th St W (229) 238-3749 New River Church 17 Old Brookfield Rd (229) 386-2693 Carpenter Road Church of God 40 Carpenter Rd N (229) 382-4880 First Presbyterian Church 217 Park Ave N (229) 382-6730 Beulah Hill Baptist Church 321 Tifton-Eldorado Rd (229) 472-1505 New Life Presbyterian Church

3500 Fulwood Rd (229) 382-7238

Calvary Baptist Church 830 26th Ave SE (229) 985-3237



First Baptist Church 400 S Main St (229) 985-2103

CrossPointe Church 110 Northside Dr (229) 242-7702

Heritage Church 844 GA 33 (229) 891-3421

Southland Church 2206 E Hill Ave (229) 245-8188

Trinity Church 201 12th Ave SE (229) 985-3660

New Covenant Church 3531 Bemiss Rd (229) 247-7777

Lifespring Community Church 2010 GA 133 (229) 985-2233

Christ Episcopal Church 1521 N Patterson St (229) 242-5115

Lakeside Assembly of God 146 Washington St (229) 985-5424 Friendship Alliance Church 835 26th Ave (229) 985-4908

Moultrie First Church or Nazarene 410 12th Ave SE (229) 873-6265

Perimeter Road Baptist Church 4091 Inner Perimeter Rd (229) 333-0746 Morningside Baptist Church 2604 Bemiss Rd (229) 242-1426 Azalea City Church of God 247 St. Augustine Rd (229) 244-1855


The Power of Nuts: Heart –healthy Almond Butter Some of the Powerful Health Benefits Research (Blomhoff, Carlsen, Andersen, & Jacobs, 2006) shows that nuts are nutritious. Due to the recent popularity of nuts, butters have become all the rage too. Specifically, almond butter is flying off the shelf. Foodies have discovered that almond butter is full of the good fats. By the way, the good fats reduce versus raise your cholesterol levels. Good fats can also prove instrumental in regulating mood swings, sustaining energy levels, and maintaining weight. One of the most beneficial attributes of nut butters is that they are good for your bones. Almond butter is touted for high doses of calcium, which is essential for keeping your bones strong. As a pescetarian, eating nut butters is one of the ways to ensure I am providing my body with the daily allowance of calcium. If you are one of the five types of vegetarians, try adding some almond butter to your dietary regimen to take advantage of these powerful health benefits. Eating Healthy Can Be Expensive As you may or may not know, a small container of almond butter can vary in price at your local supermarket from $6.99 to $9.99. That’s steep! One of the biggest complaints of individuals desiring to eat healthier is the affordability of quality foods. A solution can be found in growing your own vegetables, and in this instance, creating some homemade nut butters. You can experiment with hazelnuts, pecans, or cashews. Here is an easy-to-

follow recipe you can use to keep the cost of eating healthy low. Ingredients • 2 cups cashews • 2 cups pecans • 1 to 2 Tablespoons of oil (I use flaxseed oil). • Add ins, if desired: fine pink Himalayan sea salt, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, nutmeg, vanilla Process As you can see, nut butters consist of three to four ingredients. Here is the process. 1. Add nuts to the food processor 2. Touch the On button. Allow the processor to process the nuts from anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency. Somewhere around five to seven minutes, stop the processor and scrape the sides of the bowl to ensure an even, creamy mixture. Once it is creamy, place your add ins to the bowl, if desired. If you decide to use oil, stream it through the open hole on the lid of the food processor. Start streaming in the oil very slowly. Then, increase the speed. Doing so will help to blend the oil in well and prevent it from sitting on top of the nut butter. 3. Store in a mason jar Enjoy, and start tapping into the powerful health benefits of nuts and hearthealthy almond butter. If you want to know how to rebuild your pantry with healthy foods or desire more nutritious recipes, pick up a copy of Leadership FITness. About Karen M. Pina

Karen’s temple was broken down with diseases such as high blood pressure, atomic dermatitis, and benign tumors. Modifying her diet to a simple one full of super foods and super nutrition ushered her into healing. During the process, she went from a size 14 to a size six in 42 days. Picture yourself healthy. A new radiant you awaits, and the journey begins with Leadership

FITness. Let Karen walk you step-by-step to experiencing fullness in your temple. References Blomhoff, R., Carlsen, M. H., Andersen, L. F., & Jacobs, D. R. (2006). Health benefits of nuts: potential role of antioxidants. British Journal of Nutrition, 96 (SupplementS2), S52-S60. doi:doi:10.1017/BJN2006186 4

Karen M. Pina is the founder of Gifts Ordained by Direction. Her exclusive approach for leaders develops the character necessary to rise to greatness in business and ministry. She has written three books and created over 100 ministry, business, and personal development resources that quench leaders’ thirst and hunger for spiritual meat and marketplace wisdom. Karen has been a guest on several television and radio programs that challenged leaders to move to the next level of significance in every area of their lives. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and a Master’s of Education (M.Ed). in Higher Education Leadership and Administration. Karen will defend and obtain and a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Ph.D.) in 2016. Her education and gift of wisdom has served her well as she has coached, consulted, and trained doctors, directors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, IT professionals, bishops, apostles, executives, coaches, prophets, teachers, pastors, and a vast array of leaders to greatness. To learn more about the books, resources, and Karen go to


A Story of Grace and Mercy in Juvenile Court


Many year ago, I had the honor of serving as an Associate Judge of the Juvenile Court of Fulton County, GA. I often tell people that it was the most challenging and the most rewarding job I have ever had. With no juries in juvenile court, all of the decisions are left up to the judge. This was something that I was quite comfortable with as a practicing attorney, but then realized the extreme weight of making life changing decisions, as the one on the bench. One day, a 15-year-old young man was brought into court. He had been charged with selling drugs on the streets of Atlanta, an offense that goes to the core of urban decay. As the charges were read in court, it became apparent that he had no one in court with him except his court appointed attorney. When asked about his parents and family members, we discovered that he had none. In fact, it had been 2 years

since he had any contact with his family, and he was homeless on the streets of Atlanta. Right there in the shadows of our gold domed state capital, we had a 13-year-old boy living alone. He was not in school and he had never been in foster care. He had fallen through the cracks of every conceivable crack in every system that we have in place to protect children in our community. The case was recessed, while the Department of Family and Children Services was called. After all, in spite of the charges before us, we now also had an abandoned minor. The response was beyond negative. The case manager was heard to say, “Why would the judge send us a drug dealer? He needs to be locked up in detention.” Realizing that the boy needed an additional advocate, a community volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) was appointed to assist with the case.

After meeting with the young man, the CASA volunteer helped to locate a group home for his placement. From day one, the group home staff reported that this young man was the hardest working student in their school. He was also noted to be very nurturing to the younger residence. He was a model resident in every aspect. When he came back to court, this is what we learned through his interaction with the CASA volunteer. He knew that selling drugs was wrong, but he did not know another way to occasionally put a roof over his head and get something to eat. No one would hire him at such a

young age, and he just became another unknown, faceless child abandoned first by his family and then by our community that purports to care for the least of these. Thanks to the mentoring and guidance of the volunteer, the young man went on to earn his GED, enroll in Technical College and become a self-sufficient, working and productive adult. Looking into the heart and soul of the young man, enabled the volunteer to see beyond his current circumstances to help him realize his potential. Isn’t that the grace and mercy that God offers each of us?



Upcoming Events Late Night at FBC Tuesdays at 8 PM College Bible Study - Free Food! FBC Family Life Center First Baptist Tifton 4th St & Central Ave Contact Bill Hughes

MARCH 26 Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Cordele 10:00 am - 11:00 am We have one of the BIGGEST Easter Egg Hunts around. Over 3,000 eggs will be filled with candy and goodies and planted by the Easter Bunny in the field. The Easter Bunny will be there to take pictures and cheer the children on. Ages 10yrs and younger. This event is sponsored by the Cordele Kiwanis Club. Meet at the Visitors Center. Free event but a $5.00 parkpass is required for all vehicles and donations to the Cordele Kiwanis Club are welcome and appreciated.

First Saturday of Each Month 8:00 am - 10:00 am Dougherty Prayer Vigil 222 Pine Ave, Albany Contact Rance Pettibone, Sr.: (229) 881-4828

MARCH 27 Easter Brunch at Chehaw Make reservations between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm $30 per adult, $20 per child (4-12 yrs) Includes Easter egg hunt. Reserve your seat by March 24 by calling (229) 430-5275

MARCH 19 St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church’s 3rd Annual Lap a Leprechaun fundraiser Registration fees for the 10K and 5K races are $25 until March 11 and $30 thereafter. The cost for the Fun Walk is $10. All registered race and walk entrants will receive t-shirts. Registration will be available in advance of the race online at and also at Wild Side Running in Lake Park Plaza, and 5 p.m.-7 p.m. on March 18 at the church.

APRIL 1 Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, OBB, Ryan Stevenson - 'WE BELIEVE...GOD'S NOT DEAD' SPRING 2016 TOUR FT. NEWSBOYS First Baptist Woodstock 11905 Highway 92

MARCH 23 Mt. Zion Baptist Church Presents: The Mercy Tree A cinematic and live performance Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 7:00 PM 901 S. Westover Blvd, Albany, GA Free and open to the public For more info, call 229-432-6837

Woodstock, GA 30188 First Baptist Woodstock Starts:7:00PM Doors Open: 6:00PM Tickets Premium: $45.00 Includes early entry at 5 pm and an artist Advance: $22.50 Family 4-Packs: $18.50/ticket - Limited number! APRIL 14 Lily Pad SANE Center hosting child abuse symposium Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location: Darton College Student Center, Room C-266 2400 Gillionville Road Albany, GA (Seven (7) hours POST Credit will be awarded for GA POST Certified Law Enforcement Officers) To register or for more information email Spring Saturdays at The Rock Ranch • Easter EGGstravaganza - March 19 • Strawberry Festival - April 23 706.647.6374



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By Deborah Redding

Give Life to Your Dreams

Each one of us is born with special talents and gifts that are specific to us. So many of you have dreams that you’ve yet to realize and give life to. There are things that you are passionate about doing and ideas you would like to see come to fruition. You have books you want to write, films to direct, businesses to start, and a life that you see yourself living. Those talents and gifts make way for us to select careers and hobbies, and they provide direction and fullness in our lives. Ever wonder why you like to sing, have a knack for sewing, or have a gift for inspiring people? You have these talents for a reason. They were selected specifically for you because you have the means to carry them out and make the most of them. They are a part of your divine design. In life we have to pursue what makes us happy and what fills our souls with joy and love. That’s the kind of life we are meant to live. You’ve got to own it. When it comes to doing what God has given you to do, you’ve got to exclude other people’s opinions and believe in what he has for you. It’s for you. You are the conductor, you are the lead, and he is depending on you to make this happen. Think back to when you were a child. When it came to happiness, there were no boundaries or limits. You danced and laughed effortlessly, free from feeling any judgment. Slowly, as you became older, you began to listen to other people’s opinions and perceptions of

themselves, you, and the world. As you began to take that in little by little doubt began to occupy that space where hope once was. The things you thought you could do and the person you wanted to be got pushed behind something safer, more acceptable. When it comes to truly pursuing our dreams, we can’t make way for doubt and negative thoughts. Don’t get caught up in the questioning more than the doing. We ask how will I do this; how will I get everything to come together? I enjoy designing clothing, but how will I ever get my designs in stores? We allow the unknown to stall us. Proverbs 18:16 states that, “A man's gift makes room for him" (NKJV). We spend a lot of time rationalizing how our dreams will come to pass. As this scripture states, the gifts you have will make room for you; there is a way already made. You don’t need to rationalize that, it is true. God doesn’t work in ways that we can always rationalize or make sense of; he works at a higher level of consciousness and awareness. You’ve got to trust in his position, after all, he is God. When you make a decision to pursue your passion and dreams and to use your talents and gifts, you become true to your purpose. It may not be for others to understand. God can change minds, he can open doors, and he can provide you the resources you need. All you have to do is get started and believe that you can do this. Your gifts and "ČPSEBCMF -JGF *OTVSBODF talents are a tool for you (FREE) MediCare (Assistance) to experience passion, joy and fulfillment in life. t -JGF *OTVSBODF t %JTBCJMJUZ These are the dreams t *OKVSZ "DDJEFOU t $BODFS you want to give life to. t %FOUBM t 7JTJPO The things you desire t 'JSF t $SJUJDBM *MMOFTT and long for in life are not t 5FMF %PD t 4IPSU 4UBZ /VSTJOH )PNF a mistake; you don’t feel t -FHBM $MVC PG "NFSJDB t 3PBETJEF "TTJTUBODF these things just by Call: Independent Insurance Agent +JNNZ 4NJUI t chance. You are the only *OTVSBODF !(NBJM DPN

person that can make that specific idea cone true. God gave it to you. He has entrusted you to love and care and foster it. If he gave you this longing, don’t you think he will make a way for you? You’ve got to push your dreams forwards rather than holding them back. People need you, because the gift that was given to you will change lives and it will help you bring God’s vision to the world. You’ve got to stop

looking at yourself through man’s eyes and see yourself the way God has created you. No matter how small, how old, or how unequipped you may feel; God’s grace is timeless and limitless and that dream is your calling to fulfill. You have to be true to your dreams. Think how different the world would be if every person gave life to their dreams. What a world we would live in!


Jesus Christ and the Cost of Our Forgiveness Dr. Tai Ikomi As we approach the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we need to reassess the cost of our forgiveness. This is what Easter is all about…. Our forgiveness and our reconciliation to God. What price can we place on our forgiveness? One thing is for sure: it did not come cheap. Today, we speak of asking God to forgive our sins, but we sometimes forget how this redemption was instituted. The forgiveness of our sins came with a high price tag. It cost Jesus Christ the Son of God His blood and His life! He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32) Let us see with only a limited view the cost of the forgiveness of our sins to our Savior.

• The Omnipotent God, in becoming man, lived with the inconvenience of human frailty. • The Ancient of days, in becoming man, was subject to time and had to grow in time and in stature like man. • The One who owns all things became poor that He might make us rich. • The One who never grew weary or tired had to experience fatigue as man. • The One who did not need to sleep now had to sleep regularly. • The One who did not need food for

servant, and was made in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:7) Shout of Victory He went on the cross, the most notorious form of execution since the world began, which lasted one thousand years. It was eventually banned but not before the prophesy of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was fulfilled. After hours on being on the cross, as He drew His last breath, He shouted, “It is finished!” The earth trembled. The forgiveness of our sins has been guaranteed. The price has been paid. The ransom has been given to the Father, who is the God of Justice. Now, with the blood of Jesus, we can claim the forgiveness of our sins. His blood has been applied to the mercy seat of God. Now we can come before the holy and just God and ask Him to forgive us through the blood that was shed on Calvary. What a price! What a sacrifice! When we celebrate Easter we must not forget the sacrifice. When we sin and ask God to forgive us, we must never lose sight of the cost. We must claim the forgiveness of our sins by faith. We must shun sin and recognize the price that was paid for it. And if Jesus was willing to go to this extent for the price of our forgiveness, then we too can graciously grant to our offender the forgiveness for their sins against us. Above all, we must love this Savior who left the glories of heaven and came down to earth for the purpose of bringing us to heaven. The wonder of His forgiveness. What a Savior! What a Christ! What a Lord!

“As we approach the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we need to reassess the cost of our forgiveness. This is what Easter is all about…. Our forgiveness and our reconciliation to God. What price can we place on our forgiveness? ”

Jesus Humanity In order for our sins to be forgiven, Jesus must and was willing to come to earth as a man. How else could He pay with His blood if He did not have the blood? He had to become like man, and shed His blood as man for the sake of man. What a great Forgiver! Who is willing to pay for the forgiveness of His offender like that? For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified [are] all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren (Hebrews 2:11).

The paradox of His Humanity In becoming man, He was subject to human limitations. • The Maker of man Himself had to become man and had to grow in the womb of one of His creations. • The One who was once omnipresent now had to be confined to a particular location.

sustenance now had to eat. • Perhaps one of the most incomprehensible aspects was that in becoming man, the Holy One lived among sinners. All for the purpose of our forgiveness. No doubt the angels would have been spell bound. The saints who went before us like Abraham must have rejoiced in heaven. Oh, the love that drew the plan for salvation! The love that made our Savior willing to become man, all for the sake of our forgiveness. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a

Dr. Tai Ikomi is the author of the bestseller, His Beauty for My Ashes, an account of the grace of God in her life when she lost her husband and three children to a drunk driver. She has written over 30 books. A conference speaker, she speaks on her testimony of God’s grace all over the world. She conducts seminars on the Names of God and Forgiveness. Dr. Ikomi is the founder of Forgiveness Discipleship, the art of training in forgiveness. She lives in Dallas, TX. Forgiveness Prayer Lord, what can I say? Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your blood. Thank you for your forgiveness. Lord, I trust it to wash me of all my sins. Lord, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. And Lord, help me to forgive others who have offended me. If you could shed your blood for the forgiveness of my sins, I am ready to forgive others. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Discussion 1. How do the struggles of being human Jesus faced help you with your own struggles? 2. Describe a time when you struggled immensely with forgiving someone. Looking back on it, what are a few things this lesson could have helped you with? 3. Do you remember when your sins were forgiven? 4. What is the most important lesson you’ve taken away from this article?



Continued from page 2

because they knew ahead of time what was expected and what the consequences are should they go rogue. Allow Dreams to Be Crushed

Set Up Your Beliefs Sometimes a child will break our trust without even knowing about it. It happens when we cling to unspoken rules or guidelines in the house, and expect our teens to instinctively understand them. Trust me; if that’s the way your home operates, you’ll find yourself disappointed over and over again. Even if your child is 17 and ready to leave home, I recommend setting up a belief system for your house. Sit down and clearly define and discuss the rules and expectations every person in the house must adhere to. That includes curfews, dating parameters, the kind of language spoken in the house, and the use of social media. Openly state what you believe about honesty, respect, compassion and having fun with the family. Once you’ve set up your specific belief system, follow up by explaining some pre-determined consequences that will come into effect should those rules be broken. This takes away the surprise when your teen strays out of bounds and has to deal with the results. Once household rules and beliefs are understood, the penalties won’t seem to come out of left field. The kids at Heartlight understand that the rules we have in place are for their own protection and the safety of others. They also understand the consequences of breaking those rules. I have to stifle a laugh when a kid comes up to me and says, “Well, I know I have yard cleanup duty this week.” “Why is that?” “Well, because I was disrespectful to some of the staff.” They may not like all the rules we have in place, but our teens don’t really complain about the results,

We all have hopes and aspirations for our children. No dad wants his daughter to be an unwed teen mother. No mom is hoping her son will spend some time in jail. Our dreams for our teens include visions of happy families, productive lives and meaningful careers. But sometimes when a teen breaks our trust, a dream may die. The goals we set for our son or daughter start to wither away. That’s a rather hopeless feeling, and it compounds the pain. But Mom and Dad, let me encourage you to let those dreams die. God has a plan for your teen, and it may be radically different than what you had in mind. I’ll always remember getting a call from my son telling me that he and his wife were getting a divorce due to an affair. My heart was crushed as I watched my son break not only my trust, but his wife’s as well. My dream for him was leveled in a few minutes on a brief phone call. But God redeemed my son, and now his exwife is married to a good man, my son is married to a lovely young lady, and I have some beautiful grandbabies to prove it! Here’s the point: God can take your broken trust and crushed dreams and transform them into something beyond your wildest expectations. Maybe the life you envisioned for your son or daughter is not coming to pass. That’s okay. God is still in control, and He’s not finished with you or your child yet. Let go of those aspirations, and find hope in what God is doing in your teen’s life. I wish I could give you practical steps to prevent your child from breaking your trust. But that is never going to happen. As parents, all we can do is prepare for and deal with mistakes as they happen; moving towards our children in the midst of the pain and allowing God to guide our future.

6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” 8 Then they remembered his words. Luke 24:6-8


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