Government Law Center Annual Report 2013-14

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september 2013 — august 2014

government law center annual report

MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Given Albany Law School’s unique location in New York State’s capital, and the Government Law Center’s history as the oldest law school center focused on government law, the GLC plays a central role in enriching the educational experience for our students; advancing the law school’s mission, vision and goals; and creating a bridge between the law school community and the community outside its walls, in the Capital Region and beyond.

Economic Development and the Law: Creating engines for economic growth and systems that promote economic justice; Innovations in Governance: Developing practical and inspired solutions to the challenges of governance; and Law and Social Innovation: Crafting creative approaches to meeting social needs. As you will see from this report, this past year saw the GLC host events and promote scholarship that brought key substantive issues into focus. Whether it was co-hosting a conference at the United Nations on trafficking and slavery, bringing former Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch to campus, helping to illuminate New York State’s innovative advances in energy policy, or promoting economic development through a strategic partnership with the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, the GLC was at the forefront of cutting-edge issues, and helped to bring many distinct and disparate voices together in ways few other institutions in the state can. What you read about in these pages would not be possible without the tireless work of the GLC staff, the contributions of the law school’s faculty to the efforts of the GLC, the contributions of our students, and, unquestionably, your support. The GLC has received financial support this past year from many: foundations, government, law firms, banks and private donors. In difficult financial times, our supporters have come forward in ways that have made the rich programs you read about in this report a reality. As we embark on a new year at the GLC, I hope you will agree that this last one was a great success, and, together, we will continue these efforts. Ray Brescia Associate Professor of Law and Director

Government Law Center

“... creating a bridge between the law school community and the community outside its walls, in the Capital Region and beyond.” Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

After an 18-month strategic planning process that engaged members of the law school Board of Trustees, the GLC Advisory Board, faculty, students, and GLC staff, the GLC has developed an exciting new substantive focus designed to maintain the GLC’s position as New York State’s premier center for the study of law and policy. These substantive initiatives are the following:



A N N UA L P RO G R A M S . . . . . . . . . . . Anderson Series Featured State Leaders on Hot Topics














The Saratoga Institute Drew Considerable Media Attention Capacity Crowd Attended Former Lt. Gov. Ravitch’s Crawford Lecture C O N F E R E N C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UN Conference on Combatting Slavery Simulcast Worldwide





Conference Helped Shape National Energy Future

E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P, T E C H N O LO G Y A N D L AW . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7 Albany Law, CNSE Partnered on First-of-its-Kind Program for Nano-Tech Education Students Teamed Up for NYS Business Plan Competition Getting Ready for Startup Law Day

E QU I N E , R AC I N G A N D G A M I N G L AW . . . . . . . . Launch of New Concentration in Equine, Racing and Gaming Law

C I T I Z E N S ’ P O L I C E R E V I E W B OA R D . . . Milestone Police Mediation Program Established

P U B L I C F O RU M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women Mayors Bring Fresh Perspectives to Old Challenges


























. 8 - 9

Forum Examined the Production of Safe, Sustainable Food

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter Defends the Humanities

AG I N G L AW / AC C E S S TO J U S T I C E . . . . . . . . . Law School, School of Social Welfare Partnered to Close Justice Gap





9 - 10

Fellow Studied Guardianship for Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities Publication Puts Spotlight on Aging, Longevity and the Law

S P E C I A L E V E N T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Event Recognized Former Board Chairman’s Service to the GLC



I N S T I T U T E O F L E G A L S T U D I E S / C L E . . . . . . . . Institute of Legal Studies Expanded to Include Online CLE Courses










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Praise for Popular Saratoga CLE Series Diverse Selection of Programs Are CLE-Certified C O L L A B O R AT I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . Developing GLC-Faculty and Other Strategic Partnerships




























P RO G R A M S P O N S O R S / PA RT N E R S . .

A DV I S O RY B OA R D . .

S TA F F . . . .



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2 Cop y ri ght © 2014 Alba n y L a w S c hool

ANNUAL PROGRAMS ANDERSON SERIES FEATURED STATE LEADERS ON HOT TOPICS The Government Law Center held its 2014 Warren M. Anderson Legislative Seminar Series in February through May. The program opened with a presentation to a full house by New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. Other seminars drew large audiences and featured former Attorney General Robert Abrams, Richard Brodsky and John Faso who addressed campaign finance; a panel on infrastructure funding; and education commissioner John B. King, Jr., NYSUT general counsel Richard Casagrande ’75 and Jay Worona, general counsel for the New York State School Boards Association who discussed education reform. Videos from the 2014 Sessions are available at:

The 2014 Saratoga Institute on Racing and Gaming Law explored headline-making issues such as the impact of commercial casinos, equine welfare, and Internet gaming. Prominent horse owner and breeder Frank Stronach of the Stronach Group and Magna International, Inc. and Mayor Joanne Yepsen of Saratoga delivered the keynote addresses. The event was covered by national and local media outlets, including an article by BloodHorse showcasing the debate about backstretch wage compliance in the wake of the 2008 investigation into wage practices by New York State, which featured Jim Gallagher, Executive Director of the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association; Trainer Gary Contessa; and Tricia Kakalec, an attorney from the New York State Office of the Attorney General. Other speakers included: Gary E. Biszantz, owner of Cobra Farm; racing consultant Dick Powell; Jeffery Gural of The Meadowlands Racetrack; Thomas Auriemma of Penn National Gaming; Mike Pollock of Spectrum Gaming; and Senator John Bonacic and Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow. Professors Patrick Connors, Michael Hutter, and Dorothy Hill of Albany Law School also participated in the program.

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014



CAPACITY CROWD ATTENDED FORMER LT. GOV. RAVITCH’S CRAWFORD LECTURE Former New York State Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch delivered a talk on “The Fiscal Challenges Facing Local Governments” for the 2014 Edwin L. Crawford Memorial Lecture on Municipal Law. He told personal stories reflecting his long, distinguished career in public service and the many key roles he has played in helping to maintain and rescue New York’s fiscal health. Mr. Ravitch encouraged the students in the audience to pursue their dreams of public service. He graciously autographed his new memoir, So Much to Do: A Full Life of Business, Politics and Confronting Fiscal Crises, at the reception following the program.


CONFERENCES UN CONFERENCE ON COMBATTING SLAVERY SIMULCAST WORLDWIDE The GLC co-hosted a conference, “Combatting Slavery in the 21st Century,” at the United Nations in New York, which was simulcast to high schools and colleges throughout the world through the auspices of United Nations Academic Impact. The conference addressed not only the lasting vestiges of traditional forms of slavery and indentured servitude, but also contemporary issues of child labor and sex trafficking. Albany Law professors Ray Brescia, Melissa Breger, Anthony Farley and Paul Finkelman, among other prominent scholars and activists on these subjects, participated. More than 20 Albany Law students traveled to New York to hear the presentations. Kevin Ryan, president and CEO of Covenant House International and co-author of Almost Home: Helping Kids Move from Homelessness to Hope, delivered the keynote address on child trafficking. The GLC collaborated with the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government and United Nations Academic Impact. The program was underwritten by grants from the Ford Foundation and Humanity United.

CONFERENCE HELPED SHAPE NATIONAL ENERGY FUTURE The GLC collaborated with the New York State Public Service Commission to convene a national conference, “An Energy Agenda for the Future,” at Albany Law School. Participants included Audrey Zibelman, Chair of the Public Service Commission, and Richard Kauffman, Chair of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and New York State’s Chairman for Energy and Finance. Adjunct faculty member and PSC Administrative Law Judge Eleanor Stein played a lead role in organizing the program, which featured government officials, scientists, attorneys and advocates. The program was initiated because of a new report by the state’s Public Service Commission calling for clean energy resources to play a central role in how the energy system brings value to customers; a more market-based, decentralized approach to energy policy; and a new system to deal with the consequences of climate change.

The GLC collaborated with the New York State Public Service Commission to convene a national conference, “An Energy Agenda for the Future,” at Albany Law School.

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Watch the webcast at:


E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P, T E C H N O L O G Y A N D L A W ALBANY LAW, CNSE PARTNERED ON FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND PROGRAM FOR NANO-TECH EDUCATION Albany Law School announced a partnership with the SUNY College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE) that will allow students to work with startup companies, help develop products from idea to commercialization, work in a Tech Transfer Practicum, and extern at the CNSE Office of Technology Innovation and Commercialization. The partnership is considered the first of its kind in the country. Led by GLC Director Ray Brescia, portions of the program will be implemented over the next five years, with more than 200 students expected to be trained in the scientific, commercial and legal aspects of nanoentrepreneurship, simultaneously strengthening the network of alumni, faculty, engineers, entrepreneurs and practicing attorneys involved with the industry in the Capital Region and across New York State. Additionally, the program aims to attract top engineering, business, and law students to the region to strengthen enrollment at both institutions.

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Ph o t o by Mel is s a Re nzi/ SUN Y C N SE


STUDENTS TEAMED UP FOR NYS BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION Two Albany Law School students participated on separate interdisciplinary student teams at the New York State Business Plan Competition held at the Albany campus of CNSE. Colby Creedon ’14, a joint JD/MBA candidate, and three students from CNSE won the grand prize of $100,000 for their novel technology to create realistic eye tissue used for drug screening to help prevent and treat glaucoma. Sarah Barry ’15 was part of a team with students from CNSE and UAlbany’s Business School that took third place in the Competition’s business category for design of a drone to help relay communications transmissions. They competed against more than 560 students on 92 teams, representing 36 colleges and universities.

GETTING READY FOR STARTUP LAW DAY The GLC has been preparing to offer a new program it will present in partnership with NYSERDA. “Startup Law Day” is a free event for entrepreneurs / early stage business founders that will be held at Albany Law School to highlight, support and further entrepreneurship, job creation and economic development in the Capital Region. It will kick

off a regionally focused startup series that is being offered throughout the year in conjunction with other area academic institutions. Highlights will include focused workshop sessions taught by law school faculty, a spotlight networking event to “show and tell” an entrepreneur’s innovative business idea, and free legal consultations with respected Capital Region attorneys.

EQUINE, RACING AND G A M I N G L AW LAUNCH OF NEW CONCENTRATION IN EQUINE, RACING AND GAMING LAW In response to a growing demand for qualified attorneys to work in the global $225 billion equine, racing and gaming industries, and with several casinos in development stages across New York State, Albany Law School will offer a concentration in equine, racing and gaming law—the only one of its kind in the nation—starting September 2014 for the incoming class of 2017. The Saratoga Institute for Equine, Racing and Gaming Law will encompass expanded courses on equine law, racing regulations and gaming industry law, which will be added to a pre-existing business concentration that offers such courses as administrative, insurance, employment and tax law. The program, which includes specialized coursework and hands-on field placements, will prepare students to become industry leaders in the private sector and government agencies.


CITIZENS’ POLICE REVIEW BOARD MILESTONE POLICE MEDIATION PROGRAM ESTABLISHED The Albany Police Department and the local police union announced a new mediation program that the Government Law Center will administer through the Albany Citizens’ Police Review Board. At a press conference held at the Law School which included thenCity of Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings, Chief of Police Steven Krokoff and Reverend Edward Smart, who is chair of the Police Review Board, all of those involved in creating the program praised the central role of the GLC in making the Citizens’ Police Review Board a success. The City of Albany created the CPRB in 2000. The law required that the GLC establish and coordinate a mediation process as part of the CPRB as an alternative to having complaints investigated by the Police Department’s Office of Professional Standards.


Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014



Three newly-elected mayors of upstate New York cities, including two Albany Law School alumnae, shared stories about the struggles in breaking through a male-dominated political old guard, talked candidly about fiscal challenges facing their municipalities, and concurred that their gender helps them bring a fresh perspective to long-standing problems. Hon. Kathy Sheehan ’94 of Albany, Hon. Lovely Warren ’03 of Rochester, and Hon. Joanne Yepsen of Saratoga Springs participated in the forum. It was moderated by Lise Bang-Jensen, Director of Media Services and Public Affairs for the New York State Bar Association.

FORUM EXAMINED THE PRODUCTION OF SAFE, SUSTAINABLE FOOD The GLC co-sponsored a public forum/book signing, “Carnivore, Locavore, Grocery Store: The Economics, Politics, and Regulation of Sustainable Meat Production,” organized by Professor Timothy D. Lytton, the Albert & Angela Farone Distinguished Professor of Law at Albany Law School. The program featured Parke E. Wilde, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Friedman School of Nutrition Science at Tufts University; Jerry Cosgrove, Associate Director of the Local Economics Project of the New World Foundation; and Anna and Naftali Hanau, Co-founders and owners of Grow & Behold Kosher Pastured Meats of NYC. Honest Weight Food Co-op co-sponsored the forum. Professor Lytton is the author of Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food (2013, Harvard University Press).


RETIRED SUPREME COURT JUSTICE DAVID SOUTER DEFENDS THE HUMANITIES A tour to promote a report of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences brought retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter to The Cultural Education Center of the Empire State Plaza to engage in a public forum co-sponsored by The Government Law Center, Cordo & Company, Hodgson & Russ, LLP, and the New York State Bar Association. Justice Souter served as Commissioner of the report—The Heart of the Matter: The Humanities and Social Sciences for a vibrant, competitive, and secure nation—and eloquently discussed its findings. The report represents a national initiative to educate Americans in what we will need to thrive in a twenty-first-century democracy; to foster a society that is innovative, competitive, and strong; and to equip the nation for leadership in our global society. The program was co-hosted by the New York State Library, Archives, and Museum and the New York Council for the Humanities in partnership with the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

In response to Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman’s call to close New York’s justice gap through joint efforts of lawyers and other professionals, the GLC and the University at Albany School of Social Welfare presented, “Lawyers and Social Workers—A Collaboration to Stop Elder Abuse,” on the University at Albany’s Downtown Campus. The event was sponsored by both schools as well as the NYS Office for the Aging, the Empire Justice Center, and the Albany Law School Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA). The NAELA student chapter sponsored a luncheon for the presenters and a reception following the event. Donna Dougherty ’86, Legal Director of the Jewish Association Serving the Aging (JASA) in Queens, together with members of JASA’s staff, used two case studies to model the team’s investigation of elder abuse, and their management of ethical and other issues. The program was held before a standing room only crowd. The next phase of this collaboration involves creating, or using already existing, educational opportunities for law students and social work students to work together; identifying existing legal offices and social service agencies interested in creating programs similar to JASA’s program; and identifying funding sources that can support the first two activities.


FELLOW STUDIED GUARDIANSHIP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL HEALTH DISABILITIES Sandman Fellow Felicia Valle ’14 spent the past year researching New York State guardianship statutes for individuals with mental health disabilities. Her fellowship culminated in a final report to be released to policy makers and advocates. Valle also organized a roundtable in April for more than a dozen attorneys and other professionals to discuss her work and related issues at the Law School. She examined the complexity of relevant laws and regulations— such as Article 17-A of the Surrogate’s Court Procedure Act and Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law—and her report proposes ways to streamline guardianship proceedings and improve outcomes for individuals and families. The Sandman Fellowship is administered through the Government Law Center’s Aging Law and Policy Program. Since 1993, 30 Sandman Fellows have produced 19 reports, contributing significantly to aging law and policy.

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014



The summer 2014 issue of Government, Law and Policy Journal produced by the GLC on the well-timed topic of aging, longevity and the law will be published by NYSBA early in fall 2014. Robert Abrams, Esq. of Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara & Einiger, LLP, served as guest editor of the publication which will feature a number of insightful articles by leading authors. GLC Advisory Board Chairman Scott Fein will serve as guest editor of the next issue of the journal which will cover trending topics in NYS government.

SPECIAL EVENTS EVENT RECOGNIZED FORMER BOARD CHAIRMAN’S SERVICE TO THE GLC Albany Law School Dean Penny Andrews hosted a special reception at Albany Law School in recognition of Bill Redmond’s impressive 20-year tenure as Chairman of the GLC Advisory Board. The event honored Bill for providing guidance during a period of unprecedented growth at the GLC and for the significant role he played in making the Center the national resource that it is today. The GLC created a booklet of recollections from Board Members and staff which was given to Bill that evening as a memento of his service as Chairman. Dean Andrews; former GLC Director Patricia Salkin, now Dean at Touro Law School; and Vice Chair Jake Kelliher provided tributes and toasts. Attendees included Bill’s wife, Joan; other family members and friends; former and present members of the Advisory Board and the GLC; Trustees of the Law School; and other admirers.

INSTITUTE OF LEGAL STUDIES / CLE INSTITUTE OF LEGAL STUDIES EXPANDED TO INCLUDE ONLINE CLE COURSES The GLC oversaw the creation of a library of interesting CLE programs for viewing online, given by leaders in the field, including Albany Law faculty, alumni and other experts. The new online sessions include a discussion by Professor Robert Heverly on the ethical issues related to attorney use of social media; an engaging overview by Michael Hutter, Professor of Law and GLC Advisory Board member, of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on personal jurisdiction; an explication of recent updates to New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Law by Catherine Hedgeman ’00; and Professor Dorothy Hill and Professor Nancy Maurer’s training on how to supervise law students. An online symposium, “Illustrious Judges: Bronson, Brewer, Matthew, and Jackson,” features thoughtful talks by Professor Vincent Bonventre, Dean Alicia Ouellette ’94, Honorable Randolph F. Treece ’76, and Professor John Q. Barrett.


Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

The popular Saratoga CLE Series—which features four lively presentations taught by Albany Law professors—took place on Fridays in August at the Gideon Putnam Resort in Saratoga Springs, NY. The Supreme Court Review by Professor Vincent Bonventre and Ethics Update by Professor Ray Brescia, presented during the first half of August, received rave reviews. Professor Michael J. Hutter delivered his always-excellent New York Evidence Update and Negligence and Tort Update at the end of August to conclude the 2014 Series.


DIVERSE SELECTION OF PROGRAMS ARE CLE-CERTIFIED Throughout the year the GLC administered CLE credit through the Institute of Legal Studies for numerous Albany Law School programs, not only for such GLC offerings as the Anderson Breakfast Series and The Saratoga Institute, but also for the Albany Law Review symposium, Albany Law School’s Reunion weekend, workshops for the Albany Law Clinic & Justice Center, and many others. In addition, customized CLE credit was provided at meetings and programs for the New York State Association of Counties, the New York State Association of Towns, the Business Council of the State of New York, and many other outside organizations.

The GLC is committed to help enhance the profile of the law

S T U D E N T S — Over the past year, the following Albany Law School students and Siena College Legal Fellows engaged in a variety of law-related projects at the GLC:

school’s faculty. To these ends,


we have worked to include a

Sarah Barry

Mohammad Hussain

Soomin Ryu

Noah Becker

Cheyenne James

Abigail Sardino

engaging Professors Chung,

Cameron Betterley

Jordine Jones

Emily Schultz

Heverly and Kearns with our

Rachel Braman

Mackenzie Kesterke

Alexandra Scoville

Rebecca Cerny

Sarah Klein

Christopher Scoville

Finkelman in our United Nations

Taylor Ciobanu

Michael LiPetri

Amanda Smith

program on slavery and human

Serena Compitello

Stacey Lococo

Jessica Sorrendino

Alexander Cooper

David Lyons

Neill Stauble

on food policy and economic

William Davies

Nicholas Martin

Arianna Stupple

development, highlighted above,

Vincent DiCocco

Christina Mazzarella

Devlyn Tedesco

Kirsten Dunn

Walter McCarthy

Dolores Tedesco

in these issues and highlighted

Frances T. Dwyer IV

Ashley McDonald

Felicia Valle

the work of Professor Lytton. Our

Lauren Eversley

Sean Moran

Jamie VanDenburgh

James F. Faucher II

Valere Nielsen

Anais Vasquez

Michael Immanuel Fiske

Benjamin Novogroski

James Villanueva

Alexis Osborne

Emily Von Werlhof

Jared Pellerin

Jessica Wagner

Kellan Potts

Kim Waldren

Cecilia Hassett

Geoff Rafalik

Stephan Weiss

above, the GLC has also worked

Kelly Hendricken

Cassandra Rivas

Tyler Wolcott

to strengthen our relationships

Patrick Hickey

Kathleen Rivers

Mishka Woodley

Bethany Hicks

Eamon Rock

Christopher Yagoobian

broad contingent of faculty in our programming. This has involved

technology initiatives and including Professors Breger, Farley and

trafficking described earlier. Last fall, the GLC sponsored a program

that brought a broad crosssection of individuals interested

CLE programming has included presentations by Professors Heverly, Hill, Hutter and Maurer. Summer CLE initiatives included Professors Kearns, Bonventre,

Steven Friedman

and Hutter. In addition to the

Michaela Guildersleeve-Corcoran

partnerships currently being strengthened in the technology entrepreneurship space described

with institutions like the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government

Glenys M. Rosario

at SUNY, SUNY’s Rockefeller College, Siena College, Skidmore College, Rensselaer Polytechnic


Institute, Hudson Valley Community

David Hall

College, and the University at Albany-SUNY.

Natalie Jersak

Halie Northrop

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014



P RO G R A M S P O N S O R S / PA RT N E R S The following program sponsors generously supported GLC programs, and the partners listed below collaborated with the GLC on key initiatives. We also extend our sincere thanks for all the generous individual donations we received throughout the year.

PROGRAM SPONSORS Albany County Bar Association


Albany Law School Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)

Lago Resort & Casino

Jerry Bilinski, D.V.M. Bogdan Lasky & Frazier, llc Bond, Schoeneck & King, pllc Brown & Weinraub, pllc

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Business Council of New York State, Inc.


Manatt, Phelps & Philips, llp Marvin and Company Molly McKeown Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C. New York Gaming Association

Capital District Women’s Bar Association

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Center for Economic Growth

Nixon Peabody llp

CSEA, Inc.

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, llp

The Ford Foundation

Phillips Lytle, llp

Galesi Group

The Pike Company

Greenberg Traurig, llp

Rivers Casino & Resort at Mohawk Harbor

Harris Beach, pllc

The Roffe Group, P.C.

Hinman, Howard & Kattell, llp

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom llp

Hinman Straub P.C.

Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, llp

Humanity United

Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker llp

PARTNERS Association of Towns of the State of New York

New York State Conference of Mayors

Empire Justice Center

New York State Office for the Aging

Hodgson & Russ, llp

New York State Public Service Commission

Honest Weight Food Co-op

SUNY College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE)

Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government New York State Association of Counties New York State Bar Association

United Nations Academic Impact University at Albany School of Social Welfare


Scott Fein, Chairman Whiteman Osterman & Hanna llp

Sandra Rivera ’02, Vice-Chair Law Office of Sandra Rivera, pllc

Bartley J. (BJ) Costello III ’72, Secretary Hinman Straub P.C.

Gerard Conway ’65

James Kellerhouse Assistant Dean of Institutional Advancement Albany Law School


Marcia Alazraki ’76 Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, llp Penelope (Penny) Andrews President & Dean Albany Law School Robert C. Batson ’75 Government Lawyer in Residence Albany Law School Margot Bean Deloitte Consulting llp’s Public Sector Practice

A. Kevin Crawford New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal Alison Crocker Office of New York State Attorney General

John (Jake) Kelliher (Emeritus)

Leonard Cutler, Ph.D. Siena College Pre-Law Department

Paul Kietzman ’72 NYSARC Inc.

Michael Fallon Hinman Straub P.C.

Ruth Leistensnider ’88 Nixon Peabody llp

Dan Feldman John Jay College of Criminal Justice City University of New York

Megan Levine New York State Office of the Attorney General

Wade Beltramo Paul Finkelman New York State Conference of Mayors Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Municipal Officials of Law Albany Law School Mary Ann Berry ’94

Amy Kellogg ’02 Harter Secrest & Emery llp

Hon. Gerard Maney Albany County Family Court Patricia Martinelli

Government Lawyer in Residence Albany Law School

Paul Gioia Whiteman Osterman & Hanna llp

Matthew Mataraso ’58 Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin llc

Margot Bester ’79 Jerry Bilinski, D.V.M.

Mark Glaser ’76 Greenberg Traurig llp

Robert McEvoy Rockefeller College

Kenneth Bond Squire Sanders

Bruce Gyory Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, llp

Molly McKeown

Prof. Ray Brescia Director, Government Law Center

John Hanna (Emeritus) Whiteman Osterman & Hanna llp

Patrick Brown Brown & Weinraub, pllc

Stephen Hanse ’07 NYS Health Facilities Association

Diane Burman New York State Public Service Commission

Nancy Hoffman, Esq.

Robert (Bob) Coan ’58 (Emeritus) Mary Ann Cody ’83 Trustee, Albany Law School

Lori Mithen-DeMasi ’93 Association of Towns of the State of New York Frank Munoz, Esq.

Prof. Michael Hutter Albany Law School

Daniel P. Nolan ’78 President and Chief Executive Officer Hugh Johnson Advisors / Chairman, Albany Law School Board of Trustees

Kirsten Keefe Empire Justice Center

Prof. David Pratt Albany Law School

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Stephen Acquario ’98 New York State Association of Counties





Hon. Clarence (Rapp) Rappleyea (Emeritus)

Kenneth Shapiro Wilson Elser

William Redmond ’55 (Emeritus)

Karl Sleight Harris Beach pllc

John Regan Assistant Counsel to the Governor Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Richard Rifkin New York State Bar Association Jeffrey Rosenthal, Esq.

Lee M. Smith, Esq. (Emeritus) Amelia (Amy) Stern ’81 Timothy S. Taylor Allen & Desnoyers, llp / Sage College

David Verbraska ’96 Worldwide Public Affairs and Policy at Pfizer George Weissman ’79 NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics Chris Wittstruck, Esq.

James Sandner ’67

S TA F F Ray Brescia Director of the Government Law Center; Associate Professor of Law

Government Law Center Annual Report September 2013 – August 2014

Barbara A. Mabel, CMP Administrative Director


Rose Mary Bailly, Esq. Special Consultant on Aging Law Robert C. Batson, Esq. ’75 Government Lawyer in Residence Mary Berry, Esq. ’94 Government Lawyer in Residence

Emily Ekland, Esq. ’12 Staff Attorney Amy Gunnells Administrative Assistant Michele A. Monforte Publications Editor Sharmaine Moseley Coordinator, Albany Citizens’ Police Review Board Melissa Perry, Esq. ’13 Racing and Gaming Law Fellow Lisa Rivage Coordinator, Institute of Legal Studies

annual report

september 2013 — august 2014

GOVERNMENT L AW CENTER 80 new scotland avenue albany, new york 12208-3494

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