Alberta Bee News Magazine - December 2022

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BEE NEWS Alberta

Serving the interests of the beekeepers of Alberta since 1933 DECEMBER 2022

In This Issue

03 President's Report

04 - 07 Alberta Tech Transfer Program - Describing Common Honey bee Viruses Affecting Albertan Colonies 08 Integrated Pest Management and Breeder’s Day Update 08 Research Survey on Beekeeping Practices 09 New Directory Helps Smaller Livestock & Poultry

Producers Find Essential Veterinary Services

10 - 11 $650,000 RDAR Investment Will Accelerate Beehive Technology 12 Recipe of the Month 13 - 25 Classifieds

Board of Directors


RR1 Tees AB T0C 2N0 T 403.872.4607

Vice President: LORNE PRINS

RR3 Station Main Lacombe AB / T4L 2N3 780.893.2337

Peace Region: RYAN HICKS BOX 625 McLennan AB T0H 2L0 / 780.837.0648

NE Central Region: HENRY GREIDANUS 56107 Range Road 245 Sturgeon County, AB T8R 0M1

South Region: DUSTIN RYAN 5543 Township Rd 302, Water Valley, AB T0M 2E0

CHC Director: RON GREIDANUS PO Box 581 Stettler AB T0C 2L0 / 403.323.0234

NW Region: RENE LAROCQUE RR1 Busby AB T0G 0H0 T 780.818.4268

Director at Large: BEVAN FORD RR1 Irma AB / T0B 2H0 780.806.1310

Director at Large: DAN PALA BOX 368 Wembley AB T0H 3S0 / 780.832.5809

CHC Delegate: CURTIS MIEDEMA BOX 39 SITE 11 RR1 Barrhead, AB T7N1N2 780.206.4483

Alberta Beekeepers Commission: 11434 - 168 Street, #102 Edmonton AB / T5M 3T9 T 780.489.6949 / F 780.487.8640 CONNIE PHILLIPS, Executive Director C 780.289.5604

Alberta Beekeepers Commission Fiscal Year September 1 to August 31.

Eligible Producers with 100 or more live colonies: Service Charge of $200.00 (membership fee) and $1.35 per colony (hive levy) plus GST per year.

‘Keeping In Touch’ Subscription to Alberta Bee News is open to anyone interested in the Alberta beekeeping industry $60 plus GST

Alberta Bee News is published by the Alberta Beekeepers Commision. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month.

Our GST Registration Number is 773740089RT0001. For further information please contact Alberta Beekeepers Commission 11434 - 168 Street, #102, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5M 3T9. Tel. 780489-6949, Fax 780-487-8640.

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #476579. ISSN 1191-4599. PM40010040

The opinions expressed in the articles printed in Alberta Bee News are those of the authors and not necessarily the Alberta Beekeepers Commission. Further we do not endorse any of the products, goods or services mentioned in this publication unless specifically stated. Articles are generally published as received.

2022 Platinum Sponsors

Alberta Bee News December 2022 2
2021 - 2022


After enjoying one of the warmest autumn weathers I can remember, winter hit hard, and it was a scramble to get the bees inside before the snow hit. Once again finished for the year I look forward to the time off and attending winter meetings.

I am writing this report at the end of November, in the lead up to our Annual General Meeting that is taking place in conjunction with our Conference and Trade Show event in Edmonton. I want to thank all producers who are planning to attend our AGM for taking the time to join us and engage in and contribute to the business matters of the Commission. In the lead up to the AGM the ABC received a number of refund requests centered around different views on levels of support of the Canadian Honey Council (CHC) and the Canadian Beekeepers Federation (CBF). Discussions surrounding these views will take place at the AGM as part of the resolution process. After many years of advocating and with the hard work and cooperation of the Alberta government and AFSC, it appears as though there will finally be a bear depredation program in place for the coming season. I encourage everyone to investigate this program and provide feedback as the first two years will be a pilot and your feedback is essential.

In January I will be attending the American Beekeeping Federation convention in Jacksonville Florida and will be part of a panel discussing the US package trade relationship. Feel free to contact me with anything you would like to see brought up during this panel discussion.

December 2022 3

Three-Part Honey Bee Virus Series

Part 1: Describing Common Honey bee Viruses Affecting Albertan Colonies

Let’s talk about honey bee viruses!

The battle with viral infections is becoming constant within the honey bee industry, and it’s more crucial than ever that beekeepers know the identification, transmission, and management of bee-related viruses. Some common viruses present in Alberta, of which I will focus on throughout this series, include: Deformed Wing Virus (DWV), Varroa Destructor Virus (VDV), Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus (CBPV), Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV), and Sacbrood Virus (SBV). While all these different viruses can have detrimental colony and bee health effects, they tend to hide in the shadow of other bee pathogens, such as American foulbrood, European foulbrood, Nosema, and the major threat to apiculture, Varroa mites. When present on their own, viral levels have historically been

undetectable, causing no major harm to colony health1. However, when present in conjunction with other diseases, viruses have the opportunity to flourish, and potentially cause bigger problems over time.

One of the major linkages between bee-related viruses and other bee pathogens is high Varroa mite infestation, leading to increased viral levels1. Varroa mites function as vectors for viral diseases, as they can be a source of mechanical transmission for most viruses and facilitate viral replication for viruses such as DWV and VDV1. Furthermore, mites can cause bee immunosuppression making colonies more susceptible to infection when exposed to viral pathogens1

The goal of this three-part series on honey bee viruses is to help you identify, understand, and manage viruses, and ultimately, help Alberta’s honey bee population and industry thrive. The first part of this series will focus on laying the foundation for understanding honey bee viruses. It’s important to be able to identify signs of viral infection, as infected colonies tend to ‘appear’ asymptomatic until it's too late. Throughout this article you will be provided with a description of the common viruses, highlighting important clinical signs, factors leading to infection, effects on productivity, and much more.

Deformed Wing Virus

Deformed wing virus (DWV) is considered to be one of the most significant viruses affecting colony health2. Due to its close linkage to Varroa destructor, its distribution has become worldwide, making it one of the most common viruses observed by beekeepers3. As a result, the seasonality of DWV-infection tends to follow that of varroa mites; increasing levels from the spring to the fall1

Deformed wing virus attacks the eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult bees within the colony4. While DWV infection can affect bees during all life stages, high viral levels are most prevalent in the pupal stage, most likely due to their weaker immune system in comparison to adult bees1. Clinical signs that can be observed in symptomatic adult bees include: bees emerging with deformed or shrunken wings, reduced body size, and discoloration causing infected bees to appear lighter and ‘washed-out’ (Fig. 1)1. One of the main effects of this virus on worker bees is a shortened lifespan.

Alberta Bee News December 2022
Figure 1. Worker bee with deformed wings and discoloration.

This has been observed in workers with deformed wings (symptomatic) that were infected during the pupal or adult stage, and also those that are asymptomatic4,1. In addition to having a shorter lifespan, symptomatic worker bees are also less likely to contribute to hive activities during their lifetime4. At the colony level, studies have shown that DWVinfected hives have less brood and a decreased adult bee population, likely due to the effect of this virus on individual bees (i.e., premature death and decreased performance in hive activities)4. Furthermore, queens have also been observed with deformed wings; however, it was found that DWV infection has no effects on their behaviour or health4. Deformed wing virus has become a chronic issue of honey bees due to its low pathogenicity4. More clearly, its ability to cause a serious threat upon infection is minimal, as bees infected with DWV do not instantly die. Instead, replication of the virus within the bee happens slow, but constant, and the bee maintains the infection during its lifespan1. As a result, DWV is able to persist within a colony at low levels without causing major health issues. However, increases in colony stress can change this outcome3. This includes: lack of essential resources (i.e., nectar, pollen, and water), increased pathogen and parasite pressure, and unfavorable weather conditions1. Among all stressors, the most relevant to increased DWV infection potentially leading to colony death, is Varroa destructor infestation1. Deformed wing virus

replicates within the mite and then is physically transmitted to worker bees within the colony via mite attachment, making infection quicker and potentially more lethal1

Varroa Destructor Virus

Varroa destructor virus (VDV) is a relatively new variant of DWV, also considered to be one of the most prevalent viruses of honey bees1. This virus was first identified in the varroa mite but has now been found in both worker bees and queens5. Clinical signs of VDV infection are very similar to those of a DWV infection. These include wing deformities in newly emerged bees, pupal mortality, shortened lifespan, and overwinter mortality6

While signs of VDV infection can be very similar to DWV, the former has shown to be more virulent, meaning that disease infection can progress more quickly and cause more harm to the colony6. This is due in part to the fact that VDV replicates at a much faster rate, compared to DWV, in both the varroa mite and the honey bee6. Over the past 10 years, VDV levels have increased significantly and has become more widespread2 Due to this, it is predicted that VDV will become the dominant DWV variant and one of the main predictors of overwinter colony losses2,7. High levels of both VDV and DWV have been observed simultaneously within a colony, indicating that competition between the two viruses is not likely to exist, but rather a mutualistic relationship where the presence of the two variants may help induce greater infection2

Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus

Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) is an emerging viral disease that has a worldwide distribution, with instances of CBPV recently increasing in North America8. CBPV can be found in all stages of the bee life cycle5. However, it mainly affects adult bees, causing paralysis, abnormal trembling, reduced flight, hairless black bees (Fig. 3), and k-wing4. It takes about 6 days for infected bees to develop clinical signs, with symptomatic bees usually dying within a week5,8. Those that survive will often die in the field, weak, unable to return to the colony

As a result, colonies experiencing high viral levels can collapse due to the loss of infected nurse and forager bees. At the colony level, one of the major

Alberta Bee News 5
Figure 2. Winterized colony. Figure 3. Hairless worker bee appearing black and shiny.

signs of a highly infected colony is mounds of dead bees in front of the entrance8. These are usually infected bees that have been removed from the colony, or bees that were unable to crawl back into the colony due to paralysis8

Chronic bee paralysis virus is most commonly within the colony as a covert infection – this is when bees are able to keep the virus infection under control, with minimal signs of infection or effects to colony performance and health1. However, covert infections can turn into overt infections –infections that present clinical signs and have detrimental effects on the colony1. Some inducers of overt CBPV infections are scarcity of food resources, severe winters, or adverse weather conditions1. All these factors increase bee confinement, which is one of the main causes of higher viral load as the virus is spread through tight clustering and rubbing together of infected and healthy bees5. Colonies that are heavily infected can become very weak, reducing the hives ability to pollinate and produce honey8

Black Queen Cell Virus

Black queen cell virus (BQCV) affects colonies around the world by persisting as asymptomatic infections in worker bees and brood, leading to the infection of developing queens5 During the capped-cell phase of queen development, the virus will begin to replicate and eventually cause queen pupal death9. The diseased pupa will begin to turn pale yellow and develop a tough sac-like skin, similar to that of sacbrood virus. Once the pupa has died, it will turn dark brown in color and the outside of the queen cell will become dark brown/ black.5 These clinical signs have also been observed in drone pupae5. Previous studies have shown that BQCV infections in adult bees is positively associated with Nosema spp (Fig. 4) load5. This positive relationship is likely due to adult bees with a previous Nosema spp. infection presenting a compromised midgut cell line, allowing for easy viral infection and replication5. Adult bees that are co-infected with Nosema spp. and BQCV are found to have shorter lifespans than those only infected with Nosema spp.5 Due to this link between BQCV and Nosema spp., there is an increase in viral levels mainly in the spring and early summer as this is, historically, when Nosema levels are high1

At the colony level, reduced adult bee population due to shorten lifespan and queen death can have negative effects on colony strength and productivity throughout the season1

Black queen cell virus poses a big threat to queen breeders5. Newly grafted queens can become infected with BQCV, and the virus can easily spread between queen cells, potentially resulting in a poor queen hatch9. In the spring, when breeders are extensively raising queens for the upcoming season, Nosema levels tend to be high5. This puts breeders at an even higher risk during this time of the year due to the relationship between Nosema and BQCV-infection in adult honey bees.

Sacbrood Virus

Sacbrood virus (SBV) was the first virus to be detected in honey bees, and it’s one of the most common viruses of honey bees today10. Sacbrood virus is not considered to be a major threat to colony health as it does not typically cause colony loss and is usually a consequence of colony expansion in the early spring5,10. This virus can affect the brood and adult bees;

Alberta Bee News December 2022 6
Figure 4. Nosema spores under a microscope. Figure 5. Sacbrood-infected larvae removed from the cell.

however, larvae that are approximately 2 days old tend to be the most vulnerable to SBV infection10. Upon infection, the larvae will turn greyish yellow in colour and develop a tough skin-like outer layer, holding the larvae in a sac that can be removed whole from the cell (Fig. 5)9. The larvae will continue to develop until the capped phase, when infected cells will then be uncapped by worker bees5 Uncapped larvae will be seen laying straight on the side of the cell, with the head pointing towards the top. At this point, worker bees will often remove infected larvae from the colony9. Adult bees infected with SBV will often have a greater preference for nectar while foraging10. As a result, nutritional deficiencies within the colony can arise due to lack of pollen, reducing worker life expectancy10

It is important to note that common brood diseases such as American Foulbrood (AFB) and European Foulbrood (EFB) can appear very similar to SBV. Therefore, knowing how to differentiate these diseases is an important skill to ensure that the proper management is employed. Unlike AFB-infected larvae or scales, SBV-infected larvae are easily removed from the cell in one whole piece10. Additionally, following death SBV-infected larvae are odourless, unlike AFB/EFB infected brood10

Identifying viral infections within honey bee colonies is an important first step to understanding, managing, and reducing viral loads. To learn more about what to do next, follow along with the Three-Part Honey Bee Virus Series. Next month’s edition of the Bee News will have “Part 2- Identifying Viral pathways of Transmission”, where we will go through all the pathways viruses infect and amplify within honey bee colonies.


1. Tantillo G, Bottaro M, Di Pinto A, Martella V, Di Pinto P, Terio V. Virus infections of honeybees apis mellifera. Italian Journal of Food Safety. 2015;4(3). doi:10.4081/ijfs.2015.5364

2. Ryabov EV, Childers AK, Chen Y, et al. Recent spread of Varroa destructor virus-1, a honey bee pathogen, in the United States. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17802-3

3. de Miranda JR, Genersch E. Deformed wing virus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2010;103. doi:10.1016/j.jip.2009.06.012

4. Martin SJ, Brettell LE. Deformed wing virus in honeybees and other insects. Annual Review of Virology. 2019;6(1):49-69. doi:10.1146/annurev-virology-092818-015700

5. de Miranda JR, Gauthier L, Ribière M, Chen YP. Honey bee viruses and their effect on bee and colony health. Honey Bee Colony Health. 2011:71-102. doi:10.1201/b11318-8

6. Tehel A, Vu Q, Bigot D, et al. The two prevalent genotypes of an emerging infectious disease, deformed wing virus, cause equally low pupal mortality and equally high wing deformities in host honey bees. Viruses. 2019;11(2):114. doi:10.3390/v11020114

7. Kevill JL, de Souza FS, Sharples C, Oliver R, Schroeder DC, Martin SJ. DWV-a lethal to honey bees (apis mellifera): A colony level survey of DWV variants (A, B, and C) in England, Wales, and 32 states across the US. Viruses. 2019;11(5):426. doi:10.3390/ v11050426

8. Budge GE, Simcock NK, Holder PJ, et al. Chronic bee paralysis as a serious emerging threat to honey bees. Nature Communications. 2020;11(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-020-159190

9. Pernal SF, Clay H. Honey Bee Diseases and Pests. Beaverlodge, AB: Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists; 2013.

10. Wei R, Cao L, Feng Y, Chen Y, Chen G, Zheng H. Sacbrood virus: A growing threat to honeybees and wild pollinators. Viruses. 2022;14(9):1871. doi:10.3390/v14091871

The Tech Transfer Program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

Alberta Bee News December 2022 7

Integrated Pest Management and Breeder’s Day Update:

The 2023 Breeder’s Day and Integrated Pest Management Workshop will take place on February 8-10th at the Holiday Inn Edmonton South! This event is designed to bring together beekeepers, industry groups and leaders, researchers, and specialists to engage, learn, and share best practice through a series of presentations, panel discussions, interactive sessions, and activities.

EARLY BIRD tickets will go on sale November 30th, 2022. Purchase your tickets before January 5th, 2023 to receive a discount! We have invited great list of speakers to join us inperson at this years’ event.

Visit our website for more information and stay tuned for the agenda!

IPM: e/474764622767

Breeder's Day: https://

Virtual: e/474764622767

Research Survey on Beekeeping Practices

Alberta Beekeepers Commission is contributing to significant innovation in the beekeeping industry and would like to invite you to participate in a survey on beekeeping practices that is being administered by a student run educational club at the University of British Columbia. This research survey will help to gather insights on current practices and challenges faced by beekeepers like yourselves in the region of Alberta. We would appreciate a few minutes of your time to share your honest and detailed thoughts and opinions based on your own experience in the beekeeping industry.


We are actively engaged students and members of the Sauder Management Consulting Club (SMCC) which is a students run educational club at University of British Columbia. This club undertakes engagements with enterprises to solve a variety of business problems. In the current engagement SMCC is working with representatives of Beewise in association with the Alberta Beekeepers Commission on a market research study to understand the current and potential beekeeping practices in Alberta.




CALGARY, ALBERTA: Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFA C) recently launched an online Veterinary Directory that’s been gaining attention within the large animal and livestock sectors across Alberta. The directory is populated with information sourced directly from veterinary practices across the province that specifically offer services to smaller livestock and poultry farms.

AFAC’s Executive Director, Annemarie Pedersen, says the vet directory project came about as a result of feedback the organization had received from several of its member groups. “ One of the initial conversations with Alberta Goat Association revealed that its members were frustrated by a lack of centralized information that would identify which clinics treated their animals and what veterinary services were available After reaching out to more of our members, we received similar feedback from lamb, pig, cattle, and chicken producers, particularly those with smaller operations, who relayed stories of having to reach out to multiple clinics, sometimes with no success.”

While there are existing online directories for veterinary services in Alberta , many databases are incomplete and, in some cases incorrect . This in mind, the AFAC team, led by Extension Lead Dr. Melissa Moggy, began researching the feasibility of building and hosting its own directory.

In a lucky turn of events, AFAC was contacted by Dr. Jayson Galbraith, a Livestock Specialist with the Animal Health and Assurance Branch of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. As a mentor to University of Alberta capstone students, Galbraith and the students, had noted the same need for a searchable veterinary services database and so, a partnership was formed The ‘Who Are You Going to Call?’ project aimed to develop and provide access to a directory of veterinary services for diversified livestock farmers. The students created a survey that was circulated to veterinary clinics across Alberta. Information collected was then used to form a database, laying the groundwork for AFAC to create the new interactive directory

The AFAC Veterinary Directory was officially launched in September 2022 and currently includes 64 veterinary clinics across Alberta that serve a range of livestock and/or poultry species. Users have the ability to narrow down search results based on animal species and level of service, including emergent and routine veterinary care. Users can carry out a radius search to find options within their area and information is also available to identify which clinics offer telemedicine for producers operating in more remote locations.

“It’s taken a tremendous amount of collaborative work to build out the database and while initial feedback has been really positive, there is still work to be done” says Pedersen, noting that like all databases, it’s only as good as the information pro vided. “We encourage veterinary practices across Albert a – specifically those provid ing services to small and medium operations – to join the database.”

Advancing livestock welfare for a thriving agricultural sector.

Alberta Bee News December 2022 9
Alberta Farm Animal Care | Vet Directory

$650,000 RDAR Investment Will Accelerate Beehive Technology Adoption, Boost Honey Bee Health and Improve Economics For Alberta Beekeepers

“I’m pleased to see partnerships like this in action as we work towards a sustainable future for our agrifood sector. Alberta is a major producer of honey, with about 40 per cent of the annual national total, and the pollination services our beekeeping industry provides are an essential part of our crop sector’s ongoing success.”

“The development of a Varroa control solution by Vatorex will support bee producers in controlling Varroa and guarantee the long-term sustainability of the apicultural industry in Alberta and beyond. RDAR and ABC investment into Varroa control measures will broadly benefit bee health and the many crops dependent on honeybee pollination.”

Swiss agri-tech start-up Vatorex was founded in 2016 to develop a chemical-free solution to the Varroa mite, a primary cause of global honeybee losses. Vatorex’s patented Varroa solution consists of automated heat treatment, effectively destroying mites with no harm to bees. The Vatorex beefriendly treatment is delivered for the entire season versus intensively in the fall, resulting in a consistently healthy bee population.

Almost half of Canada’s honey bee colonies did not survive the winter of 2021, the most significant loss of honeybees in 20 years. Bees are vital to our world and economy, with the security of our food supply depending on pollinators. That is why there is a definite buzz about RDAR funding an Alberta beekeeper project to fight the Varroa destructor mite (Varroa), a deadly parasite infecting bees and destroying bee colonies.

Alberta Beekeepers Commission (ABC) and Vatorex will receive $653,227 in funding, with $161,000 costshared by the federal and provincial governments through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP). This project will position Alberta as a pioneer in beneficial beekeeping practices and sustainable apiculture.

“We saw last season how the Varroa mite can decimate bee populations and it is critical that our scientists continue to look for effective treatments. This eco-friendly solution will help beekeepers keep their hives safe and healthy, ensuring the success of their business and allowing the bees to continue their essential work for agriculture.”

The Honourable Marie Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

“We are incredibly excited by our partnership with the ABC and RDAR. This shared commitment towards an effective, profitable and environmentally positive solution to Varroa, is a paradigm shift for commercial beekeeping.”

Although many factors can lead to bee death, parasites such as the Varroa mite remain one of beekeepers most significant challenges. The mite feeds on the bee’s body, weakening the bee, and overwhelming the bee’s immune system; many colonies die within six months to two years of exposure without treatment.

“Every honeybee colony in the continental United States and Canada is susceptible to infestations with Varroa destructor mites (Varroa). Controlling Varroa naturally and sustainably is critical for beekeeping. The Alberta Beekeepers Commission is pleased to be an integral partner with RDAR and Vatorex to evaluate Vatorex’s patented Varroa controlling technology with commercial beekeepers in Alberta.”

Connie Phillips, Executive Director – Alberta Beekeepers Commission

Alberta Bee News December 2022 10

Outcomes from this project will benefit Alberta beekeepers. Increased colony strength and lower bee losses will lead to an increased honey yield and, therefore, higher income for beekeepers. The automated Vatorex treatment will reduce labour costs and eliminate the expense of replenishing queens and colonies

About RDAR

RDAR’s mandate is to target strategic investments in producer-led, results-driven agriculture research to power the competitiveness, profitability, productivity, and sustainability of agriculture in Alberta. As a not-for-profit corporation, RDAR’s funding comes from the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and Alberta’s Government through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership program.

About Vatorex

Vatorex AG is a Swiss start-up committed to creating innovative and ecological solutions for the beekeeping community to enable healthier bees and a sustainable planet. Founded by Pascal and Willi Brunner in 2016, Vatorex began as a project aimed at protecting beehives from the Varroa mite – one of the leading causes of global honeybee population loss. Vatorex has developed and patented a device for Varroa mite infestation that uses thermal technology, offering an eco-positive, chemical-free, and effective alternative for beekeepers.

About Alberta Beekeepers Commission

The Alberta Beekeepers Commission represents 175 commercial beekeepers in Alberta. The Commission is focused on providing knowledge, tools and support to members who manage more than 300,000 colonies of honeybees for pollination services and honey production. Alberta is the largest beekeeping region in Canada.

About the Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion commitment by Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial governments that supports Canada’s agriculture, agri-food, and agri-products sectors. This includes a $2 billion commitment that is cost-shared, 60 percent federally and 40 percent provincially/territorially for programs designed and delivered by provinces and territories.

RDAR Media Inquiries

Janada Hawthorne Communications Lead RDAR (Results Driven Agriculture Research) 780-903-2734

Recipe of the Month

Cilantro Lime Honey Garlic Shrimp Skillet

Total Time: 20 mins Yield: 4 Ingredients:

• 1 lb. shrimp, peeled and deveined


• 1 teaspoon garlic, minced

• 1/2 teaspoon ginger, minced

• 4 tablespoons honey

• 2 tablespoons soy sauce

• 2 tablespoons lime juice

• Red pepper flakes/cayenne to taste

• 4 tablespoons fresh cilantro, finely chopped

• Pepper to taste


• Combine the sauce ingredients and divide it in half.

• Marinate the shrimp in half the sauce for 15-30 minutes. Discard marinade.

• Over medium-high heat in a , pan sear the shrimp in some oil.

• Sear them on both sides in batches until browned, about 1 minute per side.

• Using tongs, rub the shrimp into caramelized bits on the bottom of the pan.

• Dish and serve hot, drizzled with remaining sauce.

• Enjoy!

Author: The Cooking Jar
Cilantro lime honey garlic shrimp skillet is smoky, sweet, zesty and savory. This 30-minute meal is quick and easy without skimping on the flavor!



PLEASANT VALLEY HONEY LTD. (SW 15 46 27 W4) requires: Four APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) experience working on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min. capacity of Apiary Worker or General Farm Worker with employment March thru November 2023 ($15.42 -$19/hr depending on exp.) (40+ hrs/wk); Duties include: caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner; coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment; recognizing,reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/controls; harvest and fill honey barrels and containers; supervise small teams of workers; driving and daily maintenance of vehicles; operate and maintain other apiary equipment; conduct bee yard maintenance; keep some field production records. A motor vehicle operator's licence with no serious infractions, recognized by the Province of Alberta and major insurance companies is required. Six APIARY WORKERS (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year (season) experience and with employment March thru November 2023 ($15.42-$17/hr depending on exp.) (40+ hrs/wk); Duties include caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate

T'N'T APIARIES require:

An APIARY FOREPERSON (NOC 82030) for fulltime (40+ hrs/wk) year round employment ($20.00-$25/hr depending on experience. Bonuses possible). Applicant must have a minimum of 5 years (seasons) fulltime in a Canadian style commercial apiary environment with a minimum of 3 years (seasons) working as an Apiary Technician.

Duties include:

• Caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner.

• Co-ordinating the production of replacement bees & equipment.

• Recognizing, reporting, monitoring and controlling hive health issues.

• Harvest & package honey, pollen & beeswax.

• Supervise & train workers.

• Drive (including std transmission & medium duty trucks) & daily maintenance of vehicles.

• Operate & maintain other apiary equipment (including forklifts, chainsaws & pumps).

• Conduct bee yard maintenance.

• Keep field and/or production records.

• Interact with external farm personnel.

manner; assisting Technicians with bees and equipment; assisting with harvesting honey; assisting with the bee yard and equipment maintenance. All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. Applicants must be able to work in the presence of honey bees. All positions may require some evening, night & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. Ability to speak English is an asset. Contact Ryan Olthof at 272072 Highway 13, Falun , AB; mail to RR1, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1W8; or email at

BUSY BEE FARM LTD. near Hay Lakes, Alberta, requires Four Apiary Labourers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year experience in commercial beekeeping, wages ranging from $15.50 - $17.50/hour; Also required is Fifteen Apiary Technicians (NOC 8431) with a minimum of three years of experience in Canadian commercial beekeeping, wages ranging from $17.50 - $23.50/hour. All positions are fulltime (45+ hours/week) for the February 1st – October 31st, 2023 season and involve the work and care of honeybees for honey production and pollination services. All applicants should be physically fit and able to perform work in a team

5 APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 84120) for full time (40+ hrs/wk) employment ($17.00-$22/hr depending on experience. Bonuses possible) February thru November 2023. 1-2 positions may become year round. Must have a minimum of 2 years (seasons) working fulltime on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min. capacity of Apiary Assistant or General Farm Worker.

environment. Having a valid driver’s license and the ability to speak English will be considered an asset. Wages are negotiable depending on experience. On-Farm accommodations are available. Applications can be emailed to Mike deJong at Busy Bee Farm Ltd, 48549 Range Road 224, Hay Lakes, Alberta T0B 1W0

PALA’S VITAMIN HONEY FARM  in Wembley, AB for the 2023 season is seeking 4 positions for Apiary Technician (NOC 8431), $16.00$22.00/hr with 2 years experience minimum, in a commercial Apiary. Wages depend on experience. Major duties: knowledge of hive management, disease diagnoses and prevention, weekend work and evenings. Also require 4 positions for an Apiary Worker (NOC 8431), $15.65-$18.50/hr experience required. Major duties include assisting Apiary Technician with all duties working with bees. Some weekend and evening work if needed. Physically demanding work (40 hours + a week). Both positions start February 1-November 15, 2023. Staff accomm available. Contact Dan Pala, 721042 Hwy 724. Wembley, AB d.pala@telus. net, phone 780-832-5809, fax 780-766-3009

6 APIARY WORKERS (NOC 85100) for full time (40+ hrs/wk) employment ($15.65-$19.00/hr. depending on experience. Bonuses Possible) February thru November 2023. Applicants must be able to work in the presence of honey bees. Duties include:

• Caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner

Duties include:

• Caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner.

• Co-ordinating the production of replacement bees & equipment.

• Recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/controls.

• Harvest & package honey, pollen & beeswax.

• Supervise small teams of workers.

• Drive (including std transmission & medium duty trucks) & daily maintenance of vehicles.

• Operate & maintain other apiary equipment (including forklifts, chainsaws & pumps).

• Conduct bee yard maintenance.

• Keep some field and/or production records.

• Assisting Technicians with bees & equipment.

Jamaica has the largest beekeeping industry in the English speaking Caribbean and it has evolved from the rearing of stingless bees (Mellipona spp.) through, the use of rustic (non-moveable frames) to standard Langstroth beehives and now the introduction of the flow hive. In 2019, Just over 3,500 apiaries were in production with approximately 65,000 bee colonies. Beehives are distributed island wide with a density of approximately 5.6 beehives km 2 .

• Assisting with harvesting honey, pollen & beeswax.

• Assisting with the bee yard and equipment maintenance.

All positions may require some evening, night & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. A motor vehicle Operator’s license with no serious infractions, recognized by the Province of Alberta & major insurance companies, is required for the Foreperson position and preference will be given to those Technician & Worker applicants holding one.

Contact Dave Tharle, 44116 - Hwy 659, Ardmore, AB or Box 80, Ardmore, AB. (Fax 780-826-6013) Email:

Alberta Bee News December 2022 13



MIGHTY PEACE HONEY Requires one Apiary Supervisor, NOC 8252, for full time (40+ hrs/ wk, $20-$24/hr depending on experience) year-round employment starting in March 2023. Must have a minimum of 5 seasons working fulltime on a Canadian style commercial operation. Duties include caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner, coordinating the production of replacement bees & equipment; recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/ controls; supervise extracting lines; supervise small to medium teams of workers; drive (including std transmission & medium duty trucks) & daily maintain vehicles; operate & maintain other apiary equipment (including forklifts & pumps and extracting equipment); conduct bee yard maintenance; keep field and/or production records; Accommodation available. We are located at 833071 RR231 Grimshaw, AB Canada. Please contact Mighty Peace Honey PO Box 1759 Grimshaw, AB Canada T0H 1W0. Rob 780 332 4862 or Fax 780 332 4822 or email

MIGHTY PEACE HONEY Requires Six Apiary Technicians, NOC 8431, for full time (40+ hrs/ wk) employment ($16-$20/hr depending on experience) February thru October 2023. Must have a minimum of 2 seasons working full-time on a Canadian style commercial operation. Duties include caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner, coordinating the production of replacement bees & equipment; recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/ controls; harvest & package honey & beeswax; supervise small teams of workers; drive (including std transmission & medium duty trucks) & daily maintain vehicles; operate & maintain other apiary equipment (including forklifts & pumps); conduct bee yard maintenance; keep some field and/or production records; Accommodation available. We are located at 833071 RR231 Grimshaw, AB Canada. Please contact Mighty Peace Honey PO Box 1759 Grimshaw, AB Canada T0H 1W0. Rob 780 332 4862 or Fax 780 332 4822 or email


7km SW of Eatonia. Sask has the following positions available for the 2023 season: 7 Technician/Workers, Noc 8431 with a minimum of 2 years work in a Canadian Apiary. Full time seasonal employment from March, 2023 to October 2023. Wage starting from 17.00 to 20.00 (depending on experience with a possible bonus) 40 plus hrs/wk . Duties will include: caring for honeybee colonies, moving bees into and out of pollination fiel_ds, monitoring and controlling

bee health, keeping all required records, honey harvesting and extraction, construction of new bee equipment and maintain and repair equipment. Driving of vehicles, operate and maintain other apiary equipment. Some evening and weekend work required. Applicants must be in good physical condition (able to lift up to 70 lbs). A valid drivers license is required. Staff accommodations may be available. 7 apiary workers. Experience an asset but will be trained. Wage starting at 15.50- 17.00 per hour with a possible bonus (40 plus hrs/wk). Full time seasonal employment from April 2023 to sept 2023. Duties: caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner, assisting Technicians with bees and equipment, harvesting and extracting honey, repairing and building new bee equipment. Must be able to work in a team environment. Ability to speak English an asset. Physical fit and able to lift up to 70 lbs. Staff accommodations may be available. Please contact Sweetheart Pollinators/Janeil Ent Inc PO Box 155, Eatonia, Sask. SOL 0Y0 (306)463-8864 or Email to:

GOLDEN EARS APIARIES INC in Mission, BC, is seeking 11 Apiary Supervisors at $15.21/hr, starting Feb 1,2023 until Oct. 31/2023, working 40+ hrs/week. Apiary Supervisors must have a minimum of 3 seasons working full time (40+hr/ wk) in a Canadian style commercial beekeeping operation, and must have a good understanding of honeybee management and have the ability to independently assess hive health and make decisions regarding individual hive management. All positions do require some evening, night and weekend work. All applicants should be able to work in a team environment. English is an asset as well as a valid driving license. Work will be in southern BC ( Fraser Valley) Contact Carolyn Shipley at

POELMAN APIARIES LTD.located near Fort Macleod, AB (102007A Range Rd 254) has the following positions available for the 2023 season: 7 FARM SUPERVISORS (SKILLED WORKER, NOC 8252) with a minimum of 5 years(seasons) experience working at a Canadian apiary. Employment needed from March through October 2023; wage starting at $17.50 + (depending on exp. with possible bonus) (40 + hrs/week). Duties will include: caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner; coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment; recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/controls; harvest and fill honey barrels and containers; supervise small teams of workers; driving of vehicles; operate and maintain other apiary

equipment; conduct bee yard maintenance.

16 APIARY TECHNICIAN (LOW SKILL WORKER, NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1-2 years experience. Employment needed from April through November 2023; wage starting at $15.65- $17.50(depending on exp. with a possible bonus) (40 + hrs/week).

Duties will include: caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner; assisting Technicians with bees and equipment; assisting with harvesting honey; assisting with the bee yard and equipment maintenance.

6 GENERAL FARM WORKER, APIARY LABOURERS (LOW SKILL WORKER, NOC 8431) experience is an asset but will be trained. Employment needed for April through November 2023; wage starting at $15.65 per/ hour (with possible bonus) (40 + hrs/week).

Duties will include: Supering and harvesting honey, cleaning honey extraction and storage equipment, barrel moving prep, filling and storage, manufacture and assemble and maintain hive equipment, and bee yard maintenance. All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. Housing is available. Applicants must be able to work in the presence of honeybees. All positions may require some evening, night & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment.

Email resumes to attention Poelman Apiaries or fax to 403-687-2410 or mail to Box 1887 Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0.

TEGART APIARIES is seeking 3 APIAIRY WORKERS with min 2+ years experience at a Canadian Commercial apiary operation. (@ $15.65-$16.40/ hr with possible bonus) for July 10, 2023 to November 15, 2023. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team. Successful applicants must be accustomed to working with honey bees & have a good understanding of colony management, bee equipment maintenance & honey extracting/ beeswax processing. Apiary workers can expect on average 45+ hrs/week. Accom. available. Some evening & night work will be required. Main work location is Tegart Apiaries Honey Farms is located 2.5 miles from Fairview, Alberta (30024 TWP RD 820). Position may require travel to Harrison Mills, B. C. for spring and fall hive work (small travel allowance and accommodations provided) For more details or to apply, contact Dan Tegart directly at 780 835 2115 or tegarthoney@; PO Box 904, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0

Alberta Bee News December 2022 14
Alberta Bee News December 2022 15 AS K FO R SÉBA S T I E N O R PHILLIPE WE BUY HONEY & WAX 1 800 567-3789 | i n f o @ h o ne y. c a | od e m . c a ODE M I N T E R N A T ION A L Y OUR P A R T NE R I N S A LE S


MCW APIARIES has two positions available for Apiary Technician (NOC8431) starting February 1st to October 31st 2023. Must have at least three years of commercial beekeeping experience with wage staring at $18/hr, accommodation available if required, must have a valid driver's license. Hours are 45 hours per week with some weekends and evenings. Duties include doing and overseeing such tasks as feeding, medicating, spring brood management, queen rearing, making nucs, honey harvesting and moving hives. Contact Mike by fax at 780 624 9408 or We are located at 84172 Range Rd 204 East of Peace River near the hamlet of St Isidore.

MCW APIARIES has two positions available for Apiary Workers (NOC 8431), starting February 1st to October 31st, 2023. Must have at least one year of experience and a valid driver's license. Accommodation available if required. Wages starting at $15.65/hr with some evening and weekend work. Hours are 45 hours per week with some evening and weekends, the job involves doing such tasks as feeding, edicating, honey harvesting and moving hives. Contact Mike by fax at 780 624 9408 or mcwap@abnorth. com. We are located at 84172 Range Rd 204. East of Peace River near the hamlet of St Isidore.

TEES BEES INC. requires: Three APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) experience working on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min. capacity of Apiary Worker or General Farm Worker with employment March thru October 2023 ($15.65$19/ hr depending on exp. with possible bonus) (40+ hrs/wk); Duties include: caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner; coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment; recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatment/ controls; harvest and fill honey barrels and containers; supervise small teams of workers; driving and daily maintenance of vehicles; operate and maintain other apiary equipment; conduct bee yard maintenance; keep some field production records. A motor vehicle operator's licence with no serious infractions, recognized by the Province of Alberta and major insurance companies is required. Nine APIARY WORKERS (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year (season) experience and with employment March thru October 2023 ($15.65-$17/ hr depending on exp. with possible bonus) (40+ hrs/wk); Duties include caring for honeybee colonies in the appropriate manner; assisting Technicians with bees and equipment; assisting with harvesting honey; assisting with the bee yard and equipment maintenance. All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. Applicants must be able to work in

the presence of honey bees. All positions may require some evening, night & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. Ability to speak English is an asset. Contact Jeremy Olthof at 23318-Hwy 50, Tees, AB; mail to RR1, Tees, AB T0C 2N0; or email at

SWAN APIARIES are seeking workers for the 2023 season, February 20- October 31 2023, 12 Apiary workers (NOC 8431) and 2 Apiary Technicians(NOC 8253) in the Westlock area. Applicants for apiary worker must have a minimum 1 year (season) working fulltime on a Canadian style commercial apiary operation as an Apiary Worker. The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from mid February to mid October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations under the supervision of an Apiary Technician. The rate of pay is $15.65-$16.00/hr (depending on experience) for apiary worker. Applicants for Apiary Technicians (NOC 8253) must have a minimum of 3 years experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary ($17-$19/hr depending on experience).

The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from mid February to mid October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations with the assistance of the Apiary Workers. The ability to operate and maintain equipment utilized in the beekeeping industry and keep accurate records for monitoring hive health is essential to the position. The positions are full time and may require evening and weekend work(45hrs+/wk) . Applicants must be in good physical condition as it is physically demanding work. Staff accommodations available. A valid driver’s licence will be considered an asset. Apply with resume to Hendrik Greidanus at Swan Apiaries, 520 4ST SW High River, T1V 1B6 or fax resume to 403-652-7683


We require 5 Apiary Workers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary to work in Northern Saskatchewan ($15.65/hr) in 2023. The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from early March to late October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations under the supervision of an Apiary Technician. A motor vehicle Operator’s license that is recognized by the province of Alberta and major insurance companies and the ability to speak English are considered assets. Staff accommodations are available in Northern Saskatchewan. Production bonus may apply. We are seeking workers for the 2023 beekeeping season near High River, AB. All positions will be available on a seasonal basis. Production bonus may apply. All applicants must be physically fit and willing to work in a team environment. Staff accommodations are available.

We require 4 Apiary Technicians (NOC 8253) with a minimum of 3 years experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary ($17-$19/hr depending on experience). The position is full time (40+ hrs/ week) from mid February to mid October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations with the assistance of the Apiary Workers. The ability to operate and maintain equipment utilized in the beekeeping industry and keep accurate records for monitoring hive health is essential to the position. A motor vehicle Operator’s license that is recognized by the province of Alberta and major insurance companies is required for these positions. The ability to speak & write in English are assets. We require 4 Apiary Workers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary ($15.50-$16.50/hr depending on experience). The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from mid February to mid October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations under the supervision of an Apiary Technician. A motor vehicle Operator’s license that is recognized by the province of Alberta and major insurance companies and the ability to speak English are considered assets. We require 4 Apiary Workers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary ($15.65/hr). The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from late March to late October. Major duties involve all aspects of bee colony operations under the supervision of an Apiary Technician. A motor vehicle Operator’s license that is recognized by the province of Alberta and major insurance companies and the ability to speak English are considered assets. We require 10 Apiary Labourers (NOC 8431 - $15.65/hr) with a minimum of 1 year experience on a Canadian style commercial apiary. The position is full time (40+ hrs/week) from beginning of June to late Oct. Major duties involve all aspects of harvesting honey and processing beeswax. The ability to speak English is considered an asset. Apply with resume to Grace Strom at The Greidanus Honey Mill, Box 5504, High River, AB T1V 1M6 or fax resume to 403-652-7683

GREIDANUS HONEY-BEE FARM in Stettler, Alberta is accepting applications for the 2023 season on a seasonal full-time basis. The following positions need to be filled: 4 APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 8431) Full time employment (40+ hrs/week) $17-$18.50/hr depending on experience. Must have minimum 2 years of experience working full time on a commercial honeybee farm. Duties include: woodwork (building bee related equipment), caring for bees in an appropriate manner, coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment;recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatments/controls. Moving

Alberta Bee News December 2022 16



hives as required;harvest, extract and package honey, lead small teams of workers, drive and maintain vehicles, operate and maintain other beerelated equipment such as forklifts, conduct bee yard maintenance, general cleaning of working/production areas. Must have avalid driver's license. These positions are from March 15, 2023 thru October 31, 2023.2 APIARY WORKERS (NOC 8431) Full time (40+ hrs/ week) $15.75 -18/hr depending on experience. Minimum 1 year experience. Duties include: woodwork (building bee related equipment), caring for bees in an appropriate manner, assisting technicians with bees and equipment, assisting with moving bees, assisting with honey harvest, extraction and packaging, assisting with bee yard and equipment maintenance, cleaning of working/production areas. These positions are from April 15, 2023 thru October 31,2023.

2 CASUAL FARM LABOURERS starting @ $16.00 / hr. Duties include: working with cattle, honey bees, farm organization/production, operating farm equipment, and general maintenance of the farm and equipment. These positions are from June 1,2023 thru October 31, 2023. All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. All positions may require some night and weekend work. All applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees, be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. On farm housing is available. Resumes: or via mail to: Greidanus Honey Bee Farm c/o 1005271 Alberta LTD, Box 1581, Stettler, Alberta, T0C 2L0


in Lacombe County (41113 Rg Rd 282 - 18 Kms west of Lacombe, AB) is looking for (1) Supervisor ($18-$22/hr + possible bonuses - NOC 8253) for employment March – October 2022. Accommodations are provided. The position is full time, 44+ hrs per week. Some weekend and night work may be required. The Supervisor must have 3+ years working in a Canadian commercial apiary working as a supervisor. Duties include but are not limited to: Supervise and train other workers in caring for, splitting and managing honey bee colonies, monitoring and controlling colony health, moving bee colonies to new bee yards, woodwork for new and repairing of bee equipment, honey harvesting and extraction, and winter preparation and wrapping. Canadian Drivers licence is required. We are also hiring (3) Apiary Technicians ($17-$20/hr + possible bonuses - NOC 8431) for employment March –October 2022. Accommodations are provided. The positions are full time, 44+ hrs per week. Some weekend and night work may be required. The workers must have 1+ years working in a Canadian commercial apiary. Duties include but are not limited to: Assisting with care, splitting and managing honey bee colonies, monitoring

and controlling colony health, woodwork for new and repairing of bee equipment, honey harvesting and extraction, and winter preparation and wrapping. We are also hiring (3) General Farm Workers ($15.75-$17/hr + possible bonuses) for employment March – October 2022. Accommodations are provided. The positions are full time, 44+ hrs per week. Some weekend and night work may be required. Duties include but are not limited to: Assisting with care, splitting and managing honey bee colonies, woodwork for new and repairing of bee equipment, honey harvesting and extraction, and winter preparation and wrapping. Please contact: gulllakehoney@ or 780.916.2263.

CHRISTENSEN BEE RANCH LTD. located in Mallaig Alberta is seeking two Apiary Workers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year of commercial beekeeping experience. The positions are full time seasonal work from April to October. Wages for this position are between $15.65 and $19 per hour depending on experience. Duties include assisting with spring, summer and fall beehive management, moving hives, harvesting and extracting honey, driving and maintaining trucks, forklifts, pumps, leaf blowers and chain saws. All applicants must be in good physical condition, be able to work in a team environment and have a valid driver’s licence. Contact Paul Christensen by email at

PARADIS VALLEY HONEY LTD Apiary in Watino, AB (NE-34-77-24-W5); requires the following for the 2023 season. 6-Apiary Technicians (NOC8431) $15.65/hr. Apiary technician applicants must have a minimum 3 years experience with commercial beekeeping and are expected to work effectively unsupervised. Experience driving trucks and a clean driving record are assets. These 6 positions are seasonal/full-time positions from Feb 1, 2023 to Nov 1, 2023 with 40-50 hours per week. Hours of work are dependent on weather conditions. No formal education is needed for. Successful candidates will take part in the break-down and re-building of live bee colonies, honey harvest, honey extraction, collection of bee pollen and seasonal feeding of hives. On-site farm housing is available. Interested applicants can apply my emailing resumes to

LYNES APIARIES LTD. (61118 Range Road 251) has 7 positions available for Apiary Technicians (NOC 8431). Applicants must have two years of Apiary technician experience. The rate of pay is $15.65-$18.00/hr., depending on experience. Applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees and will assist with colony management and honey extraction and processing. Duties

include caring for honeybee colonies and coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment. Also: recognizing, reporting, monitoring and controlling hive health issues. These positions are available from March to October 2023 (45+ hours per week). All positions may require some evening and weekend work. A valid driver's license may be required. Applicants must be physically fit and willing to work in a team environment. Staff accommodations will be provided. Apply with a resume to Daryl or Sharon Lynes, Lynes Apiaries Ltd., P.O. Box 272, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0. Email:

LYNES APIARIES LTD. (61118 Range Road 251) has 10 positions available for Apiary Workers (NOC 8431). Applicants must have a minimum 1 year apiary work experience. The rate of pay is $15.65-$16.00/hr. depending on experience. Applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees. Duties include: assisting Technicians with bees and equipment, harvesting honey and extracting. Also: bee yard and equipment maintenance. These positions are available from July to September 2023 (45+ hours per week). All positions may require some evening and weekend work. A valid driver's license may be required. Applicants must be physically fit and willing to work in a team environment. Staff accommodations will be provided. Apply with a resume to Daryl or Sharon Lynes, Lynes Apiaries Ltd., P.O. Box 272, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0. Email:

MOUNTAINVIEW HONEY near Cayley, Alberta is seeking interested applicants for 4 positions as Apiary Technician NOC 8431 (40+ hrs/wk) seasonal employment. The applicant must have a minimum of 2 years (seasons) experience working in a Canadian style commercial apiary environment with a minimum of 3 years as an Apiary Technician. Wages will be set by the NOC guidelines approx. $15.65 - $16 per hour, depending on experience. Possible bonus may also apply. Duties include caring for honeybee colonies, moving beehives into an out of canola pollination fields, monitoring and controlling bee health issues, honey harvesting and extraction, construction of new beehive equipment, all duties associated with a Canadian style commercial apiary. Preference will be given to applicants that have a valid drivers licence recognised by the province of Alberta. Ability to drive a lift truck is an asset. Ability to speak English is an asset, must be physically fit, & be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment. Staff accommodations available. Please fax, mail, or email your resume to Mountainview Honey, Attn: Terry Greidanus, at Box 126 Cayley, AB, T0L 0P0. or

Alberta Bee News December 2022 17
Alberta Bee News December 2022 18 Optimize • Digestion • Nutrition • Immunity Control • Chalkbrood • Nosema Available from Probiotic for Honey Bees Airdrie, Alberta • • (403)764-8177 • • • (403)948-6084 • Calgary, Alberta Available from F R O M H a p p y H o l i d a y s K O N A Q U E E N H A W A I I P r o u d t o b e y o u r f i r s t c h o i c e f o r K O N A I T A L I A N & C A R N I O L A N Q U E E N S 8 0 8 - 3 2 8 - 9 0 1 6 | I N F O @ K O N A Q U E E N . C O M W W W . K O N A Q U E E N . C O M | @ K O N A Q U E E N H A W A I I



YUAN ENTERPRISES is seeking for one Apiary Technician (from April 15 to November 30, 2023) and one Apiary worker (from June 15 to September 15, 2023) in Peace River, AB. Applicants must be in good physical condition and do all beekeeping management. Wages from $15.50/hr, depending on experience. Email or Box 7554, Peace River, AB, T8S 1T2

DEJONG’S HONEY FARM BROOKS, AB requires four general farm workers (NOC 8431) from March 20, 2023 to November 1, 2023. $16/hr. 30 to 60 hours a week. Must be willing to do some weekend work. Three years beekeeping experience a necessity. Specific skills include apiary work, queen management, harvesting honey, assemble, maintain, and clean supers and frames, and work around bees. Work is fast paced, repetitive, and physically demanding. Must be a team player, able to operate a lift truck, and automatic honey extractor. Valid drivers license is an asset. Located in isolated rural area. WCB coverage is provided. Worker accommodation is available. Location is #9 Hajash 190012 RR 142. Fax resume to 1-403-362-6506, call 1-403-501-4226 or email

MOUNTAINVIEW HONEY near Cayley, Alberta is seeking interested applicants for 3 positions as Apiary Supervisor NOC 8252 (40+ hrs/ wk) seasonal employment. The applicant must have a minimum of 5 years (seasons) experience working in a Canadian style commercial apiary environment with a minimum of 3 years as an Apiary Technician. Wages will be set by the NOC guidelines approx. $16.00 - $19.00 per hour, depending on experience. Possible bonus may also apply. Duties will include Supervising and working with Apiary technicians, caring for honeybee colonies, moving beehives into an out of canola pollination fields, monitoring and controlling bee health issues, honey harvesting and extraction, construction of new beehive equipment, all duties associated with a Canadian style commercial Apiary. Must be able to drive a lift truck. The applicant must have a valid drivers licence recognised by the province of Alberta. Ability to speak English is an asset, must be physically fit, & be prepared to work in a fastpaced team environment. Staff accommodations available. Please fax, mail, or email you resume to Mountainview Honey, Attn: Terry Greidanus, at Box 126 Cayley, AB, T0L 0P0. or jobs@

GREIDANUS FARMS Granum, AB requires 17 general farm workers (NOC 8431) from March 9, 2023 to November 9, 2023. $15.65/ hr. 30 to 72

hours a week. Possible bonus. Must be willing to do some weekend work. Three years beekeeping experience a necessity. Specific skills include apiary work, queen management, harvesting honey, preparing honey for market, assemble, maintain, and clean supers and frames, and work around bees. Work is fast paced, repetitive, and physically demanding. Must be a team player, able to operate a lift truck and automatic honey extractor. Valid drivers license is an asset. Located in isolated rural area. WCB coverage provided. Worker accommodation is available. Fax resume to 403-687-2375 or e-mail

GREIDANUS APIARIES in Sturgeon County, Alberta for the 2023 season from March to November. Requiring four (4) Apiary Labourers, Six (6) Apiary Workers and six (6) Apiary Technicians. Seeking four (4) Apiary Labourers at $16.00/hr for seasonal/full time position. (54.00 hrs/wk) As Apiary Labourer you are required in all manual labour of the Apiary as directed. Main duties involve all aspects of harvesting honey and processing beeswax. Apiary Labourer must have a minimum of one year of experience. Seeking six (6) Apiary Workers at $17.00/hr for seasonal/full time position. (54.00 hrs/wk) As Apiary Worker you are required to assist management and apiary technician with beehive maintenance, this involves cleaning, checking, treating and feeding colonies, honey harvesting and extracting. Apiary Worker must have a minimum of one year of experience. Seeking six (6) Apiary Technicians at $18.00/hr for seasonal/ full time position. (54.00 hrs/wk) As Apiary Technician you are required to work with, supervise and instruct other employees. Other requirements include maintaining field records, monitoring and reporting to management. Apiary Technicians must have a minimum of two years of experience. Accomm for all positions are provided. Bonuses apply. Email grapiaries@ Greidanus Apiaries Ltd. 56107 Range Road 245, Sturgeon County, AB, T8R 0M1



Located at 59332 RR15 Westlock County is seeking applicants for the following positions available in the 2023 season: 4 Apiary Technicians (NOC 8431). $15.65-21/hr depending on experience. Full time 45+ hrs per week Feb thru Oct 2023. Applicants must have a minimum 2-3 seasons experience working in a Canadian commercial apiary. Duties include spring, summer and fall management of bee colonies, bee health monitoring, hive feeding, honey harvesting, operating /maintaining apiary equipment and coordinating some workers. Two apiary workers (NOC 8431) with a minimum of 1 year (season)

experience and with full time employmentApril thru September 2023. ($15.65 - $18 /hr depending on experience) Duties include assisting technicians with bees and equipment, honey harvesting and equipment maintenance. A valid drivers license may be required for some of the positions. All applicants must be in good physical condition, ability to speak English is an asset. Must be able to work with bees in a fast paced team environment. Email westlockhoney@ or mail to Westlock Honey Producers RR1 Busby, AB T0G 0H0

KIWI BRIAN’S HONEY near Coaldale AB, (94056 H845), is seeking employees for the 2023 season. Apiary Technicians: 8431 (4 positions; starting at $16.50-$21.00/hr.) and Apiary Workers NOC: 8431 (15 positions; starting at $16.00-18.50/hr.) and Farm Laborers (3 Positions; starting at $15.75-16.00/hr.) needed full time (45+ hrs./wk.) as early as February 1, 2023, up until November 16, 2023, weather depending. Some evening, night and weekend work will be required. Accommodations are available if required. All applicants must be willing to work with both leafcutter and honeybees, be in good physical condition, and work in a team environment. Having a valid Alberta driver’s license and the ability to speak English will be considered an asset. All applicants must be able to follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) and maintain health and safety of self and others.

Apiary Technicians must have a minimum of 3 seasons of full-time experience in a commercial apiary, have the ability to supervise/train staff, have knowledge in commercial hive management for pollination, honey production, queen rearing and disease diagnosis. Must be able to oversee and maintain hive equipment, bee yard and storage facilities.

Apiary Workers must have a minimum of 1 season full time experience in a commercial apiary, and have knowledge to assist technicians with hive management, building and repairing bee equipment, placement/pick-up of pollination equipment, and honey harvest / extraction/processing. Must be able to maintain hive equipment, bee yard and storage facilities.

Apiary Laborers do not require any experience but must be committed to working with bees, be in good physical condition and can work in hot, sweaty, fast paced environment.

All wages are negotiable based on knowledge/ experience/skill set. Personal Protection Equipment benefit is provided to all staff.

Bonuses may be available. Please email resumes to Drop off resumes at 94056 Highway 845 Coaldale AB

Alberta Bee News December 2022 19
Alberta Bee News December 2022 Port Hope 5029 County Road 2, Port Hope, ON L1A 3V5 T: 905 753 2623 Winnipeg 31060 Rosewood Road Dufresne, MB R5K 0P2 T: 204 866 2402 100% Canadian Made Woodenware & Stainless Steel The quality of our products sets us apart from the rest! 100% of our woodenware and many of our stainless steel extractors, clarifiers, and bottling tanks are also custom manufactured in Canada. Uncapping MANNLAKELTD.COM 866-773-3025 18% CRUDE PROTEIN WITH PROBIOTICS HEALTHY HIVE ESSENTIALS Serving the Industry since 1959 Family Owned and 1-308-745-0154 221 S. 7th St / PO Box 220 Loup City, NE 68853 Proverbs 16:24



HICKS HONEY FARMS LTD. Near McLennan, AB 77405 RR 193A is seeking for the 2023 season, 8 Apiary technicians, NOC 8431. Applicants should have between 3-5 years experience working in a Canadian style commercial beekeeping operation. Duties include, helping to feed, treat, split, and monitor springbuild up. Also responsible for helping to prepare hives for harvest, including, adding supers, monitoring hives, and setting up bee locations. Once harvest begins, applicants should be able to run a crew pulling honey, picking up honey, or extracting. Applicants will be required to help, feed, treat and prepare bees for winter in the fall. Work begins February 18, 2023 and goes until November 5, 2023. Also seeking 9 Apiary workers NOC 8431. These workers should have 1 year experience working in a Canadian style commercial operation. Wages will be between $16.50-$18 depending on experience and efficiency. These applicants will be expected to help technicians with all duties related to beekeeping, including, spring preparation, feeding, treating, harvest preparation, extracting, and fall feeding and winter preparation. All jobs may have weekend and evening work. Accomodations available. There may be some spring and fall work in the Similkameen valley in B.C. Apply to or mail to Hicks Honey Farms Ltd., box 181, McLennan, AB T0H 2L0.

LALLIER APIARIES Located at 56226 Range road 64 Sangudo, AB is in need of one (1) apiary worker (low skill worker) for the 2023season;wage $16/hr. The position is full time (40+ hrs/wk depends on the weather). The season willstart on March 2023 until October 2023. TheApiary Worker will assist the Apiary Technician with beehive maintenance this involves unwrapping, cleaning, treating, make new hives(splits), honey harvesting & extracting, feeding and wrapping in the fall. Applicant may send a resume to

PARADIS HONEY LTD. PARADIS HONEY LTD. 5023-50 St & SW4-78-23-W5 Girouxville, AB Requires 1 FARM SUPERVISOR NOC 8252 for fulltime (40+ hrs/wk) year round employment ($16.00 - $20.00/hr - bonuses possible) depending on experience. Applicant must have a minimum of 5 yrs (seasons) in a Canadian commercial apiary. Duties include assist management in bee colony management & harvest crop. Recognize, report, monitor hive health issues. Operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment. English an asset.Valid driver’s license an asset. 4 APIARY TECHNICIANS NOC 8431 $16.25 - $19/hr (bonuses possible) depending on experience for full time (40+ hrs/wk) from Feb to Nov, 2023. Must have a minimum of 4+ yrs experience working with bees in a Canadian style commercial apiary. Some

technicians may be required to spend 3-4 months out of province to BC (March-June) as bees may be moved to BC for spring pollination services and return to AB mid-June. Room and board will be provided for employees working in BC. Must be able to travel out of province. Duties include assist management in bee colony management & harvest crop. Operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment. English an asset. Valid driver’s license an asset. APIARY TECHNICIANS – NOC 8431 (8 positions) ($15.65 - $17.00/hr with possible bonus) for full time (40+ hrs/wk) from Feb to Nov, 2023. Must have a minimum of 1+ yrs experience working with bees in a Canadian style commercial apiary. Applicants must be able to work in presence of honeybees (Apiary work) & will assist with colony management & harvest crop. Some technicians may be required to spend 3-4 months out of province to BC (March-June) as bees may be moved to BC for spring pollination services and return to AB mid-June. Room and board will be provided for employees working in BC. Must be able to travel out of province. English an asset. No skills, experience or education required. All positions may require some evening, night and weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and have the ability to handle heavy loads, bending, crouching, kneeling. Accomm available. Rural area. Apply: info@paradishoney. com or mail to Paradis Honey Ltd, c/o Lise Paradis Box 99, Girouxville, AB T0H 1S0

WORKER BEE HONEY COMPANY Apiary Technician NOC 8431 (6 seasonal positions available, January to November 2023) - $17.25/ hour plus bonus for superior work. Duties include caring for honeybee colonies; recognizing and monitoring hive issues; supervising 2-4 Apiary Workers; harvesting, extracting and packaging honey, beeswax and pollen; using power tools; and maintaining field and/or production records, including using an online app. Three years’ experience required in a Canadian-style commercial apiary. Apiary Worker NOC 8431 (8 seasonal positions available, February to October 2023) - $15.75/hour plus bonus for superior work. Duties include caring for honeybee colonies; harvesting honey, pollen and beeswax. Minimum one year experience required in a Canadian-style commercial apiary. Apiary Harvester NOC 8431 (8 seasonal positions available, February to October 2023) - $15.50/hour plus bonus for superior work. Duties include harvesting and extracting honey, pollen and beeswax. Minimum six months’ experience in a Canadian-style commercial apiary. All positions are physically demanding and involve standing/bending/crouching for long periods; heavy lifting; repetitive tasks; working outdoors in the heat in a rural environment; driving and maintaining farm equipment (class 5 driver’s license

required, class 3 preferred); 40-70 hours per week including evenings, weekends and overtime as required, as well as ability to work in a team environment and show attention to detail. Positions are in Rosedale, British Columbia with summer months spent in Boyle, Alberta. Accommodation provided at both locations. Worker Bee Honey Company Ltd. 10609 McGrath Road, Rosedale, BC V0X 1X2 tel: 604-794-3315; fax: 604-794-3085; jobs

SEVERSON HONEY FARM at 48143 Range Rd 204 Camrose, AB is seeking for the 2023 season from Feb – Nov 1: 8 apiary workers (NOC8431) with a min of 1-year experience, wages starting at $15.65/hr & 7 Apiary Technicians (NOC8431) with a min of 2-3 years experience, wage starting at $16.50/hr. These positions are fulltime 40+ hrs/ week & may req. some evening,night, weekend work. Work involves care of honey bees for honey production & pollination services. All applicants must be physically fit &be able to perform work in a team environment. On farm accomm are avail. Wages are negotiable depending on experience. Please send resume to Russell at Cell 780-608-0076.

GOOD MORNING HONEY Parkland County, AB (51516-RR15) is looking for: (2) APIARY TECHNICIANS ($17-$20/hr depending on experience) NOC8431 for employment during March thru October 2023 season. The positions are seasonal full time (44+ hrs/wk). Some weekend, evening and night work required. Onfarm accommodations available. Located 10 min SW of Stony Plain, Alberta. The Apiary Technician must have a minimum of three years experience in a Canadian commercial apiary working as an Apiary Technician or Apiary worker. Experience required in hive management for honey production, disease diagnosis, general hive health and mite threshold monitoring. Applicants must be in good physical condition. A valid driver's license is an asset. We also require (3) APIARY WORKERS ($16 -$19/ hr depending on experience) NOC8431 with employment during March thru October 2023 season. The positions are seasonal full time (44+ hrs/wk). Some weekend, evening and night work required. On-farm accommodations available. Located 10 min SW of Stony Plain, Alberta. The Apiary Worker MUST be able to work in the presence of honey bees and will assist with colony management as well as honey extraction. Applicants must be in good physical condition and have a minimum 1+ year experience working in a Canadian style commercial apiary. We also require (2) APIARY LABOURER (Bee Farm Worker) ($16.00hr) NOC 8431 with employment during March thru October 2023 season. This position is seasonal full time (44+ hrs/wk.) Some weekend, evening and night

Alberta Bee News December 2022 21



week or more. The salary for Apiary Technicians is $15.6525.00 per hour. or mail to: Nixon Honey Farm, #20, 35566 RR 263, Red Deer County, Alberta, T4G 0C9

work required. On-farm accommodations available. Located 10 min SW of Stony Plain, Alberta. The Apiary Labourer MUST be able to work in the presence of honey bees. Applicants must be in good physical condition. Experience is an asset. Production bonus payments may be included for all positions. Email resumes to Richard at or send mail to 2-51516 RR15 Parkland County, AB T7Y 2E8. Clearly indicate which position you are applying for. These are seasonal jobs that do not start until March of 2023.

YAREMCIO HONEY is seeking 8 full time seasonal Apiary Technicians (NOC 8431) for the 2023 March to November Season. Apiary Technician's must have previous beekeeping experience (7 months to 1 year experience).They must be able to work in a team environment, as well as independently. Additionally, Apiary Technicians need to be able to pay great attention to detail and handle the pressure of working under tight deadlines. Previous leadership experience is considered an asset, along with, a valid driver's license. Duties of an Apiary Technician include but are not limited to site preparation, site maintenance, colony management, honey extraction, and preparing hives for winter. Hours of work are minimum 40 hours per

NIXON HONEY FARM in Red Deer County, Alberta is accepting applications for the 2023 season on a seasonal full time basis. The following positions need to be filled: 5 APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 8431) Full time employment (40+ hrs/week) $17-21/ hr depending on experience with possible bonus. Must have minimum 2 years of experience working full time on a commercial honeybee farm. Duties include: woodwork (building bee related equipment), caring for bees in an appropriate manner, coordinating the production of replacement bees and equipment; recognizing, reporting, monitoring hive health issues and applying appropriate treatments/controls. Moving hives as required; harvest, extract and package honey, lead small teams of workers, drive and maintain vehicles, operate and maintain other bee related equipment such as forklifts, conduct bee yard maintenance, general cleaning of working/production areas. One of these positions is from February 2022 thru June 2022. The other four positions are from February 2022 thru October 2022. 13 APIARY WORKERS (NOC 8431) Full time (40+ hrs/week) $15.65 -19.50/hr depending on experience, possible bonuses. Minimum 1 year experience. Duties include: woodwork (building bee related equipment), caring for bees in an appropriate manner, assisting technicians with bees and equipment, assisting with moving bees, assisting with honey harvest, extraction and packaging, assisting with bee yard and equipment maintenance, cleaning of working/production areas. One of these positions is from July 2022 thru October 2022. The other twelve positions are from February 2022 thru October 2022. All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. All positions may require some night and weekend work. All applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees, be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. On farm housing is available. Email resumes to: info@

WILDROSE COUNTRY APIARY LTD in Smoky Lake, AB is seeking 2 full time Apiary technicians (NOC 8431) on a two year work contract starting March 2021-2023. A minimum of 2 years on a commercial beekeeping operation is required. We are also seeking to hire 2 seasonal apiary Technicians (NOC 8431) from March thru October 2023. $16-20hr 32-60 hours a week. 1 year experience is required. We are also seeking 1 apiary labourer for July thru September 2023. $15.65 -17hr (NOC 8431) Specific skills include colony management, honey production, spring & winter preparation, and general maintenance on the farm. Must be physically fit and prepared to work in an efficient team environment. Expect some weekend and evening work. Located in a rural setting. Worker accommodation is provided. To apply email

S.S. HONEY INC. S.S. Honey Inc. is looking for 4 positions to be filled for the upcoming 2023 bee season. 2 Apiary technicians (NOC 8431) from April 1 2023 to October 31 2023. Full Time Seasonal employment on a Canadian commercial beekeeping operation. (40+/hrs a week) $18 to $20/hr depending on experience, minimum 3 year experience. Must be physically fit and be able to work as a team. Duties include and are not limited to: Hive Management, Detecting Hive Diseases, Treating Hive Diseases, Extraction of Honey, Operating Farm equipment. Apiary Techs are required to be team leaders and must be able to manage a team. 2 Apiary workers (NOC 8431) from April 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023. Full time seasonal employment on a Canadian commercial beekeeping operation. (40+hours a week) $16.00 to 18.00 depending on experience. Must be physically fit and be able to work as a team. Duties include and are not limited to: Hive Management, Detecting Hive Diseases, Treating Hive Diseases, Extraction of Honey, Operating Farm equipment. International Drivers License is an asset. Some evenings and weekends are required. Worker Accommodation is available. Send resume to or by mail Box 765, High Prairie, Ab, T0G-1E0

WILDROSE COUNTRY APIARY LTD. In Smoky Lake AB, is seeking to hire 3 seasonal apiary Technicians (NOC 8431) from March thru October 2023. $16-20hr 30-60 hours a week. 1 year experience is required.  Specific skills include colony management, honey production, spring & winter preparation, and general maintenance on the farm. Must be physically fit and prepared to work in an efficient team environment. Expect some weekend and

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evening work. Located in a rural setting. Worker accommodation is provided. Email

SPIRIT HILLS SERVICES LTD. Apiary & Farm Manager. Spirit Hills Services Ltd. is seeking to hire 1 full time Apiary & Farm Manager for their apiary and honey winery operation located at 240183, 2380 Drive West, Millarville, Alberta. Duties will include but will not be limited to managing the apiary and honey harvest, maintain all vehicles and farm equipment during the summer season. In winter season assist with account management for sales in Belgium. Education, Experience & other requirements: verifiable automotive mechanic education and experience; apiary management experience; good people skills; team oriented; strong communication skills in English, French & Dutch languages. Wages: $17.00/hour for 40 hours per week. International Sales Manager Spirit Hills Services Ltd. is seeking to hire 1 full time International Sales Manager for their apiary and honey winery operation located at 240183, 2380 Drive West, Millarville, Alberta. Duties will include but will not be limited to managing relationships with accounts in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Italy, and to further

develop the business in Greece, Spain, France and England.Education, Experience & other requirements: Bachelors degree or equivalent in management; strong oral & written communication skills in English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish and Greek languages; good people skills; team oriented; outgoing,proactive, strategic and an experienced traveler. Wages: $23.00/hour for 40 hours per week. To apply send resume and verifiable references to

P & J APIARIES INC. We are seeking interested applicants in the Westlock County area for the following positions, including...10) APIARY TECHNICIAN(s) (NOC 8431) $15.65-$18.50/ hr. depending on experience for full time (45+ hrs/wk) employment February thru October 2023. No educational requirement. Must have a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) working fulltime on a Canadian style commercial apiary operation as an Apiary Technician or in the min. capacity of an Apiary Worker. All Duties associated with Canadian style commercial apiary such as Spring, Summer, Fall management of bee colonies, bee health monitoring, feeding, honey production and harvest,

quality control/production, and safety records, operating and maintaining apiary equipment including trucks and forklifts, and coordination of some workers.

- (10) APIARY WORKER(s) (NOC 8431) $15.65$16.50/hr. depending on experience for full time (45+ hrs/wk) employment March thru October 2023. No educational requirement. Must have a minimum of 1 year (season) working fulltime on a Canadian style commercial apiary operation as an Apiary Worker or in the min. capacity of an Apiary Harvester/Labourer. All duties related to Canadian style commercial apiary associated with assisting Beekeepers/Apiary Technicians with Spring, Summer, Fall colony management, moving colonies, maintaining of apiary equipment, and all aspects in the collection extraction/processing of honey. All positions may require some evening & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical conditions and able to work in a fast-pace team environment. All Applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees. A valid driver’s license may be required for some of the Apiary Technician positions. Apply with resume to Todd Eastman at P & J Apiaries Inc., p.j.apiaries.applicants@shaw. ca,(Location 61232 – RR240 Westlock Co. AB.)

Alberta Bee News December 2022 23
maintaining 55 USG Open Head 20 gauge body & lid lever locking closure & epoxy phenolic lining also available in 5/8” bolt & ring FDA Approved For pricing & delivery from Lloydminster call 780.875.4421 or Dave LʹHeureux 780.893.7623 Top Quality Products for Beekeepers • Foundation • Queen Rearing Supplies • Beekeepers Apparel & Tools • Hive Equipment • Mite Controls • Honey Containers • Extracting Equipment • Medications • Packaged Bees & Queens Alberta Honey Producers Co-operative 70 Alberta Avenue, Box 3909 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3B1 780.962.5573 Shop online  Bee Supplies 780.962.5667 Derrick Johnston 780.960.8011 | Lisa Lemke 780.960.8009 | Christie Martens 780.960.8005 | Divina Rayoso 780.960.8010 | Proudly Owned by Canadian Beekeepers We can handle your sugar requirements. Dry or liquid – small lots or trailer loads. Bee Maid buys light and dark beeswax at competitive prices.



PHILPOTT HONEY PRODUCERS LTD. located 10 kms north of Brooks is accepting resumes for Apiary workers for the 2023 beekeeping season. The position starts Feb 1st, 2023 and carries on until Oct 31st, 2023. Full time hours (45+hrs/week) and some weekends and evenings are required. All applicants must be in good physical condition and be able to work well with others. Duties to include helping with all aspects of beekeeping and honey production in a commercial beekeeping operation. No experience is necessary as on job training given; however, is an asset. Starting wage is $15.65/hour and is negotiable depending on exp. with a performance bonus determined at end of season. On-farm accommodations are also available. Please email resumes to colin@ or mailed to box 555, Brooks AB, T1R 1B5 or faxed to 403-362-4350

MARC G. PARADIS NE 23-79-5W6 Rycroft, AB. – NOC 8431(4 positions) ($15.65-$16.50/ hr depending on experience) for full time (40+hrs/ wk) from Feb to Nov, 2023. Applicants must be able to work in presence of honeybees (Apiary work) & will assist with colony management & harvest crop. English an asset. No skills, experience or education required. All positions may require some evening, night and weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical condition and able to work in a team environment. Operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment. Valid driver’s license an asset. Apiary Workers Accommodation is available. Rural area. Apply: or mail to Marc G Paradis, Box 487, Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0.

BUTZ APIARIES 1 Apiary Harvest Worker for Jun-Oct, 2023 and 1 Apiary Harvest Worker Jul-Sep, 2023. Starting $15.65/hour according to NOC 8431 guidelines. 45 plus hrs/wk. 1+ year Canadian commercial beekeeping experience required and must be physically fit and able to work with bees. Duties include honey harvesting, extraction, equipment maintenance and associated duties. Jun-Oct Apiary Harvest Worker will also assist with winter hive preparation. Contact Butz Apiaries, butzbuzz@ PO Box 36 Carnwood AB T0C 0W0

AP HONEY FARM LTD in Wanham AB for the 2023 season is seeking two positions for Apiary Technician (NOC 8253) $15.65 - $17 with two years’ experience minimum, in a commercial apiary, wages depends on experience. Major duties: knowledge of hive management, disease diagnoses & prevention, weekend work & evenings. Also require seven positions for Apiary Worker (NOC8431), $15.65 -$17

experience required. Major duties, include assisting Apiary Technician with all the duties in the work with bees. Some weekend & evenings work if needed, physically demanding work (45/ hrs + a week of work). Both positions start Jan 15 - November 15, 2023. Staff accomm available. Send resumes to Artur Pala palashoney@ or fax 780 694 2282.

P & J APIARIES INC. We are seeking interested applicants in the Westlock County area for the following positions, including... (6) APIARY LABOURER(S)- NOC 8431 (6) Positions- $15.65 per/hr. The positions are available on a seasonal/ full-time basis (45+hrs. per week) for May to October 2023. Apiary Labourer duties include honey harvesting, collecting & processing of honey No educational requirement, experience an asset. Apiary Labourer position may require some evening & weekend work. All applicants must be in good physical conditions and able to work in a fast-paced team environment. No educational requirement, experience an asset. All Applicants must be able to work in the presence of bees. Apply with resume to Todd Eastman at P & J Apiaries Inc., p.j.apiaries., Fax.: 780 349 6610. (Location 61232 – RR240 Westlock Co. AB.

HONEY MEADOWS FARM is located 10 km south of Calgary at 226012 72st St. E Foothills, Alberta. We are looking to hire 14 beekeepers for the 2023 season, beginning mid January through to mid October (~45+hours/week). The work entails colony management, harvesting and extracting honey as well as manufacturing and repair of apiary equipment. The positions fall under NOC:8431$15.65/hr-will adjust according to NOC guidelines if required. Successful applicants must have experience working with bees on a commercial honey farm for at least 2 seasons. Please email resumes to

WOLFE HONEY COMPANY INC. requires 12 Beekeeper Apiary Workers for full time/ seasonal work (40-50 hrs/ wk.) for beekeeping season (approximately end of Feb to beginning of Nov 2023) in Guy, AB. Wages will be set by the NOC guidelines and is currently $15.65 per hour. Accommodation is provided in Guy. All applicants must be physically fit and able to work in the presence of honeybees. The job duties under the direction of the Field Supervisor and Managers include: maintaining the health of live honeybees, moving bees, collection & extraction of honey & preparing bees for winter. Also includes some woodwork for new beehive equipment, and general shop cleaning

& maintenance. There will be some evening, weekend and night work required. This is an entry level position with on the job training. There are no job experience or educational requirements for this position. We work in a team environment. Wolfe Honey Company Inc. is located at 5010-49th Street in Guy, AB, T0H 1Y0. The hamlet of Guy is located in the Municipal District of Smoky River. Applications accepted by email to accounting@honeybunny. ca; or by fax: 780-925-2943.

SEVERSON HONEY FARM at 48143 Range Rd 204 Camrose, AB, requires 3 Apiary Supervisors/ Forman (noc8253) for the 2023 year. Must have a minimum of 5 yearexperience in commercial beekeeping, wages start at $17–$21 depending on experience. Must be able to supervise 3-4 people & operate trucks & equipment. Be organized, maintain records, work in team environment. This position is full-time 40+ hrs/ week. On farm accomm avail. Please send resume to Russell at 780-608-0076

SUPERNUC APIARIES located near Granum, AB (251032 TWP RD 104) has the following positions for the 2023 season. APIARY TECHNICIAN (NOC 8431) 1 position; wage starting at $16.50 - $20.00/hr, and APIARY WORKERS (NOC 8431) 2 positions: starting at $15.65 - $18.00/hr, needed full time (45+ hrs/wk) from Mar 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023. Apiary technicians must have a minimum of 3 seasons of full-time experience in a Canadian commercial apiary and have the ability to supervise/train staff, have knowledge in commercial hive management for pollination, honey production and queenrearing and the ability to assess hive health and care for them in the appropriate manner.  Apiary workers must have a minimum of 1 season full time experience in a Canadian commercial apiary. Duties include assisting technicians with beehive maintenance and treatments, building and repairing bee equipment, moving hives, harvesting and extracting honey, and winter preparation.Some evening, night and weekend work will be required.  Accomodations are available.  A valid driver's license and the ability to speak English is an asset. Must be physically fit and accustomed to working with honeybees. No educational requirements.  All wages are negotiable based on experience and productivity. Bonuses may be available.  Email resumes to aovinge@gmail. com or mail to Box 133, Granum, AB T0L 1A0.

Alberta Bee News December 2022 24


HONEYBEAR APIARIES LTD. in Leduc is continuing to downsize in 2023. Available will be limited quantities of bee equipment including hive ready brood chambers complete with honey and pollen frames, 22” bottom boards and pillow ready telescopinglids, dovetail honey supers with 9 Jones straight end bar frames with rite cell inserts, ready made 6 frame nuc boxes and lids, two 110 barrel Wheatland feed/honey tanks. Most of the live hives and large equipment and other items are pre sold but text Barrie Termeer at 780-4466924 for updates.

PARADIS HONEY LTD. Has the following equipment for sale: Paradise 1000 Wax Press - $15,000 obo Pollen Traps (approx. 1,500)$60 each obo For further information email: or phone 780-323-4183


FOR SALE: 4000 Standard honey supers. 9 frames per box with separators. Good condition. Asking $52.00 OBO each. email: or Phone Mike/ Karen 780-837-1743 leave msg.


FOR SALE: Commercial beekeeping operation in Sask. selling 1000 colonies at end of 2023 pollination season. Available last week of July (p.s. 3 fields in Bow Island hailed out and colonies AVAILABLE NOW). Double brood chamber, avail with super if required (additional). $450 each for small qty; larger quantities price negotiable. Colonies located Medicine Hat, AB, and Bow Island, SK. Contact Neil at sweetheart. or 306-463-8864



Used, in good condition. $150,000.00 for the following:

• Paradise Air Ram extraction line, 128 frames

• Automotive uncapper with de-boxer

• Ralph Belt frame grabber, 9 frames

• Second generation wax press (Canadian made, Paradise knockoff)

• Water-jacketed Cowan in-floor sump with baffles and float switch (2 drum capacity)

• 900 gallon heated milk tank (half inch tubing Cowan heater)

• 2 tall plastic holding tanks on stands with 18 drums each

• Electric scale up to 2000 Lbs

• 3 two inch Cowan honey pumps

Please contact Jean-Marc Le Dorze at


Our (5X2) 10 deep frame nuc colonies with laying queens are great for getting your beekeeping season off to a strong start. Nucs come pre-Treated for Varroa, Nosema, and AFB and are ready for installation. Orders typically are ready for pickup in the Fraser Valley area late April early May. We have an excellent record of highly productive healthy honeybees. Nucs are raised in the Fraser Valley and will be inspected by provincial apiculturist for interprovincial sale.

Your Nuc order includes:

• (5x2) 10 deep frame nuc box

• 2 actively laying queens

• 2 strong deep frames of brood and young larvae (all stages) covered with Bees.

• 2 strong deep frames of feed (Honey) and Pollen covered with Bees.

Now accepting orders for Spring 2023 delivery ($325 per nuc). There is a limited supply; place your orders early to ensure that your order will be filled.

Contact: Or Danny at 780-837-0302.

Paradis Valley Honey

Alberta Bee News December 2022 25
CALIFORNIA/HAWAII 530. 865. 0298 TOLL FREE 877. 865. 0298
QUEENS AVAILABLE NOW! Italian • Saskatraz™ • Carniolan
with diverse genetics to enrich sustainable economic traits such as: • Honey Production • Tolerance to Varroa Mites • Overwintering • Gentle Temperament • Economic Sustainability
Olivarez Honey Bees,
Saskatraz™ Program
Alberta Bee News December 2022 26 Ask for NOD Apiary Products at beekeeping supply stores across North America. NOD APIARY PRODUCTS

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