P U B L I C AT I O N S M A I L AG R E E M E N T # 4 0 0 5 0 2 9 7
That’s why we take our time to look for products that work consistently. Products our customers have come to count on us to carry, like EQUICROWN’s innovative compression bandages – used to promote healthy horse legs, or WHOA DUST’s effective arena dust control treatment, and footing additive. Because everyone knows when it comes down
to it, performance matters.
Distributed by
Alberta Bits is the Alberta Equestrian Federation’s official member magazine. It serves the entire equestrian community of horses and riders of all ages, interests and involvement, as the Voice of Equine Alberta. T H E A L B E RTA E Q U E S T R I A N F E D E R AT I O N H A S B E E N I N C O R P O R AT E D S I N C E 1 9 7 8 Alberta Bits magazine is mailed four times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) to all current AEF members and is made available at the office and special events attended by the AEF. Alberta Bits is distributed throughout Alberta with news and events on behalf of recreational, sport, breeds & industry and educational sectors of the Alberta horse industry. Alberta Bits is distributed to approximately 16,500 members; 9,000 households and businesses, an exclusive list of tack and equine establishments and at events and trade shows annually.
Les Oakes 403.540.9859 les.oakes@gmail.com Lewis Hand 403.722.4690 lewhand@live.ca Tara Gamble 780.945.7516 tcgamble@xplornet.ca Tara Gamble 780.945.7516 tcgamble@xplornet.ca Sabrina Oakes 403.826.4661 sabrinaoakes@gmail.com Trish Mrakawa 403.938.6398 trish@willowgrovestables.com Jay Mills 403.637-2410 jay.mills@albertaequestrian.com Nicolas Brown 780-454-5001 bruchev@gmail.com Kippy Maitland-Smith 403.845.4864 cromdale@harewaves.net Dena Squarebriggs 403.760.0512 dmsquare04@hotmail.com Alison Douglas 403.762.8570 thealicat@shaw.ca Don Scott 780.895.7660 dscott@mscnet.ca Nicolas Brown 780.454.5001 bruchev@gmail.com Barb Easthom 403.801.4111 beasthom@rubydale.com Lauren Parker 403.813.1055 lmparker@shaw.ca
Sonia Dantu
execdir@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 4 MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR
Norma Cnudde
membership@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 1 MARKETING & EVENT COORDINATOR
Allison Blackmore marketing@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 5
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AEF BITS & PIECES Call for 2015 Scholarship Applications; Equine Canada's General Performance Judge's Clinic recap; AEF Membership Referral Program.
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AEF NEWS AEF Bursaries; Call for Nominations to the AEF Board of Directors; Winter Wishes; Canada wins Bid to Host 2018 WEG.
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C L U B P RO F I L E S Polocrosse Calgary explains why the sport of polocrosse is the most fun you can have on a horse; The Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore stays true to their family-oriented roots.
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W I L D RO S E S H O W C O M P E T I T I O N Southbrook Farms gives hunter/jumper riders a chance to compete at an economical price.
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O U T S TA N D I N G VO L U N T E E R Guy La Boucane took the reins as show secretary, working long hours to ensure the event was a success.
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HORSEKEEPING The possibility of barn fires are greater in the winter. Here’s how you can reduce the risk.
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L I V E O U T S I D E T H E B OX W I N N E R S Winning prizes for spending less time in front of a television or computer screen, and more time with horses!
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B U S I N E S S P RO F I L E Equanimity Edge Equine Massage offers a unique perspective for students aspiring to learn the art of equine massage.
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R I D E & D R I V E P RO G R A M Wendy Randall logged 2,000 hours in the saddle this year.
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AEF-SANCTIONED SHOWS Learn about all the benefits of sanctioned shows.
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A LIFE WITH A HORSE Scott Phillips reflects on a lifelong relationship with equines.
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MEMBER PICK As a breeder, trainer and owner, Shauna Cook’s unique approach to the jumping industry makes her an invaluable asset to the sport in Canada.
Erin Lundteigen coaching@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 3 COMPETITIONS COORDINATOR
Sophie Beaufils competitions@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 2 FINANCE, GENERAL INQUIRIES
Rita Bernard info@albertaequestrian.com 403.253.4411 ext 6
O F F I C E H O U R S : 8 : 3 0 T O 4 : 3 0 P M , M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y, E X C E P T H O L I D A Y S A L B E R TA B I T S I S P U B L I S H E D B Y W E S T E R N H O R S E R E V I E W I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H T H E A E F
FOR EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES CONTACT: ALBERTABITS@ALBERTAEQUESTRIAN.COM Jennifer Webster ART DIRECTOR Natalie Jackman PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Allison Blackmore, Sonia Dantu CONTRIBUTORS Andrea Belcher, Erin Blumhagen, Adelle Ellis, Deb Kuryk, Nadia Nixon, Simon Murphy, Equine Guelph, Heather Grovet, Dr. Douglas Hamilton, Emma McGeough, JoAnne Meeker, Scott Phillips, Kelsey Simpson, and Max Tchikhatchev. MANAGING EDITOR
Sally Bishop 403.815.1289 sallysuebishop@gmail.com Laura Mills 403.461.8964 laura@westernhorsereview.com 2015 ADVERTISING DEADLINES
Spring 2015: January 27 Summer 2015: May 5 Fall 2015: Sept 15 Winter 2015: Nov 17 FOR A MEDIA KIT AND/OR RATE CARD PLEASE CONTACT ALBERTABITS@ALBERTAEQUESTRIAN.COM
or marketing@albertaequestrian.com. All material is copyright 2014. Ideas and opinions expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect the ideas or opinions of the AEF. Alberta Bits reserves the right to accept, and/or edit material submitted for publication. The AEF makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, but assumes no liability in cases of error or changing conditions. Any business relations or other activities undertaken as a result of the information contained in Alberta Bits, or arising there from, is the responsibility of the parties involved and not of the AEF. We welcome signed letters to the editor, but reserve the right to publish, edit for grammar, taste and length. For reprint information, please contact execdir@albertaequestrian.com
100, 251 Midpark Blvd SE Calgary, AB T2X 1S3 Toll Free: 1.877.463.6233 Phone: 403.253.4411 Fax: 403.252.5260
ON THE P U B L I C AT I O N S M A I L AG R E E M E N T # 4 0 0 5 0 2 9 7 • P R I N T E D I N C A N A D A • I S S N 1 9 1 8 - 7 1 1 4 R E T U R N U N D E L I V E R A B L E M A I L TO : A L B E RTA E Q U E S T R I A N F E D E R AT I O N 1 0 0 , 2 5 1 M I D PA R K B LV D S E C A L G A RY, A B T 2 X 1 S 3
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AQHA mares RUBYS DIAMOND and TOPSAILS ROSEBUD enjoy their frosty turnout. Photo by Natalie Jackman
President’s Message As I sit at my desk writing this report and look out onto the white fields, it is easy to forget what a great autumn we all experienced this year. Looking back at the last issue of Alberta Bits, it is surprising how quickly we forget how green and lush everything looked only a few months ago. In direct contrast, I can’t even imagine the difficulty for those who were moving snow in the Buffalo, NY, area the third week in November. Over three feet of snow fell in one day with more expected the next. It makes our winter time chores seem easy in comparison. Time does fly by very quickly. It almost seems like yesterday that we were encouraging our Membership to join us on the Board of Directors and yet in this issue, there is information for this request again. An organization such as the AEF needs new ideas from an influx of new people who join the Board each year in order to remain a vibrant and growing organization. If you wish to discuss a role that you could play in the future of the AEF, we welcome the opportunity to sit down and talk with you. If you know of anybody that we should contact we would be thrilled to do that as well. Please consider making a difference for the equine industry and the AEF membership in the province of Alberta. I am very pleased to report on behalf of the board that Membership has grown once again and through due diligence of the AEF office staff, we have been able to keep expenses in control. The AEF is slowly starting to build a small reserve and we look forward to reporting on this at our AGM (March 21, 2015) and in our 2014 annual report. The importance of a strong organization goes much further than just having money in the bank. Programs and services delivered by the AEF uses up the bulk of income. This income is derived from various sources; 60% membership fees, 18% programs and services, 9% grants, 8% casino funding and 5% other (online store, donations, etc.). While Membership growth over the past few years has helped to increase income, the amount of funding from government sources continues to decrease each year. In addition, the amount of revenue that comes in from casinos has also decreased. Not to get on a political soapbox, but the AEF receives less government funding than the majority of other Canadian provinces. As funding decreases each year and is more of a concern to the AEF, the board and staff must ensure that part of the Strategic Plan is to ensure that the federation
continues to add value to the membership (your membership) and reach out to non-members in the province. As we move into a new year, the board looks forward to sharing the success from 2014 and plans for 2015 with you. If you would like to join this movement, please consider joining the board. As President of the AEF, it has been such a pleasure this year to attend rides, meetings and clinics around Alberta. I have enjoyed meeting so many new people, refreshing contacts with old friends. I have been asking AEF Members and non-Members what it is that they would like to see the AEF become. I still firmly believe that the AEF is Alberta’s best kept secret and I hope 2015 results a great jump in the AEF membership. As renewal season is in full force, we remind our members of an incentive for attracting new members, which provides you with the opportunity to save up to $15 annually off your own membership! All you have to do is refer a brand new member to the AEF, ensure you advise that person to mention your name and AEF number and you will receive a $5 credit, per member to a maximum of three members per year. Imagine if each AEF member took advantage of this? How many new members that would bring, how many more voices that would be – speaking for all equines in Alberta? The list of benefits goes on and on... Everyone is a winner. For more details on the AEF membership referral program, please visit the AEF website or call the office as I am sure one of our awesome office staff would be glad to help! From myself, my family, and the staff and Board of Directors of the AEF, we wish you all the best in 2015 and welcome your input as we continue to be your voice for all things Equine in the Province of Alberta. AB
NOTICE is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of the Members of THE ALBERTA EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION SOCIETY is called for and will be held on the 21st day of March, 2015, at Airdrie Agriculture Centre, 97 East Lake Ramp NE, Airdrie, Alberta, Theatre Room at 10:30 a.m.
ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND! 2014 Annual Report Presentation, Director Elections, Refreshments and Door Prizes!
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
TIME TO RENEW YOUR 2015 AEF MEMBERSHIP Yo u r 2 0 1 4 A E F M e m b e r s h i p w i l l b e e x p i r i n g o n D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 .
It’s time to renew your 2015 membership! Membership renewals were mailed out with your Fall Issue of Alberta Bits. Your membership can be renewed online, by mail, email or by faxing the AEF membership form to our office. Be sure to inform the AEF if your email, mailing address or other information has changed.
YOUR MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS KEEP GROWING EACH YEAR! • Automatic $5,000,000 personal liability and AD&D insurance coverage; • Optional insurances available for purchase, including enhanced AD&D coverage to include limited fracture and dental benefits, Tack Coverage, Members Named Perils coverage for your horses, Weekly Accident Indemnity, Out of Province/Country Travel; • Refer a brand new member and receive $5.00 off your 2016 membership (max 3 referrals per year). Simply have the new member mention your name and AEF Number when joining; • Members Priority Program – great discounts with many AEF Business Members; • Alberta Bits member magazine four times per year – now available by email; • Opportunity to apply for educational scholarships and funding assistance; • Access to clinics and educational workshops; • A wide range of programs for recreational and competitive riders and drivers; • Live Outside the Box (youth program for active living); • Ride & Drive Program (great rewards); • AEF Trail Supporter - supports the efforts of the Alberta trail builders by making funds available to assist with the development, maintenance and improvement of horse friendly trails, campsites and staging areas throughout the province; • Access to resource information on everything from where to take lessons to where to go trail riding; • AEF educational brochures and resource materials; • Online store – great items from Rider Level Manuals, Trail Manuals/Guides, Equestrian Books, educational DVD’s, Clothing, Muck Boots™, EquineLUX™ saddle pads, Signs and much more; • Online classified advertising and member forums!
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
AEF EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS 2015 AEF scholarship applications will be available on the AEF website, February 2, 2015. Students who are pursuing a post-secondary education in equine studies or equine-related courses from accredited colleges or universities may apply. Scholarships are available in the amounts of $750 and $1,000. Deadline for the scholarship application is on or before Friday, April 24, 2015 (postmarked no later than midnight of this day). The AEF thanks Capri Insurance, donors and people who purchase AEF pins for providing the funds for these scholarships. For more information, visit the AEF website. BILL DesBARRES INDUSTRY SCHOLARSHIP The AEF Board of Directors is pleased to announce a new scholarship for 2015 that has been created in the name of Honorary Life Member, Bill desBarres. Bill recently resigned from the AEF board, which was not easily accepted. Bill gave selflessly of his time as a volunteer on the AEF board and within the horse industry for the past 35 + years. This $500 annual scholarship is intended to honor his lifelong commitment and dedication to the horse community.
JUDGE’S CLINIC The AEF hosted an Equine Canada General Performance Judge’s Clinic November 1-2, 2014 and brought in Equine Canada judge, Lorraine Gilchrist to facilitate at Olds College in Olds, Alberta. AEF Vice President Lew Hand was also in attendance to check people in and make sure everything ran smoothly. Sixteen participants consisting of coaches, judges and horse enthusiasts were present to learn more about general performance judging. The clinic ran over two days covering many aspects of General Performance. Saturday’s focus was on Showmanship, Western/English pleasure, Hunter, Equitation and Jumper. Whereas Sunday’s emphasis was about the judging of Reining, Western Riding, Trail, Pleasure Driving and western speed events. Participants left the clinic with a sense of fulfillment and a better perspective on general performance judging. They enjoyed having a judge with a lot of experience share her knowledge. The clinic was well organized and allowed for many judges to update their credentials and even certify a few new judges. The AEF is pleased with the positive outcome of this event and looks forward to the opportunity of organizing more clinics in the future. AB
For each NEW member you refer, receive $5.00 off your own membership (maximum of three referrals per member year). Simply ask the new member to provide your name AND membership number on their application and start saving!
Offset your membership costs and help us grow our herd! Referral credits have NO CASH VALUE.
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
For details and event listings visit the AEF online events calendar albertaequestrian.com/Calendar to include your event on our calendar please contact marketing@albertaequestrian.com
A fresh Perspective. Traditionally, employee benefit plans have been viewed as a one size fits all component of the work place and a fixed expense for employers. But as the work place evolves and needs change, the type of benefits employees seek has changed as well. The current landscape calls for a paradigm shift in the way employers view benefit offerings. This shift in perspective creates a framework that helps company’s strengthen employee engagement and satisfaction, in turn driving employee engagement, retention and productivity. One of the biggest drivers of this shift in perspective is demographics. The workforce is changing at an astounding rate. By 2020, 40% of the Canadian workforce will be Gen Y and Millennials, those born after 1980. The benefit needs of 20 something’s vary greatly from the needs of their older coworkers. It is important to have a plan that can address the needs of your entire staff. It is recommended that your program be reviewed annually; and audited and/or marketed every 3-5 years. Insurance companies are always adjusting their pricing based on their success with certain industries. So the insurance company offering the best value 3 years ago, may not be the provider offering you the best value today. Engaging a group benefits consultant to help you manage your plan is the best way to ensure continued value for your company and your employees. These types of specialists are specifically trained to create customized group benefit programs tailored to the specific needs of your business and your employees.
AEF members, clubs and associations receive a complimentary review and audit. Call today! KEVIN HAUGHTON B.A., G.B.A. S E N I O R B E N E F I T S C O N S U LTA N T
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Sculptural and functional work inspired by the untamed beauty and inspiration of the Alberta landscape.
Art with horses and nature made of Alberta terracotta and high-fire porcelain clays. An homage to the horse.
Neigh-ping vase 16.5'' x 6.5''
The VisionsWest Studio art by Monika Smith info@thevisionsweststudio.ca
www.thevisionsweststudio.ca A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
CORRECTION The fall issue of Alberta Bits neglected to include proper photo credit for the Member Pick article featuring Tina Watkins. We apologize to photographer Holly Grayton for this unintentinal oversight.
The AEF is pleased to be able to offer candidates participating in the English and Western Learn to Ride programs the opportunity to be selected as the recipient of one of our bursaries. ENGLISH RIDER BURSARY This bursary is awarded to the applicant with the highest score within the Level 8 Learn to Ride Test. Completed applications must be submitted to be considered. $500 awarded annually. CHARLENE BAKER BURSARY This bursary is granted to the applicant with the highest score within the Level 4 Western Learn to Ride test. Completed applications must be submitted to be considered. $500 awarded annually. For more details on how to become involved in the English/Western Learn to Ride programs please contact coaching@albertaequestrian.com
JOIN the TEAM! The AEF is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors. Elections will be held at the AEF Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 10:30 am at the Airdrie Agriculture Centre, 97 East Lake Ramp NE, Airdrie, Alberta, in the Theatre. We are searching for candidates who support the objectives, goals and activities of the AEF and who would like to be active members of the organization. The AEF is comprised of individual, family, club and business members. The membership is invited to the Annual General Meeting and will elect individuals to fill these vacancies on the board. A new set of AEF bylaws were passed by the membership on November 14, 2014. One of the most significant changes in the bylaws is that ALL members now have the opportunity to vote electronically for those that they wish to represent their best interests. The AEF Board is intended to reflect a diversity of experience, skills, knowledge and abilities suited to the strategic needs of the organization. We are looking for members from all areas of the community and from a range of backgrounds. THE ROLE OF AEF BOARD MEMBERS IS TO BE INVOLVED IN: • Ongoing evaluation of the organization’s mission, vision and values; • Monitoring the organization’s progress towards achieving its mission and strategic direction; • Strategic and Business planning; • Community and stakeholder outreach; • Continued evaluation of the internal and external structures of the organization and its programs to best serve the membership; • Financial oversight (due diligence) and fundraising; • Board self-maintenance, including recruitment and orientation of new Directors.
DIRECTORS ARE EXPECTED TO: • Attend a minimum of 60% of scheduled 10
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
board meetings (4 - 8 meetings per year); • Participate on standing committees and, as needed, ad hoc committees; • Participate in AEF events, including fundraising events, committee meetings, strategic planning and other activities as necessary; • Be readily accessible and responsive to email and voicemail communication; • Positively support the aims and objectives of the organization; • Abide by the AEF Bylaws and Code of Ethics.
TERMS OF SERVICE The AEF board consists of 12 Directors and three Presidents (Past, Current, Elect); 15 maximum. All Directors serve a three-year term to a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years) and must stand for election from term to term. In addition to meeting the requirements outlined above, ideal candidates for the AEF Board will have demonstrated some experience in the following areas: STRATEGIC PLANNING • Determining multiple year strategies, long-term planning and projects to pursue; • Knowledge of direction-setting that is required to form a structure for the organization; to work within to reach desired outcomes and objectives; • Understanding of relationships between non-profits and its stakeholders, including the communities served, corporate sponsors, funders and different levels of government. COMMUNITY OUTREACH & COMMUNICATION • Experience building positive relationships with community members, community/industry organizations, government officials, external relations. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • Setting and following financial goals in conjunction with the overall strategic objectives; • Familiarity with financial controls and structure required for non-profit organizations;
• Financial planning and tools required to support long-range sustainability of non-profit organizations. LEGAL / GOVERNANCE • Non-profit governance structure, bylaws and requirements; • Organizational policies and procedures.
NOMINATIONS 1. To be eligible to stand for election, an individual must: a) Be 18 years of age or older; b) Be an AEF member in good standing; c) Be nominated by an AEF member (and accept) or self-nominate by completing and submitting the Nomination Form which includes statements of interest and a brief biography; d) Nominations are NOT accepted from the floor.
2. Nominations can be made at any time, up to Monday, February 23, 2015 at 4:30 pm to allow ample time for electronic voting by the AEF membership. The AEF Nominations Committee will review nominations received by the deadline. As required, the Nominations Committee may request an interview with nominees. 3. The Nominations Committee will recommend to the Board, the candidates it believes are best suited to the role based on the following criteria: a) Commitment to the organization and the communities/industry we represent; b) Ability to contribute based on the criteria set out above; c) Approachability as a Director; d) Relevant knowledge, ability and skill sets.
4. Members voting in person at the Annual General Meeting and electronically will be able to vote for candidates. For more information on becoming an AEF board member or to obtain a nominations form, please visit the AEF website or contact Sonia Dantu, AEF Executive Director at execdir@albertaequestrian.com AB
A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS R-L: Sonia Dantu, Rita Bernard, Allison Blackmore, Sophie Beaufils, Norma Cnudde, Erin Lundteigen
The Alberta Equestrian Federation is built on the strong foundation of our members and volunteers. We are proud to have you as part of this association and thank you for your amazing support, passion and participation in the Alberta equine community. We would also like to wish each and every one of you a very safe and Merry Christmas as well as a prosperous 2015. We look forward to serving your needs in 2015 and hope you will take the time to join us at our AGM on Saturday, March 21 in Airdrie. AB
Canada Wins Bid to Host BROMONT
On June 9, 2014, members of the Bromont Bid Committee, along with Equine Canada President, Al Patterson and CEO, Eva Havaris, were extremely pleased to announce that the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Bureau unanimously awarded the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games™ to Bromont/Montreal as host city, with the Games to be held at the Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park. This will be the first time in the history of the World Equestrian Games that the prestigious event has ever been held in Canada and only the second time outside of Europe, with the first time being in 2010 in Lexington, KY. "This is an exciting announcement and a great opportunity for equestrian sport, and will make an outstanding economic impact on Bromont, the province of Quebec and the horse industry in Canada," said Al Patterson, president of Equine Canada. "On behalf of the Equine Canada Board of Directors and members, I would like to thank the WEG Bid Committee for their tireless work and efforts in raising the funds needed to secure the 2018 Bid." Already a world class facility, the Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park currently hosts FEI jumping, dressage, eventing and driving
competitions. The Games will significantly boost the local, provincial and Canadian equestrian communities as well as the local and provincial economies. WORLD EQUESTRIA "This is an incredible opportunity for Canadians to watch the best in the world compete right at home," said Eva Havaris, Equine GAMES Canada's CEO. "Hosting two major Games - 2015 Pan American Games at the Caledon Equestrian Park and 2018 WEG at Bromont - is a gift to BROMONT Canadian equestrians that will enhance the industry at all levels."MONTREA O S T toCCanadian I T I E S soil to To accommodate the best in the worldHcoming vie for the podium in 2018, the Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park will also be expanded and enhanced so the eight FEI disciplines of jumping, dressage, eventing, para-dressage, reining, driving, endurance and vaulting will have top-notch, world class competition facilities. This will leave the already outstanding equestrian venue in Bromont as a legacy to Canadian equestrian sport. "We are thrilled with the decision from the FEI," said Paul Côté, President of the Bromont Bid Committee. "We believe that the impact of this event in Bromont in 2018 will be felt for decades to come and will represent a significant time for Canadian equestrians." WEG 2018 will be the largest single sporting event ever held in Canada with 4,500 accredited participants, from 65 Countries, with an estimated 500,000 spectators. The FEI World Equestrian Games are held every four years, in the middle of the Olympic cycle. The eight FEI disciplines are all included on the competition schedule. The inaugural FEI World Equestrian Games were hosted in Stockholm (SWE) in 1990. Since then the Games have been staged in The Hague (NED) in 1994, Rome (ITA) in 1998, Jerez (ESP) in 2002, Aachen (GER) in 2006, and Kentucky (USA). The 2014 Games were held in Normandy, FRA, from August 23 to September 7. AB A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
ABOVE: The pick-up. BOTTOM (RIGHT): The Line-Up. Photos courtesty of Andrea Belcher, Erin Blumhagen and Emma McGeough
The Most Fun You Can Have on a Horse If your horse has four legs, he can play polocrosse! B Y H E AT H E R G ROV E T
Polocrosse Calgary; does the club sound intimidating? “Yes, the word ‘polo’ has a rich guy stigma!” President Lesley Plant laughed. “But we’re just a group of people aged eight to seventy playing a great team sport on horseback. Polocrosse is a combination of polo and lacrosse. Riders can be mounted on horses of any breed – Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, Canadian Horses, Tennessee Walkers - if it has four legs it can play polocrosse!” Polocrosse was introduced to Calgary in the 1980s, with Polocrosse Calgary officially starting in 2006 with six playing members.
“Most horses pick up polocrosse quickly. They say ‘My stupid person is following the ball, so I guess I will, too.’”
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“Now there are about 75 people playing polocrosse in our area,” Plant said. “Our home field is at Glenmore City Park. We start practicing as soon as the ground is clear in the spring, and play until it snows.” Plant believes that polocrosse is the most fun you can have with your horse. “And it’s good for both the horse and rider,” Plant said. “Most people ride better when they stop focusing on themselves and start paying attention to the game. And most horses pick up polocrosse quickly. They say ‘My stupid person is following the ball, so I guess I will, too.’ If riders want to try polocrosse they can use any
type of tack including English or western. But once riders advance they’ll need an Australian saddle. You don’t want a horn or a shanked bit because you can’t have any equipment that could get caught on another horse. “Also, anyone who belongs to Polocrosse Calgary must be an AEF member,” Plant said. “All sports require some type of insurance, and we’re no different. Many of our members use their horses for multiple disciples, such as showing or eventing. AEF is required for those disciplines, too.” Check them out on Facebook, or contact Lesley at 403-249-1831 AB
F U N C O U N T RY R I D I N G C L U B of S T R A T H M O R E
A Family-Oriented Organization BY ADELLE ELLIS
The Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore (FCR) gives young and old, English and Western riders the chance to participate in equine-based activities and shows that promote horsemanship skills and sportsmanship in a family-oriented group. The club was formed under the name of Fun Country Riders in 1979, and incorporated under the present name as a non-profit society in 1988. The club averages 125 to 150 members per year and in 2014 they will be celebrating their 35th year. T h e F C R e n d e av o r s t o p r o m o t e horsemanship skills and sportsmanship in a family-oriented group. Members participate in club-organized shows, gymkhanas, trail rides, horsemanship clinics and the Strathmore Heritage Days Parade. The club plays host to both English and Western riders. Riders range in age from one to 80-years-old, with a wide variety of divisions and skill levels available in which they can participate. The club has always welcomed riders of all levels of ability and their horses, no matter what breed they may be. Divisions for the show and gymkhana events include: leadline for children up to 12-years-old; bantam for children under 13-years-old
who are not ready to lope their horse; and pee wee for children 6-12-years-old who are able to lope. A Walk-Trot class is also available for adult riders older than 13 years. As well, there is junior horse for horses aged 5 years and under with riders of all ages, at all speeds; senior novice for riders older than 18 years; senior open for riders older than 18 years; and classic senior for riders who are over 49-years-old. Show classes in each division include: pleasure, equitation, and command. Gymkhana classes include barrels, pole, flags, and keyhole. At the end of the year, as long as a rider has attended at least three shows or gymkhanas, all the points for that rider will be added up and they will qualify for year-end awards which will be given out at the Awards Night Banquet and Dance in October. Leaders of the FCR agree that they benefit greatly from the AEF insurance through Capri, which has provided the most comprehensive affordable insurance for the club, and its members. The basic insurance provided with AEF membership, for our members who need it, is also useful. They are also happy to receive the Alberta Bits magazine which provides members with the names and contacts of many other clubs. Articles and information
about activities in Alberta makes it a great tool. “With this being our 35th year of operation, the current Executive and Directors are pleased to be part of something that started out with such wonderful goals, which also has been able to sustain them for so long. Hopefully there will be another 35 years in our club’s future, with great people and horses carrying on the tradition,” says Beatrice Winter, secretary for the Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore. AB
A member of the Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore practices pole bending. Photo by Pawsitively Charming Photography by Deb Kuryk
The Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore large mounted group ride their horses in the 2013 Strathmore Heritage Days Parade. Photo by Simon Murphy A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
Photo by by Nadia Nixon
Southbrook Farms Training Show
Safe, friendly and fun. Southbrook Farms offers hunter/jumpers a chance to compete at a reasonable price. B Y H E AT H E R G ROV E T
This year was the second year for Southbrook Farms to host an AEF sanctioned schooling show at their modern indoor arena located south east of Spruce Grove, Alberta. “Saturday, April 12th was our hunter day, with courses ranging from cross poles to three feet,” show organizer Val Archer explained. “And Sunday was our jumper day with courses two feet six inches, to three feet six inches. This year we had more hunters than jumpers, with many crossing over to both disciplines.” Southbrook Far ms Schooling Show offered a small, friendly, safe show that would be suitable for a wide range of riders. “We were really targeting novice riders and green horses,” Archer said. “Showing is normally very expensive. We wanted to give local equestrians a chance to compete at a reasonable price.” The show had an excellent turn out,
and Archer was pleased with the quality of horse and riders. “We had a wide variety of breeds competing; everything from Warmbloods to Quarter Horses to ponies to Arabian-crosses,” Archer said. “Our courses were safe, which is essential. Our 100’ X 200’ arena is well lit, plus we have excellent silica sand footing, and really good jumps. Things went very smoothly and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.” Archer admits that hosting a show is a lot of hard work. “Planning starts long before the actual show dates,” Archer said. “Thankfully AEF helped us with all the permits and paperwork. I would never consider having a show without insurance, and AEF makes that much easier. And if our show becomes larger in the future, then AEF can help us connect with recognized judges. We hope to have at least one show each year in the future.” AB
“We wanted to give local equestrians a chance to compete at a reasonable price.” 14
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Guy La Boucane volunteered at the Southbrook Farms Schooling Show to support his daughter, Cassie, who competed with her horse, Sahara Sam.
They Deserve a Few Treats
Volunteers, selected by competition organisers, receive recognition and a $50 VISA/MC gift card.
Southbrook Farms Schooling Show organizer, Val Archer, wants to make certain everyone realizes how special and important volunteers are. “Working at a show can seem like a thankless job,� Archer said. “And the most difficult job at a show is that of the show secretary. This year we really want to thank Guy La Boucane of Edmonton, Alberta, for taking on that task.� “Most people don’t even realize what a show secretary does,� Archer continued. “The show secretary takes entries, ensures everyone has a correct AEF number, collects entry fees, and all sorts of other administration stuff. It’s hard work, and the hours are long. Our show started at 9:00 am both days, so Guy was there by 7:30 in the morning. The show was finished around 5:00 pm, but Guy didn’t leave until 7:00. It ends up being a couple of very long days.� So how did La Boucane end up with such a big volunteer job? “Guy’s daughter rides with me, and has competed at Southbrook’s show the last few years,� Archer “Working at a show can said. “In 2013 Guy helped seem like a thankless job. at the show, and got a bit And the most difficult job of a feel for the job of at a show is that of the show secretary. This year volunteered to fill the show secretary.� he – Val Archer position himself, and we took him up on his offer. He was a great show secretary; Guy has really good people skills and he’s very organized.� “When our barn goes to some of the bigger hunter/jumper shows, we often take along a basket of goodies for their show secretary,� Archer said. “It’s a tough job, and we hope a few treats can help make their day.� AB
Outstanding Equine Equipment
Mud Control EcoRaster
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HORSEKEEPING A burned-down barn. Photo by Jenn Webster
Fire Safety on the Farm Reducing the Risk BY BARBARA SHERIDAN
Barn fires are every horse owner’s worst nightmare, one that can bring significant emotional and economic loss. However, the sad fact is that many barn fires could have largely been prevented by applying a few basic principles. The most reliable approach to fire safety is to plan for the worst by having solid procedures in place for fire prevention and adhere to them daily. Education, awareness, and planning are key to minimizing the risk of fire, says Victor MacPherson, District Chief of the Adjala-Tosorontio Fire Department. “Barn fires still continue to happen though we try our best, as we are lacking the education connection with the property owner,” he says. “The reasons we encounter barn fires result from years of improper setup, poor maintenance and poor house cleaning.” Fire is caused when a “fuel” and “ignition” source meet. Hay, bedding, and wooden materials are common examples of fuel found on the farm, while improperly cured hay, electrical malfunctions, and carelessness with smoking are common sources of ignition. Practicing simple protection and prevention techniques will help keep these two elements from contact. Data released in 2012 by the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management in Ontario indicated $57.6 million in losses in buildings classified under the National Farm Building Code in 2007, notes Ralph Snyder, Assistant District Chief of the Adjala-Tosorontio Fire Department. This represents a 67.4% increase over the previous year’s loss of $34.4 million due to fire. With the evolution toward large-scale farming and associated farm buildings increasing in value, the financial losses continue to climb. “When these large structures catch fire, they are more difficult to control and extinguish, resulting in greater financial 16
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losses to both the structure and its contents,” he adds. Electrical malfunctions are a primary ignition source for many fires including barns, advises Snyder. “Farm buildings can be at an increased risk because of the corrosive environment found in livestock barns,” he says. “This causes corrosion of exposed metal components [such as wires, connections, etc.], which creates increased resistance and heat at wiring connections. This can result in ignition of surrounding combustible materials. The Electrical Safety Authority has stringent requirements for installation of electrical equipment in animal confinement areas.” In order to offset any potential fire hazards, Snyder recommends having an annual electrical inspection done by a qualified electrician to check for signs of deterioration or corrosion and repair any issues that are found. In addition, all electrical wiring, switches, or plugs should be placed well out of a horse’s reach and covered in weather proof boxes or conduit. All light fixtures should be caged and approved for stable use. When not in use, electrical equipment should be unplugged and properly stored away. Special attention should be paid to water bucket heaters, as they continue to heat even when the water bucket is empty. This could result in the plastic melting and igniting stall bedding and hay. “In our experience, we find that barn fires seem to be more prevalent in cold weather conditions,” states MacPherson. “For example, the heating/electrical system can be taxed pertaining to drinking water freezing and thawing, and allowing the watering buckets to run dry. This leaves the elements exposed causing bedding or other combustible material to ignite. We have also found that in the fall months, improper storage of fall crops contain too much moisture and spontaneous combustion occurs in the stored feed.”
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STARTS NOW MacPherson says the best way to combat stable fires is to identify all potential ignition sources and take the necessary steps to eliminate them. This starts with good housekeeping, which includes installing a fire detection system and keeping the system functional and operational by keeping the sensors clean and in good working order. “Depending on the value associated with your stable, a dry sprinkler system with the connection outside the barn for fire department connection, or an independent pump system, would be a valuable tool to stop the spread of fire,” he says. Other important housekeeping steps include keeping the stable clean and free of clutter such as cobwebs and dust, which are excellent fuel sources. Any loose hay or straw should be swept up and disposed of properly. The removal of potential combustible materials also includes the trimming of weeds, grasses and brush from around buildings and regular removal of rubbish. Equip all buildings with a minimum fivepound ABC fire extinguisher at all exits and in any mechanical and feed rooms, and make sure employees know how to use one. Another important tip is to regularly maintain farm equipment and have it stored in a separate building. It is also recommended that hay and bedding be stored in a building separate from where the horses are kept or that it be restricted to a separate section of the stable separated by a firewall. Enforce a “No Smoking” policy in and around the facility and post signs prohibiting this where they can be easily seen. “We highly suggest that every stabled horse has a halter that fits hanging on their stall door with the lead rope attached,” he says. “Leather is preferable, as a nylon halter can melt in the heat. Consider marking each halter with glow-in-the-dark paint or attaching reflectors to assist during times of poor visibility.” MacPherson strongly recommends that farm owners prepare a sitespecific fire safety plan, known as a “pre-plan.” This would include mapping out the location of where all animals are being housed, as well as the location of all emergency utility shutoffs, and identifying all buildings on the property and sources of water available, should firefighters require access to it. “Have a detailed fire plan, which includes listing the location of combustibles and where feed is stored, with a copy given to your local fire department for their pre-plans,” he says. This would greatly assist firefighters in familiarizing themselves with your property before a fire happens. Stable owners can consult with their local fire department for advice on preparing a pre-plan and obtain information on fire prevention. Most fire departments will visit your farm if invited and point out ways to minimize potential fuel sources on their property. This would be especially beneficial before one begins to renovate their stable or build a new facility. KEEP THE PLAN PROMINENT There is no such thing as a fireproof building, and no matter how well you prepare, accidents can happen. Develop a fire emergency plan ahead of time, keep it readily accessible and practice the plan prior to any emergency, as these steps will assist in keeping you and your horses safe. In case of fire, it’s important to remain calm, call 911, and proceed with the emergency plan. Once the fire crew arrives, step aside, wait for direction, and let the professionals do what they’re trained to do. In case of an emergency, Snyder recommends that the stable’s physical address be posted in a prominent place, preferably by the phone should someone who is not familiar with the address be making the emergency 911 call. Also make sure that the address can be easily seen from both directions of the road in order to get the fastest response. “Always keep an open roadway around the perimeter of buildings for access by heavy firefighting equipment, and then keep it wellmaintained so that it is accessible year around,” he says. Every stable user should have fire safety in mind. Plan ahead with fire prevention practices and have an up-to-date pre-plan on hand to help to reduce the risk of fire. “Education of fire prevention awareness is fundamental to both the property owner and hired hands,” says MacPherson. “Internet information from reputable sources such as universities and colleges of agriculture offer valuable information, as well as discussing any concerns with your local fire department.” AB Reprinted with permission from Equine Guelph
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E V E RY T H I N G I S M O R E F U N W H E N I T ' S R E A L ! Dust off those boots, get outside and have some fun with a horse. You
could win some great prizes for doing just that.We want you to spend less time in front of the TV and computer and spend more time outside being active. Less Screen Time and More Horse Time = Great Prizes!! It's that easy! 1st place prize: Vivitar Pro Sport Camera (waterproof with helmet mount) 2nd Place Prize: Digital Camera 3rd place Prize: iPod Shuffle Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 bi-monthly draws for their very own pair of Muck Boots, compliments of The Original Muck Boot Company. APRIL –MAY
Aliera Chernoff JUNE- JULY
Sienna Gullickson AUGUST- SEPTEMBER
Tyne Alliban
Special thank you goes to Muck Boots Canada - McNiven Ranch Supply Ltd., for their sponsorship of the 2014 Live Outside the Box Program, and providing prizes for our bi-monthly draws!
Sienna Gullickson, Age 12
Serene Pelster, Age 11
Aliera Chernoff, Age 10
Highest Number of Hours of Horse Time
Sienna and Legend's Golden Flake have been teamed up since the fall of 2012. Flake is a 20-year-old Tennessee Walking horse gelding with the heart and spirit of a four-year-old. The duo has worked really hard together and have overcome many challenges and obstacles. This includes riding over 200 miles in competitive trail and endurance riding this summer, along with horse shows and clinics. They share a great bond and love for each other. 18
This creative program has stirred up a lot of interest and enthusiasm over the years. AEF members from all over Alberta aged 7-15 are leaving the TV and computer behind and getting out and spending more time with their horse. Not surprisingly we receive a lot of support from parents too! Young members keep track of how they are spending their time from April 1st until September 30th of each year and win great prizes. We also have tons of cool draws for prizes throughout this time! You don't even have to own a horse to participate! If you are 7 to 15-years-old and want to Live Outside the Box, contact us today!
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
Lowest Number of Hours of Screen Time My name is Serene and my horse’s name is Holly. I’m 10-years-old and my horse is in her teens. I love to trick ride on Holly. I can do the Hippodrome (standing up, while cantering), the Suicide Drag while trotting, and the Flag while trotting, and some more. Holly and I love to canter. We also love to do gymkhana. I have been in two horse shows with Holly. Holly is the best.
Highest Number of Hours of Outdoor Activities My name is Aliera and I have been riding for about two years and have a six-year-old gelding named Titan. I belong to the Rusty Spurs 4H club and I like to go to gymkhanas and shows with Titan. I love spending time at the barn and riding with friends. I also I enjoy wild pony racing, dog agility and making horse crafts.
Carolyn Stotts, Age 13
Hannah Carlson, Age 13
Highest Number of Hours of Horse Time
Since I can remember, I have always loved horses! When I was seven-yearsold I started riding at Simpson’s Equine Activities, first at summer camps and later in their riding program. I bought Rosie in October 2011 and it was love at first sight! We participate in Hunter/Jumper shows and have recently started Eventing as well. My awesome trainers are Sarah Simpson, Liam Kronlund and Kirsty Panneton. I joined the Springbank Pony Club a few years ago and have completed many levels. Rosie has taught me everything I know and we have grown as a team. SECOND PLACE WINNER
Lowest Number of Hours of Screen Time
Haiden Irons, Age 12
Highest Number of Hours of Outdoor Activities Hi my name is Hannah and my horse's name that I used for LOTB name is Ally, her registered name is LJ Lookin Classic. She is a Quarter Horse mare that we raised here at home. At first Ally was my sister’s horse, she jumped her a little bit. But my sister wanted to get into barrel racing, except Ally did not think barrel racing was so fun. So Ally was given to me to jump, and Ally loved jumping! We both love jumping and this summer we did the Brave Horse Show circuit and placed in many classes, including a Reserve Champion at our last show with the circuit. The sad part about
our story is, shortly after that day, Ally cracked her right front knee, she is ok and will heal to be ridden lightly and hoping we will be able to breed her in the spring, but no more jumping. I was devastated, but all things happen for a reason. Mid-September, my parents bought me a new horse named Lucy, she is very much like Ally, a kind, generous horse, that also loves jumping! So, now I have two great girls to love and care for. I love riding, jumping and just hanging out with my horses.
My name is Kyla and I started taking riding lessons when I was four-years-old. I am now 11-years-old, and I love it more than ever! That’s because we have a wonderful new liver chestnut-coloured mare named Lena. She is a 10-year-old registered Quarter Horse. I love spending time with Lena and we take good care of each other. We have tons of fun at gymkhanas and horse shows, and she is also my 4-H horse this year. Thank you for offering the Live Outside the Box program! THIRD PLACE WINNER
Lowest Number of Hours of Screen Time
Finn Irons, Age 9
Finn is a boy also active in sports and very energetic. He mostly enjoys soccer, swimming, scootering, and wants to do more in-line skating. He also has done some riding when his sister allows him to ride her horse. THIRD PLACE WINNER
Highest Number of Hours of Outdoor Activities
Mandy Peters, Age 13
Highest Number of Hours of Horse Time
Kyla Lightfoot, Age 11
Haiden is a boy who enjoys lots of outdoor sports like fishing, biking, scootering, swimming, hiking and the occasional horse back ride. As a very active outdoors child there is rarely time for the electronic world – but don't kid yourself, he would love more screen time if allotted.
I live on a farm north of Grande Prairie, AB. We have a beautiful indoor riding arena and a creek to ride our horses through. I have a dog, multiple cats, and a horse named Moondancer who I got when I was seven. I got him for my birthday from my parents – he is an amazing horse who comes when he is called and loves to snuggle with me. I do both English and Western riding. I really like both I don't have a favorite. My mom and sister love riding too! AB A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
Equanimity Edge Equine Massage Sidonia McIntyre has made a life teaching humans that horses are athletes and can regain their optimal soft tissue extensibility through massage. BY KELSEY SIMPSON
McIntyre said the most pressing question she receives is, "How do you get the horse on the massage table?" Here she outlines the skeletal structure of the horse in bold colors to better illustrate her teachings to students.
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Sidonia McIntyre is the owner of Equanimity Edge Equine Massage. Hailing from Ontario, McIntyre travels across Canada to promote her equine rehab business and to teach courses in equine massage. As a registered massage therapist herself for humans, McIntyre eventually transferred her skills over to a new clientele – horses. “The word 'equanimity' means evenness of mind, especially under stress. A body in pain is under stress - physiologically, physically and mentally. Learning how to work with both tissues and a mind that is in distress is what my massage courses are all about. In my course I offer students the education of not only learning how to massage, but also how to work with the horses in calmness, sedateness, kindness
and compassion - in a word, equanimity,” said McIntyre. “In 1990, I graduated as a human RMT (registered massage therapist). For 11 years I worked exclusively with humans, but was heavily involved with our local therapeutic riding association. I was fascinated with the horses but did not conceive the idea of actually massaging them - I thought of them as working animals rather than animals that work and can experience injury, repetitive strain from their labor, poor saddle fit. The list goes on and on....” One day McIntyre was in Elmira, ON and she met a woman whose daughter was also an RMT. Her name was Jodie Pendry. “She was an RMT, a competitive barrel racer and she also taught a course on how to massage a horse. I signed up right away.
While I knew how to massage with my human experience, I did not know how to massage a horse.” McIntyre said she also wanted to learn how to work with horses. After learning about natural horsemanship, she became hooked. “The more I learned about their ability to truly communicate with us, and share their opinions, the more I learned that I could be a much more effective therapist as the client was working with me in cooperation!” she explained. Combining her skills as a human RMT and transposing multiple disciplines from her human experience and additional courses, McIntyre created a program that combines her years of experience, her safety protocols, her concern for the therapist's physical welfare and, “...the horse's opinion.” It’s no secret that people across the globe have embraced equine massage therapy. As such McIntyre believes that just as people have their own massage therapists and their own pain relief experiences, horses too, can regain muscle health from massage. “People understand, from a very personal viewpoint, that horses also work as athletes and can sustain injuries or even lack suppleness and can regain their optimal soft tissue extensibility through massage,” she explained. “In the future I see my courses being taught on a global scale. I want the horses around the world to have an avenue to share their opinions about their treatment in therapy.” McIntyre said she has noticed changes with regard to the subject of alternative and complementary treatments spanning the last decade. “More people are trying natural modalities rather than reaching for drugs,” she relayed. “Medication absolutely has its place, but why not try something first (and actually give it a chance to work for six months) before reaching for a quick fix. With the massive influx of natural horsemanship ideas, the horses now have people who are willing to learn to communicate with them - this is very exciting as it gives us more tools. I do not mean to anthropomorphize the horse, but rather to comprehend that we share some feelings: fear, joy, curiosity and anger (or rejection with attitude). Just learning how horses communicate these basic things has opened an avenue that is wider than the ocean.” The therapist states that being present for “epiphany moments” experienced by her students have been the most rewarding for her. “To witness a realization of an idea, no matter what that idea is, for me is both humbling and exciting. Some of these moments are very quiet and others are quite loud. Others are simply that moment of understanding, truly understanding, that the living, breathing entity that takes up space in the horse's body has thoughts, ideas, feelings and opinions - and we have an opportunity to connect with it.” The AEF has been a great connection tool for McIntyre, in terms of connecting
clients to her courses. “The AEF has been very good to me in their support of my courses. Many people have seen the courses on the website and when people contact me, they are quick to tell me that they found out about my courses via AEF. The bulletins I receive via e-mails are always informative and any changes or job opportunities with AEF are always posted. A great horse community has been built and continues to grow with AEF!” she said. McIntyre does not reside in Alberta, but she does spend a significant amount of time in Wild Rose country during the year. Home for the therapist is actually Ontario and therefore, she ends up putting thousands of miles on her truck in a year. “I started out with the idea of massage, pure and simple. It was the horses who taught me that there is so much more to learn - and I continue to learn each and every day. I tell my classes, ‘I don't know everything, nobody does.’ We all learn different things from the same experience, so who am I to dictate what someone will learn? I can only create a safe environment for learning - both physically and mentally/emotionally; what each person takes from that will be theirs to keep and nurture.” At the end of each of her courses, McIntyre asks a simple question of all her students, "Did the horse speak to you?" She explained, “They have been speaking to me for a long time and once I learned how to listen to them, I could not go back to a life with closed ears. As this has become my passion, then I would say that my passion and my objectives are lining up pretty nicely.” Her advice for others who want to pursue a similar profession is also simple – work hard. “Be prepared to work. Really hard. There are roadblocks at every turn, so be prepared with a contingency plan of patience, perseverance and passion that cannot be swayed, compassion and never-ending grace. Sounds a bit hokey, but I have been through this ringer with doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists - every health care professional in the human world of health. All were opposed at some level to the idea of human massage being an actual therapeutic remedy. If I had a nickel for every time I heard the words ‘Feel Good Therapy’... In time, all these health professionals started to learn about massage (via their client's healing and medication reductions), and then began to lean towards massage as an alternate to drugs.” As for the non-believers, McIntyre knows they exist but always navigates through with grace and with the horse’s best interests in mind. “There are still some people out there who think that massage is all hokum, but I'm not here to talk to them. I'm here to teach people who know how amazing massage is in the healing process. Be prepared to stand on your own two feet as no one will give you a free ride. In short, create your reputation through character. My favorite quote is, ‘Reputation is who people think you are; character is who God knows you are’ -Nido QuBein.” AB A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
R I D E & D R I V E P RO G R A M
The Alberta Equestrian Federation is pleased to introduce our new Pump Up your Levels Incentive Program for Coaches/Facilities.
This new 2015 incentive program is geared and targeted toward certified coaches and facilities/stables to encourage more rider level testing within the province of Alberta through the English and Western Learn to Ride Programs. The program will include (1) one $1,000 financial incentive for a facility/stable, and (1) one $500 financial incentive for current certified coaches per year for a total of $1,500 per calendar year. Coaches and Facilities/ Stables interested in receiving this incentive, will be eligible by completing an application at the end of each year. Those awarded the incentive will have to meet several criteria, including, but not limited to; the highest number of rider level tests conducted in the calendar year, how and where the incentive funds will be used, their passion for the program, etc. Criteria will follow that similar to the AEF educational scholarship application and rider bursary applications. The goal of this new incentive program is to help grow the National Learn to Ride programs in the province of Alberta, and to increase LTED participation. For more information on the English/Western Learn to Ride Programs or available coaches/facilities for rider testing, please contact coaching@albertaequestrian.com AB
The Alberta
Ride and Drive P R O G R A M
is designed to promote an active lifestyle, and give recreational riders, drivers and vaulters an extra incentive to spend more hours in the saddle or behind the breeching - whether in the arena or on the trails for practice, exercise, therapy or just plain fun. HORSE OWNERSHIP IS NOT REQUIRED!
For more information please visit our website
albertaequestrian.com 22
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Randall owns two horses: one of them is Cowboy, a 12 year-old Quarter Horse cross seen here. He was started as a rescue project from Randall’s riding instructor and has come from being green-broke, to Randall’s Western Dressage super star. He also jumps, trail rides, does gymkhana, and is currently learning to Spanish walk.
2000 HOURS Logging 2,000 hours in the saddle was easy for this avid enthusiast. BY JENN WEBSTER
Riding was something that was always on Wendy Randall’s bucket list, but the opportunity never seemed to present itself. She began riding in her mid 40s with the intention of learning to ride, “...in a few lessons and then [she] would move on to [her] next bucket list adventure.” As fate would have it, nothing of the sort would come to happen. “Even as a kid, I never wanted to ride. My sister had the horses – I had the goats!” she chuckles. “Well, of course after taking a few lessons, I realized that I was nowhere close to scratching the surface in the world of riding... I stuck with it and ended up buying my first horse ‘Cowboy’ from my instructor and mentor, Leita Lawrence.” Of course, one cannot have only one lonely horse, so Randall researched what type of horse would be her next friend. “I bought a lovely Canadian mare and she has taught me to be a much better rider. She is like riding a cadillac with a Hemi,” she says. Randall is 54-years-old and lives on an acreage close to Gibbons, Alberta. It took her nearly a year-and-a-half, but after riding her horses almost every day, she achieved the 2,000 hour-mark for the AEF Ride & Drive program – an initiative that rewards recreational riders for logging their hours. “Achieving the 2,000 hours of riding was easy for me,” Randall says. “I ride nearly every day. I was either riding in a lesson, or at home riding in my arena, out in the open fields, trail riding by the river or in the river. We have ridden all year round, at -20 in snow storms, pounding rain and Randall is the only Ride have been caught in a few and Drive Program hailstorms. You really get participant to have reached to know your horse when the 2000 hour level in 2014. you encounter those types of situations. Plus coming across the odd deer or moose can be an adventure too. I am very lucky to be living in the country, where I can jump on my horses and be in a field under a minute. I believe that the open field can be your riding arena and anything taught in a 20x60 dressage ring can be taught on an 80-acre hay field.” AB
The AEF is working on further developing our current provincial Wild Rose Competition Program. We would like to help grow the circuit by offering more shows of all disciplines, everywhere in Alberta. Some choose to sanction shows, others do not. There are various reasons why shows should be sanctioned, but mostly, it’s very important for show organizers and participants to understand the risks and concerns of running or participating in non-sanctioned events. Benefits of sanctioning shows (Wild Rose) through the AEF: RISK MANAGEMENT: An AEF individual membership includes $5,000,000 Personal Liability Insurance coverage, to protect against most lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership or use of a horse, or arising out of participation in most equine related activities. It’s very important for participants to have an AEF membership (if something happens to them), but also very important for the show organizer, in the event something goes wrong and a lawsuit is mentioned. Ensuring all participants have an AEF membership is good risk management! When shows are sanctioned through the AEF, the show organizers must submit a copy of their liability insurance policy. This is peace of mind for the participants, as they will know that the show has insurance in the event something happens. CERTIFIED OFFICIALS: At AEF shows, officials are either certified or must submit reference letters proving they have the knowledge and experience to judge, prior to the show being approved; this means they have the competencies required to do the best job possible! A list of certified officials can be found on the AEF website. EC officials can also be used at AEF shows, however some restrictions may apply. COMPETITION/EVENT PROMOTION: Sanctioned competitions are all posted on the AEF Calendar of Events: www. albertaequestrian.com/Calendar . The listing includes contact information, level of competition, as well as a link to the club or facility website and/or the show prize list. This is a benefit for both the show and the participants! The AEF Calendar of Events is one of the most visited pages of the AEF website; this may increase the number or participants and spectators! ALBERTA BITS MAGAZINE PROMOTION ARTICLE: The AEF features one sanctioned Wild Rose competition in each issue of our quarterly member magazine, Alberta Bits. We provide information about the facility and staff, the shows they promote, the participation of athletes and volunteers, and of course the horses. WILD ROSE SANCTIONING INCENTIVE PROGRAMS FOR PARTICIPANTS AND VOLUNTEERS! Win Your Entry – Each sanctioned show submits the entry list to the AEF office; one participant’s name is drawn to win back their entry fees, up to a maximum of $150! Volunteer Recognition – For each sanctioned show, the name of one outstanding volunteer is chosen and the AEF presents a $50 Visa/ MC gift card and a certificate to thank them! COMPETITION CERTIFICATE: All sanctioned competitions will be issued an official certificate to assure participants that it is a sanctioned competition; just like a seal of approval! AB
TO SANCTIONING YOUR COMPETITION 1) Complete and submit the Wild Rose Event Application and payment ($30/day or $40/day if offering prize money) to the AEF office. 2) Obtain insurance for your event (Capri Insurance offers a discounted rate for AEF Clubs and Events) and submit the Certificate of Insurance to the AEF office. 3) Submit the Guest Card Application (if using an uncarded judge) to the AEF office. 4) Submit your Prize List or list of classes to the AEF office. Once your documentation has been received and approved, the AEF will sanction your competition and you will receive a sanctioning certificate, as well as an approval email. You can contact the AEF at any time with questions about competitions or sanctioning. We want everyone to be safe and enjoy their time competing!
IN AN UNSACTIONED SHOW? It’s very important to understand the following:
• Shows are responsible for their own insurance (which, without sanctioning, may cost more). Why? If shows are not using a recognized provincial/national governing body such as the AEF or EC, who provide a comprehensive set of rules and procedures and code of ethics, insurers may decide this is a higher risk. Participants entering non‐sanctioned events should always ask to see a copy of the show’s liability insurance policy. • Competition Organizers are ultimately responsible for every competitor and horse on the property as well as any issue that may arise at the competition. Ensuring that everyone has an AEF membership will help when liability issues arise. • Without sanctioning, shows are not permitted to mention on their entry form, at the show or in their prize list, the requirement for an EC sport licence or passport, nor mention any reference to EC rules. EC rules are a copyrighted publication; if a show chooses not to run sanctioned, they may not use the rules or reference the rules. Doing so would create both an insurance and legal issue and could lead to action brought against the competition. • EC Officials are not permitted to officiate at an unsanctioned show as per EC General Regulations. An EC official may choose to officiate at an unsanctioned show but they risk losing their EC status. • The AEF does not promote, or offer temporary memberships for any unsanctioned events! A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
A Life with a Horse What would your relationship with your horse be like after 35 years together? BY SCOTT PHILLIPS
Years ago I participated in an annual historical ride near Thermopolis, Wyoming. I had my mare, Belle, who was about five-yearsold at the time. After each day’s ride, we camped at a different location along the route. Participants were responsible for feeding and watering their own horses and making camp. At several spots we had entertainment including dances with live bands, re-enactment demonstrations and most interesting, historians making presentations on the local history. One Native American fellow caught my attention. He was tall, gaunt and sported a long ponytail. He rode his stocky horse bareback. For headgear he simply used a length of soft rope with a small loop at one end that the horse held in his mouth. I wouldn’t swear by it, but I’m not sure in the two days he was with us that he ever got off of that horse. Curiosity got the best of 24
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me. I wandered over and had a great chat with this fellow. He told me that he’d had the horse since he was a foal, and the horse was now 18-years-old. As he spoke of his relationship with the horse, he stared at the ground, becoming emotional. Given that he was in his thirties, he’d spent half of his life with that horse. And apparently, most of it on the horse. I’ve watched many a horseman whose riding is a poetic dance. Impressive, fluid and passionate. But this fellow had something going on that was much more than just partnership in motion. The dance didn’t stop when the ride was over. He and the horse obviously shared a much deeper connection. When this fellow took a nap, he’d stretch out on the horse and sleep. The horse slept then too. As I watched them, I got to thinking about what the future held for me and my new
mare. She was young and I’d only owned her for a few months. She can be a complete cow to other horses and to other people, but my relationship with her is special. Horses have taught me so much, and this mare taught me that there is something in that connection beyond trust. Beyond simply respect or obedience. I know what she’s thinking and what she’s going to do before she does it, and I’ll put money down that she has me figured out too, probably even better. Belle and I have logged many miles in the mountains. We’ve traveled, camped, and explored together. Our relationship is very comfortable. Very close. In 2010, Belle had the better part of the summer off to spend with her foal. I rode and trained other horses, in particular my Paint horse, a recent acquisition at the time. I continue to enjoy all the time I spend with him, however I was much more cognizant about his mental state and how he moved. I
had to be sharper and be aware on a different level to ride him. With Belle, I didn’t. When I weaned the foal, I took Belle for a much needed solo ride in the mountains. We saw no other people that afternoon. It was relaxing, and for lack of a better word, perfect. I swear she had a smile on her face the whole time. I certainly did. We simply enjoyed each other’s company. I was relaxed and comfortable, as was she. A symbiotic, peaceful time together. Mutually satisfactory. Some horses come, some horses go… but some horses stay. So what does the future hold? How long will my equine friends live? How long will my relationship last with them? What opportunities will we have in the relatively short time our lives are intertwined? Those thoughts ran through my mind when I first gazed upon my little foal. As I knelt down and stroked the golden mane of this newborn horse, I wondered what the future would bring for us. Where would we be in ten years? Twenty? A life with a horse. What adventures we would have! He had no idea what he’d gotten into. Department of Agriculture statistics, and many other sources, state that the average age of a domestic horse is 25 to 31-yearsold. There are many factors of course: breed, health, fitness and injury history. The Guinness Book of World Records cites the oldest reliably recorded horse as 62-yearsold. That is extreme; perhaps unbelievable. Anyone in the horse industry can cite examples of horses in their mid-thirties which are active and in good health. In fact, on a fundraising trail ride I participated in a few years ago, the youngest riders were on the oldest horses. Those horses were 35-yearsold. They took care of those kids in a way that was, well, nothing short of moving. There are countless examples of older people on older horses. Ladies in their 70s in endurance competitions on 30-something horses. Winning too! Just imagine the kind of relationship you can have with a horse after 35 years together. Other than my parents and siblings, I haven’t known any people for that long. We typically relocate for employment
or other reasons; in fact the average North American moves once every five year s. Friendships drift apart and we make new ones. But most often, as we move or as friendships come and go, those special horses stay with us. On a beautiful fall day under blue skies, with leaves turning yellow and crunching under foot and hoof, I stood with my colt and thought, “If this horse lives to be 35…” Well I don’t need to give away my age but let’s say I’ll be in my 70s as well. Nearly half of my lifespan partnered with that horse. We will grow together. We will teach each other. We’ll share moments and memories and the passion of life. A life with a horse. A most true and honest friend. I wouldn’t have it any other way. AB
OPPOSITE PAGE: The author with his mare and newborn foal. Photo by Max Tchikhatchev ABOVE: Partnership, and a comfortable place to nap. Photo by Scott Phillips BELOW: The author and his mare, Belle, taking a deserved rest. Photo by JoAnne Meeker
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ENGL I S H , W E S T E R N , S A D D L E S E A T & D R I V ING
If you came face to face with the euthanization of your horse, how would you handle the decision? Here are a few pieces of advice from an insurer’s perspective. In the last issue of Alberta Bits, Mike King of Capri Insurance discussed the insuring industry’s perspective on the humane destruction of horses. Continuing on with this topic, we will examine the “financial/economic” destruction of the animal. QUESTION: My horse is currently insured and is suffering from “Colic” and I cannot afford to send him for surgery, what should I do?
All Equine Canada coaching programs are nationally recognized programs developed by discipline-specific coaching committees comprised of the best equine professionals around. They allow for growth, development and training opportunities amongst those involved – and eventually certification in one of either two streams: instruction (teaching those who enjoy their horses outside the competitive ring; ideal for those who teach beginner riders, riding schools or day camps) or coaching (for those individuals who work with students who compete). F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TAC T E R I N LU N D T E I G E N
O R V I S I T T H E A E F W E B S I T E A L B E R TA E Q U E S T R I A N . C O M
Alberta Equestrian Federation
ANSWER: First and foremost, insurers expect that their clients will follow the recommendations of the attending veterinarian to do what is reasonable to save their horse. That said, we do know that in some circumstances, horse owners are forced to make very difficult decisions regarding the cost to do so. One of the reasons we offer medical insurance to horse owners is so that clients can pass along some of those emergency vet expenses to their insurer – which may or may not be enough to pay the whole bill or eliminate the financial burden. What insurers will not cover is a loss arising from “pure” economic destruction. Someone who is unable to pay for the board for their horse or the vet bill, may be forced to make the decision to put their horse down. That is their right as the owner of the horse, but it is not an insurable loss and no payment will be made by the insurer in this circumstance. On this subject of an insured horse that has died, or is in real crisis due to injury or sickness, it is very important to note the following:
Whether you are a recreational rider just starting out or competing in a sport, these programs are available to help build your skills and confidence a step at a time, from basic to advanced levels. Become a well-rounded horse person, able to care for your horse and ride in a safe and correct manner. A structured plan allows you to track your progress and supports each step. The programs are flexible and designed to assist you to progress at your own pace. Well-written manuals and equine stable management books are available through the AEF office. AT EACH LEVEL, YOU RECEIVE AN EQUINE CANADA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND A BADGE
Check out the list of certified coaches on the AEF website; contact an Equine Canada certified Western or English coach and enroll in the ‘Learn to Ride’ program of your choice.
Erin Lundteigen
1) Most insurers have 24 hours claims service and toll free emergency lines so that they can be notified (ideally) before the horse is put down. We ask to be notified if at all possible so that we can offer direction and gain insight into the circumstances of the horse BEFORE it is down. This will include speaking with the attending vet to gain information. 2) The insurer will require a postmortem examination be done by a veterinarian to confirm the condition(s) that led to the death of the horse – if a mortality claim is to be processed. This may be a simple field examination by a veterinarian or may require that the carcass of the horse be removed and sent to a lab for more critical analysis. 3) If you intend to make a claim, do not remove or bury the carcass before speaking to the insurer. Doing so, may compromise the ability of the insurer to pay the loss. Capri Insurance sells comprehensive life and medical insurance for horses under an exclusive program called ”Equi-Care” which has proven to be an affordable risk management tool to horse owners. For more information you are encouraged to contact Capri Insurance directly (see our ad on page 2.) AB
or phone 403-253-4411, ext 3
A L B E RT A B I T S | W I N T E R 2 0 1 4
Mike King is an equine insurance specialist with Capri Insurance Services Ltd. and is responsible for the insurance programs that benefit the Alberta Equestrian Federation and its members. Do you have a question on insurance? “Ask the Insurance Guy”...and we will provide an answer in the next issue albertabits@albertaequestrian.com
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Western rid in
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certificats_ certificats
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English riding
Including the 120 page colour manual and a colouring book.
-23 12:23
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-23 12:16
To order:
Western riding
Including the 98 page colour manual and a note pad with tracing patterns OR a colouring book.
403 253-4411 • 1 877 463-6233 info@albertaequestrian.com
-23 12:24
NOV 5, 2014
I F YO U A R E I N T E R E S T E D I N F I N D I N G O U T M O R E A B O U T O N E O F T H E S E C L U B S O R J O I N I N G O N E , T H E C O N TA C T S A R E L I S T E D B E L O W: www.4h.ab.ca Alberta 4-H Provincial Equine Advisory Committee www.albertadriving-acda.ca Alberta Carriage Driving Association www.albertadonkeyandmule.com Alberta Donkey and Mule Club www.albertadressage.com Alberta Dressage Association 780-656-0406 Alberta Equestrian Awareness Society www.vaultcanada.org/AEVA Alberta Equestrian Vaulting Association www.afha.ca Alberta Friesian Horse Association www.albertahorsetrials.com Alberta Horse Trials Association www.albertamorganhorseclub.com Alberta Morgan Horse Club www.albertamountedshooters.ca Alberta Mounted Shooters canadianponyclub.org Alberta Pony Clubs (North, Central & South Regions) www.atra.ca Alberta Trail Riding Association www.walkinghorse.ca Alberta Walking Horse Association 403-747-2240 Alix Agricultural Society www.saddlebredsofalberta.com American Saddlebred Horse Association of Alberta 403-762-2762 Banff Light Horse Association 780-372-2080 Bashaw Light Horse Club www.bearvalleyab.org Bear Valley Rescue 780-518-3329 Bezanson Agricultural Society 403-862-1591 Black Diamond English Riding and Driving Club www.blackdiamondpolo.com Black Diamond Polo Club 780-449-5600 Blackfoot Trail Riders bordercowboysmountedshooters.com Border Cowboys Mounted Shooters Association www.bvra.ca Bow Valley Riding Association www.calgaryarabian.com Calgary Arabian Horse Association www.calgaryappaloosa.wildapricot.org Calgary Regional Appaloosa Club www.calgaryregionaltrailriders.com Calgary Regional Trail Riders 403-804-3277 Calgary Western Riders www.canadianhorsebreeders.com Canadian Horse Breeders Association Rocky Mountain District www.crtwh.ca Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse www.cshaselectsale.ca Canadian Sport Horse Association - AB Chapter 403-885-5222 Central Alberta Adult Riding Cooperative www.hoofbeats.org Central Alberta Special Equestrians Association 780-500-3599 Central Peace Horse Association www.cha-ahse.org Certified Horsemanship Association www.albertadressage.com Chinook Country/Alberta Dressage Association 780-685-3305 Cleardale Riders Club clearwaterhorseclub.com Clearwater Horse Club www.cochranehorsetrials.com Cochrane Horse Trials Committee www.cookinglakesaddleclub.ca Cooking Lake Saddle Club 780-852-8520 Cottonwood Corrals Association (Jasper) 315-854-5474 Davisburg Pony Club www.delacourhall.ca Delacour Agricultural Society & Community Club www.didsburyagsociety.org Didsbury Agricultural Society www.albertadressage.com Edmonton Area /Alberta Dressage Association www.electricstrides.ca Electric Strides Drill Team www.enduranceridersofalberta.com Endurance Riders of Alberta extremecowboyalberta.ca Extreme Cowboy Alberta Association www.facebook.com/familyfun.rodeoseries Family Fun Rodeo Series foothillstherapeuticriding.com Foothills Therapeutic Riding Association www.foesa.org Friends of the Eastern Slopes Association www.funcountryriders.com Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore 403-652-7391 Gladys Ridge Riding Club www.braggcreektrails.org Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association www.gunsofthegoldenwest.com Guns of the Golden West Association 780-835-1280 H.E.D.J.E. Society 780-903-3665 Hastings Lake Pleasure Horse Association www.haylakesriders.tripod.com Hay Lakes Riders www.highcountrycarriagedriving.org High Country Carriage Driving Club 403-931-3361 High Country Pony Club www.albertahorseindustry.ca Horse Industry Association of Alberta 403-935-4817 Irricana Riding & Roping Club Association www.jtrs.ca Journeys Therapeutic Riding Society www.jumpalberta.com Jump Alberta Society 403-782-6472 Lacombe Light Horse Association 403-328-2165 Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association www.littlebits.ca Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association 403-556-6266 Meadow Creek Vaulting Club www.millarvillepolocrosse.com Millarville Polocrosse Club www.miniaturesinmotion.ca Miniatures in Motion Horse Club www.mountviewriding.com Mount View Special Riding Association www.gordeye.com Northern Lights Driving Club www.northerntrailsridingclub.org Northern Trails Riding Club www.openinggaits.ca Opening Gaits Therapeutic Riding Society of Calgary 403-574-2197 Over the Hill Trail Riders www.pards.ca Peace Area Riding For The Disabled Society thedrafthorseclub.com Peace Draft Horse Club www.peaceregiondressage.com Peace Region Alberta Dressage Association www.p-standardbreds.org Performance Standardbreds Association www.polocrossecalgary.com Polocrosse Calgary ponokaridingandroping.com Ponoka Riding & Roping Association sites.google.com/site/prairiedustersmusicalrideteam Prairie Dusters Drill Team Society www.qhaa.com Quarter Horse Association of Alberta www.rainbowequitationsociety.ca Rainbow Equitation Society B E S U R E TO S U P P O RT O U R B U S I N E S S M E M B E R S !
sites.google.com/site/ranahanpolocrosse Ranahan Polocrosse Club 780-674-5191 Ridgeview Riding Club www.rockymountaingymkhana.com Rocky Mountain Gymkhana Club www.rundleriders.com Rundle Riders Therapeutic Riding Association www.saddleseatcanada.com Saddle Seat Canada www.shortgrassridingclub.ca Shortgrass Riding Club www.joust.ca Society of Tilt & Lance Cavalry www.southpeacehorseclub.ca South Peace Horse Show Association www.satra.ca Southern Alberta Trail Riders Association 403-258-3691 Springbank Equestrian Society 403-289-9066 Springbank Pony Club 403-728-3074 Spruce View Gymkhana Club www.steelescouts.ca Steele's Scouts Commemorative Troop Association Stettin Nakamun Sleigh Rally www.facebook.com/pages/Stettin-Nakamun-Sleigh-Rally/108960025850810 www.stonebridgedrivingclub.com Stone Bridge Carriage Driving Club www.saha.ab.ca Strathcona All-Breed Horse Association www.twhawc.com Tennessee Walking Horse Association Of Western Canada www.calgaryhuntclub.ca The Calgary Hunt Club www.thompsoncountryponyclub.org Thompson Country Pony Club www.trailriding.ab.ca Trail Riding Alberta Conference 780-829-3628 Traildusters Horse Club of Smith 403-843-6873 Tri-Country Riding Club www.triplerridingclub.shutterfly.com Triple R Riding Club 403-362-2581 Uplift Therapeutic Riding Association 780-685-3305 Valley Riders Saddle Club www.valleyviewagsociety.ca Valleyview & Districts Agricultural Society www.facebook.com/WildRoseShow Welsh Show Association 780-675-2572 Western Canadian Wagon Train www.wildrosemountedshooters.com Wildrose Mounted Shooting Society
403-556-1104 Back at the Ranch www.bmo.com/AEF BMO Bank of Montreal ag.calgarystampede.com Calgary Stampede www.canpraxis.com Can Praxis www.canadiannaturalhorsemanship.com Canadian Natural Horsemanship Inc. www.capri.ca/horse Capri Insurance Services Ltd www.facebook.com/ChinookCommunications Chinook Communications 403-556-6266 Creekside Equestrian Centre www.facebook.com/pages/Diggers-Place Digger's Place www.eastacres.ca East Acres Equestrian Inc www.equinerehab.ca Equanimity Edge Equine Massage and Vertebral Realignment Courses www.equineconnection.ca Equine Connection Inc. www.EquineLUX.com EquineLUX www.equi-products.com Equi-Products Ltd foothillshorsetransport.com Foothills Horse Transport www.greenbriarstables.com Greenbriar Stables www.healingsolesltd.com Healing Soles Ltd. www.hges.org Heaven's Gait Equine Solutions horseherbs.com Herbs for Horses www.yukonbedandbreakfast.com/about/horse-lodging Hidden Valley Bed & Bale www.highertrails.org Higher Trails Equine Ltd www.hi-hog.com Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equipment Ltd www.perepelkinfarms.ca HJ Equine Training www.facebook.com/pages/Horse-Trekking-Adventures Horse Trekking Adventures www.horsesensedk.com HorseSense HorseManShip www.ironhill.ca Ironhill Equestrian Centre 403-933-3348 J. W. (Jim) Lawton Professional Corporation www.juliesnaturalhoofcare.com Julie's Natural Hoofcare www.centralalbertabarefoot.com Lane Moore Hoof Care Courses www.martindeerline.com Martin Deerline www.moonlightstables.org Moonlight Stables Ltd www.moosehillranch.com Moose Hill Ranch Equestrian Centre www.packtrips.ca Moose Mountain Horseback Adventures www.oldscollege.ca Olds College Continuing Education www.OmegaAlpha.ca Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals Inc www.outpostatwardenrock.com Outpost at Warden Rock www.quinis.net Quinis Design Group www.renfrew-insurance.com Renfrew Insurance www.saddleup.ca Saddle Up Magazine www.ssgridinggloves.com SSG Gloves www.strathconaventures.com Strathcona Ventures 780-721-9826 The Art of Movement www.facebook.com/theHorseStore The Horse Store www.maneeventexpo.com The Mane Event Equine Education & Trade Show 403-845-4020 The Tack Trunk Ltd 403-242-6162 The VisionsWest Studio www.ufa.com UFA www.westernhorsereview.com Western Horse Review www.facebook.com/westwoodwarmbloods Westwood Warmbloods www.whispersequine.com Whispers Equine Learning www.willowgrovestables.com Willow Grove Stables Inc.
ABOVE: This photo of Cook and Carousel’s Bling was taken at Royal West, in the new Agrium Centre at Stampede Park. Here, the duo is competing at 1.45m FEI CSI 2*. BELOW: Shauna Cook’s main career focus right now is competing on her eight-year-old home-bred gelding, Carousel’s Bling, in FEI Grand Prix classes. Photos courtesty of Dr. Douglas Hamilton
Scope & Skill
In a league of her own, Shauna Cook of Carousel Ridge takes her Canadian-bred horses from breeding dreams to FEI Grand Prix ambitions. BY JENN WEBSTER
They say to ride a skilled jumper is akin to flying. Therefore, it goes without saying that it takes a patient, talented rider to create such an animal and navigate it through to FEI Grand Prix ambitions. Shauna Cook of Sherwood Park, Alberta, is a rider who is breaking the mold on the Canadian jumping scene. Possessing a list of accomplishments as long as her arm, a notable career highlight in Cook’s history include being long-listed for the Canadian National Team in 1999. These days, her focus continues to be aimed at the FEI Grand Prix level. “My career focus right now is competing on my eight-year-old home-bred gelding, Carousel’s Bling, in the FEI Grand Prix classes,” she says. Which points to another factor that sets Cook apart: her breeding program. Being the enterprising woman she is, Cook is the owner of Carousel Ridge, a beautiful jumping facility that opened up in 2008. It is here where Cook trains and breeds her own Canadian sport horses. It also here where the meetings and brainstorming occurs for the acclaimed Canadian Sport 30
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Horse Association (CSHA) Select Sale preparations, as Cook is a co-creator of the annual event. The CSHA Select Sale is a sale committed to showcasing the premium sport horses produced in Canada – a goal that is close to Cook’s heart. “In order to continue to compete, I have focused on horse sales of imported and home-bred sport horses. It is very rewarding to be able to do what you love everyday. It is extremely fulfilling to ride my horse, Carousel’s Bling. I am so proud of raising this horse, training him to this level and achieving some success already. I feel there is much more to come with him, so it is a very exciting time. It is also very wonderful to be able to do this with my family. My parents, husband and daughter are so behind me and my mom is super involved with the breeding program and facility.” Cook has held an AEF Membership since 1985. “The AEF does a great job of informing the membership about equine events and also, the certified coaching program is so important. They are very informative about scholarship and other opportunities available for members that
they may not have otherwise known about.” On account of her Grand Prix objectives, Cook has taken a step back from full-time coaching to focus on her own sport goals and of course, family. However, she still loves to coach and conducts clinics in between her busy show schedule. Students at Carousel Ridge are coached by the Highbury Show Stable team of Gareth Graves and Decia Biller. Cook is furthermore an authorized dealer for Tribute Nutrition. “I became very interested in equine performance nutrition in my quest to maximize the best health and performance for my own horses. I am so excited to be a part of the Tribute team and pass on what we have learned to others,” Cook states. From the point of raising young prospects, to finishing their training and campaigning on the international circuit, Cook is poised to offer Canadian equines everything required to succeed in the discipline of jumping. Her specialized approach to the production, development and marketing of Canadian sport horses makes Cook an invaluable and unique commodity to the equine industry. AB
ALBERTA HORSES Horse Industry Association of Alberta
Horse Industry Association of Alberta
the 33rd Annual
Horse Breeders & owners ConferenCe January 9-11, 2015 • Red Deer, Alberta An annual horseman’s mid-winter escape. . . . . .education, networking, socializing & entertainment! Internationally recognized speakers on a wide range of topics of interest to horse owners, breeders and professionals: Dr. BrenDa aBBey (Alberta) ..... The Impact of Horses on the Human Brain Martin Black (Idaho) ................ Reading the Horse: An Operator’s Manual clauDia cojocar (British Columbia).Being Better Caretakers of Competition Horses Dr. BoB coleMan (Kentucky).......The Young Horse: Growing Up Is Hard Work .................................................... Is My Horse Fat? There’s an App for That Dr. DaviD Fraser (British ColumBia) . Understanding Animal Welfare Dr. reBecca GiMenez (Georgia) ..Improving Safety on the Road and on the Trail Dr. sheryl kinG (Illinois) ............ How Stable Management Practices Impact Behaviour Dr. stephen peters (Utah) ......... Your Horse’s Brain: An Owner’s Manual stacy piGott (Texas).........................Training Practices for a Positive Image Dr.tony WillinG (Ontario) ........... Fair Market Value: Equine Appraisals Panel Discussion .....................Strategies to Grow the Horse Industry Plus... • Equine trade show of sponsor exhibits • Friday evening Open Barn Welcome • Saturday evening reception, Alberta Distinguished Service Award • Discounts for multiple advance registrations from the same farm
(403) 420-5949
For more information or to register:
Warmer winter riding gloves THE BEST JUST GOT BETTER!!
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SSG Acrylic/Wool Knit Glove ®
Winter Riding Mittens
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For these and other styles visit our website at:
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