Spring 2012 - Alberta Craft Magazine

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ALBERTA CRAFT Pulp Paper Pages

From the Executive Director


The Alberta Craft Council Magazine is published quarterly.

Submission Deadline for the Summer 2012 Issue: May 25, 2012

The Alberta Craft Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, but assumes no liability in cases of error or changingconditions. Any business relations or other activities undertaken as a result of the information contained in the Alberta Craft Magazine, or arising there from, are the responsibility of the parties involved and not of the Alberta Craft Council. We welcome signed letters to the editor, but we reserve the right to edit for grammar, taste and length.


Alberta Craft Council Office & Alberta Craft Gallery: 10186-106th Street, Edmonton, AB Canada T5J 1H4

Member Services:

Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm Tel: (780) 488-6611 OR 1-800-DO CRAFT (1-800-362-7238) Fax: (780) 488-8855

Alberta Craft Gallery and Shop:

Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm (780) 488-5900


Executive Director: Tom McFall, ext. 228

Administration Manager: Nancy St. Hilaire, ext. 234

Gallery Coordinators:

Member Services: Joanne Hamel, ext. 221

Communications: Laura O’Connor, ext. 231

Events Coordinator: Annette Aslund, ext. 221

Craft Shop Coordinator: Linda Frena, ext. 232

Craft Shop Staff: Elaine Emerson, ext. 232

Website: Jeff Collins

Alberta Craft Council is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing Alberta craft and the Alberta craft industry.

Board of Directors:

Chair: Tara Owen, Calgary

Past Chair: James Lavoie, Edmonton

Directors: Xanthe Isbister, Medicine Hat

Mary-Beth Laviolette, Canmore

Heather Forbes, Grande Prairie

Victor Steel, Fort McMurray

Kari Woo, Canmore

Patti Hartnagel, Edmonton

Dawn Detarando, Red Deer

Jennifer Salahub, Calgary

Meghan Wagg, Edmonton

Kai Georg Scholefield, Calgary

Magazine Editor: Nancy St. Hilaire

Magazine Design: Lime Design Inc.

For information on membership to the Alberta Craft Council

Call: (780) 488-6611 or Toll Free in Alberta 1-800-DO CRAFT (1-800-362-7238)

Fax: (780) 488-8855

E-Mail: acc@albertacraft.ab.ca

Website: www.albertacraft.ab.ca


Alberta Craft Council AGM

Facebook Feedback:

“Amazing selection featuring top artisans! The staff is so friendly and enthusiastic too!”

-Jenna Herbut

“Those who know me, know I support the arts...all the time...all the arts...it’s what makes the world way more enjoyable to live in!”

-Kim Schaeble

“Incredible selections!”- Sherry Richardson

“This is a fabulous showcase of Alberta talent - all in one place! If you’re in Edmonton, or visiting, it’s definitely worth going out of your way to stop in! Hold onto your wallet...

OK, don’t - and support your local artists!”


Congratulations to Jessica Telford

Congratulations to Jessica Telford and partner Nigel who had a baby boy on Feb 1. His name is Ferguson Clarence Hood and he weighed in at 7lb 10 ounces. Thanks to Jessica for all her help through her Arts and Culture Program practicum in the spring, STEP position in the summer and continued help through the Christmas season in the shop.

On the Cover

Barbara Johnston is a skilled Edmonton book artist whose beautifully crafted work made her a perfect fit for the feature exhibition “Pulp Paper Pages”. She received her BFA in art and design from the University of Alberta and has studied bookbinding and artist book techniques at the London College of Printing in England and at Red Deer College. Her work has concentrated primarily on printmaking, hand-painted furniture and artist books.

Photo credit for cover: Laura O’Connor

SPRING 2012 1
B s a c p e P B


April 20 – June 3, 2012


1327–9 Ave SE, Calgary

DaDe ART & DESIGN LAB in collaboration with the Alberta Craft Council will showcase contemporary fibre artists. FABRICated will run April 20 to June 3, 2012, featuring unconventional, contemporary fibre works. The exhibition will be juried by: Darcy Lundgren - DaDe ART & DESIGN LAB co-owner, creative director, designer & artist, Greg Fraser - DaDe ART & DESIGN LAB co-owner, general manager, event coordinator, Margie Davidson

- awarded fibre artist, speaker & educator, based in Edmonton, Alberta.

DaDe ART & DESIGN LAB creates and provides innovative and unique products that enhance interior living spaces. With a distinctive product mix and presentation philosophy DaDe offers a complete product range for modern living, including original art & sculpture by local artists, and exclusive furniture from around the world.


Canadian Conference of the Arts

National Director visits Alberta

2 SPRING 2012

Alberta artist Les Manning named to Order of Canada

SPRING 2012 3 Reports
Left: Les Manning in his studio at Medalta’s Shaw Centre for Contemporary Ceramics (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada) Above: POLAR BARE by Les Manning PINK STONE, 2011, 42cm x 43cm x 23cm Photos this page: Dianne Finch Winter 2012 Magazine Correction: This piece was incorrectly labeled “Red River/Pink Plateau”.

Charles Lewton-Brain receives 2012 Saidye Bronfman Award for Excellence in Fine Craft

4 SPRING 2012 Reports
Brian McArthur, , ceramic Top Left: Charles Lewton-Brain, Artist-goldsmith, Saidye Bronfman Award Recipient, Calgary. Photo: Canada Council for the Arts / Martin Lipman Top right: Tracks B669, 2005, from the Cage series, welded stainless steel wire, acid copper electroforming, garnets, pearl, burnishing, 24k gold electroforming, 10.2 x 8.5 x 3.2 cm. Photo courtesy of the artist Right: PIN: gesture series, 1996 18k gold, sterling doublee, moonstones, tourmaline, 24k gold, 7.5 cm high B093 Photo courtesy of the artist
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Feature Gallery Pulp Paper Pages

Paper and book arts are a vibrant aspect of contemporary craft. This major survey exhibition was proposed by Susan Kristoferson as a way to showcase the current environment of this area of craft staff. A joint project of the Alberta Craft Council and the Calgary and Alberta North chapters of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Arts Guild, this juried exhibition features a wide variety of forms, objects, approaches, techniques and concepts found in both the paper and book arts.

6 SPRING 2012
Evangeline Enns, Baba Yaga’s Belegged Birdhouse, 2007, paper quilling, paper and glue, 18 x 36 x 14 cm. Photo credit: Laura O’Connor

Participating Artists

Kiki Benzon (Lethbridge, AB)

Paul Boultbee (Red Deer, AB)

Linda Carreiro (Calgary, AB)

Diana Un-Jin Cho (Calgary, AB)

Linda Chow (Calgary, AB)

Carla Costuros (Edmonton, AB)

Steven Dixon (Edmonton, AB)

Evangeline Enns (Edmonton, AB)

Dea Fischer (Canmore, AB)

Jeanne Germani (Guelph, ON)

Lisa Isley (Calgary, AB)

Andrea Itzeck (Edmonton, AB)

Barbara Johnston (Edmonton, AB)

Eveline Kolijin (Calgary, AB)

Susan Kristoferson (Calgary, AB)

Brenda Malkinson (Edmonton, AB)

Tina Martel (Grande Prairie, AB)

Sara Norquay (Edmonton, AB)

Wendy Passmore-Godfrey (Calgary, AB)

Thea Lynn Paul (Calgary, AB)

Janice Peters (St. Albert, AB)

Brian Queen (Calgary, AB)

Ros Schell (Edmonton, AB)

Susan Seright (Edmonton, AB)

Gloria Stack (Edmonton, AB)

Romy Straathof (Calgary, AB)

Claire Uhlick (Edmonton, AB)

Dirk van Wyk (Calgary, AB)

SPRING 2012 7
Kiki Benzon, Neuron, 2010 kitted and embroidered wool and cotton thread on canvas, 36 x 41 x 8 cm. Photo credit: Kiki Benzon Lisa Isley, It Just Takes 1, 2009 separate board structure, letterpress printed on handmade Japanese paper and commercial paper, five linocut illustrations by artist, 19cm x 15cm. Photo credit: Lisa Isley Eveline Kolijn and Romy Straathof, Landscapes in Paper, Sheets, 2011 selection of 22 sheets of hand-made paper from 100% local fibres, 28 x 22 cm each. Photo credit: Eveline Kolijn Wendy Passmore-Godfrey, Birds 1, 2011 Paper construction and mache, wood, wire, feathers, ephemera, paper, books, 71 x 46 x 48 cm. Photo credit: Wendy Passmore-Godfrey

Discovery Gallery

Calgary felt artist and curator

of this exhibition Jill Nuckles has had a long interest in obsession and the artist experience in both her own work and that of others.

Her interest lies with the obsessive or compulsive approach to material, technique and repetition. It is that compulsion that fills the work with an inexpressible depth and richness which compels the viewer to engage in an indefinable and profound way. That need is a common theme through which makers explore a visual language through an unending repetition of form, like in the British Sculptor Antony Gromley’s piece Field, or explosive scale such as Robert Smithson’s the Earthworks. Obsession is defined as the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image or desire. For Nuckles and the other artists in this exhibition, Obsession reveals itself in unique and thought provoking ways. Vince Aletti, an American Music Journalist, helps to elucidate just how powerful obsession can be – “the object of an artist’s obsession can open up doors to their soul that might otherwise remain shut tight”.

This group exhibition showcases six artists who identify with the theme, whether through process, narration, scale or the psychology of obsessions. Each unique style and interpretation of the theme will allow the viewer a glimpse into the artists’ psyche. The materials, scale and techniques will be appropriate to the individual maker’s practice and voice.

Atwhatpointdoestherepetition,scaleormagnitudeofa piecechangetheviewer’sperceptionandunderstandingof theartobject?Ilovetoplaywithscale,butamobsessed withrepetition.AsIworkthroughaseriesofobjectsIfind Idiscovernewthingsaboutthemasindividualpiecesand asagrouping.Thefinalpieceisgreaterthanthesumofits parts. - Jill Nuckles


Jill Nuckles, Calgary – Felt

Barbara Rumberger, Calgary – Glass

Joan Irvin, Calgary – Jewellery

Susan Thorpe, Calgary – Ceramics

Laura O’Connor, Edmonton – Textiles

Natali Rodrigues, Calgary – Glass

Forthisshow,Iwasobsessedbyanartisticrenderingofthe leftbrainandrightbrain.Theleftbrainwasrepresented bycleanstructurallinesinneutraltones.Itwascontrolbeautifulandconfident.Incontrast,thelooseenergyofthe rightbrainwasfullofchaoticmovementwithbrightcolours oozingoutsidetheform.Itwasexcitement-brilliantand daring.- Barbara

8 SPRING 2012
Drop (detail) by Jill Nuckles, felt Left Brain/Right Brain (detail) by Barbara Rumberger, blown glass, 16”x6” tallest vessel Rumberger Bottom Banner (left – right): Proximity #1 – N.Rodrigues; Muse – J. Irvin; Drop –J. Nuckles; E.Coli Bacteria – L. O’Connor; Holy Crow –S. Thorpe; Left Brain/Right Brain (detail right brain) –B. Rumburger

Discovery Gallery


Soda and wood-fired pottery by Robin DuPont

May 12 – June 16, 2012

Opening Reception: Saturday, May 12, from 2-4pm

Robin DuPont’s education in the field of ceramics has been wide-ranging and includes educational training from four institutions, in three different countries. Robin holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Alberta College of Art + Design in Calgary, and has also studied at Kootenay School of the Arts in Nelson, at the Australian National University in Canberra, and has recently completed the Master of Fine Arts graduate program at Utah State University in Logan.

Further contributing to the depth of Robin’s experience in the field are a threeyear apprenticeship with a studio potter; a research trip and several work-studies in Canada, United States, Australia and Korea; residencies at the Banff Centre for the Arts and Red Deer College; as well as the building and firing of many different wood kilns. His employment experience has been as an adjunct faculty member teaching introductory clay at the post-secondary level and has six years of experience as a ceramics technician. Robin has spent four years building and maintaining a studio practice out of his home in Nelson, BC and is currently teaching at ACAD as the 2011-2012 Visiting Artist in the Ceramics Department.

Robin’s current body of work evolves from the intensive research into soda and wood firing techniques and skills that he has developed over the past 15 years, but in particular drawing from recent research he experimented with while in graduate school at Utah State University.

Robin’s exhibition illustrates his research into atmospheric firing: manipulation of the flame in the firing process so that it becomes a tool in and of itself. Manipulating and adjusting forms (and the spaces between the forms) Robin recorded the critical turning points and variables during the firing process in relation to surface effects. Gaining the knowledge of how the flame moves he is able to achieve desired surface effects in the kiln. Applying these findings or this ‘painting with fire’ Robin creates extraordinary and unique surface palettes on his sensual forms.

Robin was awarded project funding by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance and the Columbia Basin Trust to develop his artistic and professional practice for this upcoming exhibition and work.

Left and below:

Robin DuPont, Bottle, 2011, soda fired stoneware, 10”x7”x7”

Robin DuPont, Beer Bottles, 2011, wood-fired stoneware, 6”x23”x3”

SPRING 2012 9

Shop Talk

10 SPRING 2012
Sunset Platter by Stephen Evans Margie Davidson with her Spotlight Exhibition Giant Heart with Elephants by Jill Nuckles Beach & Sea pottery by Anna Rasmussen

Shop Talk

SPRING 2012 11
Bad Kitty by JoAnna Lange Tidal Treasures Jewellery by Laura McIvor

In the News

12 SPRING 2012
Cover of “Tapestry: A Woven Narrative ruana by Lyn Pflueger Animal Overpass by Jackie Anderson Belt Buckle by Scott Hardy Table Sculpture by Sam Cupelli Brenda Danbrook and ACAD President Dr. Daniel Doz Leda is Interested in Swan’s Advances by Carol and Richard Selfridge

ACC Members teaching at SERIES 2012

Week 1 - July 9 - 13

Jim Etzkorn – Wheelthrowing

Dirk Van Wyk - Beginners Drawing

Linda Chow – Introduction to Jewellery Making

Darren Petersen - Introduction to Hot Glass

Week 2 - July 16 - 20

Ross Bradley – Taking Your Drawing to the 3rd Dimension

Dirk Van Wyk – Handmade Books

Linda Chow – Creative Jewellery

Jamie Gray – Kiln-Formed Glass – Tart It Up

Week 3 – July 23 - 27

Ross Bradley – A Week with a Model

Crys Harse – Creative Metalsmithing

Kari Woo – Intro to Wax Carving and Lost Wax Casting

Lyn Pflueger – Transforming Cloth

Week 4 – July 30 - Aug 3

Brenda Danbrook – Gnarly Pottery & Fancy Flasks

Look on-line for more details at www.rdc.ab.ca/series

In the News

Greg Payce’s “Illusions” solo exhibition is featured at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto

February 2 – May 6, 2012

This landmark solo exhibition will feature the large-scale ceramic installations for which Payce has received international acclaim, as well as more recent and critically-praised work that combines ceramics, photography and video.

Starting in 2007, Payce began to create large-scale lenticular photographs of major pieces, opening new possibilities for seeing and experiencing the original works. Lenticular photographs incorporate digitally re-mastered images and lenses to create startling three-dimensional illusions. He also began to work with video projected on to moving works, creating mesmerizing sequences that relate decorative motifs found around the globe to contemporary ceramics practice.

In this exhibition, important early works indicating the artist’s growing fascination with image, decoration, history and technology will be displayed in the Focus Gallery amidst the Museum’s rich collection of historical ceramics. Major new works from the last five years will be exhibited in the George R. Gardiner Gallery including original ceramic artworks, lenticular photographs created from these artworks and large-scale video projections. Visitors will experience the work in a variety of arrangements, formats and scales.

Greg Payce is recognized internationally for his unique ceramic works combining vase forms with precisely articulated profiles. When properly aligned, illusionary images, most often of human figures, appear in the negative spaces between the vases. Payce lives and works in Calgary, Alberta, where he has been a faculty member in Ceramics at the ACAD since 1988.

Above: poster

Below: billboard and photo/video installation

SPRING 2012 13


For the Summer 2012 issue is May 25, 2012

Email: nhilaire@albertacraft.ab.ca

TheAlberta Craft Council is open to submissions of opportunities for craftspeople,space permitting.If you are interested in promoting a special event,educational activity,gallery,exhibition or employment opportunity,please call theACC office or email Nancy St.Hilaire at nhilaire@albertacraft.ab.ca.TheACC makes every effort to ensure the reliability of all the programs and services listed below;however we will not accept liability for any loss or damage as a result of doing business with any of the advertisers contained herein.


Check out www.albertacraft.ab.ca and hit the EVENTS link for up to date and expanded listings for calls for artists.

Art Market – Art and Craft Sale, Calgary

Deadline is April 1 Art Market Art and Craft Sale presents their 26th show of high quality Canadian art and craft, Nov 15-18, 2012 at the downtown Calgary Telus Convention Centre. Art Market was attended by roughly 22 000 appreciative Christmas shoppers last year. Make your original work available to them this year! This juried show fills up quickly, so please apply early. Booth assignments start April 1st. Applications:www.artmarketcraftsale.com. For information: 1-877-929-9933 or info@ artmarketcraftsale.com. Marlene Loney: PO Box 8875, 706 Yates St., Victoria, BC V8W 3Z1

Evanescence Gallery and Art Studio, High River Evanescence is currently accepting proposals from artists and craftspeople working in contemporary sculpture, glass and jewellery design. Artists who are interested in exhibiting their work on a consignment basis can email: arlene@evanescencegallery.com

Please be prepared to send 5 good quality jpeg images, including retail prices and a one-page CV, Artist’s Statement, and Biography. Alternatively, submissions which include a digital CD can be dropped off in person at 61 – 8th Ave. SE. High River during regular gallery hours. www.evanescencegallery.com

Glenbow Museum Shop, Calgary

The Glenbow Museum Shop carries a wide variety of Canadian made hand crafted jewellery and craft. They are currently accepting new artist’s work for the Spring/Summer season. They are looking for unique Alberta made gifts, jewellery and sculpture. The shop carries items on consignment and/or outright wholesale purchase depending on the needs of both the artist and the shop. If you are interested in submitting your product for consideration please contact Edward Cavell, Interim Manager at 403-268-4228 or ecavell@glenbow.org

The Art Gallery of Calgary Shop, Calgary Deadline is ongoing Located on historic Stephen Avenue Walk, the Gallery Shop features handcrafted pieces, focusing on contemporary design and exceptional craftsmanship by Canadian artists exclusively. The Gallery Shop is focused on making art a part of everyday life with edgy jewellery, quirky fibre art, handmade paper goods, detailed woodwork and hand-blown glass. Artist’s product is accepted on a consignment basis, with the revenue shared between the artist and The Art Gallery of Calgary. E-mail jpeg images, an artist statement and a general pricing guide for your work to the contact below. Please contact: Manager of Visitor Services, Membership and The Gallery Shop, P: 403-770-1350, E: visitorservices@artgallerycalgary.org

Southern Alberta Art Gallery Gift Shop, Lethbridge Deadline is ongoing Are you seeking a select outlet for your finely crafted glass, ceramics, jewellery, weaving or quilting?

The Southern Alberta Art Gallery, located in Lethbridge extends an invitation to artists and craftspeople to build an appreciative client base for one-of-a-kind pieces. We currently carry the work of 40 Alberta and Canadian artisans and proudly feature that of several Alberta Craft Council members. Contact: David Farstad, Visitor Services Manager, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 601-3 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB, T1J 0H4, 403-327-8770 ext 21 or email: dfarstad@saag.ca

Northern Alberta Jubilee Rotating Art Exhibitions, Edmonton

Deadline is ongoing The Rotating Art exhibits are an exciting example of the Friends Society’s support of local arts and artists. The exhibit, located in the Kaasa Lobby, will be available for viewing by patrons visiting the Jubilee for performances, functions and special events. Each show and artist is incorporated into the Jubilee’s education programs with youth and seniors. Art rotates on a quarterly basis – this allows us to feature a variety of Alberta artists throughout the year. For info email Jennifer at jennifer.alabiso@gov.ab.ca


The Handmade Mafia, Edmonton

The Handmade Mafia is a unique shopping adventure that quite simply cannot be passed up. With friends, family, or alone on a Saturday afternoon stroll, the show appeals to all ages, and draws quite an eclectic crowd. Located in the heart of Old Strathcona, the marketplace gathers a consistent group of Edmonton’s most gifted and creative members of the arts and culture scene. Vendors rotate on a by-show basis - with the constant, being wares that are unexpected, varied, and refreshingly hip. The philosophy behind the Handmade Mafia has always been firmly rooted in the belief that shopping locally, and shopping ethically are experiences that ultimately enrich a community, and bring about a greater sense of identity. Come see for yourself what all the hype is about. Shop locally, shop ethically, and shop with flair. Each show is organized with the most sincere dedication to knocking your socks off! Location: Orange Hall, 10335-84 Avenue, Edmonton Times: 10am - 4pm

Dates: March 3rd, April 14th, May 5th

The Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove 7th Annual Decadent Dessert Gala & Auction

Friday, May 11, 2012 - Doors open 6:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 200 Boundary Road, Spruce Grove For Tickets: Contact the Spruce Grove Art Gallery at 780 962 0664


Call for 2013 GAAC Conference Presentation Proposal

The Glass Art Association of Canada (GAAC) requests your proposals for lecture presentations for the 2013 GAAC 30th Anniversary conference to be held 22-26 May, 2013, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Please note that nonmembers of GAAC are also encouraged to submit proposals.

Conference Theme: Breaking Boundaries: 30 Smashing Years

This is a call to come celebrate the pioneering spirit that drives us as artists, makers, and innovators. Innovation in our art, process, and thought sustains us as a society and as artists. Bring us your stories, your histories, your ideas concerning innovation. Share your thoughts, technologies, and processes with fellow artists. All types of glass art media subject matter are encouraged. For more information about types of presentations and proposal requirements email: gaacpresident@gmail.com Email your proposal, with a subject heading of “Conference Presentation Proposal”, to gaacpresident@gmail.com no later than May 1, 2012.

Textile Society of America 13th Biennial Symposium –Textiles and Politics, Washington, DC

September 19-22, 2012

Throughout human history and across the globe, whether as intimate artifacts of interpersonal relations or state-level monumental works, textiles have been imbued with political importance. Textiles can communicate and construct status, ethnicity, gender, power, taste, and wealth, and have functioned at the nexus of artistic, economic, and political achievement in human culture.

The Textile Society of America 13th Biennial Symposium Textiles & Politics will explore the ways politics influence the aesthetics, production, materials, uses, and myriad other aspects of textiles.

Call for Vendors - A component of each Symposium, the Marketplace features vendors selling their wearable art, ethnic textiles, books, yarn, fabric and other textile-related items. It is a great opportunity to present your goods to those who know and appreciate textiles. The space is limited, so we encourage vendors to apply now. For information on hours, space, registration fees and deadlines, please visit: http://www.textilesociety.org/symposia_2012.htm or contact the Marketplace Chair, SandyDanielson at danielsons@earthlink.net.


Medalta International Artist in Residence, Medicine Hat Operating out of the Shaw Centre, the Medalta International Artists in Residence Program is designed to serve artists at all stages of their careers. Students, emerging, and established artists are able to work together in our open, spacious, semi-private studios. The studio experience is one of cooperation and creativity. Artists come from all over the world and bring different experiences, techniques and ideas to our unique studios here in the Historic Clay District. The studios are full of vibrant energy with resident ceramic artists, community education classes, workshops, and kids’ classes all combining to make this a vital working museum, education centre and studio complex. Go to www.medalta.org for info and to download the 2012 Medalta Residency Application. Deadline for all residencies is April 15th, 2012. Contact Aaron Nelson for more information at: aaron@medalta.org

Wildflower Arts Centre, Calgary

Express yourself though the arts. Dance, paint, draw or try your hand on the potter’s wheel. Wildflower Arts Centre will help you discover your artistic talents. Wildflower Arts Centre offer programs in: clay, glass, fibre, paper, drawing, painting, and mixed media. In addition to registered visual arts programs they also offer dance and drama programs, custom programs for groups, birthday parties for kids, artist residency and school arts programs for students of all ages, and studio memberships for established artists.

Location: 3363 Spruce Dr. SW, Calgary, Alberta. Phone: 403-249-3773 E-mail: WFAC@calgary.ca

Building Successful Careers in Arts and Culture

The Cultural Human Resources Council has released a career self-management guide for artists and cultural workers. Artists and cultural workers developed the Art of Managing Your Career Guide to provide pertinent and practical information to better manage artistic careers. The guide is available for $20 per copy plus shipping and handling charges. info@culturalhrc.ca.

Four Winds Art Glass, Edmonton

Explore the Passion for Glass and take the classes you’ve always wanted to! Now taking registration for classes in Beginner and Intermediate Stained Glass, Introductory Glass Fusing and Slumping, and Dichroic Glass Pendants. Small class sizes, no extra supplies or tools to buy. Day and evening classes available, all ages. Studio rental time available as well as kiln and sandblaster rental. Tool and grinder packages available for those who wish to continue on with this rewarding hobby! For more information or to register, call 780-432-4331, or toll free 877-432-4331. Email: fourwindsartglass@yahoo.ca or surf www.fourwindsartglass.ca.

Visit our newly renovated studio gallery and store located in Old Strathcona at 10050 - 81 Avenue NW Edmonton for a great selection of the newest stained glass, fusing and mosaic supplies. Bedrock Supply Jewellery, Glass and Stone Classes, Edmonton

Workshops and Classes in Silversmithing Jewellery Making, Precious Metal Clay, Bead Stringing, Casting and Mold Making, Lampworking/ Glass Bead Making, Soapstone Carving and Coming Soon: Basic Lapidary and Stone Drilling. For Glass check out www.lauschacanada.com. For Jewellery check out www.littlerockjewellerystudio.com Or www.bedrocksupply.com. Bedrock Supply, 9435 63 Avenue Edmonton, 780-434-2040 or toll free 1-800-661-3988 / sales@bedrocksupply.ca.

14 SPRING 2012

MacEwan’s Centre for the Arts and Communications, Edmonton

Discover our atrium-inspired campus – host to a multitude of full-time programs in the performing, visual and communication arts. Visit us at 10045 – 156 street and discover more! We also host a number of events in our newly-renovated 363-seat John L. Haar Theatre, in addition to offering continuous part-time credit and non-credit courses. www.MacEwan.ca/creativity

Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts, Edmonton Register for Art and Folk Art Courses held by the Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts (ACUA). Courses include: stained glass, block printing, white work, graphic art, and more. For brochure or more information contact the ACUA office 780-488-8558 or info@acuarts.ca.

Native Arts & Culture Programs, Portage College, Lac La Biche

Are you creative and possess an artistic flair? Come and develop your skills through the Native Artisans program at Portage College. Hands-on instruction in traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art forms. Full and part time study is available. Call for more information 780-623-5649 or visit portagecollege.ca.

The Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers of Alberta Offers home study and group weaving educational opportunities through the Weaving Certificate Programme. Call the administrator for more information about current study groups, upcoming courses, volunteering or teaching opportunities. Phone: 780-9873593 Email: gayleis@telusplanet.net.

City Arts Centre, Edmonton

The City Arts Centre in Edmonton offers many courses in art, craft, dance, theatre, and active living throughout the year. Some of the craft courses include: paper marbling, wire jewellery, ceramics, quilting, silversmithing, stained glass, and more. For a complete catalogue of all classes offered contact the City Arts Centre in Edmonton at 780-496-6955.

Edmonton Weaver’s Guild Classes and Workshops

Classes in beginner and intermediate weaving and spinning are offered along with workshops on drop spindling, dyeing, felting, rag rugs, tapestry weaving, and weaving for kids too. Registration is open to anyone, but space is limited. For information call: 780425-9280, email: ewg@interbaun.com or check our website at: http://clubweb.interbaun.com/~ewg/.

Drop-in Art Classes & Special Workshops, Harcourt House, Edmonton

For over fifteen years Harcourt House has been providing the community with a wide range of art classes and workshops. Sculpting the figure in clay, figure drawing, painting the figure, drawing the self portrait & exploring portraiture, sculpting the figure in relief, sculpture - slab forms in clay, patinas for sculpture, sculpting organic clay pots, alternative Polaroid techniques, egg tempera workshop plus many others. For more information please contact: Harcourt House office at 780-426-4180, visit at 10215 –112 St, Edmonton, AB or www.harcourthouse.ab.ca.


Visit theAlberta Craft Council website for a complete listing of grants,awards and scholarships available toAlberta craft artists, www.albertacraft.ab.ca. Follow the Info link and then click on Grants and Awards.

Alberta Craft Awards and the Linda Stanier & Family Memorial Award

Annual Deadline - August 1. Nominate someone who deserves to be recognized for their dedication to Alberta’s fine craft culture. Visit www.albertacraft.ab.ca for more information and download the nomination forms. Click on Info and then Grants/ Awards.

Linda Stanier & Family Memorial Award - $1200 – This annual endowed award celebrates the life of Linda Stanier and

honours excellence in ceramics. The Nominee should work and reside in Alberta and be primarily a studio-based, full-time professional ceramic artist.

Award of Honour - $500 – for a volunteer/supporter/teacher/ craftsperson (individual or group) who has made a significant contribution to Alberta’s fine craft culture.

Award of Excellence - $500 – for an established craftsperson who excels in his/her area of craft.

Award of Achievement - $500 – for an emerging craftsperson/ student in recognition of his/her achievement to date and/or potential.

Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Project Grants for Individuals

Annual Deadlines February 1 & September 1 AFA offices are located at 10708 – 105 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5H 0A1 P: 780-427-9968 (310-0000 toll-free) www.affta.ab.ca.

Art Acquisition by Application, Alberta Foundation for the Arts

Annual Deadline – April 1 The AFA invites eligible artists resident in Alberta to submit applications for the collection art purchase program. Download guidelines and forms from www. affta.ab.ca or call 780-427-9968 (310-0000 toll-free).

Calgary Arts Development’s Special Projects Grant

Annual Deadlines - January 15, May 15, October 15 This program invests in specific projects of artists, organizations and ad-hoc groups in Calgary. Special Project Grants are usually awarded in the $1,000 to $10,000 range. Guidelines and criteria for the program - http://calgaryartsdevelopment.com/ special_projects.

Edmonton Arts Council Individual Grants

The Edmonton Arts Council provides a number of individual grants for artists: CIP Travel grants (annual deadline Feb 1, June 1, and October 1); Project grants for individuals (deadline July 1); Micro-grants – with no set deadline and amounts up to $1,000 the micro grant enables you to respond to opportunities quickly. For details and applications www.grants.edmotnonarts. ca/eac_grants/

The Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics and the RBC Award for Glass

Annual Deadline - June 30, by 5pm With the ongoing generosity of Ms. Winifred Shantz and RBC Foundation, the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery present these prestigious national awards for early career practicing glass and ceramic artists that have been working professionally for between 5 to 10 years. Intended to allow the artist to undertake a period of independent research, or other activiteis, winners of the RBC Award for Glass receive $7,000 and winners of the Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics receive $10,000. For more information regarding the application visit www.canadianclayandglass.ca

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation

The Distinguished Artist Awards program gives up to three awards of $30,000 each in recognition of outstanding achievement in the arts by Albertans or significant contribution to the arts in Alberta. Annual Deadline Jan. 20

The Emerging Artist Awards program gives up to ten awards of $10,000 each to support and encourage promising artists early in their careers, who have created a modest body of work, and are recognized, by established artists in the same field of artistic endeavour as having potential to achieve excellence in their discipline. See eligibility criteria on the website. Annual Deadline - Feb. 15. The Application Guidelines, Application Form and Appraisal Form are available from the Foundation’s website at www.artsawards.ca.

The Studio of Corning Museum of Glass Scholarship Programs

Scholarships available to glass artists applying for residencies and courses in the spring, summer and fall. For details: http://www. cmog.org/index.asp?pageId=413 or thestudio@cmog.org.


Alberta Potters Association

The APA mission is to provide opportunities to a wide variety of members ranging from enthusiasts, novice and professional ceramic artists and has been serving Alberta ceramic artists since 1968. They host informative workshops, lectures, exhibition opportunities and community gatherings while providing support for regional craft guilds. They produce a quarterly newsletter and share resources for technical information and help to connect members to a larger ceramic community. For information visit: www.albertapottersassocation.com

Calgary Clay Arts Association, Calgary

Enjoy the benefits and community of CCAA. Stay in touch; build community, form membership relationships and support ceramic education and art. CCAA welcomes all artists, educators, art professionals and everyone interested in the creative practice and appreciation of the ceramic arts. Memberships run January 1, through December 31. For more information visit: www. calgaryclayarts.org

Calgary Warm Glass Guild, Calgary

There is a new forum in Calgary for discussion about kiln-formed glass processes (fusing, slumping, and casting). The Calgary Warm Glass Guild meets monthly at the Alberta College of Art and Design, and all interested persons are welcome. Though the focus is on glass art made using the kiln, we also discuss how other glass-making processes and other media can be integrated into warm glass art. For more information email Jamie McDonald Gray at jmcdonaldgray@gmail.com

Edmonton & District Quilters, Edmonton

The Edmonton & District Quilters’ Guild (EDQG) is a non-profit organization that started in 1979 and has over 300 members. The objectives of the guild are to: promote the appreciation of fine quilts; sponsor and support quilting activities; encourage quilt making and collecting and contribute to the growth and knowledge of quilting techniques, textiles, patterns, history and quilt makers through educational meetings, travel and fellowship. A Newsletter is published nine times per year. For more information visit: www.edqg.ca

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild, Edmonton

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild (ENG) encourages the practice and study of the art of embroidery in all forms. ENG membership provides the benefits of monthly meetings, bimonthly newsletters, workshops, guild library and membership in the Embroiderers’ Association of Canada, Inc (EAC). For more information visit: www. edmneedlecraftguild.org

Edmonton Weavers Guild, Edmonton

The Edmonton Weavers Guild organization was founded in 1953 to encourage local weavers, spinners, dyers and felters to meet, exchange ideas and learn. If you would like to join us, we are located at the Strathcona Community League Hall, 10139-87 Ave, Edmonton. Phone: 780-425-9280 or visit http://clubweb. interbaun.com/~ewg/.

Hand Weavers, Spinners and Dyers of Alberta

Be part of an exciting network of fibre artisans. HWSDA has grown into one of Canada’s most significant provincial fibre arts guilds. Members of HWSDA enjoy the following benefits: Library Loan Program, Weaving Certificate Program, Scholarships to Individuals, Financial Assistance to member groups and a quarterly newsletter Running Threads. Membership is open to any individual at a cost of $50. Guild memberships are available at a cost of $65 per year. Our annual spring conference celebrates the end of the year. Visit: www.hwsda.org

Heritage Weavers and Spinners, Calgary

The Heritage Weavers and Spinners began in 1978 and continue to be actively involved in the Calgary fibre arts community. We offer weaving, spinning, dyeing and related fibre art workshops and classes throughout the year, and hold an annual fall sale. Our members enjoy library services, study groups, and monthly meetings with guest speakers as well as loom and equipment rentals. Visit: www.heritageweaversandspinners.org

SPRING 2012 15 Calendar
16 SPRING 2012

TREX: In Your Community

Intangible Cultural Assets:

March 2012

Rolling Hills School

302 4 St. Rolling Hills, AB

April – May 2012

Taber Public Library

5415 50 Ave. Taber, AB


March 2012

Brooks Composite High School

650 4 Ave East Brooks, AB

April 2012

Stettler Public Library

6202 44 Ave. Stettler, AB

May 2012

Medicine Hat College

299 College Drive SE Medicine Hat, AB

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program (TREX) South East Region Presents:

For more Info contact:

Xanthe Isbister

TREX South East Manager/Curator

Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre

401First St. SE Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 8W2 tel. 403-502-8586

email: xanisb@medicinehat.ca


Please visit the AFA website to view our TREX Map with complete monthly listings:


Boadicea by Linda Chow Aluminum, Steel, wool, and acrylic 14cm diameter x 11.5cm high 2010 Ruby by Linda Chow Aluminum, acrylic 18cm diameter x 17.5cm high 2010 Cameo by Barbara Milne Oil on panel, 2007 Collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts Oilonpanel2


Taking Alberta Craft Home... to the World

New in the Shop:

Scarf by Valerie Baber

Valerie Baber (St. Albert) is a talented fibre artist whose pieces show the upmost skill and attention to design. She enjoys the texture, colour and nature of pure fibre yarns which is why she only used 100% merino wool, silk, and baby alpaca yarn in her work. Valeries’s distinctive line of women’s accessories combines both knitting and crochet to make wearable art pieces that add flare and style to any wardrobe.

New Members

Stonecrop Studio, Canmore, Metal

Manola Borrajo, Edmonton, Glass

Hilary Forge, Calgary, Clay

Pat Frocklage, Calgary, Glass

Nicole Gour, Calgary, Clay, Metal & Resin

Trudy Gusse & Lisa Brunelle, Edmonton, Metal

Wayne Haglund, Calgary, Printmaking

Xanthe Isbister, Calgary, Clay

Nina Malioujinets, Edmonton, Jewellery

Wildflower Arts Centre, Calgary

Karen Moir, Gibbons, Wire & Fabric

Ron Nemeth, Edmonton, Supporter

Shawn Olander, Edmonton, Clay

Elizabeth Pullan, Calgary, Glass, Metal, Other

Lora Slobodian, Sherwood Park, Fibre

A.E. (Ted) Smith, Edmonton, Glass

Moni Thompson, Sherwood Park, Mixed Media

Paul van den Bijgaart, Oakville, Glass

Renewing Members

Sheep Creek Weavers, Calgary, Organization

Beaverlodge Area Cultural Society, Beaverlodge, Organization

Johanne Aga-Dryden, Edmonton, Fibre & Clay

Lucia Atanase, Calgary, Clay

Ed Bamiling, Banff, Clay

Rose Bauer, Calgary, Clay

Hellen Beamish, Calgary, Fibre & glass

Leslie Birrell, Nanton, Fibre

Recent Opening Receptions

E. Ross Bradley, Edmonton, Glass & Clay

Katrina Brodie, Calgary, Glass

Tracy Brown, Edmonton, Metal - Jewellery

Sharon Busby, Edmonton, Clay & Painting

Karen Cantine, Edmonton, Metal - Jewellery

Margaret Louise Cardinal, Joussard, Fibre

Terry Cass, Nanton, Stone & Mixed

Roop Chakravorty, Edmonton, Supporter

Brandy Chorney, Calgary, Clay, glass & found objects

Donna Clement, Calgary, Fibre & Mixed

Sam Cupelli, Edmonton, Metal

Native Arts & Culture Program, Portage College, Lac La Biche, Organization

Dawn Detarando & Brian

McArthur, Red Deer, Clay

Dawna Dey Harrish, Sherwood Park, Fibre

Sheelagh Dunlap, Edmonton, Supporter

Jim Etzkorn, Medicine Hat, Clay

Marlene Fitzgerald-Moore, Calgary, Clay

Forbes & Friends, Heather Forbes, Grande Prairie, Retail Gallery

Connie Geerts, Calgary, Glass, Mixed

Michelle Gluza, Edmonton, Paper & Fibre

Allan Gott, Calgary, Glass

Matt Gould, Red Deer, Fibre & Painting

Marion K. Gravells, Calgary, Fibre

Kathy Griffiths, Sherwood Park, Glass

Vicki Hackl, Edmonton, Fibre

Ann Haessel, Calgary, Mixed Media Art

Heather A. Hamilton, Victoria, Metal

Patricia Hartnagel, Edmonton, Clay

Linda Hawke, Calgary, Fibre

Ben Henderson, Edmonton,

Michael J.C. Holton, Calgary, Wood

Marcy Horswill, Cumberland, Fibre

Dianne Hove, Calgary, Clay

Joan Irvin, Calgary, Metal - Jewellery

Priscilla Janes, Canmore, Clay

Grethe Jensen, Little Smoky, Fibre

Joanne Johnson, Calgary, Fibre, Clay, Paper

Ted Jolda, Parksville, Glass

Terry Juzak, Edmonton, Metal - Jewellery

David Kemp, Spruce Grove, Wood

Marie Gordon & Jim Kindrake, Edmonton, Supporter

Neil Lazaruk, Edmonton, Ukranian Eggs

Allan Lindoe, Collinton, Wood

Mrs. Marlene Loney, Barriere, Craft Sale

Heather Matwe, Vancouver, Metal - Jewellery

Ron Maunder, St. Albert, Metal - Jewellery

Barbara McCaffrey, Victoria, Fibre, Paper & Mixed Media

Mynthia McDaniel, Calgary, Clay

Letisha McFall, Sherwood Park, Fibre & Mixed

Candice Meyer, Manning, Metal

John Monteath, Cochrane, Metal

Cheryl Nekolaichuk, Edmonton, Supporter

Vickie Newington, Calgary, Fibre & Glass

Emily Parke, Calgary, Fibre

Return Address:

Alberta Craft Council

10186-106 Street

Edmonton, AB T5J 1H

Tammy Parks-Legge, Stony Plain, Clay

Darren James & Deborah Petersen, Red Deer, Glass

Lyn Pflueger, Bragg Creek, Fibre

Brenda Philp, Edmonton, Fibre

Connie & Bob Pike, High River, Clay & Metal

Julia Reimer & Tyler Rock, Black Diamond, Glass

Daryl Richardson, Saskatoon, Metal

Ron Robinson, Calgary, Clay & Mixed & Terrazo

Dana Roman, Canmore, Fibre & Mixed Media

Barbara Rumberger, Calgary, Glass

Joan Sandham, Calgary, Clay

Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Retail Gallery

Audra Schoblocher, Carseland, Metal & Jewellery

Deb Schrader, Edmonton, Clay

Sarah Smith, Beaverlodge, Clay, ploymers & plastics

Do-Hee Sung, Calgary, Clay

Linda Thomas & Eric Koroluk, Edmonton, Supporter

Keith Turnbull, Edmonton, Clay

Carol Voyt, Calgary, Clay

Meghan Wagg, Edmonton, Metal

Allan Waidman, Spruce Grove, Stone

Susan White, Calgary, Jewellery – Polymer Clay

Linda Willard, St. Albert, Clay

Chris Zinkan, Calgary, Clay

Photo credit: Laura O’Connor

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