Asme Codes – Playing a great role in the nuclear industry Henry R. Worthington, Alexander Lyman Holley and John Edson Sweet are known to be the founders of asme codes which are typically the codes for the Conduct of Trials of Steam Boilers. Since its first introduction in 1914, ASME boiler and pressure vessel code section viii has pioneered modern standards-development, sustaining a commitment to increase public safety and technological advancement to meet the needs of an evolving world. This “International Historical Mechanical Engineering Landmark” now has been incorporated into the laws of state and local jurisdictions of the United States and nine Canadian provinces. Would you believe the more than 1 million copies of BPVC are being used in more than 100 countries around the world, with translation into a number of languages? The boiler and pressure-vessel sections of the BPVC are extremely crucial in a range of industries including electric power generation, petrochemical, and transportation etc. As far as nuclear industry is concerned, asme has played a crucial role in supporting it. Since the inception of codes, standards and conformity assessment programs, initially developed for fossil fuelfired plants, were largely related to nuclear power generation.
Today, almost half of the world’s nuclear power generation plants incorporate all or sections of asme codes books and standards in their construction, operation and/or maintenance. Sixty nations typically recognize and apply the BPVC , while 33 of the 44 nuclear nations buy their nuclear components to specifications conformed to asme’s nuclear codes and standards. The nuclear sections of the BPVC