History of Music
What is Music?
Music is also known as entertainment that puts sound together in way of that people like locate and intrusting.
It’s the art of sound in time, expressions through the elements of melody, color.
Western Art of Music
Medieval music Baroque music Romantic music 20th and 21th century music
Classical Music
Asia China India Middle east
Instrument Music ď ˝
Instrument music through the popularity of dance and vocal music.
ď ˝
Its can also be associated
with the development
with the instrument technology.
Style Feature
Rhythm Dynamics Melody Texture
Romantic Music ď ˝ ď ˝ ď ˝
Romantic music tells a story or describe something. Music is filled with passion and drama. The most popular instrument is piano.
Modern Classical Music
Modern period is start in 1900 C.E.
Classical music led to the development of popular music.Like: hip-hop, rock, blues, jazz.
Its not as popular with younger generation as pop music as.
In the 1900’s popular music becomes the dominant style of music. Modern classical is very different then music it came from.
For E.g. : Albert James Burleson ď ˝
Albert James Burleson is the owner of Meet D Artist he is utilize his knowledge for the betterment of societies.