Page 8 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Test your wits! de.duc.tion [dih-duhk-shuhn] noun
•a process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the premises presented, so that the conclusion cannot be false if the premises are true. It’s common to lose quite a bit of brain cells during the summer. It’s even been said that students lost 22 percent of their previously learned knowledge during the three-month summer vacation. Deduction is a skill that students use on a daily basis and, unlike some scholastic knowledge, will continue to use. That form of logic will help you with none of these questions. Here are 13 questions that will stump the brainiest of brains:
1. If Steve is 5 years old, and Miriam is 20, how old is Stacey? 2. If time flies when you’re having fun, and watches tell time, then is tonight going to be a good night? 3. If cantaloupe is orange, and watermelon is red, what color are sparkles? 4. If a teacher speaks to a student, but the student isn’t there to hear it, has the teacher still spoken? 5. If Jenny combs her hair from bottom to top, and Cindy Boo combs her hair from top to bottom, what way does Little Becky comb hers? 6. If you are the apple to my dumpling, and the cherry to my sundae, are you my mother? 7. If dinosaurs aren’t really extinct, and dragons do indeed exist, where is Waldo? 8. If Mel has six apples, and Olga takes four away, how many chicken pot pies has Mel eaten? 9. If know the Muffin Man, and have made it to the Milky Way, how many sides are on a broken stop sign? 10. If a pitcher throws a no-hitter and there are no foul balls, is the umpire’s name spelt the same backward as it is forward? 11. If Johnny Depp is Jack Sparrow, and Keira Knightley is Elizabeth Swann, what is Orlando Bloom’s high school GPA? 12. If conjoined triplets were named Hezekiah, Zecheriah and Bezeriah, what would the father’s name be? 13. If what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and you were really born this way, then why should I call you maybe?
Friday, August 17, 2012
Page 2 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 7
13 books to read before graduation
Written and Designed by:
Kessa Albright Hi there! I’d like to tell you a little bit about my good friend, Kessa Albright. She’s a summer intern at the Tribune. She moved to Albert Lea halfway through
her freshman year. She’s moved around quite a bit but is originally from Watertown, Wis. Kessa is a laid-back, fun-to-work with, all-around great girl. She’s super duper funny and has dreams of writing material for SNL — could definitely be the next Tina Fey! She’s a senior this year at Albert Lea High School. She’s the co-editor of the Ahlahasa and is involved in CIS classes and the Gay-Straight Alliance. She enjoys listening to all kinds of music and wasting time on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. She’s pretty up-to-date on technology and is a pro at Photoshop. Her hair is light brown with blonde highlights, but as of now it’s been dyed pink because the Tribune’s Facebook page got 3,000 likes! Her plans for post high school are still undecided. She works hard, and I have no doubts that she’ll tackle any problem foolish enough to face her! — Colleen Thompson, intern
Colleen Thompson
Here’s a little story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. I’d like to take a second so just sit right there as I tell you all about how I became friends with Colleen Thompson. Colleen and I were on Ahlahasa together first semester this past school year. While she was involved in about a million other activities and sports plus Ahlahasa, we became buddies. While working together this summer as interns at the Albert Lea Tribune I learned a lot about Colleen. Colleen’s favorite candy bar is Heath, and she has an appetite for Lunchables. While being hit on she giggles and tells the boy her name is Regina Phalange. Colleen watches a lot of TV shows and can reference 1,000 movies. She is a good driver but not very good with directions. She is strong in her faith, a hard worker and a smart student. I know for a fact she will be successful with whatever does in life. She is on her way to attend University of Sioux Falls in South Dakota majoring in communication. Good
Good books you probably won’t read in class
luck, my colleague, and don’t forget to call. — Kessa Albright, intern
thank you Kessa and Colleen would like to say thank you to the entire staff and readers of the Albert Lea Tribune. Everyone here has been so kind and helpful to us throughout the internship. We have learned new skills and improved old ones this summer. Time in the office was time spent having fun. From taking a break from work to laugh and talk about our favorite shows, to dyeing Kessa’s hair pink to get 3,000 likes on the Facebook page, to running across the street to get caffeine and 59 cent cookies from Kwik Trip. Even though we’ve been working hard, we have had so much fun at the Tribune. This job doesn’t even feel like a job! Thank you to the readers who read our stories. You watched our writing and photos improve over these three months. Thanks for bearing with us; you’re the reason we do this.
- Kessa Albright and Colleen Thompson
1. “Thirteen 12. “The Boy in the 13. “It’s Kind of a Reasons Why” by Jay Striped Pajamas” by Funny Story” by Ned Asher John Boyne Vizzini 2. “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson 3. “Crank” by Ellen Hopkins 4. “Go Ask Alice” by Anonymous 5. “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky 6. “Just Listen” by Sarah Dessen 7. “Looking for Alaska” by John Green 8. “Push” by Sapphire 9. “Cut” by Patricia McCormick 10. “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton 11. “Girl, Interrupted” by Susanna Kaysen
Page 6 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 3
What would you put in a time capsule? We asked a number of seniors what item they would put in a time capsule to represent themselves, their
class or their generation. We then went to The Children’s Center and asked a number of kindergartners what they
would put in a time capsule. Below are the contrasting results.
Photos of seniors: submitted Photos of kindergartners by Kessa Albright
Corbin Schultz
Jensen Goodell
Megan Bos
Derek Burkard
Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Because clothing changes and it’d be interesting to see what people were wearing.
iPod. Because it would encompass everything: recent technology, fashion trends and songs of this time period.
Track spikes. Because track is my main thing in high school.
Soccer cleats. Because I’ve been in soccer since seventh grade.
Joe Sczublewski. Because he is my baseball coach, and I really like baseball.
My stuffed puppy. Because he’s cute.
Sam Christensen
Skateboard. Because it’s my favorite thing to do.
Forrest Engstrom
Remotecontrolled monster truck. Because it’s cool.
Isabelle Schwarz My Barbie doll, Lily. Because she has her own purse and dress.
Kalia Register
Mason Attig
A Justin Bieber CD. Because he’s my favorite singer.
A bouncy ball. Because they bounce.
Raegen Hoheisel
Brianna Bakken
Sand castle. Because I like making them.
My Elmo stuffed animal. Because I sleep with him at night.
class of 2025
Bailey Abrego
class of 2013
Sydney Frazier
Your pre-graduation Bucket list • Perform or speak in front of the entire school • Send a message in a bottle • Plant a tree • Extreme coupon • Build a giant sand castle • Carve your initials into a tree trunk • Say yes to everything for a day • Volunteer • Walk up and down Broadway holding a sign that says “Free Hugs” • Stand on a busy street corner wearing a T-shirt that says “LIFE” and hand out lemons to everyone • Go to a midnight movie premiere or movie release party • Have a food fight • Play Marco Polo in Walmart • Go a day without your phone and/or iPod • Tell someone a fake name when you meet them • Go all out for dress up week during Homecoming or Winterfest • Get a job at a ‘greasy spoon’ to make cash on the weekends • Paint your body red and blue for a sporting event • Get 100 percent on an exam/test • Organize a club • Be in as many Tiger Yearbook photos as possible by being in a lot of clubs and photo-bombing other people’s photos • Get accepted into your dream school • Receive a killer scholarship • Get a drastic haircut • See your favorite band live • Be in a play • Pull an all-nighter • Save up $100 and blow it all on candy and other junk food— share with friends • Take a road trip • Go to Valleyfair • Solve a Rubik’s Cube • Get away with a practical joke • Start a blog • Have an enormous pillow fight • Be on the radio • Go up the down escalator • Jump in a pool or the lake with all your clothes on • Build a time capsule • Sleep on a roof • Prank call your best friend (and pull it off) • Try every dish at a buffet • Sell goodies outside your house like cookies, lemonade, etc. • Tie-dye a shirt • Pass a Guitar Hero song on expert • Catch a fish with your bare hands • Run or walk a marathon • Record a video and post it on YouTube • Learn a song on guitar • Dye your hair a crazy color • Make a donation to a charity • Plank in a public place • Try some eye-watering spicy food like Tabasco sauce or jalapeno peppers
Wayne O. Sletten, DDS, MSD 1206 W. Front St Albert Lea, MN • 373-1915 Member of the American Association of Orthodontists
Back-to-School Something for everyone!
Pick up your copy at the Tribune office today!
Award-winning news coverage.
Page 4 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
fittings for fall 1.
12. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Relic Canvas Messenger Bag: $98 Ducti “High Voltage” Messenger Bag: $54.99 Nike Hayward Backpack: $44.99 Yak Pak Basic Checkered Backpack: $12.99 Mudd Mary Plaid Messenger Bag: $41.30 Chaps Mini Backpack: $62.30 JanSport SuperBreak Purple Backpack: $34.99
8. Tony Hawk Quarters Buffalo Check Backpack: $19.99 9. Unionbay Ditsy Patchwork “Love” Messenger Bag: $32.20 10. JanSport SuperBreak Block Check Backpack: $34.99 11. JanSport SuperBreak Peace Backpack: $34.99 12. Mudd Canvas Messenger Bag: $34.99 13. Mudd Messenger Bag: $60
Discounts! Discounts for local college students
Are you enrolled at Riverland Community College? Are you a high school student taking college in the schools classes or going post secondary? Do you like to buy things? This list will help you save
some pennies while shopping, eating or going out. The businesses below offer discounts for students looking to save a few bucks. Just ask for a student discount and whip out your Riverland ID card!
1. Echo Lanes: $2.75 off a game 2. Godfathers Pizza: 10 percent off your order 3. YMCA: full-time student membership for $75, part-time student membership for $110 4. The Pizza Ranch: 10 percent off your order 5. Taco Bell: 10 percent off your order 6. Quizno’s: 20 percent off order on Fridays only 7. Papa Murphy’s: $3 off an order
All backpacks can be found at Kohl’s
8. The Chapel tattoo parlor: 10 percent off 9. Cinema 7: movies are $5.25 on Tuesdays 10. Maurice’s: 10 percent off after getting a Maurice’s credit card 11. Shopko: 15 percent off on Teacher Appreciation Day — teachers only! 12. Anytime Fitness: special rates for college students 13. Big Island Grille & Bar: 10 percent off order and a free soft drink
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 5
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ A∆ B∆ B∆ Y∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
6. 6.
E R I N 8.
Back to school. Those three words can send a variety of emotions running through your body. But let’s all agree on one thing: whether you’re a boy or a girl, with heading back to the old grind comes adding to your wardrobe. Colleen and Kessa decided to hold a photo shoot at the Tribune featuring two local fashionistas to try to capture the latest style that the textile industry is throwing our way. Abby Pleiss, 17, and Erin Murtaugh, 16, graciously agreed to be our models. These are pictures capturing their many different styles with the latest trendy outfits. Also listed are which store the attire was bought at and how much it cost. You may find that buying high quality things doesn’t have to be high-priced.
Where to get the look: 1. Dress: $30, Charlotte Russe 2. Shirt: $30; Len, jeans: $40, American Eagle; boots: Target $20 3. Shirt: $40, Urban Outfitters; jeans: $40, American Eagle 4. Dress: $50, American Eagle; shoes: $40 Designer Shoe Warehouse 5. Shirt: $20, Target; jeans: $15, Forever 21 6. Dress: $40, flea market; shoes: $20, Payless 7. Dress: $30, Snap; jacket: $50, American Eagle; shoes: $16, Target 8. Shirt: $20, TJ Max; jeans: $20. Target; boots: $15, Walmart
Page 4 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
fittings for fall 1.
12. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Relic Canvas Messenger Bag: $98 Ducti “High Voltage” Messenger Bag: $54.99 Nike Hayward Backpack: $44.99 Yak Pak Basic Checkered Backpack: $12.99 Mudd Mary Plaid Messenger Bag: $41.30 Chaps Mini Backpack: $62.30 JanSport SuperBreak Purple Backpack: $34.99
8. Tony Hawk Quarters Buffalo Check Backpack: $19.99 9. Unionbay Ditsy Patchwork “Love” Messenger Bag: $32.20 10. JanSport SuperBreak Block Check Backpack: $34.99 11. JanSport SuperBreak Peace Backpack: $34.99 12. Mudd Canvas Messenger Bag: $34.99 13. Mudd Messenger Bag: $60
Discounts! Discounts for local college students
Are you enrolled at Riverland Community College? Are you a high school student taking college in the schools classes or going post secondary? Do you like to buy things? This list will help you save
some pennies while shopping, eating or going out. The businesses below offer discounts for students looking to save a few bucks. Just ask for a student discount and whip out your Riverland ID card!
1. Echo Lanes: $2.75 off a game 2. Godfathers Pizza: 10 percent off your order 3. YMCA: full-time student membership for $75, part-time student membership for $110 4. The Pizza Ranch: 10 percent off your order 5. Taco Bell: 10 percent off your order 6. Quizno’s: 20 percent off order on Fridays only 7. Papa Murphy’s: $3 off an order
All backpacks can be found at Kohl’s
8. The Chapel tattoo parlor: 10 percent off 9. Cinema 7: movies are $5.25 on Tuesdays 10. Maurice’s: 10 percent off after getting a Maurice’s credit card 11. Shopko: 15 percent off on Teacher Appreciation Day — teachers only! 12. Anytime Fitness: special rates for college students 13. Big Island Grille & Bar: 10 percent off order and a free soft drink
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 5
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ A∆ B∆ B∆ Y∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
6. 6.
E R I N 8.
Back to school. Those three words can send a variety of emotions running through your body. But let’s all agree on one thing: whether you’re a boy or a girl, with heading back to the old grind comes adding to your wardrobe. Colleen and Kessa decided to hold a photo shoot at the Tribune featuring two local fashionistas to try to capture the latest style that the textile industry is throwing our way. Abby Pleiss, 17, and Erin Murtaugh, 16, graciously agreed to be our models. These are pictures capturing their many different styles with the latest trendy outfits. Also listed are which store the attire was bought at and how much it cost. You may find that buying high quality things doesn’t have to be high-priced.
Where to get the look: 1. Dress: $30, Charlotte Russe 2. Shirt: $30; Len, jeans: $40, American Eagle; boots: Target $20 3. Shirt: $40, Urban Outfitters; jeans: $40, American Eagle 4. Dress: $50, American Eagle; shoes: $40 Designer Shoe Warehouse 5. Shirt: $20, Target; jeans: $15, Forever 21 6. Dress: $40, flea market; shoes: $20, Payless 7. Dress: $30, Snap; jacket: $50, American Eagle; shoes: $16, Target 8. Shirt: $20, TJ Max; jeans: $20. Target; boots: $15, Walmart
Page 6 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 3
What would you put in a time capsule? We asked a number of seniors what item they would put in a time capsule to represent themselves, their
class or their generation. We then went to The Children’s Center and asked a number of kindergartners what they
would put in a time capsule. Below are the contrasting results.
Photos of seniors: submitted Photos of kindergartners by Kessa Albright
Corbin Schultz
Jensen Goodell
Megan Bos
Derek Burkard
Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Because clothing changes and it’d be interesting to see what people were wearing.
iPod. Because it would encompass everything: recent technology, fashion trends and songs of this time period.
Track spikes. Because track is my main thing in high school.
Soccer cleats. Because I’ve been in soccer since seventh grade.
Joe Sczublewski. Because he is my baseball coach, and I really like baseball.
My stuffed puppy. Because he’s cute.
Sam Christensen
Skateboard. Because it’s my favorite thing to do.
Forrest Engstrom
Remotecontrolled monster truck. Because it’s cool.
Isabelle Schwarz My Barbie doll, Lily. Because she has her own purse and dress.
Kalia Register
Mason Attig
A Justin Bieber CD. Because he’s my favorite singer.
A bouncy ball. Because they bounce.
Raegen Hoheisel
Brianna Bakken
Sand castle. Because I like making them.
My Elmo stuffed animal. Because I sleep with him at night.
class of 2025
Bailey Abrego
class of 2013
Sydney Frazier
Your pre-graduation Bucket list • Perform or speak in front of the entire school • Send a message in a bottle • Plant a tree • Extreme coupon • Build a giant sand castle • Carve your initials into a tree trunk • Say yes to everything for a day • Volunteer • Walk up and down Broadway holding a sign that says “Free Hugs” • Stand on a busy street corner wearing a T-shirt that says “LIFE” and hand out lemons to everyone • Go to a midnight movie premiere or movie release party • Have a food fight • Play Marco Polo in Walmart • Go a day without your phone and/or iPod • Tell someone a fake name when you meet them • Go all out for dress up week during Homecoming or Winterfest • Get a job at a ‘greasy spoon’ to make cash on the weekends • Paint your body red and blue for a sporting event • Get 100 percent on an exam/test • Organize a club • Be in as many Tiger Yearbook photos as possible by being in a lot of clubs and photo-bombing other people’s photos • Get accepted into your dream school • Receive a killer scholarship • Get a drastic haircut • See your favorite band live • Be in a play • Pull an all-nighter • Save up $100 and blow it all on candy and other junk food— share with friends • Take a road trip • Go to Valleyfair • Solve a Rubik’s Cube • Get away with a practical joke • Start a blog • Have an enormous pillow fight • Be on the radio • Go up the down escalator • Jump in a pool or the lake with all your clothes on • Build a time capsule • Sleep on a roof • Prank call your best friend (and pull it off) • Try every dish at a buffet • Sell goodies outside your house like cookies, lemonade, etc. • Tie-dye a shirt • Pass a Guitar Hero song on expert • Catch a fish with your bare hands • Run or walk a marathon • Record a video and post it on YouTube • Learn a song on guitar • Dye your hair a crazy color • Make a donation to a charity • Plank in a public place • Try some eye-watering spicy food like Tabasco sauce or jalapeno peppers
Wayne O. Sletten, DDS, MSD 1206 W. Front St Albert Lea, MN • 373-1915 Member of the American Association of Orthodontists
Back-to-School Something for everyone!
Pick up your copy at the Tribune office today!
Award-winning news coverage.
Page 2 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2011 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Page 7
13 books to read before graduation
Written and Designed by:
Kessa Albright Hi there! I’d like to tell you a little bit about my good friend, Kessa Albright. She’s a summer intern at the Tribune. She moved to Albert Lea halfway through
her freshman year. She’s moved around quite a bit but is originally from Watertown, Wis. Kessa is a laid-back, fun-to-work with, all-around great girl. She’s super duper funny and has dreams of writing material for SNL — could definitely be the next Tina Fey! She’s a senior this year at Albert Lea High School. She’s the co-editor of the Ahlahasa and is involved in CIS classes and the Gay-Straight Alliance. She enjoys listening to all kinds of music and wasting time on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. She’s pretty up-to-date on technology and is a pro at Photoshop. Her hair is light brown with blonde highlights, but as of now it’s been dyed pink because the Tribune’s Facebook page got 3,000 likes! Her plans for post high school are still undecided. She works hard, and I have no doubts that she’ll tackle any problem foolish enough to face her! — Colleen Thompson, intern
Colleen Thompson
Here’s a little story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. I’d like to take a second so just sit right there as I tell you all about how I became friends with Colleen Thompson. Colleen and I were on Ahlahasa together first semester this past school year. While she was involved in about a million other activities and sports plus Ahlahasa, we became buddies. While working together this summer as interns at the Albert Lea Tribune I learned a lot about Colleen. Colleen’s favorite candy bar is Heath, and she has an appetite for Lunchables. While being hit on she giggles and tells the boy her name is Regina Phalange. Colleen watches a lot of TV shows and can reference 1,000 movies. She is a good driver but not very good with directions. She is strong in her faith, a hard worker and a smart student. I know for a fact she will be successful with whatever does in life. She is on her way to attend University of Sioux Falls in South Dakota majoring in communication. Good
Good books you probably won’t read in class
luck, my colleague, and don’t forget to call. — Kessa Albright, intern
thank you Kessa and Colleen would like to say thank you to the entire staff and readers of the Albert Lea Tribune. Everyone here has been so kind and helpful to us throughout the internship. We have learned new skills and improved old ones this summer. Time in the office was time spent having fun. From taking a break from work to laugh and talk about our favorite shows, to dyeing Kessa’s hair pink to get 3,000 likes on the Facebook page, to running across the street to get caffeine and 59 cent cookies from Kwik Trip. Even though we’ve been working hard, we have had so much fun at the Tribune. This job doesn’t even feel like a job! Thank you to the readers who read our stories. You watched our writing and photos improve over these three months. Thanks for bearing with us; you’re the reason we do this.
- Kessa Albright and Colleen Thompson
1. “Thirteen 12. “The Boy in the 13. “It’s Kind of a Reasons Why” by Jay Striped Pajamas” by Funny Story” by Ned Asher John Boyne Vizzini 2. “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson 3. “Crank” by Ellen Hopkins 4. “Go Ask Alice” by Anonymous 5. “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky 6. “Just Listen” by Sarah Dessen 7. “Looking for Alaska” by John Green 8. “Push” by Sapphire 9. “Cut” by Patricia McCormick 10. “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton 11. “Girl, Interrupted” by Susanna Kaysen
Page 8 • BACK TO SCHOOL 101 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, August 17, 2012
Test your wits! de.duc.tion [dih-duhk-shuhn] noun
•a process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the premises presented, so that the conclusion cannot be false if the premises are true. It’s common to lose quite a bit of brain cells during the summer. It’s even been said that students lost 22 percent of their previously learned knowledge during the three-month summer vacation. Deduction is a skill that students use on a daily basis and, unlike some scholastic knowledge, will continue to use. That form of logic will help you with none of these questions. Here are 13 questions that will stump the brainiest of brains:
1. If Steve is 5 years old, and Miriam is 20, how old is Stacey? 2. If time flies when you’re having fun, and watches tell time, then is tonight going to be a good night? 3. If cantaloupe is orange, and watermelon is red, what color are sparkles? 4. If a teacher speaks to a student, but the student isn’t there to hear it, has the teacher still spoken? 5. If Jenny combs her hair from bottom to top, and Cindy Boo combs her hair from top to bottom, what way does Little Becky comb hers? 6. If you are the apple to my dumpling, and the cherry to my sundae, are you my mother? 7. If dinosaurs aren’t really extinct, and dragons do indeed exist, where is Waldo? 8. If Mel has six apples, and Olga takes four away, how many chicken pot pies has Mel eaten? 9. If know the Muffin Man, and have made it to the Milky Way, how many sides are on a broken stop sign? 10. If a pitcher throws a no-hitter and there are no foul balls, is the umpire’s name spelt the same backward as it is forward? 11. If Johnny Depp is Jack Sparrow, and Keira Knightley is Elizabeth Swann, what is Orlando Bloom’s high school GPA? 12. If conjoined triplets were named Hezekiah, Zecheriah and Bezeriah, what would the father’s name be? 13. If what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and you were really born this way, then why should I call you maybe?
Friday, August 17, 2012