Page 1

154 Years... 153 Years... Masonic Lodge Western Star Lodge No. 26

Freeborn county minnesota

Box 26 Albert Lea, MN Since 1858

since 1857

145 Years... 144 Years... 144 Years... 138 Years... First Baptist

335 W. Clark St. • Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. • Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m. (Jun-Aug, 9:30 a.m.) • Tuesday Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. • Youth Activities Tuesdays 6:00 p.m.


135 Years... 134 Years...

Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.


Manchester, MN Phone: 826-3425

Dave Pederson, Mgr. In business since 1876

Graceland Cemetery W. Main & Hwy. 13 Established 1867 Non-profit Non-denominational


Since 1866

135 Years...

204 Fountain St. Albert Lea, Minn 373-3188 Since 1876

St. Theodore Catholic Church 315 E. Clark St. Sat. 5:15 pm Mass Sun. 9:30 a.m. Broadcast Mass 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass


Jim Lutgens, Editor & Publisher

379-2551 143 W. Clark Albert Lea

501 S. Washington, Albert Lea 373-2466 •  www.tlc-al.org Sunday Worship: 9:00am Sunday School: 10:30am Wednesday Worship: 5:30pm

Founded 1887 Member FDIC

Your only local monument company 1006 So. Broadway Albert Lea Phone 373-4030 In business since 1892

109 Years... 108 Years... 108 Years... Hemmingsen HILL'S Transfer GARDENS


Alden, MN Phone 874-3160 In business since 1902

507-373-7253 County 46 West

2512 W. Main Albert Lea Since 1903

Manchester Hartland Telephone Co.


Community Service Since 1903

122 E. Main St Member FDIC Since 1867 507-373-1423

(507) 863-2496 Worship: 11am Sunday School: Sept.-May 10am Rev. Cherie Daniel uccum@bevcomm.net Established 1873


130 Years... 128 Years...

Albert Lea Freeborn United Trinity Methodist Freeborn County Lutheran Church County Church 702 Highway 69 S. Chamber Of Ag Society

Olson Mfg. In Touch With You!

136 Years...

408 Main St, Freeborn, MN

Wells Fargo Bank Albert Lea

134 Years... 133 Years...

126 Years... 124 Years... 119 Years... 116 Years... 128 N Broadway New Richland, MN 507-463-8112

Freeborn Congregational United Church of Christ

www.vram.com 620 So. Broadway 373-3996 Since 1895

108 Years...

Albert Lea

Sunday Morning Alive 8:30am Faith Builders 9:30am Traditional Worship 10:45am

Since 1903

2580 Bridge Ave. 373-3938

The Voice for Business!

128 Years 2011 Freeborn County Fair Tuesday-Sunday Aug. 2 - Aug. 7

116 Years... 114 Years... 110 Years... Big Insurance Agency Jones Insurance

308 S. Broadway Downtown, Albert Lea Phone 373-2692 Since August 1, 1895

Christian & Peterson

808 W. Front St. Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1411 Albert Lea Newspapers www.albertleatribune.com

Since 1897

106 Years...

106 Years... Meeting the Health Care Needs Of Our Community for over 100 years

Sons of Norway

“Your locally owned Community Bank”

507-297-5461 Emmons, MN


373-2384 404 Fountain St. Albert Lea, MN www.almedcenter.org

Normanna Lodge No. 52 110 YEARS International Sons of Norway Box 875, Albert Lea, MN Lodge Building West of Albert Lea, next to City Arena. Since 1905 377-2533

Attorneys at Law Don A. Johnson; Phillip A. Kohl; Mark A. Anderson; John T. Hareid; Kevin H. Siefken

314 So. Broadway Phone: 373-2345 In business since 1901

105 Years... Member F.D.I.C. www.securitybankmn.com

Albert Lea • 373-1481 emmons • 297-5461

In Freeborn County Since 1906

104 Years... 103 Years... 101 Years... 101 Years... 100 Years... 100 Years... 100 Years... Motor Inn Co. Citizens Wells Drug HAYWARD Strong Hallmark Cards COOPERATIVE 2114 East Main State Bank Be Sure and Stop Agency Albert Lea 373-6439 At Our Gift Department Glenville, MN 56036 www.motorinn.com Fertilizer, Jobs Industrial Park (507) 448-3981 Inc. Ag Chemicals, In business since 924 14th Street All of

serving you!

Of Albert Lea



Seed, Grain, Feed, Tires & Batteries

Since 1910

553-3161 • Wells, MN Since 1910

Box 337, Hayward, MN Since 1911

99 Years...

98 Years...


Since 1907

100 Years...


Sophus Colstrup • 1911-1947 Sophus & Albert "Bud" Colstrup • 1947-1970 Albert "Bud" Colstrup • 1970-1979 Albert "Bud" Colstrup & James Colstrup • 1979-1998 James Colstrup • 1998-2011

Cell 507-369-3374

92 Years...

Twin Lakes, MN 56089 (507) 852-2415

• C o m p u t e r i z e d Prescription Processing • UPS Delivery Station • Kodak Kiosk

92 Years...

99 Years... MEMBER FDIC

HARTLAND, MN 845-2233 FREEBORN, MN 863-2371 ALBERT LEA, MN 373-1945 Since 1912

92 Years...

Comfort Specialists since 1912

1430 Frank Avenue Albert Lea Phone 373-2264 Since 1912

92 Years...

209 So. Washington Phone 373-3062

Albert Lea 373-2396

In business since 1911.

Since 1911

97 Years...

Credit Bureau of Albert Lea

Men's, Young Men's & Ladies Apparel, Uniforms, Tuxedos

• Collections • Check Recovery • Credit Reports Brad & Vickie Edwin Owners/Managers 131 S. Newton Albert Lea, MN 56007


In business since 1913

92 Years...

94 Years...

Albert Lea Family Y 2021 West Main Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-8228 www.ymcaal.org

91 Years...

Northbridge Mall In Albert Lea Since 1917

91 Years...

Serving Albert Lea


Charitable Gambling License No. A-00213


89 Years...


Where friends meet friends

Since 1919 License #B-01304-001


88 Years...

Not sure what to do next?

Let us help. Albert Lea/Ellendale New Richland




Farm & Garden Seed for Family Farms

373-3161 1414 West Main www.alseed.com Since 1923

Charitable Gambling License No. A-00300

88 Years...

“Always providing quality service to the construction industry.”

1410 Olsen Dr. Phone 373-6650

Mick Delger Cal Johnson

www.albertleaelectric.com Original business started in 1919

85 Years...

Welcome to Worship Sunday, 8:00am Traditional 9:30am Contemporary 11:00am Blended Thursday, 6:30p.m.

Since 1919 •  www.flcal.org

84 Years...

Motor Supply Co. Peterson, Savelkoul & Benda Ltd. Attorneys at Law

211 So. Newton • 373-6491 www.albertlealaw.com

Richard N. Davies (of counsel) Henry J. Savelkoul (of counsel), Douglas R. Peterson, Donald W. Savelkoul, Matthew L. Benda, Daniel L. Kolker, Stephanie A. Haedt Since 1923


First Lutheran Church 301 W. Clark • 373-6424

Bus Depot: Ole’s East Side Shell 2222 East Main Albert Lea 507-373-6814

84 Years...

Asphalt Paving • Site Grading Road & Driveway Construction

Albert Lea 373-1960 Also available a wide variety of aggregate & landscaping stone for pickup or delivery

84 Years... Represented since 1927

Shannon Steensma CLU, ChFC, CFP®

1651 Olsen Drive Albert Lea

373-3981 Since 1926

Hollandale • 507-889-4311 Albert Lea • 507-373-5500 www.producestatebank.com Member FDIC

Since 1926

Roger M. Nelson CLU, MDRT

206 N. Broadway Ave.


Page 2 — Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down 82 Years...

82 Years...

Original Business started in 1929– Under New Ownership Since May, 1985 www.bergdalehd.com

Has your business or organization been around for 70+ years? This spot could be yours in 2011!

73 Years... Eddie's Bar and Lounge 719 Marshall Albert Lea, MN Since 1938

67 Years...

John Doppelhammer Bob Weiser

2046 Sorensen Rd. P. O. Box 246 Albert Lea, MN 373-6122 In business since 1929

76 Years... Call us today to find out how digital printing can take your direct mail marketing to the next level: the individual

1731 Margaretha (507) 373-6485

www.churchoffset printing.com

73 Years...

You'll find it at


1902 East Main St. Albert Lea , MN 373-3944 Since 1938

67 Years...

Albert Lea Steel, Inc.

2620 YH Hanson Ave. Albert Lea Phone 373-5101

1126 S. Broadway Albert Lea

64 Years... an


507 W. Front St. & 902 East Main Albert Lea, MN 56007

377-2102 Since 1947 www.almco.com

62 Years... 18 Holes Open To The Public 101 E. Richway Drive Albert Lea Phone 373-1061 www.greenlea.com Business started in 1949.

60 Years...

Knutson Oil Co. Glenville & Hayward

448-3914 Since 1951

Do you want this spot? Call 379-9850 today!

57 Years...

broadway care assisted living 507-373-2909 512 S. Broadway Ave (Individualized Care, Home like atmosphere)

Since 1954 Annabelle Frazier, Administrator Linda Waalkens, RN


265-3235 Conger, MN Since 1930


78 Years...

ALBERT LEA BUS COMPANY 1407 St. John Ave. Albert Lea Phone 373-1467 In business since 1947

61 Years...

Highway 109 Wells, Minnesota 507-553-3121 1-800-788-6442 In Business Since 1936

72 Years...

316 Main Court Albert Lea, MN


Treating well water since 1939

67 Years...

Ag Power Enterprises

Serving South Central Minnesota with John Deere Ag & Consumer Equipment Belle Plaine, Hollandale, Owatonna, Waseca

63 Years...

“Building the Future By Preserving the Past” 63 Years of Preserving, Interpreting & Displaying the History of Freeborn County.

1031 Bridge Avenue Albert Lea, MN Incorporated 1948

61 Years... ALBERT LEA



Local 1041

International Assn. of Firefighters AFL-CIO, CLC 221 East Clark Albert Lea

Since Dec. 22, 1949

59 Years...

Just Like Home Place 310 E. Clark 373-0975

2014 East Main Albert Lea Phone 373-8231 In business since 1951

58 Years... Moose Lodge #1703 Family Center 373-2106

1623 W. Main ST. Dining W & F, 6-7:30pm February is our 58th Anniversary

56 Years... Borderline

Siding & Window Company Kiester, Minnesota

Laurie & Rollie Keyeski Owners since Aug. 2000

Assisted Living

58 Years...

74 Years...

Alden Shoe & Clothing

163 N. Broadway • Alden


Specializing in Red Wing

Slippers ~ Oxfords Hikers ~ Workboots Hunting Boots ~ Overshoes Key work clothing Owners: Steve & Dee Peterson

56 Years...

Bridley Auto Salvage

Gordonsville, MN

Free Estimates

Phone 448-2905

Business started in 1954 After 56 years, Dwayne handed over the reins to

Mike Gaines!

76 Years...


Serving you at 2 locations Conger & Northbridge Mall Jeremy & Darcy Johnson Since 1935


2501 E. Main, Albert Lea www.fmcs.coop YOUR LOCAL CHOICE

1633 W. Main Albert Lea 373-2338 Since 1937

72 Years... Hemenway Iron Works and security storage

72 Years...

Eagles Club Celebrating 74 years of people helping people Gambling Lic. #000-60-001 Bingo weekly

“Your client first law firm” 137 N. Broadway Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1409 office@goldmansturtz halvorsen.com

72 Years...

Starting at $30/month Hayward, MN Phone 373-0465 Struc. Steel, Misc. Metals, Ornamental Iron, Ornamental Gazebos

Earning your trust day by day.

Original business started in 1939

294-3244 373-6418 Kiester Albert Lea

67 Years...

66 Years...


Greg Jensen/383-1067 Beau Jensen/402-0553 Amy Willett/373-5660 Odean Jerdee/383-1402 In business since 1944

63 Years... Morrison Well Drilling Co.

Martin Well Drilling

495-4th Ave. S. E. Wells, Minnesota (507) 553-3958

In business since 1945

61 Years... Trading Post

59 Years... 148 S. Broadway

Albert Lea • 373-1486 FREE Prescription Delivery www.sterlingdrug.com

Serving the Austin &  Albert Lea Areas

58 Years..


Albert Lea • Austin Mason City www.stadheimjewelers.com

North Central Welding Materials & Industrial Supplies 2417 Myers Rd. Albert Lea 373-2411

377-4284 971 Plaza St Albert Lea

Since 1946

Since 1946

Steele Body Shop



Terry Peterson, Owner Since 1948

61 Years...

B & B Cafe

321 Sibley, Albert Lea

Now serving liquor with off-sale 3/2 beer 721 Marshall


Owners: Dave & Candy Reisewitz Formerly The Cubby Hole

Closed Sundays

61 Years... Providing trucking services

Becker Hi-Way Frate

Clint & Holly Miller Owner/Operators

2401 Becker Drive Albert Lea Phone 373-8513

Original business started October, 1950

Since 1950


59 Years...

Since 1952

Room The Elbow

"Best Hamburgers In Town"


310 8th Street Albert Lea, MN

58 Years... Christian Communities of Care

"Known For Fine Diamonds" Since 1953

56 Years...

56 Years...

373-1301 312 Front St. Albert Lea

61 Years...



• WHIRLPOOL • MAYTAG • KITCHENAID • AMANA P.O. Box 150, Geneva 256-7258 8-8 M, Th; 8-5 T, W, F 8:30-3:00 Sat


Vic & Mary are back

6 oz Steak ��������������������������������������������$9.85 12 oz. New York Strip �����������������������$13.15 Prime Rib, Queen �����������������������������$12.05 Prime Rib, King ��������������������������������$15.35 Shrimp Dinner ����������������������������������$12.05 Steak & Shimp �����������������������������������$13.15

R oom 57 Years... 57 Years... The Elbow

310 8th Street • 373-1836

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7am-4pm Fri.-Sat. 7am-8:30p.m.

Conger Liquor Store

Where Friends Get Together

512 E. 7th St Albert Lea


55 Years...


Years Built On 377-2000 TRUST

Fireplace Gallery

Friday & Saturday


“We’re the ys” insurance gu

65 Years...

62 Years...

Gordonsville, Minn. Phone 448-3302 Serving You For 61 Years Business started in 1950

65 Years...

63 Years...


Since 1948

Business established in 1939

63 Years...

1313 James Avenue Freeborn, MN 863-2455

1415 Hwy 13 N •  373-4330

Serving Albert Lea and the surrounding area for 72 years. Locally owned & operated


373-1813 or 294-3622

In business since 1954


1909 E. Main, Albert Lea

74 Years...



60 Years...


53 1st Street, SW • Wells, MN 507-553-3151 Since 1934 ---2630 Bridge Ave • Albert Lea 507-373-7227 Since 1987 ---Nelson’s County Market 1619 W. Main St • Albert Lea 507-373-9889 Since 2003


SHOFF C Promoting health and wellness since 1950

Celebrating our 5th Year in Albert Lea

Hours: Mon—Wed 9—6 Thurs 9—7; Fri 9—6; Sat 9—5; Sun 12—4

77 Years...


Since 1944

64 Years...

1619 Blake Ave. Albert Lea 373-6500

75 Years...


Krieger Beverage Company

Locally owned and in business since 1944

81 Years...

Built-Rite Mfg., Inc.

BERGDALE HARLEY-DAVIDSON 905 Plaza Phone 373-5236

81 Years...

We are measured by the company we keep

Conger, MN 507-265-3325 Since 1954

55 Years...

Fleet Farm Supply of Albert Lea, Inc.

Protecting you since 1956 with only the best companies 1606 E Main St, Albert Lea


310 Main Court Phone 373-7067 Local family owned business since 1956

Down Through the Years 55 Years... Ring Cabinet & Remodeling 711 3rd Avenue S. Phone 373-8569 Jim Ring, Owner Cabinet Work And Remodeling Of All Kinds

53 Years...

Clarks Grove Hardware 256-7249 Clarks Grove, MN

Serving you since March 1, 1958

50 Years...

Barry Jacobson Trucking

Albert Lea 507-373-3684

48 Years...

53 Years...

54 Years... P ar






rt i





Leasing Retail/Office Space

52 Years... Albert Lea Art Center & Art On Broadway Gift Shop

224 S. Broadway P.O. Box 313

Art in the Heart of the City



50 Years...

Commercial Cleaning

1808 Viking Ave 507-373-5718 Marcia Stoneking



Reader's Choice for pizza 7 years running!

702 Highway 69 South Albert Lea Phone 373-6712 Originally started in 1962 Now accepting registration for Fall 2011

46 Years...

45 Years...

126 W Clark • Albert Lea Now delivering at lunch!

V ogt D


3004 Lake Chapeau Dr. Albert Lea, MN


Since Feb. 1, 1965

44 Years... COMPANIES • Travel • Vacations • Embroidery & Advertising • Specialty Coffee

130 West Clark Albert Lea, Mn 373-2473 In Business Since 1967

43 Years...

Gifts & Antiques 222 East Clark St. Albert Lea, MN 373-4258 gifts_antiques. tripod.com

42 Years...

Poole Electric

721 W. Clark Albert Lea 373-8595 In Business Since March 1969

A part of Albert Lea since 1966

44 Years... EZ Rental & Party Service, llc 209 S. St. Peter Avenue Albert Lea, MN 373-8026 John Butler Harriet Hemenway, Owners “In Business Since 1967”

South Central MN Youth For Christ

“The Rock” 373-1015


47 Years...

45 Years...

Tom & Mary Ferleman, Owners

Since 1966

44 Years...


143 E. Main St., Box 171, Albert Lea, MN 56007

Tel 507.373.8216 Fax 507.373.6220 www.iscfinancialadvisors.com


Join us on Saturdays for Bar Bingo

Charitable gambling license #A00423005

49 Years...

373-4322 224 S. Broadway

Since 1966

1318 E. Main Albert Lea • 373-0965

Watch for the Spring Fling June 3 & 4

49 Years... Fully Insured Prompt Service


ST. John's Freezer lutheran home & Warehouse Co. knutson place 901 Luther Place 820 E. Thirteenth St. Albert Lea Albert Lea, Minnesota 373-8226 373-1477 In business since 1962

Service Since 1962

46 Years...


45 Years...

• Ballet • Jazz • Tap • Pointe

45 Years... Architects & Civil Engineers 907 SYKES STREET Albert Lea 507-373-0689

www.JoyceMatthies Dance.com

44 Years...

Since 1966

43 Years...

Since June 1967

Southside Barber Shop

Dr. Wayne Sletten

Gary Thompson 220 East 7th Street Albert Lea, MN

Over 44 years creating smiles & health 1206 W. Front


Tuesday-Friday • 7-5

373-1101 In Business Since 1968

43 Years...

2310/2320 E. Main St., Albert Lea 373-1438

42 Years...

238 S. Broadway 369-0205 Hayward, MN • Paintings & Drawings • Pottery • Dolls • Antiques

ELOISE & JACK ADAMS Open Daily Since 1969

Hugh O'Byrne

Serving the Freeborn County area as your Realtor® and Auctioneer

373-8966 Since 1969

40 Years...

Hill, Larson, Walth & Benda

42 Years... Kelley Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling, LLC 923 So. Broadway In business since 1969

373-6263 Master Plumber #058063PM

40 Years...



1655 W Main St Skyline Plaza Albert Lea, MN

200 North Broadway hugh@c21obyrne.com

In business since March 1971


www.thompsonelectric ofalbertlea.com

129 E. Clark 373-9336 Bill & Mark Malepsy "We cut hair the way you like it!" Thank You For Your Patronage! Since 1960

48 Years... Pederson Industrial Sales Stocking Distributor of Nationally known brand items for the Industrial Trade


Since 1963


2340 Hendrickson Rd. Albert Lea • 373-0946

Another Exciting Season!

Professional Tax Service Since 1965

For ticket information, call 377-4371. Since 1965

44 Years...


Kampground 84259 Co. Rd. 46 Hayward, MN

Serving Albert Lea/ Austin area since 1967

43 Years...

Albert Lea Senior Center Skyline Plaza

Day trips, 500 Bridge, Yoga, Aerobics, Billiards, Support Groups & much more

507-826-3357 Now offering Waterjet Cutting Services

43 Years... 2424 Myers Rd



Call for a competitive quote

43 Years...

43 Years...

Membership $30

377-8904 709 Wilson St. Albert Lea, MN Selling Insurance Since 1968

42 Years...

2006 East Main Albert Lea, MN 373-6475 Now Serving Margaritas Serving People Since 1969

39 Years... an

310 2nd Ave SW Albert Lea

Bill & Mark's Barber Shop

Dennis & Brad Haugen, Owners "Complete, Competent Construction Work" In business since 1962

In Business Since 1968

42 Years...

51 Years...

601 West College Phone 373-1316

46 Years...

800 4th Ave S. • 377-4375 alhra@smig.net

Phone 373-4135 1103 Hershey St.

County Rd. 46 E., Albert Lea, MN

Next to Wok n Roll Buffet




49 Years...

Northaire Industrial Park

In business since 1958

51 Years...

Joyce Matthies Lake Mills Dance Centre Care 377-1183 Center 707 W. Clark St.

406 S. 10th Ave. E. Lake Mills, IA 641-592-4900

1400 State Street South Waseca, MN 56093 (507) 835-1700 Fax: (507) 835-1980

Small & Large Animal Services

Glenville Plumbing & Heating 448-2902 491 Center Avenue Glenville, Minn. Since 1964

Thomas Metzdorff, D.V.M. Scott Lang, D.V.M. Carey Prigge, D.V.M

Thomas Lang, D.V.M. Dennis Nelson, D.V.M. Michael Bjorklund, D.V.M. Jennifer Bauer, D.V.M. P.O. Box 30 • 28088 770th Ave. Clarks Grove, MN 56016 (507) 256-7237 Fax: (507) 256-7611

LYLE BIRD MONUMENTS 406 Center St., Freeborn, MN • 507-863-2275 All SUNBURST MEMORIALS are fully guaranteed! We also do any additional lettering desired on your monument. In business since 1959

50 Years...

53 Years...

Clarks Grove -Waseca Veterinary Clinic L.L.P.

Your memorial can be personalized with: *Bronze * Portraits * Etchings * Photos * Vases * Statues

In business since May 1968

1109 S. Broadway Phone 373-1696

53 Years...

52 Years...

220 Elizabeth, Albert Lea Phone 373-2828

Stevens Window & Hardware

53 Years...

On the Right Track Since 1958 P.L.L.P. Savings, Checking, Debit & Credit Cards, Loans, Direct Deposit, 135 South Broadway Payroll Deduction, Plus more Albert Lea, MN. 610 S. Broadway • 377-1863 373-2451 www.tradesandlabor.com Since 1958

43 Years...

42 Years...

We are measured by the company we keep

Hammer Dieser & Mangskau,

In business since 1961

48 Years...

Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011 — Page 3



507-889-2088 304 Central Ave. N. Hollandale, MN

Anti-fatigue matting Matting for Commercial & Industrial Applications Entry matting for residential

41 Years...

1725 E. Main Albert Lea, MN 373-2444 Since 1970

39 Years...


505 W. Front St

Complete Refinishing Insurance Estimates Foreign & Domestic

Albert Lea, MN 56007 Since 1972 www.lou-rich.com

920 S. Washington Albert Lea, MN


Since May 1972

Page 4 — Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down 40 Years...

Albert Lea Radiator & Cooling Systems, llc 214 Elizabeth 507-377-1291 Auto Air Conditioning, Radiator, Heater Repair, Sales and Service New and Recoring Aluminum, Plastic Repair, Radiator Repair and Sales, Gas Tank Repair

39 Years...

Senior Court 915 Maplehill Drive Albert Lea, MN 507-373-5391

"Best Place To Take a Leak"

Providing elderly housing since 1971

38 Years...

38 Years...

Travis Reichl

38 Years... 38 Years... DAVE’S AUTO SERVICE 101 W. Main, Lake Mills, IA

(641) 592-9951 Since 1973

38 Years...

TOM Wentzler’s Painting

37 Years... • Unique Home Decor & Gift Ideas • Cards • Fresh & Silk Flowers for all occasions • And much more


216 S. Broadway Ave Albert Lea

37 Years... Elmer's Body Shop Dave & Tom • 553-5914

37 Years... Skyline Plaza

373-2338 Since 1974


Caring for children is the choice of the Day Care Providers. Therefore, the safety, growth and development of the child is our primary concern.

Since 1975

For FREE Referrals


34 Years... Your Awards & Recognition Headquarters • Plaques • Class Rings • Screen Printing • Engraving • Embroidery

507-373-3773 919 W. Main St. • Albert Lea, MN Since March 1977

34 years of serving the area

32 Years...

37 Years...

37 Years...

Albert Lea Tax & Peterson Tax Service


1201 Garfield Ave. Albert Lea (507) 373-2311 Since 1974

502 S. Broadway Phone 377-1625 In business since December, 1974

Wells, MN Since 1974

36 Years...



35 Years...

R&S Racing Award winning engines since 1976 1025 South Broadway

Phone 373-5907

Performance Parts & Machine In business since February, 1976

33 Years...

35 Years... FAMILY  STORE M-F 10am-6pm Sat 9am-5pm Come shop where your purchases help others!

416 Bridge Ave.

33 Years...


35 Years...

32 Years...

Equipment 1437 Academy Albert Lea, MN


Al & Brenda

505 East Main Albert Lea, MN • 373-0636 In Albert Lea Since June, 1978

32 Years...

Since 1973

37 Years...

DALE HALLUM INSULATION 75228 255th St. Clarks Grove 826-3429 In business since September, 1972

37 Years...

Do you want to feel better?

J.K. Ehrhard J.A. Ehrhard

JKE Enterprises 1320 Crestview Rd. Albert Lea, MN 373-8041 www.shaklee.net/jeri

34 Years...

General Contractor Joe Johnston Alex Johnston • Commercial 373-2353 373-1887 • Industrial/Manufacturing Troy Irvine David Kramer Jr • Retail/Service 373-0668 373-9050

Member SIPC 507-373-6645 Since December 1975

33 Years...

Excavating, LLC

1409 Eberhart

Performance exhaust work Window tinting, spray bed liners, custom graphics, remote starts

& Septic Tank Pumping

507-377-3577 Since 1978

PO Box 507, Albert Lea, MN 56007


33 Years...

373-3365 2011 E. Main Albert Lea


Since 1978

Since 1978

31 Years...

Dinah's Style, Inc. 405 East William, Albert Lea, MN • 507-373-3822

18 private rooms offering hair care, massage, permanent cosmetics, derma rolling and airbrush tanning. Since 1980

31 Years...

31 Years... Jan Mattson,


Plan Your Parties at Bend In The Road



Manchester, MN Opened 4/5/09 with new owners Bass & Mule! Since 1980

30 Years...

O’Byrne Realty, Inc. 200 N. Broadway, Albert Lea www.c21obyrne.com

30 Years...

Albert Lea Trailer Service TIRE & SERVICE 1353 SE Broadway

2101 Consul Ave. Phone 377-1671

In business since March 1981

373-6469 Since 1982


Fax: 377-7776 519 Adams • Albert Lea Since 1979

31 Years...


34 Years...

“We have built our reputation on dependability and customer service.”

31 Years...


Family owned since 1979.

31 Years...

L&D Ag Service

377-1667 1430 W. Main Albert Lea, MN Since May 1980

408 Broadway We Deliver! • 373-7574 1018 S. Broadway

30 1/2 Years... 30 Years...

Located Next to Farmers State Bank in Freeborn

Phone 863-2202 Fish • Birds • Gameheads • Rugs Craig Christenson Owner since 1977

32 Years...



Hartland, MN 507-845-2100

30 Years...

DEWEY KRUGER Williamson MUSIC Body Shop

Piano & Organ Sales & Service

641-324-1300 1-800-933-5830 dewey@ deweykruger music.com

448-3371 221 East Main Glenville, MN

715 Central Ave., Northwood, IA www.deweykrugermusic.com Since 1981

Since 1981

30 Years...

29 Years...


Committed to the quality of life & services for people with disabilities since 1979.


Since Feb. 1981

Col. O. C. Johnson Auctioneer

507-826-3443 72868 255th St. Albert Lea, MN Since Feb. 24, 1974

36 Years...

New Richland Care Center

Caring & sharing since 1975

507-465-3292 www.newrichland carecenter.com

34 Years...

1137 S. Broadway 377-3704 The Martin family and employees appreciate our loyal customers for the last 30 years Business in Albert Lea Since March 1981

Rick Mummert

377-3174 or 383-5773

505 Pilot Street Albert Lea, MN rick.mummert@ gmail.com

32 Years...

Jamie A. Kyllo Attorney At Law

373-4680 202 West Clark St. Albert Lea Since Nov. 1979

Lawn Mowing Service


Mowing Garden & Lawn Tilling Hedge & Bush Trimming Spring Power Raking/ Dethatching Creating quality lawns since 1980.

30 Years Experienced... Albert Lea Dental Clinic

Dr. Robert Herold 1206 W. Front St., Albert Lea


29 Years...

Expires: 5/31/11 • Since 1981


31 1/2 Years...

Denny Olson

$1 off 5 Piece Tender Combo


Since 1979

Leave your lawn care to

1147 S. Broadway

15694 717th Ave Albert Lea, MN

373-0952 1515 Blake Ave. Albert Lea

31 Years...

Ken's Service • Auto Repair • Engine & Transmission Installation • Tires, Brakes, & Exhaust 226 E. Clark St. Albert Lea, MN

37 Years...

Taxidermy Studio

32 Years...

Specialize in spray, fertilizer, & precision ag equipment

30 Years...

320-7000 Since March 1975

In business since 1973

Complete collision repair services for any insurance company.

Options, Futures, Silver, Gold & Platinum

In business since Nov. 1, 1980

909 16th Street Albert Lea

Elm Cares


510 W. Richway Dr. Albert Lea, MN Phone 373-2786 800-944-8540 Arnold W. Mulso LUTCF

36 Years...

• Seamless Siding & Gutters RE/MAX  • Metal Roofing • Windows Properties • Leaf Protection Systems 412 E. William, Albert Lea, MN 603 S. 1st Ave. Office: 377-2752 Albert Lea 373-3435

32 Years...


ING  Financial Partners

Since December 1973 www.mrsgerrys.com

Albert Lea • Rochester Owatonna • Mason City


Commercial • Industrial Farm • Home

2708 North Bridge Ave.

2110 Y. H. Hanson Ave. The Best in Salads and Mashed Potatoes

Now serving 4 locations


TRUCKING Al Weisert Store Director

37 Years...

1900 Sorensen Rd. Albert Lea

Emelie & Jim Paulson, Realtors®


Low Prices All day, Everyday

Interstate Motor Trucks, Inc.




38 Years...

Brooks Safety

Since July 15, 1972

Since 1973

"Professional Portraits of People by Peoble"

38 Years...

128 So. Garfield Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3551 Towing, Recovery & Crane Business


2134 Highland Albert Lea, MN

We are measured by the company we keep

29 Years...

Senior Tower 905 Maplehill Drive Albert Lea, MN 507-373-6622

Providing elderly housing since 1981

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down 30 Years...

Com-Tec Mobile Radio 101 1st Ave SW Glenville, MN

448-3717 Since 1981

29 Years...

30 Years... Skyline Plaza

1619 W. Main St


Higher Standards, Lower Prices

28 Years... Complete Mechanical Repair

• exhaust • brakes • steering & suspension • tune-ups

803 South Broadway Albert Lea, MN

507-373-1016 Since 1983

27 Years...

R&R MINI STORAGE 2409 Myers Road

Larry and Barb Rognes

R & R

Albert Lea, MN 56007 (507)-377-8073 96 Total Units Since 1984

26 Years...


Our Best Salespeople Are Clients

Garry Matthies, CLU,CHFC

507-373-9280 1635 W. Main Skyline Plaza, Albert Lea

29 Years...

28 Years...

373-1401 Since Sept. 3, 1982

28 Years...

Short Stop A one-stop convenience store Highway 65 South



Thomas A. Leland

Since 1983

27 Years...

Van Wilgen Farm Drainage

28218 870th Ave. Hollandale, MN 507-889-8071


Since 1985

26 Years...


25 Years...

26 Years...

E LECTRIC & M OTOR EARING B SERVICE Baldor Motors and Drives On Call 24 Hours

CALL 377-0032 Albert Lea, Minnesota

26 Years...


802 E. Main St. Albert Lea, MN Since May 2, 1985 www.dominos.com

24 Years...

Jan Jerdee 373-2804

23 Years...

Car, Audio, Security & Mobile Electronics Sales, Service, Installations & Consultations

Factory & Brand Name Systems • Electronics Industry Association Certified Master Installer Afternoon, Evenings & Weekends by Appointment.

1313 Southview Lane Albert Lea Since 1986

23 Years...

THE CAR CLINIC 919 West Main Albert Lea


(507) 377-1835

Auto Motor Service Brakes, Exhaust Tune-Ups Electrical & Computer

Since 1988

June 9, 1987

23 Years... Auto & all other lines

Rick Goemann

All Lines of Insurance 501 W Center St. Kiester, MN

507-294-3458 866-278-1467 Since 1988

23 Years...

27 Years... Royal Lawn Service Albert Lea, MN 507-373-2217

105 W. Main Clarks Grove 507-256-7596


Luanna Lahner, Owner LeAnn Juveland Nancy Contrell Kathy Schultz Gwen Plantage Sue Evenson Marva Gullord Sue Lackey T.J. Butler

26 Years... “Complete Mail Campaigns at Great Savings” Specializing in understanding and working with postal regulations

B&B Pallets

Specializing In Buying, Selling & Repairing Pallets

Since 1987

Landscaping, Design, Supplies & Installation Andy & Cherie Seuser, Owners

23 Years... Hometown Broadcasting KQAQ, KQPR 96.1 FM The Only Locally Owned Station in the Area


Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-9600 Contest Line: (507) 373-9401

Since 1988


1801 E. Main, Albert Lea

Elaine Garr Edie Woitas Paula Dahl Delores Steele Alisa Rolands Angy Carson Pam Quinlivan Norena Brekke Dawn Knutson

Nancy VanderWaerdt, LUTCF, FSS Providing Insurance and Financial Services 377-0227 505 Bridge, Albert Lea www.nancyvw.net

27 Years...

Creative Hair Family Hair Care

~Cuts, Perms, Colors & Highlights~


611 Albert Lea St, Albert Lea Since 1989

Since Aug. 24, 1988

26 Years... Northbridge Mall Albert Lea, MN



Quality clothing, furniture, antiques & glassware Since Nov. 1, 1988

(507) 373-8523 1-800-732-8523 410 Bridge Ave. Albert Lea, Minn. www.bensfloral.com In Business Since September 1988

28 Years...


It's been an honor and a privilege to serve you for over 28 years! Thanks Albert Lea!

Dave & Jolinda Schreiber

Albert Lea, MN


Everybody drives a used car Chuck Zoller, Owner Jeff Zoller, Salesman Barry Heine, Salesman Rick Zoller, Salesman

Since June 1982

Make it an Ace!

28 Years... JB & V's SERVICE

JB & Vicki Evans Commercial/ Residential Painters 123 Brent Dr., Albert Lea 507-383-1916 507-383-9191


27 Years...

Holland Auction & Real Estate


Tracy Holland

507-684-2955 201 E. Clark St. 5801 SW 128th Street Ellendale, MN Since Jan. 19, 1984 www.hollandauction.com

26 1/2 Years...

Westrum Truck & Body Inc. New & Used Grain Trailers, Used Semi Tractors

1907 E. Main, Albert Lea



P Prairie Profiles Tuesdays in the Trib

25 Years... rick Furniture Downtown Albert Lea • 507-373-2514

Shopping hours: M-F 10-9 Sat 10-6; Sun 12-5

Nice People, Nice Store

24 Years...

373-1005 • 2517 Bridge Ave

Tax professional since 1983


I-90 & Bridge Ave.


Albert Lea

507-377-9344 Since Jan. 1, 1984

26 Years...

New to You Consignment 123 N. Broadway


Laurie Boyer Owner

26 Years...

1811 E. Main Albert Lea 507-373-2638

Serving Albert Lea Since 1985

25 Years...


lothing are enter


116 So. Washington Albert Lea Since 1986

24 Years...

23 Years...


Cemetery Association

Full Service Cemetery (Full & cremation burial vaults, bronze on granite memorial markers, artificial flowers, live wreaths & perpetual care)

17544 Hwy. 65 S Albert Lea, MN

202 South Broadway Albert Lea, MN 373-3925 1-800-339-7115 Larry & Sandra Fisher

Since Nov. 1987

Since July 7, 1987

A Resting Place of Natural Beauty and Perpetual Care



23 Years... Western Rentals 1801 E. Main Albert Lea


Cherie Seuser, Owner Since April 3, 1988

Sather Engineering

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

Since Dec. 1, 1982

227 S. Broadway

22 1/2 Years... 22 1/2 Years... 22 Years... 106 W. Clark

29 Years...

PO⇣Box 154 Clarks Grove, MN 56016

I appreciate all my present & previous clients for all their support. New clients welcome!

21956 733rd Ave Some business &  Albert Lea, MN holiday hours vary 507-377-1578 www.northbridgemall.com

24 Years...


28 Years... 27 Years...

26 Years... 25 Years... CALLAHAN'S

Since June 1987


SINCE 1983

Since Sept. 30, 1985

1420 W. Main, Albert Lea, MN

23 Years...



21751 620th Ave Alden, MN 56009 874-3364 Bruce J. Niebuhr, Owner


RWP Building Materials 413 W. Main St. Geneva, MN 507.256.7580 M-F 7:30am-5:00pm

1731 Margaretha Avenue


Thompson Sanitation Service


Store Hours: Open 7 days a week 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

Hair Mary Go Round Shoppe Designers, Etc. Skyline Plaza • 373-7443

28 Years...

Since November 1982

"For a Beautiful Lawn"

1401 West 9th Street

“Experience The Share Our Passion. Difference In Arctic Cat Auto Service”

October 1st & 2nd, 2011 1-800-658-2526 Bancroft Bay City Park

28 Years...

Serving In Albert Lea Since 1983

Since 1985

25 Years...


22967 Trailside Way, Albert Lea

Cliff Wuerflein


2200 Y.H. Hanson Ave Albert Lea

Craig and Marcia Rayman

Free Estimates Call Today


Custom Framing & Gallery 228 S. Broadway Albert Lea, MN • 377-0848 In Business Since 1983


26 Years...

101 So. Broadway Phone 373-4366 Locally Owned By: Gary Hillman


702 13th Street 377-2526

Professional Turf Care

131 W. College St.

28 Years...

29 Years... Albert Lea’s Oldest and Only Locally Owned

Since December, 1982



26 Years...

Cell: 383-7611 Toll Free: 1-888-373-8963 tmfox@charter.net

Glenville • 448-3547 E-85 & blender pumps available 24 hr pay-at-pump Since 1983

29 Years...

Terry Fox, Realtor®

SINCE 1981


377-2290 1907 E. Main St. Albert Lea

We are measured by the company we keep

30 Years... 30 Years...

Dave's Phone Booth

2751 E. Main Love's Travel Center 377-2704 Hrs: 8am-2am Monday-Sunday Since 1982

Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011 — Page 5

Industrial Controls Electrical Contracting

Huge Inventory of PLCS, controls and sensors below wholesale prices

507-339-2892 2009 Stevens St Albert Lea Since 1989

23 Years... Northbridge Mall 507-377-8515 Since 1988

22 Years... REINERTSON’S  EMBROIDERY 127 S. Broadway 373-0751

Embroidery, Screen printing, Jackets, Hats, Business Logos, Sports, Schools, Sweatshirts, School logos

www.reinertsons embroidery.com

“THE QUALITY SHINES THROUGH” Residential & Commercial

Nick Endres 1101 8th Ave SE Austin, MN 55912 877-437-3633 • Since 1988

23 Years... Heating & Air Conditioning 24 hour emergency service

Emergency phone: 373-5166 Business Phone: 373-8435 Box 55 • Albert Lea Since 1988

22 Years...


RESTAURANT 805 East Main


Luncheon Hours: Mon-Sun 11am-3pm

Dinner Hours: Sun-Thurs: 3pm-9pm Fri & Sat: 3pm-10pm

377-8888 & 377-2035 Locally Owned Since Dec. 1989 Dine-In & Carry Out


Page 6 — Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down

22 Years...

Becoming the best parents we can be. For more information regarding education groups & all parenting groups, call 377-7665 Also serving dads & Spanish families.

22 Years...

interstate molding & mfg

Custom Plastic Injection Molding Injection Molds Rapid Prototyping 2220 Myers Rd Albert Lea, MN

Visit our World Headquarters at 200 Main Street

Manchester, MN 56007-5000


In Business Since November 1989

19 Years... 373-1000

18 Years...


625 W. Park Ave AVEDA Products 507-377-7140 or 507-402-5913

16 Years...

Country Care Boarding Kennel

"We'll give your pet the loving care it needs, while you're on the vacation you need."

Barb & Roger Hoeve

Holiday Lanes

Extreme Bowling Call for Reservations Fri 8-11pm Sat 4-6pm, 9pm-midnight


522 Prospect Ave

19 Years...

Ernie’s Canvas Products, Inc. 373-8996 Boat covers, awnings, trailer WE cover anything under the sun! 20902 782nd Ave Albert Lea Since 1992

17 Years...

Convenient Insurance Service stacey L. johnson

PO Box 328 Owatonna, MN 55060 (507) 455-5299 • (800) 533-0472 Lic#: 20416372 sljohnson3@fedins.com Call Today

Celebrating 100 years The FEDERATED Insurance Companies Home Office: 121 E. Park Sq. Owatonna, MN 55060 (507) 455-5200 • www.federatedinsurance.com


16 Years... ELAX the BACK Massage Therapy

Angela R. Nelson LMT, NCTMB


74745 255th St. Clarks Grove barbhoeve@gmail.com Since July 1995

16 Years...

77917 209th St, Albert Lea Since March 1989




16 Years...

22 Years... Klocek Electric

Residential, Farm & Commercial

Commercial Casework & Cabinetry Lake Mills, IA

302 S. Broadway Albert Lea Since April 11, 1995

377-0462 Northbridge Mall Albert Lea, MN


1414 4th Ave S Albert Lea, MN

21 Years... MN Aviation Inc.

400 Airport Rd PO Box 369 373-9265 Mike Nevins, President Flight Training Since 1990

19 Years... A Full Service Staffing Company

1-800-898-2826 373-2826 1410 West Main Albert Lea, MN In Albert Lea

Since April 1, 1992

17 Years... BARBER  COMPUTER  CONSULTANTS Margie Barber, Professional Instructor Call for a current class schedule!

119 S. Newton - Classes Albert Lea (507) 373-HELP (4357) 1-888-MARGIE B margieb@margieb.com

Since Feb. 1989

20 Years... 20 Years... Albert Lea Vineyard Church A community of faith, hope & love Serious Faith, Casual Atmosphere


419 Adams Ave.

Pastor Matt Hundley

10am Sunday Church Services Children's ministry during adult service

19 Years...


Specializing in Harley Davidson Best tire prices import & Harley Professional Head Porting Parts • Accessories • Service 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE T-F 9:00-5:30, Sat 10:00-12:00 www.interstatejunction.com 18119 750th Ave, Albert Lea


2309 Consul St. Both local & long distance carrier Refrigerated & dry freight

19 Years...


2720 Bridge Ave.

(Next to Hy-Vee & Applebee’s)

I-90 at Bridge Avenue Albert Lea, MN Largest furniture retailer in the upper midwest

Sealy • Simmons Stearns & Foster • Tempurpedic La-Z Boy • Natuzzi


17 Years...

17 Years...

Gray Gables

“We repair all brands” Sales • Service • Parts

Comfortable Apartment Living 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms


1201 E. Main St.

373-8900 Managed by INH Properties

22 Years...

HAGEN & ASSOCIATES CONSTRUCTION 507-377-1702 426 Adams Ave Albert Lea, MN Since 1989


20 Years...

301 Rezin Ave. 373-2713

Inside Storage for Commercial & Residential Since 1991

22 Years... R&R TRUCK REPAIR Larry Rognes, Owner 2401 Myers Road Albert Lea, Minn.

377-8848 In Business Since March 1989

19 Years... Eastside Laundry 309 Fenton Ave


Drop off & shirt service available Edna Herfendal, owner

18 1/2 Years... 18 Years... NORTHLAND KARATE/ TAE KWON DO 373-0700

206 South Broadway Albert Lea

Booking for Spring Now!

Rightway Roofing

Locally Owned & Operated

Commercial, Residential & Repairs

by Dana & Natalie Nelson

Bob Hanson

Since Oct. 1992 www.northlandkarate.com

Since 1993

17 Years...


17 Years...


811 East Plaza Albert Lea, MN www.americinn.com Marsha Rafdal, General Manager

2525 Bridge Ave


16 Years... 16 Years... Do you 16 Years... SCHEWE TIME 507-377-7410 want this The Plumbing 800-371-1262 SERVICE 2510 Bridge Ave Professionals spot? Northbridge Mall Residential Commercial Albert Lea Call Industrial www.us.manpower.com 379-9850 Since 507-256-4233 March 13, 1995 Your trusted leaders today! in staffing solutions 71710 County Rd 46 Albert Lea (507) 373-7454 Since 1995 Lic# 059506-PM

15 Years...

15 Years...

MIDWEST Pro ANTIQUES Manufacturing Over 40 Dealers Inc. Covering 8000 Square Feet


22 Years...

Since May 1989

Since Nov. 1989

tarps, grill covers, windshield covers, air conditioning covers

311 W. MAIN ALBERT LEA Since 1992

507-377-8838 1-800-274-8858

(507) 377-3800

21 1/2 Years... 21 Years... Tractor Manuals

22 Years...

We are measured by the company we keep

Payroll & bookkeeping service Consulting on PeachTree & Quick Books Diane Schewe Hayward, MN Since June, 1995

GEORGE’S of Geneva


Geneva, MN • Steve & Jodie Dittrich Tues.-Fri., 3:30 p.m.-close; Sat., 11 a.m.-1 a.m. Nightly specials • Games for Kids Parties & Catering "Best Value Around"

373-5570 • 377-0091 77917 209th St, Albert Lea


Awesome Food

Since July 1996

Since March 1996

15 Years...

stateline storage

15 Years...

Cars, boats, campers & snowmobile storage

10761 760th Ave Glenville, MN 507-448-3319 Robert Weigel Owner since 1996

1300 E. Main St Albert Lea, MN Office: 377-3434


14 Years... 13 1/2 Years... 13 Years... 13 Years... 13 Years... 13 Years... This Barber Mills Bookkeeping Root River secretarial & spot harbour accounting Hardwoods ents Assisted/ secretarial, payroll Come see us for all 377-8781 could We&offer independent Bookkeeping services & bookkeeping services your industrial and customized Quickbooks training 507-373-8535 404 Airport Rd., living 119 S. Newton Advanced Certified construction supplies! be Albert Lea Quickbooks Pro Advisor Albert Lea, MN 1103 Sykes St. Laurie Sistek 311 S. 10th Ave E. 415 E. William St, Albert Lea yours in (507) 373-HELP (4357) Albert Lea Lake Mills, IA 1-888-MARGIEB 377-7026 507-552-1263 641-592-3050 2012 margieb@margieb.com Since May 1998 12 Years... 12 Years... 12 Years... 12 Years... 12 Years... 12 Years... 12 Years...



Toll Free 877-373-8535 DESIGN CENTER 310 1st Ave S. ALBERT LEA, MN

Suppliers of quality KILN dried hardwood

Since 1998

Since Sept. 1, 1997


Bob Hanson

Agra Resources Co-op

507-373-4000 821 E. Plaza St. Albert Lea, MN Julie Sternhagen, General Manager www.bestwestern.com


12 Years...

12 Years... 12 Years... 11 Years... Morning Star Greg Moen, Home Realtor® Health Care 507-377-2752

Delicious Sandwiches, Soups, Coffees & Hand-Dipped Ice Cream 408 Bridge Avenue Albert Lea, MN 377-CAFE (2233) www.bensfloral.com Click on "Lakeside Cafe" In Business Since Jan. 1999

1617 W. Main Albert Lea

1008 Dunham St Albert Lea, MN 507-373-0201 Owner: Sylvia Meuser

Retired since Dec. 1998

Ole’s Eastside Shell 2222 East Main Albert Lea, MN 373-5000

RE/MAX  Properties 412 E. William, Albert Lea, MN Office: 377-2752


Check our Super Specials at www.rootriverhardwoods.com

2100 Kenneth Drive Albert Lea 377-9775 WAYNE WOODARD

726 Marshall St. Albert Lea, MN


Locally Owned

Farmer Owned & Locally Grown Ethanol Plant 507-373-8895

www.poet.com Since March 1999

11 Years...

Dave Klatt 106 S. Broadway Providing Insurance and Soy Candles, Lotions, Financial Services Gels, Bath Salts, etc. 373-2377 Since Oct. 97 448-2752 Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 10-2pm 120 E Main St, Glenville

Dawn Freeman, Realtor®

15300 780th Ave. Albert Lea, MN

Since Feb. 1999

11 Years...


Cell: 383-1300 Toll Free: 1-888-373-8963 dawn@holtan.com

Has your business or organization been around for 11+ years? This spot could be yours in 2011!

Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011 — Page 7

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down 11 Years...

11 Years...

A Minnesota Owned Company Since 1990

2350 Crossroads Blvd 507-373-7000 www.cityautoglass.com Windshield Repair, Replacement & a Variety of Glass Services Over 35 years combined experience AGRSS/NGA Certified

10 Years...

Shell Food Mart 373-5179

116 Bridge Ave • Albert Lea Since May 2000

10 Years...

Serving you at 2722 Bridge Ave Albert Lea, MN 507-377-2500 Owner: Richard King www.sears.com

We are measured by the company we keep

10 Years...

1615 Bridge Ave Albert Lea • 373-5600

10 Years...

10 Years...

WEB-ROOM/ Family Fun Center

Computer Services Computer Retailer National Internet We take a common sense approach to Service Provider developing a comprehensive market plan DVD Production

Life is good at Oak Park

377 -2425

118 S Broadway Ave. Albert Lea, MN

9 1/2 Years...


402-2352 805 W. 9th St. 5x10 units 10x10 units 10x20 units 10x30 units Outdoor storage available

for your farming operation. Our focus is based on your personal goals for immediate & long term profitability. Nationally Since 1976 In Albert Lea Since Nov. 2000

9 Years...

Scott’s office products Office Supplies Office Furniture 373-8316

Your local office supply dealer


9 Years...

10 Years...

Clay Culbertson

Marketing Consultant


• Full service mechanic shop • Body & paint • Custom painting Mike Jensen &  Kevin Richardson 1401 SE. Broadway - 373-4164

7 1/2 Years...

y’s Dry r a M Cleaning

1617 SE Broadway • Formals and Wedding dresses • Alterations

373-MARY (6279) M-F 7-6; Sat 8-12 Since Aug 2, 2004

6 Years...

507-373-5350 Steven K. Bland, DDS M-W 7:30-5, Th by appt.


Certified Massage Therapists BODY-MIND-SPIRIT

8 Years...


reservations for dog and cat boarding! Heated floors/central air Dick Poole 76709 240th St

(County Road 99/Bancroft Road)

Cell: 507-383-5509

6 Years...


Northbridge Mall

Kari Fjeldberg, Owner

8 Years...

and growing!

143 W. Clark • 379-9009 Lower level of Home Federal Building

Go to

www.bleckerrealty.com and view any listing you'd like


412 E. William St, Albert Lea 377-2752 • www.remax.com

Located in Nelson’s Marketplace The only Albert Lea owned pharmacy

5 1/2 Years...

Tanning & Clothing 507.377.TANS (8267) Mon.-Fri. 10-9 pm Sat. 10-5pm, Sun. 1-5 Located in Skyline Plaza • 1663 W. Main St.

Jared Bowman Albert Lea, MN 507-369-5310 Residential Commercial

5 Years...

1610 E. Main St Albert Lea


4 Years...

(507) 444-0303

9 1/2 Years... 9 1/2 Years...

RD &

Automotive Repair 801 E. Main St Albert Lea

Specializing in transmission & automotive repair

To-go food available

Combined experience 50 years

2740 Bridge Ave Albert Lea 373-0380

9 Years... 9 Years... Massage Connections Wellness Center & Spa

Linda Ferguson Mary Schallock Kaye Tufte 2209 E. Main St • 377-2845

Classifieds Consultant


TANNING... look good - feel great!

Complete automotive repair • Brakes • Electrical • Engine Repair • Computer diagnostics • Muffler • Suspension • Transmissions • Tires

377-0585 810 E. Main

6 Years...

To subscribe, call (507) 434-2220

4 Years...

Renee Citsay

Sun.-Tues. 11am-9pm Wed.-Sat. 11am-10pm

369 18th St. SE, Owatonna Phone (507) 446-0844 • Fax (507) 446-0805 Since Febuary 2003


522 S. Broadway Albert Lea

Mon-Sat 6am-2pm

David, Lori, & Katie Lembke

6 Years... PROPERTIES Matt Johnson, Broker Associate REALTOR®

412 E. William St Albert Lea 377-2752 Cell: 507-213-0360

6 Years... Helping Hands Home Care of MN

5 Years...

800-246-9212 www.helpingcareforyou.com

To always attain the highest quality of care that you need and deserve.

5 Years...

5 Years...

(that’s 35 dog years!)

Nancy's Cafe

I-35 Exit 214

M-F 6am-2pm Sat 6am-11am

777 Diamond Jo Lane Northwood, IA www.diamondjo.com

Homemade Soup


Breakfast served all day

Diana Newman

709 Algon St. 373-1233


4 Years...

4 Years...

Angie Hoffman 507-379-3429

Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 373-9194 • Since August 2006

Christian books, gifts & coffee shop



4 1/2 Years... 4 Years...

7 1/2 Years...

When you care enough to send the very best www.matthewjohnson.remax.com

120 S. Washington

• Skin conditioning hydration spa • 20 minute bed • 15 minute bed • 12 minute bed • Custom airbrush tanning


1 great location for all your gift giving needs! Northbridge Mall

2410 Y.H. Hanson Ave Albert Lea Joan Miller

Designed for Living...

413 W. Main St Geneva, MN 507.256.4390

Marketing Consultant

373-9977 463-3171


Exit 45 in Owatonna

6 Years...

Since 2004

5 1/2 Years... 5 Years...



505 W. Front St Albert Lea, MN www.innovance.com Parent company of Lou-Rich & Almco

Roofing • Siding • Garages Additions • Decks & More


Service is our part

Blondie’s Grille Owners:  Carly & Gary Serving you at two Solland locations! Signature items: The Blondie Burger &  Beer Battered Onion Rings


8 Years... 8 Years...

7 Years...

Please give a call.


5 Years...

Steve Honsey, Josh Harmdierks, Matt Johnson, Lynn Kelley, Emelie Paulson, Jim Paulson, Heather Allen, Jay Waltman

Downtown Albert Lea January 2003

256-4448 373-6337 Now taking



Dave & Jolinda Schreiber

Bancroft Boarding Kennels

Pam Schmidt,

O’Byrne Realty, Inc. 200 N. Broadway, Albert Lea

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you and your family!

7 1/2 Years... 7 Years...

2306 E. Main Albert Lea 507-373-6471 www.abvialbertlea.com

6 Years...

9 Years... Properties

Tax Office

60 Years Experience

703 Marshall St 377-8591

Greg Moen, Broker/Owner

Jeanette, Alyse, Chrissy, Anna

Classifieds Consultant

2009 Small Business of the Year

8 1/2 Years... 8 1/2 Years... Southside Custom

Cyber Cafe


10 Years...


Gifts, Dart Supplies, Pool Supplies, Over the Hill Novelty Items

9 Years...

Michelle DaVeiga

We thank the community for their support & our employees for all their loving care!

1113 E. Main St • 377-7711

Exquisite Food & Fine Wines

10 Years...

1701 W. Main St, Skyline Plaza


4 Years... Bob Donovan,



Northbridge Mall Albert Lea, MN


O’Byrne Realty, Inc. 200 N. Broadway, Albert Lea



3 Yrs 8 Mo... 3 1/2 Years... 3 1/2 Years... 3 Years...

3 Years...

Marketing Consultant


2751 E. Main 373-3200 www.loves.com

2004 E. Main St Albert Lea 507-373-1874

ultimate automotive andtire.com

808 W. Front St Albert Lea, MN


PLAZA FARM TOYS Vintage Farm Toys Donald Gross Robert Fjelbroten Skyline Plaza


Jim & Beth Blake

Hours 11am - 10pm (Lounge till 1am)

100 Hwy. 13 • New Richland


Find us on Facebook!

507-552-1606 Your local home care agency that makes staying home possible. www.BaywoodHomeCare.com


Page 8 — Albert Lea Tribune, Sunday, February 27, 2011

Down Through Through the the Years Years Down

4.916x21.5 4c

We are measured by the company we keep

3 Years...

3 Years...

Countryside Novelties Paul & Bea Hensche 507-265-3359

717 Marshall St Albert Lea, MN


Keith & Angie Flatness, Owners Visit us on Facebook

Printing and collaging of literature and pictures of any size

2 1/2 Years... HEARTWAVES STUDIO Ongoing free events, cl asses & worksh ops!

315 Adams Ave Albert Lea

507-473-0002 www.HeartWaves Studio.com • Reiki • Yoga • Nia • Thai Massage

2 Years...

2 1/2 Years...

FOX News, NASCAR, Linder Farm Markets, Gods Country Sunday Gospels and Classic Country music dating back to 1935!

LOCALLY OWNED! www.classiccountrylegends.com Office: 373-9600 Contest: 437-0970 • Since June 9, 2008

Subwoofers, Amps, Stereos, etc... We supply Hifonis, XXX audio, Autoteck, Fusion Encounter & Fusion Powerplant Series and much more! LOW PRICES! 106 E. Main St., Clarks Grove, MN James (507) 369-3444 caliboyzcustoms@yahoo.com

Building strong relationships in our community


1 Year, 9 Months... Southern Minnesota’s finest 18-hole championship golf course For tee-time reservations, call the pro shop at 507-373-2007

The Wedgewood Restaurant & The Cove Bar & Grill Banquet facility seating up to 450 people for weddings, meetings and parties 2200 W 9th St, Albert Lea, MN • 507-373-2007


1 1/2 Years...

1 Year...



721 W. Clark St. Albert Lea




1 Year...

Catherine Buboltz Marketing Consultant


Clarks Grove, MN

Nightly dining specials Happy Hour 3:00-5:30pm Off sale until 10pm

*Look for the yellow door!

See us on Facebook!

1 Year...

1 Year...

Amy Martin

Marketing Consultant



1 Year... THE

Hippest, Hottest YAMAHA Hair Styles CLUB CAR • EZ GO at affordable prices.

Gas & Electric. New & Used. (Formerly Great Clips) Service/Parts Located in the Sales & Service in Albert Lea Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea 128 S. Garfield • 507-438-2705



1 Year...



Complete Home Inspections, Inc. is also a Licensed Real Estate Company & Certified Home Inspector Robert Hoffman is a Licensed Real Estate Broker. MN Lic numbers 40229984 & 40230933

9 Months...

212 S. Broadway Albert Lea, MN 507-373-9700 A Unique Boutique

6 Months...


7 Months...


Casino Shuttle Runs $25 one way or $45 both ways 507-383-8577 Locally owned by Donald Cox

6 Months...

Grooming & Pet Boutique (formerly Gayle's)

Stop in for grooming, pet fashions, toys, supplies & more! 1034 S. Broadway, Albert Lea


204 South Washington Avenue, Suite 102 Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-6282 www.nat.com

7 Months... Phil Scott, Realtor® 507-208-0196 O’Byrne Realty, Inc. 200 N. Broadway, Albert Lea www.c21obyrne.com

1 Month...

Country Care Pet Service

"We'll give your pets the loving care they need in your home on a daily, weekly or monthly basis."


7 days a week! Unlimited number of pets. Will bring in mail, etc.

Coming Soon...

NATIONAL RED POWER ROUND-UP June 22-25, 2011 507-383-3616

The opportunity to show our commitment across the Albert Lea community means a lot to us. What each of us contributes can, together, make life better for everyone. We are proud to be a part of the Albert Lea community. Call, click or stop by and talk with a banker. Albert Lea 122 East Main Street • 373-1423 wellsfargo.com

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