120 Years... Providing business banking solutions with the financial 437 Bridge Avenue OF GROWING STRONG Have a story idea ? Call the newsroom at 507-373-1411 146 Years... 723 Marshall Street Albert Lea, MN 507-373-2366 Creating Beautiful Memorials Since 1877. ALBERT LEA MONUMENT www.albertleamonument.com 126 Years... 808 W. Front St., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-1411 Albert Lea Newspapers www.albertleatribune.com Since 1897 120 Years... 826-3212 www.mhtele.com Community Service Since 1903 Manchester Hartland Telephone Co. 147 Years... CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 204 Fountain St. Albert Lea, MN 373-3188 Since 1876 165 Years... REPUBLICAN PARTY Serving freedom and liberty loving residents Delegates to CD and State Conventions since 1858 Paid for by E. Howe, Free Citizen, Alden Township, MN 146 Years... www.tlc-al.org 507-373-2466 Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday Worship: 9:00am • Sunday School: 10:30am • Wednesday Worship: 5:30pm 501 S. Washington Ave • Albert Lea Pastor Eileen Woyen 111 Years... HARTLAND, MN • 845-2233 FREEBORN, MN • 863-2371 ALBERT LE A, MN •373-1945 www.arcadian.bank 1521 E. HawtHornE St. albErt lEa 373-2396 Since 1911 104 Years... Cal Johnson Adam Fredrickson Nick Pirsig Turning you on since 1919 507.373.6650 1410 Olsen Drive Albert Lea, MN www.albertleaelectric.com 103 Years... ALDEN LEGION Post #404 151 N. Broadway Alden, MN Tuesday Bingo FREE Pool & Darts Every Friday Every 2nd Sat. — Steak Fry 874-3679 License No. 00983-02 104 Years... AMERICAN LEGION 142 N. Broadway Albert Lea Charitable Gambling License No. A-00213 373-7993 104 Years... Since 1919 License #B-01304-001 AMERICAN LEGION POST 264 GLENVILLE, MN 101 Years... www.BonnerupFuneralService.com PHONE: 507-373-2461 ALBERT LEA • ELLENDALE • NEW RICHLAND Caring for our communities when it’s needed the most. 507-377-5660 extension.umn.edu Like us on Facebook! 101 Years... 166 Years... Freeborn county minne S ota S i nce 1857 147 Years... FARMS • RENTERS HOME OWNERS SANDY WALSTROM (507) 826-3425 25380 Highway 13 Manchester, MN Call us for the name of an agent near you! www.jpwindustries.com 148 Years... 1430 Frank Avenue • Albert Lea 507-373-2264 Since 1912 116 Years... 115 North Washington Lutheran Church eutholdsL Northbridge Mall • Albert Lea Men's & Ladies' Fine Apparel 373-3142 Northbridge Mall • Albert Lea, MN Paula & Bill Hertling 106 Years... In Business Since 1917 120 Years... 507-373-7253 www.hillsgardens.com 2512 W. Main Albert Lea 209 So. WaShington 507-373-3062 In business since 1911. INC. 121 Years... Hemmingsen t ran S F er inc. 110 Years... • Collections • Credit Reporting Brad & Vickie Edwin Owners/Managers 131 S. Newton Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-2325 cbalcollects.com In business since 1913 Credit Bureau of Albert Lea Sons of Norway 124 Years... 377-2000 www.americana insurance.com Building for the future since 1899 We’re the "A" Team Hey! We want your marriage, engagement and birth announcements. Stop by the Tribune, 808 West Front St. Hey! We want your marriage, engagement and birth announcements. Stop by the Tribune, 808 West Front St. 131 Years... MEMORIALS WITH INNOvATION ANd dISTINCTION 1006 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN 507-373-4030 In business since 1892 (507) 377-4284 971 W. Plaza St. • Albert Lea, MN www.abc-clc.com Your Source for Top-Quality Building Materials & Services 108 Years... 101 Central Ave S, Geneva, MN 507.256.7260 Agri Finance Group a division of 128 Years... OLSON MFG CO www.vram.com 620 S. Broadway Ave. 507-373-3996 Since 1895 V-RAM SOLIDS 115 Years... Your Hometown Honda Dealer 2114 E Main St Albert Lea 507-373-2341 Ryan Wuerflein Owner & General Manager www.wuerfleinhonda.com New Name • Same Great People 128 N. Broadway New richlaNd, MN 507-463-8112 steagle@hickorytech.net 138 Years... SUBSCRIBE FOR $30! DowN through the yeArs Albert leA tribune | SAturdAy, FebruAry 25, 2023 PROGRESS EDITION 123 Years... I took over the job October 9, 1956 & now I am working in Freeborn, Fairbault, Martin, Waseca & Steele Counties. I am known as Lester the Tester Perschbacher Freeborn County Dairy Herd Improvement Association The first in the state of Minnesota IT’S YOUR COMMUNITY. READ ALL ABOUT IT YOUR WAY. diGitAl MeMberSHiPS AVAilAble FOr $6/MOntH CAll 507-379-3421

75 Years... Become a memBer today! Museum & Library Open Year round Wednesday - Friday 10 am - 4 pm Village Open May - september (buildings open by appointment only) 1031 Bridge avenue albert Lea, MN www.fchmmn.org • 507-373-8003 Organized 1948 • Incorporated 1959 “Building the Future By Preserving the Past” 74 Years... 101 Richway Dr. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-1061 www.greenlea.com Golf - the game of a lifetime. Send a letter to the editor. letters@albertleatribune.com End Rolls of Newspaper FOR SALE Great for packing, wrapping and projects. Stop by the Albert Lea Tribune 808 W. Front St. | Albert Lea People helping People, since 1930 YEARS 93 93 93 70 Years... 507-373-2106 1623 W. Main St. Albert Lea, MN Wednesday Baskets 5:30-7:00pm NeW MeMBerS WeLcoMe! #1703 8 8 Y E A R S 100 Years... Albert leA Noo N KiwAN is www kiwanis org "Serving the children of the world" plumbing HEATing 373-1301 74 YEARS People helping People, since 1930 YEARS 93 93 93 1415 Hwy 13 N • Albert Lea, MN 507-373-4330 • - Find us on Facebook “We Can Cross This Bridge Together.” LoCaLLy oWned & operared sinCe 1939. www.bayviewfuneral.com - Funerals - Burials - Cremation - Preplanning 83 Years... CoMPAssioN & ProFessioNAL FuNerAL PLANNiNg serviCes Austin White DAniel KolKer stephAnie hAeDt MAttheW BenDA eythAn FrAnDle 1811 Broadway Ave SE Albert Lea, MN 507-373-6491 AlbertLeaLaw.com finding solutions... For 100 Years. 81 Years... StenSeth ConStruCtion LLC General ContraCtinG DenniS StenSeth owner 1632 Massee st albert lea 507-402-1381 SinCe 1942 Page 2 | AlbertleAtrIbune.cOm | PrOgress 2023 | sAturdAy, FebruAry 25, 2023 94 Years... Original Business started in 1929–Under New Ownership Since May, 1985 www.bergdalehd.com BERGDALE HARLEY-DAVIDSON 905 Plaza Phone 373-5236 93 Years... Conger Mfg., LLC John Doppelhammer Bob Weiser 265-3100 Conger, MN Since 1930 MANUFACTURING MACHINE SHOP 88 Years... 507-265-3340 Serving you at 2 locations Conger & Downtown Albert Lea Jeremy & Darcy Johnson Since 1935 86 Years... 1633 W. Main St., Albert Lea 507-373-2338 Since 1937 79 Years... Since 1944 Albert leA Steel, Inc. 1126 S. Broadway Albert Lea 373-5315 73 Years... B & B Cafe 321 Sibley, Albert Lea Original business started October, 1950 Clint & Holly Miller Owner/Operators 373-1921 73 Years... BECkER HI-WAY FRATE 2401 Becker Drive Albert Lea Phone 373-8513 Since 1950 PROVIDING TRUCkING SERVICES 72 Years... Knutson oil Co. Glenville & Hayward 448-3914 Since 1951 70 Years.. Albert Lea Mason City www.stadheimjewelers.com "Known For Fine Diamonds" Since 1953 DOWN THrOUGH THe Years 73 Years... 80860 110th St. Suite 2 Gordonsville, MN 56036 507-448-3302 nick.tradingpost@gmail.com Inventory Featured on findcars.com Since 1950 74 Years... Since May 1, 1948 Albert Lea Firefighters L1041 78 Years... 132 n broadway Ave Albert lea, mn 507-373-3930 contact@growalbertlea.com Become a memBer! Our members are the backbone for making Albert lea and Freeborn county a better place to live and work. 85 Years... 1902 East Main St. Albert Lea, MN 373-3944 Since 1938 kARL'S You'll find it at CARQUEST 85 Years 877-679-9663 | www.alamcowood.com Proudly serving Albert Lea for 83 years. 918 Garfield Ave. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3469 gracealbertlea.org facebook.com/GraceAlbertLea Worship Sunday 9am in person & online. 78 Years... LandProz Real Estate LLC 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007 Licensed in MN, IA, MO, SD, WI, IL, KS, OH, IN PROFESSIONAL LAND BROKERAGE & AUCTION COMPANY TO FIND OUT MORE & VIEW OUR PROPERTIES VISIT SALES@LANDPROZ.COM 1-507-516-4870 79 Years... Formally 75 Years... 507-863-2455 | freeborn, Mn New well coNstructioN• repair & service • sewer & septic water treatmeNt • softeNers iroN filters • water heaters • boilers SAFE RELIABLE WATER, WHEN & WHERE YOU NEED IT. 100 Years... 1414 W Main St. 507-377-2372 Monday-Friday 8-5 Saturday 8-12 ALseed.com 96 Years... Represented since 1927 Shannon SteenSma WeaLth management aDviSor CLU, ChFC, AEP®, CFP® 206 n. BroaDWay ave 507-377-1686 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3366 Bridge Ave. | Albert Lea (800) 734-6421 www.fmec.coop 86 Years... GOLDMAN, STURTZ & HALVORSEN ALLAN L. HALVORSEN ATTORNEY AT LAW 137 N. Broadway Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1409 96 Years... Produce State Bank 109 Park Ave. Hollandale (507) 889-4311 220 William St. Albert Lea (507) 373-5500 2401 Bridge Ave. Albert Lea (507) 373-8600 300 Main St. Glenville (507) 448-3981 Member FDIC www.producestatebank.com Serving the Community Since 1926! 507-373-6434 | www.morrisfurniture.com M-F 10-6pm | Sat 10-5pm | Sun 12-4pm 90 Years... 1909 E. Main St. | Albert Lea, MN

67 Years... What you need... When you need it 1721 W Main St. | albert Lea, Mn 507-373-1549 | www.bomgaars.com Monday - Saturday 7:30am - 8:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 6:00pm Serving Albert Lea & the surrounding area for 5 years. 55 Years... 2424 Myers Road 373-2357 Call for a competitive quote! 54 Years... Farm drainage improves yields & profits. Conservation Construction - Land drainage Wildlife Ponds - Road Boring - Backhoeing - Consulting office (507) 826-3449 Mark Cell (507) 383-6550 MORREIM DRAINAGE, INC. WAtER MANAGEMENt SpECIAlIStS 71610 263rd St - albert Lea 64 Years... 68 Years... Call us for all of your real estate needs. Licensed in MN & IA 507.373.9586 • Lelandrealty.com 209 9th Ave • Albert Lea, MN Say “Yes” To The Address Rochester, MN • Albert lea, MN • 507.289.3555 68 Years A Fresh New Look for the Next 60 Years Same great service to our members. www.tradesandlabor.com 610 W Broadway Ave • Albert Lea (507) 377-1863 providing great service to our members since 1958. www.tradesandlabor.com 610 S Broadway Ave. • Albert lea, MN 507-377-1863 NCUA Insured 54 Years 2006 East Main | Albert Lea 507-373-6475 Tuesday-Saturday Lunch 11am-2pm Tuesday-Saturday Dinner 5pm-8pm Serving People Since 1969 Curbside dining - Serving Margaritas64 Years... Alden, MN 507-874-3421 64 Years... www.McCourtesy.com Visit us today! Bridge avenue Mcdonald’s: 2808 Bridge Avenue Main street Mcdonald’s: 609 East Main Street trails Mcdonald’s: 840 Happy Trails Lane Proudly Serving Albert Lea Since 2009 63 Years... Bill & Mark's BarBer shop 129 E. Clark 507-373-9336 Bill & Mark Malepsy "We cut hair the way you like it!" Thank You For Your Patronage! Since 1960 64 Years... 101 S. Broadway Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-5665 www.thealbertleaartcenter.org or visit us on Facebook or Instagram 63 Years... Harold’s Bar & Restaurant (507) 373-0965 Monday, Wednesday-Friday Lunch 11:30-2:00pm Monday, Wednesday-Saturday Supper 5:00-9:00pm Charitable Gambling License #A00423005 1318 East Main Street | Albert Lea Check us out on 69 Years... 1501 Betha Larson Lane Albert Lea, MN 507-373-9099 larsondoors.com America’s #1 Selling Storm Door Proudly manufacturing in the USA! 54 Years... 130 State Hwy 16 | Dexter, MN | 507-584-0133 Annual Consignment Sales Offsite Auctions • Farm Machinery Farm Real Estate • Cattle Sales Conducting business throughout Southern MN & Northern IA 61 Years... 401 St. Thomas Ave. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-8161 alvc91@gmail.com www.albertleavet.com We understand how much you love your pets! 58 Years... Vogt Distributing 2110 YH Hanson Ave. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-0327 Since Feb. 1, 1965 Saturday, February 25, 2023 | ProgreSS 2023 | albertleatribune.com | Page 3 61 Years... Fully Insured Prompt Service FREEBORN CONSTRUCTION, Inc. County Rd. 46 E., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-4434 Dennis & Brad Haugen, Owners "Complete, Competent Construction Work" In business since 1962 60 Years... 373-7350 126 W Clark • Albert Lea Now delivering at lunch! Pizza Reader's Choice for pizza 20 years running! 58 Years... Another Exciting Season! For ticket information, call 507-377-4371 www.actonbroadway.com Since 1965 ALBERT LEA COMMUNITY THEATER 56 Years... EZ RENTAL & Party Service 209 S. ST. PETER AvENUE ALBERT LEA, MN 507-373-8026 John Butler & Harriet Hemenway, Owners “In BuSIneSS SInce 1967” 55 Years... 220 Elizabeth, Albert Lea 507-373-2828 sltgenos15@gmail.com In business since May 1968 Whatever it takes. 55 Years... www.cafourek.com 55 Years... 304 Central Ave. N. Hollandale, MN 507-889-2088 • Anti-fatigue matting • Matting for commercial & Industrial Applications • entry matting for residential 54 Years... STEvENS WINdOW & HARdWARE 1109 S. Broadway Phone 373-1696 Tom & Mary Ferleman, Owners 54 Years... HAYWARd, MN 373-8966 Since 1969 54 Years... KELLEY PLUMBINg, HEATINg, & COOLINg, LLC 923 S. Broadway Ave. 507-373-6263 kelleyplumbingandheating@outlook.com Plumbing Contractor - PC643602 In business since 1969 54 Years... Oakview Golf Course Freeborn, MN 507-863-2288 www.oakviewgc.com 61 Years... Independent Living Assisted Living Short Term Rehab Skilled Nursing/Memory Care 901 Luther Place • Albert Lea, MN Phone (507) 373-8226 • Fax (507) 379-9506 www.stjohnsofalbertlea.org In Business Since 1962 200 N Broadway Ave, PO Box 171 Albert Lea, MN 56007 Tel 507.373.8216 Fax 507.373.6220 iscfinancialadvisors.com FINANCIAL PLANNING 401K'S WEALTH MANAGEMENT 54 Years... 52 Years... Hill, Benda, Skov & Bernau CPA’s In business since March 1971 1655 W Main St Skyline Plaza Albert Lea, MN 377-1333 DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS 54 Years... 373-7979 Serving the Community Since 1969 www.alchildrenscenter.org 57 Years... 2310/2320 E. Main Street Albert Lea, MN 507-373-1438 In Business Since 1966 62 Years Strong 61 Years... Minnesota Freezer Warehouse Co. 820 E. 13th Street Albert Lea, Minnesota 507-373-1477 Service Since 1962 61 Years... Kampground 84259 Co. Rd. 46 Hayward, MN AlaMNKOA@gmail.com Make your reservations now! 507-373-5170 61 Years... 702 Hig HWay 69 Sout H • a lbert l ea 507-373-6712 unitedpre@hotmail.com Originally started in 1962 a ccep ting ages 3-5 open re gi S tration S tart S Monday, Marc H 6 65 Years... Honstad dieser & Mangskau, P.L.L.P. 135 South Broadway Albert Lea, MN 373-2451 Since 1958 66 Years... Manufacturer of high-quality plastic injection molded parts, machining and tooling services for customers worldwide, in many industries. 1701 Margaretha Ave. | Albert Lea, MN 507-377-2009 | Fax: 507-373-0045 cstanley@rpmmold.com Locally Owned & Operated Since 1957 rofshus precision Machine

Williamson Body shop 448-3371 221 East Main Glenville, MN Since1981 42 Years... 47 Years... Family sToRE Tues.-Fri. 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-4pm SERVING FREEBORN COUNTY FOR 127 YEARS! 1896-2023 Come shop where your purchases help others! 416 Bridge Ave. | Albert Lea, MN 42 Years... 2409 Myers Rd Albert Lea 96 TOTAL UNITS Larry & Barb Rognes Since 1981 507-377-8073 R&R MINI STORAGE R&R MINI STORAGE 102 W. Clark St. Albert Lea, MN www.exprealty.com 45 Years... Emelie Paulson 507-383-1659 43 Years... 314 S Broadway • Albert Lea, MN 507-377-7433 • www.srofc.org Senior Resources Persons 60 and over • Medical Assistance Veterans to VA Hospital State Contracts: A/C, EW, CADI Individual and Program Contracts VITALITY CENTER Helping People... Changing Lives Find us on Facebook! Senior Resources is anon-profitorganization. 4 8 Y E A R S 50 Years... TOM Wen Tzler S erVIC e S 369-4804 50 Years... Brooks safety equipment 1437 Academy Albert Lea, MN 373-8171 Al & Brenda Since 1973 50 Years... Dozer/Blading Excavating Sitework Hauling & Trucking Utilities Demolition 507-552-1334 44 Years www.profitproag.com 408 S. 1st St. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-2550 More from Every Acre, Animal & Gallon of Manure 49 Years... alBERT lEa RadiaToR & Cooling sysTEms, llC 214 ElizaBETh Call FoR appoinTmEnT 507-377-1291 auTo aiR CondiTioning, RadiaToR, hEaTER REpaiR, salEs and sERviCE nEW and RECoRing aluminum, plasTiC REpaiR RadiaToR REpaiR and salEs, gas Tank REpaiR TRavis REiChl "BEsT plaCE To TakE a lEak" Since Feb. 1981 42 Years... KEN's sErvicE • Auto Repair • Tires, Brakes & Exhaust • Engine & Transmission Installation 226 E. clark st. • Albert Lea, MN 507-377-2099 kensservicealbertlea@gmail.com since 1980 43 Years... 405 East William Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3822 Dinah's Style, Inc. 18 private suites offering hair care, eyelash extensions, manicures, sugaring and BOTOX 45 Years... 507-373-0115 tfox@cbrivervalley.com 204 S. Washington, Albert Lea, MN TOLL FREE: 1-888-373-8963 cbrivervalley.com Terry Fox, realtor® 44 Years... COMPLETE ELECTRICAL DESIGN & INSTALLATION Commercial • Industrial Farm • Home 519 Adams • Albert Lea Since 1979 Jeff@bowmanel.com 373-0731 45 Years... Doug Evans, Owner 2190 s. Lincoln • Albert Lea, MN 507-377-1508 FrEE EsTiMATEs DOuG's PAiNTiNG & sANDbLAsTiNG Page 4 | AlbertleAtribune.com | Progress 2023 | sAturdAy, FebruAry 25, 2023 47 Years... r & S racing Award Winning Engines since 1976 1025 south broadway 507-373-5907 PErFOrMANcE PArTs & MAchiNE in business since February 1976 46 Years... crAiG's TAxiDErMy sTuDiO Located Next to Farmers state bank in Freeborn 507-863-2202 Fish • Birds • Gameheads • Rugs craig christenson Owner since 1977 46 Years... Bisek Gardens Sweet Corn 425 W. 11th St. Albert Lea 507-373-4566 507-256-4712 104 Central Ave. N. Geneva, MN 56035 Since 1978 45 Years... Jamie a. Kyllo attorney at law Since October 1979 202 West Clark St. Albert Lea 373-4680 43 Years... DEWEy KruGEr Music PiANO & OrGAN sALEs & sErvicE 641-324-1300 1-800-933-5830 dewey@deweykruger music.com 715 Central Ave., Northwood, IA www.deweykrugermusic.com since 1981 42 Years... 1137 s broadway 507-377-3704 The Martin family and employees appreciate our loyal customers for the last 42 years. business in Albert Lea since March 1981 42 Years... 42 Years... ALbErT LEA TrAiLEr sErvicE 2101 consul Ave. 507-377-1671 In business since March 1981 46 Years... General Contractor • Industrial/Manufacturing • Commercial • Retail/Service 641-592-5800 www.larsoncontracting.com ESTABLISHED IN 1977 DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS 44 Years... 603 S. 1st Ave., Albert Lea 373-3435 www.homesolutionsMidwest.com - Gutters & Leaf Protection - Windows & Doors - Awning 42 Years... com-Tec Mobile radio 101 1st Ave sW Glenville, MN 448-3717 Since 1981 42 Years... new richland, mn 507-465-3789 www.pooleysscrapiron.com HOURS 8am - 4:30pm - m-F HIGHEST ALUMINUM PRICE GREAT PRICES ON SCRAP IRON & ALL METALS 1147 S. Broadway FREE - any Angus Burger with purchase of the same. Expires: 5/31/23 42 Years... Skyline Plaza 507-373-2338 thebreeze949.com Since 1974 45 Years... 505 East Main Albert Lea, MN • 373-0636 in Albert Lea since June, 1978 44 Years... 507-373-0952 1515 blake Ave. Albert Lea since 1979 Complete collision repair services for any insurance company. 52 Years... Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Farm Wiring Generator Installations • Design/Build Services New Construction • Service Maintenance TURN TO THE EXPERTS! Residential Commercial Industrial 724 West Clark Street Albert Lea, MN 507-373-6161 www.jimanddudes.com 51 Years... 49 Years... 507-373-2311 www.thornecrest.net Check us out on EOE 49 Years... 47 Years... Food SupplementS Cleaning produCtS perSonal Care Weight loSS program Darlene & Richard Jordahl 1408 Marie Ave. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-8964 Serving Albert Lea for 48 Years... Alex Johnston 373-2353 Financial Advisor Paul Nolette 373-0668 Financial Advisor David Kramer Jr 373-9050 Financial Advisor Andrew Irvine 373-1150 Financial Advisor Member SIPC Tyler Doran 373-2313 Financial Advisor Angie Eggum 373-2000 Financial Advisor 45 Years... WangEn ExCavaTing, LLc & sEpTiC Tank pumping 507-377-3577 since 1978 42 Years... Senior Court & Senior Tower Providing affordable housing for 62+ or disabled persons since 1981. Maplehill Drive, Albert Lea, MN | 507-373-5391 www.lifestyleinc.net 49 Years... J.A. Ehrhard JKE Enterprises 1320 Crestview Rd. Albert Lea, MN 507-373-8041 Do you want to feel better? Creating Healthier Lives Since 1981 49 Years... We want your marriage, engagement and birth announcements. Stop by the Tribune, 808 West Front St. SEE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ON PAGE 8!

Do you have a business you want to showcase here? Call Michelle at 379-9850! 28 Years... 77205 235th St. | Albert Lea, MN Owners Jack Rasmussen & Trevor Rasmussen Since 1995 • Lic# PM-059506 www.masterplumbingal.com CALL 507-373-7454! Booking for the season now! Rightway Roofing Commercial, Residential & Repairs Bob Hanson 373-0409 Since 1993 30 Years... ErniE’s Canvas ProduCts, inC Boat CovErs • awnings trailEr tarPs • grill CovErs windshiEld CovErs air Conditioning CovErs 507-373-8996 20902 782nd avE • alBErt lEa, Mn sinCE 1992 31 Years... wE CovEr anything undEr thE sun! 32 Years... Albert leA bus CompAny 1407 St. John Ave, Albert Lea, MN • 507-373-1467 • albertleabuscompany.com School Buses & Charter Services Dependable Transportation Experienced Drivers Outstanding Safety Records “THE QUALITY SHINES THROUGH” Residential & Commercial 507-WE CLEAN 507-932-5326 Since 1988 35 Years... 35 Years... Mary Go Round Shoppe Since Nov. 1, 1988 106 W. Clark 373-7911 Quality clothing, furniture, antiques and glassware 41 Years... 920 S Broadway 507-373-4366 Locally Owned By: Gary Hillman Since December,1982 40 Years... SHORT STOp 24 HR pAY-AT-pUmp A One-Stop Convenience Store Highway 65 South Glenville • 448-3547 Craig & marcia Rayman Since 1983 HOLLANd AUCTION & REAL ESTATE Tracy Holland 507-684-2955 5801 SW 128th Street Ellendale, mN Since Jan. 19, 1984 www.hollandauction.com 39 Years... 40 Years... 2200 Y.H. Hanson Ave • Albert Lea 507-373-5006 Toll Free 888-216-9454 www.prattindustries.com A subsidiary of Pratt Industries Since May 2016 34 ½ Years... Tractor Manuals Parts & Decals Visit our World Headquarters at 200 Main Street Manchester, MN 56007 507-826-3666 Business Since November 1989 Veteran Owned 702 13th Street • 377-2526 www.cargill.com/careers Serving In Albert Lea Since 1983 39 Years... 31 Years... SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER® 201 S. Washington Albert Lea, MN Craig Hoium 507-473-3048 homesforsale.century21.com Conversation for two? Local News for local people Start your local subscription today! Call 507-379-3421 808 W. Front Street. Albert Lea, MN 507-377-7410 800-371-1262 www.us.manpower.com Since March 13, 1995 28 Years... Your trusted leaders in staffing solutions 34 Years... R & R TRUCK REpAIR Larry Rognes, Owner 2401 Myers Road Albert Lea, MN 377-8848 In Business Since march 1989 37 Years... 507-373-4678 606 S. Broadway - Albert Lea Owner Michelle Thompson Serving the area since 12-30-85 29 Years... Commercial Casework & Cabinetry Lake Mills, IA Saturday, February 25, 2023 | ProgreSS 2023 | albertleatribune.com | Page 5 37 Years... 227 S. Broadway 373-2514 Nice People, Nice Store 37 Years... October 7-8, 2023 1-800-658-2526 37 Years... 373-2318 116 So. Washington Albert Lea Since 1986 C lothing are enter 35 Years... Heating & Air Conditioning 24 hour emergency service Emergency phone: 507-373-5166 Business phone: 507-373-8435 Box 55 • Albert Lea Since 1988 35 Years... GOEmANN INSURANCE North Star mutual progressive All Lines of Insurance Located In: Kiester School Building Kiester, mN 507-294-3458 866-278-1467 Since 1988 36 Years... Full & cremation burial vaults, bronze on granite memorial markers, artificial flowers, live wreaths & perpetual care A Resting Place of Natural Beauty & Perpetual Care 507-373-3560 17544 Hwy 65 S. Albert Lea, MN hillcrestcemetery@live.com Since Nov. 1987 HILLCREST Cemetery Association Full Service Cemetery 34 Years... INTERSTATE mOLdING & mfG Custom plastic Injection molding Injection molds Rapid prototyping 2220 myers Rd Albert Lea, mN (507) 377-3800 Since Nov. 1989 DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS 31 Years... 373-1000 311 W. mAIN ALBERT LEA Since 1992 31 Years... & Truck Wash 2301 myers Road, Albert Lea 507-377-8287 providing local trucking in the Albert Lea area In business since 1992 29 Years... 2525 Bridge Ave 377-8636 29 Years... Trish Stanley 625 West Park Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507.402.5913 Cell trishstanley@me.com salon625.net 28 Years... Country Care Boarding Kennel & in Home Care "We'll give your pet the loving care it needs, while you're on the vacation you need." Barb & Roger Hoeve 826-3510 74745 255th St. Clarks Grove barbhoeve@gmail.com Since July 1995 37 Years... Sales & Service of Over-The-Road Trailers & Refrigeration Units 507-373-4443 In business since 1986 MOTOR & BEARING ELECTRIC SERVICE On Call 24 Hours CALL 377-0032 BalDOR Motors and Drives 1401 West 9th Street Albert Lea, Minnesota 38 Years... 38 Years... 131 W. College St. 507-377-3320 “Your peace of mind is our FIRST priority” www.sandersonauto.us 38 Years... CALLAHAN'S HEATING & COOLING 21956 733rd Ave. Albert Lea, MN 507-377-1578 507-383-6200 35 Years... China RESTAURANT 805 East main THE MOST UNIQUE DINING EXPERIENCE IN SOUTHERN MINNESOTA Luncheon Hours: Sun-Fri 11am-2pm • Sat 12pm-2:30pm Dinner Hours: Monday-Sunday 4pm-9pm 377-8888 & 377-2035 Locally Owned Since Dec. 1989 Dine-In & Carry Out www.chinarestaurantal.com 34 Years... pro Trucking 507-377-8838 1-800-274-8858 77917 209th St, Albert Lea Since march 1989 www.theproadvantagemn.com Thank you for supporting local journalism. Wuerflein & Associates 1907 East Main Street, Albert Lea Farm & Ranch • Vehicle Property • Personal • Commercial geT a QUOTe CaLL (507) 377-2290 BreTT WUerfLein 38 Years... Have a story idea ? Call the newsroom at 507-373-1411 Do you want this spot? Call 379-9850 today!

507-874-3863 507-473-0345 507-874-3863 507-473-0345


local journalism matters Call miChelle about promoting your Company in the business serviCe direCtory! 507-379-9850 BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. With Classified ads. The Wedgewood Restaurant & The Cove Bar & Grill Banquet facility seating up to 450 people for weddings, meetings and parties. 2200 W 9th st, albert lea, mn 507-373-2007 • www.wedgewoodcove.com 14 Years... Southern Minnesota’s finest 18-hole championship public golf course. For tee-time reservations, call the pro shop at 507-373-2007. 24 Years... $1 off any 24 or 30 pack beer c oupon e xpires 05/31/23 160 Bridge Ave. 507-379-2364 24 Years... bob hanson Retired since Dec. 1998 16 Years... Diana newman 522 S. broadway albert Lea Tues-Fri 7-1 Sat 7-11 377-1555 15 Years... travis & heather blake Find us on Tues-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-8pm 100 Hwy. 13 • New Richland 507-463-1000 15 ½ Years... 808 W. Front St albert Lea, Mn 507-379-9858 15 Years... Tuesday: $9.00 Burger Baskets Wednesday: Walleye Dinner Thursday: Ribeye Dinner Friday: All You Can Eat Fish or Slow Roasted Prime Rib Saturday: BBQ Ribs or Slow Roasted Prime Rib 116 Central St. N • Geneva, MN 507-256-4501 • www.georgesofgeneva.com Off-site catering & liquor license available for your special events. 15 Years...
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Years... dawn.realtor@me.com 507-383-1300 Buying or selling a home? I’m here to answer all your questions & professionally guide you through your entire transaction. Dawn Swalve,Realtor® 204 S. Washington, Albert Lea, MN 102 W. Clark St. albert lea, mn www.exprealty.com 18 Years... Josh Harmdierks 507-383-7625 18 Years...
Service is our part 1610 E. Main St Albert Lea 17 Years... 507-318-0004 pamschmidtrealtor@gmail.com 204 S. Washington, Albert Lea, MN TOLL FREE: 1-888-373-8963 cbhomeconnection.com Pam Schmidt, Realtor® RE/MAX PROPERTIES • 412 E William St • Albert Lea, MN Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00-4:30 Call today to discuss your real estate needs! greg moen 507-383-1866 lisa evans 507-461-3790 steve honsey 507-383-6168 lucas schuster 507-210-4028 shannon bordeaux 952-215-6145 Jennifer tolbers 507-402-3418 michelle Johnson 507-589-8111 asia thostenson 507-676-5764 21 Years... 507-377-2752 www.remax.com 24 Years... Greg Moen, Realtor® 507-383-1866 www.remax.com Re/MAX PRoPeRties 412 e. William • Albert Lea, Mn office: 507-377-2752 14 Years... 424 Bridge Ave. Suite 3 Albert Lea, MN 507-377-1570 19 Years... Mon.-Thurs. 11am-10pm • Fri.-Sat. 11am-11pm Closed Sundays & Holidays Daily lunch & dinner specials! Delicious flat iron steaks, original pasta dishes, seafood, healthy salads, robust sandwiches and unique burgers with a kid friendly menu and a full bar. 224 W. main • lake mills • 641-592-3303 627 main st. • osage • 641-832-3300 Come visit us today! 20 ½ Years... • Full service mechanic shop • Body & paint • Custom painting mike Jensen 1401 se broadway albert lea, mn 507-373-4164 Over 60 Years of Experience Page 6 | AlbertleAtribune.com | Progress 2023 | sAturdAy, FebruAry 25, 2023 23 Years... shell food Mart 373-5179 116 bridge ave. albert lea since may 2000 22 Years... dave Klatt 106 s. broadway providing insurance and Financial services 373-2377 Exquisite Food & F ine Wines 22 Years... 118 S Broadway Ave. Albert Lea, MN 377-2425 DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS 19 Years...19 Years...19 Years...19 Years...19
Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 Broker: Robert Hoffman 507.402.4692 BROKERREALTOR PROPERTY MGR. BUY SELL RENTMANAGE MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 MN Licensed #40230933 IA Licensed #F06060000 AlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.comAlbertLeaRealty.com 18 Years... 2410 Y.H. Hanson Ave. albert lea 18 Years... 24 Years... 15300 780th Ave. • Albert Lea, MN 507-373-8895 • www.poet.com Since March 1999 23 Years... BAUERS CONSTRUCTION GaraGes, Pole sheds, doors, FloorinG, additions, remodelinG, rooFinG, rePairs Jeff • 852-2620 Cell: 383-5903 Licensed & Insured #20225484 22 Years... Jeanette Phillips Certified Massage Therapist 507-473-3962 | Hartland, MN BODY-MIND-SPIRIT New Home Construction Roofing • Siding • Garages Additions • Decks & More "For All Your Construction Needs" MARK ATTIG 507-383-0339 Lic. BC767984 Albert Lea, MN 18 Years... LLC 17 ½ Years... new clothing & Accessories Previously owned clothing tAnninG • 10 minute bed • 12 minute bed • 15 minute bed • 20 minute bed • Red Light therapy • Airbrush • Lotion Products 507.377.tAns (8267) Open 7 Days a Week Located in skyline Plaza • Albert Lea ETC Etcetera Tanning & Clothing Boutique DESIGN CENTER 310 1ST AvE S. ALBERT LEA, MN 507-373-8535 Toll Free 877-373-8535 BudgetBlinds.com 25 Years... 25 Years... Kim lorenZen 341 s broadWay ave • albert lea, mn 507-552-1263 KIM@booKKeepIngcents.coM 14 Years... LeVerne Carlson Fitness Center Flexible & affordable membership options for everyone! located in the alden-Conger High School Office Fitness Center CoordinatorJenny hovendick-savick jhovendick@ac242.us 507-874-3240 22 Years... 142 W. Clark Albert Lea, MN 507-377-8591 Computer Services Computer Retailer Web Design DVD Production WEB ROOM 27 Years... Pro Manufacturing inc. 507-373-5570 77917 209th st., Albert Lea www.theproadvantagemn.com since March 1996 UNIQUE REALTY
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6 Years... COUNTRY VIEW ACRES Your ideal wedding venue. 628 430th St., Joice, Iowa 641-590-5960 9 Months... Shannon Cox, RealtoR 223 e William St, albeRt lea, mN 507-402-4743 liceNSed iN miNNeSota #40809308 1 1/2 Years... 1 Year... 1317 SE Broadway Albert Lea, MN 507-383-6237 10 Months Asia Thostenson, Realtor ® 507-676-5764 www.remax.com RE/MAX PROPERTIES 412 E. William • Albert Lea, MN Office: 507-377-2752 7 Y E A R S 9 Years... • Destination Wedding Specialist • Romance Travel Specialist • Certified Travel Agent (CTA) Sarah Arens, CTA sarah@mytravelc.com 507.319.4542 www.mytravelc.com Premier Mobile Travel Agency Call to book your get away today! 20+ years experience 8 Years... 7 Years... Furnishings • Decor Giftware • Bags • Clothing Fusion Mineral Paint Open Each Month on the Second Thurs, Fri & Sat 507.297.5000 137 Main St. • Emmons, MN BorderMarket 13 Years... Hollandale THREE IN ONE Bar & Restaurant 507-889-DALE (3253) Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Pool • Darts • Liquor • Gas • Diesel Monday-Saturday 7:00am - 1:00pm 4:00pm - 9:00pm Grill closes at 7:45pm BAKERY NOW OPEN! Donuts Cookies Cakes Buns 5 Years... ALBERT LEA, MN • NORTHWOOD, IA Heavy Duty Towing • Off-Road Recovery • Winch Outs • Road Service • Light Duty Towing Rotator Service/Crane Work • Equipment Transport • Load Shifts • Air Cushion Recovery 507-473-2999 With 24/7 dispatch available, T&W Towing provides around-the-clock emergency roadside assistance services for cars & commercial vehicles throughout the Southern MN & Northern IA area. 9 Months Carpet & Hard Surface Cleaning 507-402-4743 Using HydraMaster truck mounted carpet cleaning system to get you the deep clean! We also do dryer vent cleaning! Mag c Touch 10 Years... Back2Sanity Cleaning LLC Commercial • Home • Air B&B • Rentals 507-318-6742 www.back2sanitycleaningllc.com Back2SanityCleaning2022@gmail.com Insured Bonded • Licensed 8 Years... 12 YEARS! 916 S Broadway Ave Albert Lea, MN 507-320-5921 5 Years... Computer repair, serviCe & sales 211 South Newton Avenue Downtown Albert Lea 507-421-5368 Matt & Angela Moller Gifts Decor Apparel 4 years 4 Years... O: 507-320-9490 | M: 641-590-0915 Chris@floconstructionLLC.com 1609 Canary Drive | Albert Lea, MN 56007 MN LIC #: BC752358 | IA LIC #C140566 Quality Renovations Construction Repairs Chris Flo, Owner 13 Years... Collective Spirits Home Brew 1507 Blake Ave. 507-379-BEER 12 Years... Monitored Burglar Alarms and Fire Alarms Camera Systems Full 5 Year Replacement Warranty Sales • Service • Installation 30+ years experience Lowest Monitoring Rates Around LOCALLY OWNED 404 Old Hwy 65 S, Clarks Grove, MN struesdell9@hotmail.com 507-383-1958 FREE QUOTES/ pEacE OF mind iS pRicElESS total security of southern mn, llc 13 Years... 85103 Prairie Wood Dr • Hollandale, MN 507-213-3029 Flatwork • Sheds • Steps • Stoops Decorative Block • Snow Removal JC Masonry LLC 3 Years... Shannon Bordeaux, Realtor ® 952-215-6145 www.remax.com RE/MAX PROPERTIES 412 E. William • Albert Lea, MN Office: 507-377-2752 12 Years... 7 Years... BUILDING SUPPLIES &MATERIALS 706 8th Street North Northwood, IA 50459 641.324.0117 SAturDAy, FEBruAry 25, 2023 | PrOgrESS 2023 | ALBErtLEAtrIBuNE COM | Page 7 DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS 12 Years... EASTSIDE LAUNDRY 309 Fenton Ave. Albert Lea, MN 11 Years... Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3000 Unique, local establishment Food – Drinks – Fun Original menu 8 Years Donald W. Savelkoul (Albert Lea Attorney for 30 years) Personal Injury Corporate/Business Litigation • General Practice 2302 East Main St. Albert Lea, MN 507-552-5291 www.savelkoullaw.com Savelkoul Law Office 8 Years... Chef John Lowery 98 Maple St. S. Conger, MN 507-265-3265 7 ½ Years... Cowboy Clocks and Caning Repair, Buy and Sell Grandfather • Mantle Cuckoo Clocks Furniture Caning Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Downtown Alden, MN Store 507-874-2645 Jeff’s Cell 507-318-0707 6 Years... SEE YOU SOON! 424 Bridge Ave Albert Lea, MN eatnicecreamshoppe.com 6 Years... SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER® 201 S. Washington Albert Lea, MN Josie Brackey 641-590-6105 homesforsale.century21.com 5 ½ Years... SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER® 201 S. Washington Albert Lea, MN Jane Hanson 507-383-1611 homesforsale.century21.com 102 W. Clark St. Albert Lea, MN albertleahomesforsale.com 3 Years... Jim Kelley 507-473-0358 8 ½ Years... Unique women’s clothing, accessories & home decor. 144 S. Broadway Ave. Downtown Albert Lea 507-473-2111 NEW SPRING CLothES ARRIvING dAILY! 5 Years... CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE NOW! www.platinumplumbingmn.com Licensed, Bonded, Insured DESIGN - INSTALL MAINTAIN

For questions feel free to call MaChar at 507-473-1018. To apply go to our website: www.stjohnsofalbertlea.org Or pick up an application in person at Luther Place or Fountain Lake Campus. 901 Luther Place | 1861 Eagle View Circle Albert Lea, MN | 507-373-8226 RN/LPN/CNA Full/part time positions *excellent shiFt diFFerential * excellent BeneFits EOE Taking Applications Now Notice of Job opeNiNg City of Albert leA CIRCULATION CLERK The Albert Lea Public Library is accepting applications for a part-time Circulation Clerk. Duties will include working with the public in both the adult and children’s library to answer questions, check out material and issue library cards. Must be able to work 20 to 25 hours per week; evenings and weekends. The salary range for this position is $14.84 to $18.66 per hour. Applications and/or further information is available online at: www.cityofalbertlea.org Applications and cover letter are due by March 10, 2023. EOE DARLING INGREDIENTS INC • BLUE EARTH CALL 507-299-1571 Between 8am-4pm PLANT HELP WANTED STARTING WAGE OF $20.50 PER HOUR plus excellent Benefit package, paid holidays & vacations company matching 401k • uniforms & ppe provided must Be aBle to pass all dot criteria eoe