Sunday, february 26, 2012
health & business Cosmetic dentist Mark Kamel of Uptown Dental sits with samples of Botox and Juvederm, which he was licensed in August to inject. — Sarah Stultz
Mending more than
just teeth
s a family and cosmetic dentist, Marko Kamel of Uptown Dental is interested in more than just people’s
teeth. Trained to perform tasks such as extractions, teeth whitening, denture making, along with other techniques to enhance a smile, Kamel in August expanded his training and became licensed to perform Botox and Juvederm injections.
He’s one of a handful in the state able to do so. “We care about the teeth, but we care about the area around the teeth, too,” Kamel said. Botox and Juvederm temporarily improve the look of lines on the face that often come with age. Botox, a prescription drug used to stop excessive movement of facial muscles that cause wrinkles, can be injected in the forehead, between the eyebrows and on the outsides of the eyes — the area commonly referred to as crow’s feet. The drug works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. Juvederm, a gel filler underneath the skin, most often is injected in the folds around the nose and mouth, the area known as the smile lines. Though the popularity of the treatments still is gaining steam, Kamel said little by little — mostly by word of mouth — area residents are starting to find out about what’s offered locally. 4Continued on Page 2
Lakeview Park Not far from Edgewater Park, Lakeview Park features two soccer fields, a soccer court, a modern playground and rain garden. In the winter, it has an outdoor ice rink and warming house is open.
Lakeshore Drive Not part of the Blue Zones Walkway, walkers and bicyclists often take a detour along this path. It is paved in some places, rocky in others. Cars travel oneway from the west end. Hatch Bridge Between the Oakwood Peninsula and Shoreland Heights, Hatch Bridge was reconstructed in 2005. It offers views of Edgewater Bay and the main body of Fountain Lake.
Brookside Park This park features the Brookside Boathouse, a boat landing, Brookside Education Center and a 70-plot community garden. The start of the paved 0.75-mile trail to Pioneer Park also begins here, switching from sidewalk to paved trail.
A stroll around The Blue Zones Walkway
St. Theodore Catholic Cemetery
Lakewood Cemetery
Pioneer Park With scores of mature oak trees, this popular park features a picnic pavilion with kitchen area, restrooms with running water, a modern playground and the start of the paved trail to Brookside Park. City Beach A sandy beach on Fountain Lake, City Beach features a sand volleyball court, a bathhouse with restrooms and changing rooms and picnic tables. Nearby is a skate park, public dock and boat fuel concessionaire.
Fountain Lake
Dane Bay Bridge Fishing continues to be a hit near this bridge. It allows Lakeview Boulevard to cross the outlet connecting Dane Bay to Fountain Lake. A footbridge exists on the other end of Dane Bay.
Katherine Island Connected to New Denmark Park is a weathered steel footbridge that crosses over a portion of Fountain Lake to Katherine island. The bridge was installed in 2007. The island has three benches and is a popular fishing spot.
Dress Island A footbridge leads visitors from the walkway to Dress Island, also known as Monkey Island and Hanson Island. There are benches on the island and more on the shore. Fishing is popular here. Faville Park A corner parcel at the intersection of Lakeview Boulevard and Grace Street.
History of the walkway Albert Lea’s five-mile walking, jogging and biking route around Fountain Lake was named the Blue Zones Walkway in December by the Albert Lea City Council. It honors Blue Zones’ founder Dan Buettner, who brought the AARP/Blue Zones Vitality Project to town in 2009. The route is made up of sidewalks and trails that loop around Fountain Lake, going through neighborhoods, parks, downtown and past the local hospital. City officials plan to install kiosks around the walkway identifying the “Power 9,” or nine principles for improving health and longevity featured in “The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest.” A grand opening ceremony of the walkway is being planned for the spring with Buettner in attendance.
Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea Albert Lea’s largest employer, Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea is home to a hospital, a clinic, Fountain Lake Treatment Centers and a cancer treatment center. Fountain Lake Park On the lakefront of downtown, Fountain Lake Park features a large gazebo, public dock, asphalt overlook and children’s garden. The park is the site of many weddings.
Albert Lea City Hall Nestled into downtown Albert Lea, City Hall is home to city offices, the public library and the fire department. The City Council meets here.
New Denmark Park A picturesque place, New Denmark Park and its views of Fountain Lake are made into postcards representing Albert Lea. It features a Little Mermaid statue, a statue and wading pool commemorating Danish immigrants, and four benches. Nearby are the fountains of Fountain Lake.
— By Sarah Stultz and Stacey Bahr
Page 2 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012
Answers to “Where in the Lea are these places” from the Family & Home section Y S DD A H O Z T M E CC I Q AA K J F W BB X L R B C EE P V N D G U
Match the letter to the business Albert Lea High School Anytime Fitness in the Northbridge Mall Ben’s Floral and Frame Bill and Mark’s Barber Shop Bookworld in the Northbridge Mall The Chapel Piercings and Tattoos CEC Cinema 7 in the Northbridge Mall Community Foot Clinic Conger Meat Market, Northbridge Mall The Freeborn County Courthouse Courtly Manor Crescendo’s Expressions Salon & Spa Grandma’s Kitchen, Northbridge Mall Lakeside Café & Creamery Leutholds in the Northbridge Mall Mrs. Gerry’s Kitchen Statue on fountain at New Denmark Park Plaza Morena, Northbridge Mall Post Office Power 96 Radio Reinertson’s Embroidery Shoff Chiropractic Statue at Riverland Community College St. Theodore’s Catholic Church Taco King The Heart of the Artichoke Tiger City Sports Tone Music Uptown Dental Zogg Dermatology
Cosmetic dentist Marko Kamel of Uptown Dental shows a photo of a patient uploaded to his iPad in January. Kamel takes photos of the patient’s face before determining how much Botox or Juvederm is needed. — Sarah Stultz
Continued from Page 1 The next closest city to offer a similar procedure is Rochester.
What are the procedures?
Whether receiving a Botox or Juvederm injection, Kamel said he first meets with the patient for a one-on-one consultation. During the consultation, he photographs the face of the patient, particularly the areas around the forehead, eyes, nose and mouth. The photos are transferred to an iPad for him and the patient to look closer at the details. Once the photos are uploaded onto the iPad, Kamel said he consults with the Botox patients to discuss what changes they would like to see and how he can achieve those
goals. Then he figures out how many units of the injection are needed. Kamel said the photo taking and the injections can all take place in one day — if scheduled ahead of time, they can even be on the same day as dental checkups. The treatment is not classified as a surgery and it requires no recovery time. He noted that Botox injections last for about six months and typically cost $10 to $15 a unit. How many units each patient needs varies. With the Juvederm injections, the dentist said sometimes it is harder to figure out how much of the drug is needed. He will inject some and then hand the patient a mirror to see if more is needed. The patient will come
back two weeks later to have post-operative pictures taken and to see if more of the injection is necessary. The Juvederm typically lasts for one to two years with some additional enhancements. It costs about $500, though some
people may need more of the drug or less. Kamel said he plans to have an open house at the Uptown Dental office in Albert Lea in the first week in April for people to learn more about the procedures. — Sarah Stultz
Timeline 2000: Marko Kamel graduated from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, with a dental degree. He soon began working as a dentist.
August 2011: Kamel received his license to perform Botox and Juvederm injections.
Jan. 21, 2008: Kamel purchased Uptown Dental in Albert Lea from dentist A. David Flor.
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procedures leading to great SMILES
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Dr. Marko Kamel, D.D.S.
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For detailed explanation of services see
Dr. Marko Kamel, D.D.S. Dr. Shannon Held, D.D.S. Dr. Nicole Napier D.D.S.
New medical professional
Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 3
Dr. Ella Wiemerslage poses for a photo outside Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea where she works as a psychologist. — Kelli Lageson
settles in at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea A new doctor at hospital is adjusting to the different atmosphere
r. Ella Wiemerslage, a psychologist, is one of the new employees at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea. She was working in Thief River Falls for the independent medical center in that town but wasn’t fully satisfied. She preferred being closer to her family in Decorah, Iowa, and felt she was too far away from a big city, like Minneapolis. She had previously lived in Denver, and missed being near a metropolis. Driving from Thief River Falls to Minneapolis takes about 6 1/2 hours, and she enjoys the arts, shopping and other amenities the Twin Cities offer. But uprooting her family wasn’t easy, and though they’ve been in Albert Lea since the summer of 2010, she said they’re still adjusting and unpacking. It helped that she knew a colleague who worked at the hospital in Albert Lea, who encouraged her to apply at the medical center. “It’s been a good move,” Wiemerslage said. There have been some challenges with working at a completely different hospital, and even more from moving to an independent hospital to a big system like Mayo Clinic. She had just gotten used to using a different computer system when Mayo upgraded its system. “I had to learn two computer systems in one year,” Wiemerslage said. There are far more positives than negatives though, and she said she’s overwhelmed with all the resources within Mayo Clinic and in the southern Minnesota region. There is one big difference between her last job and this one — at the last hospital she was responsible for both inpatient and outpatient cases. Since Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea does not have a psychiatric unit, here she only sees outpatients, meaning patients who are not staying at
the hospital. Patients who need to be admitted have to go to another facility in the region. Wiemerslage said most of her time is spent doing one-on-one work with patients. She identifies their problem, then tries to find issues that could be causing it like family history or lifestyle and then finally works with them to resolve it or refers them to other medical professionals. “I help figure out the issues and then what will make them better,” Wiemerslage said. For instance, if someone came in saying they can’t sleep, are gaining weight and not enjoying life or not happy, Wiemerslage asks about their family history and lifestyle. For someone with those symptoms, which could indicate depression, she would recommend therapy and/or medication. She mostly works with teens and adults but has worked with children occasionally. Wiemerslage said she liked the area and the community a lot. She was impressed by the school system, which was important to her. She has two children, Kade, 16, and Bess, 10, who attend Albert Lea Schools. Wiemerslage attended college in Winona and Decorah, Iowa, before graduating from Luther College. She got her doctorate at the University of Denver. — Kelli Lageson
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Page 4 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012
Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea
By the numbers 254,000
visits to the hospital for clinic visits, labs, radiology and for many other resources. Dave Pilot, the hospital’s chief financial officer, explained that many people have multiple visits per year.
beds the hospital is licensed to have. On average only about 35 to 40 are filled on a regular day at the hospital.
admissions to the hospital in 2011.
births at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea in 2011. The maternity ward is named The Baby Place.
278 79 800 5 961
surgeries were performed in 2001. That’s an average of almost eight per day.
nurses at the hospital.
providers at the hospital, including medical doctors, nurse practitioners and more. allied health staff members, i.e., nurses, office staff, janitors, housekeeping; anyone who is not a provider. administrators at the hospital. Also, several providers spend some of their time as administrators. An example would be Mark Ciota, a surgeon who also spends some of his time as the chief executive officer.
number of times a helicopter landed in Albert Lea to transport a patient to the hospital’s facilities in Rochester. Pilot said most of those are for patients who need cardiac procedures.
full-time employees at the hospital in Albert Lea.
232 million
137 million
dollars of charges filled out from 2011 for Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea. Mayo Clinic is a non profit organization.
dollars collected by Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea. That means almost $100 million of the $232 million that was billed was not paid, because of government write-offs and patients who cannot pay their bills.
4.8 million
dollars in charity care and financial assistance given by Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea. Pilot said the hospital never turns anyone away from services, including the uninsured and the under-insured (those with high deductibles). Pilot said the hospital has a program to help these people, and they prefer people sign up to the program in advance so they can be getting preventative care. That way the under-insured don’t let a medical problem get worse and then come in when it’s much more serious. “We’d rather see them in primary care than for them to just show up in the ER,” Pilot said.
85 million 60
dollars paid out in salary and benefits for all the staff at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea.
percent of all patients at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea are covered by government programs like Medicare or Medicaid. Pilot said this reflects that many of the hospitals patients are seniors. He also said Albert Lea is one of the oldest communities in the state.
— Kelli Lageson
Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 5
Spin cycle
People participate in a spinning class at the Albert Lea Family Y in the aerobics room. — Andrew Dyrdal
he Albert Lea Family Y’s indoor cycling classes are spinning out of control. The classes, known as spinning classes, have become a hit are the Y after its inception last April. The Y first purchased 10 stationary bikes — Kaiser M3 indoor cycles — but is up to 15 with an increased number of classes and instructors, too. “People love the bikes,” said Susie Holst, sports and fitness director at the Y. “I can’t imagine this place without them.” Spinning classes offer a full cardiovascular workout with different levels of resistance to maximize the experience. Music is played throughout the class and the instructor, through a headset microphone, motivates and directs the class on
the desired resistance and RPMs. Holst said the workout puts little stress on people’s knees, making the class great for all ages. “I just love it because it’s low impact, and you burn lots of calories,” said Holst. “You’re not on a bike by yourself so there’s a little more accountability. You can feel the energy in the room and feed off that energy.” Spinning classes have been popular since they began at the Y, and Holst said the classes are still filling up. To account for this, the Y added four more classes and three more instructors. “Our night classes are pretty much full every time,” Holst said. “Before and after work are our busy times.” Holst also said the Y added a new class
length. The Y has offered 45-minute and one-hour sessions since April, but has just added a 30-minute session. Holst called them “mini classes” and said more may be added in the future. The latest innovation with spinning classes was to add strength training to the routine. The Y now offers cycle-strength classes where it rolls its bikes into the aerobics room to maximize the space. During the cyclestrength course, people bike for 10 minutes before doing pushups and upper-body lifting for the next 10. Holst said the Y has no pending plans to expand its spinning classes in the future, but as interest continues to grow, it may just have to. — Andrew Dyrdal
An exercise ball stands at the ready to be used during a spinning class.
George R. Lundstrom DDS
We Offer Our Thanks to All Of You Who Have Given Your Support, Kind Words & Referrals
Some spinning classes offer weight training
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Page 6 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012
Everywhere a Signs
Familiar sights from businesses in Albert Lea. — Shelby Lageson
Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 7
Page 8 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012
The owner of Sugar Chic Cake Designs makes unique baked goods for all occasions
Karrie Christopherson, owner of Sugar Chic Cake Designs, airbrushes a design onto a bunny-themed cake for a little girl’s second birthday. — Danielle Boss
A bunny to be placed on the cake sits while Christopherson cuts out its ears.
Fondant is rolled out to be cut into a shape of a number two.
Icing is added to the top of the cake as a border.
An all-white wedding cake sits by a window at Sugar Chic Cake Designs.
Black and white flowers cascade down a wedding cake sitting on display.
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Handy e ye emplo ent m recruit l! too
Regional parks Bancroft Bay Park
900 Hammer Road • 74.1 acres • walking trails • large oak trees, native prairie • 18-hole disc golf course • 9-hole disc golf course • restrooms with running water • Many picnic tables • 2 open shelters • 1 lakeside shelter for single table • 3 fire pits • 2 parking lots (1 paved, 1 gravel) • canoe launch • wildlife frequently spotted
Brookside Park
623 Richway Drive • 4.2 acres • Brookside Boathouse • boat launch on Bancroft Bay channel leading to Fountain Lake • start of paved 0.75mile trail to Pioneer Park • 70-plot community garden • next to 15.5-acre Brookside School
Edgewater Park
1600 Edgewater Drive • 62.6 acres • Edgewater Bay Pavilion • Large open pavilion • 3-season cottage • bandshell • large oak trees, open spaces • many picnic tables • views of Edgewater Bay • 2 fire pits • restrooms with running water • 2 modern playgrounds • baseball/softball field • fishing pier • shoreline for ski shows • horseshoe pits • 4 paved parking lots
City Beach
300 Johnson St. • 1.6 acres • sandy beach on Fountain Lake • bathhouse with restrooms and changing rooms • paved parking lot • skate park • sand volleyball court • public dock • boat fuel concessionaire • permanent picnic tables
Frank Hall Park
505 Frank Ave. • 11.8 acres • boat launch on Albert Lea Lake • fishing pier on channel • popular site for ice fishing • start of Blazing Star Trail • horseshoe pits • modern playground • restrooms with running water • permanent picnic tables • sledding hill • walking trails
Fountain Lake Park
100 Fountain St. • 3.9 acres • large gazebo • on lakefront of downtown • public dock • asphalt overlook • well-groomed flower beds • children’s garden • large shade trees along water • lined with crabapple trees along street
Pioneer Park
100 Hawthorne St. • 3.5 acres • picnic pavilion with kitchen area • restrooms with running water • modern playground • start of paved trail to Brookside Park • gravel parking lot • mature trees • views of Fountain Lake
Shoff Park
400 Highway 13 • 12.1 acres • Higbie Gardens (maintained by Shades of Jade Garden Club) • small picnic shelter • meandering sidewalk with footbridge over creek • large open spaces • tallgrass area with walking paths • gravel parking lot
Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 9
The parks of Albert Lea Neighborhood parks Academy Park
910 Frank Hall Drive • 3.1 acres • play park • modern playground • lighted asphalt ice/ roller rink • warming house • softball/baseball field • view of Albert Lea Lake
Bellview Park
934 Lincoln Ave. • 1.8 acres • mostly open space • older playground
Eastgate Park
1108 Eastgate Road • 2.2 acres • mostly open space • modern playground • basketball court, 2 baskets • small picnic shelter
Eberhardt Park
Eberhardt St. & David Ave. • 5.1 acres • meandering sidewalk on raised bed • small picnic shelter • older playground • paved parking lot
Garden Villa Park
100 McArthur Drive • 4.1 acres • mostly open space • older playground
Ginkle Park
607 1/2 Cherry Ave. • 0.8 acres • mostly open space • surrounded by backyards • playground
Hawthorne Park
915 Garfield Ave. • 4.3 acres (schoolowned) • play park • modern playground • softball/baseball field • hockey rink in winter • warming house • next to Hawthorne School • entire school/playground is 7.4 acres
Hayek Park
1215 Clark St. • 19.1 acres • play park • Hayek Field • modern playground • open space • basketball court, 1 basket • backstop, dirt infield, bleachers • hockey rink in winter • warming house
Lakeview Park
102 Willamor Road • 13.1 acres • play park • mostly open space • 2 soccer fields • basketball court, 2 baskets • modern playground • rain garden • hockey rink in winter • warming house
Memorial Park
1400 Margaretha Ave. • 4.9 acres • modern playground • soccer field • young trees • small gazebo
Morin Park
222 St. Mary Ave. • 3.2 acres • play park • 2 small ballfields, backstops, bleachers • basketball court, 2 baskets, lighted
Oakwood Park
1400 Circle Drive • 0.3 acres • mature trees • modern playground • sandbox
Park Avenue Park
611 Park Ave. • 0.3 acres • mature trees • older playground • basketball court, 1 basket
Shoreland Heights Park
116 The Fairway • 2.4 acres • mostly open space • modern playground • backstop
Shorewood Hills Park
1900 Bayview Drive • 0.8 acres • mostly open space • playground
Sondergaard Park
806 17th St. • 5.1 acres • play park • mostly open space • modern playground
• ballfield with backstop • basketball court, 2 goals
Southwest Park
Front St. & Maplehill Drive • 24.5 acres (schoolowned) • play park • mostly open space • part of Southwest Middle School • modern playground • 6 tennis courts • basketball court, 4 baskets • 4 baseball/softball fields
Troy-Hammer Park
603 Troy Road • 4.5 acres • play park • open space • mature trees • modern playground • basketball court, 2 baskets • backstop • small ice rink in winter
Valley Park
611 Sheridan St. • 1.7 acres • play park • mostly open space • mature trees • modern playground • backstop, dirt infield • basketball court, 2 baskets
Virginia Place Park
1205 Virginia Place • 0.8 acres • playground • sandbox
Wedgewood Park
500 Wedgewood Road • 7.1 acres • older playground • backstop • sledding hill
Passive parks Central Park
300 W. Clark St. • 1.6 acres • mature trees • picnic tables • Ten Commandments memorial • surrounded by churches • near medical center • lighted walkway through center
Recreation facilities Aquatic Center
321 James Ave. • 5.72 acres • main pool handles 466,200 gallons • 236-foot water slide • main bathhouse has lockers, showers, restrooms, cashier stand, concession stand, lifeguard station, physical plant • family bathhouse with restrooms, showers • zero-depth splash pool • interactive play features • 10 funbrellas • high-pressure sand filters • open grass area • large parking lot • Eddie Cochran Memorial, Front St. & Frank Ave.
Blazing Star Trail
• 10-foot wide path • 1.9 miles on city land (of that, 1.5 miles is figure-8 portion) • connects to 6-mile state-owned Blazing Star Trail • connects to Front Street bike lanes • trailhead at Frank Hall Park • parking lot at Garfield Avenue, Front Street • native prairie, mature and young trees
Brookside Boathouse
• 2,000 square feet • canoe/kayak rental • stand-up paddleboard rental • classes for snowshoeing, archery, geocaching, etc. • operated by Albert Lea Community Education
City Arena
701 Lake Chapeau Drive • 28.99 acres • 2 ice rinks • 1 large arena, 1 small • seating for 1,200 at main arena • seating for 200 at secondary arena • radiant heating sys-
tem at main arena • 4-sided scoreboard hanging over main arena • press box at main arena • refrigeration systems • dehumidification systems • 13 locker rooms • public restrooms • lounge area • concession stand • upstairs room overlooking main rink • skate rental • Parks and Rec Dept. offices
Edgewater Bay Pavilion
• 3,000 square feet • restrooms with running water • seating for 185 • paved parking lot • fireplace • modern playground • view of Edgewater Bay
Hayek Field
1215 Clark St. • regulation high school baseball field • bleachers, lights • scoreboard • restrooms • press box • concession stand • outfield fence with screening • infield irrigation system • batting cage • warmup pitching mound
way 13.
Marion Ross Performing Arts Center
147 N. Broadway Ave. • fully equipped stage • lobby, box office • meeting rooms • dressing rooms • restrooms
Riverland Community College campus
2200 Riverland Drive • 82 acres (stateowned) • 18-hole disc golf course (city-leased) • adjacent to Albert Lea High School • adjacent to Snyder Fields
Senior Citizens Center
1739 W. Main St. • at Skyline Plaza • 8,000 square feet • game room, 5 pool tables • 150-seat main room • conference room • arts and crafts room • restrooms • kitchen
Snyder Fields
321 James Ave. • full-size basketball court, 6 baskets • 6 benches • fences on street sides
Bridge Ave. & Hershey St. • 37.62 acres (stateowned, city-leased) • 5 softball/baseball fields, 4 with fencing and lights • 4 sand volleyball courts • concession stand • restrooms • batting cage • adjacent to Riverland Community College • nearby to Albert Lea High School
Public shoreline
Tennis courts
Kiwanis Basketball Court
• 270 public dock spaces • several popular fishing spots: Dane Bay Bridge, Fountain Lake Dam, northwest corner of Albert Lea Lake, channel between lakes, Hatch Bridge, Katherine Island, among others • sidewalk with footbridge near start of Dane Bay • boat launch with paved parking lot on Edgewater Bay by High-
• 3 at Aquatic Center • 8 at Albert Lea High School • 6 at Southwest Middle School • all fenced
Trail around Fountain Lake
• approximately 5 miles • mix of sidewalks, paved trails • popular among walkers, runners, bicyclists
Dress Island
802 Lakeview Blvd. • 0.2 acres • footbridge • 2 benches on island • 2 benches on shore
Euclid Park
500 Euclid Ave. • 3.41 acres • mature trees • flower gardens • 8 benches
Your Electrical Specialist!
Katherine Island
• 0.27 acres • footbridge connects to New Denmark Park • 3 benches • 3 fountains in water between island and park
neCrest Apartments, Thor unity Retirement Comm
New Denmark Park
Freeborn Cou
nty Fairgroun
411 Bridge Avenue • 1.46 acres • Little Mermaid statue • statue and wading pool commemorating Danish immigrants • flower beds • 4 benches • formerly Lincoln Park
Undeveloped parks
Shoe Sensation
Doreda Park
Caribou Coffe
200 Giles Place • 0.4 acres • open space
e, Hy-Vee
Faville Park
400 Lakeview Blvd. • 0.1 acre • young tree
Mattson Park
S. Broadway Ave. & W. Ninth St. • 5 acres • storage space for city • snow dump in winter • across from township hall
Hy-Vee Gas, Austin
• Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Farm Wiring • Design/Build Services • New Construction • Service Maintenance
Summer Park
824 Fountain St. • 0.4 acres • railroad that splits park is being abandoned
Tiger Hills Park
Paradise Road • 3.5 acres • open space
Weber Park
300 Lee Circle • 0.2 acres • stone commemorates WWII veteran John A. Weber • formerly Lee Park
Fax: 507-373-6301 310 2nd Ave. SW Albert Lea, MN
Page 10 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012
Investing in
By Brandi Hagen
As an investment in today’s youth and their future, businesses such as Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea and Minnesota Corrugated Box Inc. donate their time and money to sports teams and sports clubs. According to Patti Haried, director of community relations and marketing at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea, donating to youth activities was formalized about 15 years ago. By that, Haried means the clinic donates monetarily and also through volunteer hours. Each year employees are given up to eight paid hours to volunteer. “We want to give people a chance to
volunteer,” Haried said. “People are busy with work and home so we’re going to clear time to do it, and maybe they’ll want to do it more on their own time. With our numbers, that would be huge if everyone here used those hours to volunteer.” She said what it boils down to is a commitment to the community because by investing in the youth, it helps to keep opportunities available for them to gain experience that will prepare them for their adult lives. Mike Moore, chief financial officer at MCB, agreed and said it became especially important to the company after the founder, Dick Krebsbach, passed away in 2005. Moore said Krebsbach was supportive of sports because his own family
participated when they were young. His sons, Tom and Tim, wanted to continue the donations their father had started but with an even bigger emphasis on the youth. “All of us went to school long enough ago that there was no such thing as an athletic fee,” Moore said. “We hope that no one is being turned away on the basis of money. In sports you have to athletically qualify, but we hope no one is saying I’m not going out because I can’t afford it.” Before 2005, booster clubs had to make a request for a donation from MCB. Now the company is proactive in their efforts and includes a total of 10 booster clubs from Albert Lea and Glenville in its budget each year. Donations allow boost-
The money found in big-time pro and college sports is not found in youth sports or in recreational adult sports. er clubs to send coaches to training opportunities, buy uniforms and provide transportation for the team and any other extras not budgeted for. Businesses are feeling more and more responsible because service clubs cannot do nearly as much as they used to. Some, like the Elks in Albert Lea, have folded altogether. Moore said some service organizations have lost the gambling revenue they once had as a result of competition with the Diamond Jo Casino, built in 2006 in Northwood, Iowa. With the donations from businesses rising, so is the accountability.
Moore said one reason MCB would like to know what the money is being used for is because they would like to see some of it going to help kids who can’t afford the athletic fees. “That’s a big hurdle for some families,” Moore said. Not only do the donations help to shape leaders and give kids experience, they help to get kids active, which improves the overall health and wellness in our communities. “Being a kid is not as easy as it used to be,” Moore said. “At least I don’t think it is. Society is much more complicated and they are bombarded with many more elec-
tronic connections to the world and each other.” Haried said the donations are not given so that Mayo Clinic Health System’s name can be advertised all over. “First and foremost, it’s the right thing to do,” Haried said. “Second, we want to give back to the community, it’s our responsibility to do so.” Harried said receiving thank-yous is the most rewarding part for the businesses. The clinic keeps all the ones they receive. From last year she said there are at least 100 crammed in the book. She said it’s how they tell how they’re doing and reinforces it’s the right thing to do.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 11
Hockey Day at City Arena in January is organized by the Albert Lea Youth Hockey Association and made possible through a combination of business donations and individual donations. — Sarah Savelkoul
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