Progress 2012 Family & Home

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family & home

Sunday, february 26, 2012

Mike Swalve leans on the bar in his home. Swalve designed and built his home in 2004 and made sure he had a bar with a lake view. — Brandi Hagen

A man and


The man cave is replete with a log pool table, several bar stools, a popcorn maker, pizza oven, a couple of deep fryers, a four-keg kegerator, a sound system, several neon lights, beer advertisements and other bar memorabilia. As a finishing and personal touch to the indoor bar, the company that built the bar, Ottertail Cedar Log Furniture, carved out the shape of two guns and placed guns that belonged to Swalve’s father below the resin finish. Another personal touch is that all of the woodworking in the man cave was done by Swalve’s friend, Joel Goette from Elgin. The man cave is shared by Swalve’s fiancée, Dawn Freeman, and all of their friends. He said he uses it as a place to entertain, not necessarily to be alone. “My whole place out here is an escape,” Swalve said. “So I built it to entertain, not so I can get off work and sit and drink.” Swalve said Freeman once hosted a purse party in the man cave. “For whatever reason, purses on the patio didn’t work,” Swalve said. “The whole pool table was covered with purses. I took quite the beating from the guys on that one.” He said he didn’t mind the purses one bit. “I thought it was great,”



ike Swalve’s basement bar has the atmosphere that goes from zero to 100 at the snap of a finger. When he built his home in 2004, he had plans to include a large bar area. Over a couple of years, he had exactly that. He first decided he wanted his own bar when it was still legal to smoke in bars. He didn’t like the smoke and also didn’t like having to find a way home at the end of the night. So he designed a walkout basement to include three bars; one inside with a view of Lake Chapeau and two outside on a 1,800-square-foot patio.

The kitchen portion of Mike Swalve’s man cave is complete with deep fryers, a pizza oven, four kegs on tap, a popcorn maker and a microwave.

The log pool table in Mike Swalve’s man cave took six months. The pool table, the bar and the bar stools were all made by Ottertail Log Furniture out of Dent in Otter Tail County.

Mike Swalve is the accounts receivable manager and heavy truck warranty manager at Dave Syverson Truck Centers and works on custom cars and trucks on the side.

Albert Lea weather by the numbers Monthly average temperature

Record high temps

Month Degrees

1. 104 104 104 104 5. 103 103 103 8. 102 102 102

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 14.1 18.9 31.4 45.7 58.0 68.0 71.9 69.5 60.9 47.9 33.1 18.5 44.8

Monthly average maximum temperature

Month Degrees

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 22.9 27.7 40.0 56.1 68.6 78.3 82.1 79.6 72.1 58.7 41.5 26.6 54.5

Monthly average minimum temperature

Month Degrees

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 5.3 10.0 22.8 35.4 47.4 57.6 61.8 59.4 49.7 37.0 24.6 10.5 35.1

Record precipitation in a day

1. 7.5 in. 2. 7.25 in. 3. 6.97 in. 4. 6.7 in. 5. 6.25 in. 6. 5.28 in. 7. 5.06 in. 8. 4.75 in. 9. 4.67 in. 10. 4.5 in.

Swalve said. “The girls had a good time and I bartended. Swalve drew, designed and was the general contractor for his house, which took him more than two years to build. For the past 12 years, Swalve has hosted a game feed, which now takes place in the man cave. Couples come to try new foods like salmon, pheasant potpies, venison and bear. Swalve hosts another party about every other year, which has been named, “Swalve Gras.” About 125 people are invited over for a feast and Swalve brings girls in to run the three bars. Swalve said there are other events that aren’t so planned out. There are nights where someone will just show up with a bunch of guys and their wives. “The best part is the spontaneous things,” Swalve said. “I like to show people a good time, I like good people and I like to have a good time.” The man cave and the patio will host Swalve and Freeman’s wedding this summer. They had considered a destination wedding, but instead decided their home on the lake was the perfect place. “It’s beautiful out here,” Swalve said. “This is my favorite place in the whole wide world.” — Brandi Hagen

June 15, 1978 Sept. 18, 1926 Sept. 15, 2004 July 31, 1961 July 5, 1943 June 12, 1925 Aug. 15, 1993 Aug. 5, 1945 Aug. 6, 1968 July 9, 1912

July 24, 1940 June 27, 1934 May 31, 1934 July 26, 1894 July 18, 1940 Sept. 6, 1922 July 4, 1911 June 22, 1988 June 9, 1985 July 24, 1941

Record low temps 1. -41 2. -35 3. -34 5. -33 6. -32 8. -31

Jan. 7, 1887 Jan. 12, 1912 Jan. 27, 1904 Jan. 6, 1887 Feb. 2, 1996 Feb. 3, 1996 Feb. 4, 1886 Jan. 22, 1936 Jan. 24, 1904 Jan. 19, 1892

Monthly average precipitation Month Inches

Record snowfall in a day 1. 20 in. 2. 16 in. 3. 15 in. 4. 14 in. 5. 13 in. 8. 12 in.

March 18, 1933 April 4, 1945 Feb. 9, 1909 Dec. 25, 1945 Dec. 28, 1987 Dec. 16, 1940 Feb. 27, 1893 March 2, 2007 March 10, 1956 March 30, 1934

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 0.69 0.68 1.90 3.66 4.33 4.70 4.54 4.45 3.58 2.53 1.74 1.08 33.89

Monthly average snowfall Month Inches

Jul 0.0

Aug Sep 0.0 0.0

Oct 0.4

Nov Dec Jan 3.9 10.2 9.0

Feb 6.7

Mar 6.3

Apr May 3.0 0.0

Jun Season 0.0 39.6

Feb 6.5

Mar 2.1

Apr May 0.2 0.0

Jun Season 0.0 1.8

Monthly average snow depth Month Inches

Jul 0.0

Aug Sep 0.0 0.0

Oct 0.0

Nov Dec Jan 0.5 4.5 7.2

Page 2 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012

How to turn this


t’s easy for homeowners to become completely overwhelmed when looking at all the options available for building a new deck. That’s where Freeborn Lumber Company & Design Center in Albert Lea comes in. Staff there can help homeowners wade through all the kinds of woods and composites, colors and myriad options available. “It’s really easy to get snowed in with all the options,” manager Brandon Kroeger said. The first decision to make is what size the deck will be, and where it will be placed. After that homeowners must choose whether to use wood, a composite or other material. Composites are becoming a popular option because they guarantee much less maintenance

‘With composites, you’re basically paying for no maintenance.’

— some of the newest need no maintenace other than washing once in a while — but you get what you pay for as these are on the expensive end of materials. Using traditional wood for decks means staining every few years and other forms of maintenance. “With composites you’re basically paying for no maintenance,” Kroeger said. After the material is chosen, then there are many, many colors to choose from. There’s also

the question of stairs, elevated levels on the deck, ballisters, railings, pre-installed lights and much more. With that many options it can be hard to keep track of the entire cost of the project. Kroeger said staff can help people narrow those options if they come with a specific budget in mind. “If they give us an idea of their budget, we can help steer them to the best choices,” Kroeger said. Because there are so many different options in all the materials for decks the business doesn’t have a lot of it on hand, but they can get it within a day or two. They also deliver the materials right up to the project area. Kroeger said Freeborn Lumber helps people by creating plans for decks so that they can use it themselves to build one or give to the contractor who plans to build it. Traditional plans, drawn on paper, can be hard for customers to visualize, so Kroeger said they’ve started to move toward showing 3D plans. “That way they get something to look at,” Kroeger said. With all the various options and depending on the size, decks can cost anywhere from $600 for a small, wood deck to $10,000 for a large deck with all top-of-the-line materials. Larger decks don’t always have to cost more if homeowners choose the right materials. “You can get lost in the choices,” Kroeger said. “But if they come in with a general budget we can really help them out.” — Kelli Lageson

Traditional plans for a deck can make it hard for homeowners to envision what it will look like when built.

… into this Freeborn Lumber can supply a digital rendering of what your deck may look like.

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Meet the

Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 3

homeowners A fter two or three months of house hunting — and seeing at least 20 different properties — Jerrid Schindle and Bridget Nesse walked into a house that struck a cord. A simple house, at 712 Stanley Ave., it felt like home from the beginning, Nesse said. “When I walked into it, I was sold,” she said. “I knew we could put a lot of our touch in it.”

Jerrid Schindle and his fiancee, Bridget Nesse, stand in the kitchen of their home on Stanley Avenue in Albert Lea. Schindle and Nesse are first-time homeowners and purchased their house at the end of September 2010. — Sarah Stultz

Nesse, 24, a teller at Wells Federal Bank, and Schindle, 25, a seasonal employee through the city of Albert Lea, had been living in a duplex that was up for sale. They said they were worried what would happen when the duplex sold, so they started looking for a new place to rent. With two cats, a dog and a rabbit, however, they were having a hard time finding a decent property that would allow pets. “Everything we were looking at was $700 to $750 a month,” Schindle said. They discussed buying a house — and with Schindle ultimately knowing he was going to ask Nesse to marry him — they met with family friend and Realtor Jay Waltman of Re/Max Properties to begin looking around. The couple said Waltman was informative but not pushy and would help point out parts

Timeline Oct. 1, 2009: Jerrid Schindle and Bridget Nesse began dating.

Sept. 30, 2010: Schindle and Nesse closed on their house at 712 Stanley Ave.

July 2010: Schindle and Nesse began looking to buy a house. After seeing at least 20 houses, they found one they liked.

of the houses that needed attention when they had overlooked them. Nesse said as they looked at the houses, she would look based on potential, but Schindle would look based on reality. She had to remind him that the houses would look different with their own furniture inside and with new paint. The Stanley Avenue house was the third-to-last house they looked at. After they decided they wanted the house and reached an agreement with the owner, they said they

Oct. 1, 2010: The couple started moving items into the house and painting each of the rooms.

signed on with a loan officer at Wells Federal Bank, who walked them through each step of the loan process in layman’s terms. “Honestly, it was the easiest thing with her,” Nesse said. They were able to be approved for a rural development loan program, which allowed them not to have to make a down payment or pay for closing costs, and locked in a 4.25 percent interest rate. They closed on the property Sept. 30, 2010. For just under $70,000, their monthly payment is now

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$475 a month, including interest and escrow. The couple painted every room in the house before they moved in and have since installed a new floor in the kitchen and decked out the basement to look like a pub. “It was exciting because we can do whatever we want to the house,” Nesse said. “We don’t have to ask for permission.” They have other improvements planned for the future. Schindle said while being a homeowner comes with its perks, it also comes with added responsibilities. Since they’ve been in the house, they had to replace their hot water heater — an expense they weren’t expecting. But the benefits have definitely outweighed the negatives, the couple noted. They said they love their cozy house, which is not far from Fountain Lake and in a good neighborhood. — Sarah Stultz

Quick tips Schindle and Nesse’s tips for first-time homeowners: • Don’t rush. You’ll know what you like when you walk in the door of the house. • Have fun with your house search. Look at as many houses as you choose. • Look at the possibilities of the house. Remember, a room can be repainted if it needs to be, and it will look completely different with your own furniture and decorations in it. • Make sure you have a loan officer who will help you understand what you’re doing. • Find a Realtor who is informative but not pushy. • Don’t strain yourself on your mortgage payment.

Page 4 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012

Pictured is a 1963 Chevy Impala SS (Super Sport) owned by Jordan and Emily Bohonek, of Austin. The all-original second-owner car with 54,000 miles, acquired in 2007. The car was purchased new in Seattle, Wash., by high school sweethearts who drove it away from the church after their wedding in June 1963. The car was sold after the death of the wife in 2006 and was put in the showroom of a Chevrolet dealer in Seattle on display for several months before being sold. In keeping with tradition, Jordan and Emily, who were married Sept. 17, 2011, drove the car away after their ceremony. The 1963 Impala’s distinctive body style has crisp lines with pointed front and rear fenders that emphasize the long, low style of car design popular in the early 1960s.

Amy Stevens, of Albert Lea, submitted this photo of Caden Stevens, 9, in go-cart No. 22, and his cousin Beau Stevens, 9, in go-cart No. 70

Jim O’Byrne, of Albert Lea, submitted his custom ’47 Chevy golf cart.

Jodi Bromeland, of Albert Lea, stands next to a 29 Model A Ford Town Sedan. The sedan is sometimes called “Baby Lincoln.” It was acquired by John Bromeland in 1965 and driven for several years. Now it is in the process of restoration.

Michelle Tufte, of Albert Lea, submitted a photo of her husband, Kevin’s, 1952 Chevy which is fully customized.

Randy Rugroden, of Albert Lea, submitted his 1978 Corvette. He found it on eBay a few years ago and restored it.

Dave Sorenson, of Albert Lea, submitted a photo of his oldest daughter, Markie, and her sister, Mallory, taking his Corvette out for a test drive in the summer of 2011.

Julie Bronson, of Albert Lea, submitted this photo of Doug Bronson standing beside his 1964 Pontiac GTO. He has had it since 1979.

Glen Juveland of Albert Lea submitted this photo collection of his Tahoe turquoise ’67 Chevy Chevelle. The pictures were taken in July 2011.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 5

Jason Hillman, of Gordonsville, submitted a photo of his 1970 Plymouth AAR Barracuda. The AAR ’Cuda was produced during the months of March and April 1970. There were only about 2,724 AAR ’Cudas produced in the six-week time period. There were 1,120 produced with manual 4-speed transmissions, and the remaining 1,614 had the automatic 3-speed transmissions. The AAR ‘Cuda was only produced during the year of 1970. The AAR ‘Cuda was produced to race in the SCAA road racing and to compete with the Ford Mustang. This is one of the 1,120 manual four-speed cars. It still retains its original motor, transmission and is painted in its original “lemon twist” color.

This Oldsmobile is owned by Denis Flaherty.

Mark Ernest, of Eagan, submitted a photo of his 1987 Chrysler Conquest TSi. A close friend bought this car new in 1987 and sold it to him last April 2011. It had been in storage for more than five years and has only 38,000 miles on it.

These Oldsmobiles belong to Denis and Sean Flaherty.

Jere Blanchfield of Minneapolis submitted this photograph of his grandson, Forrest Engstrom, standing in front of his 1990 Ford Mustang GT.

Jina Olson of Glenville submitted this photo of a ’69 Buick Skylark owned by her brother, Jon Olson of Glenville, who is currently serving the nation in Kuwait.

Projected labor force by county

By Minnesota State Demographic Center, Estimated Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected % change % change Nov. 2007 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2005-2015 2005-2035 Dodge County 16 to 24 1,870 1,860 1,820 1,810 1,970 2,090 2,180 -2.7 16.6 25 to 44 5,320 5,720 6,160 6,580 6,570 6,550 6,630 15.8 24.6 45 to 64 3,880 4,540 4,880 4,940 5,010 5,250 5,580 25.8 43.8 65+ 430 560 740 1,000 1,230 1,360 1,390 72.1 223.3 Total 11,500 12,670 13,590 14,320 14,770 15,250 15,770 18.2 37.1 Faribault County 16 to 24 1,360 1,010 850 780 810 830 830 -37.5 25 to 44 2,810 2,860 2,960 3,020 3,010 2,790 2,720 5.3 45 to 64 3,560 3,780 3,660 3,350 2,990 2,950 3,040 2.8 65+ 550 620 740 930 1,040 1,040 950 34.5 Total 8,280 8,270 8,200 8,080 7,840 7,620 7,530 -1

-39 -3.2 -14.6 72.7 -9.1

Freeborn County 16 to 24 2,680 2,170 1,960 1,840 1,920 1,960 1,940 -26.9 25 to 44 6,770 6,650 6,640 6,640 6,430 6,070 5,980 -1.9 45 to 64 6,890 7,170 6,930 6,510 6,090 5,970 6,010 0.6 65+ 780 910 1,090 1,310 1,420 1,460 1,390 39.7 Total 17,120 16,910 16,630 16,300 15,860 15,470 15,320 -2.9

-27.6 -11.7 -12.8 78.2 -10.5

Mower County 16 to 24 3,240 2,920 2,690 2,620 2,780 2,750 2,740 -17 25 to 44 8,650 8,460 8,680 8,860 8,730 8,470 8,380 0.3 45 to 64 7,530 8,310 8,200 7,810 7,270 7,060 7,220 8.9 65+ 810 920 1,190 1,470 1,670 1,780 1,640 46.9 Total 20,230 20,610 20,760 20,760 20,450 20,060 19,980 2.6

-15.4 -3.1 -4.1 102.5 -1.2

Steele County 16 to 24 3,600 3,240 3,060 2,990 3,250 3,360 3,390 -15 25 to 44 8,970 9,510 9,960 10,330 10,280 10,050 10,000 11 45 to 64 7,480 8,650 9,280 9,380 9,320 9,550 9,880 24.1 65+ 770 950 1,240 1,720 2,010 2,170 2,190 61 Total 20,820 22,360 23,530 24,420 24,840 25,140 25,480 13

-5.8 11.5 32.1 184.4 22.4

Waseca County 16 to 24 1,650 1,170 1,060 1,000 1,050 1,050 1,030 -35.8 25 to 44 4,440 4,400 4,260 4,140 4,010 3,720 3,640 -4.1 45 to 64 3,970 4,550 4,640 4,620 4,390 4,290 4,260 16.9 65+ 410 520 720 930 1,110 1,230 1,230 75.6 Total 10,480 10,630 10,670 10,690 10,550 10,290 10,160 1.8

-37.6 -18 7.3 200 -3.1

Beyond 2020, toward 2060


ong-run forecasts are always, at best, highly speculative. Policy actions and disruptive changes will have a magnified effect as the forecast period expands. Long-run forecasts should always be view skeptically. That said, there are some things that are fairly predictable. Most notably, age progresses at the same rate for all people and cohorts that are alive today can be reasonably projected through their lifetime. 1. The decade of the 2020s will see an even greater increase in the 65 and older population than the 2010s. From 2010 to 2030, Minnesota will add nearly 600,000 people age 65 and older. By 2030, the biggest increases in the 65 and older population will be over. After 2030, the elderly population will grow at a much slower rate as the baby boomer effect plays itself out.

2. Long-term care will be a challenging issue as the leading edge of the baby boomer generation moves into its late 70s in the 2020s. Long-term care is extremely expensive. Simple solutions, such as turning to children or other family members to provide care for older family members will prove largely fruitless. Lower fertility rates, family disruptions, high rates of female labor force participation (women have historically been the main caregivers for the elderly), and high rates of geographic mobility mean that many older people will have no one available locally to assist with their care. 3. Aging of the population, coupled with rising energy prices, may contribute to a movement back to the central cities or inner-ring suburbs at the expense of suburbs built from 1990 to 2008. In other words, “urban

sprawl” may end or diminish. Differentials in housing prices could moderate the trend to re-centralization. 4. Population growth in most of the world is expected to decline. Rising educational levels and urbanization are already lowering birth rates in much of the world, especially Asia and Latin America. Slower worldwide population growth could reduce immigration, dampening population growth in the U.S. and Minnesota. However, differences in economic opportunity in different countries will still produce substantial amounts of international migration. 5. Worldwide aging and rising income will increase the demand for higher quality food, while continued population increases will place increasing demand on basic food items. These trends will combine to place upward pressure on com-

modity prices, most notably food and energy. Any adverse crop events in critical agriculture areas will place even more upward pressure on commodity prices. This may improve Minnesota’s competitive position. 6. Many of the fastest growing areas of the nation today are in water deficit areas. This includes both the Southwest as well as the Southeast regions of the nation. Unless a disruptive technology alters the current course, growth in many of the states in these regions will be constrained by 2020. Minnesota, with a more ample supply of this vital and most precious resource, will be in a more competitive position for economic and population growth, but only if water resources are carefully preserved and managed. — Minnesota State Demographic Center, report “The Long Run Has Become the Short Run.”

Most small businesses report success in 2011, but …


n spite of the drastic doom and gloom of the last few business years, most small business owners said in a recent survey that 2011 was a successful year for their company. Nearly three-quarters of those queried in the latest Manta SMB Wellness Index reported success. Respondents said that new business activity was up more than 12 percent in the third quarter of 2011, compared with the same quarter in 2010. The Manta SMB Wellness Index is a quarterly index of the state of small business released by Manta, a website community of small businesses with more than 1 million registered users and 87 million company profiles. Today I want to share the “real world” of the small business owner. Here are a few highlights of this research in which Manta polled more than 1,000 small business owners from Nov. 14 to Nov. 21, 2011. It reports: • Most small business owners surveyed (72 percent) say 2011 was a successful year for their company — and new business activity saw a boost, too. • Almost half the respondents (44 percent) say the business climate has taken a toll on their personal health. One in three surveyed said they exercise less, 22 percent said they had gained weight and 14 percent said they are more testy and have argued with family and co-workers. • Nearly two-thirds of small business owners averaged more than 40 hours a week at work, while nearly 1 in 10 reported that their average work week stretched to about 70 hours. • Even though the owners surveyed reported some health setbacks, 45 percent of those surveyed said their business has had a positive impact on their personal life. Nearly a third of small business owners said they were happier, 15 percent said they have more time for family and friends and eight percent reported that their marriages had improved. • September saw the steepest drop in business activity in the past year and half. Business owners reported a 12.5 percent drop in new business activity in the third quarter, compared with the second quarter. • Small business owners tend to be optimists. Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed said the small business economy would improve this year. These folks are a determined lot: 62 percent ranked growing their business as their top New Year’s resolution — ahead of improving relationships with their family, working out more and eating healthier. Manta’s index is based on nationwide data compiled from new business licenses and corporate submissions to government agencies and is verified with multiple sources including utility information. Manta polled 1,026 smallbusiness owners. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points. — Dean L. Swanson, Southeast Minnesota SCORE

Page 6 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012

Where in the



Lea are these places?

Match the photos on these two pages to the list of places on Page 7. — Shelby Lageson













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Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 7

Match the letter to the business Albert Lea High School Anytime Fitness in the Northbridge Mall Ben’s Floral and Frame Bill and Mark’s Barber Shop Bookworld in the Northbridge Mall The Chapel Piercings and Tattoos CEC Cinema 7 in the Northbridge Mall Community Foot Clinic Conger Meat Market, Northbridge Mall The Freeborn County Courthouse Courtly Manor Crescendo’s Expressions Salon & Spa Grandma’s Kitchen, Northbridge Mall Lakeside Café & Creamery Leutholds in the Northbridge Mall Mrs. Gerry’s Kitchen Statue on fountain at New Denmark Park Plaza Morena, Northbridge Mall Post Office Power 96 Radio Reinertson’s Embroidery Shoff Chiropractic Statue at Riverland Community College St. Theodore’s Catholic Church Taco King The Heart of the Artichoke Tiger City Sports Tone Music Uptown Dental Zogg Dermatology See answers on Page 2 of Business and Health section.









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Page 8 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012

Then & Now 609 Fountain St. about 1975

1402 Circle Drive 1979

310 N. Washington Ave. 1976

627 E. Park Ave. 1975

— Photos on the left from the Freeborn County Historical Society, on the right by Tim Engstrom

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