Progress 2012

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Sunday, february 26, 2012

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Page 2 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012


The parks of Albert Lea

Cut this list out and save it for the next time your business needs to recruit an employee to Albert Lea. Page 9

Reading and creating relationships

Investing in Youth

Patricia Dollum found joy in being a volunteer reader at Hawthorne Elementary School. Page 1

Why do businesses sponsor sports programs in Albert Lea? Because they care about children. Pages 10 & 11

Meet the new teachers of Albert Lea School District

Faith & charities

There were more than 30 new educators hired this year. We tell you about each and every one, including what their favorite sandwiches are. Page 1

By the numbers

Six figures describe a few key aspects of the Albert Lea School District: debt schedule, teacher pay, enrollment, staff, cost of education, general fund. Page 2


Creating a warm environment Photographer Darcy Sime of Alden shares some of her favorites in the Neighbors section. Above is a rural sunset over a farm near Alden.

A day in gym class

Remember the Freeborn Yeomen

See photographs of a physical education class at Lakeview Elementary School. Pages 1 & 4

Historic photos provide a trip down memory lane for the remaining graduates of Freeborn High. Pages 1 & 2

Learning a variety of vehicles

Remember the Emmons Eagles

Students at Riverland use tools and technology to learn how to repair old and new automobiles. Pages 2 & 3

Freeborn and Emmons used to have a rivalry, before consolidation changed everything. See photos from back in the day. Pages 1 & 6

The early birds

Neighbors by the numbers

Meet the men who arrive at B&B Cafe before everyone else. They like the coffee and conversation. Page 5

Bilingual Mass still popular

Check out handy at-a-glance information on all the incorporated communities in the Albert Lea area, including updated census figures. Page 1

St. Theodore Catholic Church has offered a Mass in Spanish since 2001. Read the story in English or Spanish. Page 5

Wells shines

Photos of you

This city of 2,300 is showing how to keep a small-town downtown filled. New businesses have come and more appear on the horizon. Page 2

Recover, restart and do even better

Looking back, floods appear somewhat of a blessing for Morgan’s Meat Market. The disaster hurt, but it gave the store owner a chance to start all over. Page 3

The Albert Lea Tribune does many Prairie Profiles over the course of a year. See photographs of profile subjects in the past year. Pages 6 & 7

Fast facts Get handy information on Freeborn County and the counties that surround it, plus numbers about Minnesota and Iowa. Page 8

Elementary schools A moose of a reputation … have 3 new principals

What’s the story behind the moose on the wall at Lerberg’s Food in Ellendale? The tale goes back to the year 1919. Page 3

Meet the perfect kindergarten teacher

Meet Deb Louters of the Christian school in Hollandale. She loves being a teacher. Page 4

Watch for the Little Ones

Facebook page urges the passing of stronger laws for school bus stop-arm violations and provides continuing discussion on the loss of Kadyn Halverson of Kensett. Page 5

The joys of local tourism

Iowa website highlights the favorite attractions of northern Iowa, from the Top of Iowa Welcome Center to the Little Brown Church. Page 5

Photographer’s choice

Darcy Sime of Alden share some of her favorite photographs. Page 6

Honoring the eastern Faribault County veterans

(And western Freeborn County vets, too.) A memorial is going up in Wells to honor veterans of the communities of Alden, Bricelyn, Easton, Delavan, Freeborn, Kiester, Minnesota Lake, Walters and Wells. Page 7

A night out in Glenville

A freelancer takes her mom out for a date at The Office and enjoys the good food and friendly faces. Page 7

Then & Now

See historic photos from Clarks Grove, Geneva, Myrtle, Hayward, Manchester and Twin Lakes, then see those places today. Pages 8 & 9

Setting a course for success

By the time the Lake Mills volleyball players are seniors, they will have played nine seasons of the sport. No wonder they win. Page 10

Meet Eric Hudspith at Lakeview, Karen Zwolenski at Hawthorne and Matt Esterby at Halverson. Page 9

Family & Home

A man and his cave Mike Swalve’s basement is something to see. It has a bar, beer on tap, a pool table, a kitchen, an overhead television, beer signs, log furniture and wood paneling. Page 1

Albert Lea weather by the numbers What’s the record for snowfall in a day? How about precipitation? High temperature? Page 1

How to turn this … into this Designs from Freeborn Lumber Co. & Design Center help homeowners envision their plans. Page 2

Meet the homeowners What’s it like to be a first-time homeowner and how hard was it to find the right home? Page 3

Hot rods From Buicks to go-carts, you sent us photographs of your hot rods, and we printed them. Pages 4 & 5

Projected labor force by county What do Minnesota officials think will happen with Freeborn County and surrounding counties in coming decades? Page 5

Where in the Lea are these places?

How much will we get? The Bent Tree Wind Farm probably is just the first wind farm in Freeborn County. More are expected. Page 2

Leaders breed leaders The Albert Lea chapter of the National FFA Organization teaches students about leadership, business and community involvement. Page 3

4-H’ers enjoy new categories Participant pool for 4-H contests at the Freeborn County Fair keeps growing and so do the categories. Page 4

It’s all in the details Customers at Red Carpet Car Wash get a choice. They can get an automatic wash 24 hours a day or get a detail cleaning by hand during normal work hours. Page 5

The one, the only … Mug Shots Whether it is Minnesota Corrugated Box or 4 Seasons Travel, the workplace is fueled by coffee. See the interesting cups from which people drink their java juice. Page 6

Just about any type of cleaning Fire? Sewer? Baby? ServiceMaster Clean on Front Street will make any interior look like new again. Page 7

Taking care of business Photos the Albert Lea Tribune staff took in the past year while covering local business. Pages 8 & 9

Freeborn County industry by the numbers How many dollars of the local economy are generated by the food processing industry? Find out. Pages 10 & 11

Health & Business Mending more than just teeth

Marko Kamel of Uptown Dental is a cosmetic dentist who offers Botox and Juvederm injections. Pages 1 & 2

A stroll around the Blue Zones Walkway The five-mile walk (or jog, run, bike) around Fountain Lake offers several popular sights to see. Page 1

New medical professional settles in at Mayo Doctor from Thief River Falls prefers living closer to Twin Cities and to Decorah, Iowa. Page 3

Mayo Clinic Health System in A.L. by the numbers How many births happened in 2011 at the maternity ward? How many admissions? Find out. Page 4

Spin cycle

Can you match photos to a list of places? You probably have seen these out and about. Pages 6 & 7

Spinning classes go over well at the Albert Lea Family Y. Spinning means riding a stationary bike. Page 5

Then & Now

Signs, signs everywhere a sign

See historic photos of historic homes in Albert Lea, then see what they look like today. Page 8

People & Demographics Ag & Just an average family Industry Learn more about the wife, son,

daughter and pet of Albert Lea Mayor Vern Rasmussen. Page 1

inner workings of the Poet Glenville ethanol plant. Page 1

A new kind of energy

Never seen before! We show the

From Alpha Orthodontics to Wendy’s, signs decorate the landscape of Albert Lea. Pages 6 & 7

Stylish cakes The owner of Sugar Chic Cake Designs makes baked goods with a distinctive flair. Page 8

Anchorage, Alaska, is a long way from Albert Lea. But the new pastor at Crossroads Church is getting used to the flatness of the Midwest. Page 1

Meet 5 young Christians from the area Find out what church they attend, where they live and their favorite Bible verses. Pages 1 & 6

A marriage of 2 religions Michigan woman meets Minnesota man. She practices Judaism and he Christianity. They make it work by learning about both faiths. Page 2

New pastors in the area Meet the new pastors at Bear Lake Concordia Lutheran Church in Conger and at Thorne Crest Retirement Community. Page 2

Father and daughter travel to Haiti This is a story of a former Albert Lea family that now resides in Fergus Falls and goes on missions. Page 3

Name that church Do you recognize these churches based on the crosses they have on their exterior? Pages 4 & 5

Freeborn County residents save thousands on prescriptions FamilyWize is a program available at many local pharmacies. Page 8

Community & Gov’t Q&A with Chad Adams

The Albert Lea Tribune sits down with the new Albert Lea city manager and asks him about his first six months on the job. Page 1

Hot steppers Elementary students show their skills with jumping rope at halftime of a basketball game. Pages 2 & 3

Ghost towns of Freeborn County Been to Bancroft, Bath, Buckeye, Crayon Park, Deer Creek, Dorwart, Fairfield, Itasca, Knatvold, Lerdal, Moscow, Newry, St. Nicholas, Sigsbee, Sumner and Trenton? Pages 4, 5, 7 & 9

Community Life Born into music

Meet Tim Stoneking, a musician who was taught by his grandma how to play a piano at age 7. Page 1

What’s new with Ben? Ben Woodside was playing basketball in France. Then in Slovenia. But now he is Georgia — the former Soviet republic, not the U.S. state. Pages 2 & 3

Shades of Jade gardens Members of the Shades of Jade Garden Club share their gardens, as seen last summer. Page 5

They are the keys to success Meet two friendly faces behind the Success Coach program at Albert Lea High School. Page 6

Albert Lea adopted its integration plan from Austin Success coaches help students deal with hurdles like being new, getting bullied or esteem issues. Pages 6 & 7

What’s the future hold? Handy figures that project the population for area counties. Page 7


Sunday, February 26, 2012 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 3

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accentra Credit Union.................................................. Community Life................ 9 Accents Decorating.................................. Community and Government.................7 ACT.......................................................... Community and Government.................5 Addies Gifts & Flower.............................. Community and Government.................5 Ag Power......................................................... Agriculture and Industry................ 2 Ag Power.......................................................................... N - Hollandale................ 4 ALAMCO Wood Products LLC..................................... Community Life................ 8 ALBDC....................................................................Business and Health............... 11 Albert Lea Area Schools......................................................... Education................ 2 Albert Lea Electric......................................................... Home & Family................ 2 Albert Lea Family Y...................................................... Community Life................ 4 Albert Lea Seedhouse..................................... Agriculture and Industry................ 3 Albert Lea Seedhouse.............................. Community and Government................ 3 Albert Lea Steel Service Center...................... Agriculture and Industry................ 8 Albert Lea Veterinary Clinic......................................... Community Life................ 4 All Weather Roof............................................ Agriculture and Industry...............10 Alliance Benefit Group................................................. Community Life................ 9 Almco.............................................................. Agriculture and Industry...............12 AmericInn..................................................................... Community Life................ 9 Antiques of the Midwest.......................... Community and Government.................5 Applebee’s.................................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Assembly of God Church..........................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Audibel....................................................................Business and Health................ 3 B & D Metal Works, Inc............................................................ N - Wells................ 2 Becker Auto........................................................................ N - Hayward................ 9 Best Western Plus...................................................Business and Health...............10 Big Toe Excavating....................................................... Community Life................ 4 Bonnerup Funeral Service....................... Community and Government...............10 Bonnerup Funeral Service..................................................N - Ellendale................ 3 Bonnerup Funeral Service.......................................... N - New Richland................ 3 Boss Supply Inc.............................................. Agriculture and Industry................ 2 Bowman Electric........................................................... Community Life.................5 Broskoff Structures................................................................ N - Geneva................ 8 Bruss Heitner Funeral Homes................................................. N - Wells................ 2 Casa Zamora.............................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Certified Travel............................................................. Community Life................ 4 Chamber ALFC.......................................................Business and Health...............10 Cheers Liquor...........................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Christianson Plumbing & Heating............................... Community Life.................7 City of Albert Lea....................................................Business and Health............... 11 Clarks Grove Hardware................................................ N - Clarks Grove................ 8 Clarks Grove Veterinary Clinic..................................... N - Clarks Grove................ 8 Clover Leaf Lions.......................................................... Community Life.................7 Collins Auto Repair.......................................... People & Demographics.................5 Complete Home Inspection, Inc.................................. Community Life................ 6 Com-Tec...............................................................................N - Glenville.................7 Conger Catering..................................................................... N - Conger................ 6 Conger Meats......................................................................... N - Conger................ 6 Country Care Boarding Kennel.................................... N - Clarks Grove................ 8 Countryside RV Service................................................ Community Life................ 4 CPS Mansfield............................................................... Community Life................ 4 Craig’s Taxidermy............................................................... N - Freeborn................ 2 Crescendo Exquisite Food & Wine...........................Faith and Charities.................7 Crossroads Church...................................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Crow Wing Kayaks........................................................ Community Life................ 4 Curt’s Pharmacy........................................................... Community Life................ 4 Dahl Farm Supply........................................... Agriculture and Industry.................5 Dawson Properties....................................................... Community Life................ 6 Daybreakers Kiwanis.................................................... Community Life.................7 Daycare Page........................................... Community and Government................ 6 Dewey Kruger Music...................................................... N - Northwood.................5 Diamond Jo............................................. Community and Government................ 9 Dinah’s Style.............................................................Faith and Charities................ 6 Donna Nelson Insurance, Inc.................................................. N - Alden................ 6 Doug’s Sandblasting..................................................... Community Life................ 4 Dr. Lundstrom, D.D.S............................................Business and Health.................5 Dras Cases, Inc.......................................................Business and Health................ 8 Eastside Liquor.........................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Erlandson’s..................................................... Agriculture and Industry................ 3 Expressions Salon.....................................................Faith and Charities................ 6 Falkstone . ...................................................................... N - Northwood.................5 Family Dental Center....................................................... N - Lake Mills...............10 Farm Bureau Financial Services.................................... N - Northwood.................5 Farmer’s Mutual Insurance of Manchester...................N - Manchester................ 9 Farmers State Bank....................................................................... Insert Farmer’s State Bank....................................... Agriculture and Industry................ 2 Featherlite Graphics .................................................... Community Life................ 9 First Lutheran Church..............................................Faith and Charities................ 2 First National Bank - Ellendale..........................................N - Ellendale................ 3 Flaherty’s Hi-Tech Motorwerks.................................... Home & Family................ 4 Fleet Farm..................................................................... Community Life................ 4 Freeborn Construction.............................................Faith and Charities................ 8 Freeborn County............................................................................ Insert Freeborn County Co-op Oil Co................ Community and Government................ 8 Freeborn Lumber Company.......................................... Home & Family.................7 Freeborn Mower Cooperative................. Community and Government................ 3 Geno’s Plumbing.....................................................Business and Health................ 8 George’s of Geneva................................................................ N - Geneva................ 8 Glenville Plumbing..............................................................N - Glenville.................7 Glenville Short Stop.............................................................N - Glenville.................7 Good Samaritan........................................................Faith and Charities................ 2 Grace Lutheran Church............................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Green Lea Golf Course...................................... People & Demographics.................7 Green Mill.................................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Hagen & Associates........................................ Agriculture and Industry.................7 Hanna Heating and Cooling......................................... Community Life................ 4 Hanson Tire.................................................................. Community Life................ 2 Hart Brothers Weaponry.................................. People & Demographics................ 3 Hayward Co-op................................................................... N - Hayward................ 9 Hemenway Storage............................................................. N - Hayward................ 9 Holiday Inn Express - Northwood................................. N - Northwood.................5 Home Federal Bank....................................................... Home & Family................ 6 Indoor Tech.................................................................. Community Life................ 4 Injection Technology Diesel Service.............................. N - Northwood.................5 Innovance....................................................... Agriculture and Industry...............12 Interstate Packaging....................................... Agriculture and Industry...............10 ISC Financials................................................................ Home & Family................ 6 ITC........................................................... Community and Government.................7 Jag Tours........................................................ Agriculture and Industry...............10 Jan Jerdee - Blue Cross Blue Shield............................. Community Life................ 4 Jensales Inc....................................................................N - Manchester................ 9 Johnson Heating..................................... Community and Government.................5 Jordahl Meats.................................................................N - Manchester................ 9 Karl’s Carquest................................................. People & Demographics.................7 Kee Lanes............................................................................... N - Kiester.................7 KIMT........................................................ Community and Government................ 2 KIMT.............................................................................. Home & Family................ 3 Knutson Oil Co./H&K Propane...........................................N - Glenville.................7 KOA Kampground.............................................................. N - Hayward................ 9 L&D Ag Service................................................................... N - Hartland................ 4 Lake Mills Chamber Development................................... N - Lake Mills...............10 Lake Mills Community Schools........................................ N - Lake Mills...............10 Larson Allen............................................. Community and Government.................7

Larson Contracting.........................................................................Index................ 4 Larson Manufacturing...................................................... N - Lake Mills...............10 Lembke Construction, Inc............................................. Home & Family................ 3 Lou Rich.......................................................... Agriculture and Industry...............12 M&S Outdoor Equipment......................................Business and Health.................5 Main Street Dental..................................................... N - New Richland................ 3 Manchester-Hartland Telephone Co.............................N - Manchester................ 9 Manpower....................................................... Agriculture and Industry............... 11 Mark Schmitz State Farm......................................................... N - Wells................ 2 Mary Go Round....................................... Community and Government.................5 Massage Connections.............................................Business and Health................ 3 Master Plumbing ......................................................... Community Life................ 9 Minnesota Abstract........................................ Agriculture and Industry.................7 Minnesota Corrugated Box............................ Agriculture and Industry............... 11 Minnesota School of Business................................................ Education................ 4 Morreim Drainage..........................................................N - Manchester................ 9 Mrs. Gerry’s Salads........................................... People & Demographics................ 8 Nancy’s Café............................................ Community and Government.................5 National Guard........................................ Community and Government................ 2 Nelson’s Market Place.................................................. Community Life................ 4 Nelson’s Shell................................................................ Community Life................ 4 New Dimension Electronics.................... Community and Government................ 2 New To You.............................................. Community and Government.................5 NIACC..................................................................................... Education................ 3 Nick’s Country Store........................................................... N - Hayward................ 9 Nick’s Used Cars..................................................................N - Glenville.................7 Noon Kiwanas............................................................... Community Life.................7 North American Mat Company....................................... N - Hollandale................ 4 North American Title . ............................ Community and Government.................5 Northbridge Mall.............................................. People & Demographics................ 9 Northern Country Co-op......................................................... N - Alden................ 6 Northland Custom Interiors........................................... N - Northwood.................5 Northstar Powersports............................ Community and Government................ 2 Northwood Lumber........................................................ N - Northwood.................5 Northwood Theatre........................................................ N - Northwood.................5 Northwood True Value................................................... N - Northwood.................5 Oak Park Place.................................................. People & Demographics................ 2 Oakview Golf Club.............................................................. N - Freeborn................ 2 One in Christ.............................................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Orthodontic Health Center....................................Business and Health................ 3 Our Father’s House..................................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.................................Faith and Charities................ 2 Panels Plus...................................................... Agriculture and Industry...............12 Parts City Auto Parts................................................................ N - Wells................ 2 Plaza Morena............................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Poet................................................................. Agriculture and Industry................ 4 Produce State Bank...................................................... Community Life................ 3 Produce State Bank......................................................... N - Hollandale................ 4 R & R Flooring......................................................................... N - Alden................ 6 Raleigh’s Ace Hardware............................................... Community Life.................5 Reinertson’s Embroidery........................ Community and Government.................5 Rich Murray.................................................................. Community Life.................5 Riverland Community College............................................... Education................ 4 Ron’s LP............................................................................ N - Lake Mills...............10 Round Prairie Lutheran Church..............................Faith and Charities................ 3 Royal Lawn................................................................... N - Clarks Grove................ 8 Royal Sports.................................................................. N - Clarks Grove................ 8 RWP.............................................................................. Community Life...............10 Salem Lutheran Church...........................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Salvation Army............................................................. Community Life.................5 Sanderson Auto....................................... Community and Government................ 9 Security Bank.................................................... People & Demographics................ 2 Select Foods.................................................................. Community Life...............10 Service Master.............................................................. Community Life................ 4 Shell Rock River Watershed.......................................................... Insert Shell Rock River Watershed............................. People & Demographics................ 9 Signature Real Estate.................................................... Home & Family................ 3 Signatures Supper Club.................................................. N - Northwood.................5 Southbridge Mall.......................................................... Community Life................ 2 Southern Lock & Glass...........................................Business and Health...............10 Southside Custom......................................................... Community Life................ 4 St. John’s Lutheran Home.......................................Faith and Charities................ 8 St. Theodores School............................... Community and Government.................7 Stacia’s Grooming and Pet Boutique........................... Community Life................ 4 State Bank of Clarks Grove...................... Community and Government................ 3 State Bank of New Richland....................................... N - New Richland................ 3 State Farm Insurance/Nancy VanderWaerdt............... Home & Family................ 6 State Line Electric................................................................N - Glenville.................7 Studio 22...................................................................Faith and Charities................ 6 Syverson Ford................................................... People & Demographics...............10 The Albert Lea Art Center....................... Community and Government.................5 The Image Hair Salon...............................................Faith and Charities................ 6 The Square Yard, Inc............................................................. N - Kiester.................7 The Vineyard Church................................................Faith and Charities................ 3 Thompson Electric.................................................Business and Health................ 9 Thompson Oil.................................................................. N - Hollandale................ 4 Thompson Sanitation....................................... People & Demographics................ 9 Thorne Crest................................................................. Community Life................ 9 Thorne Crest.................................................................................. Insert Three In One.............................................................Faith and Charities.................7 Tim’s Auto & Tire Sales.......................................................N - Glenville.................7 Titan Machinery............................................. Agriculture and Industry................ 3 TNT Appliance......................................... Community and Government.................5 Total Glass & Lock......................................................... Home & Family................ 8 Trades & Labor Federal Credit Union..... Community and Government.................5 Trading Post................................................... Agriculture and Industry.................5 Troy Thompson Agency.................................. Agriculture and Industry................ 8 Ulland Brothers............................................................ Community Life................ 6 United Methodist Church.........................................Faith and Charities................ 3 United Way of Freeborn County..............................Faith and Charities................ 4 Uptown Dental.......................................................Business and Health................ 2 US Bank............................................................ People & Demographics................ 8 Van Wilgen Drainage....................................................... N - Hollandale................ 4 Ventura Foods........................................................Business and Health............... 11 Vern Eide Chevrolet..................................................... Community Life................ 3 Vern Eide Chevrolet...................................................................... Insert Village Cooperateive .................................................... Community Life................ 6 Waldorf College...................................................................... Education................ 3 Wangen Excavating...................................................... Community Life................ 4 Water Craft Corperation........................................................... N - Wells................ 2 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club........................... Agriculture and Industry............... 11 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club.......................................................... Insert Wells Federal Bank....................................................... Community Life................ 2 Wells Insurance Agency........................................................... N - Wells................ 2 Wells Market Place................................................................... N - Wells................ 2 WFS........................................................................................ N - Briclyn.................7 WFS........................................................................................... N - Wells................ 2 Workforce Development, Inc....................................... Community Life................ 4 Zenk, Read, Trygstad.................................................... Community Life................ 3 Zion Lutheran Church..............................................Faith and Charities................ 2 Zogg Dermatology, PLC..........................................Business and Health................ 3 Zumbro River Brand Inc................................ Agriculture and Industry................ 4

Page 4 • Albert Lea Tribune • Sunday, February 26, 2012 PROGRESS 2012

Sunset Farms

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