#scchat 13.11.2012 - "Principal & School Counselor Relationship"

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#scchat #scchat 13.11.2012 "Principal & School Counselor Relationship" - Moderated by: @ARHSCounselor and @ARHSSwappfox

Event Participants

Trending Words &, school, rt, great, principal, @arhscounselor, counselor, counselors, admin, out, time, @kelly_counselor, #scchat�, data,

#scchat coming up SOON with @ARHSCounselor and her principal! Who's coming?! 14-Nov-12 00:02 | ecmmason

T-minus 30 till the greatest Tweet show on Earth! Join us!! #scchat 14-Nov-12 00:31 | ARHSCounselor

@thelittlegum #scchat! 14-Nov-12 00:36 | ecmmason

So proud of MD! RT@EdTrust: Maryland’s passage of its own #DreamAct should motivate other states. http://t.co/WmlcvBbJ #scchat #edchat 14-Nov-12 00:45 | CnslrDarrell

@ecmmason @arhscounselor So sad I have to miss it! Knock 'em dead!!! #scchat 14-Nov-12 00:48 | CnslrDarrell

Grief and Loss as experienced by a #counselor #scchat http://t.co/OvJVyW38 14-Nov-12 00:52 | CnslrDarrell

Check out the transcript later! RT @CnslrDarrell: @ecmmason @arhscounselor So sad I have to miss it! Knock em dead!!! #scchat 14-Nov-12 00:53 | ARHSCounselor

Who's ready to get started? I'm super excited to introduce the best admin in the world, @ARHSSwampfox. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:00 | ARHSCounselor

The next School Counselor Tweet Chat is tonight at 8pm EST! Topic is Principal & School Counselor Relationship! #scchat #cpchat #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:00 | dpk933

@ARHSCounselor @arhsswampfox Let's go! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:00 | ecmmason

Hi Graduate student at Providence College...look forward to a good discussion. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:00 | annmarie0609

Let's start with a quick check of who's who & where you are? Give us your state, level & position. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:01 | ARHSCounselor

Excited to get started! Michelle Kelley, Director of Guidance, Scituate, RI #edchatri #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:01 | mkelley723

Jeremy Goldman, high school counseling chair (@PHSCouns) in Maryland. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:01 | MrJGoldman

Elementary sc interns from PA #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:02 | jschmitz2

Hello school counselors! Dan Kelley HS Principal in Rhode Island. Married to best SC in RI @mkelley723 #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:02 | dpk933

Kelly Johnson, elementary counselor, Indiana #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:02 | kelly_counselor

Counselor Educator in Chicago @DePaulU #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:03 | ecmmason

Hello everyone! I'm a k-8 counselor in VA #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:03 | stscounselor

Andy Vander Linden, school counselor in St. Peter, MN. Ready to collaborate! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:04 | andyvl16

Middle school counselor. From Missouri. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:04 | PSCErin

Lots of different roles out there...this should be good! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:04 | ARHSCounselor

Q1: What are some of the key factors in a productive principal/counselor relationship? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:05 | ARHSCounselor

Don't you think that counselors are the ears for the administration #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:05 | annmarie0609

Hi! Counseling intern in Chicago! First #scchat ! 14-Nov-12 01:05 | thelittlegum

#scchat Hi! Jennifer Rayburn, Elementary SC from Georgia 14-Nov-12 01:06 | KBSCounselor

A1: Like a marriage- trust and respect! Ha! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:06 | kelly_counselor

Gotta say I love the intern representation tonight! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:06 | Megan_M_Kelly

Lisa Dietel, lead counselor, Legacy High School, Colorado #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:07 | ldietel

Hello :) first year counselor, first #scchat! #Scchat 14-Nov-12 01:07 | kristiykendrick

A1: Communication and humor! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:07 | andyvl16

Cathy Hines EC - 5th. Wisconsin. 25th year in education! 2 buildings! First time here! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:08 | Cat_Hines

LOVE IT TOO! RT @Megan_M_Kelly: Gotta say I love the intern representation tonight! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:08 | ARHSCounselor

@ARHSCounselor A1: Continual communication is key! Shared goals always important. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:08 | Megan_M_Kelly

High School counsellor in Calgary Alberta #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:08 | SSpellmanCann

You are absolutely correct. It is all about the relationship. RT @kelly_counselor: A1: Like a marriage- trust and respect! Ha! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:08 | ARHSswampfox

Q1: definitely communication! Love humor and fun too. Can't be all serious all the time #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:09 | ecmmason

@RL_SchCounselor Completely agree! Humor a MUST! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:09 | ARHSCounselor

Do you find that administration has time either at the beginning or ending of the day to communicate with its counselors? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:09 | annmarie0609

A1: a counselor with a strong understanding of their role #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:09 | jmvdoc

A1: I'd say when a principal understands and respects the role of a school counselor. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:09 | hmsadilek

“@Megan_M_Kelly: Gotta say I love the intern representation tonight! #scchat” Boo Ya! Awesome!!! 14-Nov-12 01:09 | ecmmason

“@SSpellmanCann: High School counsellor in Calgary Alberta #scchat” Yay Susan is here! 14-Nov-12 01:10 | ecmmason

@ARHSCounselor Sometimes you just have to laugh. And remember to not get "stuck" in one way of thinking. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:10 | RL_SchCounselor

@jmvdoc there needs to a clear mutual understanding of the principal's expectation/perception of school counselor's role #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:10 | MrJGoldman

Is there a time in the day when everyone de-stresses...including the principal? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:11 | annmarie0609

@MrJGoldman agreed but a strong counselor can shape the uninformed admin toward thier purpose #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:11 | jmvdoc

Currently tackling question on "the relationship b/t counselor and principal, #scchat if you'd like to tag along! @PaulPetersonSPH 14-Nov-12 01:11 | andyvl16

A1: Relationships relationships relationships, trust, advocacy #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:11 | dpk933

Man, you guys are awesome! Great answers!! Don't we all wish we had ALL of these? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:12 | ARHSCounselor

I'm finding that my new admin. this year and I are touching base everyday and it has made a HUGE difference! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:12 | kelly_counselor

That and her understanding my role much better than my former admin. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:12 | kelly_counselor

@kelly_counselor I feel disconnected too, if I don't check in to at least say "hello" everyday. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:12 | RL_SchCounselor

@kristiykendrick when a principal asks "what are your goals for this year?" The response needs to be shaped around couns standards #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:12 | jmvdoc

@kelly_counselor This is a huge accomplishment. Congrats!! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | ARHSCounselor

INDEED! when a principal asks "what are your goals for this year?" The response needs to be shaped around couns standards #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | kelly_counselor

A1; My director is often a fourth admin. this requires daily communication #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | dpk933

The relationship needs to be developed and is rapidly changing given educational changes #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | SSpellmanCann

@kristiykendrick weekly meetings, Friday 9:30am, counselors & admin set the agenda together #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | BCrudale

This is encouraging great discussion within our internship class. We all have varied experiences #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:13 | jschmitz2

@bcrudale love that idea! @jmvdoc great reminder :) #Scchat 14-Nov-12 01:14 | kristiykendrick

Remember if the goals are not clear...when a "non counseling" task comes up, then you might get asked to do it. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | jmvdoc

Frequency is critical. RT @ecmmason: @RL_SchCounselor @kelly_counselor agreed, frequency seems to trump length in prin-counselor #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | ARHSswampfox

@MrJGoldman just set the time! We didn't have time before we made it a priority #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | BCrudale

We also have a weekly meeting this year too! I am spoiled, but take into account my new admin. is now female, my age, etc. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | kelly_counselor

@kristiykendrick @bcrudale thank you! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | jmvdoc

When you have weekly meetings is it to monitor progress and update plans or just reporting statistics? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | annmarie0609

@jschmitz2 Curious to know how often your interns meet with admins? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:15 | Megan_M_Kelly

#scchat Good evening all! Sorry I'm a bit late. Frequent, open, transparent communication encourages trust!! 14-Nov-12 01:16 | leshhs1

Once a week@leshh1 #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:16 | jschmitz2

I have our counselor in our admin meeting at the beginning, then once updated on initiatives we continue without her #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:17 | jmvdoc

@Megan_M_Kelly @jschmitz2 Also curious too! As an intern, I don't get much face time with the principal #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:17 | thelittlegum

Every day. They need to get used to the level of communication that is necessary.RT @Megan_M_Kelly: @jschmitz2 Curious to know how o #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:17 | ARHSswampfox

I agree as a 1st year counselor! RT @ARHSswampfox: Every day. They need to get used to the level of communication that is necessary. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:18 | RL_SchCounselor

Great conference this past weekend in Providence...disappointed in turnout but terrific key note speaker... #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:19 | annmarie0609

I have a partnership with my principal. A valued relationship for both of us. I don't want his job and he doesn't want mine. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:20 | jschmitz2

A2: in my perception age and experience difference was a big barrier with my former administrator. Not always the case tho. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:20 | kelly_counselor

@thelittlegum @jschmitz2 My admin love that I ask4their opinions on my needs assessments- they enjoy helpng me learn drng internship #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:20 | Megan_M_Kelly

Did you know that the college planning center, where I am interning, sees many juniors who are trying to understand process #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:20 | annmarie0609

#scchat barrier to admin/counselor collab is definitely disconnect in time: I'm with kids, they're doing obsvn & discipline, hard to connect 14-Nov-12 01:21 | MrJGoldman

@kristiykendrick This works great! We have to stick to an agenda or we'll go on forever solving the worlds problems. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:21 | ARHSCounselor

@kelly_counselor great question...making a difference in schools around systems like counseling #scchat

and support

14-Nov-12 01:21 | jmvdoc

TIME! RT @ARHSCounselor: Q2: I'm hearing trust, respect, communication, understanding of roles... What are some possible barriers? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:21 | RL_SchCounselor

Is this something administration/counselors consider a goal...post h.s. planning #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:21 | annmarie0609

Q2: admin should take coun course, & vice versa, in grad school so roles are understood #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:22 | BCrudale

@ARHSCounselor barrier is often lack of communication. #schoolcounselors must be willing to make first move. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:22 | ecmmason

COOL! RT @jmvdoc: @kelly_counselor great question...making a difference in schools around systems like counseling and support #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:22 | kelly_counselor

@MrJGoldman agreed! Get centered with your purpose to make it a challenge to place you in non counseling tasks #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:22 | jmvdoc

A2: Time and priorities are the only two I can think of that represent significant issues. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:22 | SchifferB

@megan m Kelly we agree, many of the prin enjoy the interns being there...and helping them learn #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:23 | jschmitz2

Used to put monthly/weekly time tracking sheets in principal's mailbox if didn't see him/her #scchat. Communication comes in many forms. 14-Nov-12 01:24 | ecmmason

@dpk933 great point-- I can go on and on when I'm passionate. Who has time for all of that?? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:24 | kristiykendrick

we have a counsellor advocate in our district who in-services admin. on our roles and how we can work together breaks down barriers #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:24 | SSpellmanCann

#scchat in my prev school, a bigger problem was lack of prof respect. Now, my AP @whatley_kevin was in my position 10yrs ago #problemsolved 14-Nov-12 01:24 | MrJGoldman

A2: don't surprise your principal, If you are dealing with a critical student issue make sure to inform them #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:25 | jmvdoc

A2: TIME! Even in our weekly admin team mtgs, it is difficult for everyone to make time for "counseling" items! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:25 | KBSCounselor

I am noticing that time continues to be the largest barrier to overcome. What are some suggestions to overcome this barrier? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:25 | ARHSswampfox

@ecmmason Weekly reminders of how we use our time! Great idea, but making the report takes time, too. #ascaRAMP #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:25 | MrJGoldman

@dpk933 YES! Short, sweet, to the point. Data helps. NO rambling. Be prepared. 2-3 min at most. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | ecmmason

A2: go to prin. w/ possible solutions, not just problems #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | BCrudale

@ecmmason Excellent point! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | ARHSCounselor

Mid year....data should be collected...presented in a meeting between counselors and administration to plan out rest of the year. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | annmarie0609

Walk though the hall and talk with your administrator- one minute is better than zero with #exercise #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | kelly_counselor

@ecmmason @dpk933 And bring handouts w/ data for later reference. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:26 | Megan_M_Kelly

RT @ecmmason: @dpk933 YES! Short, sweet, to the point. Data helps. NO rambling. Be prepared. 2-3 min at most. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:27 | ARHSCounselor

RT @kelly_counselor: Walk though the hall and talk with your administrator- one minute is better than zero with #exercise #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:28 | ARHSCounselor

This was a great experience! Thank you for welcoming me. Have to go and teach #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:28 | jmvdoc

@RL_SchCounselor @MrJGoldman Simple is fine. Find frequency that works 4 u. "Special" weeks might be worth sharing out of reg sched #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:28 | ecmmason

We love solutions. Our counselors bring a different set of strategies to the table.RT @BCrudale: A2: go to prin. w/ possible solutio #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:28 | ARHSswampfox

@kelly_counselor I have to run when "walking" with @ARHSswampfox. :) She's in high gear ALL DAY! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:29 | ARHSCounselor

@jmvdoc Your input has been awesome!!! Thank YOU! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:29 | ARHSCounselor

@dpk933 our wkly mtgs are not about specific kids, about big picture issues & how to solve them #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:29 | BCrudale

Mine RUNS in HEELS! @kelly_counselor I have to run when "walking" with @ARHSswampfox. :) She's in high gear ALL DAY! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:29 | kelly_counselor

Sounds counterintuitive, but taking frequently with small bits of info saves time. No need for big long mtgs that never happen. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:29 | SchifferB

“@kelly_counselor: Walk though the hall and talk with your administrator- one minute is better than zero with #exercise #scchat” LOVE! 14-Nov-12 01:30 | ecmmason

@ecmmason Every 15 min I jot down what I'm doing in my planner for own reference/ if I'm asked for. Works for me, just curious! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:30 | RL_SchCounselor

@SchifferB Thanks for joining #scchat! #TeamBCPS 14-Nov-12 01:30 | MrJGoldman

“@kelly_counselor we do the walk and talk a lot! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:30 | PSCErin

“@stscounselor: RT @BCrudale: A2: go to prin. w/ possible solutions, not just problems YES! This is a great point! #scchat” YES!!! 14-Nov-12 01:30 | ecmmason

@cindralaluna awe thank you! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:30 | jmvdoc

@annmarie0609 #scchat My principal rarely expects me to know the data immediately. Follow-up email suffices. 14-Nov-12 01:32 | MrJGoldman

I'm going to write a book about Walk and Talk! ;) RT @PSCErin: “@kelly_counselor we do the walk and talk a lot! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:32 | kelly_counselor

Yes they do. They are an essential key to the success of a school!RT @leshhs1: #scchat SCHOOL COUNSELORS ROCK!!!! :) #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:32 | ARHSswampfox

Q4: We've got the relationship perfected. :) Let's talk collaboration. Do you plan programs/initiatives, etc together? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:32 | ARHSCounselor

@ecmmason Good point :) #scchat Why not share what we do all day? 14-Nov-12 01:32 | RL_SchCounselor

Side bar conversation. Hey @leshhs1 What happened to 'Bama? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:32 | dpk933

“@RL_SchCounselor: @ecmmason Good point :) #scchat Why not share what we do all day?” YES! Be proactive. 14-Nov-12 01:33 | ecmmason

If everyone is "walking and talking", is there any personalization being done in the school during the day? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | annmarie0609

@MrJGoldman @ARHSswampfox just "GULPED." Hahaha! We eat, breath, sleep data. I better know it. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | ARHSCounselor

A4: I hope next year to look much more at data to find achievement gaps to plan programs, etc. She's gotta learn the job this year! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | kelly_counselor

@dpk933 #scchat Dan!!! Wow!!! A&M outplayed and out coached us! Johnny Football had quite a game! Too fast! But ROLL TIDE!!! 14-Nov-12 01:34 | leshhs1

@ARHSCounselor A4: Recently included admin on a google doc for their input on a school-wide assessment. #sctech #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | Megan_M_Kelly

Collaboration? A4: Pretty excited about a bullying action plan we're going to develop together. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | RL_SchCounselor

Does anyone stop and just take a breather and talk to the students.... at lunch time..before or after school? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:34 | annmarie0609

Advice for getting your first job after graduating? Graduated in May & no luck as of yet! #frustrated #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:35 | LaurenAshley07

A4: yes! We often plan together, pilot a program, & get feedback from principal/other counselors before going big #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:36 | BCrudale

As principals we must steer the ship, but I must rely upon many to assist in finding the correct coordinates to navigate. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:37 | ARHSswampfox

Of course! Relationship is everything.RT @annmarie0609: Does anyone stop and just take a breather and talk to the students #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:37 | kelly_counselor

@kelly_counselor Baseline Data is the name of the game this year. Wow her with what YOU collect. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:37 | ARHSCounselor

#scchat Include counselors in school wide planning whenever possible!!! 14-Nov-12 01:37 | leshhs1

Agreed! I hate finding about things after the fact. RT @leshhs1: #scchat Include counselors in school wide planning whenever possible!!! 14-Nov-12 01:38 | RL_SchCounselor

A4: We collab on big projects/initiatives before going live with whole school/all staff. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:38 | thelittlegum

10-4! RT@ARHSCounselor: Baseline Data is the name of the game this year. Wow her with what YOU collect. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:38 | kelly_counselor

The best reflection on a principal or guidance counselor is when you are some where other than school and kids walk up and say Hi... #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:38 | annmarie0609

@mkelley723 Excellent Answer! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:38 | ARHSCounselor

@annmarie0609: Does anyone stop and just take a breather and talk to the students. That is always a priority! #scchat� 14-Nov-12 01:38 | PSCErin

Now that is trust and relationship...because they are pro-active. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:38 | annmarie0609

In RI counselors are not part of new eval system. Need to be creative to include them in discussion. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:39 | dpk933

A4: admin has counsellors share at every staff meeting and we plan around themes #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:39 | SSpellmanCann

@SSpellmanCann I really value that my admin team cultivates leadership from all willing staff members #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:40 | MrJGoldman

@cindralaluna @rl_schcounselor NEVER too late to start! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:41 | ecmmason

Building leadership capacity within a building is so important to the culture of any shool.RT @MrJGoldman: @SSpellmanCann I really v #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:41 | ARHSswampfox

Like the sound of that ...student centered and that data has names, face, and stories. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:42 | annmarie0609

Awesome. RT @SchifferB: ‌ counselors keep us data-informed ... They ensure all those numbers have names, faces, & stories. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:42 | RL_SchCounselor

@ARHSCounselor planning and presenting together great idea!!!! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:42 | SSpellmanCann

Thank goodness!! RT @ecmmason: @cindralaluna @rl_schcounselor NEVER too late to start! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:42 | kristiykendrick

I have asked to do this and we will get there, especially with implementing PBIS next year. #changes #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:43 | kelly_counselor

Advocacy, Leadership, Accountability. Sound familiar? Are we all working toward the same goal...increasing student achievement? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:44 | ARHSCounselor

You forgot one...what about socialization...students need to find compassion for one another. Life is hard for some. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:45 | annmarie0609

Presented to students, staff in times of crises. Unfortunate but VERY necessary to be on same page. Present united front. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:45 | ecmmason

Sorry for being late! Glad to get here. Josh, Middle school counselor from NJ #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:45 | WMS_Counselor

@ARHSCounselor absolutely! The task is helping my principal understand that-- more than just the cheerleader! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:45 | kristiykendrick

@ARHSswampfox: Building leadership capacity within a building is so important to the culture of any shool. RT. I totally agree! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:45 | msollitto

#scchat be willing to be a leader in your school 14-Nov-12 01:46 | HCSCounselor

@annmarie0609 Are you familiar with ASCA National Model? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:46 | ARHSCounselor

I want to be more of a role in increasing student ach. and I know the ASCA National Model is the way to move to the next level! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:48 | kelly_counselor

If not on your school's leadership team (whatever it is called), ASK to be. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:49 | ecmmason

RT @ecmmason: If not on your schools leadership team (whatever it is called), ASK to be. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:49 | mkelley723

Hard for a student to think about math and english when they don't know where their next meal will be coming from. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:49 | annmarie0609

@annmarie0609 @kelly_counselor #scchat It may help to embrace #firstgen movement when merging the divergent macro/micro Nat'l Model goals. 14-Nov-12 01:50 | MrJGoldman

@HCMSCounselor @hcscounselor Presenting about Principal/Counselor Relationship this week at ASCA. #scchat has been great tonight!! 14-Nov-12 01:50 | leshhs1

Absolutely! Every leadership team must have a school counselor!RT @ecmmason: If not on your schools leadership team (whatever it is #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:50 | ARHSswampfox

I didn't ask, I told. Just like dad taught me. :) @ecmmason: If not on your school's leadership team, ASK to be. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:50 | kelly_counselor

@ecmmason A little intimidating in the 1st year, but I could give it a shot #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:50 | kristiykendrick

#scchat per data-principals=quality, counselors=frequency 14-Nov-12 01:50 | HCSCounselor

@kelly_counselor check out NOSCA's Own The Turf Campaign for more great ideas! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:51 | trishahvz

You will quit being afraid very quickly! RT @kristiykendrick: A little intimidating in the 1st year, but I could give it a shot #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:51 | kelly_counselor

Do it tomorrow! Take the initiative! RT @kristiykendrick: @ecmmason A little intimidating in the 1st year, but I could give it #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:52 | ARHSswampfox

#scchat Counselors play a vital role in building leadership capacity in all schools. 14-Nov-12 01:52 | leshhs1

Ur right! Need a refresher, thanks RT @trishahvz: @kelly_counselor check out NOSCA's Own The Turf Campaign for more great ideas! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:52 | kelly_counselor

@ARHSswampfox Will do... Just what I needed to talk about tonight! Thank you for the encouragement! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:53 | kristiykendrick

@ARHSCounselor Again, a major positive to my school is that my principal and I both value closing equity/access gaps. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:53 | MrJGoldman

Great mentor once told me, convince your principal you are not just a "certified nice person." #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:53 | ecmmason

Right now working as a 1-on-1 aide at a special ed school. No room for advancement as I was told they only hire social workers. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:53 | LaurenAshley07

However hoping to make connections & it is an experience in an educational setting #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:54 | LaurenAshley07

Understanding roles...for each of you...is HUGE! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:54 | ARHSCounselor

gr8 when you are new to a school that the p already sees sc's as leaders and vital to the leadership team just as VP's are seen #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:55 | SSpellmanCann

But I am! ;) RT @ecmmason: Great mentor once told me, convince your principal you are not just a "certified nice person." #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:55 | kelly_counselor

Your principal will appreciate the effort and initiative.RT @kristiykendrick: @ARHSswampfox Will do... Just what I needed to talk ab #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:55 | ARHSswampfox

@ARHSCounselor Is there a good place to read about the principal role online? School counselors have general role descrip. on ASCA. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:55 | RL_SchCounselor

@mkelley723 So important that admin and guidance are on the same page. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:56 | msollitto

@cindralaluna @kristiykendrick @arhsswampfox Keep us posted and reach out anytime to #scchat! 14-Nov-12 01:56 | ecmmason

“@ecmmason: Great mentor once told me, convince...are not just a "certified nice person." #scchat� LOVE! Data has been my BFF in doing this! 14-Nov-12 01:56 | KBSCounselor

@msollitto I couldn't agree more. You sound very intelligent. Are you a doctor by any chance? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:56 | mkelley723

@ecmmason Thank you!! Love this. #scchat rocks! Just what was needed. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:57 | kristiykendrick

@dpk933 @RL_SchCounselor @NASSP Excellent counselor resource! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:58 | leshhs1

The principal & counselor should serve as role models of leadership, advocacy, & agents of change, w/ students being our MAIN goal. #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:58 | ARHSCounselor

RT @dpk933: @RL_SchCounselor Check out http://t.co/4CT8kuEV #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:59 | mkelley723

Yes. I agree with SchifferB....We have to value the nice people who have big hearts! #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:59 | annmarie0609

@dpk933 Is it the word "doctor" that got to you? #scchat 14-Nov-12 01:59 | mkelley723

Thanks all, any and all resources are appreciated. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:00 | RL_SchCounselor

Thank you for joining us. This hour always goes by so fast! Make a commitment to assess your relationship & do something to enhance #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:00 | ARHSCounselor

Have a great night all. Off to google chat w/ @drjolly regarding dissertation. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:00 | dpk933

@ARHSCounselor I swear, we should get CEUs for #scchat. I get more from these than from sitting through mandated PD. 14-Nov-12 02:01 | MrJGoldman

Thank you for allowing me to join your discussion. Have a good night. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:01 | annmarie0609

Culture, Not Curriculum, May be Key to High School Reform | US News and World Report - http://t.co/1S9AXc8I #edchat #educhat #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:02 | school_climate

Maybe we can build some NBCC cert into @scopeistech4scs? @ecmmason #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:02 | MrJGoldman

so happy to connect with my valued American school counselors ( one L just for you all) #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:02 | SSpellmanCann

Always room for improvement....for all of us. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:02 | ARHSCounselor

@MrJGoldman No kidding! Starting the job search soon- how do I add this to my portfolio and resume? #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:02 | Megan_M_Kelly

RT @juabwasp1: #scchat School counselors & administration are the battery, no different than a pitcher & catcher in baseball. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:04 | ARHSCounselor

“@juabwasp1: #scchat School counselors & administration are the battery, no different than a pitcher & catcher in baseball.” Great analogy! 14-Nov-12 02:04 | PSCErin

Thanks for allowing me to join SCCHAT tonight. Our profession is all about the building of honest & productive relationships! #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:05 | ARHSswampfox

RT @juabwasp1: #scchat School counselors & administration are the battery, no different than a pitcher & catcher in baseball. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:05 | dpk933

@ARHSswampfox Thank you for recognizing that "our profession" is shared. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:05 | MrJGoldman

What Mind-Sets Drive Teacher Effectiveness? | @ASCD - http://t.co/tgpaRJHk #edchat #cpchat #educhat #pto #ptchat #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:05 | school_climate

@ARHSswampfox @ARHSCounselor Thanks for moderating tonight! #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:06 | RL_SchCounselor

@MrJGoldman She's pretty awesome like that. She MAKES me better every day. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:07 | ARHSCounselor

“@dpk933: @RL_SchCounselor Check out http://t.co/DsLbXOZE http://t.co/aWcMgsTE #scchat” YES! 14-Nov-12 02:07 | ecmmason

We had a blast!! RT @RL_SchCounselor: @ARHSswampfox @ARHSCounselor Thanks for moderating tonight! #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:07 | ARHSCounselor

@SchifferB INDEED! Just not that alone! #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:08 | ecmmason

“@MrJGoldman: @ARHSCounselor I swear, we should get CEUs for #scchat. I get more from these than from sitting through mandated PD.” oh yeah! 14-Nov-12 02:09 | ecmmason

A great read to share with your principal if they haven't read it. http://t.co/tq6M9VRK #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:09 | ARHSCounselor

@LaurenAshley07 Keep believing! Finding a School Counseling Job http://t.co/r7KIIaFx #scchat #schoolcounseling 14-Nov-12 02:10 | SchCslgByHeart

“@dpk933: @Megan_M_Kelly if you are not asked in interview about your PLN then bring it up. I always ask "define your PLN" #scchat” Nice! 14-Nov-12 02:10 | ecmmason

#scchat Our vision as a counseling-admin team is a search & rescue mentality. Collaboration, consultation, action, daily. Relentless. 14-Nov-12 02:24 | juabwasp1

RT!!! “@ARHSCounselor: A great read to share with your principal if they haven't read it. http://t.co/lPQ7ed11 #scchat� 14-Nov-12 02:39 | leshhs1

Sorry to have missed the chat today. I was in grade 5 class. Refusal Skills. We are thinking about making iMovies about this. #scchat 14-Nov-12 02:47 | nahointokyo

Shoot - forgot about the tweet chat. Bummer! #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:00 | CounselingGeek

Thanks 4 all your posts about couns-princ relationship tonight. Missed the #scchat, but caught up after. Lucky 2 have support & friendship. 14-Nov-12 03:03 | KylieStricklin

@RL_SchCounselor the time tracker tool that Tim poynton made is great and free. Uses excel and I use it every day. #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:06 | CounselingGeek

@LaurenAshley07 check out these two posts - part of what nailed my job. http://t.co/Yi2WC1Lp #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:09 | CounselingGeek

RT @nahointokyo: Sorry 2 have missed chat today. I was in grade 5 - Refusal Skills. Thinking abt making iMovies abt this. #scchat COOL! 14-Nov-12 03:13 | ecmmason

@Megan_M_Kelly talk about your PLN in your interview and portfolio. It is a big part of many schools. Online or not. #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:16 | CounselingGeek

@kellilynnj Great point! People often mistake misunderstanding with disconnect, when they really just don't know. #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:41 | ARHSCounselor

RT @kellilynnj: #scchat my 2 cents... (late) My admin is wonderful bc he KNOWS what my role should be. Dont assume they know! :) #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:41 | ARHSCounselor

RT @CounselingGeek: @LaurenAshley07 check out these two posts - part of what nailed my job. http://t.co/DGrPyt70 #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:43 | ARHSCounselor

Another great read to share. Older but still highly relevant. http://t.co/94p2RNVx #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:45 | ARHSCounselor

RT @juabwasp1:Our vision as a couns-admin team is search & rescue mentality. Collaboration, consultation, action, daily. Relentless. #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:48 | ARHSCounselor

@juabwasp1 This might just find itself a place on my office wall as a constant reminder. No Child Left Behind, but w/ real meaning. #scchat 14-Nov-12 03:49 | ARHSCounselor

Listening to Jason Ohler now. #COETAIL #scchat 14-Nov-12 05:47 | nahointokyo

@nahointokyo I saw him at the EARCOS conference last year. He's a smart guy! #COETAIL #scchat 14-Nov-12 06:47 | chamada

RT @micheleborba: Why teaching #kids #tolerance can curb #bullying & stop the cycle of youth violence -> http://t.co/l7ROlEuC … #scchat 14-Nov-12 07:58 | msgraupmann

Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning #scchat #edchat http://t.co/oEFIFswr 14-Nov-12 13:53 | CnslrDarrell

[Physics] Supersymmetry threatened http://t.co/DYoPgVVn #scchat #scichat #science 14-Nov-12 14:25 | lefouque

[EdTech] [Equity] India's $20 Tablet http://t.co/Jfq6RjWj #scchat #scichat #science 14-Nov-12 15:15 | lefouque

#SCCHAT Transcript: Principal and School Counselor Relationship (Principal and School Counselor Relationship): ... http://t.co/UMQFUquL

14-Nov-12 15:53 | sch_counselor

#SCCHAT Transcript: Principal and School Counselor Relationship (Principal and School… http://t.co/TkANJyqx 14-Nov-12 15:53 | sch_counselor

RT@NACAC: College Admissions: 10 Scholarships Anyone Can Apply For: http://t.co/zP7Q29jx #scchat #FinAid 14-Nov-12 15:55 | CnslrDarrell

RT @CnslrDarrell: RT@NACAC: College Admissions: 10 Scholarships Anyone Can Apply For: http://t.co/xCxregK8 #scchat #FinAid 14-Nov-12 16:23 | MrLinhartTweets

[IP Wars] Now children learn "rounded rectangles (patented by Apple Inc.)" http://t.co/i5hhz2WS #scchat #scichat #science 14-Nov-12 18:00 | lefouque

Check out this newly released list of 100 website resources for #schoolcounselors and #counselors alike #scchat http://t.co/nZ9EplZs 14-Nov-12 18:39 | tpanariso

Check out this newly released list of 100 website resources for #schoolcounselors and #counselors alike #scchat http://t.co/HPKBAlup 14-Nov-12 18:39 | CSCAtweets

Great turnout for @BeckerNews visit today! One of Top 10 Gaming Programs in the US! #scchat 14-Nov-12 19:06 | SpartanGuidance

Share w/students & families: RT@CollegeBoard: 5 important truths about #college admission: http://t.co/MkcjlE7f @MyBigFuture #scchat #edchat 14-Nov-12 21:44 | CnslrDarrell

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