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S A K - M I L A N A R C H C O N S U L T A N T S













By Alberto Fraterrigo Garofalo

G u i d o C an e lla M i c h e l e A c h i ll i S ola i man A . El k h e r e i j i L o r e n z o F r at e r r i go M o h amm e d Ka d a V i tto r i o G a r att i En r i co B o r d ogna R i cca r d o C an e lla A b d ulla h S . El k h e r e i j i G e ntucca C an e lla A h m e d R e d a M uta w al i F at h i Dom e n i co S t r amb e na Dom e n i co C h i z z on i t i Elv i o M angana r o A lb e r to F r at e r r i go A b d ula z i z Y as e e n A b d ul F atta h Ib r a h i m C a r lo G att i V i tto r i o Romano

ABOUT SAK CONSULTANTS SAK Consultants was founded by Arch. Solaiman A. Elkhereiji in 1978 after graduating in Architecture (USA) and a brief carrier with Sir Williams Halcrow and Partners in UK and OP Tenoort Blendijstein in Holland. The firm obtained its license in 1980 for Architecture, Engineering and Planning services. Since its establishment, the office has successfully completed several important projects for government agencies, institutions and private sector companies in various sectors. These include major office buildings such as the Ministry of Petroleum, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Aramco Administration Building, etc.. The hospitality projects includes Elaf Taiba hotel, Abha Palace hotel, Al Ghalib hotel , etc... The Educational projects includes classroom buildings & multipurpose hall at KFUPM, Al Andalus School, Science & Technology College etc.. The shopping malls includes ASDAF shopping mall, Taif shopping mall, Souk Al Hijaz shopping mall, etc.. The residential and housing projects includes the Residential Community for Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Tamlik Residential building, Bay La Sun residential building, etc.. The Planning projects includes Al Hasa Regional Planning, Preparation of Priorities Studies for the Urban Development, Jabal Al Kaabah, etc.. SAK has two other specialized divisions in Planning (regional, urban) and one engineering divisions specialized in industrial projects (factories, warehouses & petrochemical). While SAK Headquarter is located in Jeddah, the firm has main offices in Cairo, Egypt (architecture-engineering), Riyadh (planning & infrastructure), MadinahMunawarah (hospitality), Al Khobar (engineering) and site offices in Makkah, Rabigh, Hail, etc.. SAK has received the Quality Assurance Certificate for Consultants ISO 9000:2001, and the NFPA “National Fire Protection Association” Certificate – USA (fire safety certificate).

ABOUT MILANARCH Architects Guido Canella and Michele Achilli founded the studio in 1960, while continuing their research and teaching activities at the Faculty of architecture, Milan Polytechnic. Initially, the studio worked mainly in the public sector for local government agencies, scholastic planning institutional and civic facilities of every type and scale. over time, the studio moved toward even larger and more complex public buildings such as courthouses, airports, theatres, multiplex cinemas and Italian embassies abroad. In 1997 the firm became an Associated Company with the founders as senior partners and Guido Canella’s sons as junior partners, Riccardo and Gentucca, both involved in teaching and researching activities at the Faculty of architecture, Milan Politechnic. In the hotels sector, the studio developed projects in collaboration with the architectural offices of important international chains, including trusthouse Forte, intercontinental and mowenpick. At the same time, the studio was expanding into residential complexes, both public and private, as well as office buildings and major retail centers. Alongside its architectural activities, the studio has worked in the urban planning sector as well, receiving commissions for general regulatory plans, public housing projects, allotment planning, urban renewal, both as primary contractors and in the capacity of technical support for local, regional and national authorities. In the infrastructure field, the studio has worked as architectural consultant alongside important engineering firms, both in italy (Adda bridge – 1st Prize in a national competition) and abroad (Asmara - Eritrea). In 2007 the architect Riccardo Canella, with some other young graduated at the same University, founded Milanarch with the intent of promoting and representing the Milan school in Asia, Africa and South America through quality, originality and authenticity of the ‘Maestri Milanesi’ experience, finding encouragement and opportunities in the Company of the Architect Solaiman A. Elkhereiji. In 2008 SAK and Milanarch established a Joint Venture to cooperate in the GCC.

Technical Institute, Ducal Gardens, Parma 1985-2001 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: city of Parma Total cost: euro 14,500,000 Completed: 2001 Volume (cubic meters): 45,000 Area (square meters): 12,000

View of the front from the south-east. Internal view of the distribution small-balconies. Plan of third level.


The typological solution is that of the triple nave basilica plan, a spatial format explicitly intended as an alternative to the standard “ t i l e ” a n d “c l u s t e r ” m o d e l s , a s w e l l a s t o other variants that nonetheless tend to isolate spaces of similar dimensions into autonomous, non-communicating sections. Fr o m t h e c e n t r a l n a v e , u n i n t e r r u p t e d f r o m floor to roof and lit from above, part the ramps that supplement the stair ways and elevators fo r a cce s s to t h e u p p e r l e ve l s, w h i c h a re i n turn defined by catwalks with railings that co n d u c t to t h e va r i o u s c l a s s ro o m s a n d l a b s. The lateral naves, both staggered a half-floor off the central space, host classrooms on the south side and laboratories on the nor th. Th e l owe r l e ve l o f t h e i nte r m e d i ate vo l u m e, covered by a drum roof, is dedicated to t wo halls, the larger one with tribune, while the upper level is occupied by the main auditorium and library. The basilica plan and the distribution of ramps and railings, which encourage a comprehensive perception of the spaces and their funct i o n s, t e n d t h u s t o h e i g h t e n t h e a w a re n e s s of par ticipation in a communal scholastic life, giving for m and meaning to the idea of the “pedagogical workshop”.

Conversion of Cinema Plinius into a multiplex, Milan 1994-1997 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Gestioni Cinematografiche srl Cost: Lire 10,000,000,000 Completed: 1997 Volume (cubic meters): 18,750 Area (square meters): 3,700

The original Cinema Plinius (1937) belonged to that system of “neighborhood” theaters which had begun moving outward from the center of Milano in a capillary way in the 1920s, situtating themselves at the intersections of the city’s main commercial radial roads and external ring roads. The large hall, composed of platea, gallery, stage and service facilities, occupied the central core of a residential complex. The radical reconstruction project, which recuperated the underground volumes formerly used for storage, allowed the creation of 5 halls of different dimensions: the main 440-seat hall on the second floor; a small hall on the ground floor (140 seats); three halls of 260 seats each, stacked atop one another over the three floors. The remainder of the ground floor is dedicated to an ample lobby. The various levels of the building are linked by a conical volume, the form of which is underscored by a translucent domed cupola, and onto which the spaces connecting the various projection booths face.

General plan of ground floor. View of the front from the south. Internal view of the dome. Cross-section and south elevation. Internal view of the movie-theatre.
















Hotel Inter-Continental, Asmara, Eritrea 1996-99 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS

Client: Eritrean government - Asmara Palace Investment, Asmara Total cost: L. 70,000,000,000 Completed: 1999 Volume (cubic meters): 86,000 Area (square meters): 21,000

The hotel complex is situated to the south of the city in the town of Sembel, along the road that connects the center (3.5 km away) with the international airport (2 km in the other direction). The floorplan is relatively symmetrical with respect to the vertical development, which is organized around balconies that face the ground-floor atrium, wrapped by a tilted and curved glass facade that spans nearly the entire height: 4 floors hosting 160 rooms, and a 5th floor for the suites. In the central part is an additional level. The main entrance on the ground floor is to the right, conducting directly to the reception area, while the atrium provides access to the convention hall (368 floor seats, with an additional 38 gallery seats) and to the shopping area (distributed over two floors), which in turn conducts to the food court and then back around to the convention area, closing the circuit toward the atrium and reception desk. The rear facades are characterized by projecting terraces that look out onto sporting facilities. The facing is made of prefabricated panels of concrete and crushed red local stone, the same materials used for the containment walls and other features. The complex is completed by a series of autonomous cottages for longer visits.

Internal and external views of the entrance hall. View from the south-east. View from the west. Internal view of the conference hall. General volumetric plan.


Residential and commercial complex, Milano 1995-2002 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Milano Investimenti Immobiliari Total cost: euro 6,800,000 Completed: 2002 Volume (cubic meters): 55,000 Area (square meters): 13,500

External view from the corner of Via Ripamonti and Via Salasco. View from the courtyard. General plan of standard floor.


Part of an urban renewal program, the nine-story building is situated at the corner of Via Ripamonti and Via Salasco. The ground floor (880 sq.m) is occupied by shops, the first and second floors (1,400 sq.m) by offices, and the remaining six by apartments (4,500 sq.m). The three underground levels are dedicated to parking: a public lot for 150 vehicles on the first and second levels, and 150 private garage spaces distributed over all three. The entire exterior of the building is finished with cement mixed with crushed pink stone; door and window casings are in aluminum. The overall volume is approximately 55,000 cubic metere.


North Asmara urban expansion project, Asmara, Eritrea 1998 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Eritrean government Project in course of evaluation Volume (cubic meters): 4,000,000 Area: 2,500,000

Commissioned by the government of Eritrea, the project is for the expansion toward the north of the city of Asmara, and consists in the planning of primary and secondary urban interventions, public and private facilities, commercial and residential zones, and the concomitant road network. The projected number of inhabitants in this first phase is 20,000. The area in question covers 25 square kilometers; to date, a preliminary overall plan has been drafted and is under consideration. The area is divided in the following proportions: 690,000 sq.m. dedicated to buildings; 533,000 sq.m. to roads; 980,000 sq.m. to general services; and 430,000 sq.m. to public spaces and green areas. The residential buildings will assume various typologies: multistory, row houses, detached single-family homes. The primary roads ensure ease of access to services while at the same time isolating residential neighborhoods from through traffic.

MILANARCH Rendered views of the intervention.

Expansion of Town Hall, Limbiate, Milan 1998-2004 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Municipality of Limbiate Total cost: euro 3,500,000 Completed: 2004 Volume (cubic meters): 13,500 Area (square meters): 4,000

Views of the new town hall expansion. Internal view of the distribution central ring.


The preexisting building (for which a restoration plan is currently underway), erected between 1933 and 1939 by Luigi Capuano, formerly the local government headquarters, is nobly representative of, yet at the same time quite removed from the politicized rhetoric that so often suffocated the public architecture of that period. As such, the expansion project is intended to communicate a dialectic, both typological and figurative, capable of representing the underlying unity of two historical phases: the past and the future of the community. The intervention is premised upon the following objectives. The creation of a new cylindrical building, separate from the preexisting structure but connected to it by transparent bridges at each floor. The creation of a new entrance providing access to administrative services on the ground floor of the volume connecting the new to the preexisting building, maintaining in this latter the main entrance. An organizational scheme that distributes the internal spaces radially in the form of a crown, revolving around a central ring that links them all to the stairways, archives, waiting rooms and service facilities, the ring itself defined by an ample central void that runs the entire height of the building from the second floor upward, onto which the upper floors face and into which daylight can freely enter by way of a glass cupola.

Diplomatic residence, Roma 2000-2004 CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: XXXX Total cost: euro 2,200,000 Completed: 2004 Volume (cubic meters): 4,250 Area (square meters): 1,250

View of the front from the west. Detail of vertical lobbies. View from the north-west. View from the east. Ground floor plan. West and east elevations. General site plan.


The por ticoed entrance opens onto a spacious atrium which in turn conduc ts to the villa’s three main zones: the main salon for of ficial functions, the private resi d e n ce, an d th e s e r v ice area . Stair ways provide access from the atrium to the upper and un derground floors. The salon (13x8 m) is covered by a barrel vault and f lanked on either side by a dining room and a s m a l l e r, m e d i a - e q u i p p e d m e e tin g ro o m . A gla ze d s e micircular e xe d r a at t h e r e a r o f t h e s a l o n co m m u n i c a t e s w i t h a l a r g e te rrace and a garden below. T h e private residence is dis trib uted over two floors in the south wing, while the ser vice area and guest rooms are in the north w i n g . A s t u d i o, s i t u a t e d a t t h e center of th e upp er f lo or, lo o k s out ward onto the terrace to the wes t and inward toward the s a lon from an open gallery. Tw o s t a i r w a y s c o n n e c t t h e u p per and lower f loors, continuing d ow n to a sm a ll b as e m e nt g y m and to the dressing rooms for the outdoor swimming pool. The ex terior of the villa is faced in w hite R o man tr ave r tin e; w in dow and door casings are in green aluminum. The terraces are paved in a grid design composed of lines in w h i te t r ave r t i n e a n d s q u a r e s i n porphyry.

New municipal complex, Bari 1998-1999 - planning in progress CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: City of Bari Total cost: euro 35,000,000 Volume (cubic meters): 75,000 Area (square meters): 25,000

Rendered views of the municipal headquarters in the area of the former gas tower. General plan of ground floor. Cross-section.


At the planivolumetric level, the project – to be built on the reclaimed area formerly occupied by gasworks – takes the fabric of Borgo Mur attiano and inverts it, situating the building where the ‘streets’ would be and leaving the ‘blocks’ green. It is ordered by modules of 25x25 meters square, interspersed by corridors 12 meters wide. From the three-story porticoed modules emerge three volumes, distinctive both formally and figuratively: a truncated, square-based pyramid, a composite ellipticalplan tower, and a lower, cylindrical drum with a transparent parabolic roof. This latter, functionally autonomous and separately accessed, hosts convention facilities on the ground floor, which can also serve for city council meetings open to the public. The balconied auditorium, equipped with coatroom, foyer, and projection/interpretation booth, seats 248, with an additional 46 places arranged in a semicircle for city council meetings. During the course of planning, the city administration has further requested an additional building for offices and a triangular-plan multilevel parking structure.

Porta Romana Theater, with residential complex, Milan 2000 – in progress CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Comune di Milano Total cost: L. 70,000,000,000 Completed: 1999 Volume (cubic meters): 86,000 Area (square meters): 21,000

The facade of the new residential complex is flush with the existing construction along Corso di Por ta Romana, one o f M i l a n’s h i s t o r i c r a d i a l ro a d s, w h i l e its flank gives onto Via Madre Cabrini, along which it then conjoins with the theater building. I t stands nine stories above ground, the last of which is displaced slightly back with respect to the line of the street, and has three u n d e r g r o u n d l e v e l s. B o t h t h e t h e a t e r and apar tment building are faced in red Iranian traver tine; the window and d o o r c a s i n g s a n d b a l co ny ra i l i n g s a re in aluminum. The project also involves the radical reconstruction and modernization of t h e e x i s t i n g P o r t a R o m a n a T h e a t e r, requiring the creation of new scenic outfitting, physical plant and a 500-seat hall so as to render it suitable for concer ts, films and stage produc tions. The public entrance is through the groundfloor por tico. Principal features include a n e w l o b by, a u d i to r i u m ( h . m a x 8 . 7 1 m ) , a n d a s ce n i c towe r ( h . m a x 2 6 . 5 5 m ) , t h e s e l at te r w i t h e m e rg e n c y e x i t s a n d d i re c t a cce s s f ro m t h e Vi a M a d re C a b r i n i p o r t i c o. S e r v i c e f a c i l i t i e s a n d coatroom are situated beneath the rear part of the hall.

MILANARCH Cross-section and east elevation. Rendered views of the intervention. Plan of auditorium level.


Residential and commercial complex, Via Trasimeno, Milan 2003 – in progress CANELLA ACHILLI ARCHITECTS Client: Milano Investimenti Immobiliari Total cost: euro 5,000,000 Starting date: 2004 Volume (cubic meters): 120,000 Above-ground area: 20,000

Rendered view of the intervention. View of the intervention. Standard floor of the lower building. Standard floor of the main tower.


The two structures tower protectively over a spacious green area closed to traffic that both surrounds and is encompassed by the complex, creating a park facility for the residents to enjoy in their free time. The buildings that make up the Via Trasimeno complex have an overall volume of approximately 60,000 cubic meters and are articulated in three zones: commercial (bottom floor of the taller building), offices and residential, for a total area of 15,500 square meters. Two underground levels host 250 parking spaces and private garages, as well as storage spaces for both residential and commercial occupants. The main tower rises 22 stories (h. 72 m) while the lower building with the porticoed ground floor stands at 8 stories. The complex will be faced with red Indian stone interspersed with horizontal bands alternating between glass and panels of enameled steel.

The Saudi Journalists Council Building, Riyadh SAK CONSULTANTS Client: Saudi Journalists Council Total cost: Completed: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): -

The upper floors of the building were given more attention as they are the most exposed parts of the design from all remote directions. The main entrance architecture was designed to reflect the best welcome gesture and to stimulate curiosity of the incomer. The integration of the building curvature, the open windows, and the globe model is a strong indication of a media building.

Rendered views of the intervention.


The Journalists Council Building has a unique importance, because of its symbolic representation of all the media organizations. The project was designed to be an outstanding building, reflecting the distinguished situation of the press in the society, expressing the function of the building and its activity as a media center locally and internationally. This was achieved by raising the building to the maximum height and to be a unique element in the surrounding district. Several open windows were included in the circumfences curvature facing the earth planet model, to express the outlook of the windows towards the globe and the world map on it, with special concentration on the map of Saudi Arabia.

Elkhereiji Group Office Building, Jeddah SAK CONSULTANTS Client: Elkhereiji Group Total cost: Completed: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): -

The building is located at Al Rawdah street. It consists of 8 floors of administration offices for Elkhereiji group.

Rendered views of the intervention.


The design of this building reflects the heritage architectural style, which is very simple, rich in the elevations and makes it a unique office building. The project is designed in a style which meets and reflects the future Elkhereiji group requirements and with a flexible interior design.

Development of Souk al Hijaz SAK CONSULTANTS Client: Omar A. Balubaid Co. Ltd. Total cost: Completed: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): -

The distribution of connection element between different floors and shopping area provide maximum comfort to the visitor and achieve easy movements.

Rendered views of the intervention.


The purpose of the project is to upgrade the Souk Al Hijaz shopping mall. A new inclined flooring line design was used to surround the shop formation which adds flexibility, break down the sharp corners and extend straight line for long distance for the existing shop. This inclined line reduces the corridor length by forming a shopping center island using another type of flooring extended from entrance and distributed between islands to form homogeneous structure. The free column in open spaces is used to post signboards to lead visitors, and is a very important element in the space surrounded by palm trees and flower boxes. The bridge used before as transition zone and connection area has been changed to an extended and ramified area by creating more shops in the first floor to unify the two zones in one homogeneous shopping zone.

Abha Palace Hotel, Abha 1991 SAK CONSULTANTS

Client: National Company For Development and Tourism Investment, S.A. Total cost: AED 40.000.000 Completed: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): -

The hotel’s health club has an Olympic-sized indoor pool and state-of-the-art exercise equipment, saunas, jacuzzis, steam room and masseurs. Stately rooms are available for private or public business meetings.

View of the front. Internal views.


The location of the hotel has been chosen carefully between the Red Sea shore and Sarawat mountains of Asir Area. The interior design was carefully studied to give comfort and aesthetic, and reflect local culture and art. Privacy was one of the major criteria for design.

Al Buhairah Resort, Abha 1991 SAK CONSULTANTS

Client: National Company For Development and Tourism Investment, S.A. Estimated cost: AED 200.000.000 Starting date: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): -

Preparation of a master plan for the Al Buhairah Resort; a lakeside resort including a 5 star hotel of 132 rooms, 19 villas for VIP’s, 125 villas, 18 apartment buildings, a supermarket, a shopping center, an administration building, a mosque, staff houses, an amusement park, picnic areas, sports facilities, and electrical substations. Services included site planning and layout plans, architectural and engineering studies, infrastructure networks, solid and liquid waste management, landscaping studies, specifications, bill of quantities and tender documents.

Views of the intervention.


Ministry of Petroleum Office Building, Riyadh 1990 SAK CONSULTANTS Client: Ministry of Petroleum Total cost: AED 150.000.000 Completed: Volume (cubic meters): Area (square meters): 23.500

People entering or leaving the building can sense this in the intelligent use of interior spaces in terms of architectural design, lighting, air conditioning, decoration and furniture. Outside you can feel the harmony between the traditional and classic styles created in a highly modern idiom. The project, mainly a glass building, reflecting the modern technology inside, surrounded by towers, features the Islamic architectural style of Arab tradition, with external openings greatly reduced to minimize the solar load inside the building. These openings were decorated at the top with pointed arches similar to the arches of the Baghdad door in Rekaah City, built by Khalifa Al Abbas Bin Gaffer Al Mansour in 155H (772 AD), creating a harmonious symbiosis between Islamic and modern architectural styles. The building’s main elevation shows a semicircular structure inside the square openings extending from ground level up to the top of the arch in the shape of an oil pipe line, visually alluding to the building’s function.

View of the front. Internal views.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a major oil producer and holds a large share of the international oil market, the design of the ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources building in Riyadh had to reflect the nation’s powerful image on the international oil market. This is why the design of the building incorporated both the latest modern technology and rigorous utilization of space to mirror the Ministry’s international prestige.

Dar Uz Zikr Al Hakeem School, Jeddah The project consist of suites containing all the different school grades and a section for learning the Holy Quran and its different sciences. This enable students to have an easy reach to the Quran sciences section, taking into consideration the characteristics of each grade. The design takes into consideration the use of Islamic architecture through the architectural style and different features in the building. ARAMCO Office Building, Dammam This complex for Petroleum & Mineral Organization (ARAMCO) consists of 2 towers of 10 storey, Administrative office building to accommodate about 1,000 employees. Facilities include main reception hall, executive offices on top floor, general offices, conference rooms, lecture hall, prayer hall, parking for employees and visitors.

King Abdullah Economic City Main Entrance Gate, Rabigh Construction supervision the main entrance gate to the King Abdullah Economic City which was built in 2007 at a total construction cost of SR.18 Million during a period of 4 months. The KAEC is being developed by Emaar, The Economic City (EEC) at a estimated cost of US$27 Billion, over an area of 168 KM². The project which started in 2006 is expected to become operational by 2016. Yousuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Office Building, Jeddah This building is intended as an extension of the existing administrative and showroom building. It is located on Madinah road, east of H bridge on an area of 2000 m². The built up area is estimated at 6500 m². The new building consists of an entrance, reception, show room and service areas on the ground floor and typical upper floors. Residential Community for Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu This housing project in Yanbu conforms with all international regulations without clashing with Islamic philosophy or local architecture. The harmony of the surrounding neighborhoods was achieved by establishing the correct relations between the various parts of the project.

OKAZ Press Complex, Jeddah This project consists of a basement, ground floor, and three other floors, and is built on an area of 41,586m², with Cars Parking, Warehouses and maintenance rooms, Showrooms, The Press, The Information Center, Saudi Gazette Editing Offices and Marketing Administration, Okaz Editing and General Editor Offices, Board of Directors Offices, General Manager, General Administ-ration and new issues and the Financial Administration.

Class Rooms Building and Multipurpose Hall at KFUPM The King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) building within the University compound comprises of classroom, a multi-purpose hall and a mosque. The project include classrooms of different sizes with capacity of more than 500 students, as well as a public lecture hall for 500 students equipped with all modern facilities, and offices for departments heads. Environmental factors were specifically considering the design. Al Andulus School, Jeddah An Andulus architectural style was used in the school design. This complex comprises of four storey buildings. The administration occupies the central cluster, classes on each side and the multipurpose hall in the fourth cluster. Each cluster has a patio for circulation and can be used for educational displays. The school has 33 classes, laboratories, computer rooms, libraries, etc., in addition to out door recreation and sport facilities, swimming pool and a mosque. ASDAF Shopping Mall Khamis Mushait is one of the largest commercial cities in the South of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The project satisfies the need for a high class shopping mall, that reflects the image of the area, and which will contribute in attracting recreational tourism. The project is located in the Darb district and the land facing the King Fahd road on an area is 23,517m² approximately. Burj Al Mizan in Riyadh AL-MEZAN tower, is located at the cross-junction of Makkah road, and the Olaya street. Both of these high traffic roads link many city districts. Al-Mezan tower consists of 11 floors including two underground floors car parking, two commercial ground floors, six typical office floors and a pent house.

Yanbu City Medical Center This Medical Center is located in Yanbu, a modern industrialized city renowned for its high quality planning in accordance with International Codes. Yanbu City Medical Center has a highly efficient layout, allowing easy interaction between its various facilities.


Elaf Taiba Hotel The project is located in the north of the Mosque of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) on an area of 1100m² approximately. The hotel is fifteen stories high with 3 underground parking levels, and a ground floor shopping center. Islamic architecture has extensively been used in the arcades surrounding the building. This type of architectural element was used in mosque architecture to provide shades and protection for pedestrians from the sunrays.

Special thanks go to R iccardo C anella G iovanni D ’ A vanzo M ohammed K ada E lvio M anganaro and A ndrea V illani without whose contribution this book could not have been created

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