ANEXO Bibliografia INSULAR. 1980-2009
Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico
Secretaria Regional de Educação e Cultura Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico Funchal
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1455. Craddock, C. N., 1985: Rotuma: A Changing Mobility: 1978-1983, M. A. Thesis in Geography, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 1456. Craig, E. W. G., 1985: Destiny well sown: a biography of Lt.-Col. W.E. Gudgeon ..., Whakatane, N.Z.,Whakatane & District Historical Society. 1457. Craig, Robert D., 2002: Historical dictionary of Polynesia, Lanham, Mass.: Scarerow Press, 2nd. Asian/Oceanian Historical Dictionaries, no.39. 1458. Crain, Edward E., 1994: Historic architecture in the Caribbean Islands, Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 1459. Craton, Michael and Saunders, Gail, 1992: Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People. Volume One: From Aboriginal Times to the End of Slavery, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. 1460. Craton, Michael and the New History Committee, 2003: Founded upon the Seas: A History of the Cayman Islands and Their People, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica. 1461. Craton, Michael, 1988-9: “Seeking a Life of Their Own: Aspects of Slave Resistance in the Bahamas”, in Indian Historical Review, 15:1-2, 96-115. 1462. Craton, Michael; Saunders, D. Gail, 1990: “Seeking a Life of Their Own: Aspects of Slave Resistance in the Bahamas”, in Journal of Caribbean History, 24:1, 1-27. 1463. Craton, Michael, 1996: The ambivalencies of independency: the transition out of slavery in the Bahamas, c.1800-1850, In McDonald, Roderick Alexander (ed.), West Indies accounts: essays on the history of the British Caribbean and the Atlantic economy in honour of Richard Sheridan (Kingston (Jamaica): The Press, University of the West Indies, 1996), 274-96. 1464. Craton, Michael, 2002: ‘Loyalists mainly to themselves: the “Black Loyalist” diaspora to the Bahamas, 1783-c.1820’. In Shepherd, Verene A. (ed.), Working Slavery, Pricing Freedom : Perspectives from the Caribbean, Africa and the African Diaspora, Oxford: James Currey, 44-68. 1465. Craton, Michael, 2002a: Pindling: the life and times of Lynden Oscar Pindling first Prime Minister of the Bahamas, 1930-2000, Oxford: Macmillan Caribbean. 1466. Creel, Margaret Washington, 1988: A peculiar people: slave religion and community-culture among the Gullahs, New York: New York University Press. 1467. Crenshaw, Russell Sydnor, 1995: The Battle of Tassafaronga, [Baltimore, MD]: Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co. of America. 1468. Crenshaw, Russell Sydnor, 1998: South Pacific destroyer: the battle for the Solomons from Savo Island to Vella Gulf, Annapolis, Md.,Naval Institute Press. 1469. CRET, 1984: Nature et hommes dans les îles tropicales, Bordeaux, CRET, coll. “îles et archipels”, n°3. 1470. CRET, 1987: Îles tropicales: insularité, insularisme: actes du colloque organisé à BordeauxTalence du 23 au 25 octobre 1986 / Groupe de recherche sur la viabilité des pays insulaires, Talence: Centre de recherches sur les espaces tropicaux. 1471. CRET, 1989: Îles et tourisme, Bordeaux, CRET, coll. “îles et archipels”, n°10. 1472. CRET, 2004: Les aires protégées insulaires et littorales tropicales, [organisé] par le Centre de recherches sur les espaces tropicaux de l’Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3 (CRET, Iles et archipels 32, 2004). 1473. Cribb, Robert, 2000: Historical Atlas of Indonesia, London and Honolulu: Routledge Curzon
Press, University of Hawaii Press. 1474. Crocombe, R. and Rajotte, F. (eds), 1980: Pacific Tourism as Islanders See it, Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies. 1475. Crocombe, Rex, 1994: The Continuing Creation of Identities in the Pacific Islands: Blood, Behaviour and Belief, In: Hooson, David, Geography and National Identity, Blackwell, Oxford. 1476. Crocombe, Ron; Ali, Ahmed, editors, 1982: Politics in Melanesia, contributors, Ahmed Ali ... [et al.], [Suva, Fiji]: Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific. 1477. Crocombe, Ronald, & A. Ali (eds.) 1983: Foreign forces in Pacific politics, Suva. 1478. Crocombe, Ronald, 1968, 1975, 1977, 1980: Improving Land Tenure, sole author, South Pacific Commission, Noumea. In 3 editions: complete in English (122 pp) & French (La Reforme des Regimes Fonciers). 1479. Crocombe, Ronald, 1968, 1985, 1992, 1994: The Works of Ta’unga, joint author with Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe, Australian National University Press & University Press of Hawaii. 1480. Crocombe, Ronald, 1971, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1998: Land Tenure in the Pacific, Ed. & joint author, Oxford University Press. 1481. Crocombe, Ronald, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1987, 1989, 1994: The South Pacific, sole author, Reed, Wellington & Australian National University Press, Canberra. 1482. Crocombe, Ronald, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1982: The Pacific Way - Social Issues in Development, joint ed. & author with S.Tupouniua & C. Slatter, South Pacific Social Sciences Association, Suva. 1483. Crocombe, Ronald, 1975, 1993: Holy Torture in Fiji, co-authored with 4 others, Pacific Publications, Sydney, Reprint 1993 by University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1484. Crocombe, Ronald, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982: The Pacific Way - An Emerging Identity, Lotu Pasifika, Suva. 1485. Crocombe, Ronald, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1984: Pacific Courts & Justice, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific, Suva & Commonwealth Magistrates Association, London. 1486. Crocombe, Ronald, 1977, 1984: Education for Rural Development: the Tutu Experiment & its Relevance in the Pacific, joint author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1487. Crocombe, Ronald, 1978, 1980, 1995, 1996: Land Tenure in Niue, ed. & joint author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1488. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980 - 1983: Land Tenure: Supplementary Readings, ed. with Howard Van Trease, University of the South Pacific Extension Services, Suva, 2 vols. 1489. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980: Land tenure & land reform in the 1980s, in The Role of CASLE Professions in Rural Development in the South Pacific, Commonwealth Association of Surveying & Land Economy, London, pp. 62-69. 1490. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980a: Bases for Pacific Cooperation: the Islands & the Rim, La Communidad del Pacifico en Perspectiva, pp 320-30, Institute of International Relations, University of Chile, Santiago. Reprint in Directions, 5:53-61. 1491. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980b: Challenges of the 80s, in Papauta: South Pacific Consultation on Theological Education, Lotu Pasifika, Suva, pp 83-9, Reprint 1981 in Report of the Fourth Assembly, Pacific Conference of Churches, Suva.
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1492. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980c: Conquest by creating dependency: is the American victory in Micronesia moving south?, South Pacific Business News, May, pp. 5-8. 1493. Crocombe, Ronald, 1980d: Cultural Policies in the Pacific Islands, Pacific Perspective 9(1):6473, Revised reprint 1994 in Culture, Custom, Tradition: Developing Cultural Policy in Melanesia, G. White & L. Lindstrom (eds), East-West Center, Honolulu. 1494. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981, 1983: Land, People & Government: Public Lands Policy in the South Pacific, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific. 1495. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981a, 1984: Pacific Tourism, ed. & author, University of the South Pacific. 1496. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981b: CANA: A Caribbean Model for Pacific News Distribution”, Pacific Perspective, 10(1):43-4. 1497. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981c: Dependence by Extension, in Dimensions of Distance: Distance Education in a Pacific Setting, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 129-32. 1498. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981d: Inter-country Institutional Arrangements for Economic & Technical Cooperation among Developing Asian & Pacific Nations, sole author, vol 3, Pacific Institutions, United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific, Bangkok, & University of the South Pacific. 1499. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981e: Options for the Pacific’s largest ethnic group, Pacific Indians, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 183-216. 1500. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981f: Pacific Indians: Profiles from 20 Countries, ed. & author. University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1501. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981g: Patterns of Dependence in the Pacific Islands, Pacific Concerns Research Centre, Honolulu, Resource Report No. 187, pp 31. 1502. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981h: Politics, power & rural people, in The Road Out: Rural Development in Solomon Islands, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1503. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981i: Super powers in the Pacific, Pacific Islands Monthly, April, pp 11-14. 1504. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981j: The Future of Islam in the Pacific, Al-Qalam, Suva. 1505. Crocombe, Ronald, 1981l: Trends in Tenure & Training, in Surveys for Resource Development in the Pacific Region, Fiji Institute of Surveyors, Suva, pp. 74-85. 1506. Crocombe, Ronald, 1982, 1989: Regional Cooperation, Foreign Forces in Pacific Politics, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 178-203. 1507. Crocombe, Ronald, 1982a, 1994: Polynesian Missions in Melanesia, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific. 1508. Crocombe, Ronald, 1982b, 1983: Politics in Melanesia, ed. University of the South Pacific. 1509. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983 - 1985: Foreign Forces in Pacific Politics, ed. & contributing author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1510. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983a - 1989: Religious Cooperation in the South Pacific, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1511. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983b - 1989: The Associations of Theological Schools, Religious Cooperation in the Pacific, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1512. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983c: Land Tenure & Agriculture Development in the Pacific Islands, being Extension Bulletin No. 187, Asian-Pacific Council Food & Fertilizer Technology
Centre, Taiwan, Reprint 1983 in Land Tenure & the Small Farmer in Asia, Taipei. 1513. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983d: Nauru: the politics of phosphate, in Politics in Micronesia, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Revised reprint 1988 in Micronesian Politics, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1514. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983e: The South Pacific: an introduction, Suva. 1515. Crocombe, Ronald, 1983f: Wantok rules: the five Melanesias, Islands Business, 9(7):51-5. 1516. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984 - 1989: Land Tenure & Rural Productivity, ed. & author. University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1517. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984a: Options in University education for the Pacific Islands, Pacific Perspective, 12(1):8-17. 1518. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984b: Pacific History: Perceptions from within, Pacific History Newsletter, No 12, Newcastle. Reprint 1985 in Tok Tok Bilong Haus Book, Papua New Guinea Library Association, Port Moresby. 1519. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984c: Registration in the Pacific Islands: Experiences & Potentials, in Land Tenure & Rural Development, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 26-46. 1520. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984d: Soft Sciences & Hard Realities in Land Management, Proceedings of the PNG Survey Conference, Port Moresby. 1521. Crocombe, Ronald, 1984e: The Pan-Pacific Person, in Pacific Perspective, 12(2):51-60. 1522. Crocombe, Ronald, 1985: Education, Enjoyment & Integrity in Tourism, Contours, 1(8):1014 Bangkok. 1523. Crocombe, Ronald, 1986: Book Distribution in the Pacific Islands, Pacific Islands Communication Journal, 14(1):28-42, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Reprint 1993 in Readings in Pacific Literature, Paul Sharrad (ed), University of Wollongong. 1524. Crocombe, Ronald, 1986: Intellectual Life at USP, Unispac, December. 1525. Crocombe, Ronald, 1986a: Land Rights of Pacific Women, ed. University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1526. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987, 1989, 1991: Class & Culture in the South Pacific, joint ed. & author, University of Auckland. 1527. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987a, 1989, 1991: Studying the Pacific: Past experiences & future potentials, Class & Culture in the South Pacific, University of the South Pacific & University of Auckland, pp 115-39. 1528. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987b, 1991, 1995, 1997: Land Tenure in the Atolls, ed. & joint author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1529. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987c: Distance Education & Scientific Cooperation in the Pacific, Agricultural Science, 21(4):14-17. 1530. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987d: Ethics for the Pacific in the 21st Century, in The Ethics of Development, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, pp 9-39. 1531. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987e: Productive Potentials for the Pacific Islands, Journal of the Pacific Society, Tokyo, 10(1):21-40. 1532. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987f: Studying the Pacific: Past experiences & future potentials, Class & Culture in the South Pacific, University of the South Pacific & University of Auckland, pp 115-39, Reprint 1989. 1533. Crocombe, Ronald, 1987g: The South Pacific & East Asia: Patterns of Interaction in
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Education, Research & Information, Internationalizing Higher Education, Kinokuniya Publishing Co, Tokyo. 1534. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988, 1995: Land Courts, in Pacific Courts & Legal Systems, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 112-26. 1535. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988a: Constraints & Opportunities for Small Farmers in the South Pacific, Transfer of Technology to Small Farms, ASPAC Food & Fertilizer Center, Taipei. 1536. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988b: Micronesian Politics, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1537. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988c: Pacific Universities, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1538. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988d: The Development of Higher Education in the South Pacific, Islanders in Pacific Rim Universities & The Future of University Education in the South Pacific, being chapters in Pacific Universities, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 20-34, 253-70, 341-87. 1539. Crocombe, Ronald, 1988e: The Tenure & Management of Land in the Pacific Islands, Proceedings of the Commonwealth Planners Association, Honiara. 1540. Crocombe, Ronald, 1989: French Polynesia: Selected Readings, joint ed, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1541. Crocombe, Ronald, with Malama Meleisea, 1989a: Higher Education in the Pacific Islands: Spheres of Influence, Trends & Developments, International Journal of Educational Development, 9(3):163-73. Reprint 1990 O’o: Journal of Solomon Islands Studies, 2(4). 1542. Crocombe, Ronald, 1989a: NGOs: The Voluntary Contribution to Pacific Development (sole author), typescript report to USAID (USA), AIDAB (Australia) and the Commonwealth Foundation (London). 1543. Crocombe, Ronald, 1989b: Some problems facing Pacific Island countries, Pacific Perspective, 14(1):1-7, Japanese translation in Island States of Oceania & the Industrialised Countries, edited by Kimitada Miwa, Keiryu-sha, Tokyo. 1544. Crocombe, Ronald, 1989c: The South Pacific: An Introduction, Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp. 38-39. 1545. Crocombe, Ronald, 1989d: Tomorrow’s customary tenures in relation to conservation, Customary Tenures, Traditional Resource Management & Nature Conservation, SPREP, South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 1546. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990: Cook Islands Society, in Encyclopaedia of World Cultures, Human Relations Area Files, Yale University, New Haven. 1547. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990a: Land Reform in the Third World, in Land is Life: Sharing of Land in the Third World, LWF Publication 27, Geneva, pp 4-14. 1548. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990b: Latin America & the Pacific Islands, The Contemporary Pacific 3(1):115-44. 1549. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990c: South Pacific Regionalism, Public Administration & Management in Small States, Yash Ghai (ed), University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 227-50. 1550. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990d: The Cook Islands & Niue, 1989, Journal of Pacific History, 25(3):35-8. 1551. Crocombe, Ronald, 1990e: Voluntary Service & Development in the Cook Islands, sole author, University of the South Pacific, Rarotonga.
1552. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991: American Influences on Pacific Island Cultures, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Chicago. 1553. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991b: Naming & claiming in the South Pacific, Proceedings of the South Pacific Place Names Conference, The Geographical Society, Wellington, pp.1-27. 1554. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991c: The Cook Islands (with Marjorie Crocombe), Te Manu Rere, Wellington. 1555. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991d: The Cook Islands, Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Chicago. 1556. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991e: The Cook Islands: July 1989-June 90, The Contemporary Pacific, 3(1):192-5. 1557. Crocombe, Ronald, 1991f: The Pacific Islands in the 21st Century, Studies for the 21st Century, ed. Gerald O. Barney et al, Institute for 21st Century Studies, Washington, pp 429-47, Reprint by UNESCO, Paris. Extended version 1992 Journal of the Pacific Society, 15(2):120-54 & reprint 1993 as Special Bulletin No. 50 of Deutch Pazifische Gesselschaft, 1993, 36 pages, Serialised reprint Tonga Chronicle June-Oct 1994, Tongan translation in Kalonikali Tonga, June-October 1994, Japanese translation 1993-4 Overseas Fishery Cooperation Journal, 48:38-59, & 50:33-60. 1558. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992, 2001: Te Rau Maire: Poems & Stories of the South Pacific, joint ed., University of Auckland & University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1559. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992a: Culture & Democracy in the South Pacific, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1560. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992b: Education & Training for Adults with Little of Either, Partners in Educational Leadership: Schools & Communities Prepare for the Future, University of the Northern Territory, Darwin, pp 26-43. 1561. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992c: Improving Long-term Prospects: Some Issues for Small Island States, Mauritius 2020, Port Louis. 1562. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992d: New Zealand & the Other Pacific Islands: Changing Social, Economic & Political Relations, Pacific History, Don Rubinstein (ed.), University of Guam Press, pp 293-312. 1563. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992e: Pacific neighbours: New Zealand’s relations with other Pacific Islands: Aotearoa me Nga Moutera o te Moana Nui a Kiwa, Christchurch, N.Z.: Centre for Pacific Studies, University of Canterbury; Suva, Fiji: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific. 1564. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992f: The Cook Islands: July 1990-June 1991, The Contemporary Pacific, 4(1):193-6. 1565. Crocombe, Ronald, 1992g: The Future of Democracy in Pacific Islands, & Achievements & Directions (the latter jointly) in Culture & Democracy in the South Pacific, University of the South Pacific, Suva, pp 9-27 & 239-61. 1566. Crocombe, Ronald, 1993: Sources for the Continuing Creation of Identities in the Pacific Islands: Blood, Boundaries, Behaviour & Belief, in National Identity & Geography, David Hooson, editor, Blackwells, London. pp 311-30. 1567. Crocombe, Ronald, 1993a: Ethnicity, Identity & Power in Oceania, in Islands & Enclaves: Nationalism & Separatism in Island & Littoral Contexts, Gary Trompf (ed), Sterling Publishers, New Delhi. pp 195-223. 1568. Crocombe, Ronald, 1993b: Independence, Dependence & Interdependence: The First Ten Years of Solomon Islands Independence, joint ed. & author, University of the South Pacific
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& Solomon Islands College of Higher Education. 1569. Crocombe, Ronald, 1993c: Scale, Sovereignty, Wealth & Enterprise: Comparisons in Education between the Cook Islands & Solomon Islands, Comparative Education, 29(3):307-319. 1570. Crocombe, Ronald, 1993d: The Cook Islands July 1991-June 1992, The Contemporary Pacific, 5(1):152-6. 1571. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994, 1995, 2001: Pacific Science in the 21st Century, Science of Pacific Island Peoples, John Morrison et al (eds), University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1572. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994, 1997: Potentials for the World’s Smallest Microcultures Directions of the Expressive Arts in the Pacific Islands, Coherence & Chaos in our Uncommon Futures: Visions, Means, Action, World Future Studies Federation, Turku. 1573. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994: Pacific Science in the 21st Century, Science of Pacific Island Peoples, John Morrison et al (eds), University of the South Pacific, Suva. Reprint 2001. Reprint 1994 in Futures, 25(8):894-901. 1995 reprint in Viewpoint, 1(1):2-9. 1574. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994a: Environmental Education in the South Pacific, in Environmental Education in Small Island States, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver pp.35-63. 1575. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994a: Post-Secondary Education in the South Pacific, jointly with Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe, Commonwealth Secretariat, London. 1576. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994b: Land Issues in the Pacific, senior editor & author, University of Canterbury, Christchurch. 1577. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994b: Potentials for the World’s Smallest Microcultures - Directions of the Expressive Arts in the Pacific Islands, Coherence & Chaos in our Uncommon Futures: Visions, Means, Action, World Future Studies Federation, Turku. 1578. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994c: Overview, Traditional Marine Tenure & Sustainable Management of Marine Resources in Asia & the Pacific, Robin South et al (eds), International Ocean Institute, Suva pp.291-300. 1579. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994c: Trends & Issues in Pacific Land Tenures, Land Tenure in the Pacific, University of Canterbury, Christchurch. 1580. Crocombe, Ronald, 1994d: Welche Zukunft fur die Pazifischen Inseln?, being the lead chapter of Jahrbook Mission, Missionschilfe Verlag, Hamburg pp.1-11. Reprinted 1994 in Deutsch Pazifische Gesellschaft Bulletin, no. S-51 pp.8-17. 1581. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995: Customary Land Tenure & Sustainable Development in the South Pacific, ed. & joint author, South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 1582. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995: The Pacific Islands and the USA, Suva, [Fiji]: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific; Honolulu: Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center. 1583. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995a: Customary Land Tenure Systems in Papua New Guinea, joint author, AUSAID, Canberra. 1584. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995b: Customary Land Tenure: It’s Impact on Economic Development & Policy Alternatives, United Nations Secretariat Report on Opportunity & Participation, New York. 1585. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995c: New Politics in the South Pacific, senior editor, University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1586. Crocombe, Ronald, 1995d: The Cook Islands 1992-94, The Contemporary Pacific, 7(1):138-
44. 1587. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996: Geopolitical Change in the Pacific Islands, Global Geopolitical Change and the Asia-Pacific, Dennis Rumley et al (eds), Ashgate Publishing, Vermont pp 282-300. 1588. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996a: Learning to Live with the Reality of Land Tenures in Melanesia in the 21st Century, Papua New Guinea Journal of Land Studies, 2(1). 1589. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996b: Political Economy in Paradise, in Merian, 12:74-6. 1590. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996c: The Cook Islands 1994-95, The Contemporary Pacific, 8(1):17482. 1591. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996d: The LMS and Culture: Impacts on and from Pacific Cultures, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, 17:4-11. 1592. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996e: The Pacific Islands & the USA, sole author, East-West Center, Hawaii & University of the South Pacific, Suva. 1593. Crocombe, Ronald, 1996f: We are all Futurists imbedded in the Past, Futures, 28(6-7):5469. Updated reprint in Futurists: Visions, Methods & Stories, Ross Cowie & Rick Slaughter (eds), DDM Publishers & the Future Studies Centre, Melbourne. Reprinted 2005 in Knowledge Base of Future Studies, Richard Slaughter & Sohail Inayatullah (eds), World Future Society & Foresight International, Brisbane. 1594. Crocombe, Ronald, 1997: Asia and the Pacific Islands, Occasional Papers no. 31, Research Center for the South Pacific, University of Kagoshima, Also translated in Japanese in the same series. 1595. Crocombe, Ronald, 1997a: The Cook Islands 1995-96, The Contemporary Pacific, 9(1):21827. 1596. Crocombe, Ronald, 1998: Hugh Fraser Ayson, Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, vol 4. Disponível online em url: Consulta em 29 de Julho de 2009. 1597. Crocombe, Ronald, 1998a: Pacific Studies, editor & senior author, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Honiara, and University of Huddersfield. 1598. Crocombe, Ronald, 1998b: Prospects & Possibilities (with Ueantabo Neemia-Mackenzie), Pacific Studies, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Honiara & Huddersfield. 1599. Crocombe, Ronald, 1998c: Reforming the Political System of the Cook Islands, joint author with Iaveta Short & John Herrmann, Government Printer, Rarotonga. 1600. Crocombe, Ronald, 1998d: The Cook Islands 1996-97, The Contemporary Pacific, 10(1):192-7. 1601. Crocombe, Ronald, 1999: Akatereanga Taokotai: Partnership in Management: A Report to the Ministry of Outer Islands Development & the United Nations Development Programme, joint author, Rarotonga. 1602. Crocombe, Ronald, 1999a: Austronesian Heritage in the 21st Century: A Basis for Relations between Taiwan & the Pacific Islands, Festival of Austronesian Cultures: Proceedings, Taitung. 1603. Crocombe, Ronald, 1999b: Tenures, Pacific Islands Environment and Society, sole author (Moshe Rapaport, ed), Bess Press, Honolulu. 1604. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000: Partnerships in Education (a review of Cook Islands education), joint author, Victoria University, Wellington. 2 volumes, Rarotonga. 1605. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000a: Asia in the Pacific Islands: Expanding Interactions, Indeterminate
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Consequences, (keynote address to the European Society for Oceanists), Journal of the Pacific Society, 23(1):1-8. 1606. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000b: Bases for Belonging in Polynesia, Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 8(1):31-60 special issue edited by Regina Roemhild & Ina-Maria Greverus, Johan Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt. 1607. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000c: Enhancing Pacific Security, South Pacific Forum, Suva. Reprinted in Japanese in Pacific Way, Spring issue, Japan Institute for Pacific Studies, Tokyo. 1608. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000d: Pan Pacific Person, New Zealand & the Pacific Islands, Latin America & the Pacific Islands etc, in The Pacific Islands: An Encyclopaedia, Australian National University, Camberra. 1609. Crocombe, Ronald, 2000e: Twelve Thoughts on the Future, Islands Business, 26(1):24-6. 1610. Crocombe, Ronald, 2001: The South Pacific, Suva, IPS. 1611. Crocombe, Ronald, 2001a: Security in Melanesia (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu), joint author, Pacific Islands Forum, Suva. 1612. Crocombe, Ronald, 2002: Cook Islands Culture (editor with Marjorie Crocombe), University of the South Pacific. 1613. Crocombe, Ronald, 2002a: Customary Land: Some Lessons for the Future from Past & Present Experiences in the Pacific Region, Customary Land Issues in Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea Institute of Valuers and Land Administrators, Lae, And in Melanesian Land Studies, vol.1, November. 1614. Crocombe, Ronald, 2002b: Pacific Regional Security Report: Samoa (with Asofou So’o), Pacific Islands Forum, Suva. 1615. Crocombe, Ronald, 2002c: Pacific Regional Security Report: Tonga, Pacific Islands Forum, Suva. 1616. Crocombe, Ronald, 2002d: Perceptions of Mission, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, No. 26, April, pp. 14-20. 1617. Crocombe, Ronald, 2003: Law, Practice & Culture in Economic & Political Relations between the Pacific Islands & Europe, in Terres & Territoires: Défis & Evolutions dans les Pays du Pacifique, Maryvonne Nedeljkovic (ed), L’Harmattan, Paris. pp 9-31. 1618. Crocombe, Ronald, 2003: Security in Small Polynesian States, Cook Islands, Niue, Tuvalu, Pacific Islands Forum, Suva. 1619. Crocombe, Ronald, 2003a: New Zealand & the (Other?) Pacific Islands: Prospects, Potentials & Possibilities, Futures Times, 3:3-5. 1620. Crocombe, Ronald, 2003b: Responding to Threats to the Pacific Islands Region, Security in Oceania in the 21st Century, eds. Eric Shibuya & Jim Rolfe, Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu. pp. 219-230. Also on, monographs/SecurityinOceania.pdf. 1621. Crocombe, Ronald, 2003c: The Notion of Sovereignty & Money Havens in the South Pacific, in Terres & Territoires: Défis & Evolutions dans les Pays du Pacifique, Maryvonne Nedeljkovic (ed), L’Harmattan, Paris. pp 87-107. 1622. Crocombe, Ronald, 2004: India & the Pacific Islands, in India & Australasia: History, Culture & Society, N.N. Vohra (ed), India International Centre, Delhi. 1623. Crocombe, Ronald, 2005: Political Culture, Representation, & the Electoral System in
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Nouvelle-Caledonie? Reflexions autour d’une identite insulaire, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 157-164. 1980. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Giacottino, J.C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Problematique et perspectives du developpement des petits pays insulaires tropicaux de moins de 1 million d’habitants, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 167-191. 1981. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lowenthal, D., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In A propos du developpement insulaire: besoins, incertitudes, resistances, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 193-207. 1982. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Dommen, E.; Lebale, N., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Caracteristiques des exportations de services des pays insulaires, BORDEAUX Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 209-228. 1983. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Dommen, E., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme», In Les zones franches industrielles d’exportation (ZFIE) dans les iles, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 229-239. 1984. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lefevre, D., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Les structures spatiales reunionnaises, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 241-260. 1985. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Rochoux, J.Y., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Du sucre aux services ou du developpement economique a La Reunion, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 261-272. 1986. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Squarzoni, R., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In L’emploi a La Reunion: quelques reflexions et propositions, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET,. pp. 273294. 1987. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Berron, H., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Les petites activites dans le developpement des Hauts de La Reunion: le cas des chambres d’hotes, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 295-303. 1988. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Saddul, P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Disparites dans le developpement regional de l’ile Maurice: une approche geographique et economique, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 305-318. 1989. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Tentatives de diversification d’une economie de plantation: le cas de l’ile Maurice, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 319-330. 1990. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Mutations economiques et saturation du tissu urbain dans l’ile de Mahe (Seychelles), Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, pp. 351-360. 1991. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In De la primaute des plantations a l’economie de
services: l’exemple des Hawaii, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 360-398. 1992. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Miras, C. De., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In L’economie martiniquaise: developpement sans croissance, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 399-420. 1993. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Verin, P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In L’archipel ecartele: problemes de la gestion de l’etat multi-insulaire des Comores, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 436-442. 1994. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Houbert, J., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme” In L’Independance de Maurice et ses dependances, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 443-457. 1995. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Castel, A. Du., Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Insularisme et desordre politique: autour du cas Sri Lanka, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 459-467. 1996. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; De Deckker, P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Statut constitutionnel insulaire et espace autonome dans le Pacifique, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 469-483. 1997. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Huetz de Lemps, A., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Rapport de synthese: iles, insularite, «insularisme, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 487-499. 1998. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Roca, P.J., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Haiti en quete d’avenir, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 421-434. 1999. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lassere, G., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Le geographe et les iles, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET. 2000. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Doumenge, F., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Quelques contraintes du milieu insulaire, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET. 2001. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Doumenge, F., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In L’insularite comme dimension du fait social, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET. 2002. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Poirier, J.; Clapier Valladon, S., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Essai sur une problematique de la mythologie et de la psychologie insulaires, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 44-56. 2003. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Fleischmann, U., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Insularite et creolisation: approches theoriques, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET. 2004. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Bonniol, J.L., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Micro-insularite et particularisme: approche comparee a partir de cas antillais et seychellois, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET.
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2005. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Jardel, J.P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Le processus de creolisation et leur approche en milieu insulaire (Antilles-Mascareignes), Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 87-106. 2006. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lesourd, M.; Reaud Thomas, G., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Le fait creole dans la formation de l’identite nationale en Republique du Cap Vert, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 107-124. 2007. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Gerbeau, H., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Approche historique du fait creole a la Reunion, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 125-156. 2008. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Saussol, A., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Peut-on parler de creolite en Nouvelle-Caledonie? Reflexions autour d’une identite insulaire, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 157-164. 2009. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Giacottino, J.C., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Problematique et perspectives du developpement des petits pays insulaires tropicaux de moins de 1 million d’habitants, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 167-191. 2010. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lowenthal, D., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In A propos du developpement insulaire: besoins, incertitudes, resistances, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 193-207. 2011. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Dommen, E.; Lebale, N., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Caracteristiques des exportations de services des pays insulaires, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 209-228. 2012. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Dommen, E., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Les zones franches industrielles d’exportation (ZFIE) dans les iles, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 229-239. 2013. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Lefevre, D., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Les structures spatiales reunionnaises, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 241-260. 2014. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Rochoux, J.Y., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Du sucre aux services ou du developpement economique a La Reunion, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 261-272. 2015. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Squarzoni, R., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In L’emploi a La Reunion: quelques reflexions et propositions, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 273294. 2016. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Berron, H., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Les petites activites dans le developpement des Hauts de La Reunion: le cas des chambres d’hotes, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 295-303 2017. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Saddul,
P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Disparites dans le developpement regional de l’ile Maurice: une approche geographique et economique, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 305-318. 2018. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Singaravelou, 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Tentatives de diversification d’une economie de plantation: le cas de l’ile Maurice, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 319-330. 2019. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Hein, C., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In Les zones franches industrielles dans les etats insulaires: le cas de Maurice, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 331-350. 2020. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, “insularisme”, In Mutations economiques et saturation du tissu urbain dans l’ile de Mahe (Seychelles), Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 351-360. 2021. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», l’exemple des Hawaii, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 360-398. 2022. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Miras, C.De., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In L’economie martiniquaise: developpement sans croissance, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 399-420. 2023. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Verin, P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In L’archipel ecartele: problemes de la gestion de l’etat multi-insulaire des Comores, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 436-442. 2024. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Houbert, J., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite, «insularisme», In L’Independance de Maurice et ses dependances, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 443-457. 2025. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Castel, A. Du. 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite,»insularisme», In Insularisme et desordre politique: autour du cas Sri Lanka, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 459-467. 2026. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; De Deckker, P., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite,»insularisme», In Statut constitutionnel insulaire et espace autonome dans le Pacifique, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 469-483. 2027. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Huetz de Lemps, A., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite,»insularisme», In Rapport de synthese: iles, insularite, “insularisme”, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 487-499. 2028. Doumenge, J.P.; Perrin, M.F.; Benoist, J.P.; Singaravelou; Huetz de Lemps, C.; Roca, P.J., 1987: Iles tropicales: insularite,»insularisme», In Haiti en quete d’avenir, Universite de Bordeaux 3 – Talence, France, CRET, p. 421-434. 2029. Doumenge, François (1926-2008), Huetz de lemps, A.; Chapuis, O., 1988: Contribution française à la connaissance géographique des mers du Sud: bibliographie des principaux travaux scientifiques français traitant des océans Pacifique et Indien, des mers Australes et de leurs îles = French contribution to the scientific research on the Southern seas : bibliography of the main scientific French works on the tropical Pacific ocean, Indian
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6017. Thaman, R. R., 1990c: Root crops in the nutritional future of the Pacific Islands. In Howeler, R.H. (ed.), Tropical root and tuber crops - Changing role in a modern world: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 1988. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRIC), Wageningen, Netherlands. pp. 130-146. 6018. Thaman, R.R., 1990d: Coastal reforestation and coastal agroforestry as strategies to address global warming and to promote sustainable development in the Pacific Islands. In Hughes, P.J. and McGregor, G. (eds.), Global warming-related effects on agriculture and human health and comfort in the South Pacific. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Noumea and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi. pp. 6584 6019. Thaman, R. R., 1990e: The evolution of the Fiji food system. In Jansen, A.A.J, Parkinson, S and A.F.S. Robertson, A.F.S. (eds.), Food and nutrition in Fiji: A historical review. Volume One: Food production, composition and intake. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Fiji School of Medicine and the Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific, Suva. pp. 23-107. 6020. Thaman, R. R., 1990f: Mixed home gardening in the Pacific Islands: Present status and future prospects. In Landauer, K. and Brazil, M. (eds.), Tropical home gardens. United Nations University Press, Tokyo. pp. 41-65 6021. Thaman, R. R., 1990g: Kiribati agroforestry: Trees, people and the atoll environment, Atoll Research Bulletin, 333:1-29. 6022. Thaman, R. R. and Neemia, U., 1991: Republic of Kiribati: National Report for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1992. Ministry of The Environment and Natural Resources Development, Bairiki, Tarawa and South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Noumea. 6023. Thaman, R. R., 1991a: Agroforestry and fuelwood resources in the Pacific Islands: Present status and future prospects. In Household and rural energy: Pacific household and rural energy seminar, Port Vila, Vanuatu, November 5-9, 1990 (Proceedings). Vol. 2. Energy Sector Management and Assistance Programme (ESMAP), World Bank, Washington, D.C. and UNDP Pacific Energy Development Programme (PEDP), Suva. Pp. 246-285. 6024. Thaman, R. R., 1991b: Evolution and change in Pacific Island food systems. Background paper no. 3. In Bakker, M.L. and Thaman, R.R. (eds.), Population, Food and Development: Proceedings - USP/SPC/UNFPA Regional Symposium, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 12-16 November, 1990. Demographic report 2. Population Studies Programme, University of the South Pacific, Suva. Pp. 81-100. 6025. Thaman, R. R., 1992: Cultural constraints to sustainable atoll agricultural development. In Chase, R.G. (ed.), A review of agricultural development in the atolls: Invited papers from the International Conference on Developing Agriculture Research Programmes for Atolls, Pacific Harbour, Fiji, November 1990. Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Western Samoa. Pp. 7-20. 6026. Thaman, R. R., 1992a: Atoll agroforestry and plant resources: a basis for sustainable atoll agricultural development. In Chase, R.G. (ed.), A review of agricultural development in the atolls: Invited papers from the International Conference on Developing Agriculture Research Programmes for Atolls, Pacific Harbour, Fiji, November 1990. Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Western Samoa. Pp. 55-81.
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Pp. 49-65. 6040. Thaman, R. R. and Clarke, W. C., 1993i: Pacific island agroforestry: Functional and utilitarian diversity. Chapter 2 in Clarke, W. C. and Thaman, R. R. (eds.), Pacific Island agroforestry: Systems for sustainability, United Nations University Press, Tokyo. Pp. 17-33. 6041. Thaman, R., 1993: Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands: Constraints to Sustainable Island Development, Pacific Circle Consortium, Canberra. 6042. Thaman, R. R., 1993j: Climate change, forestry and agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: Impacts and appropriate responses. In Hay, J. E. and Kaluwin, C. (eds.), Climate change and sea level rise in the South Pacific Region: Proceedings of the Second SPREP Meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia, 6-10 April 1992. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Western Samoa. Pp. 119-136. 6043. Thaman, R. R., 1994: Land, plants, animals and people: Community-based biodiversity conservation as a basis for ecological, cultural and economic survival in the Pacific islands. In Capecchi, B. (ed.), La terre: Acts du sixieme Colloque C.O.R.A.I.L., Noumea, 27, 28 et 29 Octobre 1993. L’association C.O.R.A.I.L (Coordination pour l’Oceanie des Reserches sur les Arts, les Idees et les Litteratures), Noumea. Pp. 165-195. 6044. Thaman, R. R., Fosberg, F.R., Manner, H.I. and Hassall, D.C., 1994a: The Flora of Nauru. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 392:1-223, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 6045. Thaman, R. R., 1994b: Community-based biodiversity management: A foundation for sustainable island development. In Thomas, P., Bliss, E. and Hussain, R. (eds.), Managing resources in the South Pacific, Development Bulletin, (Special issue) 31:76-78. Australian Development Network, Australian National University, Canberra. 6046. Thaman, R. R., 1994c: Land, plants, animals and people: Community-based biodiversity conservation (CBBC) as a basis for ecological, cultural and economic survival in the Pacific Islands, Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin, 46 (1-2):1-15. 6047. Thaman, R. R., 1994d: Marine ethnobiology: A foundation for marine science education in the Pacific Islands. Pacific Curriculum Network: 8-11. 6048. Thaman, R.R. 1994e. Pacific Island agroforestry: An endangered science. In Morrison, J., Geraghty, P. and Crowl, L. (eds.), Science of Pacific Island peoples. Vol. 2: Land use and agriculture. Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva. Pp. 191-221. 6049. Thaman, R.R., 1994f: Ethnobotany of Pacific Island coastal plants. In Morrison, J., Geraghty, P. and Crowl, L. (eds.), Science of Pacific Island peoples. Vol. 3: Land use and agriculture. Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva. Pp. 147-184. 6050. Thaman, R. R., 1995: Urban food gardening in the Pacific Islands: A basis for food security in rapidly urbanising small-island states, Habitat International, 19 (2): 209-224. 6051. Thaman, R.R., Smith, A., Faka’osi, T. and Filiai, L., 1995a: Tonga coastal reforestation and protection project, Pacific Islands Forests & Trees, 3/95 (September): 8-10 and 2. 6052. Thaman, R. R., 1995b: Mennesker og kulturer pa Stillehavsoerne (People and cultures of the Pacific Islands). Geografisk Orientering (Special issue on Oceania), 25 (6)(Nov.- Dec.): 240-245. 6053. Thaman, R. R., 1995c: Moderne udvikling pa Stillehavsoerne - er den baeredygtig? (Modern
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