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uf ,h... d;nh lal'\lur lnll tull In\'OI...:1I.

,,,mt' N.'m~ mi n~ nJmpk_ or Ih~q' 11.0'1,' httn IPI~ l'lIt1 hn ,oJlhooJ.:h lU ~ Inn m;n ~~ UI bt IllCI'th .. Iii IhrnJl$ h", ... an d n01ll ln 10 U' mmd 1I11M (<ln rdl'r lhnr 0IlJ.tIIUI me-. \., lnrme-r Hill .... Thn u e: the u ni) e'Ü'IJn~ lmlo. VI hll h I'\"nuln' "1111 Iii<" hunun ..f'on ln, oh ... d and l l,'h,I.'''''

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IlIc!r I~ OUI of 11)(: ' w l1l3incr< ~nd Ih<, ~UlomOl ht enll'"<' n~d Ih e-.c hem,) tJSdurno" 1<> Ix 'iUJlCnclc:d, lW:I IIgh l ening lhe burd"n of h unun

".",,~ \ lu\11lJt on lU ' 1I1ifiotion "..,:;cc a I1l"W "or ld " hll' h I, no!lH~ hl ) urlun ~hippcrs I1OIIc: ln lhe: I{)\\n )oo Ixlund Ihr \\ ~lt o f Ihdr lotIgn Ih<'T<" art .ruuIblll)<t) b" , mif)~ :and ~mg til<' \\I!1t Ikrr al!lO wdl Ix J coopn;tll<' \\ h,,~ 111<, coulK"r \\'orb 11M' ..'ood ..i lh ~n and 'n!!Cnnil) !oO tI\;I1 I' mlll,lIl ront~;n lhe: Im)!.lu IlCcur.. ~L~ I l ~ hor.lIl>n fllled .. IIh plpttl<,,' JlchomrtC"1'< h!dlUllIClC"" colonlllC-

~llC<:t"~w 10 l he

Ioc:tlde-k'}::llion u( II'It-

Nl .....OOAI do, \1nho., " lI h lhe ohjn."1 oll.lO'"Cmil1l\ tllt" produnion And Inding ui \ lldr:lrJ "-'1lC Thc lmJlUloIng bui~ iudf l) '>tcrpt."l.l in lhe: IrMhooo of ItJC h !.tOl') ui Ollr ....lJl(' II ..-ll. buo.lI lO IIIC ..1'11' of IIIC !lnlC bv tl'lt- Ilnl"h

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[O,.I/IS l/H! brid,f!,e m./U'eellIIJe

IJrf!Sl'JIl mui tlJe 11tUI. \rilb Ibis

nmcepllllu/ iII Ibis spin"1 l/H! '..\"b/bilioll lI 'tlS [a/'II/ed (ltIl/ npelled IJlllbe ,8/b 5ePll'mlx,..

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,!lUn!!l' JnoJ \("~,<b h ... u .... n 'IX>rtIn,ll amI ~1Il'"tnf[ lhe" \lo lIle 1.,1.1", UIJ\(' lhe-

find I"" !I1C;tm 11, .. ltiCh tht ",,)dIlO un hr g'}l !ti lh <le,urullo n lo lhe

JII( ,,' \leU!" LI' ....' ln I h ... pr~"c' Lo~.. mcl,~ nl.llr ui u 'l'P" ;uxJ

\\'ooden 'InpplOJo( P'IK'" \\crC", IIIC:>C: I.Iler Jo:'I'C" w:lr 10 l/J.t." bOI Ile, henlc tllC nelll' {)fi .-hU.. "hich rrbJ C" lU lhe: pnll.'("'<) of ho.Jllbng II........... ehl , ,.~" "crr ~",,",n31 . he:lpc:d b) <"qwpmc"nl Ú fiIlll1t ItJC, (Mllllllft IIn lhe: oP"Uk \li" ~ b.hcl l"oW' modcrn ~u I \J",<JIi,C" IInc' ( Ompkl .... Ih(" .. hok JlrlX(",<)

11111'1.11,- lillel'.uxJ Iõlh HruJh 1m- ~ .14 "'rh'''lI:lolcU Intm.>Io'll\ UI ",hkh III...... 010:1\"'-' k"l IlIcU" Mlporunn' h;.t"IIIth('('n~h-(lthI.T-.

lhe' <'\h,",,-' ln~c lhe hblOl'\ .... '.... Ul ' lhe ,mfll.ull~~k:o, IA IIIC pn,dun.lo" uf u(,r ",nr Thr " " .TIIf/fI ( hor l , Ih" />,,,I.j,, !prurunll 11<11."'1 tilt' mm/11/11ll ,.. uUf,'Iu,. 1\oUIphur ,,"uh"" ~'er)

lhr: /f"" Chc'Do\\' "I!" ~ul phur dll)tu\~ lhe: jlI':IPC:'" ..n dlU)l ~t<' w.1f1< dóoc IA 10 J~ TIIC tu-.kt, Llpr lhe f't\-"" n1('"JMlro ~n.J h.lrrTl ra:re'J I" lhe: hft- ~1 lhe: ume- uf Ihc: \I" L(gt ll1C' oornlcbf. (Jlml "'in

Úl<' 'lIWIJn.k fromJ~nU;,lr.

UI .ltl"i1fl8 lall)llW" \\111<') mllloo OIIC

ur IIN: ,,~~ P3)1 . a, "di a' 1I~ of

rt"~h~Çio 1>C'Ie." mudo ~n l)(lCkr "'os rc("rlu a 'U~ am biência Icmo, qU<'" :&ij; O'> t't"I~ n1:l.Itri;oh c r~~.:­ lo!; ~1\'l:r a I;th\ll:l di.Jtu 114""" qU<'" ~n mUII"" .... " IlÓnlmo dr \'dhui~ as.surnc :oqui UIl\ll ",k\õllll" ml ...-lo t. I~MJ ("(lCnI.»


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rrICdKb.> c • ;l)lltu.rnc do::" 1 ~ ,.,."..)f1 C C rn,'dh«."lmcT'llo l>cpob. II ..c ",o , ~ id adc <lo .. nlet~ l, m~leria ll o d~ n ~, P"'~ r b lC'll't"'i. m.:t.I;.r;." de: OIbrr C fuIh.1 .. ~ fibro- Ccuh;l) .. ~lrIlllnlCTllC: n;o r:rJ t.b t~ "';xbl.K:-.od;o cm q .... Itxb a pcrdru 1Il1JlLWU11 ctt r l)I dtolorKb por utll ~

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Th(" Prol("(1 fo r Ih(" CJ"(":III..,O \lf Ih r lI\lilJ('\[m "'-.l!i COlnNnl 10 lhe Imulul(" of M;u.!el'" \Iil n(" fomwd ln 19- 9, as

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IOrnIllIk """lU C h o mcn alCcm a l od o, .:I<lII C" le , q ue IU1;lr~m pe b ~o:. llflm~


1llc: mU>nJm b IhU!< ~ lI\c ck-nlCTlI ln our d;r.ih bk "hM. h mm\) IIlt" brilIg." 1JM"'«f1 lhe P""<""I :and ItJC ~ \\ nh Ih~, conn'pI .md !fi IhL' ' I)(fJI tllC e.~hi IlIIIon " ";l) I<:>mlt"d ~nd úpt"1M"d on IIIC IMlh "epc<=htr 1')ti I

dl.>~ m ~I cTl~i ,

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hnlll'l\.l!oh 10 im"""r Ihc: QlW.I' of lhe

Aher aU lhe>< prucrou,,",,:IS ...dl '" ~n OKk-q U.:IIC" numlxT 01 ln", of ~~ ..'C"


Iungo do;", leml)()!>~'~'

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Fi"" Ihc.~ ... .... ,hc.- ~ ui '\\,,00 fl1)HI III hllh ", ('re' Ih... flI.' l'lI<lb. Ih., l.IJI.lf ccn. hlr ~ tho: W-~IX"I Ih... ,unUlner. u~d I'"~ mu _ur lnll


111' 16 r11 do , inh o \l adeirA ~lIm\ll""", lili-A' r' 1LI Indiol," lo or:tJ OU

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Mad ri n lo c n uda O podAO, a m~ qui... Ik ...ulb(;Q"; o liJk <locutnc:ni;un ~ f:Un:I 'Iuoob do::" Pnctl\l a Julho. OC"CSI"-"" o b~ a P"'nst, :IS 1TInIJdt~ o l);Iml rccrbm a :un1l1CIICI.1 car....' .... n'>t; l1t t.b faln:t eh, ,Indin....' O borr.o<;lMI \lU od rr ~" u II menl()ri~ de: ~ llCun . JW:I "" tem""" t<loo!I r O momnuo di J'l-~jiIC1II fW"A um 0()\1I momenlO O buril cu ~I,,"


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nl lKLm ... l\;IrA a ,,", Ikaç".ao rc,da" 00 _ oUlro unj'cr w nlare~d~nlr "I C urb;l.1JIl ~ cn,p""'"""s 1nictu.m ....• n~ do.boJr It'fIdo ... r<'CQjI.lURb um \~O CQOIpIc:.xo A ofion;l Ik UI1(WU rom ~ U1rn."lI~m L.r.K It"nMK'll ('011' qut" U


o ptlJjd(lo . r oi e.s/e o eJ/J/l-i/tI qlle /m/"Ieolt ti {ril/fdlJ do t:SI/lI(O

IIl11f('fJlágifO. illilllgumtlo l'/II ,8 tle Sl'/O/lbm tle

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1),,0.110') <lc tUlio 1,10, c pa~,",oo. o< adc-qoutlo!o I~ do;:: en,,,,Ih«lmcnlo, Icnl IlIfW a ddiniç;\o do;» n~ JW:II cond do prodo.jlo ao daltI\llWlO No pa~ 'ado t'~3\'õ1m 'c I ) plpa~ d .. madcln qu" de pob <lc1'llm h1íllr ~ , pJ'("~f.l!o l);(qul !'OUI", ~ pn:",-'III\~ 00.. ntlIu:ri:ai> .Jc t n)l.'lfT";lf.o.mcnlQ Onlcm U"CI1lO!> ;u form;u an~~ ....... k1:b <le m~q u lOl de roc her. c1p,ubr t rolu b r II OlC slo a, mo dnna ~ (" ~tJI(JI1UliJ~ lillh:as do:: mdtIn1CnlO ' (\ ~ do no--.o qu{)[l<l i~n o qu" c~I";I lKlcc("" ponlC do pnxn:e com o p;L....--li. Foi

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do e'I)"';o muM"'Olo!(lCO, 'n~lIICu",do em L~'Ic:"ctmlbrudo::" 19t1-1

O cnc-AfIIO pcrtenn."u ôIU In,mnlo do \10110 eh \ I,lIkln "rlado C"m 19- 9 mI



da ~lo IocaIlb

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I01UIIO dc (l-uliur a pmdu\~ u c comen!<1 doI ,101100 . \~ im~>nrnl" ;,~~ <'\U<."lU1I t;lfl.l'lo,:m 1I 11bltIfU do ,,,,1,,-, Ib \blId~ . O ImuI'c! Ik.uIlUllt"triJ


c;u;tnom.""'-", fui (0fbU'Ul<I0


dr "nh \.) <:o n,ul 1It"0f) \cu"h. n l p"m(",tll 1I\CI;IIk" do;, .......cuIo \1\ p;tr.l ","ir do::" l1>\JnIJ.;I 10m'..... do::" dlC)lôlr ~" M.IWL' ;nqwllno) foi \"õI);l de ,illlI.., <k It.Idru C.. ,.lÇlIhe. ""''>Im ttmo .. um c .. ~'U ClIt1"ad<, de- 1I1'lom. ("00\<, p.oko tb t.Icilmção tb rumo- X'lwb c MIIIm in)llc~

~c InlporWlIt 00 ilnjuil"'btcv


di «nClnmu

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