CBS Handbook April 2018

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Employee Handbook 05/00/18

TA B L E OF CONTENTS I n t r o d u ct i on to Copial Busine ss Strateg ists, LLC & Ou r Values OUR N A M E WE LCOM E P UR PO S E OF T HIS HAND BOOK At -Wi l l Em pl oym e ntNon- Dis cl o su re Agreemen t s (NDAs) a n d Con fl i ct of Inte r e s t State men t s Non - D i s cl os ur e Agr e e me nts ( NDAs) Co n fl i c t s of Inte r e st WOR KP L ACE COMMIT ME NT S Equ a l Oppor tunity Em pl oym e n t / An ti-Discrimin a tio n Po licy A n t i - Ha r r as sm e nt Pol icy COM PA N Y P OL ICIE S AND P R O C EDURES P r ofe s si onal Conduct Wor k pl a c e Attir e Co m pa n y Pr ope r ty COM P E N SAT ION Vo l u n t a r y de ductions Ot h e r d e d uctions Ove r t i me pay Pa y sc he d ul e s G e n e r a l Empl oym e nt Pr obation ary perio ds Vo l u n t a r y Te r mination pr oce d u res Pe r son a l Tim e Off ( PTO) B e r e a ve m e nt Le ave Pa i d H o l i days T i me s h e e ts Pa y r o l l Per iod Emp l o y e e Re s pons ibil ity El i g i b i l i t y

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G E N E R A L T E L E WOR K P OL ICIES S i t u a t i on s W he n Te l e wor k M ay Be Permissible Te l e wo r k in S pe cial Cir cum sta n ces A ppr ova l s P r oce d ur e – Te l e wor k Time Keepin g/ To u r o f Dut y Re voca t i on of Te l e wor k Pr ivil eges P r og r e ss i v e Discipl inar y Pol icy Guidelines S i g n a t u r e Page

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Introduc t i o n t o C o p ial B u s in e s s Str a te gi s ts , L LC & Our Va l ue s W ELCO M E TO C O P IA L BU S IN ES S STRATE G ISTS , LLC (CB STRAT) Founded in 2014, CB STRAT (“Company”) aims to be the premier, woman-owned small b usiness of choice to our clients. We recognize that our employees are our one of our greatest assets. With that in mind, we are committed to fostering a workplace where incredibly talented individuals are empowered to perform and excel within their perspective roles. This handbook is an encapsulation of our guiding princip les. As CB STRAT continues to grow, we hope that these guidelines will serve each new person joining our team. OUR NAME The name Copial derived from the Latin word, Copia, which can be loosely translated from Latin to mean an abundant and ready supply. As a company with multiple nodes of relationships, areas of expertise and industry astuteness, CB STRAT has an abundance of solutions and professional r esources to advance our clients’ organizational goals. We have the immediate industry reach to assemble strategic teams of organizations and subject matter experts (such as our employees) that align with our clients’ critical success factors. We achieve this by providing the right skills and experience to address both current needs and the challenges ahead. We believe in: • Continuous Improvement - Both for our own professional development and for the services we provide our clients. Becoming an ever better version of ourselves is important to the very core of CB STRAT. As a result, we want to improve and innovate constantly and consistently. This is important to the success of our organization. • 1 Team - No matter your title or level in the organization, you are an integral part of our team. We work together to achieve success. • Transparency - We believe in being honest with our clients and with ourselves in order to become the best people, co-workers, and advisors that we can be. • Craftsmanship - Our work is our art and we want to apply attention to detail, pride, and the highest quality behind every client account and internal project we support. • Social Responsibility - We believe in giving back to our local communities. CB STRAT promotes productive engagement with non-profi t organizations (and individuals) – leveraging opportunities to provide positive social, cultural, and educational impacts. WELCOME PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK This Handbook has been prepared to inform new employees of the policies and procedures of this Company and to establish the Company’s expectations. It is not all-inclusive or intended to provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather, it off ers an overview of the work environment. This Handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guarantying employment for any length of time and is not intended to induce an employee to accept employment with the Company. The Company r eserves the right to unilaterally revise, suspend, revoke, terminate or change any of its policies, in whole or in part, whether described within this handbook or elsewhere, in its sole discretion. If any discrepancy between this Handbook and current Company policy arises, conform to current Company policy. Every eff ort will be made to keep you informed of the Company’s policies, however we cannot guaran tee that notice of revisions will be provided. Feel free to ask questions about any of the information within this handbook. This handbook supersedes and replaces any and all personnel policies and manuals previously distributed, made available or applicable to employees. If you have questions concerning this Handbook or a policy, consult your supervisor for clarification.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

AT-W I LL EM PLOY M E N T Employment at CB STRAT is at-will. An at-will employment relationship can be terminated a t any time, with or without reason or notice by either the employer or the employee. This at-will employment r elationship exists regardless of any statements by offi ce personnel to the contrary. Only the Company owner is authorized to modify the at-will nature of the employment relationship, and the modifi cation must be in writing. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and Conflict of Interest Statements Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) Purpose: To identify information that is considered confidential and to establish guidelines for the use of confidential information for CB STRAT’s employees & contractors. Policy: Employees & contractors must not misuse confidential information, including internal information and client information and communications. It is a condition of employment that each employee signs the CB STRAT Confide ntiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement, which will be provided under separate cover. Definitions: Confidential information generally consists of non-public information about a person or an entity that, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to place either the person or the entity at risk of criminal or civil liability, or damage the person or entity's financial standing, employability, privacy or r eputation. The Company is bound by law or contract to protect some types of confidential information, and in other instances the Company requires protection of confidential information beyond legal or contractual r equirements as an additional safeguard. Confidential information includes but is not limite d to: • Payroll records, salary and non-public benefits information • Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers, state identification card numbers • Credi t and debit card information, and fi nancial account information • Personnel records, including but not limited to information regarding an employee's work history, creden tials, salary and salary grade, benefits, length of service, performance, and disciplin e • Individual conflict of interest information • Computer system passwords and security codes • Information regar ding client accounts including client information, data and intellectual property • CB STRAT’s inter nal business plans, data, tools, products, trade secrets, intellectual property and business development strategy methods CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Company understands that its staff employees may have or be involved in outside fi nancial, business, professional, academic, public service, or other activities. However, outside activities or commitments, familial or other relationships, private financial or other interests, and benefi ts or gifts r eceived from third parties may create an actual or perceived conflict of interest between the staff employee and the Company. A confl ict of interest is a situation, arrangement, or circumstance where the staff employee’s outside or private interests or relationships interfere or appear to interfere with those of the Company or cast doubt on the fairness or integrity of the Company’s business dealings. Every staff employee is responsible for disclosing to his or her supervisor, any financial or personal interests, activities, or personal or familial relationships that create an actual or perceived confl ict of interest. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for conflicts of interest or commitment that might arise in the course of staff employees’ duties and external activities. This policy does not seek to unreasonably limit external activities, but instead seeks to emphasize the need to disclose confl icts and potential conflicts of interest and commitment, to manage such conflicts and to ensure that the Company’s interests are not compromised.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

As a basic conditio n of employment, all Company staff employees have a duty to act in the Company’s best interest in connection with matters arising from or related to their employment and other Company activities. In essence, this duty means that staff employees must not engage in external activities that inte rfere with their obligations to the Company, damage the Company’s reputation, compete with the Company’s interests, or compromise the independence of the Company’s research and business activities, or can reasonably be seen as doing so. Staff employees likewise must not profit or otherwise gain advantage from any external activity at the Company’s expense or engage in external activities under circumstances that appear to be at the Company’s expense. Policy: Staff employees must disclose and avoid actual and perceived conflicts of interest or commitments, to the best of their knowledge and belief, between their Company responsibilities and the ir external activities. Depending on the circumstances, employee participation in activities in which a confl ict or perceived conflict of interest exists may be prohibited or may be permitted but affi rmatively managed.

WOR K PLAC E C O M M IT M E N TS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT/ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY / ANTI-HARRASSMENT POLICY CB STRAT provides equal employment opportunities to all employees, applicants, and job seekers, and is committed to making decisions using reasonable standards based on each individual’s qualifi cations as they relate to a particular employment action (e.g., hiring, training, promotions). No person shall be discriminated against in employment or harassed because of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, protected veteran status, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, citizenship status, genetic information, marital status, parental status, ancestry, source of income, credit history, housing status, order of protection status, actual or perceived association with such a person or other classes protected by applicable law. This policy includes the commitment to maintaining a work environ ment free from discriminatory practices, including without limitation unlawful harassment. Violations of this policy will not be tolerated. Discrimination includes, but is not limited to: making any employment decision or employment related action on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, protected veteran status, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, citizenship status, genetic information, marital status, parental status, ancestry, source of income, credit history, housing status, order of protection status, actual or perceived association with such a person or other classes protected by applicable law. Harassment is generally defi ned as unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct, based upon a person’s protected characteristic, that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward the person because of the characteristic, and which affects the person’s employment opportunities or benefits, has the purpos e or eff ect of unreasonably interfering with the person’s work performance, or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or off ensive working environment. Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets; slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; denigrating jokes and display or circulation in the workplace of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group based on their protected characteristic. Sexual harassment is defi ned as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when: 1 . Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or off ensive working environment.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Examples of sexual harassment include: unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances; displaying sexually suggestive material; unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; suggestive comments; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; sexually oriented jokes; crude or vulgar language or gestures; graphic or verbal commentaries about an individual’s body; display or distribution of obscene materials; physical contact such as patting, pinching or brushing against someone’s body; or physical assault of a sexual nature. Any company employee who feels that he or she has been harassed or discriminated against, or has witnessed or become aware of discrimination or harassment in violation of these policies, should bring the matter to the immediate attention of his or her supervisor or the Company owner. The Company will promptly investigate all allegations of discrimination and harassment, and take action as appropriate based on the outcome of the investigation. An investigation and its results will be treated as con fidential to the extent feasible, and the Company will take appropriate action based on the outcome of the investigation. Under this policy, no employee or applicant shall be subject to retaliation (including harassment, intimid ation, threats, coercion or discrimination) because he/she has engaged, in good faith, in the following activities: (i) fi ling a complaint under this Policy with the Company, or with federal, state or local equal employment opportunity agenci es; (ii) assisting or participating in an investigation or other activity related to the administration of any federal, state or local equal employment opportunity or affirmative action law; (iii) opposing any act or practice prohibited by this Policy or federal, state or local equal emplo yment opportunity or affi rmative action law; or (iv) exercising any other right protected by federal, state or local equal employment opportunity or affi rmative action law. If an employee feels he or she has been retaliated against, the employee should immediately bring any complaint of retaliation under this Policy to the Company owner.CB STRAT complies with all federal and state laws concerning the employment of persons with disabilities and acts in accordance with such regulations and guidance including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended. Whenever possible, the Company makes reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by law. Employees with any questions or requests related to these laws and guidelines, including the ADA as amended, should contact the Company’s ownership. Drug-Free / Alcohol-Free Environment Employees are prohibited from unlawfull y consuming, distributing, possessing, selling, or using controlled substances while on duty. In addition, employees may not be under the influence of any controlled substance, such as drugs or alcohol, while at work, on Company premises or engaged in Company business. Prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications, taken as prescrib ed, are an exception to this policy. Anyone violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Open Door Policy The Company has an open door policy and takes employee concerns and problems seri ously. The Company values each employee and strives to provide a positive work experience. Employees are encouraged to bring any workplace concerns or problems they might have or know about to their supervisor or management.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

COMPA NY PO L IC IE S A N D P RO CE DURE S Professional Conduct CB STRAT expects its employees to adhere to a standard of professional conduct and integrity. This ensures that the work environment is safe, comfortable and productive. Employees should be r espectful, courteous, and mindful of others’ feelings and needs. General cooperation between coworkers and supervisors is expected. I ndividuals who act in an unprofessional manner may be subject to disciplinary action. Workplace Attire Maintaining a professional, business-like appearance and hygiene is an integral part of the CB STRAT culture. Regardless of the employee’s interaction with clients, customers, suppliers, contractors, or volunteers, each employee represents the reputation of the organization. Part of this impression depends on each employee’s choice of dress. CB STRAT has chosen to offer a business casual dress environment for employees. Employees are expected to use so und judgment and to show courtesy to their co-workers and our clients by dressing in a manner that is presentable and appropriate. At all times, employees are asked to be cognizant that CB STRAT offices a nd our client sites are offi cial places of business. These dress code rules always apply: • All employees must be clean and well- groomed. Grooming st yles dic tated by religion and ethnicit y aren’t restr ic ted. • All clothes must be wor k-appropr iate. Clothes that are t ypical in wor kouts and outdoor ac tivities aren’t allowed. • All clothes must projec t professionalism. Clothes that are too revealing or inappropr iate aren’t allowed. • All clothes must be clean and in good shape. Discer nible r ips, tears or holes aren’t allowed. • Employees must avoid clothes with stamps that are offensive or inappropr iate. Any questions related to the dress code polic y or its inter pretation should be direc ted to you r CB STR AT super visor or management.

COMPA NY PR O P E RT Y COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY The Company’s information technology systems and the information served by those systems are valuable and vital assets to the Company. The Information Systems Security Policy includes all computer systems (hardware and software ), communication systems (networks, telecommunications, video, and audio broadcast systems), and information (processes, documents, data, text im ages, etc.) in any form on any media. The Company’s information technology systems and data that reside on them are Compan y property and may only be used in compliance with applicable law and Company and department policy. As a user of information resources, you are responsible for knowing about appropriate and ethical use of information in all environments you access, protecting the information you are using from corruption or unauthorized disclosure, working in such a manner as to consider the access rights of others, and following applicable guidelines concerning the use and nondisclosure of passwords and other means of access control. The Company has the right to monitor all of its information technology system and to access, monitor, and intercept any communications, information, and data created, received, stored, viewed, accessed or transmitted via those systems. Staff employees should have no expectation of privacy in any communications and/or data created, stored, received, or transmitted on, to, or from the Company’s information techno logy systems.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Compensation Required deductions for federal and state taxesAs an employee of CB STRAT, there are certain required deductions from the federal government that are mandatory and must be deducted from our employees’ earnings. They are: • Social security • Medicare • Federal withholding taxes • State withholding taxes • Garnishments/ Child Support as ordered by the law VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS Voluntary deductions from a CB STRAT employee’s paycheck can include participation in benefi ts programs deductions. These are elective d eductions. OTHER DEDUCTIONS The Company may make deductions from an employee’s pay for: • Full day absences for personal reasons or sickness if vacation/sick leave has been exhausted or not yet accrued • Any days not wor ked in the initial and fi nal weeks of employment • For hours taken as unpaid leave Overtime Pay CB STRAT assigns positions, determines wages and compensates employees for overtime in accordance with state and local laws and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exempt employees are paid a salary and are not eligible to receive overtime compensation. As such, employees of CB STRAT are considered to be exempt from overtime. Employees should consult with their supervisor if they have questions regarding their classifi cation as an exempt employee. Non-exempt employees are those eligible for overtime pay of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 per work week. All overtime must be approved in advance by a supervisor of management. Employees should consult with their supervisor if they have questions regarding their classification as a non-exempt employee. If you have questions on your status, please ask your supervisor. Pay Schedules Employees at CB STRAT are paid on a bi-weekly basis (every other Friday). If a payday shall fall on a bank holiday, the employee will be paid on the last business day prior to the bank holiday. The paycheck will reflect work performed for the previous period. Paychecks include salary or wages earned less any mandatory, elective or other deductions.

GENE R A L EMP LOY M E N T IN F ORM ATIO N Probationary Periods The probationary period is a time for you to learn about your job and become familiar with CB STRAT (and the client your role directly supports). During this time, your supervisor will explain Company policies and procedure, your job duties, and your performance expectations. Your performance will be closely evaluated by your supervisor to ensure that you understand and are able to meet the performance expectations. The probationary period is considered to be the employee’s fi rst ninety (90) days. Probationary periods may be extended or reenacted on a case by case basis at the discret ion of the Company. The probationary period applies to all employees - including employees who are transitioning from previous contracting companies as incumbent personnel performing the same role.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Voluntary Termination Procedures If you decide to terminate your employment, it is recommended that you give at least a two-week notice to your supervisor in order to maintain a mutually respectful relationship. All voluntary terminations must be submitted in writing (email) to the Company Owner. All CB STRAT-owned and/or Client-owned property must be returned to CB STRAT management on or before the last day of employment. This includes, but is not limited to: Smart cards/badges; offi ce keys, laptops and any other equipment that was issued to you to perform your duties. Leave Policies CB STRAT provides the following types of leave after the employee has completed their 90-day probationary period (see below). Any leave requested prior to ninety (90) days will be up to the discret ion of management to approve on a case-by-case basis. Leave is accrued each pay period based on the amount of annual leave for which an employee is entitled. The accrual will begin on the employee’s first pay cycle. All leave is on a use-it-or-lose it basis that resets on January 1st of each year. If January 1st occurs during the employee’s 90-day probationary period, the balance may be carried over into the new year. Personal Time Off (PTO) CB STRAT defines “Personal Time Off ” as leave needed for personal reasons (i.e. vacation, illness, etc). CB STRAT provides the following amount of PTO for employees unless otherwise specified in writing by the Company: 0-5 years tenure = 10 days or 80 hours 5-10 years tenure = 15 days or 120 hours 10+ years tenure = 20 days or 160 hours Vacation leave sho uld be requested in advance via email to your supervisor. If a situation arises that requires up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for a personal or family medical issue, management will review providing unpaid leave or flexible working arrangements on a case-by-case basis for employees in good standing. “Flexing” hours to make up time away from the offi ce is not encouraged. However, if project deadlines require making up the time, your supervisor or project manager will review the requirement and approv e a flexible working arrangement on a case-by-case basis. Otherwise, employees must utilize PTO for hours recorded away from the offi ce and outside of their normal tour of duty (with the exception of paid holidays). BEREAVEMENT LEAVE CB STRAT off ers up to 3 days or 72 hours for bereavement leave for loss of an employee’s immediate family member where “immediate” is defi ned as: parents, spouses, siblings and children. CB STRAT reserves the right to require pro of of need for bereavement leave. Holidays CB STRAT observes the following holidays: • New Year’s Day • Martin Luther King Day • President’s Day • Memorial Day • Independence Day • Labor Day • Columbus Day • Veterans Day • Thanksgiving Day & the Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Day

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Holidays are observed on a paid basis for all eligible employees. Exempt employees are eligible for paid holiday benefits. Please note: the Friday after Thanksgiving is NOT a federal holiday. This additional paid holiday is extended to our employees as a corporate courtesy during the holiday season. However, if an employee’s specifi c project requires normal support on the day after Thanksgiving (in-person or via tele work), the employee may use the holiday at a later date but prior to December 31st of the same calendar year. Time Keeping Policy As Federal Contractors, we are required to record our time on a daily basis. CB STRAT uses eFAACT time keeping syste m to capture daily hour allocations. Timesheets Timesheets cannot be fi lled out in advance other than for Holiday or PTO. Timesheets are due no later than Monday morning (9:00am Eastern Time) following the end of the payroll period. Payroll Period Payroll periods are biweekly starting at 12:00 AM on Sunday and ending at 11:59 PM on the second following Saturday. Full-time employees must have 80 hours per pay period (allocated towards the appropriate line item – i.e. regular hours, PTO, Leave without Pay, Holiday). Any ‘make-up’ hours must be accounted for during the pay period with prior written approval from supervisor. Payroll is processe d for deposit to employee bank accounts for the following Friday. Employee Responsibility Each employee must: • Fill out his/her own timesheet. Under no circumstances can anyone other than the employee fi ll out his/her timesheet • Make sure that timesheet system login information is kept confidential • Accurately record all hours to the correct cost objective • Fill out his/her timesheet on a daily basis • Accurately record all corrections/changes identifying the reason for the correction/change • Submit his/her timesheet no later than 9:00am Eastern Time on the Monday following the closing of a timesheet period. Repeated off ense of untimely hour allocation will be reprimanded in alignment with the Company’s Progressive Disciplinary Policy. TELEWORK POLICY The purpose of this policy is to describe CB STRAT’s telework policy for billable employees who work on gov ernment contracts. It is the policy of CB STRAT to align with the customer’s desires and contract requirements regarding telework. This may vary from 100% onsite performance to 100% off site performance, with any configuration in between depending on the situation. Eligibil ity This policy pertains to employees who work directly on a government contract. It does not apply to corporate overhead employees whose primary work responsibility is CB STRAT business operations (such as HR, sales, administrative, operations, etc.). General Telework Policies CB STRAT’s primary guiding factor regardin g telework is to always ensure high-quality performance on each and every contract while aligning with the government’s needs and desires.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Several factors aff ect whether or not employees will be permitted to telework on a regular or recurring basis: • Contractual Place of Performance – If the contract indicates employees will be on- site to perform the contract Statement of Work, the employee is required to work at the specified location. *In some cases, as specifi ed in contracts or Statements of Work, the government does not have work space for contract employees, in which case telework and/or work from a CB STRAT offi ce space will be required. These cases will be addressed on an individual basis depending on the contract. • Technical/Networ k Requirements – If being logged in from an onsite Government computer (due to security, network availability, software accesses, or other factors) is required to complete the job, telework will not be permitted. • Work Groups/Access to Other Personnel – The need for physical interactivity (meetings, w ork teams, etc.) with other pe rsonnel (government or otherwise) will be a factor in determining whether or not telework is permitted. • If an in-person client or Company meeting is scheduled on the day an employee normally teleworks, the em ployee is required to attend the meeting in-person at the specified meeting location. SITUATIONS WHEN TELEWORK MAY BE PERMISSIBLE In situations where a government agency is the primary Place of Performance, telework may be permitted in certain situations, only with prior approval, based on the following situations: • The individual’s work could feasibly be done from a remote location. For example, if basic computer work, phone calls, etc. are the duties and they can be done remotely, telework may be considered in certain situations. However, if the individual’s job duties cannot be performed from a remote location (such as manning a reception desk, operating a system only accessible from the government site, etc.), telework would not be permissible. • The government has a telework policy for government employees working in the same department as our contractors and is open to contractors following the same schedule. For example, if it is the Agency’s policy that employees can telework one day every two weeks and is open to CB STRAT employees doing the same, CB STRAT will entertain the possibility and work with our government Point of Contact regarding specifi c implementation. • The government has a desire for CB STRAT contractors to telework for any reason. Examples of reasons could include a lack of work space available for CB STRAT personnel (short term or otherwise), an Agency-wide initiative to increase telework or reduce commutes, etc. If the government Point of Contact desires that CB STRAT employees telework, we will work with the government regarding specific implementation. • Technical and/or network requirements are met. If telework is to be considered, the employee must have the requisite computer, phone, and any other equipment needs in order to work remotely. Depending on the situation, this may involve the use of a personal computer or a governm ent-issued laptop. Any employee teleworking is required to maintain information privacy at the relevant level, both physically and electronically. Telework in Special Circumstances Separate from any regular, ongoing telework schedule, CB STRAT employees may be either required to or permitted to telework in situations of special circumstance ONLY IF it is possible to do the individual’s job remotely. These situations may include: • Temp orary office closure due to facility issues if the offi ce is closed or if the government employees are als o permitted to telework. Examples include contamination, water leak, power outage, etc. • Closures or recommended telework due to inclement weather (guidance to be provided by OPM and/or the government POC). In any of these special circumstances, the ability to telework is dependent on pre-approval and the ability to perform work remotely. Approvals Each instance of telework by any employee must be authorized and pre-approved by both the govern ment POC and the CB STRAT Program Manager. If no CB STRAT Program Manager is assigned, telework must be pre-approved by a CB STRAT Executive Manager.

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

PR OC E D U R E – T E L E WORK T IME KE E P ING /TO UR O F DUTY If telework is perm issible, time entry will follow the same guidelines as if the individual was working onsite at the government location or CB STRAT offi ce location. Hours should be logged only for the hours actually worked. Employees’ telewo rk schedule must align with the pre-approved tour of duty as established by the Program Manager. The telework tour of duty must remain in alignment with core business hours and fall within the following time block – 7:30am – 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. The telework tour of duty must allow for an 8-hour working day (exclusive of lunch breaks or general breaks). Revocation of Telework Privileges Telework privileges may be revoked or changed by CB STRAT at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to, situations of: • Change in government desire, contractual requirements, or project needs • Actual or perceived abuse of telework privilege (not completing work at the expected pace, not actually working while not in the office, not being available during regular working hours, etc.) • Breach of information security due to inadequate physical or digital protection. Progressive Disciplinary Policy Corrective action is a process designed to identify and correct problems that aff ect an employee's work performance and/or the overall performance of the department. The progressive corrective action process sho uld be handled consiste ntly within each unit and for each problem. Guidelines The Progressive Corrective Action Process refers to the following actions: • Counseling or verbal warning; • Written reprimand and warning; • Suspension; • Suspension pending investigation and fi nal determination; • Specific warning of discharge; and • Discharge Depending on the situation, any step may be repeated, omitted, or taken out of sequence; however, the Co mpany reserves the right to effect immediate termination should the situation be warranted. Each case is considered on an individual basis. Typically, a preliminary meeting is held with the employee to allow the employee an opportunity to unders tand the nature of the concern and to explain his/her position on the matter. If necessary, the corrective action would then be documented to summarize the issue, taking into ac count any additional information the employee may have provided during the preliminary meeting. When i ssuing corrective action, there will be clear and direct communication between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor. This communication will include a meeting between the employee and the supervisor. In the case of serious misconduct, an employee may be discharged on the first off ense. Serious workplace misconduct includes, but is not limited to: • • • • • • • •

Excessive or unexcused absenteeism or tardiness; Failing to adequately perform job responsibilities; Theft; Violent or illegal activity; Engaging in acts of discrimination or harassment in the workplace; Behavior/language of a threatening, abusive or inappropriate nature; Unauthorized use, misuse, damage to or loss of Company property; Falsification, alteration or improper handling of Company-related records;

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

• Disclosure or misuse of confi dential information; • Unauthorized possession or concealment of weapons on work related properties; • Insubordination or refusal to comply with directives • Misuse of the Company's electronic information systems; • Possession, use, distribution, manufacture, purchase or working under the influence of non-prescribed or illegal drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants; • Falsification, misrepresentation or omission of information, documents or records; • Any other action or conduct that is inconsistent with company policies, procedures, standards or expectations. “Workplace” may be defi ned as a Company offi ce location, a place of performance of a Company client or a remote location approved by Company. If an employee is given notice of discharge/termination, the employee must immediately re turn all CB STRAT-owned and/or Client-owned property to their CB STRAT management. This includes, but is not limited to: Smart cards/badges; office keys, laptops and any other equipment that was issued to perform daily duties.

ADDENDUM APPLICABLE TO SERVICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT (SCA) EMPLOYEES ONLY Proposed Federal Regulation Regarding Sick Leave: On September 7, 2015, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors. The Executive Order requires certain parties that contra ct with the Federal Government to provide their employees with up to 7 days of paid sick leave annually, including paid leave allowing for family care. Applicable Employees: The paid sick leave requirements of Executive Order 13706 and the proposed regulations apply to employees performing work “on or in connection with” covered contracts and whose wages under those covered contracts are governed by the DBA, SCA, or FLSA, including employees who qualify for an exemption from the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime provisions. Maximum Accrual, Carryover, Reinstatement, and Payment for Unused Leave: SCA employees will accrue (earn) not less than 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked on or in connection with a covered contract, up to 56 hours. The term "hours worked" is defined as time an employee spends working but not time when an employee is in paid time off status. SCA employees will be allowed to carryover paid sick leave that has been accrued but not used from one accrual year to the next. However, SCA employees are not allowed total accrual of more than 56 hours of leave at any given time. CB STRAT will not pay employees for accrued, unused paid sick leave at the time of a job separation (“cash-out”). However, CB STRAT will reinstate an employee’s accrued, unused paid sick leave if the employee is rehired within 12 months after a job separation. Personal Time Off (PTO) Entitlement: Personal Time Off (PTO) for SCA employees will be entitled as following: • 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or incumbent successor; and • 3 weeks after 8 years of service with a contractor or incumbent successor Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with CB STRAT or incumbent successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of the same work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173)

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Advancing Strategies | Empowering Performance

Health and Welfare Benefi t A single nationwide health and welfare rate method has been established by the Department of Labor for determining the health and welfare fringe benefit requirement incorporated in SCA wage determinations. The Department of Labor makes adjustments to the rate for health and welfare benefits on an annual basis. Health and Welfare benefi ts will be paid to SCA employees each pay period. The benefit amount is computed on the basis of “all hours paid for” up to 40 per week and 2080 per year. The term “all hours paid for” is defined as hours worked, paid holidays, paid sick leave and paid personal time off. After the cost of medical/dental/vision benefits (and any additional elected benefits) have been deducted, any remaining health and welfare amount will be paid to the employee on a bi-we ekly basis. If the employee declines coverage via CB STRAT’s benefit off erings, the entire health and welfare amount will be paid to the employee on a bi-weekly basis.

SIGNATURE PAGE The Employee Handbook contains important information about the Company, and I understand that I should consult my supervisor regarding any questions not answered in the handbook. I understand that Company is a limited liability company organized in the State of Georgia and that Georgia is an “employment-at-will” state. I have entered into my employment relationship with the Company voluntarily, and understand that there is no specifi ed length of employment. Accordingly, either the Company or I can terminate the relationship at will, at any time, with or without cause, and with or without advance notice. Since the information, policies, and benefits described herein are subject to change at any time, I acknowledge that revisions to the handbook may occur, except to the Company's policy of employment-at-will. All such changes will generally be communicated through official notices, and I understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Only the Ch ief Executive Officer of the Company has the ability to adopt any revisions to the policies in this handbook. Furthermore, I understand that this handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legally-binding agreement. I have had an opportunity to read the handbook, and I understand that I may ask my supervisor any questions I might have concerning the handbook. I accept the terms of the handbook. I also understand that it is my responsibility to comply with the policies contained in this handbook, and any revisions made to it. I further agree that if I remain with the Company f ollowing any mod ifications to the handbook, I hereby accept and agree to such changes. I have received a copy of the Company's Employee Handbook on the date listed below. I understand that I am expected to read the entire handbook. Additionally, I will sign the two copies of this Acknowledgment of Receipt, retain one copy for myself, and return one copy to the Company's representative listed below on the date specifi ed. I understand that this form will be retained in my personnel file.

__________________________________ Signature of Employee

__________________ Date

__________________________________ Printed Name of Employee

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