Io Triumphe! A magazine for alumni and friends of Albion College

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3 Discovering the world at our doorstep 7 Against all odds Albion alumni find success in the professional music world

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10 Around Campus 10 Scoreboard 11 Albionotes Page 7

ON THE COVER: (Clockwise from top left) Ali Moore, ’00, with youngsters in the Albion Public Schools’ Brighter Futures Project (D. Trumpie photo); Jocelin Herron, ’00, volunteering at the Albion Middle School (J. Jones photo); Julie Henning, ’01, visiting with a resident at Albion Care Center (D. Trumpie photo); Alana McClelland, ’97, during a painting project at a local park; and Scott Smith, ’00, at Albion City Hall where he worked in the Finance Office. (J. Jones photo).

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Editor: Sarah Briggs Classnotes Writers: Brian Longheier, ’00 and Luann Shepherd Designer: Susan Carol Rowe IO TRIUMPHE (ISSN 0897-1269; USPS 268-400) is published quarterly by Office of Communications, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. It is distributed free to alumni and friends of the College. Preferred Periodical postage has been paid at Albion, MI, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Office of Communications, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. If you have questions about Io Triumphe, please write the editor at the address given above, call 517/ 629-0244 or send e-mail to: World Wide Web: Albion College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability, as protected by law, in all educational programs and activities, admission of students, and conditions of employment.

The unusual name for this publication comes from a yell written by members of the class of 1900. The beginning words of the yell, Io Triumphe, were probably borrowed from the poems of the Roman writer, Horace. Some phrases were taken from other college yells and others from a Greek play presented on campus during the period. In 1936, the alumni of Albion College voted to name their magazine after the yell which by then had become a College tradition. For years, Albion freshmen have learned these lines by heart: Io Triumphe! Io Triumphe! Haben Swaben rebecca le animor Whoop te whoop te sheller de-vere De-boom de ral de-i de-pa— Hooneka Henaka whack a whack A-hob dob balde bora bolde bara Con slomade hob dob Rah! Al-bi-on Rah!

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Discovering the world at our doorstep When they enroll at Albion, our students come not only to the College campus but to the Greater Albion community. Beginning with City Service Day, held during their first weekend on campus in the fall, entering students quickly discover that Albion—community and College—is a remarkable place to learn and to serve. Across their four-year undergraduate experience, our students will engage with the community through study and research, through internships and volunteer service, and through paid employment. And what often happens is that one involvement leads to another, and that a special synergy happens in the integration of learning and service. Consider student Scott Smith, for example, who followed up an internship in local economic development with further work at City Hall and who, as chair of the Student Senate’s Campus and Community Relations Committee, led efforts to encourage more students to make connections in the Greater Albion community. Or Taneeza Islam whose involvement with the community-based Arab-

American Cultural Center has resulted both in demographic research on the growing Arab-American population in the area and in service to these new immigrants as an English language tutor. This issue’s cover story offers a mosaic depicting just some of the ways our students have become involved in the community. In reflecting on her many roles in Albion over the past four years, student Jocelin Herron notes, “The College and the community have provided me with service learning projects and volunteer activities in which I’ve made a difference in the lives of others. In return, the people I’ve worked with have made a difference in my life. [I now] understand diversity as being not just our race, gender or ethnicity, but all the qualities that make each of us unique. I have also come to understand that surface differences between individuals and even communities often mask even deeper similarities.”






Linking learning and living By Jake Weber Editor’s note: Albion College’s Vision, “Liberal Arts at Work,” asserts that “a liberal arts education enables students to understand the interconnected nature of knowledge and of life, . . . to assimilate information into a reasoned and coherent world view, to comprehend moral and ethical implications of action, and to adapt to a changing world.” Such learning may begin in the classroom but it also happens in diverse settings beyond the campus, including the Greater Albion community, when students interact with a broad cross-section of society. Featured in our cover story are some of these less traditional, but certainly no less meaningful, learning opportunities.

‘HANDS-ON’ LEARNERS: Moving from the classroom into the community “A lot of cultural anthropology is about getting out in the world and dealing with unfamiliar people, unfamiliar situations—and then having to write about them,” says professor Molly Mullin. For the 80 students who take her Introduction to Cultural Anthropology course each year “the world” also includes aspects of the local community, from school playgrounds to doctors’ offices. “They learn a lot about anthropology by going out and getting hands-on experience. A lot of what we cover in the course involves people and places that are very far away. . . . I want students to learn that anthropology is relevant to what’s right in our own neighborhoods.” Mullin is just one of many faculty who incorporate community resources into their class assignments. Some classes, like the First-Year Seminars taught by history professor Wes Dick and foreign languages professor Dianne Guenin-Lelle, have the history and culture of the city of Albion itself as a focus. Citizen participation and community problem-solving, with firsthand experience in the Albion community, are major themes in political scientist Myron Levine’s interdisciplinary course on “Voluntarism, Community and Citizenship.” Likewise, biology, chemistry and geology courses often utilize local resources in teaching specific skills related to those fields. For instance, geologist Tim Lincoln’s students carry out extensive studies on water quality and on plant and animal habitats using the nearby Kalamazoo River as an outdoor laboratory. Still other faculty, in departments throughout the humanities and social sciences, design assignments in the community as a way of giving their students new insights into their surroundings. “In the city of Albion there is a long, rich connection to France, a connection often not evident, unless pointed out,” says Dianne Guenin-Lelle, explaining why she developed her First-Year Seminar on “Cultures, Connections and Communities from Albion to France—and Back.” Her course plays up the ties between this small Midwestern community and the wider world. In recent years, the city of Albion has developed a particularly active relationship with its sister city, Noisy-le-Roi, France; it has hosted students and citizens from Noisy-le-Roi, and a number of Albion

residents have traveled there, including two College groups led by Guenin-Lelle. “The sister city relationship makes my seminar more meaningful,” GueninLelle explains. She notes that it also helps students view Albion in a different way. “When my seminar group was at the middle school in Noisy, there was an exhibit of images related to Albion. My students were delighted and intrigued by the exhibit. They were also a bit embarrassed because they saw pictures of Albion, taken by French people, that were places the students did not recognize! It became a game for them to identify various places.” Students who have been involved in communityoriented assignments are equally enthusiastic about the experience. “The projects I did . . . helped me to experience how people of different ages, different occupations, and different beliefs can all live in the same society,” says Stacey Burnaford, a member of Mullin’s cultural anthropology class. “Furthermore, through interacting with people outside of my sheltered world I learned a lot about myself and how I fit into society.” Another of Mullin’s students, Elizabeth Hermiller, observed a local physician’s assistant in action. “If I hadn’t done the actual ethnographic research on my own,” Hermiller says, “I would have never understood the whole concept and process as fully as I do now,” she says. “I gained a whole new perspective on the work of anthropologists and . . . learned more about medicine and treating patients. . . . [The project] was very interesting and inspiring.” The city of Albion might seem an unlikely resource for an English class on “Dickens and London,” but English professor James Diedrick explains that sending students out into the community can indeed develop their understanding of Dickens’ work. “Our first reading assignment is a series of short sketches of London written by Dickens when he was just beginning his writing career,” says Diedrick. “[For] our first writing assignment, each student writes a sketch of a place in Albion.” This attempt to follow in Dickens’ literary footsteps illuminates the class material, according to the students.

Taneeza Islam (left) helps Hasan Johub, a Yemeni who recently emigrated to the Albion area, learn English. Working with Albion’s Arab-American Cultural Center (AACC), Islam spent last fall doing a demographic study of the approximately 100 Yemeni immigrants living and working between Albion and Coldwater. The study will help the AACC staff in planning support “By doing this I got to know the city of Albion a little better,” says Rachel Maloney. “I had never ventured into the downtown area before, and it was an interesting experience. . . . I learned a lot about Dickens’ technique of writing, and how to get in touch with the people you are writing about.”

INTERNS AND EMPLOYEES: Integrating learning and service While many Albion students opt for on-the-job internships with large organizations in urban settings, those who have completed internships in and around Albion have come to appreciate the impact they can have in a smaller arena. During his internship with the Albion Economic Development Corporation (EDC), Scott Smith worked on locating funding sources for local development projects and on securing a Community Development Block Grant. The economics and management major believes he learned more about the relationship between business and government—and how to find ways for the two to work together constructively— than he would have in a larger organization. “I really had a chance to get involved in a more meaningful way,” he says. College students have recently served as interns at City Hall, and for area manufacturing companies, banking and financial institutions, the Chamber of Commerce and non-profit agencies. “Interns have done some great work. . . . I think it’s great to have students as employees,” says Peggy Sindt, ’73, Albion EDC executive director. “Without fail, they’ve been bright and curious and interested in how the community and College relate to each other. It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to have students here, offering fresh ideas and skills.” On occasion, Albion students also find valuable learning opportunities as paid employees with local health care organizations and businesses. The following examples demonstrate how these practical experiences can enrich our students’ education.




______ ◆ ______ Albion College student Taneeza Islam recalls a recent English tutoring session when her pupil, a Yemeni immigrant new to Albion, was having trouble with the word “world.” “I remembered the word in Arabic,” says Islam, a first-generation Bengali-American whose Arabic is limited to that used in Muslim services. “He looked at me really shocked, . . . and I explained to him that I was Muslim. He started tearing up and said, ‘This is so nice—you volunteer your time, you’re a Muslim in America, and you care so much.’ It really humbled me . . . to realize how much help [the immigrants] needed and how appreciative they are of everything.” Islam’s connection to Albion, through her work with the local Arab-American community, is an ideal model of how off-campus experiences can apply to a student’s entire Albion career. Islam, who spent a year with the Great Lakes Jerusalem Program in Israel, found an opportunity to use some of her Middle Eastern experiences during an internship with Albion’s ArabAmerican Cultural Center (AACC). A political science major and member of the Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service, Islam spent last fall doing a demographic study of Yemeni immigrants living and working between Albion and Coldwater, a population she says numbers over 100 in Albion alone, mostly men without families in the U.S. The AACC was established in 1999 as a spiritual and cultural center for these immigrants. Islam’s study provided information needed by the AACC to obtain state funding, especially to assist Harvard Industries, a local manufacturer, in developing safety instructions in Arabic. (Harvard Industries employs nearly all the Arab immigrants living in Albion.) “[The Yemeni] don’t speak English, so they can’t understand the safety video or read the signs,” explains Islam. Islam has recruited still more students to assist Albion’s newest immigrant community. Members of the College’s Muslim Student Network have offered their services as translators, and plan to support weekly prayers at the AACC. And English language classes are also provided to the immigrants, taught mainly by a core group of about 10 College students under the supervision of the Albion Public Schools’ Adult Education Program. Largely because of these involvements, Islam was recently asked to join the Diversity Action Team, formed as part of Albion’s “Smart Community” initiatives. She has been impressed by the concern she has heard expressed for the welfare of the area’s new Arab residents. “I really applaud the community members who are concerned about the Arabs integrating into Albion culture,” she says.

______ ◆ ______ “I was thrown into the community,” says Brian Longheier, recalling his first internship, in the summer of 1998, for the Albion Recorder. “I talked to so many people and learned so many things. After that summer, I pretty much knew all the leaders in the community.” Like many small-town newspapers, the Albion Recorder has only a few full-time reporters, and so from his first days, Longheier wrote a sizeable portion of the

local news each day and was involved with other aspects of the paper’s operations. “On my first assignment I was given the camera and told to snap a few photos to go along with the story. Before long I was also laying out my stories on the front page and electronically adjusting the photos.” Active on campus, Longheier is a member of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity and a leader of Habitat for Humanity. Until he did his internship, however, “I’d get out once in awhile through Habitat or another volunteer project, but more or less I stayed on campus,” he recalls. “After this internship, I felt more a part of the community, like I was a member of it.” Longheier’s relationship to the community has continued to grow since his internship. He joined the local United Way board, and last summer, completed a second internship with the city of Albion. Currently, Longheier is finishing an Honors Institute thesis on the role that Harvard Industries has played in the local community. The topic grew out of his community involvement. “I had heard about how important industry was to the community [before the 1970s recession],” says Longheier, who interviewed numerous administrators and factory workers for his thesis. “I was interested to see how Harvard was part of that.” The internships have added a practical dimension to his majors in English and economics and management, but they’ve also given him an increased appreciation for his “second home.” “Everyone I’ve talked with who’s ever done an internship here in town has come back with a really positive experience, because . . . they realize there’s more to Albion than Albion College,” Longheier concludes. “I highly recommend it.”

In addition to being a full-time student, Tom McGehee puts in 20-30 hours a week as a paid employee for Albion Community Ambulance. An emergency medical technician, he provides basic medical services to patients, and advanced life support assistance to the paramedic on duty.

over. “I open the door to the back [of the ambulance], and I’m on the receiving end,” he laughs, recalling the baby he and a paramedic delivered en route to Oaklawn Hospital. McGehee is one of several current students who One midnight last September, emergency medical have an especially intimate tie to the community— technician Tom McGehee was doing 65 miles per hour working for Albion Community Ambulance (formerly on Michigan Avenue when he looked in his rearview Albion Area Ambulance Service). While Albion mirror and realized, with a shock, that he had to pull College students have been a part of the ambulance service since its inception in the B. LONGHEIER PHOTO 1960s, most were involved during the service’s days as an all-volunteer force. McGehee is a full-time student and puts in 20-30 hours a week as a paid ACA employee. McGehee provides basic medical services to patients, and advanced life support assistance to the paramedic on duty. “You see some scary stuff,” McGehee says, noting that, along with the two babies he’s helped deliver, the first death he witnessed is also indelibly etched in his memory. An economics and management major, McGehee plans to continue work as an EMT even while pursuing a career in financial services. “The big thing for me is to know I make a difference in people’s lives,” says McGehee, who also spends a few days each month on call for Sexual Assault Services of Calhoun County. “You can make a direct impact. . . . You see [the conseConstruction is under way on the Albion College Habitat for Humanity quences] right in front of you.” chapter’s first house project in Albion. With financial support from the College and a major gift from a local donor, the students have coordinated most of the planning and construction work. In addition to the 75 student volunteers who have worked at the site, numerous faculty, staff and local residents have also contributed their time. College students also have assisted with several of the eight houses built or renovated by the Greater Albion Habitat for Humanity chapter over the past decade.

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ROLE MODELS: Reaching out to the schools Albion College students can be found volunteering in every school building in the city at some point during the week, note officials for the Albion Public Schools and St. John Catholic Elementary School. “All of our teachers utilize college students in the classroom,” says Walt Nichols, ’73, who is an administrator for Albion’s Open School (grades K-5) and Middle School. “This college is an asset to [us] beyond measure.” The numbers are impressive. Each year, about 150 College students are in area school classrooms, as foreign language enrichment teachers, tutors for the College’s Learning is Fun Together (LIFT) program and the public schools’ Help One Student to Succeed (HOSTS) program. In addition, many students work as employees and volunteers for the after-school Brighter Futures program, as sports coaches and in other roles. Below are just two examples of how our students’ service has rewards for everyone involved.

______ ◆ ______ “When I walk into school and [the kids] see me, they get excited. They really enjoy having college kids in the schools, the interaction, the activity,” says Spanish and physical education major Ericka Zemmer. No stranger to the children of Albion, Zemmer, by the time she graduates in 2001, will have worked at three of Albion’s four elementary schools, the high school and St. John’s Catholic School, whether as a volunteer Spanish language teacher or assisting in physical education programs. Currently, Zemmer works three days each week with the public schools’ Brighter Futures program, leading games and exercises that promote the students’ athletic skills and physical coordination. The recreation program she leads at Harrington Elementary School with fellow student Ali Moore is an extension of

research by Albion physical education professor Tom Johnson on the relationship between learning and movement. Johnson believes that structured physical activity can help students’ abilities in the classroom. Zemmer will use her Brighter Futures experience to write a directed-study paper on “How Physical Education Affects Learning Readiness.” “The theory behind [my study] is that activity is healthy for your mind and your body, and activity in the body can increase activity in the brain,” explains Zemmer. She is quick to note that her previous field placements and tutoring experience were important factors in her decision to do the research, as was the chance to help her young students improve in school. “Seeing the kids’ hearts and their potential is what makes [me] want to get involved. . . . You see kids acting up on purpose to get negative attention. By giving them positive attention, . . . it makes it all worth it, because you know you’ll have an effect on their lives.”

______ ◆ ______ “I remember junior high being a very difficult and highly impressionable period. . . . Students not only attempt to find their own identities but are faced with choosing a direction for their lives,” says student Lynsey Kluever, explaining one of her reasons for creating and establishing Students Together Raising Integrity, Values, and Excellence (STRIVE). Launched with a grant from the voluntary-service organization, Michigan Campus Compact, STRIVE is an Albion College/Albion Middle School collaboration that aims to teach leadership skills to the middle school students by engaging them in permanent teams with Albion College students, staff and faculty. The inspiration for STRIVE came from Kluever’s reading of a

Ericka Zemmer works three days each week with the public schools’ Brighter Futures program. She leads games and exercises that develop the students’ physical coordination as a means of improving their classroom performance. Zemmer will draw on this experience to write a directed-study paper on “How Physical Education Affects Learning Readiness.” speech by President Peter Mitchell, asking students to become community members and active participants in their own education. “His words really touched me,” says Kluever, a history major and member of the Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service. “I remember . . . the realization that, with the support of the College behind me, I could turn my vague concept of an Albion College/Albion Middle School partnership into a reality.” Now in its second year of existence, STRIVE consists of 10 teams, each with four or five middle school students, two Albion College student mentors and one faculty adviser. The teams complete service projects, and Kluever anticipates STRIVE will do even more to enhance and encourage the leadership skills of the younger students. Plans are to have each team design and direct a community service project, which the entire STRIVE group will carry out. In addition, the teams will plan day-long conferences complete with student panels, workshops and guest speakers.

Community activism—Albion-style Nearly one-third of Albion’s roughly 110 student clubs participate in a service project or a fundraiser each year. Finding outlets for the volunteer potential of these groups, as well as individual students, is the mission undertaken by the College’s Student Volunteer Bureau (SVB). Working closely with the downtown Albion Volunteer Service Organization (AVSO), the SVB finds volunteers for communitybased projects reaching out to children, the elderly, the mentally handicapped and the disadvantaged. Some of these efforts begin as AVSO projects, are funneled through SVB, and then are eventually adopted by another student organization. “A lot of what we do is help student groups set up their own programs, rather than actually sponsor them ourselves,” says SVB director Amy Sheele. Under the SVB aegis, students offer the Sun Games for local elementary school children, raise pledges for the Walk for Warmth and run a Special Olympics Training Day on campus. In addition, during Make a Difference Day each fall, the College students join with many other community service groups for a riverbank clean-up and other beautification projects. “SVB has a regular volunteer list of around 200, but 400 or more students participate every year in SVB-sponsored events,” says Drew Dunham, director of campus programs and organizations. “By the end

of four years, our estimate is that 80-90 percent of students have participated in an SVB-sponsored project.” To connect students to the student volunteer movement nationwide, Albion belongs to the Campus Outreach Opportunity League and to Campus Compact, and it maintains a chapter of the national service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. These groups provide workshops and other programming on D. TRUMPIE PHOTO community service, grants for new projects and recognition for outstanding volunteers. Dunham notes that SVB, which receives nearly five percent of the student activity fee, demonstrates the College’s commitment to service. “Students need to learn to be community activists. They need to take a role in communities in which they live, [and] this is a community where they live most of the time for four years,” he says, adding that this involvement benefits the students as well as the community. “[Research shows] students who are more engaged in the community feel better about being in college,” he explains. Students like Julie Henning regularly volunteer at the Albion Care Center where they visit with the residents and help them with organized activities. She is among the hundreds of Albion College students involved in local community service each year.



Against all odds In the highly competitive music world, these alumni have found extraordinary success. Editor’s note: The following articles continue our celebration of alumni achievements in the fine arts, begun in the Winter 1999-2000 Io Triumphe.

The lure of the opera: Jennifer Trost, ’79 By Jake Weber Fulfilling the dream of a professional artistic career often comes at a high price, as Jennifer Trost, ’79, can well attest. In 1986, Trost received her first big break, the opportunity to audition in Germany for seven opera houses. “I sold everything to be able to go: my car, my possessions, everything—and failed,” Trost remembers. “I had to start over from zero. . . . It took four years before I could go to Germany and audition again. When I landed a job with the Wuppertal Opera, I had to sell my stuff a second time so that I could move to Germany.” Trost’s sacrifice paid off, and she has been on top of the world ever since, enjoying a voice and a career that are both now rich and mature. After four successful seasons with the Wuppertal Opera, Trost moved to the Bavarian State Opera (BSO) in Munich, one of Germany’s oldest and largest houses, and is under contract there until 2002. Renowned conductor Zubin Mehta has been the BSO’s general music director since 1998, and, says Trost, “It’s exciting to be at the beginning of his tenure, having someone of that stature, charisma and musicality. It’s a reason to stay in Munich.” She adds that Lorin Maazel and James Levine are also conducting orchestras in Munich at the present time, and she doesn’t rule out the possibility that she might work with them as a guest soloist. (She has sung previously with Lorin Maazel at the Salzburg Music Festival.) “There’s a real musical renaissance in Munich right now.” A band member throughout her school years, Trost almost escaped learning that she could sing. She nearly backed out of her Albion College Choir audition when left alone for a few minutes before she had to sing, but choir president Larry Sill, ’77, persuaded her to give it

a try. Upon hearing her, David Strickler, Albion’s choir director at the time, immediately said she should study voice. Studying music wasn’t part of her plan when she entered Albion College. In fact, she was a biology major, but singing in the choir under “Mr. Dave” and taking a Music Appreciation course persuaded her to make the switch to music. “Mr. Dave was like a father figure for me—he helped build up my self-confidence,” says Trost. “I remember going to voice lessons and, afterwards, just feeling like I was walking on air. I enjoyed my other classes and learned things, but I never had that feeling of fulfillment.” Music wasn’t the only activity that claimed her attention—far from it. She worked part-time on campus every year, joined a sorority, played intramural volleyball and, in her junior year, was a residence hall assistant. After graduating from Albion as a music education major, she earned a master’s degree in vocal performance at Michigan State University, then came back to Albion for a year, as a sabbatical replacement for music professor Jacqueline Maag. Trost says Maag has served as a strong role model for her in the ensuing years. Oddly enough, Trost’s first firm step toward becoming a PHOTO COURTESY OF J. TROST

professional singer finally came because her parents relocated to southern California. “I moved to Los Angeles to look for more opportunities, and also to be closer to my family,” says Trost. During this period, her voice became fuller and gained more volume, enabling her to consider singing professionally. In 1989, when she was halfway through a doctoral program at the University of Southern California, the Los Angeles Music Center Opera asked her to become a resident artist, so she gave up academia for a performing career. As a lyric soprano, and now as a spinto or youngdramatic soprano, Trost has performed in dozens of operas with the Wuppertal Opera and the BSO. When her schedule permits, she does guest appearances with opera companies and orchestras throughout Europe. As a contract artist, Trost’s rehearsal and performance schedule is determined months in advance by the opera company. However, because D. TRUMPIE PHOTO of her experience, she is sometimes called upon to jump in as a replacement on a moment’s notice. “Once I got a call around noon to sing the Marriage of Figaro countess that night,” Trost recalls. “I got on the train and traveled four hours. There wasn’t time when I got there to talk about the staging or meet anybody. They got my costume fitted as I was being made up for a 7 p.m. show. . . . I was singing with people I hadn’t even met, doing a staging that I’d never done before, with an assistant director standing on the side of the stage pointing and gesturing to tell me what to do. I’m sure the audience didn’t realize that I was doing this for the first time without preparation. One of Jennifer Trost, ’77, returned to campus last the things I’m proud of is fall to perform as a guest soloist during a that, in spite of the stress, I Homecoming Weekend concert by the Albion was able to accomplish that College Orchestra and Choir Oct. 3. Among without making mistakes.” the many roles she has performed during her 10-year opera career in Germany is that of Elettra (pictured at left) in Mozart’s Idomeneo.






Despite stereotypes of the opera singer’s glamorous life—international travel, costumes, makeup and lots of drama—it is, insists Trost, a job much like any other. “Opera singers used to be the rock stars of the past. They earned lots of money and could do whatever they wanted,” she maintains. “Nowadays, it’s a real business and there’s real competition; there’s no time for people throwing temper tantrums. You’ve got to be on time, you’ve got to be prepared and you’ve got to be a good colleague. Those big ego things make the whole experience unpleasant for everyone, and opera is always a group experience where teamwork is necessary. . . . We’re down-to-earth people, really.” And being a singer is not a job that’s left at the office at the end of the day. “When you have to perform, you have to lead a sedate life,” muses Trost. “When I’m performing, I don’t socialize much. . . . I tend to avoid situations where I’m either going to strain my voice or affect my health. You always have to think of that.” Trost enjoys her life on the stage, but at the same time, is looking past her current career. “I can’t sing forever,” says Trost, who hopes someday to put her performing experience to good use teaching others. “When you get older, the voice doesn’t work as well as when you were younger, which is ironic because you have all this knowledge and experience to be a great singer, but the voice can’t do what you want it to do anymore. That’s when you say, ‘It’s time to give back,’ and teaching is the best way to do that.” Trost is a member of a closely-knit family and says that being near her parents, who now live in Rochester, N.Y., will be important to her. And as to where she might teach, “I really believe in liberal arts,” she says. “It’s important for students to sample from all the different disciplines. You do a lot in addition to just study. You start to explore your possibilities, and you become an independent person, which was a really good thing for me. Albion helped me become a wellrounded person and put me on that path toward attaining a career that I really love. If I’d gone anywhere else, I know I wouldn’t be sitting here today.”

Britons of note Here’s a look at what some other Albion alumni are doing in the music field. Many of our music alumni can be found in teaching and administration with K-12 vocal and instrumental music programs across Michigan and around the country. Britons figure prominently in the northwest Michigan music education scene, including Russ Larimer, ’79, director of choirs at Traverse City West High School, Holly Bringman, ’96, director of vocal and instrumental music at the Suttons Bay schools, and Randy Marquardt, ’70, an elementary school music teacher in Harbor Springs. Larimer’s choirs have excelled in the 12 years he’s served in this role, with performances at the Michigan Youth Arts Festival (12 of the state’s top high school choirs receive this

Alternating chords: David Barrett, ’77 Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. 1999, The Ann Arbor News.

By Rich Thomaselli David Barrett is sitting where he is most comfortable—on stage, guitar in his lap and a small, intimate audience in front of him at The Ark in Ann Arbor. At times, he is fanciful and waggish, introducing a song off his just-released CD, “The Fever Diaries,” by waxing poetic about an egocentric friend. The song title? “Let’s Talk About Me.” If only the network suits and ties at CBS television could see him now. “They think I’m this hick from Ann Arbor, Mich., this neat little guy from the Midwest who wrote this neat little song for their NCAA tournament,” Barrett says. “That’s why I say I have a paradox of lives.” In one life, he is the composer and singer of perhaps one of the greatest sports anthems of all time, the poignant “One Shining Moment” that has played over the slow-motion highlights of the NCAA basketball tournament following every championship game for the last 14 years. He also has composed theme music for several other network sports telecasts, including The Great 18 golf special for ABC, the theme for the U.S. Open (tennis) on CBS, the opening theme for the 1988 Seoul Olympics on CBC, the closing theme to the 1992 Olympics on CBC, and “The Gift,” the theme music to the PGA golf championship on CBS. In another life, Barrett is the simple folksinger playing to small audiences in places like The Ark, college campus coffeehouses and festivals.

prestigious invitation each year) and at the Midwest conference and the national convention of the American Choral Directors Association. Nearby, Krista Maxson Cooper, ’93, serves as coordinator of camp admissions for the Interlochen Center for the Arts’ summer camp for students ranging in age from eight to 18. She processes applications (3,000 last year) and handles financial aid awards for prospective campers from 45 countries around the world. Carleen Roeper, ’90, is Interlochen’s director of alumni relations. Downstate, Ron Weiler, ’95, has led his choirs at Detroit Country Day School (DCDS) to superior ratings at both the district and state festivals. He reports that the DCDS choral program has nearly doubled in number of singers over the past two years. Weiler will begin a term as District IV manager of the Michigan School Vocal Music Association in fall 2002. (To learn more about the DCDS program, and his use of the Web in teaching, visit Weiler’s Web site: http:// Dawn Rickard Roberts, ’83, has been vocal music director for Clarenceville High School since 1986. In addition to leading four highly regarded vocal ensembles, she directs the school’s annual musical. For the past eight years, she also has sent students on to the State Honors Choir.

Composer and folksinger David Barrett has appeared with such well-known artists as Beth Nielsen Chapman and Art Garfunkel (this picture was shot during a live performance with Garfunkel at Interlochen in northern Michigan), and he performs regularly in Ann Arbor and around the Midwest. But Barrett may be best known for his compositions including “One Shining Moment,” played every year during national telecasts of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, and musical themes for the Olympics and other major sporting events. On this particular night at The Ark, Barrett opened for Beth Nielsen Chapman. A night earlier, Chapman won the Country Music Association award for writing the Song of the Year, “The Kiss,” which was a No. 1 single for country artist Faith Hill.

On the collegiate level, Clayton Parr, ’80, joined the faculty of DePaul University’s School of Music as director of choral programs last fall. Previously he was an associate professor of music for 10 years at Miami University in Ohio. The DePaul Chamber Choir’s January 2000 concert tour included a stop at the First Congregational Church in Traverse City, where Melvin Larimer, ’53, is music director. Parr has also performed as a tenor soloist at the Oregon Bach Festival and for many ensembles including the Cincinnati Opera. –––––––––––––––––––––––– While they may pursue other “day jobs,” our music alumni also continue as solo and ensemble performers. When he’s not working as a producer and on-screen talent for video production companies in Anchorage, Bob Clink, ’87, appears with the local opera company (10 productions to date) and in professional theatre. Ray Roberts, ’83, by day an elementary music teacher in Livonia, has performed a number of operatic roles, including Prince Ramiro in Rossini’s La Cenerentola with the Michigan Opera Theatre Community Programs, Rudolpho in Puccini’s La bohème, and Fernando in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte with the Piccolo Opera Company. The performances for La bohème


Barrett tells two acquaintances to listen to the words and appreciate Chapman’s styling. “She’s very gifted,” he says. Not unlike himself. Barrett is married to wife, Tracy, and is the father of two daughters, Esther, 9, and Claire, 6. He lives these disparate—yet equal—musical lives with amazing aplomb. Although he is not a native of Ann Arbor, he is a longtime resident who settled here to take advantage of such venues as The Ark and Solid Sound, a nearby professional recording studio. Fans familiar with “One Shining Moment” might be surprised to know about what Barrett calls his Ark Life, which includes a recent tour as the opening act for Art Garfunkel. “When I was traveling in a band for years, they didn’t know that I was working on larger orchestrated pieces,” Barrett says. “It would have mystified them to know that I was tinkering with this on my own time. On the other hand, when I sit down with the folks at CBS, they would be mystified to know that I wrote songs like ‘The Child With No Name’ [a song about child abuse].” Yet both, he says, come from the same place—the solitary experience of writing and the ability to find that groove. That’s exactly how “One Shining Moment” came to be. Barrett was playing a small club in East Lansing in 1986. When his set was over he chatted with a waitress at the bar. In vain, he gamely tried to explain to her what it meant to be Larry Bird, who was performing on a television screen overhead. “She just didn’t get it, you know?” Barrett said. “She didn’t understand what the feeling was like to be Larry Bird, to be in the zone all the time, to live on this high.” So Barrett sat down and wrote the words to “One Shining Moment.” From there, everything fell into place like one of those Larry Bird three-pointers snapping the twine.

Barrett showed the piece to a sportswriter friend of his, but this was no ordinary sportswriter. The friend was Armen Keteyian, who at the time wrote for Sports Illustrated and is now an accomplished author who does television work. Keteyian pitched it to several television executives, and CBS Sports creative director Doug Towey loved it. But no story like this would be complete without a pinch of irony. “One Shining Moment” was originally scheduled to be used in a highlight package at the end of Super Bowl XXI in January 1987. But the telecast of the New York Giants’ 39-20 victory over the Denver Broncos ran long, and the song was temporarily shelved. “A couple of months later, we were looking for some ways to put the NCAA tournament in an emotional and highlight context,” Towey told Sport magazine. “This was it.” It has been a staple of the telecast ever since. The piano riff that introduces the song has given sports fans across the country goose bumps. Players hum it in their heads. Heck, it is so much of an institution now in the sports world that it is referred to as nirvana. Michigan State point guard Mateen Cleaves said as much [a year ago] when he led the Spartans to the Final Four. “I want to get to ‘One Shining Moment,’” Cleaves said at a press conference, drawing a laugh from the assembled media. But it was no joke. The words evoke the emotion every player expends in trying to attain a goal. Even now, 14 years later, Barrett is humbled by the acknowledgment. “Oh sure,” he said. “Certainly, I didn’t plan for this to happen the way it did. And although I have this ‘Ark’ side of my life that is so different from the network theme music, I don’t try to run away from ‘One Shining Moment’ either.” In fact, while the network briefly toyed with using other artists to record the song—most notably Teddy

were staged in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Colorado. Cosi was staged in Texas. And Liz Ford Wolber, ’92, now a church youth choir director in the Dallas area, is a member of the select Orpheus Chamber Singers and has performed as an alto soloist with many groups, including the Mesquite Civic Chorus and the Orchestra of New Spain. She has won several solo vocal awards, and the junior high girls’ choir she led while teaching in the Richardson school district performed at the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in 1998. Marcus LaPratt, ’98, has just finished his master’s in music at the University of Florida, and has sung internationally with the World Youth Choir (WYC) on four different tours. This month he joined the Nordic Chamber Choir for a series of concerts in Basel, Switzerland. And he says he has taken up the musical saw, and just gave a debut performance at the Fourth International Festival for Women Composers.

the DSO’s 1998 European tour, she secured $1.3million in corporate sponsorships and traveled with the orchestra to assist with site arrangements. Fallis also performs, along with several other Albion graduates, in the Madrigal Chorale of Southfield, which this past December sang at the White House and National Cathedral. Bridget Force, ’95, is director of operations for the New York Chamber Symphony which performs at Lincoln Center. Force’s responsibilities include all aspects of concert scheduling and production for the orchestra’s regular and summer seasons, personnel management and guest artist arrangements. She previously worked with the American Composers Orchestra, also in New York. Finally, Anna VanBruggen Thompson, ’80, is executive director of fine arts programming at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (CSB/SJU) in St. Joseph, MN. During her career, which also includes seven years in arts management at Butler University in Indiana, Thompson has worked directly with internationally acclaimed artists in classical music, jazz, dance and theatre and has been responsible for newly commissioned works for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Diavolo Dance Theater and Donald Byrd/The Group. She also plans community outreach activities involving each of the artists she brings to her campus.

–––––––––––––––––––––––– In arts management, Virginia Fallis, ’84, is director of major gifts for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and currently oversees a $125-million capital campaign for endowment and the expansion of Orchestra Hall. For


Pendergrass—Barrett was summoned back to New York to re-record the song this year. If “One Shining Moment” is Barrett’s most-famous composition, “The Gift” is probably the second most well known. The theme for CBS coverage of the PGA championship is appropriately named. Barrett cranked it out in about 10 minutes. “Every once in a while you sit down and it just comes right out of you,” he said. “At that moment it all made absolute sense, and I just kind of sat down and got this neat gift, hence the name.” But don’t let that fool you. It’s not as easy as one might think, not when you have to compose and record 21 different versions of the song in several different arrangements, as well as several different time lengths— coming out of commercial, going into commercial, music for the helicopter flyover of a hole, etc. Through it all, Barrett takes equal pleasure from both sides of his musical life. “Some songs are like spider webs, fragile and rare,” he said. “Others are grand titanic liners that are hardy stock. The trick is to respect the nature of the song or composition and go with it. Trust it.” A philosophy major and Phi Beta Kappa member at Albion, David Barrett, ’77, actually spent more time out on the soccer field in college than he did in the music studio. (He was a three-time All-MIAA athlete.) He didn’t become seriously involved in music until after graduation, though he recalls, “I composed one of the Olympic openings while I was a freshman at Wesley late one night on a broken-down piano in the cafeteria. I held on to it for many years . . . and voilà . . . there it was playing for millions of people worldwide.” Last year, he released his second solo CD, “The Fever Diaries,” on End Around Records. To learn more, visit







Acclaimed speakers and performers enliven spring semester Controversial performance artist Holly Hughes, celebrated prize-fighter Rubin “Hurricane” Carter and prominent environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. have headlined an impressive array of lecturers and performers hosted on campus this semester. And closing out the year will be a lecture April 18 by famed evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, followed by commencement speaker Philip Lader, U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, May 6. Holly Hughes, who first gained national attention as one of the “NEA Four,” offered her critically acclaimed one-woman show about her experiences, “Preaching to the Perverted,” in Herrick Theatre Feb. 3. “Hughes embodies the spirit of the new arts which are not only aesthetically expressive but are topically challenging,” noted Thomas Oosting, acting director of Albion’s Center for Interdisciplinary Study for Contemporary Expression in the Arts which sponsored Hughes’ appearance. More than 1,400 students, faculty, staff and community guests filled Goodrich Chapel for a Black History Month speech Feb. 4 by Rubin Carter, the former professional boxer who is the subject of the recent movie, The Hurricane. After serving more than 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit, Carter was released in 1988 and now works to free others who have been wrongly convicted. “Dare to dream,” Carter told his Albion audience. “We think the problem is too big or our contribution is too small to make a

difference. It’s easy to throw in the towel, but you have to go the distance.” A Feb. 27 concert by one of the country’s champions of contemporary music, the Cleveland Chamber Symphony (CCS), included a world premiere of CCS director Edwin London’s Portraits of Three Ladies. The multimedia composition, which combined vocal and instrumental music with narration and visual images, portrayed the lives of Pocahontas, Dolly Madison and Nancy Hanks (mother of Abraham Lincoln). The concert was sponsored by the Albion Performing Artist and Lecture Series. An often overlooked facet of modern American history, the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, was the topic of this year’s Yinger Family Lecture, given by historian Roger Daniels, March 2. Currently the Taft Professor of History at the University of Cincinnati, Daniels has written highly regarded books on immigration and on how prevailing views of race and ethnicity shaped the experiences of Asian immigrants and their descendants in North America from the 19th century to the present. The 2000 Anna Howard Shaw Week, sponsored by the College’s Anna Howard Shaw Center for Women’s Studies and Programs, brought “X-Files” scientific consultant Anne Simon and social behavior specialist Marcy Lawton to campus in midMarch as part of a series of programs that dealt with women’s involvement in science.

Rubin Carter, the championship boxer portrayed by Denzel Washington in the recent film, The Hurricane, kicked off Albion College’s Black History Month celebration Feb. 4. His speech attracted a capacity crowd to Goodrich Chapel. The lasting impact of filmmaker Stanley Kubrick was the focus of a symposium, “The Eyes Have It: Stanley Kubrick, Film, and the Uses of History,” March 20-24. Sponsored by Albion’s Center for Interdisciplinary Study in History and Culture, the symposium featured scholars from Pennsylvania State University, New York University and Albion College, as well as film critics for the Chicago Reader and the Detroit News. Several Kubrick films were shown during the week, including Eyes Wide Shut, the last work he completed before his death in 1999. The symposium explored Kubrick’s “astonishing visual imagination” and his ability to direct “our intellect and emotions to the compass and maze of value and meaning” in human life, said event organizer Geoffrey Cocks, Albion’s Hall Professor of History. The a cappella Oriana Singers performed this year’s David L. Strickler Concert March 26.

The sextet’s concert included European folk songs and works by Aaron Copland and Benjamin Britten. Attorney and author of The Riverkeepers Robert Kennedy, Jr. spoke on current environmental initiatives during a symposium celebrating the 30th anniversary of Earth Day, “Environmental Activism for the New Millennium,” April 3-6. Also included were a presentation by former Sierra Club leader Robert Cox, films and a multimedia program on environmental justice issues facing the Navajo Indians. For details on campus events from now through the end of the semester, including the speech by Stephen Jay Gould, please consult the events calendar on the back page of this issue and, for continuous updates, visit the Albion College Web site at: ac_news/. Alumni and friends are welcome at all campus events.


Winter sports in review By Robin Hartman Albion College is a member of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) and NCAA Division III. For the latest sports news, visit

Men’s basketball: Albion finished its 25th straight season of 10 or more wins in men’s basketball, and its eighth winning season in the last nine years, completing the 1999-2000 campaign with a 16-10 mark. Mike Turner is the men’s coach. The season started and ended strong. Albion opened with eight wins in 10 games. After losing four straight games in early January—one in overtime and the others by four points or less—Albion recovered to win eight of its last 12, including league wins on the road at Defiance and Kalamazoo. In the end, Albion tied for fourth in the MIAA standings with Olivet, and earned the fourth seed in the league tournament. Albion opened the tourney with a 68-63 home win against Olivet, then closed with a 78-59 loss to tournament (and regular season) champion Calvin College in Grand Rapids Feb. 25. Calvin went on to become NCAA Division III national champion. Senior forward Tim Czarnecki was named to the MIAA first team for the third year in a row. It was just one of many “three-pointers” for Czarnecki this year. He is the first Albion

player to exceed the 60-percent mark in field goal accuracy for three seasons in a row, and he also led the MIAA in field goal accuracy for three straight league campaigns. The senior also is the 16th player in Albion men’s basketball history to score 1,000 or more points in a career. Czarnecki finished the season in 13th place on the Briton men’s scoring rolls with 1,091 points. Earning honorable mention status from the league’s coaches at season’s end were junior guards Steve Champine and Jon VanderWal and senior forward Erick Shaffer.

Women’s basketball: Albion had a 1,000-point player on the women’s side as well. Senior guard Kacy Davidson is the fifth Briton to reach that mark for women’s basketball, finishing her 96-game career with 1,046 points. Davidson earned second-team All-MIAA honors for the second year in a row. As a team, Albion finished with a 12-13 overall record and 7-9 MIAA mark. The 12win tally is the most for a Briton women’s basketball team since 1993-94. Fueled by a 71-64 win against Alma in the league opener Dec. 4, Albion got off to a 7-4 start in November and December. The January record was not as impressive, but there were highlights, including season series sweeps of league rivals Adrian and Saint Mary’s and a 56-53 home victory against Defiance in the regular season finale Feb. 17.

Another individual milestone was reached when senior guard Sarah Grill cracked the top 10 for career scoring. At season’s end, Grill had 890 career points, good for ninth on the women’s scoring rolls. Grill was named to the coaches’ honorable mention list for all-league honors, along with a pair of sophomore frontliners, Meagan Madej and Mandy Yeager. Cathy Henkenberns served as the women’s coach.

Swimming and diving: Two individual first-place finishes capped the MIAA Championship meet for the Briton swimming and diving team. The winning performances came from junior Britt Johnson and senior Katie Waters on the final night of the league meet, hosted by Saint Mary’s College at the University of Notre Dame Feb. 10-12. Johnson, who had just missed a championship run two nights earlier by .01 seconds in the 50 freestyle, turned in a school-record 46.78-second time in the 100 freestyle to win by .24 seconds. Waters earned her championship in the 200 butterfly, winning the event in 2:17.35. Along with her third-place finish in the 100 butterfly, Waters was named to the All-MIAA team for the fourth consecutive season. She is Albion’s second, four-time All-MIAA performer in women’s swimming and diving, matching the number of All-MIAA honors attained by Kellie Gehrs from 1992 to 1995. Albion’s final team rankings were fifth for the men and sixth for the women.

Senior diver Molly Maloney, who had competed at the national level twice before, this year earned honorable mention AllAmerica status with a 15th-place showing in three-meter diving at the NCAA Division III Women’s Swimming and Diving Championship in Atlanta March 10. Earlier in the threeday meet, Maloney finished 18th in one-meter competition. Keith Havens coaches both the men’s and the women’s squads.

Soccer team wins academic honors Albion’s women’s soccer team earned a high honor in mid-January, ranking first among all members of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, regardless of competition level, in grade point average for the 1998-99 school year. The women’s team GPA of 3.64 (on a 4.0 scale) led the MIAA and four-year collegiate programs across Michigan. The numbers, among all men’s or women’s soccer teams nationally, are matched only by another Division III institution, Pomona-Pitzer Colleges of California, whose women earned the same GPA. Briton women’s soccer coach Lisa Roschek accepted the NSCAA/Adidas Team Academic Award at the association’s convention in Baltimore, Jan. 12-16.





Class notes deadline The deadline for class notes appearing in this issue of Io Triumphe was Feb. 1, 2000. Notes received after that date will appear in the next issue.

Class news 30-39 Donald Finlayson, ’38, received the Distinguished Citizen Award from Lake Superior State University (LSSU) in Sault Ste. Marie. He earned a medical degree from the University of Michigan after graduating from Albion. Donald offered his services for many years to the schools in the Sault area, serving as a guest lecturer for LSSU nursing classes, teaching classes at Sault Area High School and providing sports physicals for high school athletes, all while operating his private practice. After his retirement in 1982, he was honored by the Michigan State Medical Society with its prestigious Plessner Award, recognizing a physician who best exemplifies the practice of rural medicine. Donald and his wife, Catherine McLeese Finlayson, ’38, live in Brimley and are still active in the Sault area. They established a $100,000 endowment fund for a scholarship to benefit nursing students at LSSU.

40-49 Paul Lawrence, ’43, has been honored through the establishment of the endowed Paul R. Lawrence M.B.A. Class of 1942 Professorship of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Lawrence, who was termed “an outstanding educator and gifted scholar” by the business school, taught organizational behavior there for more than 40 years. His research covered topics ranging from race relations to health care to R&D management, and he wrote numerous books and journal articles. Lawrence lives in Cambridge, MA. Bob Weiss, ’48, was awarded a 1999 NCA Presidential Citation for outstanding service to the National Communication Association and the communication discipline. He and his wife, Ann Lawson Weiss, ’48, live in Greencastle, IN. Bill Page, ’49, and his wife, Pat, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in December. The couple were married in Philadelphia in 1949 and have lived on Marco Island in Florida for the past 14 years. The couple has four children, including Bill Page, Jr., ’75.


construction project. The couple resides in Alpena.


Class of 1950 Reunion Chair: Burl Glendening Home Telephone: 231/462-3273 E-mail:

Class of 1960 Reunion Chair: Forrest Heaton Home Telephone: 908/277-6288 E-mail:

Richard Burns, ’52, continues as a construction volunteer. He also completed the 724 Cycle North Carolina bicycle ride in October, which he describes as having brutal hills of five to eight miles, terrifying descents and over 500 great companions. Richard and his wife, Martha, live in Cleveland, TN.

Bob, ’62, and Diana Craig Kelley, ’61, have returned from Juchitlan, Mexico, where Bob was a Fulbright exchange teacher for a semester. Bob taught English to students aged 12-15 in a local school, and Diana provided additional tutoring. They also held English classes in their home for interested adults. In February, they went to Guatemala for a two-week Habitat for Humanity

John Haas, ’52, retired from American Cyanamid in 1988. Since then he has been involved with the local newspaper, the Home & Store News, as the traffic manager. John and his wife, Janice, live in Ramsey, NJ. Donald Holbrook, ’53, has served for 25 years as a judge of the Michigan Court of Appeals. Prior to this position, he served for two years as a circuit court judge and eight years as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives. Donald and his wife, Linda, live in Lansing.

55-59 Philip Glotfelty, ’55, retired from surgical practice Jan. 2, 2000, following 36 years of service to Marshall and surrounding communities. He and his wife, Marlene, live in Marshall. Ernest Hurst, ’57, retired from the federal government after serving for 34 years in various administrative positions with the Executive Office of the President, the U.S. Peace Corps, the Office of Economic Opportunity, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration. He recently moved from Arlington, VA, to Cape May, NJ. Winthrop Yinger, ’57, received a D.Min. degree from Eden Seminary in St. Louis in May 1998. He recently came out of retirement to assume leadership in a struggling 40-member church in California, where he now serves as pastor. His wife, Joanne Friedrich Yinger, ’55, is the church’s director of Christian and community education. They live in Tehachapi, CA. David Dinger, ’58, retired in September from his private pediatric practice of 32 years in Waterford. He is anticipating lots of travel and watching his six grandchildren grow. David and his wife, Sue Delbridge Dinger, ’59, live in Bloomfield Hills.

Charlotte Knuth Zuzak, ’61, is an organist with the Church of the Beloved Disciple in Grove City, PA. She has also published short stories in Penned from the Heart, Apropos and other publications. Charlotte and her husband, Charles, recently traveled to Italy. Thomas Worthy, ’64, was promoted to vice president of development and regulatory affairs at Cholestech Corp. in Hayward, CA. Cholestech is an in vitro diagnostic company that specializes in point-of-care medical diagnostic testing. Tom and his wife, Patricia, also own the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast Inn in San Jose, CA. The Inn is managed by their son, James, and has been featured in



In “Bravo to Britons,” our intent is to highlight the noteworthy, the unusual and the entertaining. We welcome submissions from all quarters. The only requirement is that an Albion alumnus/alumna must be involved in the story.

Cedric and June Luke Dempsey, both ’54, were honored in December as the 1999 recipients of the Partners for Democracy Award sponsored by the America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL), based in New York City. Proceeds from the AIFL’s gala awards dinner go to the organization’s youth sports exchange developed through a partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Sports and the U.S.-based Citizenship through Sports Alliance, which includes representatives from professional sports, the U.S. Olympic Committee and other groups. An initial pilot project will bring together 40-60 students from the U.S. and Israel to teach the participants “the values of teamwork, discipline, fair play, tolerance and respect for diversity. Through these efforts, individuals of all races, genders, religions, ages and abilities will learn to work together as a team to accomplish a common goal.”

several magazine articles and on television.

65-69 Class of 1965 Reunion Chair: Beth Rutter Baer Home Telephone: 517/321-4832 E-mail: William Kitzmiller, ’66, retired in September after 29 years of service with the Grand Haven Department of Public Safety. William joined the GHDPS in 1970 as a patrol officer and was promoted to sergeant in 1987. He and his wife, Donna Meyers Kitzmiller, ’66, have been married for 32 years and live in Grand Haven.

B R I T O N S Send your nominations, clearly marked for “Bravo to Britons” to: Editor, Io Triumphe, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. If an item is not received by the deadline for one issue, it will be held for possible inclusion in the next.

According to AIFL, “Israeli educators and sports authorities believe that Israel urgently needs these types of programs as a means of addressing some of the social and cultural problems, including intolerance and violence, that have developed in its schools.” The Citizenship through Sports Alliance has already developed educational programs on citizenship and non-violence that have been distributed in 17,000 American high schools. As president of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Cedric Dempsey works to maintain an appropriate role for athletics within educational programs at more than 1,200 U.S. colleges and universities, and to provide governance for intercollegiate athletics at member institutions. He has over 40 years of experience in college athletics having served as director of athletics at the University of Arizona, the University of Houston, the University of the Pacific and San Diego State University. June Dempsey is a recognized leader in the field of developmental education and was, for several years, the dean of the University of Arizona’s Extended University and Summer School. A past president of several national continuing education associations, she is a long-time member of the AIFL’s Executive Committee and is the co-chair of the AIFL’s Partners for Global Education Committee. She is also a member of Albion’s Alumni Association Board of Directors. Many Albion alumni, including President Peter Mitchell, ’67, and members of the Albion Board of Trustees and the Alumni Association board, were Cedric and June Luke Dempsey, both ’54, were honored in December as on hand for the AIFL dinner in the 1999 recipients of the Partners for Democracy Award sponsored by the New York City. America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL), based in New York City. Albion The Dempseys are both alumni and friends pictured at the gala awards dinner are: (front row, left members of the Albion College to right) Carolyn Aishton, ’64, Albion President Peter Mitchell, ’67, Becky Athletic Hall of Fame and have Mitchell, Cedric Dempsey, ’54, June Luke Dempsey, ’54, Susan Stuewer led fund-raising efforts for Bensinger, ’70, Soon Young Yoon. (second row) James Taup, ’59, Eric improvement of academic Hildenbrand, ’93, Daniel Boggan, ’67, Richard Smith, ’68, Pat Meredith. programs and sports facilities at (third row) Ben Hancock, Geoffrey Morris, ’66, Larry Meredith (former the College. Albion College chaplain), Mark Meredith.







Three Britons among 100 influential Delts Included among the “100 Most Influential Delts of the 20th Century” in a recent edition of the Delta Tau Delta Rainbow were the following Albion graduates. Robert Bemer, ’40, is known as the father of ASCII, the standard alphabet and symbol code used in computers. He also invented the escape sequence in 1960, which is a critical element in software created in the following decades. Bob’s computer career began in 1949 as a programmer for RAND Corp., and he later worked for Lockheed, IBM, GE and Honeywell. The recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from Albion, he now lives in Graford, TX, and continues to do computer consulting. Herbert Chamberlain, ’16, at the height of his career in the 1940s was considered one of the nation’s foremost psychiatrists. The states of Oregon and Nevada engaged him as a consulting psychiatrist for their departments of social welfare, and he also assisted public and private health agencies throughout California. During his career, he spoke at social work conferences in 30 states. Floyd Starr, ’10, founded the Starr Commonwealth for Boys near Albion, which has since expanded to three campuses in Ohio and Michigan. Starr Commonwealth today offers extensive educational programs for boys and girls on its residential campuses, and also provides outreach services for families in metropolitan areas. Floyd Starr believed there was “no such thing as a bad boy,” and he was once described as “a man of culture, a lover of beauty, with a firm belief that all beauty and happiness must be shared.” Incidentally, only four other institutions had more graduates named to the top 100 Delts list than did Albion.

Kathryn Braun Carrithers, ’68, was transferred in August to the position of supervisor of hourly employment with Delphi Chassis, Saginaw Operations and lives in Flint. Thomas Long, ’68, was awarded a Ph.D. degree in systematic theology at Marquette University. He and his wife, Carol, live in Richfield, WI. Judyth Dobbert, ’69, has accepted the position of superintendent with the Whitehall school district near Columbus, OH, and will leave the superintendency of the Albion Public Schools in May. Judy has spent her entire professional career with the Albion Schools, serving in the positions of student teacher, teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent since 1991. She was honored as Michigan Teacher of the Year in 1985.

70-74 Class of 1970 Reunion Chair: Bill Rafaill, ’70 Home Telephone: 502/863-9735 E-mail: wrafail0@georgetown Robert Culbertson, ’74, is a guidance counselor at Notre Dame High School for Boys in Chicago. He completed his second and third doctoral degrees, an Ed.D. and a Psy.D. Next fall, he will become director of graduate studies at Muskingum College in New Concord, OH. Karen Longman, ’74, holds an M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She is the vice president of academic affairs and dean of the faculty at Greenville College in Illinois. Karen has traveled to 40 countries and spent summers teaching in Mongolia, China and Vietnam. She lives in Greenville, IL.

75-79 Class of 1975 Reunion Co-Chairs: Karl and Nan Christensen Couyoumjian Home telephone: 734/995-4887 E-mail:

Remember Albion? Please join over 600 other friends of Albion College who have remembered Albion in their estate plans, in addition to making their annual gifts. If you have questions, or are interested in learning more about one of the many tax-wise ways to accomplish such a gift, please call us or write us. Office of Gift and Estate Planning Albion College 611 E. Porter St. Albion, MI 49224 517/629-0237 e-mail: or

Ruth Brammer Johnson, ’77, has established her own legal practice specializing in oil and gas work in Denver. Ruth and her husband, Jeffrey, live in Denver, CO. Joe Calvaruso, ’78, was promoted in December to executive vice president of the Shoreline Bank in Benton Harbor. He and his wife, Donna, reside in Galesburg. Pam Nelson, ’78, is with Portage (MI) Physicians, PC, family practice division, and is one of the 23 physicians at the practice’s four offices. Pam owns two vintage Land Rovers and drove one to Colorado recently for a ski vacation. Friends can e-mail her at

Megen Johnson Stadele, ’78, is teaching literacy at the third grade level part-time. She just completed her reading endorsement this past spring. Megen, her husband, Lee Stadele, ’80, and their three daughters moved to Nederland, CO, over the summer.

80-84 Class of 1980 Reunion Chair: Bill Hittler, ’80 Deborah Misner Broderick, ’81, has been named vice president of finance, treasurer and assistant secretary of Acordia, Inc. She and her husband, Timothy, live in Leonard. Anne Hittler Hunter, ’81, a principal in the strategic marketing firm, Penfield Hunter, in the Minneapolis area, has recently undertaken a variety of new



communications projects, including editing a book on intervention in corporate America. She has also accepted new assignments on the boards of the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council and the Volunteer Resource Center of the Twin Cities. Anne took a trip to Beijing as well. Mark Johnson, ’81, accepted the position of portfolio manager with Lillibridge Health Trust in Chicago. LHT is a privately funded REIT that owns medical office buildings throughout the United States. Previously, he was director of property management at Rush Medical Center. Mark and his wife, Karen, have two sons and live in Inverness, IL. Connie Winter-Eulberg, ’81, is in her third year as a Lutheran campus pastor at Colorado State University. She loves being back on a campus and working with college students. Connie and her


If you have recently thumbed through automotive product literature or visited the Detroit Auto Show, chances are good that you have seen photos taken by Brendan Ross, ’68. Brendan, who specializes in industrial advertising and product photography, has traveled across the U.S. and internationally to shoot for General Motors, Ford/Lincoln/ Mercury, Chrysler, Hyundai and Lamborghini. His photos have been featured at the Detroit Auto Show in a joint Ford-UAW exhibit (1991) and in displays for GE Plastics (1997). Brendan has shot extensively for GE Plastics, and his photos were featured in two of six ads for a General Electric national ad campaign that was a finalist in the 1999 Creative Excellence in Business Advertising (CEBA) awards. He has also worked for many other automotive suppliers, including American Axle & Manufacturing, Gibraltar Steel, Hoechst Celanese, Quasar and Tico Titanium. And he has contributed to annual reports and promotional brochures for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Dow Chemical Co., Harper Hospital, Meadowbrook Festival and Theater, Standard Federal Bank, and the Metro Detroit Visitors COURTESY OF GE PLASTICS and Convention Bureau. Perhaps the most difficult photos he has ever taken for a client were views of a newly completed pair of apartment towers on the Detroit River next to downtown. The shots were made from the open door of a helicopter as he was tethered by a harness with nothing but air between him and the Detroit River below. An independent business owner since 1971, Brendan today operates a 3,200 square-foot studio in Auburn Hills. He is a past president of the Industrial Photographers Association of Michigan. Brendan Ross’s recent product photography was part of an awardwinning ad campaign for GE Plastics in 1999.





husband, Steve, have one daughter and one son. They live in Fort Collins, CO, and can be reached at: Byron Konschuh, ’82, is running for Lapeer County prosecutor in the November election. Byron has worked for the prosecutor’s office for the last 11 years, serving currently as chief assistant. He holds a law degree and a master’s degree in business administration from Wayne State University. Byron and his wife, Lorraine Perogini Konschuh, ’84, live in Lapeer. Jeff Rehm, ’82, has completed his post bachelor’s certification in secondary education at Western Michigan University and began teaching English at Sturgis High School in January. Jeff is

also a published songwriter and was a professional brass player and singer after graduating from Albion. He still performs with two bands, the Brent Chilton Situation and the Mystery Cowboys. Jeff lives in Sturgis and has two children. Mary Sue Stonisch, ’84, has operated her own practice, Faircourt Dental in Grosse Pointe Woods, since 1987. The practice underwent an extensive renovation and welcomed an associate. Mary Sue holds a dental degree from the University of Detroit and has achieved accreditation through the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry, and is a medical staff member of St. John’s Hospital. She lives in Grosse Pointe Woods.

worked for colleges and universities in Ohio, Maryland and California. She lives in Cape Girardeau, MO.

85-89 Class of 1985 Reunion Chair: Bob Hotchkiss Home Telephone: 248/593-8411 E-mail:

Suzanne Counterman Wright, ’85, and her husband, Mark, relocated to Franklin, TN, where Suzanne is a business team finance representative for the panels area of Body Systems at Saturn.

Mary Kay Poljan, ’85, was promoted to director of the University Center at Southeast Missouri State University. In this position she will work with campus events, student activities, Greek life, leadership development and facility management. Mary Kay holds a master’s degree in higher education from Bowling Green State University and has

Daniel Brubaker, ’87, was elected to the management committee of Mika, Meyers, Beckett & Jones, PLC, a Grand Rapids law firm. Dan is a member of the firm’s litigation, local government and employment law groups. He and his wife, Tamara, live in Lowell.



Catherine Shepherd Atchison, ’89, has been named program officer of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation. Prior to accepting this position, Catherine had lived in Texas and was involved with the Peace Corps and youth employment training programs. She holds an M.A. degree from Michigan State University. She and her husband, Michael, live in Charlevoix.

90 Lisa Lucido Thams, ’90, and her husband, Eric, have moved from Cleveland, OH to 308 Kerby Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236.


Serving human needs: The story continues PHOTO COURTESY OF B. DOUBLESTEIN

The following features add to our fall 1999 Io Triumphe coverage of Albion alumni in the medical field. As president of Georgia Osteopathic Institute, Barry Doublestein, ’76, was searching for a way to establish a health-care outreach program that would provide osteopathic students a broader range of clinical experience and help people in need at the same time. A chance meeting with a Haitian missionary provided just the solution he was looking for. Working with Father Jean Bien-Aime, Barry has since set up a clinic in Tapio, a village of 7,000 residents in the remote mountains of western Haiti. Virtually no health care had been available in the region until the clinic was created. Now run under the nonprofit Americans for Haitian Healthcare, Inc., which Barry also heads, the clinic serves as many as 85 people a day. The clinic’s patients seek treatment for a wide range of ailments including some not routinely seen in the U.S.: malaria, tuberculosis, fungal and parasitic diseases, and leprosy. Barry has made several trips to Haiti to get the clinic up and running, and he also has been involved in raising funds and obtaining medical supplies and equipment. Assistance has come from medical supply firms,

pharmaceutical companies, physicians’ offices and hospitals. He has also enlisted help from the Air National Guard, which is flying supplies from the U.S. to Haiti, and from the U.S. Army, which has provided transportation for seriously ill patients in areas where paved roads are nonexistent. Eventually, the clinic will be staffed for a week each month by a physician volunteer, assisted by Georgia Osteopathic Institute students, and is operated in the interim by nurses and other medical personnel living in Haiti. Among those who has already donated time to the clinic is William Gray, D.O., ’74, a dermatologist from Cheboygan, MI. Gray spent 10 days in Haiti in January 1999 and again in February 2000. “It is a blessing to be involved in changing lives,” Barry says, “especially in one of the poorest nations on earth. Our motivation to help these people comes from Jesus’ words, ‘To whom much is given, much is required.’” For more information on Americans for Haitian Healthcare, contact Barry Doublestein, 3571 Baywater Trail, Snellville, GA 30039, (O) 770/934-2495 or (H) 770/978-6324; e-mail:

Albion alumni have been represented in five consecutive classes at Northwestern University’s School of Medicine. Beginning with Shari Solomon Burns, ’93, the legacy continued with Kevin Bohnsack, ’94, Nicole DuPraw, ’95, Jeannette Prentice, ’96, and Christopher Pelloski, ’96 (Pelloski entered medical school in fall 1997). Burns, Bohnsack and DuPraw are in residency programs in Milwaukee, WI (Medical College of Wisconsin), Marquette, MI, and Durham, NC (Duke University), respectively. Christopher Pelloski, ’96, Kevin Bohnsack, ’94, and Nicole DuPraw, ’95, are among five Albion alumni to pursue medical degrees at Northwestern University since 1993.

Barry Doublestein, ’76, (center) has worked with missionary Jean BienAime (far right) in establishing a medical clinic in a remote region of Haiti. They are pictured with one of Barry’s medical colleagues from Georgia Osteopathic Institute and two of the clinic’s nurses.

Craig Neitzke, ’85, is a lieutenant commander with the U.S. Navy. In May 1999 he received a Navy Commendation Medal for meritorious service as the director of the San Onofre (CA) Branch Dental Clinic, 1st Dental Neitzke Battalion, from 1997 to 1999. He implemented new dental health programs and lectured on prosthodontics. He also consulted at the naval hospital at Camp Pendleton. Craig holds a D.D.S. degree from the University of Detroit, a certificate of prosthodontics from the National Naval Dental School, and an M.Sc. from the George Washington University.

Rena Salyer, ’95, will graduate in May from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. Rena is one of 20 medical students in the country selected to begin an Army surgical residency and is the first female osteopath Salyer ever to receive this honor. Additionally, Rena is one of 250 students nationwide to receive an Army Health Professions Scholarship. On June 5 she will report to the Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, TX, to begin her promotion to the rank of captain.




91 Adam Burks, ’91, has taken up the career of custom boat-building and is close to completing his first project, a 17-foot New Jersey skiff. Adam graduated from the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building in Washington state in 1997 and is operating his business in Benzonia, MI. After graduating from Albion, he has held a variety of careers, including being an environmental education teacher, a scuba diver and a bread baker. He is also an accomplished ceramic artist and oil painter.

Tiffany Donovan, ’91, graduated from Cornell University Law School in May, earning a J.D. and L.L.M. in international and comparative law. She is now practicing as an associate with Jones, Day, Reavis, and Pogue in Washington, D.C., and is seeking admission to the New York Bar. Elisa Jensen, ’91, completed a master’s in early childhood education with a ZA endorsement from Central Michigan University. She is teaching first grade at Discovery Elementary in Williamston. She can be reached by e-mail at:

attorney in the Detroit area and as a research attorney for the St. Clair County Circuit Court. He lives in Grosse Pointe Park.

92 John Deegan, ’92, recently joined the Petoskey office of the Plunkett & Cooney, P.C., law firm. A graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Jack has worked as an associate

Joanne Cornell Spencer, ’65, would like to hear from Edna Finkle Sprunk. Her address is 4527 Arcada Dr., Alma, MI 48801. Her e-mail address is Joanne.Spencer@, and her phone number is 517/463-4771.

Jennifer Bramble, ’93, is a science and drama teacher at River Rouge High School, where in January she co-directed the school’s annual drama production. Jennifer would like to hear from fellow

Gowri Reddy, ’92, graduated from medical school in June and is completing a family practice residency at Bon Secours Hospital in Grosse Pointe.

Is Albion a part of your regular routine? John — Graduate Student

The Albion Network Nancy Peckover Blair, ’65, would like to hear from any Pi Phi “Broken Arrows.” Her address is: 4216 Chesshire Rd., Dimondale, MI 48821. Her phone number is 517/ 681-3426.


The Alpha Gamma Lambda Alumni Association of Alpha Phi Omega is looking for its lost alumni. If you have moved or changed names, please contact the president with your updates at Jennifer Bramble, 11257 Harold Dr., #1, Luna Pier, MI 48157 or by e-mail at: We have lots of things planned and need you to help.

02/29 January Stipend


03/01 Jerry Smith - Rent


03/01 Withdraw +$1.50 Fee (Date & Golf)



03/02 Ameritech - Jan. Bill

75 64


03/02 Albion College - Annual Fund

25 00


03/02 TV-R-US - Feb. Cable

23 40


03/05 Felpausch - Groceries

54 30

From Michon Dicks, ’90: Able and Kenny P, where are you? Please write me at 2495 17th, Wyandotte, MI 48192.

“The Albion Network” is a cross between want ads and the “personal” ads sometimes run in newspapers or magazines. If you would like to locate a long lost friend or if you need to contact your fellow alumni for any other reason, this is the way to do it—free of charge. The next Io Triumphe will be mailed in July. Name __________________________________ Class year _____________ (Please print name)

Street _________________________________________________________

325 00

✔ –

Fred & Connie — Retir ed Couple DEBIT 03/02 Elias Big Boy - Breakfast w/


22 00


03/02 AT&T - January Long Distanc


03/05 First UMC - March Off ering


03/07 Detroit Zoo - Trip w/ Tom my &


03/08 Travel Money


03/09 Albion College - An nua

l Fund

75 00

03/09 Jane Matthews - 10th Birt hda


10 00

City _____________________________ State _______ ZIP _____________ 789

E-mail address _________________________________________________ Wording for ad to appear in “The Albion Network”: (Keep to 60 words or less. If you want your address to appear in the ad, be sure to include it in your ad copy.)

Send to: Editor, Io Triumphe, Office of Communications, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224; or via e-mail, to Be sure to include your full name, class year, address (geographic and e-mail) and telephone number in your e-mail message.

900 00


e Calls


68 70

100 .00

25 00 400 .00

Melissa — Business Executive 21 75


03/01 Shell Gasoline - Full Tank


03/04 Dayton Hudson’s - New Suit

258 40


03/04 Albion College - Annual Fund

150 00


03/04 Expense Check


03/04 Schuler’s - Night Out

27 00


03/04 Newsweek - 54 issue subscription

42 66


03/08 Cascarelli’s - Lunch

12 37

44 60

Make giving to Albion College a part of your regular routine. Your gift to the Albion College Annual Fund will go to work immediately to meet the current needs of Albion College students. It is not too late to be included in this fiscal year! Any size gift counts as we work toward strengthening Albion’s position as a leading liberal arts college and meeting our goal for the second year of the Stoffer Alumni Challenge. Every time you write a check to Albion you have the pleasure of knowing you are helping deserving young people complete their education. Albion College • Office of Annual Giving • 611 E. Porter St. • Albion, MI 49224 • 517/629-0565





Albion graduates by e-mail at:

Wedding Album

Shelagh Randall Eltringham, ’93, is an international account specialist with UPS in Detroit. She married Brian Eltringham in 1997 and completed an M.B.A. in international business and marketing in 1998. Shelagh serves on the Board of Directors for an international trade association and loves to travel. She and Brian have traveled to the Grand Canyon. The couple lives in Toledo, OH, and can be reached at 419/474-0406 or by e-mail at:

See accompanying notes for details.

94 Elizabeth “Jenny” Weisenbach, ’94, joined the Huron County Prosecutor’s Office in August 1999. Jenny graduated from the Detroit College of Law and lives in Caro with her husband, Scott Kenney, ’92.

Jessica Beyer, ’96, to Adam Wood, ’97, on Sept. 25, 1999. (Front row, left to right) Sarah Chapman, ’96, Jessica Beyer Wood, ’96, Adam Wood, ’97. (Back row) Jen McLeod, ’96, Dave Brust, ’95, Tami McCumons, ’96, Katy Neumann, ’96, Jennifer Febbo Kolean, ’96, Jon Kolean, ’96, Deena Rank, ’95, Kelly Couzens, ’96, Anne Sturm, ’96, Denis Waclawski, ’97.

Amanda Geerts, ’98, to Roman Bloch, ’98, on June 13, 1999. The bride is pictured with (from left) Jason Bilaski, ’97, groom Roman Bloch, Thomas Dobbins, ’79, Mike Somers, ’97, and Joseph Ales, ’98.

95 Class of 1995 Reunion Co-Chairs: Leigh Greden E-mail: (until 5/20/00) Nicole DuPraw Home Telephone: 919/544-9639 E-mail: Tammy Moore, ’95, has been hired as the Interfraternity Council advisor for the Greek Life office at the University of Maryland. She is also serving as the advisory board chairperson for the Gamma Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. She lives in Laurel, MD, and welcomes e-mail at:

96 Troy Ginzer, ’96, joined the CPA firm of DeBoer, Baumann & Co. in Holland. Troy lives in Holland. Rebecca Slavin, ’96, is a mental health therapist with the Ingham Counseling Center in Lansing where she works with children and families. She holds a master’s in counseling from MSU. Rebecca returned from a month in Scotland and Ireland. She lives in Haslett. Jody Suwalkowski, ’96, was awarded a graduate student research grant from Central Michigan University (CMU). She is pursuing a master’s degree in exercise science at CMU. Her research

Reed Award established The Albion College Biology Department has recently established the Steven D. Reed Award for Excellence in Student Laboratory Teaching in Biology. The Reed Award will be an annual prize given to the year’s outstanding student laboratory assistant. It honors the 1997 Albion graduate who tragically disappeared during summer 1999 while on a wilderness hike in Oregon. Reed was a student at Wayne State University School of Medicine at the time of his disappearance. The award will be presented for the first time at the Honors Convocation, April 18, 2000. To make a contribution to the award endowment or to obtain further information, please contact Dan Skean, chair, Department of Biology, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224; 517/629-0525; e-mail:

involves the development of a test that will accurately predict fitness levels in children between nine and 11 years of age. Ryan Sweet, ’96, is a full-time stockbroker for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. in Denver and is a fourth-semester law student at the University of Denver School of Law. He is considering practice in either animal rights law, securities law or criminal law. Ryan welcomes Albion friends to e-mail him at:

98 Amanda Cowger, ’98, is employed by the University of Cape Town, South Africa, as the administrator of a grant from the United Nations to study UN policies in sub-Saharan African countries. She can be reached by e-mail at: Susan Cunningham, ’98, left Andersen Consulting to accept a position as an account executive on the Buick Marketing Team with McCann-Erickson Advertising Agency. She lives in Troy and can be e-mailed at:

99 Kara Orange, ’99, is teaching geometry and pre-calculus at Groves High School in Birmingham.

Weddings Leslie Sutter Roberts, ’73, to Bob Payne on Dec. 31, 1999. The couple resides in West Chester, OH. Jeff Weathers, ’83, to Anna Horowitz on July 18, 1999. Jeff is working for the Southeastern Michigan Region of the American Red Cross as hospital services manager. The couple resides in Madison Heights. Susan Parker, ’89, to Mark Burnell on Sept. 18, 1999 in St. Clair Shores. Members of the wedding party included Heidi Diehl DeMoss, ’89, Christie Finocchio Parker, ’92, and William Parker, ’91. Also there to celebrate the wedding was Jeff DeMoss, ’89. Sue is employed at the Environmental Protection Agency since 1989. The couple resides in Washington, D.C. Michon Dicks, ’90, to Todd Lince on Nov. 6, 1998. Kristin Burns SansonChirinos, ’90, was matron-of-honor. In attendance was Kristine Hubert, ’91. The couple resides in Wyandotte. Matt Croissant, ’91, to Suzanne Orlowski on Oct. 9, 1999 in Detroit. Alumni at the wedding included Matt Troyer, ’90, Michael Smith, ’87, and James Roth, ’88. Matt received his J.D. from Wayne State Law School and passed the Michigan Bar exam in 1998. He has accepted the position as a financial consultant at Merrill Lynch in Auburn Hills. The couple resides in Berkley and can be reached by e-mail at

Lyssa Whiren, ’94, to Dean Towl in July 1999. Lyssa is the manager of the Department of Rehabilitation at the Children’s Hospital of Denver. The couple resides in Englewood, CO. Heidi Wiitala, ’94, to Malcolm MacNaughton in 1998 in Scotland. Heidi is enrolled in a one- year program for the certificate in personnel practice at Southampton Institute. She also works as a personnel clerk with the Southampton City Council. The couple resides in Southampton, England, and can be reached by e-mail at: Ryan Rinke, ’95, to Cindy Markowski on Oct. 8, 1999 in Romeo. Among those in attendance was Russell Rinke, ’96. Ryan is attending the University of Michigan Dental School. Cindy is a certified medical transcriptionist for the University of Michigan hospital. The couple resides in Ann Arbor. Jessica Beyer, ’96, to Adam Wood, ’97, on Sept. 25, 1999 in Brighton. Jessica is employed by Andersen Consulting, and Adam works for Detroit Diesel. Albion alumni in the wedding party included: Sarah Chapman, ’96, Jennifer Febbo Kolean, ’96, Tami McCumons, ’96, Katy Neumann, ’96, Anne Sturm, ’96, and Denis Waclawski, ’97. The couple resides at Whitmore Lake. Mary Ann Morgan, ’96, to Philip Haar on July 10, 1999 in Battle Creek. Albion guests in attendance included Tina Mertes, ’96, Meredith Haar Sheridan, ’96, Steve Sheridan, ’93, Dan Haar, ’99, Andrea Stubbs, ’96, Jessica LeDonne Johnson, ’96, Becky Slavin, ’96, Carole McLaughlin, ’96, and Ben Feeney, ’02. The couple lives in Rochester Hills.





Albion graduates by e-mail at:

Wedding Album

Shelagh Randall Eltringham, ’93, is an international account specialist with UPS in Detroit. She married Brian Eltringham in 1997 and completed an M.B.A. in international business and marketing in 1998. Shelagh serves on the Board of Directors for an international trade association and loves to travel. She and Brian have traveled to the Grand Canyon. The couple lives in Toledo, OH, and can be reached at 419/474-0406 or by e-mail at:

See accompanying notes for details.

94 Elizabeth “Jenny” Weisenbach, ’94, joined the Huron County Prosecutor’s Office in August 1999. Jenny graduated from the Detroit College of Law and lives in Caro with her husband, Scott Kenney, ’92.

Jessica Beyer, ’96, to Adam Wood, ’97, on Sept. 25, 1999. (Front row, left to right) Sarah Chapman, ’96, Jessica Beyer Wood, ’96, Adam Wood, ’97. (Back row) Jen McLeod, ’96, Dave Brust, ’95, Tami McCumons, ’96, Katy Neumann, ’96, Jennifer Febbo Kolean, ’96, Jon Kolean, ’96, Deena Rank, ’95, Kelly Couzens, ’96, Anne Sturm, ’96, Denis Waclawski, ’97.

Amanda Geerts, ’98, to Roman Bloch, ’98, on June 13, 1999. The bride is pictured with (from left) Jason Bilaski, ’97, groom Roman Bloch, Thomas Dobbins, ’79, Mike Somers, ’97, and Joseph Ales, ’98.

95 Class of 1995 Reunion Co-Chairs: Leigh Greden E-mail: (until 5/20/00) Nicole DuPraw Home Telephone: 919/544-9639 E-mail: Tammy Moore, ’95, has been hired as the Interfraternity Council advisor for the Greek Life office at the University of Maryland. She is also serving as the advisory board chairperson for the Gamma Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. She lives in Laurel, MD, and welcomes e-mail at:

96 Troy Ginzer, ’96, joined the CPA firm of DeBoer, Baumann & Co. in Holland. Troy lives in Holland. Rebecca Slavin, ’96, is a mental health therapist with the Ingham Counseling Center in Lansing where she works with children and families. She holds a master’s in counseling from MSU. Rebecca returned from a month in Scotland and Ireland. She lives in Haslett. Jody Suwalkowski, ’96, was awarded a graduate student research grant from Central Michigan University (CMU). She is pursuing a master’s degree in exercise science at CMU. Her research

Reed Award established The Albion College Biology Department has recently established the Steven D. Reed Award for Excellence in Student Laboratory Teaching in Biology. The Reed Award will be an annual prize given to the year’s outstanding student laboratory assistant. It honors the 1997 Albion graduate who tragically disappeared during summer 1999 while on a wilderness hike in Oregon. Reed was a student at Wayne State University School of Medicine at the time of his disappearance. The award will be presented for the first time at the Honors Convocation, April 18, 2000. To make a contribution to the award endowment or to obtain further information, please contact Dan Skean, chair, Department of Biology, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224; 517/629-0525; e-mail:

involves the development of a test that will accurately predict fitness levels in children between nine and 11 years of age. Ryan Sweet, ’96, is a full-time stockbroker for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. in Denver and is a fourth-semester law student at the University of Denver School of Law. He is considering practice in either animal rights law, securities law or criminal law. Ryan welcomes Albion friends to e-mail him at:

98 Amanda Cowger, ’98, is employed by the University of Cape Town, South Africa, as the administrator of a grant from the United Nations to study UN policies in sub-Saharan African countries. She can be reached by e-mail at: Susan Cunningham, ’98, left Andersen Consulting to accept a position as an account executive on the Buick Marketing Team with McCann-Erickson Advertising Agency. She lives in Troy and can be e-mailed at:

99 Kara Orange, ’99, is teaching geometry and pre-calculus at Groves High School in Birmingham.

Weddings Leslie Sutter Roberts, ’73, to Bob Payne on Dec. 31, 1999. The couple resides in West Chester, OH. Jeff Weathers, ’83, to Anna Horowitz on July 18, 1999. Jeff is working for the Southeastern Michigan Region of the American Red Cross as hospital services manager. The couple resides in Madison Heights. Susan Parker, ’89, to Mark Burnell on Sept. 18, 1999 in St. Clair Shores. Members of the wedding party included Heidi Diehl DeMoss, ’89, Christie Finocchio Parker, ’92, and William Parker, ’91. Also there to celebrate the wedding was Jeff DeMoss, ’89. Sue is employed at the Environmental Protection Agency since 1989. The couple resides in Washington, D.C. Michon Dicks, ’90, to Todd Lince on Nov. 6, 1998. Kristin Burns SansonChirinos, ’90, was matron-of-honor. In attendance was Kristine Hubert, ’91. The couple resides in Wyandotte. Matt Croissant, ’91, to Suzanne Orlowski on Oct. 9, 1999 in Detroit. Alumni at the wedding included Matt Troyer, ’90, Michael Smith, ’87, and James Roth, ’88. Matt received his J.D. from Wayne State Law School and passed the Michigan Bar exam in 1998. He has accepted the position as a financial consultant at Merrill Lynch in Auburn Hills. The couple resides in Berkley and can be reached by e-mail at

Lyssa Whiren, ’94, to Dean Towl in July 1999. Lyssa is the manager of the Department of Rehabilitation at the Children’s Hospital of Denver. The couple resides in Englewood, CO. Heidi Wiitala, ’94, to Malcolm MacNaughton in 1998 in Scotland. Heidi is enrolled in a one- year program for the certificate in personnel practice at Southampton Institute. She also works as a personnel clerk with the Southampton City Council. The couple resides in Southampton, England, and can be reached by e-mail at: Ryan Rinke, ’95, to Cindy Markowski on Oct. 8, 1999 in Romeo. Among those in attendance was Russell Rinke, ’96. Ryan is attending the University of Michigan Dental School. Cindy is a certified medical transcriptionist for the University of Michigan hospital. The couple resides in Ann Arbor. Jessica Beyer, ’96, to Adam Wood, ’97, on Sept. 25, 1999 in Brighton. Jessica is employed by Andersen Consulting, and Adam works for Detroit Diesel. Albion alumni in the wedding party included: Sarah Chapman, ’96, Jennifer Febbo Kolean, ’96, Tami McCumons, ’96, Katy Neumann, ’96, Anne Sturm, ’96, and Denis Waclawski, ’97. The couple resides at Whitmore Lake. Mary Ann Morgan, ’96, to Philip Haar on July 10, 1999 in Battle Creek. Albion guests in attendance included Tina Mertes, ’96, Meredith Haar Sheridan, ’96, Steve Sheridan, ’93, Dan Haar, ’99, Andrea Stubbs, ’96, Jessica LeDonne Johnson, ’96, Becky Slavin, ’96, Carole McLaughlin, ’96, and Ben Feeney, ’02. The couple lives in Rochester Hills.




Jacqueline Worosz, ’96, to Steven Paquette in spring 1999. Briton alumni on the guest list were Melanie Audet, ’96, Angela Benander, ’98, and Heather Fraizer, ’96. The couple resides in Southfield.

Amanda Geerts, ’98, to Roman Bloch, ’98, on June 12, 1999 in Spring Lake. Alumni in attendance were Jason Bilaski, ’97, Thomas Dobbins, ’79, Mike Somers, ’97, Joseph Ales, ’98, Katy Mulcrone, ’00, and Albion

professor Royal Ward. Roman is a second-year medical student at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in Rochester, NY. Amanda works as a QA analyst for West Group publishing. The couple resides in Rochester, NY.

Online alumni directory planned The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations is currently updating its records and working toward posting an online alumni directory for Internet users. Please complete the “News for Albionotes” reply blank below, and check off the items that we may include in the online directory. Return this entire form to: Office of Alumni and Parent Relations, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. Albion College may include the following information in the online alumni directory:

■ ■ ■ ■

Name Address Spouse’s Name

■ ■ ■

Office Telephone Home E-mail Office E-mail

Home Telephone

Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________ Or, if you prefer, just e-mail your information, as you wish it to appear in the online directory, to:, and include a statement that you grant permission for this information to be included in the directory.

News for Albionotes Please use the space below to send your news about promotions, honors, appointments, marriages, births, travels and hobbies. When reporting information on deaths, please provide date, location, and Albion-connected survivors and their class years. Use of this form will help guarantee inclusion of your news in an upcoming issue of Io Triumphe. We try to process all class note information promptly, but please note that the Albionotes deadline falls several weeks prior to publication. If your information arrives after the deadline for a given issue, it will be held and included in the succeeding issue.

Baby Britons Hadley Louise to Nancy and David Camp, ’75. She joins big brother Andrew, 4, and big sister Lauren, 2. David is a U.S. Congressman. The family resides in Midland. Brendan James on Feb. 28, 1999 to Chris, ’76, and Diane Burton Robb, ’75. He joins big sister Lindsey, 19, and brother Alex, 12. Diane is a freelanceand grant-writer, and Chris works for Parke Davis in Holland. The family resides in Holland. Mitchell William on Jan. 1, 2000 to Kevin and Nancy Pulte Rickard, ’79. Mitchell joins his sister, Bridget, 3, and brother, Hudson, 1. The family resides in Boca Raton, FL. Logan Garrett and Justin Austin on Jan. 13, 1999 to Juliana and Larry Bowen, ’81. They join brothers Alexander, 7, and Connor, 3. Larry is the director of the treasury for OhioHealth, and Juliana is a stay-at-home mom. The family resides in Dublin, OH. John Patrick on Oct. 22, 1999 to Grant and Mary Foster Stewart, ’81. J.P. joins big sister Claire. Mary is a stay-athome mom, and Grant is president of Stewart Filmscreen Corp. They reside in Cincinnati, OH, and Newport Beach, CA. Charles Paul on Sept. 9, 1999 to Charles and Bonita Wheeler-Wells, ’81. He joins sisters Elizabeth, 5, and Victoria, 3. Bonita teaches for Detroit Public Schools. The family resides in Southfield.

Name __________________________________________________________ Class year _____________________ (Please print name)

Spouse’s name ____________________________________________ Spouse’s class year _____________________ Home address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________________ State ___________ ZIP ______________ Home telephone _______________________________ Home e-mail address _______________________________ Business address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________ State ___________ ZIP _____________ Business telephone ____________________________ Business e-mail address _____________________________ (Or simply attach a copy of your business card.) Check here if this is a new address. Also, if you have a winter address that is different from your permanent address, indicate it in the space below along with the months when you reside at that address.

News notes

Isabel Julieann on Aug. 11, 1999 to Peter and Susan Spruit Krupp, both ’83. She joins brothers Charlie, 9, Dillon, 7, and Kate, 2. Peter is still at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom, and Sue is a stay-at-home mom. The family lives in Indian Head Park, IL. Brooke Mida on Jan. 27, 1999 to Anne and Galen Kersten, ’84. She joins sister Ashley Nicole, 3. The family resides in Waterford. Elizabeth on Dec. 8, 1999 to Lisa and Jim Naatz, ’84. She joins big sister Sarah, 3. Lisa completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Jim continues his career with GE Capital as program manager for a private label finance program with Lucent Technologies. Jim completed a major kitchen renovation project in their historic Geneva, IL, home that was featured in Home Depot’s 1999 Kitchens & Baths magazine. Joseph E. on Sept. 16, 1999 to Jerry and Susan Wallace Schmitt, ’85. Susan works for Kellogg Co. in Battle Creek. The family resides in Marshall. Jared Robert on June 22, 1999 to Kathy and Christopher Hill, ’86. The family lives in Traverse City and can be reached by e-mail at

Send to: Editor, Io Triumphe, Office of Communications, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224; or via e-mail to: Be sure to include your full name, class year, address (geographic and e-mail) and telephone number in your e-mail message.

Amelia Jean on Sept. 21, 1999 to Eric and Julia Saylor Plumhoff, ’86. She joins big sisters Katherine, 6, and Marta, 2. Proud aunt is Melinda North Saylor, ’87. The family resides in Berkley. Grace Margaret on Oct. 7, 1999 to Bruce and Karen Oswald Bethards, both ’87. Grace was welcomed home by twin brothers Jake and Ben, 2. Proud uncle is David Bethards, ’81. The family resides in Naperville, IL. Megan Nicole on Sept. 24, 1999 to Bill and Laura Weaver McFadden ,’87. She joins brother Ryan William, 5. Laura is an asset management supervisor at Starr Commonwealth in Albion. The family resides in Marshall. Heather Marie on Oct. 26, 1999 to Randy and Lisa Carion Zimmerman, ’87. Lisa was appointed dean of students at Detroit County Day Middle School in Beverly Hills. She continues to teach seventh grade world history and is chairperson for the History Department. The family resides in Auburn Hills. Katherine Renate on Sept. 25, 1999 to Kurt, ’88, and Kristen Carnes Kobiljak, ’91. Kurt practices law in Taylor. The family lives in Grosse Ile. Daniel Jeffrey to Douglas and Pamela Simpson Atchinson, ’89. The Atchinsons reside in Santa Ynez, CA. Rose Elizabeth on July 28, 1999 to Neil and Belinda Nelson Eerdmans, ’89. The family resides in Champlin, MN. Mathieu Stirling on June 16, 1999 to Stephane and Cindy Golden Girard, ’89. He joins big sister Gabrielle, 3. The family resides in Cleveland Heights, OH. Stephanie Lynne on Oct. 22, 1999 to Tim and Jennifer Schomer Reemtsma, ’90. Stephanie joins brother Billy, 3. Proud relatives include grandfather Bill Schomer, ’66, and uncle Steve Schomer, ’88. Stephanie and her family live in Chicago where Jennifer works for the University of Illinois at Chicago. Donald Ryan on Dec. 6, 1999 to Raubyn and Reed Barich, ’91. Ryan joins brother Louis Reed. Reed is a sales consultant for The family lives in Indianapolis, IN. Kathryn Elizabeth on Dec. 24, 1999 to Doug and Sarah Tanner Barrow, ’91. Katy Beth joins big brother Dylan, 2. The family resides in Fort Wayne, IN, and would love to hear from friends. They can be reached by e-mail at: Callahan Olivia on Sept. 30, 1999 to Erin and Henry Phillips, ’91. She joins big brother Lincoln Henry, 4, and sister Kendall Reed, 2. Henry is a senior manager with Deloitte & Touche in Richmond, VA. The family resides in Glen Allen, VA. Jonah Michael on Oct. 29, 1999 to Mark and Rebecca Russell Thompson, both ’91. He joins big brother Noah James, 2. The family resides in O’Fallon, IL.





Andrew Hutch on Aug. 10, 1999 to Jeff and Kristin Korth Gandy, both ’92. He joins big sister Olivia, 2. The family lives in Midland. Alexander Jordan on Sept. 14, 1999 to Brian and Elizabeth Coke Haller, ’92. They have moved to 4115 Turnbridge Dr., Holt, 48909, and would love to hear from friends. James Pierce on April 11, 1999 to Neal and Amanda Osborne Hegarty, ’92. The family resides in Okemos. Rhiannon Anita on Oct. 6, 1999 to Tarick and Megan Bryan Loutfi, ’92. Megan is the assistant director of human resources for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and Tarick is an attorney. Albion alumni relatives include greataunt Alice Wiley Moore, ’73, and greatuncle David Moore, ’68. The Loutfis reside at 3420 North Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60657. David James on Aug. 4, 1999 to Karen and Jamie Newton, ’92. The family resides in Whitefish Bay, WI. Gianna Angeline on Aug. 17, 1999 to Vincent and Amy Goodwin Parlove, ’92. The family lives in Lakeland. Gwyneth Elizabeth on Nov. 21, 1999 to Phil and Susan Mitchell Robins, ’92. Phil works for Dell Computer Corp., and Susie has taken time off from teaching middle school language arts to raise Gwyneth. The family resides in Austin, TX. Friends are encouraged to contact the family via e-mail at Grace Rebekah on Nov. 16, 1999 to Ryan and Claire Skoski Roudebush, ’92. She joins big sister Olivia, 3. The family resides at 6120 Pillory Place, Indianapolis, IN 46254, and welcome emails at Joseph Parker on Nov. 21, 1999 to Keith, ’93, and Christianna Morgan Harvey, ’95. The family resides in Dayton, OH. Katherine Danielle on Dec. 31, 1999 to Greg, ’92, and Deanna Ellis Westfall, ’93. The family resides at 2075 Lafayette NE, Grand Rapids 49505, or they can be reached by e-mail at: Brittany Tayol Ann on July 8, 1999 to Gerry and Teri Frazer Bush, ’94. She joins big brother Matthew, 3. Teri is teaching at Bath High School, and Gerry works for Prudential Preview Properties as a real estate agent. The family lives in Swartz Creek. Meghan Marie on Nov. 15, 1999 to Richard and Gretchen Harmor Dula, both ’94. Gretchen is a children’s librarian for the Jackson District Library, and Richard works for the LansingMason Area Ambulance Service. The family resides in Jackson. Andrew James on Nov. 20, 1999 to Brian and Wendy Winn Gorman, ’94. The family resides in Virginia and would love to hear from friends. They can be reached by e-mail at

Grace Elizabeth on Oct. 1, 1999 to Edward and Sherri Nemacheck Biocic, both ’95. She joins Joshua, 2. The Biocics are in their second year of business with Riverside Car Wash and reside in Saukville, WI. Abigail Lynn on Dec. 21, 1999 to Andrew and Sandra Schultz Ferguson, ’95. She joins big brother Joshua, 2. Andrew works for Johnson Controls in Holland, and Sandra works out of her home for Archive Impact in Detroit. The family resides in Zeeland. Lauren Macy on June 11, 1999 to Michelle and Josh Lippert, ’96. Josh and his family moved from Alma to Naples, FL, but he continues to work for Lippert Components. The family resides at 6592 Glen Arbor Way, Naples, FL 34119 and can be reached by e-mail at

Obituaries Helen Dean Ewbank, ’26, on Oct. 24, 1999 in Albion. Helen’s parents, George and Belle Clark Dean, were alumni and long-time benefactors of Albion College, providing it with Bellemont Manor, Dean Hall and other facilities. Helen was a member of the First United Methodist Church, the Albion Historical Society, Review Club, Delta Gamma sorority, and a lifetime honorary member of the E.L.T. Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Ewbank, ’25, in 1980 and is survived by her daughter, Jane Ewbank Swanson, ’50. Wesley Bradburn, ’27, on Dec. 19, 1999 in Ludington. After graduating from Albion, he earned a master of arts degree in religious education from Northwestern University and married Adelaide Jones. The couple had lived in Kenilworth, IL, and Laguna Hills, CA. Wesley served as director of music and religious education for several churches and assisted with music at the Winnetka (IL) Congregational Church for 30 years. He taught at New Trier High School in Winnetka and in the Chicago public schools, and served as an officer of the National Association of Teachers of Singing in northern Illinois and as president of the Chicago Singing Teachers Guild. Mildred Price Rudig, ’28, on Dec. 7, 1999 in Farmington. Mildred was employed as a laboratory technologist with the city of Chicago for 25 years prior to retiring in 1970. She was a member of the Morgan Park Chapter of the Eastern Star. Mildred is survived by two children, five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a sister. Gladys Bauer Whitehouse, ’28, on Jan. 9, 2000 in Chelsea. Gladys grew up in Albion, working at her father’s meat market. After graduating from Albion, she married Norman Whitehouse, ’29, brother of former Albion College President William Whitehouse. Gladys had served as a staff member for churches in Detroit and Evanston, IL. The couple lived in Oklahoma City until Norman retired from the ministry, and they moved to Chelsea.

Hellen Rockwell Ballard, ’29, on May 1, 1999 in Rock Hill, SC. She is survived by two sons. Hannah Abramsen Larsen, ’30, on Jan. 1, 2000 in Paoli, PA. Hannah was born in Youngstown, OH, and had lived in the West Chester, PA, area since 1983. She was a member of the Sons of Norway. Hannah is survived by a son and two grandchildren. Mary Douglas Whiting, ’30, on Oct. 12, 1999 in West Palm Beach, FL. Mary Reid Paxton, ’34, on Oct. 4, 1999 in Charlevoix. After Albion, she received a library science degree from Quincy College. She later taught at Constantine, MI, and moved to Pittsburgh for several years before returning to Petoskey. She taught at Petoskey High School and St. Francis School, retiring from Inland Lakes School as the librarian. Mary Margaret was a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, AAUW and the Order of Eastern Star. She is survived by three children and two grandchildren. Alma Carmichael Reith, ’34, on Jan. 9, 2000 in Sterling Heights. Rhea Davis Smock, ’36, on Sept. 11, 1999. After graduating from Albion, she attended Wayne State University and completed a master’s degree at Eastern Michigan University. Surviving are her three children, Frances Smock Woodroofe, ’64, Bert Smock, ’65, and George Smock, ’68. Ralph Steffe, ’36, on Jan. 3, 2000 in Grayling. After graduating from Albion, Ralph received his M.D. from the University of Michigan. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology after serving in the U.S. Navy for three years during World War II. During his career, Ralph operated a private practice in Flint, served as an emergency room physician in Grayling, and served in several other medical roles in Crawford County. He retired in 1997. He was a member of numerous civic and professional organizations and was honored with the Michigan State Medical Society’s Community Service Award. Ralph is survived by three children. Wilbur Walton, ’38, on Dec. 23, 1999 in Tacoma, WA. After Albion, Wilbur joined the Army Air Corps and trained to be a fighter pilot. He was a multidecorated World War II ace pilot, and was medically retired as a major from the Air Force in 1955. In 1960, he moved to Tacoma, WA, and worked for many years as an auditor for the General Services Administration and the Employment Security Department in Olympia. Wilbur is survived by his wife, Betty Jean, four children, 11 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

E. Marguerite Martin, ’39, on Oct. 26, 1999 in Howey-in-the-Hills, FL. Marguerite was employed for much of her life as a bookkeeper and office manager for various family businesses. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and the Daughters of the American Revolution. Marguerite is survived by three children, including Martin Ludington, ’64, professor of physics at Albion College; six grandchildren, including Elizabeth Ludington Holden, ’92; and four greatgrandchildren. Georgia Atha Ward Callahan, ’40, on Jan. 6, 2000 in Cincinnati, OH. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Paul Ward, and is survived by her husband, Thomas Callahan, and her three children. Howard Neilson, ’40, on Nov. 15, 1999. After Albion, Howard pursued a career in automotive- related businesses, serving as vice president of Neilson Chemical Co. and later working for Amchem Products and Diamond Shamrock. He was active in the Pleasant Ridge community and with a variety of golf clubs and associations, as well as being a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Howard is survived by his wife, Ruth Appel Neilsen, ’41; three sons including Howard “Skip” Neilson, ’63, and David Neilson, ’66; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Birmingham. James Jacobs, ’41, on Oct. 22, 1999 in Hollywood, FL. James worked for the Marquette County (MI) Road Commission for many years. He is survived by his wife, Lenore, and a brother. Kathryn “Kit” Kitsman Saxton, ’42, on Sept. 22, 1999 in Lansing. Kit had served in the women’s branch of the Coast Guard and had left the SPARS as an ensign. She was a member of Delta Gamma sorority. She is survived by her husband, Robert Saxton, ’41, a son, Robert, and a daughter, Kathryn Saxton Frederick, ’69. Marian Castle Strickler, ’42, on Nov. 4, 1999 in Clemson, SC. Marian was a member of Delta Gamma sorority. She is survived by her husband, Marshall Strickler, ’40, three sons, four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Edward Spence, ’43, on Dec. 17, 1999 in Lansing. Edward earned a law degree from the University of Michigan. He served in the Merchant Marine Corps during World War II. Edward practiced law in the Lansing area for over 50 years. He was an active leader of the Central United Methodist Church and in the community with such organizations as the Boy Scouts and United Way. Edward is survived by three children including Barbara Spence Al-Shawaf, ’72, and a granddaughter.

Richard Burson, ’44, and his wife, Lenor, were among the 217 victims who died in the EgyptAir Flight 990 crash over the Atlantic Ocean on Oct. 31, 1999. Richard had retired from Michigan Bell as an engineer. The couple had been married for 57 years and lived for four decades in Wyandotte before retiring to Venice, FL. They were flying to Egypt as part of an Elder Hostel group of about 60 tourists. The Bursons are survived by their four children and seven grandchildren. Beryl Voelker Gray, ’45, on Oct. 31, 1999 and is survived by one son. Laura Crockett McCamman, ’48, on Dec. 6, 1999 in Ann Arbor. Laura pursued a career in nursing, receiving a nursing degree from Schoolcraft College in 1981 and eventually as a certified biofeedback practitioner until her retirement in 1993. Laura is survived by her husband, Ernest, and her three children. Joseph Wagar, ’48, on Jan. 17, 2000 in Loveland, CO. After graduating from Albion, Joseph served in the Army during World War II, attaining the rank of master sergeant. He later worked as a reporter for the Flint Journal, retiring in 1983 after 34 years. After his retirement, Joseph and his wife moved to Loveland. He was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. Joseph is survived by his wife, Berta Anderson Wagar, ’48, two sons, two daughters, and two grandchildren. Keith Ednie, ’49, on Sept. 12, 1999. Keith worked for many years for Fisher Body, retiring in 1986 as chief financial officer. A Royal Oak resident, Keith was a long-time member of the First United Methodist Church of Royal Oak and was active with Junior Achievement. He was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Keith is survived by his wife, Shirley Pearce Ednie, ’49, three daughters, six grandchildren and his brother, William Ednie, ’44. Kenneth Grodavent, ’52, on Dec. 12, 1999 in Stockton, CA. Bill Keller, ’69, on Dec. 23, 1999 in Portage. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Relph Keller, ’70. Robert “Bruce” Thompson, ’73, on Nov. 12, 1999 in Berkeley, CA. After graduating from Albion, he entered the lighting industry, working in retail, theatrical lighting design, and as a manufacturer’s representative in Detroit and San Francisco. At the time of his death, he was vice president of sales and marketing with Shaper Lighting. Bruce is survived by his mother, and his partner and companion of 10 years, Patricia Glasow.










Jean Taylor and Larry Taylor, professor emeritus of geological sciences



J H Lesley Jurasek, daughter of Cheryl and Mike Jurasek, ’81, and Jonathan Starkey, son of Neil, ’73, and Marcia Hepler Starkey, ’74.

M K L N Jim Whitehouse, ’69, and Donna Grindle Williams, ’59







Distinctive gifts from the Albion College Bookstore


ORDER FORM — GIFTS FROM ALBION COLLEGE A 00-101. Swivel cube clock. 3.5" cube on 4.5" base. Cherry wood with high gloss finish. Other cube surfaces include thermometer, hygrometer (measures humidity) and Albion College seal. Battery operated. ........................... $150.00 B 00-102. Arch quartz clock. 3.5" tall, 3" wide. Black background trimmed in brass, clock face decorated with Albion College seal. Battery operated. .................. $103.00 C 00-103. Brass paperweight clock. 1.5" wide by 1.5" tall. Clock face decorated with Albion College seal. Battery operated. ............................. $97.00 D 00-104. Brass medallion timepiece. 3.75" base; 2.5" tall. Clock face decorated with Albion College seal. Battery operated. ........................... $100.00 E 00-105. Adult sweatshirt by MV Sport. Gray sweatshirt with purple lettering. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. ............................................... $29.99 F 00-106. Adult hooded jacket by MV Sport. Reversible jacket with purple nylon fabric and white lettering on one side and gray cotton fabric and purple lettering on the other. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL. .................................................. $49.99 G 00-107. Adult T-shirt by Champion. Gray shirt with navy lettering. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL. ....................... $14.99 H 00-108. Adult athletic shorts by MV Sport. Nylon mesh in soft gold, bright gold, white or purple. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL .............................. $17.99 I 00-109. Adult hooded sweatshirt by Champion. Gray sweatshirt with purple lettering. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL. .................................................. $54.98

J 00-110. Adult sweatshirt by Gear. Light yellow sweatshirt with purple embroidered lettering (“AC Alumni”). Available in sizes S, M, XL. ............................... $47.98 K 00-111. Adult sweatshirt by Gear. Purple sweatshirt with white lettering. Available in sizes M, L, XL. .......... $39.98 L 00-112. 16" chain and Albion College seal pendant. Gold-plated. Sold individually. ........................... $21.00 each M 00-113. Money clip with Albion College seal. Gold-plated. .............. $21.00 N 00-114. Two-part detachable key chain with Albion College seal. Gold-plated. .................................... $24.00

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O 00-115. Child’s T-shirt by Third Street Sportswear. Purple shirt with yellow lettering. Available in sizes 2T, 4T, S (6-8), M (10-12), L (14-16). ........ $12.98

Quantity Item No.

Description (including color)


Unit Price

P 00-116. Adult cap by University Square. White twill with purple and gold embroidered lettering. Adjustable. ............. $14.98 Q 00-117. Adult cap by University Square. Purple twill with gold embroidered “A.” Adjustable. ................... $16.98 R 00-118. Adult cap by Gear. Yellow twill with purple embroidered lettering. Adjustable. ...................................... $14.98 S 00-119. Adult Cap by University Square. White twill with purple and gold embroidered lettering. Adjustable. . $14.98 T 00-120. Child’s hooded, full-zip sweatshirt by Champion. Heather gray with purple lettering. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL. ........................................ $19.98

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In keeping with the theme of Albion College’s new Vision, Liberal Arts at Work, we are offering a series of profiles of Albion alumni who exemplify “liberal arts at work” in their careers and in their personal lives. These profiles will appear in

Community service just comes naturally to Jack Curtis, ’51. For more than 50 years, the Battle Creek resident has been active in the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and many other groups. But the project closest to his heart has been the Food Bank of South Central Michigan, which he helped found in 1982. The food bank distributed over 5.6million pounds of food to the hungry in 1999, and boasts first-rate facilities due to capital campaigns Curtis led that raised over $1.1-million. For his work with the Food Bank, Curtis received the Battle Creek area’s highest volunteer honor, the George Award, in 1998. A retired Kellogg Co.

executive, he also has served two terms on Albion’s Alumni Association Board of Directors. “Along with my family, Albion College cultivated in me an ethic of service that has stayed with me to this day,” Curtis says. “I truly believe that volunteerism is still one of the best ways we have to bring about change in our society.”

each issue of Io Triumphe.

Jack Curtis, a great example of

➤ LIBERAL ARTS AT WORK Spring alumni events calendar Unless otherwise noted, please contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations, 517/629-0448, or visit for further information on these and other upcoming events. Detroit Annual Conference— United Methodist Church Sunday, May 21, 2000, 6:45 a.m. Adrian College, Adrian, MI Breakfast meeting of alumni, parents and friends attending the conference. West Michigan Annual Conference— United Methodist Church Friday, June 2, 2000, Noon Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI Luncheon meeting of alumni, parents and friends attending the conference. Chicago River Tour Wednesday, June 7, 2000, 7-8:30 p.m. Depart from River East Plaza, Chicago, IL Riverfront and Lake Michigan charter cruise, followed by a gathering at a nearby restaurant. Invitations will be mailed shortly. Albion vs. Alma Alumni Golf Challenge Friday, June 16, 2000 Birmingham, MI For more information, contact Wynn Miller, ’69, at 248/642-4724.

April-May campus events schedule All of the following events are open to the public. For more detailed information on upcoming events at Albion, including a spring sports schedule, visit:

Elkin R. Isaac Student Research Symposium Monday-Tuesday, April 17-18 April 17 7:30 p.m., Bobbitt Visual Arts Center Elkin R. Isaac Lecture: James Misner, ’66 Professor of Kinesiology, University of Illinois in Champaign April 18 8:30-10:15 a.m.; 1:15-5 p.m. Student Research Presentations Check isaac.htm for details. 7 p.m., Goodrich Chapel Symposium Keynote Address: Stephen Jay Gould Evolutionary Biologist, Harvard University Call the Albion College Communications Office for Gould lecture tickets, 517/629-0445.

Honors Convocation Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 10:40 a.m., Goodrich Chapel Honorary Degree Presentation to Ruth Holland Scott, ’56 Student Honors and Awards

Fine Arts Performances Wednesday-Saturday, April 12-16, 8 p.m., Herrick Center Theatre Production: Les Liaisons Dangereuses Call the Theatre Department for tickets, 517/629-0344. Friday, April 14, 8 p.m., Goodrich Chapel Symphony Band Concert Sunday, April 16, 4 p.m., Goodrich Chapel Orchestra Concerto Concert Tuesday, April 18, 9:15 p.m., Kellogg Center Jazz Band Concert Wednesday-Thursday, April 19-20, 8 p.m., Herrick Center Student Dance Performance

Commencement Saturday, May 6, 2000, 11 a.m., Campus Quadrangle Speaker: Philip Lader, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain Honorary Degree Presentation to Michael David, ’64 (Dow Recreation and Wellness Center, if inclement weather)


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