WINTER 2002-03
Published for alumni, parents and friends of Albion College I
The next frontier in science
Robert Bartlett, ’60: Engineering a medical miracle ...................... 7
Capital idea: Students ‘test drive’ careers in Washington internships ... 9
[soccer photo on CD]
Women’s soccer reigns supreme . . . again ................... 11
The mind-brain conundrum “The famous saying, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ has a special meaning now for those of us who study the brain and human behavior,” notes physician and neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran in his book, Phan-
toms in the Brain. “On the one hand, despite two hundred years of research, the most basic questions about the human mind—How do we recognize faces? Why do we cry? Why do we laugh? Why do we dream? and Why do we enjoy music and art?—remain unanswered, as does the really big question: What is consciousness? On the other hand, the advent of novel experimental approaches and imaging techniques is sure to transform our understanding of the human brain. What a unique privilege it will be for our generation—and our children’s—to witness what I believe will be the greatest revolution in the history of the human race: understanding ourselves.” As you will see in this issue’s cover story, faculty and students involved in Albion’s growing neuroscience program are engaged in exploring these and many other questions about the fascinating relationship between the mind and the body. We will introduce you to several of these people and to the contributions they are making to this field.
The next frontier in science In considering the advances in science over the last 100 years, many people would say that the first 50 years belonged to the physicists, who defined matter in increasingly precise terms. The next 50 years would go to the biologists and the geneticists, who [have now completed] the characterization of the entire human genome. The upcoming 50 years, I predict, will belong to the brain scientists, as tremendous advances are made in our understanding of the human brain and mind. (Guy McKhann, Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University)
By Sarah Briggs
Neuroscience students are exposed to the distinctive methods of getting information at each level— molecular/cellular, systems, behavioral and cognitive—and learn to appreciate the strengths and limitations of various techniques and to approach questions from many different perspectives. “Each technique gives us certain information that’s an important piece of the puzzle,” Garvin adds. By approaching neuroscience this way, he says, students can experience the interdisciplinary “cross-talk” during which ideas come together in new ways.
All of which makes a liberal arts college like Albion—with its emphasis on “the making of connecFor the first time researchers are suggesting that it is tions”—an ideal environment for the study of neuroindeed possible to understand—at the cellular level— science, according to Garvin. how we perceive the world, accumulate knowledge, Psychology professor Barbara Keyes believes that connect ideas, make moral judgments. In essence, they the increased attention given to neuroscience during say, we will be able to know how humans form a the 1990s, designated by a Presidential proclamation as conscious self and how they convert knowledge into the “Decade of the Brain,” has in turn led to increased action. These discoveries may very well revolutionize interest in the field among high school students. our concept of what it means to be “human.” “Students come here with a much more sophisticated Such fundamental questions about the relationship knowledge [of neuroscience] than previous generaof the mind and the body lie at the heart of tions,” she says. This in turn has dramatineuroscience, the study of the structure and cally increased the number of students in activity of the nervous system. Our the neuroscience concentration. Enrollincreasing ability to answer these quesment in the introductory courses has more tions—through new insights into cell than doubled in the past three years. function and specialization, advanced “The fact that it’s a newly developing imaging technologies that show brain field is appealing,” says senior Courtney activity in real-time, and other breakHancock. “The kinds of questions that are throughs—has led to exponential growth in being asked within neuroscience are—no this field that has only had formal recognipun intended—mind-blowing. The brain is tion as a discipline for some 40 years or so. so mysterious. How can you possibly In its neuroscience program—which convert chemical signals into coherent was the first at a private college in Michispeech or a complicated thought pattern? I gan when it was started in 1999—Albion was attracted also to the range of material has consistently focused on these “bigthat’s available for study.” A biology picture” questions while still exposing major, she plans to enter an M.D./Ph.D. students to the biological, chemical and program next year and eventually pursue a psychological underpinnings that are career in neuroscience research. essential for advanced study in the field. Though senior Rose-Anne Meissner is The four founding faculty members of the a chemistry major, her first exposure to neuroscience concentration come from neuroscience actually occurred in an three academic departments: Ruth introductory philosophy class with Ned Schmitter from biology, Barbara Keyes Garvin. She has since taken several more and Jeff Wilson from psychology, and Ned philosophy classes that deal with mind/ Garvin from philosophy. Michael Anes, brain questions including a newly develalso from psychology, joined the group oped seminar on Neuroscience and Ethics two years ago. All team-teach two introthat Garvin team-taught this past semester ductory neuroscience courses, and they are with his Philosophy Department colleague, involved in developing and teaching the Bindu Madhok. advanced course work that rounds out the Biologist Ruth Schmitter says the strength of Albion’s neuroscience concentration “What excites me about neuroscience,” lies in its interdisciplinary approach. She co-founded the program in 1999 with concentration. Meissner says, “is that it [tells us] about “On the interdisciplinary nature [of our colleagues in psychology and philosophy and team-teaches the introductory courses what kind of creatures we are. . . . Our with them. concentration], we score quite highly,” entire experience of the world is dependent Schmitter says. “We break things down upon our processing of information. into different parts of neuroscience, but, to really Neuroscience allows us to see how we process Neuroscience has drawn heavily from the natural understand things, you have to put them back together information at all different levels.” sciences and psychology from the beginning, and as again.” Meissner is currently applying to graduate schools mind-body questions came to the fore, philosophers Garvin, who now has a joint appointment in both and intends to earn a Ph.D. in neuroscience. She thinks joined with their scientist colleagues to explore the philosophy and psychology, explains that, as the the diverse background she has gained at Albion will new field of cognitive neuroscience. Today, new links program was being developed, “we agreed that it be an advantage. between neuroscience and other academic fields would present students with an integrated package that “My goal in the future,” she says, “is to be part of continue to emerge. A Nov. 15 article in the Wall led them from the level of the molecule all the way up the process of completing the big picture.” Street Journal reported on the new field of to the philosophical problems.” neuroeconomics, which studies, among other topics, how economic decisions reflect brain activity and the psychological processes behind those decisions. One of this year’s Nobel laureates in economics is contributing to this research, the article notes.
Rose-Anne Meissner spent a summer at the Students in the neuroscience concentration University of Pittsburgh as part of a team studying either complete an internship in a clinical setting or the molecular mechanisms of memory in the brain. conduct research leading to a senior thesis. “Professionally, it was a really good confidenceOpportunities for both types of experiences are builder,” she says. “[I learned] how to ask the right extensive, according to Keyes. Recent interns have questions.” worked in laboratory research and physical Psychology professor Michael Anes regularly medicine and rehabilitation programs at leading involves students in his research on human vision. hospitals including Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit He presented recent work on the perception of and Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor. emotional expressions, co-authored with Holly “By far my best experience in the neuroscience Sprunger, ’02, and Mark Heilala, ’02, at the Vision program was the internship I did at the Michigan Sciences Society meeting in May 2002. Anes Head-Pain and Neurological Institute,” says continues to explore whether the brain’s right Theron Stinar, ’02, who is now a first-year medical hemisphere may be specialized for the processing student at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Rose-Anne Meissner (pictured with neuroscience faculty member Medicine. “MHNI is probably the most elite pain Ned Garvin) plans to pursue a Ph.D. in neurobiology following her of negative emotional expressions such as anger institute in the country. Not only did I learn a lot and fear, as well as more fundamental questions graduation next spring. She spent last summer at the University of such as how we use shape, shading and motion about the neurological and psychological bases of Pittsburgh as part of a research team studying the molecular information to recognize objects. pain, but I had a chance to see how physicians mechanisms of memory in the brain. “Conducting original research introduces from several specialties teamed up with psycholostudents to the current issues and problems in neurogists, physical therapists and other health professionals radiology and oncology. Along with my course work to help the patients.” science in a depth that isn’t possible in our regular in neuroscience at Albion, this experience motivated course work,” he notes. “In particular, doing research Ben Geer, ’01, now a second-year medical student me to change the way I perceive my education and at Wayne State University, says the practical preparashows students just how much we still have to learn helped shape my career direction. And it was a definite tion he gained through the neuroscience program has about the brain and how it works, and suggests the vast advantage to come into medical school having already been invaluable. opportunities for new discoveries that await them, done hospital-based research.” “For two summers I worked at Henry Ford Hospital should they choose to go on to graduate school and a Neuroscience students have pursued independent in and around the neurosurgical research department. career in this field.” research with their faculty mentors at Albion as well as There I was exposed to all manner of fields that had a in off-campus settings. role in medical neuroscience, particularly diagnostic (continued on p. 6)
Research capsule—Ned Garvin D. TRUMPIE PHOTO
Welcome to Ned Garvin’s world. He’s a neurophilosopher who happily leads sheep brain dissections for his neuroscience students . . . and who eagerly explores what constitutes “the mind” with his philosophy students. “None of my graduate training prepared me to take this kind of a turn,” he says with a smile. So how did a classically educated philosopher who wrote his doctoral dissertation on Bertrand Russell, arguably the most famous logician of the 20th century, end up pursuing research interests in neuroscience? A quotation that Garvin keeps posted on his office door by British cognitive neuroscientist Semir Zeki helps explain: “. . . Ultimately the problems that cortical neurobiologists will be concerned with are the very ones that have preoccupied the philosophers through the ages—problems of knowledge, experience, consciousness and the mind—all of them a consequence of the activities of the brain and ultimately only understandable when the brain itself is properly understood.” Garvin’s entry into neuroscience was partly the result of being in the right place at the right time. Just as he was finishing his graduate studies in the early 1970s, interests in such wide-ranging fields as physics, computer science, neurobiology, psychology and philosophy were all beginning to converge into what has now come to be known as cognitive neuroscience. Garvin was fascinated by discoveries in neuroscience that could inform his own studies of how humans conceive, store and use knowledge—and of that complex interaction humans have with their environment that we call consciousness. He now devotes much of his teaching and scholarship to these topics. “The working hypothesis,” he explains, “is ‘the mind is the brain.’” New imaging techniques made it possible for the first time to test that idea by recording
Over the past five years, neurophilosopher Ned Garvin has developed a new series of courses devoted to exploring such questions as: How does the brain create a representation of the world? What neural processes allow us to develop a set of values or make ethical judgments? And how does this understanding of the brain affect what we define as the “self”? A cofounder of Albion’s neuroscience concentration, he now holds a joint faculty appointment in philosophy and psychology.
the brain in action. “You couldn’t exactly look at ‘thoughts,’” he continues, “but you could see which groups of neurons were doing the work.” Currently Garvin is exploring, with his neuroscience students and in his research, a whole range of questions that most of us would find quite unsettling. How does the brain create a representation of the world? What neural processes allow us to develop a set of values or make ethical judgments? And how does this understanding of the brain affect what we define as the “self”? “The brain creates what you see and hear and touch,” he observes. “Our brain constructs what we
experience. . . . Even scarier for students is the notion that the brain also constructs ‘us.’ There has been a good deal of speculation and some experimental evidence . . . that the idea that we consciously make decisions might be an illusion—that these decisions are actually computed by the brain before they reach consciousness.” These notions may very well upend our thinking about free will and moral responsibility. Wrestling with such questions may be difficult, but it leads to intellectual growth and a “more open and complex view of the world,” Garvin contends. “It’s exciting and wonderful to see that happening.” His role as a philosopher in Albion’s neuroscience program, he says, is to provide perspective—to size up how various pieces of information come together and to help make sense of it all. “We’re trying to understand the mind well. . . . You certainly can’t understand anything without the empirical side of it. To paraphrase Kant, the concepts are going to be empty without the experimentation [to back them up]. But the experimentation can be blind unless we integrate these levels of understanding and teach each other what’s important from level to level.” —Sarah Briggs
For the past three years, Jeff Wilson, Barbara Keyes, Ned Garvin and more than a dozen students have attended the national meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SFN), which this year attracted over 26,000 neuroscientists from around the world. In 2001 and again this year, several of the students presented digests of their research, which was conducted in Wilson’s lab under his direction. “Our students were routinely assumed to be graduate students,” Wilson says. “Their knowledge, maturity and worldliness allowed them to fit right in with the scientists at the meeting. . . . It’s clear that our
encouragement and enabling of student involvement in the ‘real world’ of neuroscience are exemplary.” He continues, “Albion is very generous in its support for the sorts of things students really need to do if they want to go on in this field. . . . I’ve been so pleased that we’ve been able to take students to the Society for Neuroscience meetings. What it does is open their eyes . . . and gives them a taste of what the field is like that they can’t get here on our campus.” Attending the SFN meeting as an undergraduate student, Courtney Hancock says, is “invigorating . . . overwhelming . . . humbling.”
“It’s wonderful to have this sense of community [with other neuroscientists]. There’s this sense of insatiable curiosity throughout the entire week . . . people wanting to know more.” The research that is just beginning on so many different fronts will ultimately give us the knowledge and tools to prevent or combat a broad array of neurological and psychological disorders. As the faculty in Albion’s neuroscience program so keenly recognize, preparing today’s students to play a role in these future discoveries is both important and imperative.
Research capsule: Jeff Wilson D. TRUMPIE PHOTO
Jeff Wilson’s research lab on the top “Working in Dr. Wilson’s lab floor of Olin Hall is a busy place. On provided me with some of the most any given day, you might find him valuable experiences of my college advising a student on how to set up career,” Ogg says. “He is an excellent protocols for her thesis research or mentor. His guidance exemplifies what adjusting a newly installed maze that he the FURSCA program should be about. and his student team will use in their He asks a lot out of you, but gives you a next round of animal trials or mapping lot in return. If I hadn’t joined up with out with his student co-authors a him for that first research experience, presentation for an upcoming profesmy college career would have been much sional conference. different, and I feel that I would not have Trained as an experimental psychologotten as much out of it as I did.” gist, Wilson now focuses his research on Psychology major Wynne Dawley, behavioral neuroscience, and, specifiwho is also working on an Honors cally, the brain structures and functions Institute thesis, says her research with that guide learned behaviors and Wilson has helped confirm her plan to decision-making. These studies have pursue a career in neuroscience. “This is resulted in numerous articles in such what I want to do with my life. . . . It has prestigious professional journals as the given me a direction.” Brain Research Bulletin, Animal Wilson’s research results regularly Learning & Behavior, and the American find their way into his teaching of such Journal of Physiology and in presentacourses as physiological psychology and tions at national meetings of the Society neuropsychopharmacology, offering Since joining Albion’s psychology faculty in 1999, Jeff Wilson has led student for Neuroscience (every year since insights into the latest developments in researchers in examining the brain mechanisms that govern emotion and memory 1982), the Pavlovian Society and other these fields and into the questions that processes. Seniors Courtney Hancock (center) and Wynne Dawley are both organizations. still must be answered. “The professors completing honors theses on the memory-enhancing effects of certain drug What sets Wilson apart from many who are active in doing research,” he compounds, based on their work in Wilson’s lab. other researchers, however, is that the says, “bring that excitement to the vast majority of this work has included classroom.” his students as co-investigators. Well-trained underBecause of his strong commitment to undergraduate discoverer of the brain’s opiate system and an expert graduates can make valuable contributions, he insists. education and research, 11 years ago Wilson and a on neuro-degenerative disorders. Under Pert’s direc“By sharing in the research process, my students dozen other colleagues founded the Faculty for tion, Hancock is now testing the neurological effects of and I both benefit. The students gain an appreciation Undergraduate Neuroscience. Now comprised of more the drug peptide-T in rats. The project, which will form for both the excitement of finding something new and than 300 faculty from small colleges in the U.S. and the basis for Hancock’s Honors Institute thesis, may the problems inherent in the research process—what Canada, the organization aims to encourage student reveal whether this drug could eventually be used in we know about the brain and behavior doesn’t come interest in neuroscience and to introduce students to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. easily. I gain an additional pair of hands, and addineuroscience-related issues that may impact scientific Her undergraduate research experiences have tional insight into the question being addressed. research, medical practice and public policy. Wilson prepared her well for the rigors of graduate school, Furthermore, ensuring that my students understand the has served as the group’s secretary and president and Hancock believes. issues forces me to understand them better myself.” developed its Web site which has become a primary “I feel very confident that I will be able to walk into Since joining Albion’s psychology faculty in 1999, resource on course development and laboratory design my graduate studies lab and take on a project and run Wilson has led student researchers in examining the in undergraduate neuroscience. with it.” brain mechanisms that govern emotion and memory “Neuroscience,” he observes, “crosses many Julia Ogg,’02, a biopsychology major, first worked processes. Once the students have identified a specific traditional boundaries, integrating philosophy, psywith Wilson as a summer fellow through Albion’s direction they wish to take, Wilson generally gives chology, biology and other natural sciences. It’s easy Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, them free rein to design their projects. for a student at a liberal arts college to find a comfortand Creative Activity (FURSCA). She eventually “Dr. Wilson is really good at fostering autonomy in able home within the field, and for an undergraduate to completed an Honors Institute thesis studying the his students,” says biology major Courtney Hancock, appreciate the intricacies of many of the most interesteffects of Gingko biloba on memory under his direcwho has worked with Wilson for the past two years. ing questions. Because neuroscience encourages a tion. This research led to an article, co-authored with “He’s challenged me most by taking the hands-off ‘big-picture’ approach and rewards the student who is Wilson, published in 2000 in an international neuroapproach. He makes himself available but he doesn’t not too narrowly focused, it is a perfect interdiscipliscience journal and to a presentation made with him at hover.” nary program for the Albion student.” the fall 2002 Society for Neuroscience national Wilson recently put Hancock in touch with meeting. Georgetown University professor Candace Pert, co—Sarah Briggs
Robert Bartlett, M.D., ’60:
By Jan Corey Arnett, ’75 There’s something more than a little intriguing about a person who has been awarded America’s highest honor in surgery and holds five patents for medical innovations, yet still describes himself as “just an everyday doctor most of the time.” Intriguing may not be the right word. Awe-inspiring might be better. Did I mention that this “everyday doctor” is also a key figure in research projects that have totaled more than $11-million to date, and is considered a gifted teacher by his students? Or that his peers describe him as someone of outstanding intellect and compassion whose work represents “one of the major advances in medicine in the past 25 years”? Just more “everyday” stuff. This man of many talents is Albion’s own Robert Bartlett, M.D., ’60, who in April 2002 was awarded the Medallion for Scientific Achievement by the American Surgical Association (ASA). The medallion represents the highest honor in surgery in America and is especially noteworthy because it has been given only 16 times in the last 120 years. It recognizes a surgeon “whose lifetime career has had a major impact on the science of surgery.” True to form, Bartlett’s response when queried about the award is self-effacing. “I got a letter in the mail from the officers of the ASA saying I had been chosen for the award. I called them up and said, ‘I think there’s been a mistake here. This is reserved for heavy hitters.’” That’s right . . . and he is. In particular, Bartlett was honored for his role over the past 30 years in the development of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a process that uses artificial organs (heart and lung) to sustain life until a patient’s own injured or diseased organ heals or can be replaced. ECMO was perfected at the University of Michigan (U-M) Medical School where Bartlett is a professor of general surgery and thoracic surgery, chief of the Division of Critical Care, and program director for the extracorporeal life support program. Additionally, in 1982 he began the first use of continuous hemofiltration for the treatment of kidney failure. The life support systems Bartlett has developed are now used in intensive care units around the world. Bartlett’s research on the use of artificial organs in intensive care began in the late 1960s and has been supported since 1972 by the National Institutes of Health. He came into this research well-prepared,
beginning with his liberal arts education at Albion where he majored in chemistry and philosophy. After earning his medical degree from the University of Michigan in 1963, he went on to an internship and residency at the Peter Bent Brigham and Children’s Hospital in Boston. While at Brigham, he spent a year as chief resident in thoracic surgery and then a year as chief resident surgeon. Concurrently, he held a fouryear fellowship as a National Institutes of Health trainee in academic surgery with the Harvard Medical School. “My residency was very broad,” Bartlett says, recalling those early years as a physician when he performed transplant operations. “I didn’t want to give anything up. I wanted to be the potentially-everything doctor.” He earned board certification in surgery, thoracic surgery, and critical care. His interest in ECMO was encouraged by his mentors, Robert Gross and Francis Moore, surgeons at Harvard and both Medallion for Scientific Achievement recipients. “The early heart/lung machine consisted of a pump, an artificial lung and the related tubing,” explains Bartlett. “It could only be used a short time before the equipment would fail, putting patients’ lives at risk. Our research identified the problems with the heart/ lung machine, and extended its use for days. The goal was to replace heart and lung function with artificial organs until the injured organs recovered.” In 1970 Bartlett moved from one coast to the other to join the medical school faculty at the University of California, Irvine. “The Irvine program was brand new, and I did the whole gamut of operations there which was unusual,” he recalls. He also developed its first surgical intensive care unit and a burn unit. Over the next decade, Bartlett and his colleague, Alan Gazzaniga, refined the ECMO technique and started clinical trials. In 1975 they reported the first successful ECMO treatment for a newborn infant with respiratory failure, and the technology rapidly spread to other centers. Bartlett and the research project moved to U-M in 1980. As improvements were made, patients remained on the equipment longer and recovered. “We now use ECMO in all types of patients with heart or lung failure,” Bartlett says. “ECMO is typically needed for about two weeks, but has been used successfully for two months.” ECMO saves thousands of lives each year, especially those of children. “About 20,000 infants have been saved using this technology,” he says. Today, every major children’s hospital, nationally and internationally, has an ECMO program.
Bob Bartlett, '60, received America's highest honor in surgery this past April for his role in developing artificial organs (heart, lung, and kidney) to sustain the life of critically ill patients. His life support techniques are now used in hospitals worldwide.
Bartlett may be given the credit for improvements in ECMO that have led to five patents but it isn’t credit he hoards. He readily points to the help he’s received from researchers at U-M and other institutions and to the supportive climate at U-M for laboratory and clinical research. What will be the next great achievement in critical care? “Our current research is focused on the artificial liver,” Bartlett says. “Until recently, the only hope for patients with liver failure has been transplantation.” Bartlett believes the next major innovation will be the successful use of a temporary artificial liver with patients needing liver transplants. He and his team are
working on a device to take over liver function to get a patient through a crisis. They have collaborated with experts in Germany, looking to make a bridge between liver failure and transplantation. The new system is called albumin dialysis and uses special filters and proteins to remove toxins from the blood while allowing the necessary elements to remain. At U-M, 20 critically ill patients were treated with the device. Five recovered, three after receiving a liver transplant and two without a transplant. A multicenter trial comparing this system with standard medical treatment in chronic liver failure will begin in early 2003. ECMO technology is being shared around the world. The team at U-M offers courses for health care professionals on its use, patients come from all over the U.S. and Canada to be treated at U-M, and experts from U-M travel to other countries to assist in the creation of ECMO-aided medical treatment. Bartlett was a founder of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization which, according to Lazar Greenfield, interim vice president for medical affairs at U-M and interim CEO with the U-M Health System, “provides the database repository for tracking the results of his techniques throughout the world.” Adds Greenfield, “Through his publications, teaching and mentorship, Bob has improved the care of critically ill patients worldwide.” Since 1971 Bartlett has served as the principal investigator on research grants totaling over $11million. While primarily focused on extracorporeal life support, they have also dealt with burn management, nutrition in trauma patients, adult respiratory distress and severe sepsis (infection). His extensive list of awards and invited lectureships around the globe began in the 1970s. One of the most curious of these is the U-M’s Galens Medical Society Silver Shovel Award for Outstanding Clinical Teacher. What does a silver shovel have to do with teaching?
Quips Bartlett, “That award is the most important on my list. It is given by the society to the teacher who is considered the best that year. . . . It has to do with what I shoveled into their minds!” The award is given only partly in jest. Bartlett’s colleague and friend of 40-some years, Arnold Coran, chair of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at U-M, calls him “one of the most popular teachers in this institution.” Says Coran, “Bob is a superb individual. His design of ECMO is one of the major advances in medicine in the past 25 years that affects adults and children. He is a man of outstanding intellect and is a human being of great compassion for patients and students alike.” To direct further advances in ECMO and similar technologies, Bartlett is also the head of a bioengineering/critical care research and development company in Ann Arbor known as Michigan Critical Care Consultants, which he formed in 1990 with doctoral engineering students from U-M. A blood pump designed by the company is now in widespread use. Even as a high school student, Bartlett knew he wanted to be a surgeon (like his father), although he admits with a chuckle, “I was interested in music but that wasn’t a way to make a living.” He used the U-M Medical School catalog to study where its students had gotten their undergraduate degrees. Albion was second (to U-M) on that list. He liked the option Albion offers that allows qualified pre-medical students to count their first year of medical school as their fourth year of undergraduate work. “I had a wonderful time at Albion,” Bartlett says. “I played in the band. . . . I remember Mr. Dave [the late David Strickler] and Tony Taffs who is a great Renaissance man. He wrote ‘The Son of Man’ which we performed for the dedication of Goodrich Chapel.” He revelled in courses taught by English professor John Hart and was mentored by chemistry professors Dorothy Ingalls and Paul Cook. “And there was Arthur Munk . . . I took all the philosophy courses taught by him that I could take.”
One of Bartlett’s most prized memories from his college days is his serendipitous association with a 17piece big band named “Charlie Brown.” “It was at the start of my freshman year at Seaton Hall,” he says. “Someone sat down at the piano, someone else came in with a sax, someone else showed up with drums, and I had my bass and before we knew it we had an eight-piece combo. Then it grew to 17. We called it ‘Charlie Brown’ because of the comic strip ‘Peanuts’ which everyone could relate to. We even met the strip’s creator, Charles Schulz!” The band’s one and only record is still out there . . . somewhere. Bartlett and classmates Jim Wyse, ’60, and John McCord, ’60, shared leadership of the group. Charlie Brown played for numerous College events and toured, mainly in the Midwest. Wyse later became a prosecutor in Detroit and a featured saxophonist. McCord became the director of bands for the U.S. Air Force Academy. Today, Bartlett’s love of music keeps him involved in the Life Sciences Orchestra, made up of U-M faculty, staff and students. This 80-piece symphony orchestra performs regularly in Ann Arbor. Bartlett’s choice of Albion proved lucky for another reason as well. After he met a fellow Ohioan, Wanda Read, ’60, at their freshman mixer, they dated throughout college and were married shortly after commencement. They now have two sons, a daughter and four grandchildren. Surgery and critical care are among medicine’s most demanding specialties. However, for Bob Bartlett, the rewards of the long hours invested over the course of many years are obvious. “I am just an everyday doctor most of the time.” But then he adds, “Almost every week I get a letter from somewhere in the world and a picture of a child, and a parent writes, ‘You had something to do with saving my child’s life.’ “That’s why I do this.”
The Family Health Center of Albion (shown in the accompanying artist’s rendering and in the construction photo) will offer primary care, diagnostic, dental and behavioral health services to Albion area residents beginning in January. The new center, located in downtown Albion and operated in partnership with hospitals in Battle Creek and Marshall, was established following the closure of the local community hospital last February. A Federally Qualified Health Center underwritten by an annual federal grant, it is one component in a seven-point plan to provide comprehensive and affordable health services including urgent care and community-based health and wellness programs. College President Peter Mitchell played a key role in developing the plan and obtaining the necessary funding for the new center.
New grant aids student research “Boom, Bust, Recovery: Explorations of Albion, Michigan—The Last Half Century,” a research project developed by Albion history professor Wesley Dick, has also caught the interest of the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). The NCUR announced last week that the College will receive an NCUR/Lancy Initiative grant, worth $40,000, to support student research during the summer of 2003. According to Dick’s proposal to the NCUR, his “Boom, Bust, Recovery” project “will involve interdisciplinary student research . . . to study the history of industrial Albion, the environmental and sociological implications of the boom and decline of industry, and what can be done in the future to redefine the community.” The NCUR/ Lancy grant provides for eight student researchers, who will look at social, economic, historical, ecological and cultural issues connected to the city of Albion. “[Albion’s recent history] is emblematic of America’s changes and struggles,” says Dick, in explaining the study. “Albion is undergoing a difficult process of redefining itself in a post-industrial age. In this, a close examination of [our] story has potential to illuminate America’s story.” From a pool of 38 applicants, Albion College was one of only two 2003 NCUR/ Lancy Initiative recipients. Past winners have included Bowdoin College, Loyola Marymount University, Central Washington University and the College of William and Mary.
“It is a particular honor to receive the grant in view of the national competition,” says Dick. “Ultimately, the achievement is testament to the reality that Albion is one interesting place with meaningful stories to tell.” The grant is funded by the Alice and Leslie E. Lancy Foundation and administered by NCUR. Albion College faculty members currently hold major research grants from the American Chemical Society, the National Science Foundation, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and NCAA Division III. —Jake Weber
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Students ‘test drive’ careers in Washington internships By Jake Weber Editor’s note: Over the past two semesters, Albion students have landed internships in Washington, D.C. settings ranging from the White House Office of Political Affairs to the National Institutes of Health. Here’s a look at what they discovered about life and work— and about themselves—during their offcampus experiences in the nation’s capital.
Adam Dontz: Learning ‘one person can make a difference’ After working for over seven months at the White House this past year, senior Adam Dontz got an insider’s view of the immense demands that come with the presidency—and a small taste of the perks of the job as well. “I had the opportunity to attend political briefings the President gave to guests at the White House, greet the President when he traveled to and from the White House via Marine One, and twice I received tickets to
view performances from the President’s personal box at the Kennedy Center,” Dontz says. Dontz’s work at the White House, from January through August 2002, was actually the latest development in a political “career” that has spanned nearly half of his 21 years. Dontz was barely in junior high when he began to volunteer with the Manistee County Republican Party. In 1997, West Michigan Congressman Peter Hoekstra nominated Dontz to serve as a congressional page, working on the floor of the House between his sophomore and junior year of high school. On joining Albion’s Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service, the economics/ management major set his sights once again on landing a position in the capital for the program’s required internship and that led to his job at the White House. Assigned to the White House Office of Political Affairs (OPA), he witnessed firsthand the Bush strategy for promoting Republican candidates in key races in the 2002 election campaign.
During his recent internship with the White House Office of Political Affairs, Adam Dontz conducted research and helped prepare briefings for President Bush and other senior staff members. “The OPA serves as a liaison between the White House and political campaigns,” explains Dontz, noting that his work offered extensive support to the major Senate and House races in a 10-state region from Michigan to Montana. “My tasks . . . consisted of everything from phone work to researching people who were going to be in
meetings with the President, Vice President, or White House senior staff traveling to our region, and working on political and event briefings,” explains Dontz. “Every time the President, Vice President, or senior staff travels, they receive a political briefing outlining the hot political issues of the state to which they are traveling, and event briefings for [their speeches and meetings].” His time “in the political trenches” has given Dontz a whole new respect for the job of the presidency. “The president is pulled in so many directions,” Dontz reflects. “It’s interesting to see the decision-making process unfold in the executive branch.” “This experience gave me an even greater appreciation for those who work at the White House,” says Dontz. And despite the 65-hour workweeks at the White House, he doesn’t rule out a return to a similar career. “My experience at the White House reinforced my belief that one person can make a difference. While I have not set a goal to be elected to a certain office . . . I know I want to continue to help others regardless if it is in the public or private sector.” “Albion helped me to not only develop key research and communication skills, but to be a better writer, and a more critical thinker,” remarks Dontz. “Those skills are a necessity in Washington. The Ford Institute offered me help and support. Albion College has opened windows of opportunity that I never imagined possible.” (continued on p. 10)
(continued from p. 9)
Julie Esh: ‘Helping a community realize its strengths’ As she was building her self-designed major in social change and development, Julie Esh decided she had to test what she was learning in the classroom out in the “real world.” She finally settled on a semester program in Washington, D.C., in spite of some initial misgivings. “I had always thought that Washington was just politics—and I wasn’t interested in politics. But in going there, I learned that the government is actually the largest and, at times, the most effective force for creating social change. . . . Every other person I worked with in Washington had something to do with the government, whether they were policymakers, citizens or grassroots organizers. They were all working with the government to improve things.” Last spring Esh was a tutor and intern at Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School (TMA), which serves students in southeast Washington with extreme educational needs. Students in this part of the city typically score well below grade level on math and reading tests, and dropout rates are extremely high, with more than 40 percent of ninth graders failing to finish high school. In contrast, TMA has designed a special curriculum and support system to ensure that every one of its students graduates and goes on to college. For her internship, Esh worked with the associated non-profit organization, The Full Potential Foundation, which solicits additional funding, business partnerships and volunteers to support TMA. In addition to working as a volunteer tutor, Esh helped organize a gala auction that raised nearly $200,000. “One of my main goals in taking on an internship was to experience and learn more about how a non-profit organization is effectively run,” Esh says. “My main purpose for choosing TMA was because it was in its first year as an organization and still dealing with many of the problems and issues that come up in the initial stages of development.” She will take these insights with her after graduation this May. PHOTO COURTESY OF J. ESH
Last spring, Julie Esh worked as a tutor and intern at Thurgood Marshall Academy, a charter school in southeast Washington. She says she learned much about the challenges facing non-profit organizations today.
“Basically I learned about how to be an effective change agent in a community, listening to the needs of community members, serving as a link to outside resources and helping a community realize its strengths,” Esh concludes.
Josh Cecil: Witnessing policymaking in action During his stay in Washington this past fall, senior Josh Cecil met former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attended gatherings that included Bill and Hillary Clinton, Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe, and entertainers such as James Taylor and Janet Jackson. But this glimpse of Washington’s “fishbowl,” while exciting, was only a small part of Cecil’s experience interning with the Carmen Group, a government relations firm. He also helped create client proposals and compiled research about prospective clients as well as competitors. Cecil developed an information packet analyzing the feasibility of a prospective partnership with a public transportation company, and presented his findings to the Carmen Group senior associates. And he attended and reported on pertinent Congressional hearings, and wrote speeches for several of the firm’s confidential clients. The political science major also spent several weeks in New Hampshire working on Governor Jeanne Shaheen’s bid for a U.S. Senate seat. “It was great!” says Cecil of the campaign. “We had 17-hour days and what little sleep we got was had on the floor of the local YMCA, but it was completely worth it! She did not win but I gained valuable campaign experience.” In addition to his internship, Cecil worked on a senior thesis exploring border security issues that have developed since the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Being in Washington gave him immediate access to legislative debates on these issues. “I [attended] Congressional hearings pertaining to border security,” he notes, adding that he also received assistance from Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, the Cato Institute, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Public Policy Institute of California. Cecil found an expert adviser in Governor Shaheen, who is directly involved with legislation affecting U.S.Canada border crossings. “She’s a great resource,” says Cecil. A focus of Cecil’s thesis and Shaheen’s Smart Border declaration with Canada is control of the U.S.-Canada border. In contrast to the heavily patrolled U.S.Mexico border, the Canadian border has relatively light security, except at the major ports of entry. Since 9-11, Cecil explains, legislators have sought a balance between openness—which is important for business—and control—which is important for keeping out terrorists. A member of Albion’s Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service, Cecil
says he benefited immensely from this opportunity to observe and analyze governmental responses to pressing national concerns. “I can now research these issues and talk about them [knowledgeably],” he explains. “I’ve gained a lot of professional confidence.”
Lori Sanders: Providing political intelligence for business Her spring 2002 internship with the Business Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC) taught Lori Sanders that successful business executives also must be savvy about politics and government—a valuable insight since she intends to pursue a career in management. A member of Albion’s Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management, Sanders gained a broader understanding of the complex interaction of business and government today from her experience at BIPAC, which provides political analysis for business leaders as well as research on campaigns and elections. Her responsibilities included making logistical arrangements, running registration and preparing literature for numerous BIPAC political briefings, PAC workshops, and informational breakfasts with members of Congress. “I loved my job. Not only did I work with a terrific group of people, I also had many exciting duties,” enthuses the senior economics/management major. For BIPAC’s annual awards dinner, she helped make video tributes for the honorees, which involved interviewing several business leaders and members of Congress. As with many interns, Sanders notes that a highlight of the off-campus experience was the ability to see the practical application of her education. “I learned a great deal about the business environment and relating to others.” She adds, “So many times I had that ‘I can’t believe I’m actually living here’ feeling. It was amazing being able to see the White House on my walk to work, and being able to see the Washington Monument from almost anywhere. . . . I spent many weekends touring the National Mall and seeing all of the wonderful monuments and museums. I also took advantage of going to lectures, plays, concerts and festivals. . . . It was a lifechanging experience.”
Nate Sowa: Harnessing biotechnology to fight disease His experience as a fellow with Albion’s Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity gave Nate Sowa a definite advantage in landing his latest research opportunity—with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This past fall, Sowa, a senior biology major, was one of only six interns selected for a project (run through Colgate University) at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the NIH’s National Cancer Institute, and he was one of the few undergraduate interns at the NIH. The biotherapy lab where he worked focuses mainly on refashioning organisms and parts of organisms to battle various diseases. Sowa had considerable professional independence as a member of the lab’s research team. “I designed, conducted, and reported on
Nate Sowa spent the fall semester at the National Institutes of Health studying a bacterium that poses a serious health threat for people with weakened immune systems. He says it was a great opportunity to see “science in action.” experiments that pertained to my research project,” says Sowa. “Of course I received help from my mentor, as well as the other members of the lab, but I basically worked on my own.” Sowa looked for ways to defuse a common bacterium that plagues thousands of people with weak immune systems. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen, found in wet and dry environments, attacking both animals and plants. Healthy immune systems are well-equipped to fight off exposure to the bacterium, but, Sowa explains, “people whose immune systems are weak, such as cancer, burn, or cystic fibrosis patients, can develop serious infections. . . . It is a serious concern for cystic fibrosis patients, and is the leading cause of hospitalacquired infections. It is a major problem for people who are on mechanical ventilation for long periods of time.” The virulence of P. aeruginosa, Sowa says, lies in its stubborn resistance to antibiotic therapy, so Sowa explored its genes, looking for a way to fight the pernicious organism from the inside. Preliminary research indicates that parts of the bacterium’s RNA seem to work as “switches” that activate genes that offer it extra protection against toxins (such as antibiotics and heavy metals). “My research targeted two potential cellular pathways in this bacterium that [enable it] to survive in stressful environments,” says Sowa. “If we can learn more about how these pathways are regulated through [the bacterium’s RNA], eventual therapies could be developed that target these regulatory mechanisms.” Although Sowa knows that the RNA “switch” he was hunting for is years from being identified, he still found many shortterm rewards in his work. “I witnessed the planning of an elaborate research project, encompassing two other labs besides my own. It was very interesting for me to see ‘science in action,’ as I like to put it—the actual development of a project from its very primitive stages,” he explains. “Plus, I worked with some of the top experts in their respective fields. . . . [The NIH] is a huge conglomeration of knowledge and talent, and it was amazing for me as an undergraduate to just be a part of this environment. Everyone was very supportive of me, and I truly enjoyed working there.”
Women’s soccer tops league again; men’s cross country finishes second
Football: The football team, under head
By Bobby Lee Albion College is a member of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) and NCAA Division III. B. ENGELTER PHOTO
Sophomore Adam Dohm earned All-Region honors with a 28th place finish at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional. The Britons finished seventh overall at the event.
Cross country: The men’s cross country team enjoyed a remarkable season, posting the highest finish in MIAA competition in more than two decades. With five all-league performers on the trail, Albion placed second at the league jamboree in September and at the league championship meet in November. The Britons went on to finish seventh at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional, the team’s highest placement in that event in more than a decade. Junior Nick Mockeridge repeated as an All-MIAA first-team performer. He was the third runner to cross the finish line at the league championship meet, finishing the 8,000-meter course in 25 minutes, 41 seconds. Sophomore Adam Dohm achieved All-MIAA first-team status for the first time. Mockeridge and Dohm earned All-Region honors at the Great Lakes Regional, placing 18th and 28th, respectively. Britons included on the all-league second team were juniors Todd Falker and Taurean Wilson, and freshman Jay Puffpaff. The women’s team moved up to a fourthplace finish in the league. Freshman Stacey Kandas and sophomore Loan Portlance achieved all-league second-team status. Hayden Smith coaches the cross country squads.
coach Craig Rundle, finished the season 5-5 overall and 3-3 in the MIAA. Albion placed third in the league standings. The Britons were well represented on the all-league team, placing nine student-athletes on the first and second teams and 13 on the honorable mention list. Senior linebacker Nick Loafman achieved first-team all-league status for the second consecutive year after leading the team in tackles and interceptions. Joining Loafman on the first team were senior offensive center John Trupiano and junior defensive tackle Glen Brittich. Britons named to the All-MIAA second team were senior wide receiver Adam Auvenshine, junior tight end Chad Brent, junior kick return specialist Andy Kocoloski, sophomore tailback Dustin Louwaert, sophomore placekicker Andy Cline, and freshman punter Tyler Hunter. In addition to the all-league awards, Brent, Loafman and senior wide receiver Leon McDonald were selected to the Verizon Academic All-District IV team by the College Sports Information Directors of America. McDonald, a speech communication major who boasts a 3.7 grade point average, and Brent, an economics major with a 3.58 GPA, were listed on the second team. Loafman, an economics major with a 3.38 GPA, was included on the third team.
Women’s golf: Albion got off to a great start, topping the field at three tournaments and placing second at two other events in September. Unfortunately, the Britons struggled in the first round of the 36-hole league tournament and settled for a third-place finish in the MIAA. Four Albion players achieved all-league status based on their play in five league rounds. Sophomore Anna Watkins and senior Stacy Chapman earned first-team honors. Watkins finished fourth in the league with an 83.8-stroke average, while Chapman was fifth with an 84.8-stroke average. Lindsey Densmore, a junior, and Lindsay Drewes, a sophomore, were second-team honorees. Densmore was eighth in the MIAA with an 88-stroke average, and Drewes was 10th with an 88.6-stroke average.
Senior midfielder Laurie Vance was named to the All-MIAA first team and Verizon Academic All-America third team, thanks to her effort as a member of the women’s soccer team this fall.
Women’s soccer: After a 2-2 start in league play, Albion turned in an incredible month of October to hold on to the MIAA championship for the third year in a row. Albion won eight league contests in October, all without allowing a goal. The Britons won three more matches at the start of November to extend the winning streak to 11 before falling to Wilmington (Ohio) College in the NCAA Great Lakes Regional semifinal round. The Britons finished the year with a 16-5 overall record and a 12-2 record in league play. Six Britons were selected to the all-league squad. Seniors Theresa Kolly, Stacey Supanich and Laurie Vance and junior Lauran Gentry were selected to the first team, while senior Erica Williams and freshman Jayne Godlew were listed on the second team.
Gentry finished as the Britons' leading scorer with 10 goals and four assists, while Supanich chipped in with eight goals and eight assists. Not to be outdone, Godlew contributed nine goals and an assist. In addition to their league honors, Supanich was named to the National Soccer Coaches Association/adidas Division III All-America team for the second year, and Vance was named to the Verizon Academic All-America College Division team by the College Sports Information Directors of America. A chemistry major, Vance boasts a 3.89 grade point average. Lisa Roschek completed her fifth season as head coach.
Men’s soccer: Albion posted a 6-6 record against MIAA opponents, its first .500 record in the league since 1998. Albion fielded a young squad, with 12 freshmen and four sophomores. Freshman forward Eric Johnson was second on the team in scoring with 11 points on three goals and five assists. The three-member senior class provided outstanding athletic skill and leadership. Senior defender Josh Menig became the first Albion player to achieve all-league first-team status since 1998. Senior midfielder Marcus Boynton and freshman defender Jeff Bennett were included on the honorable mention list by the league coaches. Boynton was Albion’s leading scorer with 10 goals. Jerry Block completed his third season as head coach. Volleyball: Under the direction of second-year coach Russ Frey, the Britons fielded a young team with seven freshmen and sophomores and just one senior. Albion fought through growing pains to win 10 matches. Krystle Weeks, a junior middle blocker, was included on the honorable mention AllMIAA list by the league coaches. She led Albion in kills (243) and finished second on the team in total blocks (56) and service aces (32). Eliza Lee, a freshman setter, turned in a fine all-around season with team-highs in assists (905) and service aces (67). She also totaled 126 kills and 230 digs. A. LINDEMOOD PHOTO
Men’s golf: Albion came on strong in the final week of the season to secure a fifth-place finish in the MIAA standings. The Britons trailed Adrian College by 10 strokes heading into the final two league rounds. Albion made up two strokes at Watermark Golf Club Oct. 7, and nine strokes at the Wuskowhan Players Club Oct. 10. Sophomore Jason Ryan just missed earning all-league honors, finishing 14th in the season individual standings with a 79.7stroke average. The top 12 individuals on the season were awarded all-league status. Jordan Rich, a senior, and Eric Drogosch, a freshman, finished with an 80.6-stroke average in seven league rounds. Mike Turner is the coach of the Britons.
The dedication ceremony for a plaque honoring former Albion football coach Pete Schmidt was held on campus Oct. 19. Pictured with President Peter Mitchell, ’67, (far left) are family members Sarah Schmidt Fuller, ’99, Amy Schmidt Stille, ’97, Becky Schmidt, Peter Schmidt, Jr., ’98, and College staff member Michael Sequite, ’75. The plaque, now mounted on the east side of Sprankle-Sprandel Stadium, recognizes Schmidt’s Albion career which included an NCAA Division III national championship and a 104-27-4 overall record. It was provided by former players and friends, as was an endowed scholarship in Schmidt’s memory.
Class notes deadline The deadline for class notes appearing in this issue of Io Triumphe was Nov. 4, 2002. Notes received after that date will appear in the next issue.
Class news
C. Frederick Rydholm, ’48, received one of the President’s Awards for Distinguished Citizenship from Northern Michigan University. During his childhood, Fred developed an interest in the history of the Upper Peninsula and its people. He has since dedicated much of his life’s work to research and education on the subject. Fred taught in the public school system for more than 30 years and continues to be a popular historical workshop facilitator and lecturer. He lives in Marquette.
50-59 25 Irene Bauer Bennett, ’25, now living in the Cedar Knoll Care Home in Grass Lake, celebrated her 100th birthday on Nov. 27, 2002. She and her husband, Tom, built and operated Bennett Five & Ten Cent stores in Dexter, Jackson, and Whitmore Lake. Irene’s greatgranddaughter, Jenelle Vlcek, ’06, is a first-year student at Albion and is one of eight family members to attend Albion over the past 80 years.
Gwen Alford Hawes, ’52, is a realtor for Huff Realty. She lives in Batavia, OH. Jack Hanford, ’56, has released his book, Bioethics from a Faith Perspective. The first half presents the perspective of moral and faith development and the second half deals with the professional development of nurses, physicians, pastors and issues of managed-care, genetics, organ donation, ageism, etc. Jack lives in Big Rapids and can be reached by e-mail at: jhan1722@tucker-usa.com.
40-49 Edward Benjamin, ’44, is retired but busier than ever. Edward serves as longtime editor of his local rock and mineral club’s bulletin and as a volunteer judge for the annual bulletin contest of three of the federations associated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. He says that, although he finished his education at one of Michigan’s large state universities, his heart is still at Albion. Edward resides in Grand Rapids.
60-64 Nancy Kay Bennett, ’60, is enjoying every minute of her retirement. She and her husband, Jim, recently became proud grandparents of twins. They love to travel and spend a couple of months each winter in Lakeland, FL, where they enjoy spring training with their Detroit Tigers.
In “Bravo to Britons,” our intent is to highlight the noteworthy, the unusual and the entertaining. We welcome submissions from all quarters. The only requirement is that an Albion alumnus/alumna must be involved in the story. Send your nominations, clearly marked for “Bravo to Britons” to: Editor, Io Triumphe, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. If an item is not received by the deadline for one issue, it will be held for possible inclusion in the next. The editor reserves the right to determine which submissions are selected for publication. John Batsakis, ’51, received the 2002 Distinguished Service Award from the American Society for Clinical Pathology and the College of American Pathologists in October. The award is presented for dedication to the practice of medicine as well as leadership in the field of pathology. Professor emeritus at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, John has been internationally recognized for his contributions in research, education and service in pathology. In addition to more than 500 journal articles in his field, he has authored or co-authored 10 books. Prior to joining the University of Texas in 1981, John was on the faculty of the Department of Pathology at the University of Michigan Medical School for 18 years. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Michigan.
J. Theodore Everingham, ’61, has joined in the formation of Gandelot, Everingham and Associates, a law firm counseling businesses and offering estate planning and estate administrative services. His new business address is 19503 E. Eight Mile Rd., St. Clair Shores 48080-1643, or he can be reached by e-mail: tedeveringham @gandelot.com. Ted lives in Grosse Pointe Park. Joanne Steimel Siegla, ’61, retired as an audit manager after 28 years with the Michigan Department of Treasury. She now resides in Seven Hills, OH. James Leisenring, ’62, received one of the 2002 Distinguished Alumni Awards from the Western Michigan University (WMU) Alumni Association. He was recognized for being a leader in the effort to establish international accounting standards. James joined the International Accounting Standards Board in 2001, having previously spent more than a decade with the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board. A recipient of an M.B.A. from WMU, he was a member of the accounting faculty there from 1964 to 1969. He lives in Ridgefield, CT. James McGillicuddy, ’62, is semiretired from his occupation as a physician. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing, bicycling and traveling. He and his wife, Susan, live in Okemos. Peter Broerse, ’63, decided to give his life a new turn and leave the school he had successfully run for 18 years. His school was known internationally for its gifted education program. Peter is now self-employed as an interim manager and has helped a number of schools overcome crises by temporarily taking the place of the principal. Peter resides in Baarn, The Netherlands. James Goodnow, ’63, has returned from Shanghai, China, where he helped organize a study tour for Bradley University’s executive M.B.A. program. James will be spending the spring semester teaching and doing research on international business strategy in Prague, Czech Republic. He and his wife, Tonya, reside in East Peoria, IL. David Krause, ’63, began his business, East Bay Tree Farm in Williamsburg, in 1997, following a successful career as a landscape architect. Among his credits are landscape designs for the Mall of America in Minneapolis and malls in Portland, Washington, DC and Denver. Dave and his wife, Barbara Loomis Krause, ’63, live in Acme.
Barbara Pearson Ransford, ’66, has been elected to a four-year term on the board of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. A French teacher at Camden Fairview High School in Camden, AR, she brings an extensive background of professional service to her new board position. Barbara regularly offers workshops for language teachers and is involved in other professional development activities. She has also served as president of the Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association and of the Arkansas chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French. She lives in Magnolia, AR.
65-69 Sharon Stough Krumrei, ’67, is a sales representative with Brunschwig and Fils, Inc. She and her husband, Erich, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. She also assists in raising scholarship money for women through AAUW of Rochester and P.E.O. She lives in Rochester Hills. Al Tweedy, ’67, has retired as director of learning resources at Central Florida Community College. He lives in Lutz, FL. Janet Adler Waldron, ’67, is a faculty member at Spring Arbor University and is a reading support staff member at East Lansing Public Schools. Janet and her husband, David, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary and have their first grandchild. They live in East Lansing. Frank Burdine, ’68, has joined GMAC Commercial Finance in Southfield as
executive vice president and chief administrative officer. He and his wife, Barbara Gale Burdine, ’70, live at 3619 Aynsley Dr., Rochester Hills 48306. Diane Dunn, ’68, has run in two marathons and is working part-time at a running specialty store in Northville following her retirement from teaching. Also, after a 30-year hiatus, Diane has returned to playing the harp. She resides in Walled Lake. James Oakley,’68, is a comedy juggler. He performed with Larry Gatlin and The Gatlin Brothers at the Will Rogers Theatre in Branson, MO, from Nov. 1 through Dec. 14. After a 25-year career in retail furniture, Jim decided to pursue an entertainment career full-time. He performs primarily for the corporate market as a banquet performer, or as an opening act for concert performers. This latest performance was Jim’s second in Branson. He appeared with Bobby Vinton for nine weeks in 1995. His Web site is www.jimoakley.com. He lives in Troy.
K-12 teachers: Your help is needed! The Education Department will welcome your contribution of educational materials and back issues of professional journals/ magazines. These items will be used either as teaching resources in our teacher preparation courses or to provide graduating students with materials to start their personal libraries. The most needed contributions are: • Social Studies, Science and Mathematics teaching materials including manipulatives • Literacy Materials including children’s and adolescent literature • Teaching with Technology journals, magazines and lesson plans Please mail to: Charlette Kennedy, Shurmur Education Institute, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224. If you have questions, just call 517/629-0228, or e-mail ckennedy@albion.edu. Thank you for your help with this important project.
John Burton, ’69, is working as the East Coast manager for a U.S. Navy logistics program. He is involved in the packaging, shipping and transportation of repairable assets. John received an M.B.A. from Penn State University in 1984 and retired from the Navy in 1992. He lives with his wife, Cindy Fitzhugh Burton, ’70, and their daughter in Virginia Beach, VA. Hartmut Guenther, ’69, has been a professor of psychology at the University of Brasilia (Brazil) since 1988. Hartmut teaches research methods, and his field of specialization is environmental psychology. His research group studies quality of life issues of children and youth in the urban setting and earned first prize in a nationwide architectural competition for the revitalization of one of the major avenues of Brasilia. Hartmut can be reached by e-mail at: hartmut@unb.br David Hogg, ’69, has been elected to his third six-year term as the 84th district judge in Cadillac. David and his wife, Joy, live in Harrietta. They have three children including Sam Hogg, ’05, and Katie Hogg, ’06.
70-74 Nancy Pippen Eckerman, ’70, lives in Indianapolis and is employed by the Indiana University School of Medicine. Nancy is the special collections librarian in the Ruth Lilly Medical Library. Her area of special interest is Civil War medicine. Last year, her book, Indiana in the Civil War: Doctors, Hospitals, and Medical Care, was published by Arcadia Press. Carol Gibson Flaherty, ’70, is teaching yoga. Her new profession will be parttime until she retires from Montana State University Communications Services. Carol lives in Bozeman, MT. Susan Crane, ’71, and Gary Wolcott, ’72, have moved to 160 West Rd., Chesterville, ME 04938. Susan is serving as the senior pastor of the Henderson Memorial Baptist Church in Farmington, while Gary continues his work with Goodwill Industries of Northern New England as director of training. Susan and Gary are the happy caretakers of three cashmere goats, a 60acre tree farm, and an old farmhouse that needs a lot of work. They recently connected with John McGilliard, ’71, and his wife, Carol, in Boston for a long overdue reunion day. Susan Foster Ambrose, ’72, has moved from medical social work into writing for women’s magazines on medical topics. She is now at work on several books. Susan holds an M.S.W. from the University Michigan. She has been married to her husband, Don Ambrose, ’71, since 1974. The couple lives in California and has three children. Joe Mesh, ’72, recently opened a new building for his practice in prosthodontics on US-23 in suburban Detroit. He and his wife, Aline, reside in Fenton.
Ronald Gifford, ’73, was the recipient of the Ancilla Award for his service to Ancilla College. His commitment includes having served nine years on the Board of Trustees, including four years as board chairman, as well as being a cochair of the college’s first-ever capital campaign which raised $4.6-million dollars for a new science and technology center. Ron also serves as an adjunct professor of business law each spring. He resides in Plymouth, IN. John Rose, ’73, recently took a twoweek trip on St. Lawrence Island, in the northern Bering Sea, where he studied sea-duck migration. He enjoyed the trip, but adds that he wishes he was back floating through the Grand Canyon with some of his old Goodrich Club homies. He would like to get together and can be reached by e-mail at: carlijrr@ mosquitonet.com. John lives in Fairbanks, AK. Paul Holdren, ’74, completed a second master’s degree in educational leadership at Eastern Michigan in August 2002. He has been teaching at Mott Middle College (a high school on the Mott College campus) in Flint for 11 years. Paul’s activities include teaching biology and physical education, and coordinating the extracurricular activities. This year he also started a wrestling team for the school. Paul resides in Clio.
75-79 John Howland, ’75, and his wife, Nancy Peterson Howland, ’75, have recently moved to Atlanta. John now works for Coca-Cola as director of compensation for Asia. Nancy is keeping busy with church and community volunteer activities. Kay Richardson Brawley, ’76, is currently teaching kindergarten. She and her husband, Rod, live in Placerville, CA. Kay has two daughters. She looks forward to hearing from former classmates and can be reached by e-mail at: Bug4Kay@hotmail.com. Barry Doublestein, ’76, has finally undertaken his dream of 20 years to build a kit airplane; he is now at work on a Glasair Super II. He invites any friends in the Atlanta area to help with his project. President of the Osteopathic Institute of the South in Atlanta, Gary lives in Loganville, GA, and can be reached by e-mail at: badone@goi.org. Rae Lynn Collins Carr, ’77, is a finance manager of vehicle inventory for General Motors, VSSM Division. A recipient of a master’s in business management from Central Michigan University, Rae Lynn also participates in recruiting and mentoring programs for General Motors. She and her husband, Ric, reside in Southfield. The Carrs are the parents of two daughters.
John Shoemaker, ’77, is working as an advertising director for Twin and Turbine and ABS magazines in Traverse City. Keith Davis, ’79, has made the transition from academia to the biotechnology industry. He was promoted to vice president of agricultural biotechnology at Paradigm Genetics early this year. He recently married Uma Sankar and has settled in Durham, NC. He would like to hear from fellow classmates and can be reached by e-mail at: kdavis5@nc.rr.com. Anne Jackson, ’79, is now employed at FAME Information Services, Inc. as a senior technical writer, after having worked for 17 years at the University of Michigan’s Information Technology Division. Anne enjoys playing the fiddle and teaches violin to beginning students and adults. She also performs for weddings and other occasions. Anne and her husband, Peter, have been married since 1991 and have two children. The family lives in Ann Arbor, and Anne would enjoy hearing about other classmates by e-mail at: ajacks@comcast.net.
80-84 Shelley Stuart Gibbons, ’80, has resumed her teaching career and is now teaching sixth grade at Caledonia Middle School. Hazel Hall, ’80, was appointed general counsel of World Financial Network National Bank, one of the largest private label credit card banks. She is also serving as vice president, counsel of Alliance Data Systems. Hazel lives in Gahanna, OH. Gregory Hampton, ’81, is still living in Half Moon Bay, CA. He has just sold the Silicon Valley software start-up he founded and ran as CEO. Gregory is now consulting for the acquiring company while he looks for his next challenge. He has two daughters. Gregory would love to hear from old friends at: greg_hampton@msn.com. Anne Hunter, ’81, president of Minneapolis-based Marketing Source USA, recently won the 2002 Overall Marketing Award from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The prestigious award was based on a strategic marketing plan and
ad campaign developed for Northern Kentucky Tri-ED, an economic development agency. The entry was judged best among submissions from 11 major metropolitan areas (populations of 200,000 or more) in North America. Jim Carlsen, ’82, is self-employed in real estate development. His wife, Beth Muir Carlsen, ’82, is a community volunteer. The Carlsens are active volunteers for youth sports programs, their church, and Scouts as well as the school system. They have three children and live in Folsom, CA. Raymond Roberts, ’83, has accepted a position in music ministry at St. James United Methodist Church in Tampa, FL. Raymond, his wife, Dawn Rickard Roberts, ’83, and their three children have moved and are finally settled in their new residence. Dawn is looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom as well as getting involved with the ministries at St. James. The Roberts welcome any alumni friends who live in the area to come for a visit! Dawn can be reached by e-mail at: dawray@earthlink.net. Amy Serra Albright, ’84, is a licensed realtor with American Real Estate, Inc. in Clarkston and is also the top associate
Building the Albion legacy in your family If you are already part of a historic family involvement with Albion College, or if you’d like to start such a tradition in your family, here are two benefits that will be of interest: ■ Albion College will waive the $20 application fee for any legacy student who applies for admission. ■ A $1,500 Alumni Grant will be awarded to all incoming students whose family includes at least one Albion alumna/alumnus (sister, brother, father, mother, grandparents). This grant, offered without regard to financial need, is renewable for all four years. To qualify, the student simply needs to indicate his or her family’s alumni status when submitting the application. We welcome campus visits at any time. Please contact the Admissions Office at 800/858-6770, and we will make all arrangements. For more information online, visit: www.albion.edu/admissions/.
Legacy student update Two students were inadvertently omitted from our listing of alumni legacy children in the fall 2002 edition of Io Triumphe. We apologize for the error and warmly welcome these young women along with the 27 other first-year students who are the children of Briton alumni. Lauren Putnam Daughter of Ruth Putnam, ’70
Heather Schweitzer Daughter of William and Betty Jean Abbott Schweitzer, ’64
The Never-Ending Gift Many people give to Albion every year. If you are one of those people, thank you! By creating a bequest for Albion’s endowment, you can continue to give every year—forever. Write advancement@albion.edu or call 517/629-0237 for ideas and assistance.
at her company with current sales surpassing $3.5-million. Amy completed the necessary courses to earn the Accredited Buyers Representative designation. She and her husband, Jack, and their three daughters, live in Clarkston. Amy would love hear from fellow Albion alumni and friends and can be reached by e-mail at: amyalbright@direcway.com. Shelagh Smith Luplow, ’84, has a new address: 3075 Snowberry Court, Harbor Springs 49740. She and her husband have three children. The Luplow family can be found taking advantage of the snowy northern Michigan weather by spending their time on the slopes of Boyne Highlands. Friends are always welcome to visit and ski. Shelagh can be reached by e-mail at: Shelagh@chartermi.net.
85-89 Elizabeth Jamieson, ’85, was elected to serve a three-year term on the State Bar of Michigan’s Representative Assembly. The assembly is the policy-making body for the State Bar. Elizabeth has also joined the State Bar Board of Commissioners and will be Assembly chair in 2004-05. An attorney with the Grand Rapids firm of Varnum, Riddering, Schmidt & Howlett, she is also the president of the Women Lawyers Association_western district and is on the Grand Rapids Bar Association Board of Trustees.
Michael, ’88, and Suzi Rein Coghlan, ’87, recently moved back to the Ann Arbor area after eight years in Chicago. Michael was partner and COO of TFM Investment Group, a proprietary derivatives trading firm that was purchased by Goldman Sachs and Co. at the beginning of the year. He has decided to take semi-retirement and enjoy the family. The Coghlans and their three daughters enjoy being back in the area. They would love to hear from classmates and friends by e-mail at: mtcoghlan@aol.com. Tom Smart, ’88, welcomes any fellow Albion graduates to contact him when they are in the Los Angeles area. He works for Comprehensive Media Corp., specializing in the manufacture of CDs and DVDs, in North Hollywood, CA. He can be reached by e-mail at: tsmart@compmediacorp.com. Charles Drier, ’89, relocated with Auto-Owners to their Lima, OH, regional branch office as marketing manager. Friends can reach him at 2295 June Dr., Lima, OH 45805 or by e-mail at: earlsjam@juno.com.
90-94 Catherine Boomer Germic, ’90, and her husband, Steve Germic, ’89, currently live in Harrisonburg, VA. Steve is an assistant professor in the English Department at James Madison University. He is also at work on his second book. His first book, American Green: Class, Crisis and the Deployment of Nature in Central Park, Yosemite and Yellowstone, was published in 2001. Cackie is a stay-at-home mom and enjoys taking care of their daughter. In her free time, she plays tennis, volunteers at her daughter’s school and teaches yoga. They would love to hear from old friends by e-mail at: cackiebg@earthlink.net or germicsa@jmu.edu Doug Armstead, ’91, has been appointed the director of the 55-voice Mikenauk Chorale in Roscommon. Doug is also Roscommon High School’s musical director and the choir director at Good Shepherd Methodist Church. Before moving to Roscommon, Doug spent nine years in the Eaton Rapids community school system and was active with community groups, churches and theatre. Michael Murray, ’91, has joined the Detroit office of the law firm of Clark Hill, as an associate with the litigation practice group. Prior to joining Clark Hill, Michael served as the Marine officer instructor at the University of Michigan. In addition, as an international law instructor, he taught in a joint training program offered by the U.S. Defense Institute of International Legal Studies and the National Law Academy of Ukraine. For the previous seven years, he was an attorney with the U.S. Marine
Corps and achieved the rank of major. He earned a J.D. from University of Detroit-Mercy Law School.
Bloomfield, NJ. Gowri would like to send her love to all her dear friends from Albion.
Todd Prochnow, ’91, an orthopedic surgeon, has recently joined the practice of Anthony E. Melonakos at Frenchtown Orthopedics, and has been granted associate staff privileges at Mercy Memorial Hospital in Monroe. A 1996 graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, Todd did his residency in orthopedics at Mount Clemens General Hospital. He recently completed a fellowship at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, where he specialized in spinal surgery. He and his wife, Shannon, and their son live in Frenchtown Township.
Kathryn Brown Rose, ’92, is a registered nurse in obstetrics and a childbirth educator at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City. She is also active in parenting education, and works as a nursing instructor at a local community college. She and her husband, Jim, along with their two children, reside in Traverse City.
Robert Allum, ’92, completed his family practice residency at Mercy General Health Partners in Muskegon in July 1999. A board-certified medical review officer and specialist in family practice, Robert is now a partner and physician at Rogers City Medical Group, PC. He earned his D.O degree from Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, He and his wife, Sheela Welch Allum, ’90, have two children, and the family lives in Rogers City. Kathryn Bernecker, ’92, along with classmates, Nayiri Partamian, ’92, Elizabeth Cooley, ’92, Sonia Vora, ’93, Kasey Clark Malley, ’92, Kathy Omansiek, ’92, Cathy Rodamer Greene, ’92, and Deil Lundin, ’92, all came together Sept. 21, 2002 at the wedding of fellow classmate Meg Sebastian, ’92. She says it was a mini college reunion, without Cascarelli’s. Karen Ossman Dunlavy, ’92, is currently working as a dentist. She and her husband, Kenneth, live in Caroline, WI. Sandra Merriweather, ’92, is a customer service representative for Botsford General Hospital. After receiving her M.A in English from Oakland University in 2000, Sandy worked for Baker College during the 2000-01 fall term as an adjunct English professor. She is also involved in the Tri County Kappa Delta Alumnae Association. She resides in Farmington Hills. George Rendziperis, ’92, has joined the law firm of Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC in Bloomfield Hills as an associate. His practice is concentrated in corporate, tax and real estate law. George is a 1999 graduate of Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law, with an M.S in finance from Walsh College. Gowri Reddy Rocco, ’92, graduated from her residency as chief resident and has become board-certified in family medicine. In July 2002 she started a fellowship specializing in women’s health at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She married Robert Rocco in March 2002. She and her husband reside in
Elizabeth Yates Salsbery, ’92, is employed as a nurse. She lives in Knoxville, TN, with her husband, John. Jonathan Beeton, ’93, was hired by Wisconsin Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin as her press secretary in Washington, DC. Previously he had worked as Al Gore’s press secretary in Kentucky, and for California Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald. He lives in Washington, DC. Bobbie Stumpf Harris, ’93, and her husband, Eric Harris, ’93, have moved to San Diego. Eric is busy flying for the Marine Corps. He is scheduled to deploy to Okinawa, Japan, for the first half of 2003. Bobbie enjoys staying at home with their daughter. The Harrises would love to see their Albion friends if they are ever in the area. They can be reached by e-mail at: harris_bobbie @hotmail.com. Stephanie Reed, ’93, is working on a master’s degree in special education at Oakland University. She recently bought a home in Hazel Park. Chiquita Hamilton, ’94, was hired to teach kindergarten at Mar Lee School in Marshall. She reports that everything is going well, and she is having a fabulous year.
95-99 Scott Casteele, ’95, has recently been appointed the new athletic director for Fowlerville. He previously taught in the Albion Public Schools and was an assistant football coach at Albion College for four years. Scott received his master’s degree in educational leadership from Western Michigan University. Courtney Roeck Essenmacher, ’95, started a business consultant company, Aether Consulting, in Detroit last year with several other colleagues. Courtney and her husband, Tim, continue to travel the world, recently having visited Costa Rica where they went scuba diving and white water rafting through the jungle. The Essenmachers reside in Lathrup Village. Anne Goodwin, ’95, is still working on her Ph.D. in cell biology at Harvard University. In February 2003, Anne will teach a cardiovascular physiology and pathology course at Kathmandu University Medical School in Nepal. Anne lives in Brookline, MA.
Carrie Gilchrist, ’00, left her position at the Detroit Medical Center in July and entered into the master’s program in college student affairs leadership at Grand Valley State University. She currently works as a graduate assistant for housing and residence life. This summer, Carrie will be traveling to Mexico for a two-week class studying their educational system, architecture and culture. Carlina Wieferich Orris, ’00, has successfully completed the CPA exam. Carly joined Andrews, Hooper and Pavlik in 2001 as a staff accountant in the firm’s Okemos office. Her prior experience includes employment with the Detroit office of Ernst & Young, LLP.
Spring will be here before you know it, and that’s when Albion College students play host to their “Little Sibs” (including not only siblings but cousins, nieces/nephews, neighbors or any other small visitors to campus). This year Little Sibs Weekend is scheduled for March 21-22. This weekend is an excellent opportunity for younger siblings to stay in the dorms, enjoy organized activities and experience a college weekend with their older sibling/host. Last year we had a record number of children from ages 1-26 participate in various activities including scrapbooking, theatre workshops, painting the Rock, bowling, Mini-Olympics and more. With the cooperation of many other groups on campus, the Student Association for Alumni (SAA) organizes this event. This memory-making weekend is something your youngster won’t want to miss! Watch your mail for details.
Jessica Rundels Rogers, ’95, works as a service parts engineer for Saturn Corp. in Spring Hill, TN. She is also pursuing her M.B.A. at Middle Tennessee State University. She married Mike Rogers on May 24, 2002. He is an electrician, working in residential construction. Jessica, her husband, and step-daughter reside in Spring Hill, TN. Martha Sullivan, ’95, works as an investigator for the Food and Drug Administration. She was married in August 2002. Martha and her husband now live in Philadelphia, PA. Michelle Kennedy, ’96, has moved to a new address, 4023 Sherwood Forest Dr., Traverse City 49686. Michelle is still in family practice as a physician assistant in Kalkaska. Chris Pelloski, ’96, graduated from Northwestern University Medical School and Jaimi Blakeman, ’96, from Loyola University-Chicago School of Law in 2001. Married in 1997, the couple now resides in Houston, TX. Chris is a resident in radiation oncology at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas. Jaimi is an associate for the law firm Kroger, Myers, Frisby and Hirsh, which specializes in medical malpractice defense and health care law. The couple would like to hear from their classmates and friends and can be reached by e-mail at: pelloski@yahoo.com or blakemanjl@yahoo.com Jason Allgire, ’97, will join a Christian volunteer organization in Egypt in February. He will be teaching English as a foreign language for three years. His previous employment has included working as the Webmaster at Walsh College in Troy. He welcomes contact from friends and former classmates
while abroad, and he can be reached by e-mail at: jallgire@yahoo.com. Maria Dietiker Talbert, ’97, works for the Indiana University (IU) School of Music as the director of marketing and publicity. She received her M.A. in arts administration at IU in 1999. Maria has also been active as a volunteer doing PR work for the Monroe Country Humane Association capital campaign and serving on the board of Girls Inc. She and her husband, Brian Talbert, ’96, were married in 1998, and the couple has enjoyed traveling to the Smoky Mountains, Los Angeles and Oregon. The Talberts live in Spencer, IN. Bill Truluck, ’97, has recently accepted an orthopedic residency position with Ingham Regional Medical Center in Lansing. He will begin his residency in July 2003. Bill resides in Mason.
00 Robin Adair, ’00, works as a carpenter in Farmington, CT. After Albion, Robin enrolled in a trade school in Boston where he specialized in preservation carpentry. He lives in New Haven, CT. Marc Drummond, ’00, Scott Smith, ’00, and Brian Longheier, ’00, celebrated Albion’s Homecoming with a trip to the birthplace of democracy this past fall. The trio spent 10 days in Greece, touring Athens and the surrounding area, as well as the islands of Crete and Santorini.
Amy Reimann, ’00, received a master’s degree from the University of Michigan’s School of Information in April 2002. She is currently employed as records manager for Starr Commonwealth. Brian Riordan, ’00, is currently working as a Spanish teacher in the World Languages Department at Howell High School. He also coaches middleschool track and field, the high school quiz bowl team and sponsors the International Club. Brian is working on his master’s degree at Michigan State University. He lives in Brighton.
Allison Moore, ’01, has finished her classes at The George Washington University and traveled to Washington, DC, in December for her graduation. She is currently working for PGI, Inc., a special events and communications company. Allison can be reached by email at: allimoore9431@aol.com Kenyo Tanaka, ’01, now works for General Electric Capital Japan, Mergers and Acquisitions Group. Kenyo resides in Kanagawa, Japan.
Tara Meadows, ’02, is attending Chicago-Kent College of Law. She lives in Chicago, IL. Lindsay Resky, ’02, is attending pharmacy school at Ferris State University. She lives in Byron. Katie Roberts, ’02, is attending classes and working part-time at Wal-Mart. She is having a lot of fun while learning about retail. Katie hopes to hear from some of her old friends by e-mail at: karoberts@albion.edu. She lives in Lapeer. Joel Stapleton, ’02, is teaching history at Simpson Middle School in Flat Rock.
Mustapha Cheaib, ’02, is currently attending Columbia University Law School. He lives in New York City. Shannon Spykerman Huff, ’02, works as a first-grade teacher at Springport Elementary School. She married Chris Huff, ’02, in July 2002. The couple resides in Eaton Rapids. Dana Lee, ’02, is teaching sixth-grade language arts at a middle school in Atlanta, GA. She is teaching through Teach for America, an Americorps program aimed at advancing students in under-resourced school districts, especially in the inner city. She can be reached by e-mail at: dlee@albion.edu.
Yukiko Tanaka, ’02, is pursuing a master’s in music/piano performance at the Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Yukiko is also working as a staff pianist and a piano teacher at some private schools in New York City. Her New York solo debut recital is going to be held in January 2003 at the Japanese-American United Church in Manhattan. Colleen Thomas, ’02, moved to Tanzania and joined the Peace Corps in September. Colleen will be teaching math at an all-girls boarding school in Masasi, in the Mtwara region. She is living with a Tanzania host family, learning Swahili and Tanzanian customs. Colleen will serve with the Peace Corps until December 2004.
01 Andrea Carollo, ’01, has been named a senior tax accountant in KPMG’s international executive services tax practice. Prior to working for KPMG, she was employed as a staff tax accountant at Arthur Andersen. She lives in Birmingham. Kathlynn Fitzgerald, ’01, graduated from the University of New Haven in June 2002 with an M.S. in forensic science. She is working as a private criminal and civil investigator in Michigan. She lives in Dearborn. Melissa Hall, ’01, can now be reached at 5380 Holmes Run Pkwy, Apt. 409, Alexandria, VA 22304. Marshall Houserman, ’01, is a firstyear graduate student in the Department of History at Indiana University. He can be reached by e-mail at: mhouserm@indiana.edu. Isaac Kremer, ’01, will complete his master’s in historic preservation at Cornell University in May 2003. He has published the Albion Interactive History at www.albionvision.com, and hopes to complete similar projects for other cities as well. Isaac lives in Ithaca, NY.
2003 ALUMNI DIRECTORY A donation of $19 or more to Albion College will qualify you to receive a copy of the 2003 Alumni Directory, which will be mailed to your home this summer. Find your old friends, update your information and reconnect with Albion College! If you didn’t receive your Alumni Directory questionnaire in the mail to update your information, then simply e-mail: annualgiving@albion.edu.
Albion College Office of Annual Giving 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224 • 517/629-0565
Give online at www.albion.edu
Weddings Sara Tiderington, ’69, to Gary Phillips on Aug. 2, 2002. Gary and Sarah reside at 2080 Beaufait Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods. They have seven children and seven grandchildren. Mark Hornsby, ’83, to Olga Teplova on June 29, 2002. They were married in Lake Tahoe. The couple met in Olga’s native Czech Republic. Olga is a pre-
physical therapy student at Santa Monica College. Mark is a freelance corporate trainer. The couple lives in Hermosa Beach, CA. Mark can be reached via email at: mdh61@yahoo.com. Molly Arnold, ’98, to Edward Craven, ’94, in May 2001. Edward is currently serving as staff emergency physician in the Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH. He received his M.D from Case Western Reserve University in 1998, and became board certified in emergency medicine in June 2002.
Edward was appointed to the faculty of Wright State University School of Medicine in 2002. The Cravens live in Dayton, OH. Tyler Schulze, ’95, to Lori Martin on Oct. 26, 2002. They were married in Newport Beach, CA. Alumni who attended the wedding included Dennis Chinonis, ’98, Patti Lapointe Chinonis, ’95, Larry Cappel, ’95, J.D. Collins, ’94, Darin Baur, ’95, Wes Twigg, ’95, Brad Manuilow, ’97,
Colby Bodzick, ’97, Jay Witthuhn, ’97, and Kurt Harvey, ’97. Tyler is director of business development for Fox Sports Net. Lori is an occupational therapist pursuing her master’s degree in health administration from USC. The couple lives in Brentwood, CA. Rebecca Slavin, ’96, to Sean Cumming on Oct. 20, 2002. Alumni in the wedding party included Andrea Stubbs, ’96, Carrie Railing Madden, ’96, and Kathy Defever, ’98. Sean is from the
Orkney Islands, United Kingdom. He recently completed his Ph.D. in kinesiology. The couple lives in Haslett. Jaime Corte, ’98, to Nick Christopher, ’98, on Aug. 3, 2002. They were married in Suttons Bay. Jaime just moved back from New York City where she was a fashion publicist working for Jennifer Lopez. Nick is a first-year M.B.A. student at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business. The couple lives in Chicago, IL.
Wedding Album See accompanying notes on pages 16-17 for details.
Jaime Corte, ’98, to Nick Christopher, ’98, on Aug. 3, 2002. (Front row, left to right) Kim Krzyaniak, ’97, Kirk Rosin, ’98, Sabrina Corte, ’00, Allison Neckers, ’98, Claudina Iacobelli, ’98, Melissa Grace, ’98, Jaime Corte Christopher, ’98, Nick Christopher, ’98, Gabriela Vettraino, ’98, and Jim Grimes, ’98. (Second row) Aaron Perrault, ’98, Hillary Butcher, ’98, Debra Haan, ’99, Michelle Giorgi, ’00, Clay Crooks, ’00, and Gina Christopher, ’02. (Third row) Jay Witthuhn, ’97, Scott Schumacher, ’99, TJ Whitehouse, ’99, Ellie Whitlock Schumacher, ’99, Matt Corona, ’99, Dave Stark, ’98, Jason Thomas, ’00, Matt Damman, ’97, Chris Friggens, ’98, George Lemmon, ’98, Jessica Savanna, ’98, and Dan Schleicher, ’98. Other alumni in attendance, but not pictured: Sarah Schmidt Fuller, ’99, Meredith Manning, ’99, Molly McCracken, ’98, Thorne Matteson, ’98, Robb Smith, ’98, and Krista Vollmerding, ’98.
Abigail Reich, ’00, to Chad Coffman on July 5, 2002. (Left to right) Amanda Reed, ’00, Jen Boelkins, ’99, Rosa Trombley, ’00, Chad Coffman, Abby Reich Coffman, ’00, Elizabeth Astras Geshel, ’00, Stacy Davidson Moore, ’01, Julie White Philips, ’99, and Kelly Sear, ’00.
Katie Piper, ’00, to Sean Roberts, ’00, on Aug. 9, 2002. (Front row, left to right) Michelle Giorgi, ’00, Sabrina Corte, ’00, Katie Piper, ’00, Sean Roberts, ’00, and Shannon Pavlich Easter, ’00. (Second row) Jeff Barker, ’00, Andrea Stanaway, ’00, Clay Crooks, ’00, Jeremy Piper, ’98, and Andrea Khoury, ’00. (Third row) Robb Smith, ’98, Josh Yeager, ’99, Matt McCatty, ’99, Joe King, ’00, Nate Keskes, ’00, Greg Weeks, ’01, Akil Jackson, ’00, Gretchen Gockerman, ’00, Ryan Sergent, ’00, Jonathan VanGemert, ’99, Dave Conger, ’00, Andy Lewis, ’01, and Devon Wilkop, ’02.
Heather Schuchard, ’99, to Michael Dermyer, ’99, on June 1, 2002. (Left to right) Abby Slagor, ’00, Kristin Katterjohn Rahn, ’99, Alicia Skuza, ’99, Chris Thompson, ’00, Nathan Rahn, ’00, Bridget Reynaert, ’99, Brandan Snook, ’00, Heather Schuchard Dermyer, ’99, Michael Dermyer, ’99, Greg Prater, ’00, Marianne Franco, ’99, Gonca Gursel, ’99, John McKaig, ’98, Shannon Stephens, ’01, Rick Piornack, ’00, and Darek Simonds, ’00.
CORRECTION: Susan Cunningham, ’98, to Patrick O’Connell on June 2, 2001. They were married in West Bloomfield. Alumni in the wedding party included matron of honor Jennifer Jacobs Farrugia, ’98, Kristen Raphael Farrar, ’98, and best man Brandon O’Connell, ’99. Alumni in attendance included Erica Peterson, ’99, Jeff Garbacz, ’99, and James Boynton, ’97. Susan is the account supervisor at McCann-Erickson advertising agency. Patrick graduated from the University of Michigan and is a pharmaceutical sales representative with AstraZeneca. The couple lives in Ferndale. Heather Schuchard, ’99, to Michael Dermyer, ’99, on June 1, 2002. They were married in Saline. Heather is an environmental engineer with the ACNM Group in Ann Arbor. Michael is a biochemist in antibiotic research with Pfizer Global Research and Development in Ann Arbor. The couple lives in Ann Arbor, and can be reached via email at: hdermyer@acnm.com. Karen Schinkel, ’01, to Phillip Raduazo, ’99, on June 22, 2002. They were married in Jackson. Alumni attending the wedding included Lesly Wilberding, ’01, Melissa Hall, ’01, Mike Barnard, ’98, Aaron Gillett, ’99, and Dan Sherry, ’99. The couple lives in Belleville. Kacy Davidson, ’00, to Tobias Lockhart on Aug. 3, 2002. Kacy accepted a position with the State of Alaska as a licensing specialist for child care facilities within Southeast Alaska. Tobias is the youth director for Chapel by the Lake Presbyterian Church. The Lockharts live in Juneau, AK. Kacy sends her greetings to her fellow Brits. Laura Gessford, ’01, to Jason Kiernan, ’00, on July 27, 2002. Laura is a private voice instructor and a substitute teacher in Albion. Jason is an assistant manager for Walgreen’s in Jackson. The couple lives in Albion. Michelle Lesperance, ’00, to Andy Kolozsvary, ’00, on June 22, 2001. They were married in Clinton Township. Selva Raj of Albion’s Religious Studies Department officiated at the ceremony. Alumni in the wedding party included groomsmen Michael Mara, ’00, Michael Dobbins, ’00, and Anton Bieliauskas, ’01. Albion alumni in attendance included Sue Cotcamp Albert, ’78, Dan Albert, ’78, Nancy Grapes Cotcamp, ’77, Dennis Cotcamp, ’76, Emily Arend, ’02, Joslyn Brunelle, ’00, Craig Brunskole, ’00, Tony Hillman, ’01, Dave Kenyon, ’00, Amy Krahn, ’00, Anne Kretzmann, ’00, Jennifer Lantzy, ’00, Abbe Lindemood, ’01, Janna Muccio, ’00, Meghan Murphy, ’00, Otis Nelson, ’00, Rychee Parmann, ’99,
Carly Wieferich Orris, ’00, Sara Shunk, ’00, and Rosa Trombley, ’00. Other Albion faculty in attendance included Dale Kennedy, Doug White, and Frank Frick. Andy began law school at the University of Michigan in September 2002. Michelle graduated with a master’s degree in natural resources and environment from the University of Michigan in December 2002. They couple lives in Ann Arbor. They can be reached via e-mail at malesper@umich.edu or akolo@umich.edu. Christina Corace, ’02, to Todd Krost, ’00, on June 15, 2002 in Birmingham. Alumni in attendance included, Christine Batzer, ’02, Rebecca Wynohradnyk, ’02, Scott Sheehan, ’02, Kim Tuller, ’03, Charissa Eckhout, ’03, Kristen Abraham, ’03, Paul Garabelli, ’02, and Loretta Leo Cynowa, ’81. Todd is working in Chicago with the Illinois House of Representatives Republicans. Christina is a second-grade teacher at St. John Vianney School in Northlake, IL. The couple lives in La Grange, IL. Abigail Reich, ’00, to Chad Coffman on July 5, 2002. They were married in New Albany, IN. Abigail is employed with Floyds Knobs Elementary School in Floyds Knobs, IN. The couple lives in Corydon, IN. Sean Roberts, ’00, to Katie Piper, ’00, on Aug. 9, 2002. They were married in Harbor Springs. Sean is a CPA for Ernst & Young. Katie will graduate in May from Wayne State University with a master’s degree in speech language pathology. The couple lives in Royal Oak.
Baby Britons
Kiana Jo Perez adopted on June 24, 2002 by Jodi Haney, ’84, from Guatemala. They live in Maumee, OH.
Adam Nicholas on Sept. 20, 2001 to David Fregolle, ’78, and Cheryl Ann Satawa. The family lives in Dearborn. Anne LuMing adopted on June 24, 2002 byAndrew and Deborah Mero Morse, ’80, in the People’s Republic of China. Ming turned four years old in September 2002. She joins big sisters Nicole, 9, Lindsay, 6, and McKenna, 3, adopted from China in August 2000. Deb is the marketing services director at Beaumont Hospital. She assists families interested in adopting abandoned Chinese children. The family lives in Berkley. They can be contacted via e-mail at: AndrewDebMorse@cs.com. Bridget Marie on Nov. 15, 2001 to Hans and Bernadette Len Pijls, ’81. She joins Patrick, 13, and Hillary, 10. Proud “aunts” are Terrie Howell Sharp, ’81, Camille Cleveland Smith, ’81, Jennifer Appleyard, ’81, and Anne Baker Tuccillo, ’83. The family lives Northville. They can be contacted via email at: pijls@comcast.net.
Maeve Therese on July 2, 2002 to Tim and Maureen Higgins, ’84. She joins Maeghan, 4, and Garrett, 2. Maureen has returned to work at Maine Medical Center as an oncology social worker. They live in Gorham, ME. Alyssa in November 2001 to Michael, ’84, and Leslie Ippolito McCarley, ’85. She joins Lauren, 7, and Lindsay, 5. The family lives in Battle Creek. William Lawrence on Aug. 25, 2002 to Dawn and William Robson, ’86. He joins big sister Samantha, 1. The family lives in Grand Rapids. Karina Meredith on July 14, 2002 to Brian and Monika Liepins Winer, ’87. She joins Matelin, 5, and Gwendolyn, 3. Monika is a full-time mother. Brian is a physics professor at the Ohio State University. The family lives in Hilliard, OH.
Brandon Christopher on May 18, 2002 to Greg and Sandra Veramay Jones, ’89. He joins big sister Courtney, 4. Proud grandparents include Don and Louise Taylor Veramay, ’58. Sandra is a research associate in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan. She is also an instructor of Christian sacred dance. Greg is a detective with the Ann Arbor Police Department. The family lives in Ann Arbor. Molly Catherine on July 14, 2002 to Brad and Michelle Calver Newman, ’90. The family lives in Chicago, IL. Ana to Johann Worm and Macarena Hortelano de la Lastra, ’91. Macarena founded her own company five years ago. The family lives in Frankfurt, Germany. Owen Bradley on Aug. 7, 2002 to Oliver Koppe, ’91, and Carrie Bradley-Koppe, ’91. He joins big sister Carly. The family lives in Leicester, NC. They can be reached via e-mail at: occkoppe@aol.com.
News for Albionotes Please use the space below to send your news about promotions, honors, appointments, marriages, births, travels and hobbies. When reporting information on deaths, please provide date, location, and Albion-connected survivors and their class years. Use of this form will help guarantee inclusion of your news in an upcoming issue of Io Triumphe. We try to process all class note information promptly, but please note that the Albionotes deadline falls several weeks prior to publication. If your information arrives after the deadline for a given issue, it will be held and included in the succeeding issue. Name __________________________________________________________ Class year _____________________
Carly Wieferich, ’00, to Stephen Orris on Aug. 10, 2002. Steve is working on his master’s degree in electrical engineering at Michigan State University. Carly works for Andrews, Hooper and Pavlik, a small accounting firm, in their Okemos office. The couple lives in Okemos. Scott Gosselin, ’02, to Keren Samuelson on Sept. 28, 2002. They were married in Highland. Scott is attending Palmer College of Chiropractic. The couple lives in Davenport, IA. Melissa Mears, ’02, to Carl Harris on May 25, 2002. Carl is an active member of the U.S. Navy and is currently training for EOD, a special forces program. The couple lives in Niceville, FL.
(Please print name)
Home address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________________ State ___________ ZIP ______________ Home telephone _______________________________ Home e-mail address _______________________________ Business address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________ State ___________ ZIP _____________ Business telephone ____________________________ Business e-mail address _____________________________ (Or simply attach a copy of your business card.) Check here if this is a new address. Also, if you have a winter address that is different from your permanent address, indicate it in the space below along with the months when you reside at that address.
News notes
Send to: Editor, Io Triumphe, Office of Communications, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St., Albion, MI 49224; or via e-mail to: classnotes@albion.edu. Be sure to include your full name, class year, address (geographic and e-mail) and telephone number in your e-mail message.
Olivia Anne on July 15, 2002 to Stephan and Elisa Jensen Wuench, ’91. The family lives in Brighton. They can be reached via e-mail at: wuenche@wmston.k12.mi.us. William Thomas on Sept. 25, 2002 to Doug Goudie, ’92, and Ann McCulloch, ’93. They live in Washington, DC. Patrick Thomas on July 23, 2002 to Amanda Osborne Hegarty, ’92, and her husband. He joins big brother James, 3. The family lives in Okemos. Grace Elisabeth on June 24, 2002 to Eric, ’92, and Rachel Miller Ordona, ’93. Proud relatives include Amy Ordona, ’90, and Scott and Bridget Miller Roose, both ’94. The family lives in Birmingham. They can be reached via e-mail at: eo@bigfoot.com. Margaret Catherine “Maggie” on Aug. 29, 2002 to Keith, ’93, and Christianna Morgan Harvey, ’95. The family lives in Dayton, OH. Kyle Becker Rosenau on April 14, 2002 to Kevin and Kim Logan Rosenau, ’93. Kim teaches sixth grade at West Middle School in Holland. The family lives in Zeeland. They can be reached via e-mail at: kim.rosenau@chartermi.net. Hannah Joy on Aug. 4, 2002 to Michael and Jennifer O’Brien Bahorski, ’94. She joins big sister Madeleine Jean. Jennifer recently received her LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) license. She is a school counselor at Graham Elementary in Avondale school system. She is working on a bullyproofing program for the school to reduce violence among youth. The family lives in Auburn Hills. Paul William on March 19, 2002 to Kirk and Connie Krayer Ciak, ’94. The family lives in Troy. William Joseph on March 13, 2002 to Scott and Bridget Miller Roose, both ’94. The family lives in London, England. Chloe Joanna on June 30, 2002 to Todd and Marcia Schleicher Switzer, ’94. She joins Micah, 4, and Lydia, 2. Proud grandparents include Margery Taber Schleicher, ’66. The family lives in Hanover Park, IL. They can be reached via e-mail at: tmswitzer@attbi.com. Rowan Olivia on May 26, 2002 to Nicole Kramer, ’95, and Alyson Mann. Nicholas George on April 15, 2002 to Mario and Jennifer Jorissen Said, ’95. Jennifer is a nurse at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. She works in the cardiac ICU and the cardiac step-down unit. Mario works for Ford Motor Co. The family lives in Northville. Tessa Christine on May 29, 2002 to Brett and Jessica Stearns Salamin, both ’95. She joins big brother Brett Jr., 4. Brett and Jessica both teach at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The family lives in Sunrise, FL.
Kent Charles on Sept. 12, 2002 to John and Christina Mertes Bonney, ’96. John is a third-year family practice resident at Maine Medical Center. Tina is a senior consultant for Collins Consulting, based in West Bloomfield. The family lives in Portland, ME. They can be reached via e-mail at: tbonney@collinsconsult.com. Kylie Rathe on Aug. 16, 2002 to Mike, ’97, and Holly Hay Cabana, ’98. Holly is now a stay-at-home mom after teaching math at Dexter High School for 4 years and earning her Master’s Degree in education. Mike works at Mark Chevrolet in Wayne. The family lives in Dexter and can be reached at: cabana@dexter.k12.mi.us.
Obituaries Charles Barclay, ’27, on Aug. 20, 2002 in San Carlos, CA. He taught biology at Ann Arbor High School and Pioneer High School for more than 30 years, and also served as a class advisor for 10 years. In recognition of his dedication to teaching, his name was added in 1995 to the roll of honor established by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. Charles coached the rifle club and worked with the Boy Scouts. He was also involved with the Audubon Society and the Michigan Botanical Club. He is survived by his wife and two children. Catherine Garlent Johnson, ’34, on Sept. 23, 2002. She earned a master’s degree from Northwestern University and was a retired teacher with Williamston Public Schools. She is survived by two grandsons, a greatgranddaughter, a nephew, John Findley, ’63, and a niece, Catherine Findley Thomas Glennon, ’65. Hugh Rudolph, ’37, on Oct. 8, 2002. He was a former Arnold Transit Co. and Union Terminal Piers general manager in St. Ignace. He served as the city assessor for Mackinac Island for many years and was an active member of the Mackinac Island community for 33 years. He graduated with a law degree from John Marshall Law School in Chicago. He is survived by his wife, Marianna Brown Rudolph, ’39, a daughter and three grandchildren. CORRECTION: James Montgomery, ’38, on April 4, 2002 in Peachtree City, GA. He and his brother Raoul Montgomery, ’39, operated H.A. Montgomery Co. in Detroit. James is survived by Raoul, as well as by his wife, MaryLou, one son, a daughter, Virginia Montgomery Masters, ’84, and four grandchildren. Elizabeth Henderson Rentenbach, ’41, on Sept. 18, 2002 in St. Clair Shores. She is survived by a son. Winifred Ellerby Hartung, ’43, on Oct. 16, 2002 in Jackson. She worked at the Credit Bureau of Albion and then was secretary to the Albion College Visual Arts Department from 1961 to 1972. Wini was a former member and officer
of BPW, DAR and other community groups. She is survived by a son, three daughters, eight grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Elizabeth Birdsall Hileman, ’43, on Nov. 11, 2002 in Marshall. After working in the business world, she joined the Registrar’s Office at Albion College and served as registrar from 1965 until she retired in 1987. She was a member of numerous community organizations including Calhoun County Literary Club, ELT Club, Albion Hospital Service League and Duck Lake Country Club. She is survived by a daughter, Jane; sons William, ’72, and Robert; three granddaughters and two great-grandsons. Paul Meech, ’47, on Sept. 14, 2002. He received his M.B.A. from the University of Michigan. He served with the U.S. Marines during World War II, and was called back to service during the Korean War. He served as president and CEO of the Kewaunee Scientific Corp. in Statesville, NC, from 1964 until his retirement. He was involved in the First Presbyterian Church, Rotary and many other clubs and organizations. He is survived by his wife, three sons and six grandchildren. William Perkins, ’49, on Oct. 1, 2002. After receiving his master’s degree in divinity from Boston University, Bill was ordained as a United Methodist elder in 1952. He then served with churches in Detroit, Mobile, AL, and Kensington, CT. Beginning in 1961, he joined the New York United Methodist Church conference and served as pastor of several churches on Long Island. Bill was appointed as the district superintendent for the Long Island East District from 1989 to 1995 and served as the dean of the cabinet of the New York Annual Conference from 1994 to 1995. For five years, he served as an adjunct professor of religion at Malloy College in Rockville Centre, NY. He was involved with numerous human services organizations. He also sponsored a number of refugees from various countries, including Vietnam and Afghanistan. Bill was honored with the Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award of Rockville Centre, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Albion College and the Distinguished Service Award from Malloy College. He is survived by his wife, Carol Paxton Perkins, ’50, four children and eight grandchildren. Mary Reed Ives, ’51, on Sept. 7, 2002 in Dearborn. She worked as a Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) docent beginning in the 1970s and was on the DIA Volunteer Committee. A long-time resident of Bloomfield, she was a member of the Village Club, the American Association of University Women and the PEO Sisterhood. She was also a Sunday school teacher at the First United Methodist Church in Birmingham. With her husband, she traveled the world as he carried out his duties as a director of Rotary International. She is survived by her husband, four children and 10 grandchildren. Ernest McCamman, ’51, on Aug. 14, 2002 in Savannah, GA. He served with the U.S. Army during World War II. He graduated from Wayne State University,
and he was also a graduate of Harvard University’s Advanced Management Program. Ernest retired in 1986 as CEO of Giffels Associates, Inc., a major architectural-engineering firm in Detroit, after 34 years of service. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and was past president of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers. He is survived by his wife and three children. Patricia Simpkins, ’51, on Sept. 11, 2002 in Battle Creek. Patricia worked at the State Farm Regional Offices in Marshall and the VA Hospital in Battle Creek, retiring in 1991. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Huguenots Society. She is survived by her husband, five children, 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Lawrence Hawes, ’52, on May 12, 2002. He is survived by his wife, Gwen Alford Hawes, ’52. Mark Spinney, ’52, on Aug. 6, 2002. He was the former director of the U.S. Foreign Commerce Service in Jackson, MS, where he retired in 1997. He is survived by his wife. George Teachman, ’53, on Sept. 25, 2002 in Ellicott City, MD. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Jay Dee Rumsey Haines, ’63, Aug. 14, 2002 in Manistee. She was employed as a teacher, auditor and entrepreneur and was part-owner of an arts-and-crafts company, Sisters Act. She enjoyed golf, tennis and gardening, and was active in her church. She is survived by her husband, Harlo Haines, ’62, three sons, a daughter and seven grandchildren. George Pantlind, ’65, on Oct. 22, 2002. George was selected as an All-American swimmer in 1964 while at Albion College, and he was inducted into the Albion College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1989. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1966 to 1970. A resident of East Grand Rapids, George was a CPA and insurance agent. He is survived by his wife and four children.
Faculty and friends Bruce Borthwick passed away Nov. 16, 2002 in Albion following a brief illness. A member of the Albion political science faculty for 35 years, Borthwick taught courses on comparative politics, political systems of Europe, international relations and American foreign policy. An expert in Middle Eastern and Chinese politics, he wrote one of the first textbooks on Middle Eastern politics for Prentice Hall publishers, and he team-taught a seminar on Islam, Judaism and the Middle East with former Albion College Religious
Studies professor Frank Frick. He was chair of the Political Science Department from 1975 to 1982 and was named professor emeritus at the time of his retirement in 2002. A past president of the Michigan Conference of Political Scientists, Borthwick studied in China in 1984-85 and participated in a Fulbright Seminar in Pakistan in 1987. In 1998, he studied Middle Eastern water policy, traveling to Amman, Jordan, to examine the issue. He spoke Arabic, German and French. He held a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Michigan. While his teaching and research dealt primarily with international affairs, Borthwick focused much of his activism close to home. He was instrumental in the development of public housing for low-income families in Albion, and he was active in the NAACP, helping to open doors and erase barriers for Albion’s African-American population. Borthwick was involved in a variety of community organizations, including the Albion Community Non-Profit Housing Corporation, First Presbyterian Church, Albion Area Ambulance Service, Citizens to Beautify Albion, and the City of Albion’s Zoning Board of Appeals. In 1999, he was elected president of the Albion Branch of the NAACP, and this year received the NAACP Outstanding Service Award. He was an active member of the Albion Sister City Committee, participating in the first delegation to Noisy-le-Roi, France, in 1997. He also was an avid cook, teaching Chinese cooking in adult education classes in Albion and elsewhere in midMichigan. Borthwick is survived by his wife, Doris; three children, Andrew, Philip and Hannah; and two grandchildren. Kathryn Strickler passed away Nov. 25, 2002 in East Lansing. Wife of longtime Albion College choir director David Strickler, Kay Strickler was known fondly as “Mrs. Dave” and hosted countless choir parties and other events at her home during their decades in Albion. Her husband—an innovator who started many musical traditions at Albion, including the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols and the Albion Choral Society—served as choir director for the College from 1943 to 1976. Before raising her children, Kay Strickler worked as a dietitian in hospitals in Cincinnati and Albion. Her many interests included music, literature, fine arts, and serving others. In Albion, she was active in the PEO Sisterhood, ELT Club, the Review Club, American Association of University Women and Pi Beta Phi sorority. The Stricklers met as undergraduates at Ohio Wesleyan University and wed on Aug. 11, 1937. They were married 64 years. Kay Strickler was preceded in death by her husband, who died Nov. 11, 2001. She is survived by a daughter, Julianna, and her husband, Brent Smith; a son, John, and his wife, Nan; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Remembering an astute political observer and activist Bruce Borthwick, professor of political science, passed away Nov. 16, 2002. His colleagues pay tribute to his many contributions to Albion—College and community—in the remarks below. Please see the notice in the “Faculty and Friends” section on p. 18 for more information. When Bruce Borthwick came to Albion College in 1965, I was delighted. I’d found colleagues when I came in 1957 whom I could talk with about China and Japan and India, but not one I could talk with about the Muslim world. Now, finally, eight years later, here was someone who shared that interest. And being a University of Michigan product, he even knew some of the professors I’d studied with. It was like finding a younger brother, for me. I was teaching a popular introductory course called “New States of Asia and Africa” then. Rather than go to two sections with it, I asked Bruce if he’d like to team-teach it. He said yes. We did that for quite a few years, until his own department wanted more of his services in advanced courses. So I saw a lot of Bruce in the classroom. He was methodical, well organized, careful to present as rounded a picture as possible about Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East, and the issues they face, out of a geography and history very different from ours here. He always strove to bring out their humanness with incidents out of his own residences in the region. He emphasized that they, like people everywhere, sought safety and contentment, even though the much different circumstances of their lives might lead them to pursue their goals in ways we might find hard to understand. He himself eventually said to me, though, that he was sick at heart over the tensions of the Middle East, especially the escalating antagonisms between Israelis and Palestinians. Half in despair, half in jest, he started saying the best way to handle the Jerusalem issue would be to put that embattled city under a United Nations High Commissioner from Japan, someone out of the Shinto tradition with no predispositions about any of the Abrahamic faiths. . . . [Beyond his life and work on the campus], he gave us a lot of years of Presbyterian egg-roll tables at the Festival of the Forks, and a lot of great Chinese cooking classes. I can still bring to mind those wonderful smells and tastes that made all our preliminary chopping worthwhile. Whether in a cooking class or in a college class, he always worked consciously against stereotypes of every kind. It was a purpose he and I shared, although he took it out into the Albion community far more than I did. He was a good man to work with. We are all better for having had him with us. Now we have to carry on without him. But having known him, known his sincerity, known his respect for all of God’s children, will make that easier. Robina Quale-Leach Professor Emerita of History
✦ It was April 1963 and the nation was embroiled in racial turmoil as Black America challenged Jim Crow segregation. Down in Birmingham, Ala., Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested for civil disobedience. While incarcerated, Dr. King penned what became one of the most famous letters in history: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” In response to critics who admonished him to back off because the time was not right, Dr. King wrote that he could not sit idly by, adding: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.” He emphasized that it was a mistake to think that time alone would cure all ills. “[H]uman progress . . . comes through the tireless efforts and persistent work of men willing to be coworkers with God. . . . We must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always right to do right.” The letter was a call to good people not to remain silent. Bruce Borthwick read the letter and heard Dr. King’s call. He confided to Doris that they needed to get involved in the civil rights struggle. They could not remain silent.
In August 1963 the March on Washington took place. The New York Times described the event: “More than 200,000 Americans, most of them black but many of them white, demonstrated today for a full and speedy program of civil rights and equal job opportunities.” The photos show the sea of people surrounding the Reflecting Pool at the Lincoln Memorial. And if you look closely, two of the demonstrators are Bruce and Doris. They did not remain silent or sit idly by. They found the demonstration atmosphere exhilarating and once more were inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr., who delivered his memorable “I have a dream” speech. President John F. Kennedy praised the marchers for their “deep fervor and quiet dignity.” Deep fervor and quiet dignity. President Kennedy could have been describing Bruce. In 1965, Bruce was appointed to the faculty of Albion College. Bruce’s academic specialty was international affairs, and it would have been easy enough to concentrate on his teaching and research while paying only passing attention to the town. But that “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and that March on Washington would not permit him to be silent on the issues confronting the city of Albion. Bruce campaigned for public housing for low-income people, which led to the development of Oak Meadows. He continued as a champion of social justice in the community with his longtime membership in the Albion branch of the NAACP. His service to the NAACP included resolution of complaints concerning racial discrimination. Bruce was a forceful and effective advocate on behalf of those striving to achieve the American Dream. He attended NAACP state conventions and kept an open ear to information that could serve the community. He put new knowledge to work in organizing a health forum on prostate and breast cancer for Albion’s African Americans. Eventually Bruce became president of the Albion Branch of the NAACP, serving with distinction. On campus and in the community, Bruce promoted the celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. But he wanted it to be a time of education and reflection, and not just another holiday. When it came to community involvement, Bruce paid his dues. And he was effective because he had a sense of place about Albion. He got to know people of all races and ethnicities. He got to know the history of the city. He wasn’t just passing through. He put down roots. And he found his voice while fighting poverty, racism, and war. I shared many of Bruce’s interests and witnessed his dedication to the community. We spent a lot of time together at local and statewide NAACP meetings and working on political campaigns. One of the traits that fueled his battle for justice was a profound sense of moral indignation. Add to that an insatiable intellectual curiosity. When I visited Bruce after his cancer diagnosis, I was deeply moved by his inquiries about the town, the College, the NAACP, and the world. I was also impressed by the strong views he still voiced about the issues of the day. Any of us in his situation might have asked for time out from worrying about the problems of the world. It is a measure of Bruce’s character that he remained committed through it all. Bruce was a community activist but that depiction does not adequately encompass his contributions to Albion. When Bruce and Doris made the decision to make Albion their home and raise their family here, many positive reverberations followed. City, College, and church all benefited in ways too numerous to elaborate. Their children, Andrew, Philip, and Hannah, enriched Albion and the Albion public schools. Bruce, Doris, and their family have been a gift to the Albion community. Robert F. Kennedy once said: “It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a ripple of hope.” Bruce sent forth ripples and ripples of hope. We now celebrate that hope.
With “deep fervor and quiet dignity,” Bruce reminded us that the “time is always right to do right.” I am proud to say that I marched beside him. We shall miss him. Wesley Dick Professor of History
✦ What I remember most is how much Bruce added to my education. Bruce and Doris were the first persons to welcome my wife, Nancy, and me to Albion nearly 20 years ago. But my education at his hands began before that. In fact, it began at the time of my job interview when Bruce led me on an extensive tour showing me the history of this wonderful Albion community. And he knew that this was a wonderful community. Over the years, he would take my Voluntarism and Community class into Albion’s African-American community, into its churches, where my students and I were able to meet some of Albion’s outstanding leaders and families. Bruce also taught me about the growing importance of the European Union and of a new Europe increasingly without borders. Europe was not his specialty, and he could have easily taught his course on Political Systems of Europe the same old way, country by country. But instead, he taught himself, searching for the most recent material on the European Union. He taught his students about the importance of new supranational institutions and identities. And in the process he taught me. Bruce was also a risk-taker. He and Doris lived and taught in China for a year in the mid-1980s. He visited the PakistanAfghanistan border, and for a while even wore his Mujahadeen freedom-fighter hat on campus. Near retirement, he returned to Amman, Jordan, to pursue further language study and to complete research on the region’s water politics. Bruce always afforded me and others the greatest respect. He was actively concerned with Arab politics, but he never once tried to force his views on me or on his students. He took his students both to Detroit-area mosques and to the Holocaust memorial. He openly listened to and courted my opinions. Bruce believed that all voices should be reflected in the college curriculum. Bruce was a humanist and an activist. He was a fighter for housing for poor people. He gave his energy to the NAACP and enjoyed the honor of being named the president of the Albion Branch. His office wall bore the poster of Dresden Cathedral, testifying to the horror of war and senseless destruction. When I visited him in the hospital, he had a tape machine playing a symphony of the bells of Dresden Cathedral. . . . Those bells now toll for him. Myron Levine Sleight Professor of Leadership Studies (Political Science)
✦ While I was fond of Bruce and admired his passion for justice, my respect grew to a sense of awe as I watched him face death. Bruce approached the challenge of cancer by drawing on the same dignity and resolve with which he faced all other aspects of his life. His courage, faith, and determination enabled him to put even a life-threatening illness in context and perspective, just as he had taught his students to put the events of history and of contemporary times in context and perspective. To teach this skill and world view is not easy, but to live this skill and world view is much more difficult. Wisdom shone through Bruce’s very countenance as he dealt with the reality of what awaited him. He struggled courageously until the inevitable time arrived. Then he surrendered with grace and class. He faced death with integrity and confidence and in the process reaffirmed the noble quality of the human condition. I suspect his inherent goodness and his inherent belief in justice enabled him to face the ultimate challenge with largess and love. May we all be inspired by Bruce’s passion for justice, his love of learning, and his dignity and compassion. Peter Mitchell President
20 12
“It’s a challenge . . . practicing medicine with limited resources and no backup,” says U.S. Army captain Rena Salyer, D.O., ’95, of her recent seven-month deployment to Kosovo and Macedonia. Salyer is saving lives and seeing the world as a combat field surgeon. In the Balkans, she served with Task Force Medical Falcon, providing medical care to soldiers and others involved with the peacekeeping mission there. “You get deployed and are presented with a whole new group of challenges,” she reflects. “It’s my job to ensure our soldiers and their families get American standard health care no matter where they are sent.” In responding to
In keeping with the theme of Albion College’s Vision, Liberal Arts at Work, we are offering a series of profiles of Albion students and alumni who exemplify “liberal arts at work” in their daily lives. These profiles will appear in each issue of Io Triumphe.
these diverse needs, Salyer calls upon the critical-thinking skills she developed at Albion. “My professors taught me how to look at a problem logically and find a good solution from the alternatives available. That’s a skill I use all of the time.” After she concludes her assignment overseas, Salyer will continue work on her surgical residency. While it’s a demanding life, Salyer says she has found many rewards in military service. “It’s nice to be part of something larger than just yourself.”
Rena Salyer, a great example of
LIBERAL ARTS AT WORK Mark your calendar Albion College’s Carl A. Gerstacker Liberal Arts Institute for Professional Management presents
“Ethical Leadership in Business: Defining It, Living It, Meaning It” March 27, 2003
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Albion College Campus Alumni and friends are welcome at this symposium, which will be led by Edmund Jenkins,’57, retired chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and will include Patrick McDonnell, author of Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven. In addition, participants will hear from leading business executives faced with making ethical decisions on a daily basis. For registration information, contact Martha Robinson, Gerstacker Institute coordinator, telephone: 517/629-0418, e-mail: gerstacker@albion.edu, or go to: www.albion.edu/gerstacker/ethics_symposium/.
Off-campus events
Feb. 23
Call the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations at 517/629-0448 for details on these off-campus events.
Symphonic Band Concert 4 p.m., Goodrich Chapel
Jan. 12
Theatre: “Kiss Me Kate” 8 p.m., Herrick Center
“Celebrating Liberal Arts at Work” in Southern California. Please join other Southern California alumni, parents and friends for a special brunch and program. 11 a.m., Hilton Anaheim, 777 Convention Way, Anaheim, $25 per person.
Jan. 16 “Celebrating Liberal Arts at Work” in New York City. All Greater New York area alumni, parents and friends are invited to this evening program. 6:30 p.m., Citrus Bar & Grill, 320 Amsterdam, New York City, $48 per person.
Feb. 26-March 1
March 2 Symphony Orchestra Concert 4 p.m., Goodrich Chapel
March 6 Jazz Ensemble Concert 8 p.m., Kellogg Center
March 23 Briton Singers Concert 4 p.m., Goodrich Chapel
On-campus events
March 29-May 1
Jan. 18-Feb. 15
Art Exhibit Albion College Senior Art Majors’ Exhibition
Art Exhibit: “Inner Visions” Recent work by David Morrison and Bonnie Stahlecker
March 30
Feb. 22-March 22
Strickler Memorial Concert 4 p.m., Goodrich Chapel
Art Exhibit Recent Photographs by Justin Kronewetter
For information on all Briton sports events, visit: www.albion.edu/sports/.