AL C AL AL I E N FES TE S SANT JOAN 2013 del 14 al 30 de juny
From 14 to 22 June: 22:00 Novena in honour of Santísimo Cristo de la Salud. Friday 21 June 20:30 Book presentation "RODER" by Joan Elies Andrés i Serer in ethnological Museum. 22:00 Novena. 22:30 Dinner * in the square, wine & beer courtesy of bodega Xaló; Francisco Tomas e hijos, Distribució de begudes el Verger and Bar Toni. (* Ticket essential). 24:00 Musical Duet. Saturday 22 June 12:00 Ringing of the church bells. 22:00 Novena. 22:30 Dinner * in the square, wine & beer courtesy of bodega Xaló, Francisco Tomas e hijos, Distribucio de begudes el Veger and Bar Toni. (* Ticket essential). 24:00 - Disco movil. Sunday 23 June 08:00 Matins. 21:30 Entrance of Sant Joanet de Mosquera, offering of flowers, commencing from Centro Civico. 24:00 Festivities in the square accompanied by La Tribu. Monday 24 June 12:00 17:30 21:30 24:00
Solemn mass in honour of Sant Joanet de Mosquera. Aquatic Gymkhana in Avenida Vall del Pop, sponsored by the Diputación. Procession in honour of Sant Joanet de Mosquera Festivities in the square accompanied by Zeppelin
Tuesday 25 June 12:00 13:00 18:30 21:30 24:00
Solemn mass in honour of Cristo de la Salud Distribution of “ Pa Benet “ (blessed bread) at the church entrance Come and have fun with Lucky and Cia, sponsored by the Diputación Procession in honour of Santísimo Cristo de la Salud Festivities in the square accompanied by Diamonds
Wednesday 26 June: 12:00 Mass in memory of all the deceased of Alcalalí Sunday 30 June: 19:00 Return of Sant Joanet to the Mosquera hermitage. II PHOTO CONTEST #alcalalienfestes.: More information: i The appointed councillor reserves the right to change or modify the acts included in this programme.