3 minute read
Shamanic Insights to bring awareness
by John Sjovik, Shaman healer
When I was preparing for writing these words, I invited Spirit to give me some assistance. The following night, I had a dream. I was travelling by train. I had a very nice and comfortable seat. The people around me were occupied with soft conversations, reading or just looking out at the passing scenery. I felt happy and I was enjoying the ride.
Then I turned to the passenger sitting next to me. I asked for the name of the next stop and what was the final destination? She looked somewhat bewildered and replied that these were odd questions. “This is a very nice train”, she said, “so why not simply relax and enjoy the comfort of the journey?” For a brief moment, I felt inclined to heed her advice. But then I realized that this was the train to Nowhere. If I wanted to go to Somewhere, I needed to leave this train. I needed to leave my comfortable seat and find another train.
With some effort, I managed to pause the dream.
Nobody really noticed when I left the train. Nobody seemed to care. And I was out of my comfort zone.
Sometimes, it takes effort and a bit of courage to leave a place of comfort in order to pursue that which you are destined to do. The dream I had been given was lucid and I could actively participate in it. Comfort and enjoyment was taking me in the wrong direction. I searched for indications from my unconscious mind and I asked for guidance from Spirit. Short term needs and momentary pleasure are really bad markers if you are looking for guidelines. You need to rise above the seemingly obvious and look beyond your immediate surroundings. Only then will you be able to see that which beckons on the horizon.
So here I am, listening to a Schubert symphony, drinking a cup of builder’s brew and tap, tap, tapping away on the keyboard.
Think about that brief moment, when Breathing In is replaced by Breathing Out. For a fraction of a moment, you are between breaths and in complete stillness. It is as if time itself is holding its breath; pausing in meditation and complete rest. This is a moment to listen, because it is an opportunity betwixt & between and beyond space and time. And by paying attention, you can hear the collective voice of your ancestors, the soft whisper of the angels and the very core vibration of the life force energy that is permeating all things.
Imagine sitting by the ocean at dusk, when day goes over into night and the last rays of the sun give way for the glow of the moon. You look out at the sea, you partly close your eyes and suddenly the light changes and the vision take on a different appearance.
The glittering sparks on top of the ocean waves form an alliance with the shining of the first stars in the evening sky. And the ocean sings in harmony with heaven. You feel a splash of cool, salty water on your face and you smile at this recognition of your presence. You feel the energy all around you and the comforting love of all time in the present moment.
Time merge together, the past, the present and the future, all blended together in that amazing mixer called "now". "What time is it?" is a redundant question.

The Universe has no beginning and no ending. Each location is as central as any other. Every place in the Universe is the centre of the Universe. A child is in the centre of the Universe, like all other children are, on this planet as well as on all other planets in all other galaxies. As are you and as indeed am I.
Everything is right here and right now, wherever it is and whenever it happened.
Read more in the magazine (page 28)