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Spiritual Counsellor, psychic and healer
Jan Reid is a gifted and professionally recognised healer, spiritual counsellor and psychic, working with clients to help them find the root cause of their physical condition which is normally an emotional issue buried deep inside.
At four years old, teachers realised Jan was not able to hear fully in both ears and was issued with hearing aids. In 1988 a spiritual healer offered Jan healing. She was given a month of daily healing sessions,
The emotions Jan was holding on to in her body from childhood, were stuck in her throat. Once Jan started the process of 'letting go' her throat chakra was able to work fully and opened the floodgate for her energy to flow and on a physical level, the perforation in her right ear healed very quickly enabling her to hear without aid. Her left ear didn't recover fully and this is where Jan hears spirit.

Jan Reid at a Craft Holistic Fair in Alton
www.begoodtoyourselves.com email@begoodtoyourselves.com