Full Pints Volume 19 Issue 4

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FULLP NTS Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA Branch

SIX REAL ALE FESTIVAL REVIEWS INSIDE! Branch Festive Crawl, Ayr – pages 8/9


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WIGTOWNSHIRE Pub of the Year







Special Award

Scotland and Northern Ireland Region








Family-run village inn located on the harbour in the picturesque fishing village of Isle of Whithorn


OUR IN-HOUSE FIVE KINGDOMS BREWERY ALES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN BOTTLES AND GIFT PACKS ⅓ pint beer taster platters available for same price as a pint. Eight cask ales and a selection of real cider available. OPENING HOURS (All year): Mon-Sat 11am-11pm; Sun 12 noon-11pm

Outside seating area on the harbourside. Children and Dogs Welcome. Lunches 12-2pm. Snack Menu 2-6pm (Fri-Sun). Evening Meals 6.30-9pm. Sunday Carvery, 12-3pm: 3 Courses £12 Thursday Steak Night: Galloway Sirloin £12 Selection of local seafood dishes always available All food freshly prepared on the premises. Daily chef ’s specials using the finest fresh produce and local seafood.

2014/15 Countryfile Magazine Rural Pub of the Year


Comfortable en suite accommodation overlooking the harbour From £30 pppn B&B. Special accommodation offers to CAMRA members.

For bookings: visit our website, or call Alastair on 01988 500334 Email: steampacketinn@btconnect.com

www.thesteampacketinn.biz 2


Volume 19, Issue 4

CONTENTS Chairman's Message....................... 5

Map/List of Outlets................ 20/21

Pub of the Year voting.................. 6

Carlisle Beer Festival.............22/23

Champion Beer of Britain........... 6

Railways and Ale.............................27

Garnock Club Presentation....... 6

What Pub and Beer Scoring... 29

Brewery News.................................... 7

Trading Standards Info............... 29

Branch Festive Crawl..................8/9

Ray's Round Up........................30/31

Ayrshire Real Ale Festival.... 10/11

Travel Info...........................................31

Arran Beer Festival.........................12

Have you Bein Inn.........................33

Proposed Trip to Lancaster......12

Wigtownshire News.....................34

Alloa Beer Festival..........................13


Dean Castle Beer Festival..........15

Belfast Beer Festival..................... 35

Outlets News.................................... 17

Join CAMRA.............................. 38/39

Ayrshire and Wigtownshire CAMRA Branch Chairman: Graeme Perry Email: chair@awcamra.org.uk Secretary: Kenneth Middleditch Email: secretary@awcamra.org.uk Minutes of Branch Meetings are available to members from the Secretary. Treasurer: Lindsay Grant Email: treasurer@awcamra.org.uk Editor: Stuart McMahon, 93 Montfode Drive, Ardrossan KA22 7PH Tel: 01294 603848 Email: fullpints@awcamra.org.uk

Diary Dates / Social Contacts..19

Advertising: Mike Tomlinson Email: advertising@awcamra.org.uk

Full Pints is the free magazine published quarterly by the Ayrshire & Wigtownshire Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA). CAMRA is an independent, voluntary, consumer organisation which campaigns for real ale, real pubs and consumer rights. Membership is open to all individuals although corporate entities such as breweries and pubs are not members; CAMRA currently has over 191,000 members. It is governed by a voluntary unpaid national executive, elected by the membership. It has a branch structure which means that all members can join a local CAMRA branch and campaign and socialise locally. The Ayrshire & Wigtownshire branch currently has 686 members. Within the Branch, we have four social group areas - namely North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire and Wigtownshire, each of whom organise regular events and meetings (usually monthly). Details of these events are listed on page 19 and are also posted on our Facebook page. Members are always encouraged to bring a friend along if they wish - all are welcome to attend.

The next edition of Full Pints will be published in March 2018. Articles, photos and other contributions should be sent to the editor at fullpints@awcamra.org.uk no later than Friday 16th February 2018.

Advertising Rates (2017): Full Page: £80 ½ Page: £45 Yearly rates (in advance): £290 / £160 Websites: www.awcamra.org.uk www.ayrshirebeerfestival.co.uk

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Social Media: Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA Ayrshire Real Ale Festival @awcamra @troonbeerfest CMYK / .eps

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CMYK / .eps

Full Pints is designed by Montfode Design, www.md93.co.uk and printed by Brown Brothers Printers, Irvine, www.brown-bros.com. Around 2,500 copies are published every 3 months and distributed to all Real Ale outlets in our region. The views expressed in this publication are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the editor or of the Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. © Campaign for Real Ale Ltd 3





by Graeme Perry

I am coming to the end of a busy period supporting real ale, having recently attended real ale festivals in Kilmarnock, Alloa and Carlisle, as well as our own festival in Troon. It does still surprise me that, despite the high attendance at these festivals and the copious amounts of real ales and ciders that are drunk by customers, we still find it difficult to persuade some publicans to sell real ale and ciders in their pubs. What I say to publicans is, what does your pub currently offer to a customer that they can’t get at home or another pub that may encourage them to visit you? Your keg lagers, beers and stouts are available in all pubs and can usually be purchased cheaper in off-licences and supermarkets. SKY/BT etc., screen the same sport and other events you show, direct into the customer’s home and to other pubs. So why not offer customers, old and new, something that is not readily available everywhere and in the home, that tastes really good and is supported by over 191,000 CAMRA members in the UK? Try selling real ale in your pub. You may well have to do some advertising and promotion and give yourself some time for new customers to hear about the ales and come along, but, once established, it will set your pub apart from the masses and offer your customers a unique product.

Although we are all volunteers, your local CAMRA Branch does help to promote real ale in pubs, free of charge: • Real ale pubs are listed on www.whatpub.com, run by CAMRA, so any person looking for a real ale pub in your area, will find you; • We list all our real ale pubs on our Branch website: www. awcamra.org.uk; • We list all our real ale pubs in this magazine, which is printed every quarter with around 2,500 copies distributed to all outlets; • We can help publicans to learn more about real ale through attendance at our tasting courses and festivals; • We can also direct publicans to local breweries and others who may be able to help sell and promote ales; and • We come along and drink the ales! Now back to our festival in Troon in October. Attendance was slightly down on 2016 – possibly due to the Scotland football match on the Thursday evening. However, the festival was still a big success and our active membership team encouraged over 80 customers to join CAMRA, 50 of whom were in our Branch area. It was good to meet regular and irregular customers, who had come from across Scotland, and the world - see pages 10/11.

Over the years I have noticed it is the same well-kent faces that come to socials and meetings and form our two committees. However, we are keen to meet new members, so we have arranged a special social evening in McKays pub in Troon, on Friday 8th December from 8pm for that purpose. The social will allow you to meet me (no autographs will be given) and other committee members, and we'll also treat any new members turning up with a pint for free! We'll let you know what the local branch is currently up to, and how you can maybe get involved, whilst also listening to what you would like us to doing. But what we will definitely do is drink a few fine ales, have a laugh and probably talk a load of tosh! If you can’t make that social in Troon, check the Branch diary on page 19 of this magazine, or on our website and come along to one of the many other socials and meetings we have organised. The Xmas pub crawl is especially recommended and usually attracts a large turnout. All CAMRA members welcome and you can bring a friend. If I don’t meet you at an event soon – Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year. Slainte 5


BRANCH PUB OF THE YEAR – HOW IT WORKS At this time of year we begin the process of selecting our Branch Pub of the Year (POTY).

The first stage of the competition is to encourage all our Branch members to nominate a real ale pub that you think may be worthy of this award. To do this, simply send your nomination to the relevant Area Social Organiser by 31st December. Their details can be found on page 19 of this magazine.

The top pub in each of our Social Areas is then assessed by a panel of judges from each area to decide upon the overall winner. This Branch POTY then progresses to be considered for the Scotland & Northern Ireland (SNIB) award. The SNIB pubs are split into 2 “areas”. Judges assess pubs in their area, with the exception of their “home” entrant, using criteria based on those used in the Super-region round and

beyond. The top 2 pubs from each area progress to the "Final 4” and are assessed by a panel of 4 judges (usually the Scotland & Northern Ireland Director, his/her Deputy, competition coordinator and A.N. Other) using the same criteria as for the Area round. Result announced in September to coincide with the launch of the Good Beer Guide. Keep an eye on the Branch diary and website for when the various winners' presentations will take place.


Results from recent competition heats are as follows: • Real Ale in a Bottle (RAIB), Roy Bridge Fyne Ales Superior IPA • Mild Ales, Troon – Strathaven Craigmill Mild

• Best Bitter, Troon – Kelburn Red Smiddy • Porters, Troon – Ayr Rabbie's Porter • Stouts, Alloa – Cairngorm Black Gold

Nominations for the CBOB competition rounds (for 2018) took place earlier in the Autumn. 67 Branch members, (9.8% of our membership), nominated beers to be included in CBOB heats in 2018. This is an increase of 5 from last year. This makes us easily the top performing branch in Scotland & NI and, we suspect, one of the top performing branches nationally. Thanks to all who took part.


The Garnock Community Social Club was a finalist once again in CAMRA's Club of the Year competition and Branch Chairman, Graeme Perry, presented them with a certificate noting their achievement. The overall Scottish winner this year was the Royal British Legion Club in Banchory. Pictured opposite are Lesley Everett, Claire Penders and Darren Asbury receiving the award from Graeme.


Merchant City Brewing Company is a new brewery that's opened up in premises in the north of Glasgow. Initial brews have mainly been bottled, but some casks have been seen in Glasgow outlets including Blackfriars in the Merchant City. 6


Advance notice for your diaries: the Branch AGM will be held in the Garnock Community Social Club on Sat 24th March 2018 at 2pm. More details nearer the time.

We'd love to hear from breweries and pubs with any news snippets, events, awards etc. Send your info to fullpints@awcamra.org.uk

Brewery News AYR BREWING COMPANY At a heat of the Champion Beer of Britain (CBOB) competition held at the Ayrshire Real Ale festival in October, Ayr's Rabbie's Porter was crowned CAMRA's Champion Porter of Scotland 2017, for the 4th time in six years. A presentation will be made when we visit the Glen Park Hotel during the festive crawl on 27th December.

Craigmill Gold. Craigmill Mild won Champion Mild of Scotland 2017 competition. KELBURN BREWERY The brewery has launched their crowdfunding appeal which is offering goods in return equalling 20% plus 10% of an investment. Full details at: www.kelburnbrewery.com/ crowdfunding. Jaguar was voted as our Branch's Beer of the Year and Karen Moore was presented with the award at the Ayrshire Real Ale Festival.

Ayr's Christmas Beer is a wee bit different this year! OTTO & GRISELDA is described as a Frankencense 4% Pale Ale and is now available in Cask and 5-litre Mini Casks. The brewery will be producing a 6th birthday beer for The Pot Still in Glasgow. And at the beginning of September, the brewery and Glen Park Hotel held another successful beer festival with around 15 guest ales available along with the regular Ayr beers.

STRATHAVEN ALES The brewery continues to be very busy. New additions to the core range of ales, available all year round, include Ebony (Stout), Teuchter (strong dark ale) and

FIVE KINGDOMS BREWERY The Isle of Whithorn-based brewery is now bottling a selection of their popular ales and can be purchased individually or in gift packs. The Steam Packet Inn also gathered together an impressive haul of local apples and pears and took them to Waulkmill Cider at Langholm.


SULWATH BREWERY The Christmas Beer, Reinbeer is now available. The Christmas Open Day will be held at the brewery in Castle Douglas on Sat 16th December from 11am-7pm with chestnuts and festive nibbles, ales available to purchase. Also open Christmas Eve and Hogmanay from 11am-6pm. ARRAN BREWERY Work at Loch Earn continues to be delayed due to the small fire in an extractor fan reported in the last edition, along with issues relating to the planning permission granted for the site. The small 2.5 barrel brewkit that was housed in Cambridgeshire, and which produced Devils Dyke ales has been relocated to Dreghorn following the sale of the adjacent public house. Production of Devils Dyke ales has temporarily moved to Brodick. The Dreghorn site continues to be plagued by vandalism, although the police have arrested some young culprits. The site, however, is still for sale, and the long-term future remains uncertain. Work at the Weaver's Bar, Kilbirnie is on hold until Phase 3 of the Loch Earn project is completed (opening of brewery, cider shack and shop / visitor centre).




WEST KIRK Ayr Bus Station







6 4

Ayr Rail Station



5 © OpenStreetMap contributors





FESTIVE CRAWL – AYR, 27th Dec 2017 This year it is the turn of Ayr to host the Branch's annual Christmas/New Year Crawl on Wednesday 27th December. Festivities will commence at 1 pm in the West Kirk, 58A Sandgate. This Wetherspoon’s pub offers their usual range of a couple of regular ales plus up to five guest ales. Turn right on leaving this pub and continue along to Wellington Square. At the far side of the Square look for the large wellington boot on the pavement indicating the location of Wellingtons Bar. We aim to visit this pub around 1.45 pm Wellingtons offers three changing ales, often from Fyne Ales and Kelburn. Again, turn right on leaving the pub and right again at the traffic lights. At the next set of lights, we find our 3rd pub, the Glen Park Hotel (target time 2.30 pm). Home to Ayr Brewing Company, the Glen Park offers a range of their beers but, sometimes, a guest from another brewery is also available. This time turn left on leaving the hotel and continue along Racecourse Road to the next traffic lights, about a 10-minute walk, to find the Chestnuts Hotel at 3.15 pm. Three changing guest ales are offered here.

Cross at the traffic lights and follow Racecourse View along the side of the Old Racecourse. Opposite the corner of the playing fields is the Abbotsford Hotel (4 pm). Again, three changing beers with Fyne Ales and Wainwright often featuring. Turn left on leaving this hotel and, after a short distance, left again into Rosebank Crescent. Follow this to its junction with Monument Road. Turn left and continue to our next pub, the Fox & Willow at 4.45 pm. Formerly the Carrick Lodge Hotel, Caledonian Deuchars IPA is the beer here. Continue along Carrick Road, towards the town centre, and our final two pubs are to be found a few doors apart opposite Burns Statue Square. Arriving around 5.30pm, The Twa Dugs offers one changing guest ale whilst the Ayrshire & Galloway is now rumoured to have 3 handpumps.

All are welcome, indeed encouraged, to join us for all or part of the crawl. Whilst we do our best to adhere to the published times, it is the nature of this sort of event that timings can become “flexible”, especially towards the end of the crawl! If you want to join the crawl at any particular time, then you can call Lindsay Grant on 07734 063712 to find out exactly where we are. The organisers have only volunteered to arrange times and/or travel arrangements and to provide information about the venue(s). You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. If you have an existing medical condition you must bring your own backup/carer with you. CAMRA promotes responsible drinking and so excessive drinking is not tolerated on CAMRA outings. Any member doing so may be barred from future events.



18th Ayrshire Real Ale Festival – October 2017 The biggest event in our Branch's calendar was once again a great success with over 2,500 people attending over the three days – slightly down on last year's figures, possibly because of the Scottish football match on the Thursday evening. As always we had a number of well-travelled visitors which this year included Israel, Germany and the USA. Beer of the Festival was Beath Unicorn Invasion of Dundee. Our 155 ales and 30 ciders were all well received, especially the selection on the County Bar in the Walker Hall. If you have an idea for a theme next year, then please let us know. The membership team did their usual excellent job, this year signing up 80 new members, 50 of whom reside within our branch area - we hope many of them will consider attending our new members' social in McKays, Troon on Friday 8 December from 8pm. We are always gratified with the number of people who thank us, commenting on how good a festival it was and how it was the best one that they attended. This is down to all the volunteers who kindly give up their time to work over the six days of the festival - many thanks to all. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year – the festival runs from 4-6 October 2018. The first planning meeting will be held in JG Sharps, Largs on Monday 29th January at 8pm.

Evelyn Gruen and Tobias Schwarz, from Augsburg, Bavaria meeting Bob Wallace

Uzi 10 and Lital Tuvian travelled from Herzliya, Israel especially for the festival

More photos on our website at www.ayrshirebeerfestival.co.uk

Photos: Ronnie Beveridge and Stuart McMahon




ARRAN BEER FESTIVAL The Kinloch Hotel in Blackwaterfoot, Arran, held their annual beer festival on Sat 26 August, slightly later than in previous years. This year's event was an all-ticket affair purchased in advance, but it was well attended by the public and CAMRA members – around 20 Branch members turned up. 12 cask ales were available – three from Ayr Brewing Company, two from MòR Brewery near Dundee, and the others from around the UK. Seven ciders were also available along with a wine bar and some prosecco cocktails. Local musicians provided some enjoyable entertainment. After visiting the festival, the CAMRA folks split up with most heading back to Brodick to visit the Ormidale Hotel; others went to the Pierhead Tavern in Lamlash, whilst I was the only adventurer to head up to the Catacol Bay Hotel, where they had very nice pints of Timothy Taylor Landlord and MòR-ish available. Another great day out.


Earlier this year, the east Ayrshire Social Group had a very successful social outing to Stockport & Manchester visiting many excellent real ale pubs. Plans are now underway for a 2018 trip by rail to Lancaster. The proposed dates are Thursday 12 - Sunday 15 April, travelling from Kilmarnock and staying 3 nights at a city centre Travelodge. The accommodation cost will be £46 - £128 for three Lancaster Castle nights, depending on whether you want to share a room or require the use of Wi-Fi etc. The rail fare should be around £45, less any railcard discounts. To secure the lowest price travel and accommodation, we will need to book early in 2018 therefore please register your interest as soon as possible with Matt Miller, east-ayrshire@awcamra.org.uk, and by 13th January at the latest. 12



Photos: Ronnie Beveridge

The Ayrshire Real Ale Festival's staff outing this year was a visit to Forth Valley CAMRA's Alloa Beer Festival at the end of October After the various pickups around the Ayrshire countryside, with Wetherspoons' breakfasts beforehand for some, the bus arrived safely at Alloa Town Hall. Entry was very well organised with 2 tables reserved for our party with boxes, glasses and programmes all available. Many of the beers had a Hallowe'en theme and were rather good. One personal favourite was Zombie Suicide by Devon Ales! Outside the hall, Donald was accosted by two local police officers who unfortunately agreed to let him go if they got their picture taken with the group! On the way home, the bus stopped at the Station Hotel, Larbert for some more refreshments. They had a good selection of ales available, and the food they provided was greatly appreciated – if you were fast enough to reach it!



Located in the village of Dundonald, The Auchans is a family run Restaurant - Bar with a fresh modern twist, and a friendly relaxed atmosphere oozing charm & character. We have a great

29 MAIN STREET DUNDONALD, KA2 9HH Telephone: 01563 851472 E-Mail: info@theauchans.co.uk Web: www.theauchans.co.uk

selection of beer & wine including 2 cask ales. The Auchans has been tastefully restored with original stone walls & real oak wood beams. Owned by the Kerr family, from the village, The Auchans is the 2nd addition to the business. The 1st, The Waterfront in Ayr, opened in 2012 is a relaxed, stylish restaurant- bar situated

for details of our latest offers & promotions www.facebook.com/theauchansdundonald

overlooking the River Ayr.

The Waterside Bath Street, Largs Tel: 01475 672224

Two Real Ales from Kelburn available

Mondays - Poker Wednesdays - Poker Fridays - Karaoke

Saturdays - Live Music Sundays - Open Mic Night

Food available every day except Monday, noon - 5pm Check out our Xmas and Hogmanay entertainment programme 14

By Graeme Perry Chairman, Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA Branch


Dean Castle Real Ale Festival The branch was very pleased to support the first Dean Castle Real Ale festival, which was held, surprise, surprise, at Dean Castle in Kilmarnock over the three days, Friday 29 September to Sunday 1 October. The original plan was for the festival to be held in the new visitors' centre being built in the castle grounds. However, due to delays in getting this finished, the organisers were required to urgently go to Plan B, and what a good Plan B it was. The festival was held in a marquee in the castle courtyard. CAMRA's involvement was to provide and build the stillage for the ale casks, get the ales ready for sale and then look after them during the festival and of course, take the whole thing down at the end. We also had a CAMRA membership table and we were able to try one or two of the ales! One advantage of being in the courtyard was that we didn't need polythene down to protect the floor. Any spillage just naturally drained away. One disadvantage was getting the stillage built on an uneven surface, and it was dark too, as the lighting generator hadn't been set up on the Thursday evening. However, we got it all built and it all came down so much quicker when the casks were empty. The festival was very successful. Tickets had to be bought in advance and the Friday and Saturday nights were sold out. Sunday afternoon attendance was topped up by visitors to the castle. Jess Wharf, of Dean Castle Country Park, one of our fellow CAMRA members, selected and ordered the ales. There was a very good mix of styles and strengths of ales on sale and ales from Scotland and England. Personally, I'm not sure about their beer pricing policy, but my favourite ale of the festival was Lacons Legacy. The decision has been made to hold the festival again next year and the plan is for it to be bigger than this year. The venue has still to be confirmed but the expectation is that it will be held in early September. This will please Branch members, as it will give us some breathing space before the Ayrshire Real Ale festival, that will be held 4-6 October 2018. I'd like to thank Jess (pictured left top), and Laura McMeekin (pictured left bottom), for inviting the Branch to help at the festival and for organising such a good event. Roll on next year. Cheers, Graeme. 15



Find us just up the road from the pier

Quality Cask Ales Served All Year Meals Served Every Day 12 noon-2.30pm / 5.30pm-7.30pm

“Island Escape” self-catering 4-star luxury accommodation Book at: www.cottages4u.co.uk Ref: 30200

7 Cardiff Street, Millport, Isle of Cumbrae KA28 0AS Tel: 01475 530518

All Cask Ales just £3 per pint 16

We'd love to hear from breweries and pubs with any news snippets, events, awards etc. Send your info to fullpints@awcamra.org.uk


OUTLETS NEWS No new outlets to report in this edition but there's been several losses. The Stair Inn in Stair has stopped selling real ale after many years and was a regular entry in the Good Beer Guide. In Dreghorn, the new outlet reported last edition, The Brae, has removed their real ale after poor sales. The Lauriston Hotel in Ardrossan is reported to have new owners and has stopped selling real ale.


Every effort is made to keep pub descriptions in WhatPub up-to-date but we struggle to regularly visit our 80+ pubs, hotels and bars, and so we do rely upon YOU – licensee or drinker – to let us know if information is missing or out-of-date. All users of WhatPub (CAMRA members and non-members alike) can use the on-line feedback form to let us know when we need to update a pub description.

In Newton Stewart both the Cree Inn and the Black Horse Hotel have stopped selling real ale. On Arran, the Blackwaterfoot Lodge in Blackwaterfoot has closed for the winter, with reports that the owners are looking to retire so it may not open again in the Spring.

OTHER SNIPPETS: On Arran, the Drift Inn in Lamlash has reopened, with unconfirmed reports that it is once again selling real ale. In Dunlop, locals are looking at the possibility of a take over of Merito with community funding. Merito is the only pub left in the village. Check their facebook page for information.

BRANCH 2-PUB SOCIALS These are informal branch social events to which all are welcome to attend. Sat 2 December, Troon: Cheeky Charlie's (3pm) / McKay's (4.30pm)

CODE OF CONDUCT Our wish is for everyone to enjoy themselves and have fun on our trips and events. However please remember that trip organisers have only volunteered to arrange times and / or travel arrangements and to provide information about the venue(s). You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. If you have an existing medical condition you must bring your own backup/ carer with you. CAMRA promotes responsible drinking and so excessive drinking will not be tolerated on CAMRA outings. Any member doing so may be barred from future events.

Wed 7 February 2018, Largs: JG Sharps (1pm) / Three Reasons (2.30pm) Sat 7 April 2018, Kilmarnock: Braehead Bar (3pm) / Brass & Granite (4.30pm)


Every month, usually on the 1st of the month, we send an email to all Branch members with 'What's On' dates and other important branch news. However, approximately two-thirds of these emails do not appear to be getting opened. Please check your SPAM folders and add "noreply@camra.org.uk" to your senders list to ensure you receive the email. 17














































Please check www.awcamra.org.uk for up-to-date details of all our Branch events. A monthly email is sent at the start of each month to our members listing forthcoming events if you don't receive this, please check your email Junk/Spam mailbox and confirm your email address at www.camra.org.uk. Details are also published on our Facebook and Twitter pages. DECEMBER 2017

MARCH 2018

Sat 2

Sat 3

Fri 8 Fri 8 Sun 10 Wed 27

2-Pub Social, Troon – Cheeky Charlies (3pm) & McKays (4.30pm) Wigtownshire Christmas Social, The Grapes, Stranraer, 5pm New Members' Social - open to all new CAMRA members - come and join us at McKays, Troon from 8pm. South Ayrshire Christmas Lunch, Wellingtons, Ayr, 2pm Branch Festive Crawl, Ayr. See p9 for details

Tues 13 Thurs 15 Sat 24 Wed 28

Scotland & Northern Ireland Branches (SNIB) AGM and meeting – Station Hotel, Larbert, 1pm South Ayrshire Social – to be held in the South Ayrshire Pub of the Year winner, 7.30pm North Ayrshire Social, The Waterside, Largs, 8pm Branch AGM – Garnock Community Social Club, 2pm East Ayrshire Social – First Edition, Kilmarnock, 7.30pm


Tues 9 Sat 13 Thurs 18 tbc Mon 22 Mon 29 Wed 31

South Ayrshire Social – Prestwick Pioneer, Prestwick, 7.30pm East Ayrshire Festive Meal – Weston Tavern, Kilmaurs, 2pm. Booking reqd by 7th Jan. North Ayrshire Social, held in winner of North Ayrshire Pub of the Year competition. Time tbc Committee meeting - Bar Sport, Irvine, 8pm Beer Festival Planning Meeting – JG Sharps, Largs, 8pm East Ayrshire Social – Braehead Bar, Kilmarnock, 7.30pm


Wed 7 Tues 13 Thurs 15 Sat 17 Wed 31

2-Pub Social – Largs: JG Sharps (1pm) and Three Reasons (2.30pm) South Ayrshire Social – The Auchans, Dundonald, 7.30pm North Ayrshire Social & Branch Meeting, The Auld Brig, Irvine, 8pm Wigtownshire Social to Newton Stewart. Meet Creebridge House Hotel at 1.15pm East Ayrshire Social – The Mill House, Stewarton, 7.30pm

Enjoying the Kinloch Beer Festival, Arran in August

BRANCH SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Our Branch has Social Groups which meet regularly covering North, South and East Ayrshire, and Wigtownshire. All CAMRA members are encouraged to attend these informal events, but non-CAMRA members are always welcome to join us for a couple of hours of friendly chat and socialising. For more information, please contact the area coordinators listed below: North Ayrshire - meets 3rd Thursday of every month. Contact Ian Middleditch. Email: vicechair1@awcamra.org.uk South Ayrshire - contact Caroline Munro for details. Email: south-ayrshire@awcamra.org.uk East Ayrshire - meets last Wednesday of every month. Contact Matt Miller. Email: east-ayrshire@awcamra.org.uk Wigtownshire - contact Malcolm McNeil for details. Email: wigtownshire@awcamra.org.uk Additionally, we hold social outings on a regular basis to breweries such as Loch Lomond, Bute, Sulwath, and Inveralmond. See www.awcamra. org.uk for details or contact our social secretary Donald Clark at social@awcamra.org.uk 19








Brodick Lamlash



Kilbirnie Dalry







Irvine Troon


Lugton Dunlop Stewarton Kilmaurs Strathaven Kilmarnock

Dundonald Prestwick



Lola Rose


Do you know of a pub or club that sells real ale and isn’t listed? Please let us know by emailing:

Kirkmichael Kirkoswald


Bargrennan Kirkcolm Stranraer


New Luce

Portpatrick Portpatrick


Newton Stewart Wigtown Bladnoch Garlieston


Breweries producing cask ale Towns & villages where cask ale is available Not to scale. Reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey Š Crown Copyright 2017



Isle of Whithorn Five Kingdoms


AYRSHIRE & WIGTOWNSHIRE REAL ALE OUTLETS NORTH AYRSHIRE ARDROSSAN Ardrossan Rugby Club * DALRY The Auld Hoose GATESIDE Gateside Inn * IRVINE The Auld Brig W Bar Sport Lyric's Ship Inn KILBIRNIE Garnock Community Social Club

EAST AYRSHIRE LARGS Bowling Club * J G Sharps Largs Sailing Club #? Lounge * The Paddle Steamer W Three Reasons Waterside


STEWARTON The Mill House

KILMAURS Weston Tavern

KILMARNOCK Braehead Bar Brass & Granite Fanny by Gaslight First Edition § Wheatsheaf Inn W

SORN Sorn Inn


Canny Man §

MILLPORT Fraser’s Bar



BARGRENNAN House O’ Hill Hotel

STEVENSTON The Red Squirrel

BLADNOCH Bladnoch Inn DRUMMORE Clashwhannon

ISLE OF ARRAN BLACKWATERFOOT Blackwaterfoot Lodge (summer only) Kinloch Hotel BRODICK Brodick Bar Ormidale Hotel Wine Port

CATACOL Catacol Bay Hotel LAMLASH Glenisle Hotel Pierhead Tavern

GARLIESTON Harbour Inn ISLE OF WHITHORN Steam Packet Inn § KIRKCOLM Blue Peter Hotel

LOCHRANZA Lochranza Hotel

NEW LUCE Kenmuir Arms Hotel

Glen Park Hotel Smoking Goat Tam o’ Shanter Twa Dugs Wellingtons Bar West Kirk W

KIRKMICHAEL Kirkmichael Arms

NEWTON STEWART Creebridge House Hotel Galloway Arms Hotel PORTPATRICK Crown Hotel Harbour House Hotel SANDHEAD Tigh-na-Mara Hotel STRANRAER Grapes § Ruddicot Hotel WIGTOWN Craft

SOUTH AYRSHIRE ALLOWAY Cambusdoon Sports Club AYR Abbotsford Hotel Ayrshire & Galloway Chestnuts Hotel Fox & Willow Geordie’s Byre * CAMRA members have noted that real ale is not always available at these outlets. # Weekends only

DUNDONALD The Auchans W Wetherspoons vouchers

accepted § Special offers for card-carrying CAMRA members

KIRKOSWALD Souter’s Inn PRESTWICK Prestwick Pioneer W

TROON Bruce’s Well Cheeky Charlie’s Harbour Bar * McKay’s Marr Rugby Club #

South Beach Hotel *

CAMRA members are encouraged to score ales they drink in their local pub, as it assists the committee in considering outlets for inclusion in the Good Beer Guide. Scores are continually required for the whole Branch area – please take a few moments to score your beers on whatpub.com if you visit them. 21


CARLISLE BEER FESTIVAL Despite being south of the border, many folk from the west of Scotland always head down to the excellent Carlisle Beer Festival as it's just over an hour away on the train (and cheap travel deals are often available if booked in advance) Held in The Venue for the second year, the festival had around 55 ales, and featured a Cumbrian Bar where all the Cumbrian breweries were invited to enter a beer into a Cumbrian Beer Challenge. This was won by Cumbria Legendary Ales Vanilla Oatmeal Stout. The overall Beer of the festival was North Riding Ice Cream Porter. Branch member Karen McGuffie shares her trip story below: I have a list of places I want to visit on an app on my phone. Carlisle Beer Festival was one of those so I was quite excited to have been able to organise time off work to attend. I like to be organised so I was straight onto booking. com to find somewhere to stay – cheap and cheerful does us so we booked into the Ibis around the corner from The Venue. Being an organised soul I liked the Carlisle Beer Festival page on Facebook and followed their beer list and preparations excitedly. They ran a competition on the page in the lead up to the festival offering free admission and a few drinks. Imagine how happy I was to receive a PM informing me that I was the winner! Up early Thursday morning for the train to Glasgow then onward to Carlisle. We arrived at 1pm and headed into The Griffin for the first real ale of 22

the day – Greene King Starry Night. Prior to our check in at the hotel we went for a Chinese buffet to set us up for the rest of the day. Checkedin and then straight back out to explore Carlisle before attending the festival which opened at 5pm. We enjoyed Cotleigh Chocca Mocca in the Woodrow Wilson before a short stroll up the road to The William Rufus. There we tried Theakston’s Pink Grapefruit Ale which I have to say was disappointing – predominant taste was perfume! Having checked whatpub.com we ventured further into town

on the hunt for real ale pubs, where we stumbled across The Fat Gadgie, a fabulous bar with 5 handpumps. Five Points XPA from the brewery of the same name was outstanding and by far the best of the day so far. We arrived at the festival at 5.30pm. Neil had been joking all day about us being VIPs due to winning the competition –you can imagine our amusement when given an envelope on arrival with VIP entry ticket and VIP vouchers.


With around 60 beers on offer we decided it would be sensible to buy 3rd of pint vouchers. The hall was set up with two bars – the main bar and a smaller Cumbrian bar off to the side. I would say that personally I felt that they had missed a trick by placing their Membership Table up the back of the hall – not best placed for catching anyone who may have wished to join. We enjoyed a number of real ales, all in good condition. The highlight for me was the North Riding Ice Cream Porter – choc and vanilla. This was lovely and tasted exactly as described. As it had been a long day I will confess to

falling into bed at 8.30pm feeling slightly merry. On Friday, after the obligatory Wetherspoons breakfast, we ventured off to wander around Carlisle again. Well, a girl has to shop! The previous night at the Festival, the Carlisle pub of the year was announced as The King’s Head so we decided to go and find it. We eventually got there after a rather meandering walk – we realised when we arrived that we had gone the long way, luckily it was a pleasant wander. Tiny Rebel Random Name Generator was in excellent condition. We then popped into The Thin White Duke for a lovely Lancaster Chestnut Red before heading back to the festival. Fellow Ayrshire CAMRA members were already in attendance and an enjoyable afternoon was had by all. We enjoyed a varied amount of ales (13 in total!) and will admit to going back and having another third of the Ice Cream Porter, luckily before it ran out. I’m not surprised that this was the first casualty of

the festival as it was fantastic. Also not surprised to find that it also won beer of the festival, it certainly got my vote. We finished off the visit by going into one of the new local pubs well worth visiting – you'll find 301 Miles from London on Platform 4 of Carlisle station, and it has up to seven handpumps available whilst waiting on your train home! We really enjoyed the Bowness Bay Steamer IPA before being waved off on our train by fellow CAMRA member and train driver Kenneth Middleditch! We had a brilliant time over our two days in Carlisle. Excellent Ales and good company. Looking forward to next year so that we can do it all again. Karen McGuffie

Another year another migration for the Ayrshire Giraffes (Ian Martin, Stuart Cambridge, Andy Cooper & Bob Forrest). Carlisle saw a return of these creatures plus their zoo keeper (Ian Fairbairn not pictured) to bring a bit of fun to the proceedings. These beautiful animals also had the pleasure of seeing many fellow Scottish CAMRA members (Alloa, Ayrshire, Glasgow and Renfrewshire) there on the Saturday and we're told others had ventured on safari to Carlisle in the hope of seeing these amazing beasts. Three of these outstanding animals will be heading further South in December to visit the Pigs in London at the Pigs Ear festival. A report will follow for Full Pints next edition. 23

Traditional Bar Traditional Music

Traditional Ales

• Ayrshire & Wigtownshire 2016/2017 CAMRA PUB of the Year • Basement bar within yards of beautiful Ayr beach • Three handpumps serving quality ales usually from Fyne Ales, Kelburn and Loch Lomond • Renowned for our promotion of traditional music – sessions every Sunday night and monthly Sunday afternoons • Longest running Quiz night every Wednesday • DJ every Saturday • Small parties very welcome • 35ml measures

17 Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 1EZ Tel: 01292 262794 Email: welliesayr@hotmail.co.uk www.welliesbar.weebly.com





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By Alehunter

Railways & Ale

Right from the birth of the railway age pubs have had close connections. In the days of steam, footplate men needed the refreshment a few beers afforded after a hard day on a hot engine. Things are different now and even to think of a beer before a shift is highly frowned upon. However there are still lots of pubs close by the railway. I recently visited two quite different establishments. Both feature in the Good Beer Guide. The first, The Great Western, on Sun Street, Wolverhampton is a typical Victorian end of terrace brick and plaster pub which opened in 1850 as ‘The Board’ to serve the local community and its thriving industries. The area transformed when the Stour Valley railway arrived on an adjacent embankment and bridges which overshadowed the pub. Shortly afterwards the Shrewsbury & Birmingham Railway and the Oxford, Worcester, & Wolverhampton Railway, began building a major station and yard on the same level as the pub. These two companies amalgamated and became part of the Great Western Railway, hence the name change. Today the low level station still exists, but as a hotel and office complex, having been a victim of the Beeching cuts. However the pub continues with lots of railway relics and pictures decorating the snugs and bar reminding the drinker of past glories. A former national pub of the Year, the 6 ales on offer are from Holdens brewery plus guests, and on my visit included an excellent example of a mild. In winter the pub is well warmed by no less than three open fires, two of which are in the bar area.

My second railway pub stands on the platform of York railway station. A recent conversion of the original tea rooms the York Tap is a splendid example of a modern alehouse. A circular bar hosts 20 handpulls featuring beers from all over the country. If you cannot find an ale to your liking here then you never will! You may find the odd railman enjoying an after shift pint but this pub is busy with travellers either waiting for their train or celebrating their arrival. A major boon to the enthusiast is the outdoor seating, on the platform, in full view of the passing trains. How much better it would be if the Streaks were still hauling the trains but then after a few beers even a voyager could look like one!





WhatPub.com, Beer Scoring and the Good Beer Guide

In every edition of Full Pints, we make a plea for CAMRA members to score their ales that they drink on www.whatpub.com. If you visit a pub with real ale, then log in to WhatPub.com and submit a score. It only takes 30 seconds. Scores for our pubs will be assessed early in the New Year so that we can choose our Branch's entries into next year's Good Beer Guide – so now is your final chance to influence which outlets might appear in it. The stats so far for 2017 are as follows: We have received 2,453 scores covering 77 outlets which is excellent. 47 Branch members (6.8%) have submitted 2,167 scores, whilst 61 CAMRA members from other branches have submitted 286 scores. Within Scotland, this is a really good figure, but let's keep trying to make it even better!

At the time of printing, the only outlets with 6 or fewer scores were: Bladnoch Inn; Brodick Bar; Craft, Wigtown; Glenisle Hotel, Lamlash; Harbour Inn, Garlieston; Lochranza Hotel; and Lyrics Bar, Irvine; Just because a pub is in a larger town please don’t assume that we’ll get a lot of scores for it, and pubs outwith the big town centres, in our rural areas and islands always need scores. Low scores (if warranted) are just as important as high scores.


0: 0.5 -1: Poor 2: Average

Should only be used if no cask ale is available Beer is anything from barely drinkable to drinkable with considerable resentment. Competently kept, drinkable pint but doesn’t inspire in any way, not worth moving to another pub but you drink the beer without really noticing. 3: Good Good beer in good form. You may cancel plans to move to the next pub. You want to stay for another pint and may seek out the beer again 4: Very Good Excellent beer in excellent condition. You stay put! 5: Perfect Probably the best you are ever likely to find. A seasoned drinker will award this score very rarely.

TRADING STANDARDS If you have any complaint about your beer, such as poor quality or short measure, or there is no price list displayed, you should remain polite and speak to the management of the pub concerned in the first instance. If you need to pursue the complaint further, contact your local Trading Standards office or Citizen’s Advice Bureau and they will guide you to the next appropriate step. Full contact information can be found on your local authority website: www.north-ayrshire.gov.uk AYR: IRVINE: www.east-ayrshire.gov.uk Tel: 01292 616060 Tel: 01294 310100

www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk www.dumgal.gov.uk

KILMARNOCK: Tel: 01563 576602

STRANRAER: Tel: 03033 333000 29

www.awcamra.org.uk by Ray Turpie, Branch Vice Chairman

As we wind down to the end of the year, it is a good time to reflect on things. Those readers of an older generation may have heard of a bucket list, things you wish to achieve soon. Personally, I have ticked a few boxes this year with visits to Hull, Oxford, the Outer Hebrides and Islay.




My favourite pub, however, was the Lamb & Flag, local CAMRA pub of the year, where we tried Palmer’s Best Bitter. There are lots of nice walks along the Thames, locally called the Isis, which gets you away from the throng of foreign visitors. Many of the museums and visitor attractions were mobbed but we dodged the crowd by attending the afternoon matinee of Arthur’s Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”. There is something special about a live show that cannot be captured on the screen.

Hull was highlighted in the last issue so on to Oxford. Primarily, we wished to do the Inspector Morse trail but as sods law would have it, the tour was not available on the day we had planned. We did, however, manage to get to the White Horse, where some of the filming took place, enjoying a nice lunch along with a pint of Hook Norton’s Old Hooky. Around the corner is Exeter College where they filmed Morse’s death scene. Opposite the pub, is the Science Museum where you can view Einstein’s chalk board, preserved for posterity, on which he wrote out and explained, his theory of relativity for the students. Another interesting old pub was The Bear, owned by Fullers and famous for the collection of ties displayed round the walls. 30

We might have been on screen ourselves as part of the audience on our visit to Stornoway. We popped in to the Hebridean Brewery Tap “Edge o’ the World” after our bus trip round Lewis where BBC Alba was filming a ceilidh band. All the beers on display were sampled through to Berserker at 7.5% although it was only served in half pints. Our favourite was Islander so I took a carry out for the hotel having been well warned that things shut down on Sunday. This turned out to be strictly observed as the bus stopped in Tarbert on our trip round Harris, but no coffee would be served. The rain went off when we got back to Stornoway, so we took the opportunity to walk round Lews Castle and follow the town trail which had various features of interest such as statues and murals.


That leaves Islay which we visited in the summer as part of our northern tour. After a sojourn in Inverness we returned via the Great Glen heading for the George Hotel, Inveraray. It was an early start the next morning to catch the ferry at Kennacraig. Once there, we headed straight up to Port Askaig arriving in time to catch the ferry to Jura. Our stay was only long enough to pick up a beach pebble but at least we can say we have planted our feet there. The remainder of the day was spent touring the island, but


we made the most of it, visiting Bunnahabhain distillery in the north, Portnahaven in the west and Ardbeg in the south. In the middle we found Islay Brewery just outside Bridgend, so we stopped off for some samples and bought a four pack to take home. I still have Kilchoman Dark left for a winter evening beside the fire reminiscing on our trip. There are a few places we could not manage to fit in, but they will go on our list for next year. I wonder what that will bring?


Listed below are some useful contact details for transport providers in our Branch area. STAGECOACH WEST SCOTLAND w ww.stagecoachbus.com Tel: 01294 607007 (Ardrossan) 01292 613500 (Ayr) 01776 704484 (Stranraer) 01770 302000 (Arran) 07736 892253 (Disability Helpdesk) SHUTTLE BUSES Tel: 0800 072 0373


SCOTRAIL Tel: 0344 811 0141





Facebook “f ” Logo

We might even get an outcome to the Revitalisation Project initiated by CAMRA a few years ago. In the meantime, enjoy your winter beers and be sure to go to one of the social group dinners, if you can. Otherwise, see you at the festive crawl in Ayr. Happy New Year!

Details of all our branch events are emailed to members, and published on our facebook and twitter pages: CMYK / .eps

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CMYK / .eps

Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA Ayrshire Real Ale Festival

@awcamra @troonbeerfest

www.travelinescotland.com 31




I've finally been in the Bein Inn!

by Sarah Bellis, CAMRA Scotland & Northern Ireland Regional Director Email: rd.scotlandni@camra.org.uk Tel: 07846 856 930

I walked into a very quiet bar. There was a gang of travelling builders in who had travelled from ‘down South’ to do ‘a job’ in the area and staying in the pubs adjoining rooms. They were happily relaxing after a hard days graft, sipping their icy cold Tennents lager. I walked to the Bar, and the man behind the bar simply said, "Can I help you?". I don’t think he was expecting a customer! I ordered my permitted half pint of Inveralmond Ossian, but only after I’d done a quick calculation in my head that it was just over 1 unit of alcohol. My car was outside you see, and with just one bus every 90 minutes, I had to take the car. The man behind the bar was Will, who turned out to be the manager. I asked him how he thought about the law, which came into force in November 2014 which made the legal drinkdrive limit in Scotland lower than elsewhere in the UK had affected his business. The change reduced the legal alcohol limit from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood. He told me about his group of friends, they all lived in Fife but worked further afield, and always met up on their respective ways home. "There were eight of us, we used to go in the same pub every night after our shifts. We used to have one pint each, swap stories, share experiences and then go home, but now we just don’t go, it’s not worth the risk", he explained. "The pub is seven gallons down on its wet sales a week now, and that’s just our group, there were more like us."

Photo: nickfairhurstphotographer.com

Yes... I've been in the Bein Inn! In the last issue I told you about a pub, that I have passed on my commute from Kirkcaldy to Perth, the Bein Inn. It enjoys a picturesque location on the A912, not far south of Perth in wooded Glen Farg. I’d also explained, that this was a pub that I had never been in. I kept my promise, and since the last issue was published, I have visited the pub. He said that the same effect was felt at the Bein Inn. "People used to come in for a meal, with their families and enjoy a single pint, but now the driver can’t have one drink, we're not selling the food or generating sales on the bar." In January 2017 the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) said that City centre pubs had reported a slump in the office trade, with a drop in the numbers of people popping in for a pint after work and lunchtime bar sales down as well. But rural pubs and golf clubs are among those hardest hit by the change, with many citing the minimum wage as another factor weighing on their business. A survey of industry trends by the SLTA found that 44% of rural outlets saw their takings fall by up to 10% in the first six months of 2016. This was off the back of a reported 40% fall in takings for operators in remote areas during 2015. I am in no way condoning drink driving and fully support any legislation that reduces death on the roads and the subsequent heartache that damages far too many families after the loss of a loved one. By the time this magazine is printed, I will have spoken with MSPs at the end of November to lobby the Scottish Government to launch a review into the impact of the drink driving policy on the pub sector in order to develop proposals to support affected pubs and improve public transport in rural areas. Will we get one? Only time will tell! 33



For more info on Wigtownshire events and outlets please contact: Malcolm McNeil (Email: wigtownshire@awcamra.org.uk)

The first Stranraer Oyster Festival, held over the weekend of 15-17 September has been hailed as "a massive success " by its organisers with no less than 3,000 oysters being 'shucked' and eaten over the three days, so not surprisingly, plans are afoot to hold it again next year. According to BBC Scotland, an economic impact study found that an incredible 10,000 people visited the event over the three days, generating a much needed boost of over ÂŁ500,000 for the local economy. Real Ale drinkers were also catered for with Portpatrick Brewery providing both bottled and cask ales for sale on the Saturday and Sunday. Festival goers were treated to draught Gulf Stream Golden Ale on the Saturday but this soon disappeared and Fog Horn IPA was on offer on the Sunday. As well as the draught beers, bottles of Fog Horn, Dorn Rock and Gulf Stream were available to drink at the festival or to take away including newly introduced gift packs. The atmosphere in the Traders Market marquee was fantastic over both days with a seating area provided for customers to enjoy a beer or glass of wine with their oysters or any of the many other high quality local delicacies available. There will be a Wigtownshire Social Event at next year's festival!

WIGTOWNSHIRE SOCIAL: Saturday 17 February, Newton Stewart

Meet at the Creebridge House Hotel at 1.15 pm (Stranraer members can get the 500 Service from Port Rodie at 12.30pm), and later at the newly refurbished Galloway Arms for an evening meal. All welcome and encouraged to attend.

Just For Fun

Find the names of 20 Scottish beers below:

QUIZ ANSWERS: AUTUMN 2017 BREWERY LOCATIONS: 1: Law (Dundee); 2: Andrews (Cummertrees); 3: An Teallach (Camusnagaul, nr Garve); 4: Beath (Cowdenbeath); 5: Burnside (Laurencekirk); 6: Eden Mill (Guardbridge); 7: Hawk Hill (Dundee); 8: Park Brew (Arbroath); 9: Out of Town (Cumbernauld); 10: Sulwath (Castle Douglas) NOT A BREWERY BEER: Sulwath (Crumple); Strathbraan (Up North); Jaw (Catch); Stewart (Festival Gold); Drygate (Dark Duchess) FOOD ANAGRAMS: 1: Sugared Ambulances = Cumberland Sausage; 2: No Handy Car = Chardonnay; 3: Pinch his fads = Fish and Chips; 4: A Legal Title = Tagliatelle; 5: Use Kilo Tits = Silkie Stout GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: 1: Paul McGann; 2: Epsom Salts; 3: Eight; 4: Swee' Pea; 5: Australia; 6: Welterweight; 7: Anya Shrubsole; 8: Woking; 9: Cemetery; 10: Boston


By Malcolm McNeil


Belfast Beer and Cider Festival On Thursday 16th November a party of seven Wigtownshire members made the short ferry trip from Cairnryan to visit the 18th Belfast Beer and Cider festival, held once more in the historic Ulster Hall with six of us staying overnight. We were delighted to be joined by five Ayrshire members who were staying for two nights and visited the festival on the following day. The festival had over 110 beers on offer over the 3 days, 55 of which were supplied by 16 independent Northern Ireland Breweries, as well as 12 beers from 5 breweries from The Republic. There were also 14 real ciders from 4 Northern Ireland producers – a great effort. The bar operated a token system (no cash) with all beers below 6.5% costing £2 per 1/2 pint. Beers above this ABV were served as 1/3 pints per token. The system certainly helped cut down waiting times at the bar. We decided to concentrate on the beers from Northern Ireland as they are rarely seen 'across the water.' Lacada Brewery from Portrush emerged as our favourite with 3 excellent brews - East the Beast (American IPA), Devil's Washtub (dark ale) and West Bay (English IPA). Honourable mention was also made of Bullhouse Brewery's Small Axe Session IPA (Newtonards), Farmageddon's Mosaic IPA (Comber)and Whitewater Hoppelhammer English IPA (Kilkeel). Beer of the Festival was announced as Bullhouse The Dankness New England IPA, chosen by a panel of 10 members of the public who had the onerous task of sampling 14 beers before reaching their decision! A tough task indeed. We had a great time in Belfast at the Festival and thanks to our CAMRANI colleagues, particularly Clive Talbot, for the warm welcome. We also found time to visit the historic Crown Liquor Saloon which is handily placed nearby and also the excellent Bridge House Wetherspoons just along the road from The Ulster Hall for breakfast. The trip ended back in Stranraer just before 7pm which allowed time for couple of quick pints in The Grapes and to enjoy the usual live music. Watch out for details of next year's Wigtownshire social event to the 2018 Belfast Beer Festival! 35


BAR: Sun-Wed: 11am-midnight; Thur-Sat: 11am-1am RESTAURANT: Mon-Sun: noon-9pm





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Photo credit: Mischa Photo Ltd - Visit Britain


University of Warwick 20th-22nd April 2018 Hosted by Coventry & District branch

Please register online at agm.camra.org.uk or complete the form below and return to: CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 4LW. Joint Membership # (if applicable) Membership # First Name First Name Surname Surname Email If you would like to volunteer, please indicate when you can help and the staffing officer will contact you in due course. Your information will be treated in accordance with CAMRA’s Privacy policy. www.camra.org.uk/privacy-policy Tue AM/PM Wed AM/PM Thur AM/PM Fri AM/PM Sat AM/PM Sun AM/PM Please circle if you have any specialist skills: first aider / cellarman / local knowledge / logistics / customer service / other. (Closing date for postal & online registration is Tuesday 3rd April 2018)

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SULWATH BREWERY At Sulwath Brewery we give you the chance to see the craft of brewing in action, and to taste our award-winning real ales in our fully licensed brewery tap visitor centre.

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