2 minute read
CMAE European Conference on Club Management
European Conference says it’s time for family
Over the course of the last two years, people’s priorities have changed. Some forced on us by the impact of Covid and others simply because we chose to re-evaluate what is most important to us. The common theme in this seismic change has been the return to Family – including the CMAE Family. The one constant for us all during these times has been the love, support, care and understanding that our families bring to us.
In 2020 and 2021, the pandemic claimed a lot of jobs, a lot of of relationships and had an adverse effect on people ’ s mental health. But, at the same time, a lot of our friendships grew and teams bonded due to the tests everyone was put through.
Now in 2022 we begin to see the light within the Club Industry with many of our clubs seeing full Membership and healthy waiting lists. We have never been so busy!
The 2022 CMAE European Conference takes place in Costa Adeje, Tenerife, 5-8 November.
That also means that your CMAE Family is more important than ever. With Family in this case we mean:
Your Real Family
Your Friends
Your Club Owner
Your Board
Your Staff
Your Colleagues
Your Association
Your __________ (fill in where your Family is)
So, for our European Conference in Tenerife in November 2022 we have gathered great speakers on this theme and beyond. Our goal is to make this Conference one to remember, a celebration, one where you can bring your own little Family if possible, where we will do all we can in order for us to enjoy the days in Tenerife as much as possible and bring strength back in body and soul.
We cannot wait to welcome you all back to a Live and in person European Conference. The CMAE Family awaits you in November!
How to book
Hosted in Costa Adeje, Tenerife from the 5-8 November 2022. The event will feature two days of inspirational and engaging education and networking, plus extra activities for you to enjoy.
Watch this short VT clip to get a sense of the event.
https://www.cmaeurope.org/news-events/ euro-conf-2022/
For more information, to express your interest or to book, contact debbie.goddard@cmaeurope.org
European Conference now back again as Live Event!
Couldn't join us at the last one? Then here's a flavour of what's in store!
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