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Improving systems for the Club Industry
Turf Assistant – latest news and product updates
Jim Callaghan CCM from Parconex explains the benefits of automated software system Turf Assistant.
Every once in a while, a club industry software comes to market that revolutionises the way clubs operate. Fifteen to twenty years ago those products were BRS and Intelligent Golf.
BRSwastheteebookingsoftwarethatchangedthe way clubs and members reserved tee times.
Intelligent Golf came along to vastly improved the membership and EPOS software world and moved the needle so much that the others had to suddenly up their game just to survive.
Now, there ’ s a new software available to clubs that again will change a traditional method of working, forever.That software product is Turf Assistant, which is an automated software system for Golf Courses, Sports Facilities, Resorts and Estates.
Inthesefacilities,automationisnowkeytotheefficient and effective running of Turf Management Operations.
We are often asked by Course Managers, why should they choose Turf Assistant over the current products available, many of which have been around for a number of years and that they are familiar with?
Ouranswer;whywouldyoucontinuetodosomething that is time consuming and requires manual input, when there is software available that does it automatically?
We know that changing away from tradition is daunting and time consuming and that most Course Manager ’ s natural instinct is to stick with what they
However, most of the software you are currently using means that you have to manually input the informationtokeepituptodate.TurfAssistanttakes away 85-90% of that manual input and gets you out from behind that desk and out on the course!
So, in an effort to simplify the benefits of choosing Turf Assistant, here is what it can do for you.
For General Managers
• Turf Assistant gives your stakeholders 100% visibility of your Turf Management Operations.
Those stakeholders are normally the General
Manager, the Club Chairman and the Greens
Convener. All can have access to the software and you have the ability to control exactly what stakeholders see and can do via unique logins.
This access helps the stakeholders understand whatitactuallytakestomanageandmaintainyour golf course/s and grounds. • Turf Assistant gives you the factual data you need to back up any requests for additional resources.
This data provides irrefutable evidence to support an increase in your budget or for more manpower to carry out your Annual Maintenance Plan.
For Course Managers
• Turf Assistant will build your Annual Course
Maintenance Plan for you. You tell us what you normally do on your course and when. We build yourAnnualPlanwhichthenevolvesautomatically based on your allocation of daily tasks to your staff. • Turf Assistant will map out each area of your course, tees, greens, fairways, bunkers, rough and water hazards, all areas that need maintenance.
Using those accurate measurements, Turf
Assistantwillautomaticallycalculatethetimingsof tasks, spraying rates for chemicals and fertilisers and the quantities required for specific areas. • Turf Assistant will create a Staff Performance
Management Plan using its inbuilt APEx scoring system. All the staff have to do is start and stop tasksontheirmobileapp.Thesystemautomatically records the task timings and creates Accountability, Performance and Efficiency scoring for eachstaffmember.Thiswillhelpyouidentifyyour staffs ’ individual training needs on a regular basis. • Turf Assistant makes your staff task scheduling really easy. On a daily basis, you can allocate the dailytasksinlessthan10minutes.Eachstaffmember has the daily tasks on the mobile app so are always kept informed. They start and complete each task via their phone which reduces unproductive time travelling backwards and forwards to the greens shed to find out their next task. • Turf Assistant will build your Annual Machinery
Maintenance Plan for you. You tell us what machinery you have and the hours on each machine and our software will automatically inform you when each machine needs specific maintenance,basedonthemanufacturer ’ srecommendations. • Turf Assistant will create Professional Reports for your stakeholders automatically. Using the automaticrecordingoftheworktasks,thesoftwarecalculates costs against budget, staff costs to do individual jobs, i.e. the cost of maintaining each area of yourfacility,allofwhichisavailableatthetouchof a button, at any time.
Turf Assistant has its own team of software developers
What does this mean for you? It means that, with the input of over 400 clients worldwide, the software is always developing to the benefit of all our clients. Recent enhancements in the software include: 1. Form Assistant module implementation – Form
Assistant allows you to create your own questionnaire style forms including multiple choice, long andshorttext,documentuploads,integer,decimal and currency. 2. Schedule Assistant – Complete all Unfinished tasks in Schedule Assistant for all staff in one go. 3. Application Plan – New application plan added to scheduleassistanttoallowallcourse maintenance applications to be planned month on month and includestheabilitytocopyeachcopyintothenext.
You can also copy your annual application plan intothefollowingyearwiththeclickofbuttonsaving hours of re-planning. 4. Online Support – Logrocket implementation for sessioncapturingmeansyourlastoperationiscaptured, easing TA Support to understand what the user is trying to attempt or where they are within the platform. 5. Design enhancement of Schedule Assistant,
Equipment Assistant and Expense Assistant modules 6. Electronic WhiteBoard/Jobs Board – Feature enhanced with interactive features and own customisable look and feel, the most technically advanced whiteboard to-date. 7. Mobile App – Added photo capture integration to
“Quick Tasks ” and “Expenses Management” for quick recognition and auto store. 8. Multi-Facility – Ability for Operators to manage and report over single or multi facilities, suits resorts with multi facilities onsite or owners with multiple sites over multiple locations, a first of its kind. 9. Available in English, Spanish and Italian language at present.
To find out more about Turf Assistant, why don ’t you give us a call or email us to arrange a demo?
Parconex is the sole International Distributor for Turf Assistant.
Contact Peter Kirk on 0044 7737 691054 or email peter.kirk@parconex.com Contact Jim Callaghan CCM on 0044 78522 88732 or email jim.callaghanccm@parconex.com