1 minute read

News fr om t he fr ontline Club Finance Summit – 25 May, 2023

We are in exceptional times where f inancial uncer t ainty has af fected us all In this topical and engaging Finance Summit, CMAE and attendees will discuss f inancial planning, current trends and best practice as well as f inding out what it is exactly that the Treasurer needs you to know by breaking down key terms and clarifying meanings

This is also a great oppor tunity to bring along your Treasurer or CFO and enjoy a day of education together

The Summit will be recorded and circulated to all who have signed up for the day Places are limited to 45 delegates, so book early • Turn to page 35 in this issue for more details andhow to book

Club Awards 2023 have now launched

The 2023 Club Awards are now open for entries The Awards recognise the commitment of clubs, committees and individuals who work to ensure a healthy future for their clubs and members, celebrating clubs of all types and sizes See pages 19-23 for a snapshot of the 2022 Awards

• Deadline for entries – August16, 2023 Visit www clubawards co uk

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