2 minute read

Ref lections on Or lando

I’d like to start off by thanking my Club and our team for allowing me the time to attend CMAA World Conference And thanks also to my fellow managers who have welcomed me into the community of Club Managers and given of their time, experience, advice and support. I am very grateful.

I was lucky enough to spend time with one of them, through the whole of what was a special week for both of us. Les Durno received his CCM at the Conference, and it was very nice to witness that and to understand the sacrifices that he has made to reach this achievement Others that were not in attendance but who’ve always been at the end of a WhatsApp or an e-mail are Debbie Pern CCM and Gordon Simpson of the wonderful Gullane Golf Club

The SGCMA have also been an incredibly welcoming and embracing support network to a Brummie who is a long way from home! And lastly, but certainly not least, are all of the people involved at the CMAE. My engagement with this organisation has been the best learning experience of my lifetime; content, delivery and execution have been first class.

The education is demanding, inspiring and motivating, and I send colleagues away on MDPs with the certainty that they will return fulfilled and better equipped for the careers that lie ahead of them Keep up the good work guys, you are doing us proud I think that Joe Perdue would be very proud of the progress of the area to which he was so clearly committed, and I am sure that I am one of many that are thankful to Joe Perdue for his foresight and leadership

So, my first World Conference had a lot to live up to. I’m not one to wax lyrical, conservative by nature, not too excitable, some might say a touch boring and careful. So that hopefully sets the context for the tributes I am about to uncharacteristically, lavish upon my experience! I am not embarrassed to say that I found the whole thing fascinating, inspiring, exciting, motivating, challenging and rewarding It was a privilege to attend and I am proud to be a part of the tribe The sense of community is overwhelming

It is a major personal objective to go on and achieve CCM accreditation in the not too distant future

CMAA struck me as an incredibly professional organisation, providing great leadership to its members and the huge number of US managers in attendance seemed very happy campers. There were so many things to admire, it would be impossible to list them all.

The venue, scheduling, staging, speakers and hospitality were all of the highest order from my experience in the Club industry, and that spans quarter of a century now They do it brilliantly in the US; such is the aspiration

I will do my utmost to attend annually I have promised myself that If that means sacrificing salary, that will be a worthwhile investment in myself. I really hope to be able to share the experience with team members and having Board Members attend would be a major benefit. I’ve not had chance to review my notes which extend to 30 sides of A4 yet My head is still spinning with ideas and my enthusiasm is overflowing It is impossible to take it all in, but the secret to education is to keep accessing it Every time I have engaged with learning I am reminded of its importance That is one of the best lessons I’ve learnt.

Thanks to all at CMAE, CMAA and thanks to all of my colleagues in this wonderful industry.

A very grateful Paul Mills, General Manager, Nairn Golf Club, Highlands, Scotland

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