Portfolio english2013

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Bioenergetic Art A pplications























Zen-sations/Arboreum™, The Energetic Universe of Nature, is an undertaking that follows from projecting the essence, beauty, intelligence and mathematic precision of Nature onto a diversity of applications including architecture, design, interior design, fabrics, merchandising and decoration. Transcending both geographic and cultural boundaries, Zen-sations/Arboreum™ aims to generate highly positive sensations, to enhance our perception and evolution as human beings. We wish that these images prompt us all to observe our environment in a more interesting and participative manner.


are we

Zen-sations/Arboreum™ is born and unfolds from the joy and enthusiasm of its creators, who are of a curious and versatile nature. Albert Cuevas is a photographer and a plastic artist, and Sergi Nogués an environmentalist and a world traveller. Zen-sations/Arboreum™ works enjoy cultural, artistic and energetic dimensions following Nature’s capacity to organize harmonically all of its elements and generate surprising outcomes, which one can feel and may measure radiesthetically. We encourage you to experiment with and take active part in this lively project, which mirrors Nature’s strength and energy.



as essence The images that make up these works are the result of the observation of, and subsequent reflection upon, our environment and its capacity to organize all of its elements in an almost mathematical order. This gives place to a plethora of harmonic patterns and imaginative shapes. It must be noted that these works are endowed with an important energetic potential --this is their added value. Since my childhood, Nature has always been part of my environment. In its company I have learnt to look and watch, to enter its world so very rich in images. The patterns, colors, shapes and textures of the vegetable kingdom present me with manifold possibilities when it comes to undertaking each of my works –a humble but truthful homage to our natural environment. These works of art exhibit close-knit internal relations --they all have the Trees as the main character within our Biosphere. Moreover, vegetable patterns prompt us to undergo an original and unique metamorphosis. They conform to images for reflection, reasoning, application and sharing. Albert Cuevas



& Vision


Zensations/Arboreum™ has been created with a view to spreading and universalizing the message regarding the necessary (re)connection of human beings with Nature. This message consists in acknowledging our vital necessities and requirements, which often entails going back to –and retrieving— origins and roots. The natural energies that emanate from what we are and our surroundings, and the attendant vibrations and frequencies, are increasingly drawing the attention of many who stop to study these energies. By way of observation and perception, applying both an enthralling and original methodology, and a simple and humble approach which is simultaneously very powerful, hand-in-hand with radiesthesia and photography, we enter the fascinating natural world. As we work with the beauty, essence, diversity and symbology that the elements of the natural world exhibit –a world where trees, colours and organic and inorganic textures become main characters-- Arborerums are born: unique, magic works of art endowed with captivating beauty and supreme seductive powers. The sources of inspiration are infinite, pervasive and of unparalleled beauty, power and energies. Ranging from the textures of the historical, emblematic and familiar trees and landscapes of our dear Mediterranean to the vigorous lava that emerges from the center of Hawaii, to the emotiveness and symbolism of such contrasted habitats as the wettest rainforest in the Amazon and the most arid deserts on the planet. We encourage you all to tune in and actively take part in this (inner) discovery journey! Sergi Nogués

Our works give off positive energy and so they endow us with a true sense of emotional well-being, which one can measure radiesthetically.


tions & Awards


2 LUX National advertising Awards given by AFP

First Prize Best Artist Barcelona Showcase 2013, International Show with 140 artists of 40 countries

1981 3*er. Premio Nacional de Fotografía -Centelles- Barcelona. 1986 Exposición “Enquadrarbres” en la sede central de la Caixa en Figueres. 1988 El Gremio Artesano de Cataluña, me concede placa y diploma, como “Mejor Fotógrafo Catalán” del año -dentro de este gremio1995 Exposición de obra fotográfica colectiva en Frankfurt. 2001 Premio Nacional LUX de Oro Jodo Publicitaria en el apartado de Arquitectura. Premio Nacional LUX de Plata Jodo Publicitaria en el apartado de Alimentación. 2003 1ª Exposición de la obra “Cerca del Mar” a *Torremirona Golfo de Navata. 2004

Gener - Febrero - Agost - Noviembre - Diciembre -

Exposición en Cullera “Jornadas de Fotografía” - ValenciaExposición a Amigos de Centelles, Centelles, -BarcelonaExposición al Café del Barrio Viejo, Figueres. Exposición al Colegio de Abogados de Figueres. Exposición en el Centro de Cultura Santo Domènec en Peralada.

2005 Exposición a la Fundación Rodriguez Amat “Dos Miradas” a Las Olivas –Girona2006 Exposición al Museo de la Mediterránea de Torroella de Montgrí. 2007 Exposición “El dm2” al Cortijo del Pino, en Verges. Exposición permanente de “El dm2” y otros, a Sala Qarts, de Navata. 2009 Exposición colectiva a Vallgrassa Centro Experimental de las Artes al Parque del Garraf –Barcelona Exposición y presentación de “Arboreum” a la Fundación Casamor de Navata.. 2010 Exposición “Arboreum” en el Centro Cìvic Cree de la Mano –Figueres Exposición “Arboreum” a la sala *QArts de Navata. 2011

Gener - Febrero - Abril - Junio - Agost - Agost - Setem. -

Exposición colectiva a la galería Kontraste de Westfalia - AlemanaExposición Centre Cívico Can Blanco de Santa Pau. Exposición “ZEN-sasions” en la sala Qarts. de Navata Exposición “ZEN-sacions” en el Castillo de Santo Ferran en Figueres Exposición “ZEN-sacions” al Castillo de Barbet a Lombez – FranciaExposición colectiva “España en *Siberia” a Kransnoyarsk – Rusia Exposición “ZEN-sacions” Castillo de Benedormiens en Castell d’Aro

2012 Exposición “ ZEN-sations /Arboreum en el Museo de la Mediterránea. 2013 Premio de la Global Artist Agency como mejor artista de la colectiva internacional realizada en la Casa Batlló de Barcelona con la participación de 132 artistas de 40 paisos


& Media





Zen-sations/Arboreum ™ is a copyright brand.

Each work is delivered with a handwritten signature from the author plus a dry original stamp that uniquely certifies it.




¿How relevant do we find the spaces where we dwell, work, sleep, eat, enjoy? The natural and harmonious Universe that generates Zen-sations/Arboreum™ allows us to create, empower and uplift the wellness state of people as well as the atmosphere of a great variety of spaces and environments including: • Hotels and restaurants • Offices, working and business centers • Wineries • Spas, yoga and other wellness centers • Hospitals, medical and health care centers • Sport clubs, leisure centers • Trade and commercial centers • Public areas

Our collaborations with architects, interior designers and other professionals strengthen their projects by adding interesting and exceptional values to their works. With the presence of Arboreums, these professionals enjoy original and unique works of art and design, where beauty stands out and positive energy emanates.



Wellness and yoga centers

Bathrooms and spas

Offices, working centers and households



Post Card Energetic Enhancers

Customized fabrics

Customized vehicles

Hospital floors and walls

Architecture and front buildings

Events and Festivals Visuals

Building lighting



Energetic Universe of Nature BARCELONA / FIGUERES info@zen-sations.com


http://www.zen-sations.com http://zen-sations.blogspot.com.es

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