1 minute read
I hope you are enjoying the blooming flowers and occasional sunny day that this spring has delivered.
progress for our new Surgical Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We are over the moon to have secured £2.5million in donations and pledges towards our £3million target –thank you for making this possible.
This year seems to be flying by and it’s hard to believe we are already in May. We are hearing that lots of you are enjoying some exciting trips as people start to catch up on missed travel plans from the pandemic.
You can also read about the work of our music therapists and play specialists, who tirelessly help to make the experience for our brave young patients as positive as possible.
It’s also been a busy time at Alder Hey. Children and young people have now moved into Sunflower House, our new inpatient mental health unit. On pages 6 and 7, you can read more about our plans for a programme of social prescribing activities, to give children the best possible start in life to manage their own health and wellbeing positively.
This newsletter includes an update on the
We are delighted to be able to offer access to our wards as part of our supporter tours once again. This is of course still subject to some restrictions, including mask wearing and limited numbers, but it is amazing to be able to show visitors the impact of donations on our patients and their families. If you haven’t visited recently, please do get in touch, we would love to see you. We are holding exclusive private tours on Thursday 29 June and Friday 10 November. Please see page 8 for details of how to book your place and experience the true magic that takes place at Alder Hey.
Tracey Wilson Head of Philanthropy