Ingrida Preisa Paintings

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I n g r 카 d a

P r e i s a

Paintings / Gem채lde / Gleznas

Feeling 11, acrylic on canvas 80x90 cm

Feeling 3, acrylic on canvas 20x30 cm

Feeling 21, acrylic on canvas 60x80 cm

Feeling 8, acrylic on canvas 40x20

Feeling 9, acrylic on canvas 60x80 cm


Feeling 18, acrylic on canvas 80x90 cm

Feelings 15, acrylic on canvas 60x80 cm

Feelings 4, acrylic on canvas 20x20 cm

Feelings 17, acrylic on canvas 80x90 cm

Feelings 16, acrylic on canvas 20x20 cm Feelings 5, acrylic on canvas 60x80 cm

Feelings 13, acrylic on canvas 80x90 cm

Feelings 10, acrylic on canvas 20x20 cm

Feelings 20, acrylic on canvas 20x30 cm

Feelings 28, acrylic on canvas 60x80 cm

Feelings 29, 80x90 cm acrylic on canvas

Meine Bilder sind meine Musik - zusammengesetzt aus Farben, Gefühlen und Eindrücken. Meine Bilder, das bin ich: Manchmal frei und trotzdem gefesselt, manchmal offen und trotzdem geheimnisvoll. Ich möchte den Betrachtern die Freiheit geben, dieses nachzuempfinden. Ingrida Preisa Ingrida Preisa arbeitet seit 1971 als freie Künstlerin 1960-65 Besuch der Kunstschule in Riga 1966-71 Studium an der Kunstakademie in Tallinn Bisherige Ausstellungen: 1989 Chicago International New Art Forms, USA 1989 Galerie “Lettische Kunst”, Rotterdam, Niederlande 1990 Casa de la Cultura, Fuenlabrada, Spanien Daneben weitere Ausstellungen in Rumänien, Tschechien, Dänemark, Lettland und USA. My pictures are my music - made of colors, feelings and impressions. My pictures are me - sometimes free, sometimes enslaved, sometimes open, sometimes mysterious. I would like to give viewers the chance to experience all these things. Ingrida Preisa Since 1971 Ingrida Preisa has been active as a freelance artist 1960-65 Attended art school in Riga 1966-71 Studied at the Art Academy in Tallinn Previous exhibitions: 1989 Chicago International New Art Forms, USA 1989 “Latvian Art” Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands 1990 Casa de la Cultura, Fuenlabrada, Spain Other exhibitions have been held in Romania, Czech Republic, Denmark, Latvia and the U.S

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