Innovating Science®
Biotechnology Electrophoresis and DNA Fragment Length Determination In this activity students will perform agarose electrophoresis on three DNA samples that have already been treated with restriction enzymes. Students will not only learn about the process of DNA electrophoresis but learn the techniques associated with the process, such as setting up an agarose gel, loading DNA samples in the agarose gel, and staining the gel in order to visualize the DNA bands. They will also learn how to determine the sizes of unknown DNA fragments after examining their results. The kit includes specially-treated DNA samples that do not require refrigeration or freezing, prepared agarose that may simply be melted in a hot water bath or microwave, TBE electrophoresis buffer, and DNA stain. There is enough DNA to run 10 gels. Kit Contains: 200mL 500mL 60mL
0.8% Agarose 5X Tris Borate ETA Buffer, 20X DNA Stain LAMBDA DNA ECORI DIGEST With Loading Dye LAMBDA DNA HINDIII DIGEST With Loading Dye LAMBDA DNA ECORI/HIND III DIGEST With Loading Dye
DOT Info: Non-regulated
IS3300 $101.97
DNA Fingerprinting Electrophoresis Lab Activity DNA fingerprinting is one of the strongest forms of evidence in forensic investigations. In this activity students will perform agarose gel electrophoresis on four DNA samples to determine if DNA from suspects matches that of DNA found at a crime scene. Students will also learn about restriction enzymes and the importance of these enzymes in the DNA fingerprinting process. The kit contains enough materials for 8 groups and includes a Teacher’s Guide and Student Study copymasters. Kit Includes: 200mL Prepared Agarose 0.8% Solution 60mL DNA Stain 20X 10μg Victim DNA 10μg Suspect #2 DNA
500mL Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer 5X 10μg Crime Scene DNA 10μg Suspect #1 DNA
DOT Info: Non-regulated
IS3301 $101.97
DNA Paternity Testing Electrophoresis Lab Activity While over 99% of DNA is the same among all humans, the remaining part is unique to every individual (with the exception of identical twins). These differences are hereditary, with parts of the unique sequence coming from each parent. By using DNA fingerprinting, or DNA profiling, a child’s paternal relationship can be tested by comparing the child’s DNA profile to the profile of the mother and possible father to determine if an individual is the father or not. In this activity students will use electrophoresis to separate DNA samples of a child, mother, and two potential fathers to determine if either father is a possible paternal match. The kit contains enough materials for 8 groups of students and includes a Teacher’s Guide and Student Study Guide copymasters. Kit Includes: 200mL Prepared Agarose 0.8% Solution 60mL DNA Stain 20X 10μg Child’s DNA Sample 10μg Possible Father #2 DNA Sample
500mL Tris Borate EDTA Buffer 5X 10μg Mother’s DNA Sample 10μg Possible Father #1 DNA Sample
DOT Info: Non-regulated
IS3303 $101.97
Aldon Corporation