Aldo Pavia
Restaurants & food
Restaurants & food
This is a collection of photos made in collaboration with bars and restaurants in Florence, Italy. My work was essentially to prepare the photo shootings, but in some of the places I had the opportunity to become friends with the people working there (chefs, waiters, clients and owners) which made my job more easy and also in another way much more interesting and of course much more fun. I would really like to explain myself in every context, for example when the pictures were made or which technique I used because many of the things that happened there were very special. I don’t want to take more of your time and we are going straight to see the photos together. Many thanks to La MÊnagère (Laura Marianera, Massimo Manfredi and Luca Baldini). To Ditta Artigianale and Fedor. Without them these pictures could not be made in the same way!
Photographed, edited and designed by Aldo Matteo Pavia Industrial designer and photographer Copenhagen, Denmark
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