Sophia's graphic design Portfolio

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Sophia Taul


Introduction This is a portfolio of a creative, ready to expand her knowledge further. But first, here’s a taster of work from the past. What I want to show with my portfolio are skills I’ve acquired during my Bachelor in Fine Arts of Contemporary Jewelry but also outside the studies and after. In addition there are photos of my jewelry, since they are an important part of me. I will show you some sides of my projects simply with a few sketches, a few ideas explaining my design idea and development which are the important ones - together with the final results of the projects of course. From my bachelor project I’ve chosen a few pages from the book I made, with my own sketches and a bit explained about the project. With it there is the invitation for the exhibition and a few photos from the exhibition. In the end there are sketches I’ve done in my free time - which are my strongest ones in regard to how i work graphically. All sketches, notes and jewelry are my own. Nothing is taken from anywhere else.

Artist project Paul Gauguin

I chose to work with Paul Gauguin because of his longing to go to other places, learn about distant cultures and his way of seeing nature. The project started with a research of him as a person, then his work, then I repeated his shapes of leafs a million times with a pen to get to some feeling of lines that I could incorporate in jewelry. The final results are two brooches in olive wood and sterling silver inspired by long trips at sea, and the necklace is my own interpretation of leafs from his art.

I then made a project where I had to use a material I completely dislike, which is plastic. The idea was to mix a natural material I adore with plastic to get a contrast, but at the same time make the materials work together. So by mixing wood and plexiglass, I continued to work on ideas with the shape that I made with the plexiglas and played with the transparency and colors to get different results and more playfulness. It showed me for the first time, in how many ways a starting point can develop and how one project can very much guide you an inspire you to the next.

Further development of design


My final project for my bachelor took me back to the first one of the bachelor, and with this last project i traveled further. Hence I made one hundred amulets to protect the wearer when traveling away from home. In reality some had a known motive of meaning but then again many didn’t, but what the pendants had in common was that they were all shaped with my hands, so none of them were perfect either. I made a research of what the meaning of an amulet is and how it’s meaning is in different cultures. For the book of the collection I made fine lines of nature which I digitalized, I put in the research and quotes of great explorers together with the pieces worn and all together. The book was made in Illustrator and InDesign.

Together with another girl from class I made the invitation for the final exhibition, the design is made in Illustrator. With the name of the exhibition in front and all information in the back.


Inspired sketches

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