RED BULL USA CREATIVE BRIEF I. The Brand The essential truth Red Bull is the pioneer of the energy drink industry. The agenda/point of view Red Bull is an innovator. Its mission is to provide energy that inspires achievement. Red Bull has been dubbed “the anti-brand brand” because of its focus on bringing consumers to the product through viral tactics and event sponsorships, rather than concentrating on conventional masscommunications. The tone of voice & personality The brand boasts an aura of light-hearted edginess. As the forerunner of the multi-billion dollar energy drink industry, their customer communication has produced a sense of mystique surrounding the product and lifestyles of those who drink it. “Red Bull isn’t a drink; it’s a way of life.” – Dietrich Mateschitz, Founder, Red Bull
II. The Challenge Although Red Bull is still the category killer, the energy drink market has become over-crowded. In addition to smaller companies, behemoths Pepsi and Coke have also entered the fray. Red Bull needs to retain its market share and reputation as an innovator.
III. The Strategy We want to change Red Bull from an energy drink company to an energy company. All of the other energy drink companies are focusing on the extreme aspect of the lives of its drinkers and in doing so are excluding the majority of the population. We want Red Bull to be seen as the company that can give you the energy for everyday life. Inspiration • Simple devices made from empty Red Bull cans can be used to create fuel cells, windmills and solar panels that can power everyday objects. • Red Bull is widely seen as one of the companies that is focusing on creating sustainability and alternative methods of energy in the corporate world
IV. Considerations Media New microsite focused how Red Bull can provide everyday energy. Use traditional and non-traditional advertising to bring this idea to life. Continue to use Red Bull’s non-traditional, light-hearted edginess in whatever is produced. Measures of Success Sustained market share, Consumer buzz/word-of-mouth, Traffic to new energy website, Purchase of Red Bull drink