Ted Goes to the Dealership A Target Analysis
Collins Target Theatre presents:
A Simmons Production
Alec Black, Jessica Collins, Albert Kugel, Whitney Martinez
Media Recommendations Magazines such as Newsweek, Cooking Light, Consumer Reports, and National Geographic. Billboards on highways with high commuter traffic. Cable television networks such as CNN, Discovery, The Weather Channel, HBO, and the History Channel and network TV like ABC and NBC. Websites: MSNBC, google, Expedia, and Mapquest Local Newspapers Local Radio during morning and evening drive time Museum Showrooms explaining hybrid technology
Thanks to:
Allison Duffee for assigning this project and to Simmons for the extensive amount of data that they provided.
March 3rd, 2009 Prepared for Principles of Modern Media
Scene 1: Living Room Magazine AARP Architectural Digest Better Homes & Gardens Bon Appétit Business Week The Economist Food & Wine Consumer Reports Cooking Light Newsweek National Geographic
Index 166 247 125 241 164 245 222 204 279 224 194
Cable Channels The Travel Channel MSNBC National Geographic HBO Discovery Channel Food Network CNN ESPN The Golf Channel The History Channel PBS
Vertical % 15.6 18 14 25 29 21.7 21 23 12 27 27
86% are active volunteers
Scene 2: Driving to the Dealership Like to spend time with family pp Hobbies: museums, antiquing, visiting the zoo & aquarium, photography, going to the beach/lake, gardening, dining out, cooking for fun, 34% like live theater, concerts, and dance Respond to billboards (48%) and listen to radio for entertainment and to stay informed (36%) Fitness: play golf and tennis, more likely to ski, hike, weight train, and do yoga; run (20%), swim (42%), fitness walk (55%) and use cardio machines (21%)
What Ted believes in or at least 6 out of 11…
He makes a conscious effort to recycle. He is worried about pollution caused by cars. He buys products that use recycled paper. He would pay more for environmentally friendly products. He thinks the government should ban products that pollute. He has contributed to an environmental charity in the past twelve months. He cares about what’s under the hood of his car. He identifies as liberal. He eats organic foods.
He believes people have a duty to recycle. He believes people have a responsibility to use recycled products. And he plans to buy a car in the next 2 years.
Scene 3: At the Dealership Likes to be well informed, including research before big purchases and about technological advancements
Ted Parsons
Enjoys family vacations especially when they are taking car trips
Played by Albert Kugel. Ted is 49 years old and is married. He graduated from a state university and now makes around $113K a year in his professional job. He also has two teenage children and he owns his own home. He is financially secure and he enjoys spending time with his family. He identifies more often as a liberal and is a Democartic (45%) . He is one of 17 million men and women who share similar values.
70% have PDAs such as a Blackberry
Supporting Cast
34% belong to a church or temple and 32% are Catholic
Kimberly, 17 year old daughter Gerald Waldorf, car salesman
When online likes to visit specific websites like mapquest, MSNBC, google, CNN, The New York Times, weather.com and he looks online practically all day, while at work and at home Only likes to buy new cars and safety features are very important (92%), tend to like US made cars better than foreign cars (60%)