Metabolism boosting plan

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Contents Disclaimer.......................................................................................................... 4 Introduction........................................................................................................ 5 Mistake 1: Basing Your Meals Around Low Quality Carbs ................................. 6 How To Base Your Meals Around Protein ...................................................... 6 How To Add High Quality Carbs To Your Meals ............................................. 6 Mistake 2: Eating 5-6 Mini Meals Per Day ......................................................... 7 How To Plan Healthy Meals ........................................................................... 7 How To Plan Healthy Snacks ......................................................................... 7 How To Eat In A Way That Suits Your Lifestyle .............................................. 8 Mistake 3: Taking Diet Pills ................................................................................ 9 The Origins Of Diet Pills................................................................................. 9 How Diet Pills Are Supposed To Work ........................................................... 9 Side Effects Of Diet Pills .............................................................................. 10 Mistake 4: Exercising In The Fat Burning Zone ............................................... 11 How To Maximise Your Metabolism With High Intensity Interval Training .... 11 Putting High Intensity Interval Training Into Practice .................................... 12 Mistake 5: Avoiding Strength Training ............................................................. 13 The Relationship Between Building Muscle & Metabolism .......................... 13 How To Get Started With Strength Training ................................................. 13 Additional Benefits Of Strength Training ...................................................... 14 Mistake 6: Not Drinking Enough Water............................................................ 15 How Drinking Water Boosts Your Metabolism .............................................. 15 Mistake 7: Not Making Time For Rest & Recovery .......................................... 16 How Overtraining Slows Down Your Metabolism ......................................... 16 How To Balance Training With Rest & Recovery ......................................... 16 How To Have An Effective Rest Day ............................................................ 17 Mistake 8: Failing To Eat Enough Fats ............................................................ 18 Beware Of Trans Fats .................................................................................. 18 How To Boost Your Metabolism With Fats ................................................... 18 Mistake 9: Relying On Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks .......................... 20 What Are Metabolism Boosting Foods? ....................................................... 20 How To Benefit From Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks ........................ 21 Mistake 10: Consuming Diet Foods & Drinks .................................................. 22

Why You Should Avoid Diet Foods & Drinks ................................................ 22 Summary ......................................................................................................... 23

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Introduction If you’re trying to lose weight, optimizing your metabolism is a key part of the process. However, a lot of the mainstream metabolism boosting advice has the opposite effect and slows down your metabolism. Therefore, if you’ve been following this advice, you may be unwittingly reducing the amount of calories your body burns each day and sabotaging your weight loss efforts. The good news is that even if you are unknowingly slowing down your metabolism, this can be easily fixed. All you need to do is identify the mistakes you’re making and then change your behaviour to optimize your metabolism. In this report I’m going to be providing you with the information you need to do exactly that. It covers: 1. How the wrong types of carbohydrates can slow down your metabolism and what you should be eating instead 2. How eating mini-meals can slow down your metabolism and what to eat instead 3. How taking diet pills can actually have the opposite effect on your metabolism 4. How exercising in the fat burning zone can slow down your metabolism and what types of exercise you should be doing instead 5. How neglecting strength training can slow down your metabolism and how to get started lifting weights 6. How dehydration can slow down your metabolism and how to stay constantly hydrated 7. How overtraining can slow down your metabolism and how to get plenty of rest 8. How cutting back on fats can slow down your metabolism and how to optimize your metabolism by eating the right fats 9. How using metabolism boosting foods in the wrong way can slow down your metabolism 10. How ‘diet’ foods and drinks can slow down your metabolism and what to consume instead

Mistake 1: Basing Your Meals Around Low Quality Carbs A common mistake people make with their diet is basing their meals around low quality carbohydrates. Bread, pasta, potatoes and rice are all foods that get heavily recommended in health and fitness circles. However, these foods are packed full of low quality carbohydrates that slow down your metabolism. Basing your meals around protein, and balancing them with high quality carbohydrates will help kick start your metabolism.

How To Base Your Meals Around Protein Try basing meals around lean proteins like lean cuts of beef, fish, chicken, pork loin or turkey. For vegetarians, some high protein choices include soy products, chia seeds, lentils, Ricotta cheese and quinoa. Add in healthy carbs including root vegetables like beets, spring onions and sweet potatoes, and whole grains such as brown rice. Proteins require more energy to digest than any other macronutrient. The calories you burn from digestion alone account for up to 15% of your daily energy expenditure. Click Here For 6 Protein Rich Foods

How To Add High Quality Carbs To Your Meals Your thyroid is the thermostat for your metabolism. Don’t cut out carbs completely. Make better choices. Beans, fruits and vegetables are all high quality carbohydrates that have a positive effect on your metabolism. They also contain essential dietary fibre which aids in slower digestion and boosts energy expenditure. In addition to this, they’re packed full of essential vitamins and minerals which work together to optimize your metabolism. Cutting carbs completely can cause reduced thyroid functioning and a slower metabolism. Click Here For 7 High Quality Carbohydrates

Mistake 2: Eating 5-6 Mini Meals Per Day It’s all over the television, the Internet and magazines: The solution to weight loss is eating several small meals throughout the day. While this is a great way to keep full, cut cravings and keep the metabolism working at a steady pace, it’s not realistic for most. It is a challenge to have time for breakfast, much less finding the time to consume six meals per day. Many people try doing the right thing and end up making their way to the drive-thru or grabbing a candy bar because it’s convenient. A better solution is to plan for meals and eat when it is convenient for you. Eat when you are hungry and make better choices.

How To Plan Healthy Meals Your plate at each meal should have one protein, one quality carbohydrate and one healthy fat. Choosing natural foods is always best. Processed foods will contain excess sugar and sodium. Start on the outer edge of your grocery store and choose mainly produce, deli foods, meat and dairy to ensure that your meals are healthy and natural.

How To Plan Healthy Snacks Snacks are an important part of your diet too. They help control hunger and cravings. Fruits, nuts, cheese, yogurt and protein powders are all choices that can go in a plastic bag or lunch cooler for on-the-go people. Plan out a few snacks for the day. Even if you are staying at home, pre-planned, portion controlled, snack bags are a great way to ensure you won’t overeat or go for other unhealthy snacks. Click Here For Over 50 Healthy & Natural Metabolism Boosting Meal & Snack Ideas

How To Eat In A Way That Suits Your Lifestyle A diet shouldn’t feel like a diet at all. It should feel like a permanent lifestyle change. This is why eating out should never feel like an obstacle you have to overcome. It is a part of everyday life. Feel confident that you can make the right choices. Start out with a big, leafy salad with dressing on the side. Remember that you can eat as much of the salad as you want, and it will help fill your stomach before the main course. Try ordering fish or lean meat that is broiled or grilled instead of fried. Remember that not every day will be identical. It's not about how many meals you consume in a day. Portion control is the key to any diet whether you are eating three larger meals or six smaller meals. Find a routine that fits your schedule, and plan accordingly.

Mistake 3: Taking Diet Pills For years, people have searched for a shortcut to weight loss. Diet pills have continued to fly off the shelves, though it has been proven they do very little to help with weight loss, and even less to maintain long-term weight loss. Diet pills are ineffective and some are downright dangerous.

The Origins Of Diet Pills Diet pills were initially created to help the morbidly obese lose weight and prevent diabetes. Unfortunately, the diet pill market has become a million dollar industry and now a range of diet pills are being sold over-thecounter. Author Anne M. Fletcher describes diet pills in her book titled “Thin for Life,� as one leg of a four-legged stool; the other three legs being diet, exercise and behavioural changes. Take out any of the three other legs, and the diet pills are useless. Diet pills are not a realistic solution to a healthier lifestyle.

How Diet Pills Are Supposed To Work Diet pills, prescribed or over-the-counter, do one of two things. One type helps suppress appetite. The other is a fat blocker that alters the absorption of fat in food. Diet pills that suppress the appetite usually contain Hoodia, fenfluramine (Phen-Fen) and dexfenfluramine or a combination of the drugs. They can cause high blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches and sometimes even behavioural changes. A popular prescription fat blocker, turned over-thecounter diet pill, has been shown to increase weight loss by only 5lbs-7lbs. It also has some nasty side effects including stomach upset and loss of bowel control. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also researching this drug to determine if it causes liver damage. In addition to blocking fat, it can also block the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Side Effects Of Diet Pills Though there have harmful side effects with these diet pills, consumers continue to buy then. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration approved a new prescription diet pill that was shown to cause increased heart rate during clinical trials. Some patients also experienced metabolic acidosis, which is a condition that can cause hyperventilation and fatigue. The bottom line is that there is no magic pill for weight loss. Even on a diet pill, dieters must control eating habits and exercise for them to be effective. Many would argue that the very small benefits are not worth the risk to their health. Diet pills also have a reputation for only working in the short term. For long-term weight loss, a permanent lifestyle change is the only way to go.

Mistake 4: Exercising In The Fat Burning Zone It was once thought that slow, steady cardiovascular exercise was the way to burn more fat and while working out, the target heart rate should reach between 50% and 85% of your maximum heart rate. Generally, maximum heart rate can be determined by subtracting your age from 220. To work in the “fat burning zone” you would stay between 50% and 70% of the maximum heart rate. While it is true that more calories from fat are burned during slower, steady cardio (about 60%), it doesn’t matter. The truth is that the real results come from creating a calorie deficit. High intensity training is the best way to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. High intensity cardio has been shown to burn more calories overall than slow steady cardio. For example, 30 minutes of low intensity exercise will burn approximately 200 calories, while high intensity training for 30 minutes can burn approximately twice that with the same amount of calories coming from fat.

How To Maximise Your Metabolism With High Intensity Interval Training One form of training that has proven to work the best in the shortest amount of time is high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT involves short burst sprints on foot, swimming, biking or other exercises, alternating with short periods of rest; for example, 10 one minute sprints alternating with one minute of walking. One study from Canada's McMaster University found evidence that HIIT is a better way to burn calories more efficiently. The study showed it has the same effect as longer duration endurance training and it is better at improving muscle mass than long, less strenuous workouts. HIIT can be a strenuous workout. Those that are older, unconditioned or

overweight may choose to start with lower intensity exercise. However, one study focused on an older group of patients (55 to 71 years old) with chronic heart failure, to see how they could benefit from HIIT. Results showed the workout was safe and effective, increasing their aerobic capacity with no harmful effects. Another study tested HIIT on people with metabolic syndrome and found that the group performing interval training improved their aerobic capacity by 30% as opposed to 16% with the group performing continuous, steady exercise. Click Here For A HIIT Workout That Burns Over 1,000 Calories

Putting High Intensity Interval Training Into Practice Group fitness classes are a great way to try HIIT, but you can do HIIT from the comfort of your home as well. Use a treadmill to alternate running and walking, or a stationary bike pedalling at maximum intensity for one minute, resting for one minute. There are also aerobic videos offering HIIT techniques, or you can also make up your own routine. Remember, HIIT requires no equipment. HIIT is a program that can be done for 30 minutes, three times a week and still be effective for weight loss, muscle gain and many other health benefits. Finally, you have time for exercise!

Mistake 5: Avoiding Strength Training Cardiovascular training is a great way to lose weight and get in shape, but you rarely hear much about strength training. Strength training has a reputation for being only for bodybuilders. Many avoid the weight room altogether because of misinformation and intimidation. Strength training is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism by building muscle.

The Relationship Between Building Muscle & Metabolism Have you ever wondered why men tend to have an easier time with weight loss than women? Men generally have more muscle mass and less body fat than women. It’s the way their bodies are made and muscle burns calories faster than fat. Muscle mass is one of the best ways to increase your resting metabolic rate. Many times, women shy away from weight lifting due to the fear of weight gain, the fear of bulky, manly muscles or they simply feel intimidated by the weight room. However, bulky muscles are not common in women due to their hormone make-up. Women that lift for strength training purposes should only expect a toned, curvaceous body. Click Here To Learn More About How Building Muscle Can Boost Your Metabolism

How To Get Started With Strength Training There are lots of easy ways to add a strength training program to your current exercise routine. A beginner should start with three times a week, with recovery days in between. Weight machines in the gym are one way to become familiar with different muscle groups and exercises for those muscles. They also help to stabilize the body to decrease risk of injury. Group fitness classes are also a good choice. Weightlifting classes such as BodyPump use a

combination of a barbell, dumbbells and weight plates to train every muscle group in a series of exercises. The instructor will call out the exercises, showing the correct posture and how to lift the weights properly. This is a great way to learn how to lift free weights safely and effectively. Free weights are better for lifting once you are familiar with proper form. They train your core stabilizers and make you stronger, faster. Click Here To Learn More About The Benefits Of BodyPump Class

Additional Benefits Of Strength Training There are several other health benefits. Joint flexibility is improved helping prevent pain and limited mobility with the progression of age. It helps prevent diabetes because muscle pulls glucose from the blood, helping to stabilize blood sugar. Weight lifting gets rid of visceral fat that can build up around the abdominal area as well as the organs. Strength training has also been shown in studies to improve performance in endurance sports. One of the best benefits is the way it makes you look and feel. Strength training just three or more times a week helps keep the body fit.

Mistake 6: Not Drinking Enough Water Dehydration is more common than people think with around 75% of people in the UK and USA believed to suffer from mild dehydration. Mild dehydration causes the metabolism to slow down as well as a myriad of other problems. Water is lost through urination and sweating all day long. We need approximately eight glasses of water per day, and more when exercising or in hot weather. Water aids digestion and also helps all your vital organs function optimally which ensures that they’re burning calories at the maximum possible rate.

How Drinking Water Boosts Your Metabolism The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reported a study of 14 healthy men and women, which showed a 30% increase in metabolic rates after drinking 500ml water. In addition, the study stated the increase was partially due to the body’s attempt to heat the water and bring body temperature to its normal rate. There are some findings that ice water is better at raising the metabolic rate, for this reason. Drinking enough water each day is an easy way to stay healthy inside and out. Research suggests something as simple as water helps with weight loss and a speedy metabolism. Implementing water in your diet should be the first and easiest thing you can do to begin a new start with a healthier lifestyle. Click Here To Learn How To Easily Drink 8 Glasses Of Water Each Day

Mistake 7: Not Making Time For Rest & Recovery If you’re trying to burn calories and boost your metabolism, it’s natural to think that the more you train, the better your results will be. However, overtraining is one of the best ways to become burned out or injured, slow down your metabolism and cause your weight loss efforts to plateau.

How Overtraining Slows Down Your Metabolism Whether it’s cardio or strength training, the muscles are working to meet your demands. The muscles contract and small tears occur. During recovery, the tears work to repair themselves. It is through this recovery that the muscles grow bigger, stronger and more toned. If you don’t give your muscles time to recover, they won’t grow and you won’t be able to enjoy the increased metabolic rate that comes with more muscle mass. Failing to take the time to rest and relax also increases your risk of injury. If you become injured, you’ll be unable to train for weeks or even months. Not only will this take you out of action and prevent you from burning calories by doing cardio but it will also lead to your muscles shrinking which will further reduce the amount of calories your body burns each day.

How To Balance Training With Rest & Recovery If you are a beginner, try training three to four days a week to start. Strength training should be every other day, taking more time to rest if there is extreme soreness. Vary your workouts to use different muscle groups and make it more fun. Take classes one day and use the weight room the next day. As you get more experienced, you can increase your training frequency to five or six days per week if this suits you better but make sure you always take a minimum of one full rest day each week.

Click Here To Learn More About The Benefits Of Rest & Relaxation

How To Have An Effective Rest Day To ensure that your rest day is effective, make sure you keep physical activity to a minimum. Light physical activities such as walking, swimming or yoga are fine and can actually help soothe your muscles and your joints and aid recovery. However, to ensure that your body can fully recover from your workouts, avoid any intense physical activity on your rest day. The night before your rest day, try to make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep. Sleep stimulates the release of growth hormone (which fires up your metabolism and stimulates muscle growth) and will give you the perfect start to your rest day. Also, try to incorporate some relaxing activities such as meditation, reading or a hot bath. These activities not only provide your body with an opportunity to be still and rest but they also allow you to relax and unwind mentally. Click Here For 9 Effective Ways To Rest & Relax

Mistake 8: Failing To Eat Enough Fats It’s hard to tell what is healthy and what’s not with all the information out there today. Many health and fitness sources spread the message that fat is unhealthy and makes you fat. As a result, many people try to avoid fat when attempting to lose weight and boost their metabolism. However, fat is not the enemy and your diet should include 20% to 35% fat daily if you want to increase your metabolic rate and optimise your health

Beware Of Trans Fats Although you should be eating fats to boost your metabolism, not all fats are created equal. Trans fats are a man-made fat that can be found in baked goods, fast food and many frozen foods. They do nothing to support your body or your metabolism and increase your risk of heart disease, cancer and more. Trans fats also raise LDL cholesterol levels and lower healthy HDL cholesterol levels which restricts the flow of blood in your body and has a negative impact on all your vital organs. Click Here To Learn More About The Dangers Of Trans Fats

How To Boost Your Metabolism With Fats Although trans fats are something you should be avoiding, there are three main fats you should be eating if you want to boost your health and your metabolism – saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Saturated fat receives a lot of criticism in health and fitness circles. However, it’s actually very good for your health and supports all your vital organs, reduces your heart disease risk and more. By keeping all your vital organs healthy, saturated fat ensures that your body burns calories at the maximum possible rate and gives your metabolism a boost. Some of the best food sources of saturated fat include coconuts, dairy products and red meats.

Monounsaturated fat is a type of fat that can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds. It boosts your blood glucose levels, reduces inflammation in the body and raises your metabolism by increasing the rate at which your body burns fat. Polyunsaturated fat is another healthy fat that functions in a similar way to saturated fat and monounsaturated fat. Its health benefits include keeping your brain healthy, supporting healthy vision, strengthening your bones and protecting against heart disease. Click Here To Learn More About The Health Benefits Of Fats

Mistake 9: Relying On Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks The new trend is figuring out how to enhance your metabolism using so called metabolism boosting foods and drinks. They seem like the easy answer to weight loss but using these foods without implementing a proper diet and exercise plan won’t give you the results you desire.

What Are Metabolism Boosting Foods? Metabolism boosting food and drinks are foods and drinks that temporarily increase the calories you burn after consuming them. To find metabolism boosting foods and drinks, look at the ingredients they contain. Foods and drinks that contain high levels of catechins, fibre, protein and spices are all metabolism boosting foods that will increase the rate at which your body burns calories. Catechins can be found in all types of tea with green tea containing particularly high levels. Studies have shown that consuming catechins regularly can increase your metabolic rate by up to 4%. Most plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds contain high levels of fibre. Fibre increases the calories your body uses during digestion, so by eating fibre rich foods, you’ll naturally burn more calories. Protein can be sourced from lots of different foods including beans, dairy products, fish, meat and certain vegetables. Research has shown that up to 25% of the calories from protein get burned off during digestion, so eating it regularly can give your metabolism a significant lift. Spices can be purchased in both ground form or as chili peppers. When you consume spices, they naturally stimulate your body’s fat burning processes and allow you to temporarily burn

more body fat. They also cause your body’s temperature to increase which blasts through more calories as your body regulates this change in temperature. Click Here For 10 Of The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks

How To Benefit From Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks To get the most out of metabolism boosting foods and drinks, they need to be one of the many tools you’re using to increase your metabolic rate. Relying on them completely will have little to no effect. However, by eating them as part of a healthy diet and then exercising regularly, they’ll help you optimize your metabolism and burn the maximum amount of calories possible. To ensure that both your diet and exercise routine are up to scratch, make sure your diet contains mainly natural, unprocessed foods. Processed foods such as burgers, candy, fries and soda need to be consumed in moderation and the majority of the foods you’re eating should be fresh, natural choices such as fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Also, make sure you’re exercising at least three times per week. When you exercise, do a combination of strength training and weightlifting for the maximum metabolism boost. Click Here To Learn How To Maximize Your Metabolism Using Diet & Exercise

Mistake 10: Consuming Diet Foods & Drinks Weight loss requires a calorie deficit. In order to lose 1lb a week, you must cut about 500 calories a day from your diet. The diet industry knows this and in response they have created millions of products claiming to be “low fat”, “no fat” and “low calorie”. If you are basing your diet around processed, diet foods and drinks, your diet and metabolism is suffering. Eating natural, healthy foods is the best way to lose weight.

Why You Should Avoid Diet Foods & Drinks Diet soft drinks are one of the most popular diet products on the market but did you know it could be making you fat? A recent study managed by France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research found that one can of diet soft drinks can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%. Surprisingly, the study found that there was a higher risk for diabetes in those that drank diet soft drinks than those that consumed regular soft drinks containing regular sugar. In addition, it found that diet drinks are contributing to weight gain. Aspartame found in diet soft drinks causes a chemical reaction in the body that creates a craving for other sweets. Click Here For 5 Healthy & Low Calorie Soft Drink Substitutes Another popular diet product is non-fat or light foods. These products range from cheese, mayonnaise, potato chips, whipped cream, ice cream and a number of other foods. Studies have shown that people that eat low fat diets have the same cardiovascular risks as those that eat regular fat diets. Non-fat or light does not mean healthy. Many of these products contain “fake fats” like Olestra. These fake fats do not have the same health benefits as real fats and do not support your vital organs. This leads to your body becoming less efficient and your metabolic rate slowing down. If you want to eat healthy, shop in your grocery store’s produce, meat, deli, bakery and dairy aisles. Learn to shop for ingredients that can be staples in your pantry. Instead of looking for “diet” products, focus on choosing foods that are natural and unprocessed.

Summary If you’ve been trying to rev up your metabolism for some time, I hope this report helps you identify the mistakes you’ve been making. Once you cut these mistakes out of your routine and continue with your healthy lifestyle, you’ll find that the number of calories you burn each day will start to increase and the body fat will start to melt away. For further information on boosting your metabolism and losing weight, make sure you check Free Fitness Tips. This site contains a huge collection of articles and is regularly updated with all the information you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, lower your body fat levels and improve your overall health and fitness. The following articles in particular will help you further optimize your metabolism and burn more body fat: 1. What Is Metabolism? 2. Eating & Metabolism Revisited 3. Exercise & Metabolism Revisited 4. 9 Top Tips For Maximizing Your Metabolism 5. 10 Metabolism Boosting Foods & Drinks 6. 9 Metabolism Boosting Exercise Tips 7. 5 Metabolism Myths Uncovered 8. 10 Weight Loss Tips 9. 10 Weight Loss Diet Tips 10. 10 Step Weight Loss Exercise Plan 11. 10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes

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