Advanced Graphic Design Fall 2014

Page 1


Foreward Stacy Asher

During the Fall Semester 2014 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, students of “Advanced Graphic Design / GRPH 421 authored a collection of maps, charts and diagrams that centered around the concept of “well being or happiness.” Each designed artifact addressed aspects of individual design research and illustrates various methods of investigation. The Atlas publication is a compilation of works that document research and explain processes. Projects engaged students in the invention of unique graphic systems that visualize information about happiness and well being. The designs represent quantitative and qualitative narratives and illustrate individual perspectives and interests. These visual displays charting well being and system were compiled into an atlas — a book of maps, charts, illustrations of diagrams united by the interpretations of happiness and system that are found within a society. The atlas represents a coordinated body of methods, a scheme or plan of procedure that was used to organize data from design research. Various production methods were considered and students were encouraged to explore a wide variety of media and design strategies. These methods were evaluated on their effectiveness as generators of visual information with respect to their project goals and intended meanings.

Preface This book will show the ideation, process, and look of my final designs of project one and two of “Advanced Graphic Design” from fall of 2014 with Professor Stacy Asher. The first project was about what each person in the class perceived to bring people happiness, so I made two posters about self expression through text and images on T-shirts. The second project was about a book called “The Circle” by Dave Eggars and to make a piece of work that would reflect the book itself. My project based on the book was an app called “TrueYou” which was created by the man who wants to bring down the Circle and so there are images in the app that suddenly appear and just seem to be “glitches” in the system. There have been many rocks in the road this semester but I have always tried to come to school with a positive attitude and a smile. The biggest conflict I have is usually procrastination and so I’ve tried to work early and on time even though I still do wait to the last minute from time to time.

Untitled Alejandro Benavente

Table of Contents 1 Assignment One Song of Happiness

1 3

5 Inspiration Process Final Design

1 13 25

31 Inspiration Process Final Design

31 38 41

Assignment One

Well for my project I started looking for things that made me happy so I started looking on my Tumblr, Facebook, ect. And what I started putting together didn’t seem like things that I wanted to create a project off of. So I started to think about it little deeper and I thought about how want things make people happy or better yet the actions the one does. So I started to look at movements like the animal rights movement and the equal rights movement. I started going into the animal rights movement where it would be a theme about the illusion of happiness and that got me interested in the happiness of the people in retail like the children in third world countries creating these articles of clothing for the big retail stores in the US. I want to create this kind of happiness to show people that not everyone around the world is happy as we are and why should we be the only ones to experience that happiness. The audience is the people who don’t really think about what is going on around the world to other people and for them to see how they sacrifice their own happiness for our own. What I want to communicate was stated earlier in that in the paragraph that I want to show that retail and the fast food market is happy but it’s that absolute opposite for the people that work there and the people who work in the factories. This will hopefully give people a new perspective on the world to show that we are not happy but it is only an illusion created by greed and corruption.

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Use of the old North 48th Street landfill has been discussed at public meeting and there are different ways the old landfill could be used but people must understand that it is a landfill and would be difficult to be used for the public and so one of the main uses that was suggested was it could be a wetland restoraion area as well as many other things. The wetlands restoration would be one of the great uses we could have for this landfill since ninety percent of the wetlands in Nebraska have been completely destroyed and some would think it wise to recreate some of that to help restore nature in Nebraska. It would also be an excellent site for the public to watch wetland animal and plant life and educate them on why these kind of ecosystems are so important to Nebraska.


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Happiness Video For the video that I chose for my Happiness video was called “The Walker� by Fitz and the Tantrums which the reason behind picking the song was because I like too many different genres of music that I just chose my most recently favorite song which was this one. I think the video was really interesting because of the metaphor of not doing what others tell you to and just basically move the beat of your own drum. This is a philosophy that I have had for many years to not be forced to be fit in if they don’t like you for who you truly are. For this video, it goes into a much deeper meaning for me where in high school and middle school where I forced myself to fit in with the other kids by listening to their kind of music, wearing their kinds of clothes, and act like the way they wanted me to act and in the process hurt people who were true to themselves. So this song makes me remember those times and reminds me that I do not want to go down that path again in life.

Project One Inspiration At the beginning of this project, I looking at things that made me happy and try to connect that with happiness and so I started with things I enjoy like video games, anime, books, ect. Until I started thinking more critical of why does these things brought happiness and I started wondering on the illusion of happiness and how that played a role into society. I did not like that direction and came of the decision to show self expression through clothing and graphic T-shirts.

Project One Inspiration

Project One Ideation The Freedom of Expressing Yourself Through Your Wardrobe

BY Victoria Cox I was recently walking down 6th Avenue in New York on a sunny spring day, when a lady walking in front of me caught my attention. She was ensconced head to toe in flowing black cloth, a full burqa. However, it wasn’t the burqa that caught my attention, living in a big city it’s not uncommon to see a plethora of religious dress on the streets every day. Rather, my eye was drawn to what was peeking out of the bottom of the burqa, a sassy pair of black patent leather high heels that can only be described as “sexy.” This particular lady, whilst respecting her religion and its customs, chose to pair her LBB (Large Black Burqa) with a pair of fabulous shoes. Even within the conservative restraints of her faith it just goes to show that there ain’t nothing that comes between a woman and her shoes. In a society increasingly focused upon image, where the single greatest influence on a first impression is someone’s physical appearance, does what you choose to wear define who you are? It’s most certainly true that people make assumptions about you based on what they see. From what you look like, what you choose to wear, to the sum of the little details like hair, nails, makeup and jewellery, it all contributes to how you are seen and perceived by others. The gaggle of girls at the airport heading off on spring break wearing matching cut offs and midriff-baring t-shirts (Single! Ready to mingle!) tell a different tale than the middle aged man favoring a Chris Christie fleece and high-waisted .through a swift succession of wildly different decades. The miniskirt-centric era of the swinging ’60s made famous by Mary Quant were swiftly replaced by the flower power dresses and bellbottoms that formed such an integral part of the peace movement in the ’70s. Fashion took an abrupt u-turn into the ’80s where clothes took on structure. Flower power morphed into corporate power, capped off by a mean pair of shoulder pads and a poodle-icious perm. Thankfully this era dissolved into the ’90s where grunge ruled and your level of hipness was in direct proportion to just how dirty and dishevelled you appeared. Rip those jeans, wear your dad’s plaid shirt and throw away your shampoo. Looking back, the fashion

trends of those times reflected not only a social movement but the ever-changing fashion scene served as a mirror image of the mood and political pulse of that era. Whether it be hippies, punks or goths, they have always existed on the fringes of society, bordering on extremism and straddling the divide between personal expression and a political viewpoint. Love it or loathe it, their importance in each respective era should not be underestimated. Fashion has always existed as a medium to express a personal standpoint whether it be politically motivated, a religious stance or just a big screw you to your conservative parents. History has shown us that fashion continues to act as a social thermometer of our times, marking the sentiment and taking the temperature of a country or society as a whole. However, fashion has never before been documented quite so thoroughly than by one of the fastest-growing media influences of the last few years, the fashion bloggers. Long before the Sartorialist and the multitude of fashion blogs documenting street style started to appear on our computer screens, people chose to dress for themselves and utilize their fashion choices as an opportunity to wear their emotions. Wake up in a sunny mood? Accessorize that smile with a neon coral tote. Feeling unfabulous? Black head to toe darling! The advent of the street style era hasn’t changed that desire for people to express themselves through their closet, people have always dressed to be seen, it’s just that nowadays they are seen on a wider, global scale. There is nowhere that this is demonstrated any better than Fashion Week. The street scene outside Fashion Week these days can oftentimes be more exciting than the runway shows themselves. There is a constant parade of fashionistas all vying to be seen and even better, photographed and featured in a magazine or blog. Unlike the parade of models marching down the runway dressed head to toe in a certain designer, the street stylers mix and match. High end vs. low end. Splash out on a pair of Pierre Hardy’s and pair them with a $15 vintage jumpsuit. This is really f10 rsonal circumstances or status in society, we all want to be noticed and to have the freedom to express how we feel on the inside through what we wear on the outside. And then there are some of us that just love to rock a super-sexy heel.

Project One Ideation The Value of Style Fashions come and go, but having style is forever. By PT Staff, published on July 01, 2005 - last reviewed on November 21, 2008 We live in a culture that constantly bombards us with inducements to buy, to accumulate stuff. But when it comes to clothes, no matter how full our closets are, we can often be heard to wail, “I have nothing to wear.” That’s because we often confuse fashion with style. Style is the ability to distinctively sort through the maze of things, make a selection and do so in a way that is in keeping with how we see ourselves. With style, we stamp our personal identity on an arrangement of things. And our closets always seem full of possibilities—it just depends on what aspect of our identity we want to make palpable in clothes that day. Style is important, often undervalued because it is so widely misunderstood. Style is what we really want when we say we want to be fashionable. Style delights because it is always fresh, is a little ode to creativity and novelty. It gives a hint of personality. always a little excursion into self-expression. It is a reflection of your unique complexity as a human being. More than anything, style is more than mere clothes. For one thing, it takes less in the way of clothes to express style than you might think. Style is a little excursion into self-expression through clothes. It is self-knowledge and self-confidence expressed through what you choose to wear, a life-affirming expression of your character and spirit. And for that reason, it always suggests that you are in control of your personal environment. That’s one reason why it is an invaluable tool in moving through the world, whether the social world or the business world. It communicates that you are on top of things—the kind of person you want to have around for almost any task. Style, therefore, is persuasive all by itself, before you open your mouth or present credentials. Fashion is in the clothes. Style is in the wearer. The distinction between fashion and style could not, therefore, be more important.

Fashion stuns. Style delights. Fashion costs. Style is priceless. Fashion is mindless. Style is intelligent. Fashion is fascistic. Style is individualistic. Fashion changes. Style evolves. Fashion is matter. Style is spirit. Fashion comes from outside. Style comes from within. Fashion is self-conscious. Style is self-assured. Fashion glares. Style glows. Fashion is slavery. Style is mastery. Fashion is literal. Style is original. Fashion declares. Style insinuates. Fashion is serious. Style is ironic. Fashion is reproducible. Style is inimitable. Fashion is safety. Style is courage. Fashion is clothes. Style is character. Fashion is this minute. Style is forever. Fashion restricts. Style liberates. Fashion is rigid. Style is spontaneous. Fashion is surface. Style is substance. Fashion is mindless. Style is intelligent. Fashion is fascistic. Style is individualistic. Fashion changes. Style evolves.

Project One Process While looking through the ideation I had the idea that I wanted to work on for both my qualitative and quantitative posters and the direction that I was leaning towards. For my qualitative I was planning to make a timeline of what how clothing had evolved during the years (mainly focusing on woman) and how clothing had helped many rights movements during the twentieth century. So for the qualitative I thought of doing a timeline of the different styles in the twentieth century. The quantitative poster would be what clothing is popular today, but not just in America, but all over the globe and how people feel like they could express themselves through this clothing styles. This would be done on a world map and points going to each part of the world that I was going to discuss.

Type Process This was the type exercise that I created for the qualitative poster in which would be the title of the poster and so I messed with some fonts and deicded that I would use type sets that were famous during thier designated era.

Project One Process For the qualitative timeline, I didn’t want to go with the generic straight line with the facts popping out of it, instead I wanted something that would be much more of a free form and so I thought of a ribbon since it had that organic form that I was looking for and so I started experimenting with different colors that would seem to fit my idea.

Process at Checkpoint One

Project One Process



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The day I started again When I went into the mid critique, I found myself feeling that this was not the direction I first thought of going down and seeing that my teacher and classmates knew that I had no more interest in the poster because of my lack of interest when I presented it to the class. That is when I look at my topology that I created a few weeks earlier and saw that what made me interested in this project in the beginning, which was just regular T-shirts and how people expressed themselves through the messages of their shirts. So I started from scratch once more and this time of looking at the history of clothing, it would instead focus on the expression through t-shirts that people were so interested in wearing. I started thinking how this would go with both my qualitative and quantitative posters and then I got the idea that my qualitative would be a personal posters that would show all the shirts that I have in my wardrobe and tell a brief description on why I feel comfortable in that shirt and the quantitative would be other people’s experiences through clothing and what they preferred to wear and why.

Project One T-shirts

Project One People

Project One People

Project One Final Design In the final design of this project, I created a type of mind map for my qualitative design that has my photos of my T-shirts in them with figures from the individual shirts and the shirts are in three different color circles each identifying what type of category each shirt goes under. The three categories in the poster is affiliation, metaphorical expressions, and trophies. These shirts represented things that I had a personal connection with. The quantitative is more of an overview of how other people dress and why they choose the certain things they choose to wear. When people started to answer my survey, I got pretty interesting answers and got a good range of different people and I also let them

Why Do You Wear it?

Why Do I wear T’s?

This information is from a survey that was taken by UNL Students to see why they wear T-shirts and other forms of clothing. This helps us find out why our culture is so heavy on T-shirts and why we like the different forms of expressions that are put on graphic T’s

Why do I wear it? T-shirts have always made me feel comfortable physically and mentally but the element that really sells it is the messages and designs on them because I feel a personal connection with certain images from my childhood, a band or an artist, movies, and also phyilosophical and personal beliefs I agree with.

Shirts of Metaphorical Expressions

Shirts of Affiliation

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“A combination of self-expression and what is comfortable to wear” “Both, as well as what feels comfortable”

“Comfortable, “what ever makes me look more sexually appealing as well self-expression” as what matches a general aesthetic of played down “practicality and comfort” but well fitting, and occasionally displaying a name or logo which says something about me”

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Project One Final Design

Project Two Inspiration

This Project is based on the reading of a book called “The Circle” by Dave Eggars, which is about a futuristic corporation that is the top seller of the best technology in the world (like a fictional Apple) that is slowly trying to make everyone’s private lives public. The story starts with a woman named Mae who gets a job at the circle through her friend Annie and gets quite a good start at the company. She then is introduced with the new technology that the company created which is a portable camera that you would wear throughout every day and the stream is free for the public to watch. With all of the things that happen, this dream quickly becomes a nightmare, but Mae becomes loyal to the company and does nothing to stop their plans. My idea for this project was to create an app for “TrueYou” which was created by Ty, who is one of the founders of the company. Ty secretly is also trying to bring down the Circle from the inside, so I thought of making an app that would have “glitches” which would show the public this behind the scenes look into what really is going on at the Circle.

Project Two Inspiration

Project Two Ideation TrueYou TrueYou TrueYou

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Project Two Process The process for the app was mainly working on the glitches that were going to be integrated into the app and the two main factors will be the opening page of the app and the menu. There will also be two images integrated into the app which I applied static to give the idea that the app is “glitching out� and begins to show the images that I have placed.

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Project Two Process

Project Two Final Design

This project’s goal is to map out and define the story and premise of “The Circle” by Dave Eggers which is an interesting novel based on a futuristic corporation. For my project, I proceeded to work on a app for one of the companies many technological advances that was called “True You” which was supposed to hold are your information on one system and one system only. For this app I made a compelling futuristic design and in this app mockup I have also created these types of “glitches” to the system to show what’s going on behind the curtains or something like that. Since this system was created by Ty who in the story is one of the major founders of the circle also wants to break it down and so I’ve narrated this app to show the public what’s really going on behind the curtain. At first, I was planning on creating an app through Adobe After Effects to make a video of someone using the app and seeing the glitches but since it was my first time working on this type of program I found it be too time consuming to have this project done at the appropriate time and so I decided to make it an app mockup instead and show the images in sequence.

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Project Two Final Design

Project Two Final Design

Project Two Final Design

Project Two Final Design


“Genderqueer Shirt” Fitz and the Tantrums Cover “The Value of Style” “The Freedom to Express Yourself through Your Wardrobe” “Cornwall” “Watch this space” “The Modern Marketer” “Facial Hair” beards%20Infographic.jpg “Education Infographics” “World Map” “Style Survey”

“Go Nola” “Milwaukie” “Music Tube” “Popular” “Rihanna” The Circle, Dave Eggars, New York Vintage, 2014

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