Marketing portfolio

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Alejandro Benavente


Logo Design Over my years of working in Graphic design, I have gotten a fair share of working on logo design from both personally and professionally. This has shown my work with logo design and goes into my thinking and thought process when creating logos and branding.

Logo Process

“Label Me”

We Should Not Be Drowned For this project I wanted there to hold an imoportant meaning for a message that I believe in but that would also have a chance of influencing a viewer and so I thought of an idea of making it for Pro-trans equality and respect. I felt that this was an idea that I could really put my some good work in since I have friends who are trans and it was for a statement that I believe in.

Kinetic Type Video These posters are s project that I worked on in my Design Studio class and the general idea was to push what society really thinks about people who listen or play heavy rock or metal. So these posters were created with performers from multiple different bands that I am familiar with. I put these posters up in public along with white markers to let people label these posters with labels on how they perceived these individuals. I made them with extreme graphics so I could get people to really think about the labels they were putting down and what these people were like in their daily lives.

Student Involvement These are just some of the projects that I have done with the Student Involvement team. These posters are designed for groups and RSO on campus to highlight certain events that were going on campus. This is a very exciting for my design process where I had full range to start experimenting with different design concepts.

Personal Emailer This is an emailer that I have coded myself to be used as a remote to direct employers to my website where they will be able to see all of my projects that I have worked one personally and professionally. This type of coding shows an example of how I can code emailers and help future employers to clients for promotional offers and other services.

Connections Through Life This project was my capstone for the Spring of 2016 and was about the connections with people that we have in our lives and what would happen to our essence and personality if they were gone. This project was to help the audience realize who they cared for most in their life time and about people that they cared greatly about that are no longer around.

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