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Beginner Level 1 Documentos De Apoyo Quinta Semana

Learn about appearances Height

He is tall.

He is short.

He is normal height.

He is very tall.

He is quite short.

He is relatively normal height.


She is skinny. (negative)

She is fat. (negative)

She is underweight. (negative)

She is overweight. (negative)

She is thin. (negative)

She is plump. (neutral)

She is slim. (positive)

She is stocky. (neutral)

She is slender. (positive)

She is bonny. (positive)


!Note - if a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer belly.


blonde/fair hair

brown hair

red hair

black hair

grey hair







grey eyes

green eyes

blue eyes

brown eyes

!Note! This is a black eye!

dark eyes

Type of hair

She has long hair. She has long, black hair. She has long, straight, black hair. Her hair is long, straight and black.

She has short He has no hair. She has medium = He is bald. length hair. hair.

She has short, black hair.

She has medium -

, blonde hair.

She has short, straight, black



and black.


length hair.

She has short,

length, red hair.

blonde hair.

She has medium

length, straight,

length, wavy, red

blonde hair.


is medium length, straight and blonde.

She has short hair.

She has medium

She has medium

Her hair

Her hair is short, straight


She has medium

Her hair is medium length, wavy and red.

She wears glasses.

She has short, curly, blonde hair.

Her hair is short, curly and blonde.

Type of complexi贸n

He is asian. He has

She is black.

He is white. He

She is white. She has

She is white. She

light-brown skin.

She has dark

has fair skin.

lightly tanned skin.

has very pale skin.


Other features Point your cursor over the named feature, if you're correct the word will appear.











Describing character

Dates En inglés se utilizan los números ordinales (first, second, third, etc.) para expresar las fechas, a diferencia del español en que se emplean los números cardinales (uno, dos, tres, etc.). Today is the 2nd of June / hoy es el 2 de junio Para expresar los días utilizamos la preposición 'on'. En cambio, para expresar meses o años se utiliza la preposición 'in'. You came on the 12th of May / viniste el 12 de mayo You came in May / viniste en mayo You came in 1995 / viniste en 1995

En inglés, a diferencia del español, los meses y los días se escriben con mayúscula. March / marzo

Monday / lunes

Los días de la semana son: Sunday / domingo Monday / lunes Tuesday / martes Wednesday / miércoles Thursday / jueves Friday / viernes Saturday / sábado Los meses del año son: January / enero February / febrero March / marzo April / abril May / mayo June / junio July / julio August / agosto September / septiembre October / octubre November / noviembre December / diciembre Las estaciones del año son: spring / primavera summer / verano autumn (U.K.) fall (USA) / otoño winter / invierno Normalmente, las fechas se escriben en el siguiente orden: mes / día / año June, 20th 1997 / 20 de junio de 1997

March, 3rd 2001 / 3 de marzo de 2001

Podemos omitir las letras de orden (-st, -nd, -rd, -th)

September 2, 1999 / 2 de septiembre de 1999 Podemos abreviar los nombres de los meses: Jan / enero Feb / febrero.... Al igual que en español, las fechas pueden escribirse únicamente con números refiriendo mes, día y año. En este caso, hay que tener presente que el formato de fecha USA es mes/día/año mientras que el formato de fecha U.K. (Gran Bretaña) es, como en español, día/mes/año 20 de junio de 1999

USA= 6/20/1999

UK= 20/6/1999

Algunos otros términos relacionados: date = fecha calendar = calendario weekday = día de la semana working-day = día laborable holiday = festivo (holidays = vacaciones) day = día month = mes year = año yesterday = ayer tomorrow = mañana

References http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/appearances.htm http://www.mansioningles.com/gram48.htm

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