Social Organization. Digest. Vol.16

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Social Organization Weekly Digest Vol.7 (2012) Содержание Swimming In The Social River ....................................................................................................................... 1 Umbrella of Crowdsourcing .......................................................................................................................... 2 November 2011 “Crowdsourcing Industry Landscape” Infographic ............................................................. 3 2021: Mass Collaboration an d the Really New Economy............................................................................. 4 Shaping the Future: 7 Predictions for the Creative Community ................................................................... 7

Social Organization Swimming In The Social River АВТОР: Maria ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: Nov 15, 2010 ИСТОЧНИК: АННОТАЦИЯ: в публикации раскрывается вопрос эффективного управления работой сообщества в социальных медиа, подобных Твиттеру. В частности, определяются основные правила, которым должен следовать менеджер сообщества: игнорировать шум, прислушиваться к сигналам, понимать тип и структуру целевой аудитории и др. Twitter is a river. Think of the image that a river conjures up… It’s babbling, full of life, effervescent. In some areas, it appears to move really fast, and even may have cascading waterfalls. Sometimes a river may seem quiet, but may have a strong undercurrent that can drag you in if you aren’t careful. Twitter reminds me of a river, barreling forward at an enormous speed. Just like a river, it babbles along, full of life and full of light. Just like there are many streams of water in a river, there are many conversations going on at the same time, in parallel, together and orthogonally. At times, it moves at a million miles a minute. Some other times, it’s seemingly dormant, only to wake up 5 minutes later. They say that you can’t enter the same river twice, because it won’t be the same river. Twitter is the same. The fast-moving tweets don’t slow down for anyone, and if you can’t keep up, you’ll miss it. Let’s deconstruct our Twitter river: Ignore the noise: One would say that social media is very noisy, and one would be right in saying that. The true key to results in your social media efforts will be based on your ability to filter out the noise and focus in on the signal. Unfortunately, as social media hits the mainstream, the signal to noise ratio will only deteriorate. Don’t get me wrong: I am 100% behind democratization of media and giving people a way to express themselves. However, most tweets, Facebook posts and blogposts are not going to be relevant to you in your business. If you are a business and you are trying to connect meaningfully with others in a particular community, you can’t simply engage with everyone. You need to pick and choose the most meaningful messages to focus on. Here’s what you should listen for: Listen for signal: The only way to make sense of the social media noise, to “swim in the social river” as Nimble founder Jon Ferrara likes to say, is to catch on to meaningful signals, as you would to a life raft. Here are some types of things you should listen for. Although keywords are obviously going to differ by industry and product, you should always focus on: - Mentions of company and product: this is an obvious one, and listening for mentions of your company to discover a service opportunity merits its own blogpost or two. - Mentions and conversations around particular functional areas and industry: For example, if you are a PR shop, it would be wise to listen to mentions of “PR”, “PR2.o”. Once you listen to a community over time, you will figure out who the influencers are that you should reach out to, in order to learn more and form a symbiotic relationship. Forming relationships with smart people is not opportunistic if you turn it into a symbiotic relationship from which everyone benefits. - Hashtags: Once you keep your ear to the ground and listen to conversations about the space, you will start seeing certain hashtags re-occur time and time again. A hashtag is a keyword demarked by the # sign in front of it. - Mentions of company officials and spokespeople, competitors, competitive products. Hashtags and tweetchats: Hashtags occurred as a result creativity of early twitter users, in the face of austerity in Twitter functionality. Chris Messina was the first one to suggest that everyone who was at a barcamp event use # symbol so they could all find each other easily. It caught on, and today hashtags are used to unite conversations into mini communities. Some communities come together instantaneously, and disband just as quickly. Some hashtags denote discussions that go on daily, while some mark regular conversations (tweetchats). Tweetchats are exactly what they sound like. They are somewhat regular “meetings of the minds” on Twitter around a particular topic. Some are structured and moderated chats like

Social Organization #socialmedia, and some are free-flowing discussions like Mack Collier‘s #blogchat. Check out this great resource of pretty much every tweetchat you could dream of. Be a good judge of character: Even though social media allows you to meet many more people than you would otherwise, quality is still important. It’s paramount to form meaningful connections, which will somewhat limit which connections you should focus on. Even though the Dunbar number had been set at 150, Brian Solis smartly amended it to include contextual “relations”, which can expand the number of people we talk to successfully. To ensure that you are making the most relevant connections, take stock of the following characteristics: - Bio: this can tell you a lot about who the person is, and at least link you to a URL with more informaton. - Recent tweets: when deciding if I want to follow someone on Twitter or connect in any other way, I always examine the kind of conversationalist this person is — what is the ratio of tweets about self vs. highlighting others? RTs and @ replies vs. broadcast tweets? - Follower / followee counts can be a dead giveaway for spammy behaviors. Many follow in order to be followed, so they mass follow and then unfollow those who don’t follow back. A significantly higher number of people you follow vs. those who follow you can be a red flag. - Influence is very tough to measure, and is better left to Dr. Wu and folks at Klout. However, for us, laypeople, online influence metrics like Klout scores, can be extremely helpful, even if limited to online interactions. Klout, which measures many behaviors, takes a balanced view, and especially when considered by topic, can be super useful to separate the wheat from the chaff. - Similarity in network: birds of a feather sick together. Make sure you are following and are followed by people with whom you have something in common, but who can also teach you a few things. Respond quickly & engage: Depending on the situation, various speeds of response are acceptable — however, the two speeds that exist in social media are “realtime” and “fast”. Typically, if you don’t speak up to comment on a conversation within a copule of hours, your comment won’t make much sense. If it’s a tweetchat, that’s especially true, as it feeds on realtime interaction. Once you have identified folks you want to engage with, make sure you make a meaningful first impression. Types of people you can plan to meet: Wherever you are listening, and whatever keywords you are listening to, you need to have a goal of whom you want to meet. The social web is not just for meeting future customers. Social media doesn’t encourage just one-to-one communication — rather, it’s many-to-many. Someone who will end up buying from you later, may be doing so because they read and loved some of your content; and it just as well could’ve been from a tweet or a blogpost from an industry thought leader. You need to be touching all of the denizens of the social media ecosystem, whether or not you consider them a revenue-paying customer. Plan your serendipity: To solidify relationships formed in the digital realm, there are easy ways to make plans to meet up in person. I’ve met many people in person following a strong series of interactions on Twitter. This “planned serendipity” is made possible through social media and location based services.

Umbrella of Crowdsourcing ИСТОЧНИК: АННОТАЦИЯ: инфографика в форме зонтика, в которой представлена и проиллюстрирована структура краудсорсинга

Social Organization

November 2011 “Crowdsourcing Industry Landscape” Infographic АВТОР: Eric Blattberg ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: Oct 30, 2011 ИСТОЧНИК: АННОТАЦИЯ: инфографика, в которой дана характеристика основным направлениям краудсорсинга и указаны основные компании, предлагающие инновационные решения в каждом из них is pleased to present our November 2011 “Crowdsourcing Industry Landscape” infographic, which reflects our revised industry taxonomy and is aligned with's category structure. The infographic is available below; an ultra highresolution version will be available for download from the site after CrowdConf2011. In addition to updated site listings, this new version contains a number of important changes that reflect the current views of our research and editorial teams and input from our viewers. The previous taxonomy identified seven applications of crowdsourcing as well as a ‘Tools’ category — eight in total. After a period of considerable review, we’ve settled on six main categories of crowdsourcing. "The whole purpose of creating the much needed crowdsourcing taxonomy is to provide a framework for the industry and to structure the discussion going forward,” says Carl Esposti, founder of “As with all taxonomies, it must evolve as it is reviewed and refined." "Crowdsourcing isn’t a static phenomenon," Esposti continues. "This is the third generation of our taxonomy, which we first launched at CrowdConf2010."

Social Organization

The infographic formerly included a category called ‘Collective Creativity’. The reason we initially named it 'Collective Creativity' was because there were collective forces at play, whether people were working on something together or feeding off each other’s work. The term 'collective' implied strongly that the output was most likely to be the result of a collective effort, however, which often wasn’t the case. After deliberation and input from the crowd, we decided to rename the category 'Crowd Creativity'. For similar reasons, we also relabeled the ‘Collective Knowledge’ category. We think the term ‘Distributed Knowledge’ is better term. Knowledge exists in many places, and the role of crowdsourcing is as a tool to define what to collect and how to organize it. We had two other categories that didn't fit well with the others: one was ‘Civic Engagement’ and the other was ‘Community Building’. The issue with 'Civic Engagement' was that it reflected the types of members within the communities and the organizations that participated but didn't capture a different application of crowdsourcing. Similarly, we felt that 'Community Building' was more of a byproduct, an element of all crowdsourcing models rather than the end goal the reason why you engage in crowdsourcing.

2021: Mass Collaboration and the Really New Economy АВТОР: Tom Gruber ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: August, 2001 ИСТОЧНИК: АННОТАЦИЯ: данная статья была опубликована в начале двадцать первого века и по меркам нашего стремительного времени могла бы уже считаться неактуальной, если бы ее автор не сумел настолько четко и оригинально предсказать тенденции развития в области массовой коллаборации в первом двадцатилетии нового тысячелетия In the year 2021, the world’s largest corporations will have morphed into widely distributed fleets of specialized businesses, and the political landscape will be transformed into a radical consumer democracy. The new economy will be based on a central nervous system of mass collaboration technology in which businesses and consumers have almost perfect information about goods and services, obtained from sharing their collective experience. Economic and political power will flow, in real time, to the source that delivers the greatest value as perceived by consumers.

Social Organization For example, let’s take a market that will be extremely dynamic in 2021: healthcare. Baby boomers, generating overwhelming market demand, will insist on state of the art healthcare at competit ive prices. Currently, Medicare delivers its public service through a government monopoly, which is justified by a gross asymmetry in the buying power and market transparency between providers and consumers of health services. However, with mass collaboration technology people will have good info rmation about the quality of service, technology, and treatments, based on their collective experience and the intelligence offered by information brokers. Healthcare provid ers will be able to bid in a dynamic market to offer a range of quality/pric e options. Government or insurance providers will bid for services, and resell risk. The drivers for monopoly contracts will have disappeared. As health care is taken over by a consumer democracy, it will become clear that the providers of most other products and services that are today dominated by government or corporate monopolies can be radically distributed. The structural forces that hold up the modern large corporation, and its partner, the campaignfinanced political system, will have dissipated. The monolithic emperors will fall to the mob. What will happen during the next twenty years to cause such a transformation? No more than a continuation of trends that are already visible to today’s naked eye. Imagine that companies are like organisms in an evolutionary landscape. Following Darwin’s logic, the fittest companies survive as the business ecology changes. Ford Motors thrived in th e 1900s with mass production based on insourcing and one central assembly line. When the ecology evolved and outsourcing became cheaper, Ford change d its model to spread the production process around the globe. This gradual evolution over time is also punctuated now and then by radical changes in the environment. During the Ice Age, only those organisms that could survive in the sudden climate change lived to tell the tale. In the business world, the Internet has forced the same type of cataclysmic environmental change. Today, globalization and the Internet are the equivalents of large-scale climate change. Globalization is eliminating the traditional advantages of the large corporation: access to capital, access to markets, and economies of scale. Capital flows instantly to the point of greatest expected return. Geography and transportation are negligible in making and delivering goods and services. Vertical economies of scale are no match for a well-orchestrated supply chain. Globalization is redrawing the natural borders of the landscape--wooly mammoths are out and wolf packs are in. For companies, the cost of getting timely and accurate information on competitors and customers has dropped dramatically. Because of Internet-based services, even the smallest companies today can afford the equivalent of yesterday’s corporate market research department. Cheap communication, ubiquitous email and collaboration software, and lower outsourcing costs make it possible to work in large teams that span country and company boundaries. Technology is changing the environmental fitness function: big, bad, and ugly count less than lean, fast, and smart. T. Rex gives way to the social mammal. As companies evolve to a new ecology, so will their prey. The markets themselves—the consumers of goods and services—are developing new organs of sensation and communication. For the markets, the Internet is driving down the cost, and improving the quality, of information about commercial goods. It is easy to see how the Internet has taken the wind out of traditional car sales tactics, which are based on asymmetric information about dealer costs and inventory. Word of mouth is no longer limited to local mouths; people seek advice on what to buy, and from whom to buy it, from an Internet grapevine of thousands of enthusiastic opinions. But these are early experiments. Mass collaboration technology will make it possible for virtual communities of consumers, providers, and intermediaries to emerge. What is the barrier to finding out about the reputation of a vendor, or the usability of a consumer product, or even

Social Organization the bedside manner of a physician? Just ask—somebody knows. For example, we already know the on-time performance of our airlines on a flight-b y-flight basis—supplied by agents on the Internet. We can find out that a digital camera has an unexpected glitch, unmentioned in any product description, because previous owners complained about it in a discussion forum. Technology now makes it feasible for the collective experience of consumers, including businesses as buyers, to be captured on-line and shared. The data are simple to collect, if people are shopping and communicating on-line. What are you looking for? Whom did you ask for advice? What did you choose? What problems did it have? In the next twenty years, the practice of online commerce and mass collaboration will become commonplace. People will naturally check the web before buying things, because they will find what they need to know from people on the same team—who have bought the same product or service, or who make a living aggregating information from previous buyers. Why drive around to physical stores to comparison shop, when you can get a rollup of product offerings delivered to the screen on your kitchen table? The connectivity of devices will evolve rapidly, but the gadget race is a sideshow. The big event is a change in behavior. Collective human behavior is driven by individual benefit, and for things that can be bought without being touched, the value of personal time will continue to drive shopping on-line. Then, as on-line shopping becomes a mass experience, market forces will make it co nvenient for every interaction with the web to contribute to the collective consumer experience. The technology will make it easy to capture, find, and aggregate the experience of others. Consumers will not need to identify with a “buyer community” or opt in to a targeted marketing campaign; they will simply be on-line and the intermediaries will aggregate their experiences. This will happen because it is driven by an increasing-returns dynamic: the more consumer experience occurs on-line, the better data there will be to inform buying decisions; and this improves the on-line consumer experience for everyone. Of course, there will be an adversarial war for the buyer’s attention, but the consumer will win that one. With the righ t technology, people hold the power to their own attention. Think of how the remote control has helped shift the market from broadcast monopolies to cable, and how it has eroded the value of spot advertising. Web surfers discovered the trick much earlier, and now the banner ad is losing its hold on their eyeballs. When convenience is aligned with awareness, it’s hard to fool all the people all of the time. The effect is even more dramatic for services, especially at the corporate level. What is the basis for choosing a service provider, such as a large consulting firm? It is the relationship built up between provider and consumer of the resource. In the old days of massive ERP projects co sting millions of dollars and years to implement, the customer was at a disadvantage: it paid the fees of the Name Brand firms and accepted their practices because there was too much at stake to “risk an unknown player.” In other words, the customer was the victim of asymmetric information. Today, the professional services business is already undergoing a rapid transformation, with large firms losing their grip and waves of hungry new entrants throwing themselves at the big game. The winners in this new ecology are the most socially intelligent organisms: those that are both highly intelligent as organizations (having highly evolved internal communication as well as external sense organs) and highly effective at relationships with other corporate organisms. In the old ecology, cross-organizational relationships were concentrated in small-scale relationships among the few at the top: the tribal chie fs would meet and make treaties. In the new ecology, mass collaboration technology enables many-to-many relationships between organizations—relationships that are distributed and span changes in individual membership. The re lationship between the firm and the client is based on the collective experience—the corporate memory—of this distributed, collaborative work. There is no room fo r the customer to quietly change the scope of the project midstream, just as there is no way for the provider to get away with retraining new staff on the client’s budget. Instead, there is the real possibility of the cross-organizational virtual community to be far more effective as a

Social Organization partnership: knowing the common goals, resolving problems collaboratively, and accurately measuring success. The organizations that learn to master this idea--creating, judging, and maintaining relationships based on their collective experience of working together—will rule in the new ecology. In twenty years, the shape of the fittest organization will have changed. It will lose weight, become more specialized, gather in dynamic social groups, cross breed with other groups, and learn to transmit the benefits of collective experience through a newly evolved cultural medium.

Shaping the Future: 7 Predictions for the Creative Community АВТОР: Luis Enrique Morales ДАТА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ: Jan 05, 2011 ИСТОЧНИК: АННОТАЦИЯ: продолжая знакомить Вас с прогнозами в области краудсорсинга и массовой коллаборации, предлагаем Вашему вниманию семь прогнозов о будущем креативных сообществ Summary The document (based on the author's perspectives as a creative professional) presents the 7 predictions for the creative professional community, such as: The Era of "Distributed Creative Production" Is Upon Us; The "Credible Mass" Will Determine Quality; A New Genre of Advertising Will Educate Us; The Static Portfolio Will Be Replaced by the Connected Portfolio; The Rise of Creative Collectives & Mixed Media Partnerships and We Will Display Our Work in More Private Ways. Description The predictions are narrow and broad in scope. The best thing about them is that the creative community will be left in the hands of the artists themselves. A striking point that Scott makes in relation to crowdsourcing is when he says, "regardless of what new models emerge, the old and destructive form of crowdsourcing will become obsolete as we have more options and develop better judgment."

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