Arch portfolio 2016

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spatial designer & architect : 2015



name of project

The Architecture portfolio Spanning less than 20 pages, this architectural portfolio is meant to show in a clear and condensed format 6 of the most complex and interesting architectural projects | have been engaged in during the last two years of my Masters Studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. They vary in the typology they focus on- from auditoriums to high rise towers to housing complexes- but they also shre some features. All but one are located in the Republic of Serbia, and all but two in Serbia’s capital, Belgrade. The second feature the projects share is that their briefs encompass large surface areas. Each design is explored from a number of perspectives. From macro and micro urban to individual rooms and furnishings - care is taken that formal and functional quality is achieved at all scales.

Two of the six projects were done as competition entries These were done in a larger team, where as the rest were studio projects done as part of my graduate degree education. It should also be noted that many of the drawings in the portfolio are of a greater detail than their ‘actual paper size’ scale requires. This was done so that the viewer could take the liberty in zooming in on the drawings that they wish to see in greater detail. Feel free to contact me with any further questions regarding my projects or skills. My contact information you can find at the end of this portfolio.

Please take note that all of the projects presented here were completed between the years 2012 and 2015, which was the period during which I did my master studies in Architecture, after which I moved to Cologne , Germany in order to do my second master in Integrated Design. If you wish to see more of what I’ve been doing in Cologne recently, please take a look at my portfolio website, which displays a more holistic picture of the types of projects I do and my competencies.

projects// Riverfront Regeneration; Development centers as incubators

pg 3-5

TEDxBelgrade; the educatorium

pg 6-7

Brodograd; from former industry to radial city

pg 8-11

ParkHouse Mannheim; from transit center to cultural hub.

pg 12-13

Rasadnik; multi-housing complex in the coutryside

pg 13-16

Architecture+Landscape; An open learning center

pg 17-18


Riverfront Regeneration

Riverfront Regeneration; Development centers as incubators Master thesis studio project year: 2013 winter semester mentors: Prof. Borislav Petrovic collaborators: location: Ada Huja, Belgrade, Serbia project breif: Rethink the currently desolate, and 200 acre vast waterfront site of Ada Huja and how it can be further transformed into a potentially important waterway station. design solution: By cutting throught the peninsula, and creating a channel through Ada Huja, a new natural element is formed, allowing the unihabitined vastness a dominant charachteristic. Certain central stations are thereafter chosen along the channel that will be the new hubs of growth- Hybrid centers that allow for the development of the area in a slow and natural way. The centers connect the two sides of the channel, as well as bridging the large gap between ‘place’ and ‘non place’. In this light, it seemed necessary to consider the whole area as an organic whole, where community, cultural and business centers integrated into the landscape would serve as departure points for the further development of the area. For this project I developed the larger urban scheme, as well as designing the one of the community centers that could be seen as a model for the rest. The community centers would include a library, a sports club with required courts, workshops and educational spaces as well as small offices, or ‘incubators’ in the nearby building. Top: exploded axio of development layers along the peninsula Bottom right : ~ 1: 3 000, situational plan Bottom left/ 1:100 000, Google Images



Riverfront Regeneration

Top: axonometric view of development center architecture Bottom: 3d montage of interior bellow bleachers




Riverfront Regeneration

Постепени, вишефазни развој Аде Хује. изгледи 1: 300

Top-left / axonometric detail of classroom with atrium and green roof Top-right / 3d montage of classroom interior within Bottom / 1: 2500 floor plans of ‘roof’ (top) and subterranian level (botom)







760 +4,68







1000 +0,20

1500 +0,00





TEDxBelgrade; the educatorium Master 3 studio project year: 2013 summer semester mentors: Prof. Vladimir Lojanica collaborators: location: Savamala waterfront, Belgrade, Serbia Project brief: When designing architecture to house the renounced TedX conferences, the ideals and representations of the space are just as important as the functions it supports. A large auditorium was a functional requirement, everything else was left up to us. The space chosen for the architecture was the newly developing waterfront area of Savamala, on a triangular piece of land that is currently used for city bus parking. Such a vantage point used for something that could be pushed away in a far less appealing part of the city! Since it will be seen as part of the panorama from the other side of the river and from the bridges, this is a space that deserves something monumental… Design solution: A round, glowing, elegant stadium structure symbolizes the egalitarian ideals of an enlightened and collaborative society the Ted talks encourage. The man-made topography elevates the symbol-building above the panorama, also creating a ‘natural’ outdoor amphitheatre. Where as the ground floor houses the ‘public’ spaces, such as the library and the restaurant, the upper, ‘mezzanine’ like floors house the exhibition spaces and the basement, the large circular amphitheatre where the talks are held. A great oblique vault that runs through the whole building connects the floors, creating a feeling of one wholesome, contemporary and democratic space. Top / 1: 2 400 situational plan with surrounding area Middle / exploded axio Bottom-left / 1: 800 latitudal and longitudal section Bottom-right / photograph of handmade model





Top / 1: 650 subterranian floor with auditorium and administration Middle / 1: 1 000 first floor plan with cafe and library Left / photographs of handmade model Bottom / 1: 2 000 floor plans of mezaninne levels housing musem




Brodograd; from former industry to organic radial city Master 2 studio project year: 2012 winter semester mentors: Prof. Borislav Petrovic collaborators: location: former boat industry Brodogradiliste, Belgrade, Serbia

Design brief: The former boat building industry has left its mark on the harbour area of New Belgrade. The task was to rethink this vast desert of abandoned halls and unregulated green surfaces. We were to keep in mind the urban tradition and culutre of New Belgrade, Design Solution: Le Corbusier’s 1920’s vision of the Radial City or Ville Radieuse was a utopian urbanism of high rise towers surrounded by large parks and connected by massive freeways. New Belgrade, a settlement developed in the 1950’s on the left banks of the Sava river, is a clear embodiment of this utopian plan and also of its unrealistically romantic ambitions. I chose to experiment with the concept of an urban utopia and challenge its ideology. That is

how the idea of the organic radial city came into being- a vast urban settlement grazed with crop fields and studded with high-rise skyscrapers that are the emblem of Corbusiers radial city and New Belgrade alike. But instead of the infrastructure cutting through the green surfaces, it too is raised off the ground level and creates a web of bridge-like structures that house smaller settlements. The organic radial city is a critique of the radial urbanism that seeks to, rather than reverse the past, push it to its limits. ‘Floating’ freeways that span lego-like adaptable towers float above fields that are now used to cultivate crops. These organic foods are then sold in the massive markets that become the core meeting-points in the settlement. The Organic radial city of New Belgrade is at once a utopia and dystopia, a hybrid vision of new and old, an impossible solution for a city distraught

between the unfulfilled potentials of the past and an uncertain future. The towers are divided into three sections based on the quality and size of the housing units. An architectural vertical section that at the same time becomes a section of the society. The bottom units are temporary and small- students, tourists, bachelors inhabit these micro-capsules that reminisce of the Nakagin tower. The higher up, the larger the unit. Eventually the penthouses are reserved for those who can afford the luxury. Modern day farmers perhaps? Top / diagram and 3d montage of Brodograd Left / diagram of ubran layers Right / axonometry of current ubran situation and proposed intervention of tower and bridge-street system



пропагандни материјал

р- 1 на 50

трансформабилност склопа

материјализација пода

Top / photograph of conceptual hand made model of a typical Brodograd tower Mid-left / 1: 600 floor plans of lower and midsection areas of the tower Mid-right / axonometric depiction of a part of the lower (student) units of the tower Bottom-left / 1: 150 part of the floor plan of lower area units Bottom-right / 1: 150 part of the section of lower area units

пресек кроз стандард лофтове

вашег новог дома!





Top-left / proposed crop distribution diagram Top-right / diagram depicting different sections of the towers, from large studio apartment at the tops to the партерно studentрешење housing units at the lower end of the tower. Bottom / 3d montage depicting the solemn skyscrapers towering over the organic fields of Brodograd. воћњаци

крмно биље



индустриско биље


vertikalna diferencijacija

привремени боравак етажа са рестораном

penthaus стан међуспрат- отворена комуникаија (чвор) стандард лофт апартмани

хибридизација сколпа

блок 53 англосаксонска ревитализација индустријских објеката метаболизам бродоград




Top / axonometric depiction of market-place between tower and road junction. Bottom / 3d rendering of the panorama viewed from the other side of the river.


ParkHouse Mannheim

ParkHouse Mannheim; from transit center to cultural hub. Competition entry year: 2012 mentors: collaborators: Dragana Ciprianovic, Vladimir Stojanovic location: Mannheim, Germany Project brief: On a rectangular plot of land that is surrounded by an old settlement on one side, a new settlement on the other and a industrial-turned-museum complex with the city train tracks feverishly close by, design a housing scheme that unites all these elements and creates an engaging environment for surrounding inhabitants. Design solution: by cutting across the plot with an incline that leads directly to the museum buildings, the area was divided into two zones- cultural and civic. The cultural area which looks onto the old settlement buildings is an extension of the museum complex devoted to the history of train transport. The housing units are smaller and more urban, bearing the formal mark of the railroad. The opposite side, with larger housing units complements the park and recreation area designated here. Both ‘parts’ of the complex are lifted on slats and connected by ‘floating’ bridges, allowing pedestrian movement to remain unobstructed. Top / Montage of underground connection to museum complex with appartment facade Middle / 1: 650 floor plan of housing complex Bottom / 1: 2000 section through musem complex and underground connection tunnel


баријера, а уједно распоред ослобађа тло у великој мери и омогућава проветравање и озелењавање


ParkHouse Mannheim

центар технике

термална маса унтар зграде (опека), апсорбује топлоту и испољава је током хладних ноћи зиме. Парна брана постављена је уза термоизолације, ради заштите у једном од најблажнијих градова немачке



и з п р

новоградњановонастали амбијент је такодје окренут према новоизграђеном комплексу, с тим што опет позива на контраст старо/ново

енергетс оријенти комплекс Дуплообл прегрејав


изградња Б- објекат до улице служи као звучна баријера, а уједно распоред ослобађа тло у великој мери и омогућава проветравање и озелењавање

термална маса унтар зграде (опека), апсорбује топлоту и испољава је током хладних ноћи зиме. Парна брана постављена је уза термоизолације, ради заштите у једном од најблажнијих градова немачке

медђуградски железнички превоз

центар технике


ове специфичне локације је неминовна- високи удео околне изградње као и потенцијална реконструкција старих железничких зграда указује на значај и будућу улогу који ће овај простор имати за цео Манхеим. Парцела се дели на пола прекопотребним силазом ка доњим етажама центра, док изграђена структура спаја различите делове града на чијој је међици.

новоградњановонастали амбијент је такодје окренут према новоизграђеном комплексу, с тим што опет позива на контраст старо/ново

старo градско ткиво/ новонастали објекат истиче дуалитет ново-старо, tрадиционално-савремено енергетски ефикасни кров/ оријентисани ка југу, соларни панели снабдевају комплекс чистом енергијом. Дуплообложен кров са водених слојем спречава прегрејаванје током летњих дана.

културни центар / музеј


медђуградски железнички превоз

културни центар / музеј

напуштене хале/ постају нови центар урбаног живота са новим садржајем и доњом етажом којом се приступа из парцеле преко ‘тунела’.

станица која доводои од центра града

напуштене хале/ постају нови центар урбаног живота са новим садржајем и доњом етажом којом се приступа из парцеле преко ‘тунела’.

oсунчаност/ станови ламела су искошени, тј. прилагођени најповољнијој оријентацији. отвори прозора сu prilagođeni orjentaciji.

колектор/ стрмина која служи са силаз у кулутрни центар уједно служи као колектор кишнице за становнике урбаних вила

колектор/ стрмина која служи са силаз у кулутрни центар уједно служи као колектор кишнице за становнике урбаних вила

Top / axonometric view of surroundings, including new apartments and museum complex Bottom / 3d montage of bridged space between buildings of the new apartment complex




Rasadnik; multi-housing complex in the coutryside Competition entry/ special mention year: 2012 mentors: collaborators: Katarina Mijic, Dragana Ciprianovic, Tijana Ilic location: Lazarevac , Serbia area: 200 acers Middle / axonometric drawing of new housing complex and square in country ambient Bottom / 3d montage of corridor interior and exterior balconies.

Design brief: Lazarevac is a small town in the countryside of central Serbia. The competition brief asked us to create a large number of apartments (600 to be exact) on a rectangular plot of green land that was to be one of the starting points of a larger development of housing in the area. The plot primarily served as a nursery garden for fruit trees and plants of all kind. The area itself, although not far from the town centre, was located in a neighbourhood of sparse country houses. Design solution: Such a large number of houses on one plot would mean that the architecture, whatever form it took, would stand out from the surrounding houses. So from the offset we knew that we had to allow for a small gathering space for the neighbourhood in order for the development to justify its being there, without seeming to intrude on the more picturesque environment. The ground floor was therefore to be lined with shops. Also a square with a

fountain could be created at the edge of the plot lining the main street that runs through the neighbourhood. Wishing to retain the idea of a ‘garden apartment’multi-family housing that still had access to the outdoors somehow- we came up with a connected set of corridors that lined the facades of the G shaped complex which could be used as ‘indoor gardens’ overlooking the outside. Instead of bearing merely circulatory routes to a particular apartment door, the corridors could become a new centre of activity for the inhabitants. Because of the large number of necessary apartments, our team designed over 10 different units ranging from studio to two bedroom apartments, taking great care to make sure that each had access to direct sunlight. We managed this by using the sanitary facilities as a separator between the relatively narrow width of the building. The width was 10 m plus 4 meters of connecting corridors with bridges.

просторни приказ урбанистичко – архитектонске целине


ulica kolubarski trg





Top-left / 1:650 sections of typical floor plans with housing units Middle-right / 1: 120 detailed cross section of apartment wing Bottom-left / 1: 1250 ground level plan with surrounding area

типски спрат II фазе

приземља са партером Р=1:200



типски спрат III фазе






moj deo prostora, ali ipak deo kolektiva... kuca u stanu

Mama , mama, dobila sam peticu iz likovnog!

vidi Radoje, izrastao mi je paradaiz!


Top-right / photograph of diagram like model showing the position of the complex in relation to the plot and the position of the corridors in relation to building facade Left / multi-media montage of the different apartment types and their relation to the ‘garden corridors’ Bottom / 1:800 longitudal section through the housing complex.




Architecture+Landscape; An open learning center Master 1 studio project year: 2012 summer semester mentors: Prof. Dr. Ana Nikezic collaborators: location: Kosutnjak Forest, Belgrade Serbia area: 200 acers Design brief : Košutnjak park was the environmental context for this project; an area rich in natural green beauty and fresh air. What would be the best way to place a man-made structure in a densely forested space without disrupting the habitat? The functional requirements of the brief were that we should choose any faculty of the university of Belgrade, and dedicate our architectural intervention as the ‘natural’ extension of this faculty. For example, an observatory for the faculty of astrophysics. Design solution: Choosing a particular faculty to house in this area of vast riches seemed arbitrary, so instead of a single university, I chose to create my project around an ‘integrated’ design space where students from different faculties could come together to do projects. The interior includes areas for exploration, ideation, collaboration and prototyping. Allowing students and mentors from different fields of expertise to work together on a common projectan idea still novel in Belgrade. Its always difficult to create architecture in unbuilt surroundings. The popular choice seemed to be to hide the building or make it blend with the environment as much as possible. I chose to, instead of camouflaging the architecture, to make it stand out from its surroundings in a way that celebrates them. Since the terrain is very steep, the lower part of the building is in fact submerged below ground. This is a more calm and individual working space. The second floor houses group work activities, a small library and a cafe. The top floor or ‘roof’ of the building cascades down, following the flow of the slope, allowing for the natural shape of an auditorium to come forth. To shield professors and students alike from the harsh Belgrade sun during lectures given at the outdoor auditorium, a semi-opaque tensile structure stretches out ,displaying its ‘mast’ proudly like a boat at sea. The triangular shaped plan is a also a result of the slopping terrain and its relation to the sun. The shape was adopted in order to gain as much daylight as possible for the interior during working hours (see diagram on next page. )


















0.00 142.76

-4.59 138.17

-4.59 138.17



-4.59 138.17

-4.93 137.83


0.00 142.76


-4.59 138.17






Top / 1: 2 600 top view with surrounding terrain Top-Middle / 1: 650 section through building Bottom-middle / 1: 1300 subterrain and ground level plans Bottom / 3d montages of the exterior and interior of the tensile structure covering the auditorium




-2.3 140.47






Architecture+Landscape Top/ diagram of sunlight determining form Mid-left/ axonometric display of interior Mid-right/ diagram of architectural elements Bottom/ 3d montage of exterior with surrounding terrain.


Aleksandra Marjanovic, spatial designer E-m: no: + 49 174 8232330

spatial designer & architect : 2015

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