The DIY bikeFix Project

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DIY Instructional Graphics;

A resource for Self-help bike fixing stations; Final Documentation Aleksandra Marjanovic 6.02.2014/ winter semester KISD, Fachohschule Koln Supervisor: Prof. Wolfgang Laubesheimer course: Integrated M.A project/ Urban Mobilities



brief problematic design q. goals

Integrated Studio Project Winter term 2013-2014 Prof. Jenz Grosshans, Prof. Philipp Heidkamp, Prof. Dr. Carolina Hofler, Prof. Wolfgang Laubesheimer, Prof. Iris Utikal, Prof. Andreas Wrede The goal of the Integrated Studio project was to introduce the new M.A students to the concept of integrated design- working on a focused concept in a ‘transdisciplinary way’, or rather, having an input from different design perspectives on the theme of urban mobility. The sub theme was the bicycle, with each student ( or group of two students) working with two professors specialized in different fields. My mentor, Prof. Laubesheimer chose the theme of the bicycle as an artefact, or mechanical object. This was the starting point for the project.

Body I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping


*see expert interviews

Situation In certain urbanities, inhabitants that use bicycles on a daily basis for commuting, recreation as a favoured hobby or even as a profession create communities where they can exchange experiences, share tools, stories and knowledge. There are a couple of places like this in Cologne, the most prominent amongst students which is the Mitschraubgelegenheit within the courtyard of the Cologne University Mensa building. This small institution has a working group of 8 people that help those in need of bike repair to do so. They are all young and students themselves ( of very different majors) and are there because they enjoy the atmosphere and possibility of meeting new people there. They have a large ‘client base’- around 40 to 60 people come to get their bikes fixed at the Mitschraubgelegenheit during the summer time, proving that there is a high demand for this type of service- cheap or rather free help for a cheap and healthy mode of transport- the bike.

Conclusion final results revision *see survey

Problem Any bike owner will say- maintenance is a mandatory part of owning a bike. Many of those who ride, ride because its fun and easy, but also because it is cheap. Maintenance costs, on the other hand, seem like they could be a burden for those who chose this mode of transport. Many turn to DIY since bikes are relatively simple mechanical structures. The resources available currently are not very intuitive for those that are not bike aficionados. What could be a good resource for DIY fixing, and where could this information be based? With which medium?


*see bike fix posters

Design Question How can a visual aid be created to optimally support DIY bike fixers at the mitschraubgelegenheit? What kind of style needs to be utilized in order for the poster to serve as both an identity marker as well as an information saturated piece?

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est. 17/12/13



Create a hypothesis of the problematic based on analysis of the mechanics of a bike. Test hypothesis through user research and surveying. Based on new information create a prototype. Do 2 to 3 iterations of this process, documenting the changes that later manifest in the final outcome.

brief problematic design q. goals

the following is a timetable that visualizes those goals. This timetable was created during the beginning of research step 2.





research and ideation



synthesis and development

Week 10

Week 12

Week 13

-presentation -general counceling with advisors

-first itteration of visual instruction aid feedback

-secound iteration of visual instruction aid feedback





Week 14

Week 15

-small changes and creation of final product

-final consult

presentation preparation -gathering and systematizing documentation -preparing oral/visual part of presentaiton

Week 16 presentation

meeting with the mitschraubgelegenheit -finxing breaks and chain -interviews about potential moments for advancemnent -talk to student who are fixing their bikes about what they like and dont.

meeting with the meeting with the mitschraubgelegenheit mitschraubgelegenheit

meeting with the mitschraubgelegenheit

meeting with the mitschraubgelegenheit

- first suggestions display -feedback session

-small changes and creation of final product

hand in of the final product



- secound suggestions display -feedback session Dienstag Donnerstag

13-17 13-17

Dienstag Donnerstag

13-17 13-17


I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping



Conclusion final results revision

Bike Mechanics Exploring the parts of a bicycle. Where are the problems with regards to the way the bicycle functions mechanically? To understand this better, I did research that included mapping the basic mechanics of a bike.


seat stay break cables

top tube

head tube

seat tube

brake arm



break shoe spokes

rear hub

front derailleur casette pedal derailleur

chain stay


seat tube


top tube

front hub

pg 2/20

Introduction brief problematic design q. goals




Axel/stem/fork inner race

outer race

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Conclusion final results revision


BikeFix Community of Cologne Bibliography

The question of where certain experts and spaces could be found in order to get a clearer knowledge on the mechanics of a bicycle. Bike repair shops came to mind. I proceeded to map out all the bike repair stores. I also went to visit 3 of them. One which was a formal bike repair shop (RadHaus), as well as two notso-formal stores (Detlef Meyer Farrad Laden and Mitshcraubgelegenheit). The following is the information I gathered while interviewing Detlef Meyer in jot note form: //Detlef has customized over 30 000 bikes. He is in his mid thirties/ early forties. //He can make a bike from scratch. //He currently has over 800 bikes ( around 250 which are exhibited in his shed/ workspace) //He has a business model which he calls ‘wunschfahhrad’, meaning that he customizes bikes on demand. he calls it the 1*15*60 system, where after 1 call, you talk to him 15 minutes about your needs, then go over to his workshop where you spend around an hour figuring things out with him. //He sells his bikes from 160 to 1000 euros. //His shop is around 5* 15m and contains a mass amount of all types of bike parts. The bikes there are not sorted by price.

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//time spent at his shop: 30 min. location: Ursulaplatz 0


Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

Ehrenfeld 8/20

Lindenthal 6/20

Body ’’Replacing ball bearings? 25-40 euros, depending on what part is broken...It’ll take about a week since we have plenty of work already.’’

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

Radhaus repair services

Conclusion final results revision


Bike Hacks While exploring the many ways people customize and fix their bikes, the concept of bike HACKING arose. Hacking being the : 3. To jury-rig or improvise something inelegant but effective, usually as a temporary solution to a problem. See noun sense 2. n. 1. A clever or elegant technical accomplishment, especially one with a playful or prankish bent /urban dictionary


Bibliography Definition of HACK

transitive verb 1 a : to cut or sever with repeated irregular or unskillful blows b : to cut or shape by or as if by crude or ruthless strokes <hacking out new election districts> c : annoy, vex —often used with off 2 : to clear or make by or as if by cutting away vegetation <hacked his way through the brush> 3 a : to manage successfully <just couldn't hack the new job> b : tolerate <I can't hack all this noise> intransitive verb 1 a : to make chopping strokes or blows <hacked at the weeds>; also : to make cuts as if by chopping <hacking away at the work force> b : to play inexpert golf 2 : to cough in a short dry manner 3 : loaf —usually used with around 4 a : to write computer programs for enjoyment b : to gain access to a computer illegally — hack it 1

WHY NOT TAKE THE SHOPPING CART WITH YOU? Definition of HACK 3. To jury-rig or improvise something inelegant but effective, usually as a temporary solution to a problem. See noun sense 2. n. 1. A clever or elegant technical accomplishment, especially one with a playful or prankish bent.

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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

In order to be able to engage in this concept further, it was necessary for me to map out some key spaces that could serve as resources.

Body I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping


The BikeFix Book Conclusion final results revision


After the primary research was done, the design concept of creating a bikefix handbook was thought of. This book would serve as a guide for all those willing to DIY (do it yourself) fix their bikes, but weren’t sure where to start. This book would differ from its predecessor since it would be highly visual, utilizing the ‘technical‘ language of the IKEA catalogue.

WHY USE WORDS? WARUM Worte? Pourquoi utiliser WHERE des mots? LOOK? ЗАШТО користите речи? 왜 단어를 ?HVORFOR bruker ord?사용합니까?


Ikea assembly guide example

pg 5/20


Interview with KISD/DIY and bike fix expert. 5/12/13

Experts Interviews Name: wishes to remain anonymous Place: Gute Stube KISD Time : 8:20-8:50

“its not just about fixing the bikes, also about communication, everyday interactions”

Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

“most people are intimidated by the mechanics of the bike”


IInterview with KISD/DIY and bike fix expert. Name: wishes to remain anonymous Place: Gute Stube KISD Time : 8:20-8:50 Date: 4/12/2013 Biography: Had a bike since he was three -till 2009 was an object of mobility/recretation -went to BIKE SAUCE in Toronto to get his bike fixed ( info center, diy, was very cheap) -was there for 3 years ( 2009/2010/2011) - was not a big biker before that -started going to bike sauce 5 weeks/daily/a few hours -never had professional mechanical training/education -Bike fixing is not a hobby-it became to important. At the same time, it is not a job- it is was too much fun J - Has worked ON bikes more than has ridden them -now he has his small bike shop with 2 others that sell and repair scene specific bikes ( fixed gear) -SORE BIKE in poststrasse -the Cologne scene is not so big, but people from near cities come because it is the only shop of its kind. -now, since they have connections to distributors, it is easy for them to get parts, and they get them at lower costs. Mechanics -most people can easily enough gain the knowledge to keep their bike in solid shape -most people are intimidated by the mechanics of the bike -they think it might be dangerous to try and solve the problems themselves -you could probably learn to fix one smaller part of your specific bike in an hour. -the problem is that there are thousands of types of bikes, and just as much bike parts ( the industry changes very quickly) -if you do it professionally/semi-professionally, you have to keep in touch with the trends. - learning and playing with the mechanics of how a bike works can help you understand much more ( removing a rusty screw from a frame/ how two components work, what oxidization really is and how it manifests..)

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

Conclusion final results revision


Fixing bikes -knowing the whole context of the mechanics of the bike might not be the fastest/ esiest way to help you solve your specific problem, but would allow you to gain insight into it and fix it eventually. -Today the bike is just another consumer product, it gets thrown away/becomes obsolete way before it has to. But really you can fix it all, and make it work just like/or almost like new. The Bike DIY community in Colgone -its not just about fixing the bikes, also about communication, everyday

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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

Body I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

interactions - in SAUCE there was a small library on all things related to fixing/making bikes. A lot of the books were handmade because that’s the type of culture this is- its based on passing things/information over. Its kind of like an apprenticeship, kind of like a tradition. - the scene was such that they wanted to keep it completely uncommercial. -there is a huge active online community, something like a German craigslist - estimate: approximately around 50 people in Cologne that are aficionados in the Bike DIY scene. -this scene includes ‘legalized’ as well as ‘illegal’ activites. -has spread and grown a lot in the last two years. -there are now even exotic collectors who mix and match bikes just to hand them up on their walls. Interview with student with professional bike fixing -people who work in bike co-ops are like social workers- they help people realize education at the mensa their own potential and let them see what they are capable of. Sometimes they even help them solve personal issues - a lot of the people in this community are freaks/somehow not accepted by the Name:current Arne social system/have progressive ideas of society and life in general. Place:-information Ubierringexchange mensa goes both ways. A lot of times you can learn from the person that you are helping. Its never just a one way proces

Time : 14:10-14:20 Date: 13/12/2013

“when I want to learn how to do something now, I look it up on youtube”

“of course, it’s always better and easier to learn though visuals then through text. “

Conclusion final results revision

Interview with student at the mensa Name: Arne Place: Ubierring mensa Time : 14:10-14:20 Date: 13/12/2013

Interview with KISD/DIY and bike fix expert.


-during a time I worked at a bike shop, they arranged for me to attend a bike fixing course spent a couple of weeks there Name:-awishes to remain anonymous mainly did things in the workshop, by actually fixing bikes, although we did Place:-we Gute Stube KISD have some visual material and book Time :-when 8:20-8:50 I want to learn how to do something now, I look it up on youtube -of course, it’s always better and easier to learn though visuals then through text “ lot of the girls want to figure out how to do things. They want to be self reliant and not have to pay others.”

“they have a book that they’ve brought, but that they’ve never opened.”

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Interview with bike fixers at the Mitschraubgelegenheit Name: Alex, Julia, Basti

Place: Innenhof der Hauptmensa Time : 16:30-16:50 Date: 12/12/2013 Biography: -at one time there are around 5/6 people working at the Mitschraubgelegenheit -there are about 40-60 people every day during the summer -there are about 15-20 people during the winter -all of them had affinities for bikes before coming here/ some were couriers - learning by doing - they are all specialized in different aspects of the bike -Alex likes to fiddle with complex stuff, Basti just likes to make things work -It started off as a hobby, but it eventually turned into a job > they get payed by AStA - Basti is doing his PhD in cultural and media sciences and he considers coming here relaxing. Doing manual mechanic jobs is relaxing for him. -Each person has his own style of working – Julia is very precise and always uses measuring tools, while Alex does not -everyone is specialized in some aspect- Mathias understand the inner workings of the bike, Julia knows about micro parts… Fixing the bike: - The knowledge level of people coming to the Mitschraubgelegenheit differs. Some are very knowledgeable, but most don’t know anything. -most things are very easy to change/fix - A lot of the girls want to figure out how to do things. They want to be self reliant and not have to pay others. -Males are more interested in getting their things fixed . -they have a book that they’ve brought, but that they’ve never opened. -they learn from each other -Learn by doing: Alex was changing a number of tires and he realized that the tension sometimes was so great that it hurt him through his gloves, so he devised a system of how to do it which would not involve having to press his gloves against the tires. The Cologne DIY community: -They are friends with each other also outside of the workshop -Often people who come there come back -Its not always possible to communicate with people if there is a lot to do but often yes, you form some sort of connection with the people that come there.

Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

Body I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

Conclusion final results revision




In order to examine how well bike users were acquainted with the idea of DIY bike fix, whether they did it themselves and if they did, where they got this information, I surveyed a total of 50 people (a vast majority of which were students between the age of 18 and 30). Further, I analysed the gathered information and visualized it in the form of diagrams and charts. This data later informed the decision to draw away from the book medium and instead work on something that was more spatially based and contextual.

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often sometimes rarely never

3.b) Why?

3.a)My bike needs maintenance/ needs fixing: all the time often sometimes rarely never

brief problematic design q. goals

5.b) Why not?

Conclusion final results revision


6. a) Would you like to learn how?

5.c) How did you attain the knowledge ? I did it before I read about it I watched some videos I was taught by someone ( please write by whom in the box) Other

6. b) Could you draw / write an explination of how to fix a broken bike chain?

Internet tutorials ( written) Internet videos Books Ask professionals ( who do it as a job) Ask friends who are good at fixing stuff Other

dont care at all

7. What would be the easiest way to access the information you would need? not really

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

5.a) Why? I’ve done it before - if yes , then it seems easy I wouldant have to pay for repairs I’ve seen other people do it I know some mechanics, it could be fun I could help other people fix their bikes Other ( write answer in box)

i guess..


very much so!

don’t know how Too difficult I prefer someone else does it for me Other ( write answer in box)

4. b) Do you think you could fix some parts of the bike (like a broken bike chain)?


i guess..

I don’t know

no way!

I doubt it

4. a) Do you believe you could you do some of the maintenance/repairs yourself?

I prefer other means of transportation Its hard to maintain Its too expensive Other ( write answer in box)



3.c) Why not?

They’re good for the environment Cheap transportation I can get to anywhere quickly They’re easy to maintain They’re fun to ride Other( write answer in box)

8. What would you do if your bike needed a simple fix/maintenance now? pay a professional serivce Ask friends who are good at fixing stuff Fix it yourself Do nothing Other ( write answer in box)

Thank you for your help!

A common bike fix problem was given to those who were surveyed to see what sort of solutions they would come up with. The problem in question was a broken chain. The solutions could be placed in 3 categories: visual, visual and textual, and strictly textual. The majority of surveys had a drawing to accompany text.

6 a) Could you draw/ write an explination of how to fix a broken Bibliographybike chain? visual processes

visual + texutal ( tools included!)

textual solutions

pg 9/20 alternative solutions

Introduction The following are some important statistics which I have extracted from the survey:

Survey data visualization total no of people surveyed: 51 age: 18-30 profession: students

no (24)


yes (32)

brief problematic design q. goals

Male Female


1. Do you own a bike?


don’t know

doubt it easy

I guess

fun could help others


did it before






don’t have to pay for repairs


4 a)do you believe you could fix some of the repairs yourslef?

6 .a)Why are you sure?

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

Survey data visualization total no of people surveyed: 51 age: 18-30 profession: students


2.a ) How often do you ride your bike? 3.b ) How often does it need maintenance

all the time never often rarely sometimes








all the time


(Leer) 0






net tutorials



final results revision




Bibliography 21/1/13

Bike Fix Posters After concluding that many of the people who did know how to fix their own bikes did not consult books but rather other people (such as their friends or fathers), or when they did consult a tutorial, it was in the shape of a quick visual, such as a video tutorial or an internet site. This brought me to realize that the medium of a book might not be the ideal solution for helping those that wanted to fix their bikes on their own. Instead, I made another visit to the Mitschraubgelegenheit and attempted to understand how visitors their engage with the surrounding resources (including people) as well as with their own skills.

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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

Body I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

1) interviews with experts

Who is the target user?


student who wants 2) content analysis to use surrounding and learningresources theories to solve a

student with bike that is in need of a fix.

fix problem in a self-reliant way.


student who is interested in learning through social interaction with peers.



final results revision

I concluded that in order for a resource to be useful it had to be: - contextual - visually simplified - tailored to a specific user



Collection of Material

In order to create the posters, it was necessary to collect, from various sources, tutorials and processes of the 4 main bike fix problems that most bike riders have. After that, it was necessary to extract the steps that were key in order to someone to be able to follow and fix their bike based on the information provided by the poster. The tool used to gather and categorize this information was online tool

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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals




After amassing a large amount of data, both visual and textual, about the processes that should be undertaken in order to fix a bike, drawing out parts of the process and creating an initial layout was called for. In order to try things out, drawings were first created in Adobe Photoshop with a Wacom drawing tablet, and then placed into a grid layout in Adobe illustrator.

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Conclusion final results revision


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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals



The layout was divided into three major parts, all of which were placed within a orthogonal grid. The sections were as follows: - general (visual) overview of bike part - process of mending part - textual information

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Conclusion final results revision


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The following are the two first prototypes that surfaced after the material and layout were developed. The bright color of the backround was chosen to signify a specific problem, in which case each poster would have its own colour.

Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

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Conclusion final results revision







4 Instructional Posters, DIY Bike Repair 4.























5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.


1.Turn the bicycle over.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.

1.Turn the bicycle over.


5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.

1.Turn the bicycle over.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.


A Resource for the Mitschraubgelegenheit, Kรถln Student: Aleksandra Marajnovic Mentor: Prof. Wolfgang Laubesheimer


1.Turn the bicycle over.

5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object. 6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.

pg 14/20


After exploring and experimenting with typography, size and layout, four mockup posters were defined.

brief problematic design q. goals






Change Your Broken Chain




What Is Wrong With My Dynamo?



5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.

What Is Wrong With My Breaks?



5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.

1.Turn the bicycle over.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.

1.Turn the bicycle over.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.



brought to you by:

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping





1.Turn the bicycle over.











brought to you by:

Universitätsstr. 16 , 50937 Köln (Student*innenhaus, 1. OG)



brought to you by:

Universitätsstr. 16 , 50937 Köln (Student*innenhaus, 1. OG)


Universitätsstr. 16 , 50937 Köln (Student*innenhaus, 1. OG)


initial display/ ovrview of problem 1.







Conclusion 7

final results revision


Change Your Flat Tire

5.Run finger in tube to find sharp object.


1.Turn the bicycle over.

6.Place new tube back in tire, node first.

2.Place levers under bicycle bead.

7.Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

3.Go through whole tire with third bead.

8.Place wheel back on bicycle.

4.Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

9.Pump tire the whole way through.


brought to you by:


Universitätsstr. 16 , 50937 Köln (Student*innenhaus, 1. OG)

Bibliography 4/2/14

Critique The following is a list of the most prominent critique received from different sources ( professors, workers at the mitschraubgelegenheit, as well as DIY bike fixers and potential future users: - The numeration is not clear enough/ it is unclear which part of the processes leads to which - the colourful background makes it harder to read the drawings -the relation of the pictures to the text should be re-examined - it is not always clear what the hand is doing - some important tools/parts should be emphasized using line width

pg 15/20

textual reference


Poster Reinterpreted Based on the received critique, the poster was re-examined and redesigned to be more legible and clear in its purpose. 1.

Turn the bicycle over.


Place levers under bicycle bead.


Go through whole tire with third bead.


Take tube out of tire. Leave one side of tire on.

Run finger in tube to find sharp object.


Place new tube back in tire, node first.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla erat vel metus faucibus iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet tortor urna, et ultricies tortor bibendum vitae. Integer at bibendum leo. Vivamus ut magna non magna ullamcorper auctor et ullam-


brief problematic design q. goals


Change A Flat Tire



Pump tire half way. Contintue to push.

brought to you by:


Place wheel back on bicycle.



Pump tire the whole way through.

Universitätsstr. 16 , 50937 Köln (Student*innenhaus, 1. OG)

I research I concept II research II concept I prototyping IIprototyping

Conclusion final results revision



To be Contiuned.. I would like to continue this project on two fronts: 1) Research into the DIY process. How bike users engage with their machine, tool, former knowledge and resource supply for the things they don’t know in order to create something new or fix an existing problem. 2) The way that visuals can be used as aids in the process. What makes them more helpful? What makes them less so?

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Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

Bibliography 1.title//How to Fix a Broken Bicycle Chain link// 2.title//How To Fix a Bike Chain by dan link//http:// 3.title//Chain fixing and breaking link// 4.title//How to Fit a Bike Chain link/

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Conclusion final results revision


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5.title//Bicycle Maintenance Tips : How to Fix a Bike Chain That Has Fallen off link// 6.title//Removal and Installation of Bike Chains link//—fgqwuTTI 7. Baily, Denis. Gates, Keith. Bike Repair and Maintenance for Dummies N.J, Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2009 8.Bicycle maintenance made ridiculously easy pdf online reference. By 9. Hain, Charles. The urban biking handbook Massachusetts; Quarry Publishing group. 2011.

Introduction brief problematic design q. goals

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Conclusion final results revision


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